mirror of https://github.com/LCPQ/quantum_package synced 2024-06-26 15:12:14 +02:00
This commit is contained in:
Emmanuel Giner 2017-03-17 11:47:11 +01:00
commit dd981ed4e9
134 changed files with 9051 additions and 3151 deletions

View File

@ -25,8 +25,8 @@ python:
- "2.6" - "2.6"
script: script:
- ./configure --production ./config/gfortran.cfg - ./configure --production ./config/travis.cfg
- source ./quantum_package.rc ; qp_module.py install Full_CI Full_CI_ZMQ Hartree_Fock CAS_SD mrcepa0 All_singles - source ./quantum_package.rc ; qp_module.py install Full_CI Full_CI_ZMQ Hartree_Fock CAS_SD_ZMQ mrcepa0 All_singles
- source ./quantum_package.rc ; ninja - source ./quantum_package.rc ; ninja
- source ./quantum_package.rc ; cd ocaml ; make ; cd - - source ./quantum_package.rc ; cd ocaml ; make ; cd -
- source ./quantum_package.rc ; cd tests ; ./run_tests.sh #-v - source ./quantum_package.rc ; cd tests ; ./run_tests.sh #-v

View File

@ -35,14 +35,14 @@ OPENMP : 1 ; Append OpenMP flags
# -ffast-math and the Fortran-specific # -ffast-math and the Fortran-specific
# -fno-protect-parens and -fstack-arrays. # -fno-protect-parens and -fstack-arrays.
# Profiling flags # Profiling flags
################# #################
# #
FC : -p -g FC : -p -g
# Debugging flags # Debugging flags
################# #################

View File

@ -13,7 +13,7 @@
FC : gfortran -g -ffree-line-length-none -I . -static-libgcc FC : gfortran -g -ffree-line-length-none -I . -static-libgcc
LAPACK_LIB : -llapack -lblas LAPACK_LIB : -llapack -lblas
IRPF90 : irpf90 IRPF90 : irpf90
IRPF90_FLAGS : --ninja --assert --align=32 IRPF90_FLAGS : --ninja --align=32
# Global options # Global options
################ ################

config/travis.cfg Normal file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,62 @@
# Common flags
# -ffree-line-length-none : Needed for IRPF90 which produces long lines
# -lblas -llapack : Link with libblas and liblapack libraries provided by the system
# -I . : Include the curent directory (Mandatory)
# --ninja : Allow the utilisation of ninja. (Mandatory)
# --align=32 : Align all provided arrays on a 32-byte boundary
FC : gfortran -ffree-line-length-none -I . -g
LAPACK_LIB : -llapack -lblas
IRPF90 : irpf90
IRPF90_FLAGS : --ninja --align=32
# Global options
# 1 : Activate
# 0 : Deactivate
MODE : OPT ; [ OPT | PROFILE | DEBUG ] : Chooses the section below
CACHE : 1 ; Enable cache_compile.py
OPENMP : 1 ; Append OpenMP flags
# Optimization flags
# -Ofast : Disregard strict standards compliance. Enables all -O3 optimizations.
# It also enables optimizations that are not valid
# for all standard-compliant programs. It turns on
# -ffast-math and the Fortran-specific
# -fno-protect-parens and -fstack-arrays.
FCFLAGS : -Ofast -march=native
# Profiling flags
FC : -p -g
FCFLAGS : -Ofast
# Debugging flags
# -fcheck=all : Checks uninitialized variables, array subscripts, etc...
# -g : Extra debugging information
FCFLAGS : -fcheck=all -g
# OpenMP flags
FC : -fopenmp
IRPF90_FLAGS : --openmp

View File

@ -93,8 +93,8 @@ program full_ci
call diagonalize_CI call diagonalize_CI
if(do_pt2_end)then if(do_pt2_end)then
print*,'Last iteration only to compute the PT2' print*,'Last iteration only to compute the PT2'
threshold_selectors = 1.d0 threshold_selectors = max(threshold_selectors,threshold_selectors_pt2)
threshold_generators = 0.999d0 threshold_generators = max(threshold_generators,threshold_generators_pt2)
call H_apply_CAS_SD_PT2(pt2, norm_pert, H_pert_diag, N_st) call H_apply_CAS_SD_PT2(pt2, norm_pert, H_pert_diag, N_st)
print *, 'Final step' print *, 'Final step'

View File

@ -0,0 +1,10 @@
type: double precision
doc: "Calculated CAS-SD energy"
interface: ezfio
type: double precision
doc: "Calculated selected CAS-SD energy with PT2 correction"
interface: ezfio

View File

@ -0,0 +1,2 @@
Generators_CAS Perturbation Selectors_CASSD ZMQ

View File

@ -0,0 +1,14 @@
Selected CAS+SD module with Zero-MQ parallelization.
Needed Modules
.. Do not edit this section It was auto-generated
.. by the `update_README.py` script.
.. Do not edit this section It was auto-generated
.. by the `update_README.py` script.

View File

@ -0,0 +1,234 @@
program fci_zmq
implicit none
integer :: i,j,k
logical, external :: detEq
double precision, allocatable :: pt2(:)
integer :: degree
allocate (pt2(N_states))
pt2 = 1.d0
diag_algorithm = "Lapack"
if (N_det > N_det_max) then
call diagonalize_CI
call save_wavefunction
psi_det = psi_det_sorted
psi_coef = psi_coef_sorted
N_det = N_det_max
soft_touch N_det psi_det psi_coef
call diagonalize_CI
call save_wavefunction
print *, 'N_det = ', N_det
print *, 'N_states = ', N_states
do k=1,N_states
print*,'State ',k
print *, 'PT2 = ', pt2(k)
print *, 'E = ', CI_energy(k)
print *, 'E+PT2 = ', CI_energy(k) + pt2(k)
print *, '-----'
double precision :: E_CI_before(N_states)
integer :: n_det_before
print*,'Beginning the selection ...'
E_CI_before(1:N_states) = CI_energy(1:N_states)
do while ( (N_det < N_det_max) .and. (maxval(abs(pt2(1:N_states))) > pt2_max) )
n_det_before = N_det
call ZMQ_selection(max(256-N_det, N_det), pt2)
PROVIDE psi_coef
PROVIDE psi_det
PROVIDE psi_det_sorted
call diagonalize_CI
call save_wavefunction
print *, 'N_det = ', N_det
print *, 'N_states = ', N_states
do k=1, N_states
print*,'State ',k
print *, 'PT2 = ', pt2(k)
print *, 'E = ', CI_energy(k)
print *, 'E(before)+PT2 = ', E_CI_before(k)+pt2(k)
print *, '-----'
print*,'Variational Energy difference'
do i = 2, N_states
print*,'Delta E = ',CI_energy(i) - CI_energy(1)
print*,'Variational + perturbative Energy difference'
do i = 2, N_states
print*,'Delta E = ',E_CI_before(i)+ pt2(i) - (E_CI_before(1) + pt2(1))
E_CI_before(1:N_states) = CI_energy(1:N_states)
call ezfio_set_cas_sd_zmq_energy(CI_energy(1))
integer :: exc_max, degree_min
exc_max = 0
print *, 'CAS determinants : ', N_det_cas
do i=1,min(N_det_cas,10)
do k=i,N_det_cas
call get_excitation_degree(psi_cas(1,1,k),psi_cas(1,1,i),degree,N_int)
exc_max = max(exc_max,degree)
print *, psi_cas_coef(i,:)
call debug_det(psi_cas(1,1,i),N_int)
print *, ''
print *, 'Max excitation degree in the CAS :', exc_max
print*,'Last iteration only to compute the PT2'
threshold_selectors = max(threshold_selectors,threshold_selectors_pt2)
threshold_generators = max(threshold_generators,threshold_generators_pt2)
TOUCH threshold_selectors threshold_generators
E_CI_before(1:N_states) = CI_energy(1:N_states)
call ZMQ_selection(0, pt2)
print *, 'Final step'
print *, 'N_det = ', N_det
print *, 'N_states = ', N_states
do k=1,N_states
print *, 'State', k
print *, 'PT2 = ', pt2(k)
print *, 'E = ', E_CI_before(k)
print *, 'E+PT2 = ', E_CI_before(k)+pt2(k)
print *, '-----'
call ezfio_set_cas_sd_zmq_energy_pt2(E_CI_before+pt2)
call save_wavefunction
call ezfio_set_cas_sd_zmq_energy(CI_energy(1))
call ezfio_set_cas_sd_zmq_energy_pt2(E_CI_before+pt2)
subroutine ZMQ_selection(N_in, pt2)
use f77_zmq
use selection_types
implicit none
character*(512) :: task
integer(ZMQ_PTR) :: zmq_to_qp_run_socket
integer, intent(in) :: N_in
type(selection_buffer) :: b
integer :: i, N
integer, external :: omp_get_thread_num
double precision, intent(out) :: pt2(N_states)
if (.True.) then
PROVIDE pt2_e0_denominator
N = max(N_in,1)
provide nproc
call new_parallel_job(zmq_to_qp_run_socket,"selection")
call zmq_put_psi(zmq_to_qp_run_socket,1,pt2_e0_denominator,size(pt2_e0_denominator))
call zmq_set_running(zmq_to_qp_run_socket)
call create_selection_buffer(N, N*2, b)
integer :: i_generator, i_generator_start, i_generator_max, step
! step = int(max(1.,10*elec_num/mo_tot_num)
step = int(5000000.d0 / dble(N_int * N_states * elec_num * elec_num * mo_tot_num * mo_tot_num ))
step = max(1,step)
do i= 1, N_det_generators,step
i_generator_start = i
i_generator_max = min(i+step-1,N_det_generators)
write(task,*) i_generator_start, i_generator_max, 1, N
call add_task_to_taskserver(zmq_to_qp_run_socket,task)
end do
i = omp_get_thread_num()
if (i==0) then
call selection_collector(b, pt2)
call selection_slave_inproc(i)
call end_parallel_job(zmq_to_qp_run_socket, 'selection')
if (N_in > 0) then
call fill_H_apply_buffer_no_selection(b%cur,b%det,N_int,0) !!! PAS DE ROBIN
call copy_H_apply_buffer_to_wf()
if (s2_eig) then
call make_s2_eigenfunction
end subroutine
subroutine selection_slave_inproc(i)
implicit none
integer, intent(in) :: i
call run_selection_slave(1,i,pt2_e0_denominator)
subroutine selection_collector(b, pt2)
use f77_zmq
use selection_types
use bitmasks
implicit none
type(selection_buffer), intent(inout) :: b
double precision, intent(out) :: pt2(N_states)
double precision :: pt2_mwen(N_states)
integer(ZMQ_PTR),external :: new_zmq_to_qp_run_socket
integer(ZMQ_PTR) :: zmq_to_qp_run_socket
integer(ZMQ_PTR), external :: new_zmq_pull_socket
integer(ZMQ_PTR) :: zmq_socket_pull
integer :: msg_size, rc, more
integer :: acc, i, j, robin, N, ntask
double precision, allocatable :: val(:)
integer(bit_kind), allocatable :: det(:,:,:)
integer, allocatable :: task_id(:)
integer :: done
real :: time, time0
zmq_to_qp_run_socket = new_zmq_to_qp_run_socket()
zmq_socket_pull = new_zmq_pull_socket()
allocate(val(b%N), det(N_int, 2, b%N), task_id(N_det))
done = 0
more = 1
pt2(:) = 0d0
call CPU_TIME(time0)
do while (more == 1)
call pull_selection_results(zmq_socket_pull, pt2_mwen, val(1), det(1,1,1), N, task_id, ntask)
pt2 += pt2_mwen
do i=1, N
call add_to_selection_buffer(b, det(1,1,i), val(i))
end do
do i=1, ntask
if(task_id(i) == 0) then
print *, "Error in collector"
call zmq_delete_task(zmq_to_qp_run_socket,zmq_socket_pull,task_id(i),more)
end do
done += ntask
call CPU_TIME(time)
! print *, "DONE" , done, time - time0
end do
call end_zmq_to_qp_run_socket(zmq_to_qp_run_socket)
call end_zmq_pull_socket(zmq_socket_pull)
call sort_selection_buffer(b)
end subroutine

View File

@ -0,0 +1,79 @@
use bitmasks
BEGIN_PROVIDER [integer, exc_degree_per_selectors, (N_det_selectors)]
&BEGIN_PROVIDER [integer, double_index_selectors, (N_det_selectors)]
&BEGIN_PROVIDER [integer, n_double_selectors]
implicit none
! degree of excitation respect to Hartree Fock for the wave function
! for the all the selectors determinants
! double_index_selectors = list of the index of the double excitations
! n_double_selectors = number of double excitations in the selectors determinants
integer :: i,degree
n_double_selectors = 0
do i = 1, N_det_selectors
call get_excitation_degree(psi_selectors(1,1,i),ref_bitmask,degree,N_int)
exc_degree_per_selectors(i) = degree
n_double_selectors += 1
double_index_selectors(n_double_selectors) =i
BEGIN_PROVIDER[double precision, coef_hf_selector]
&BEGIN_PROVIDER[double precision, inv_selectors_coef_hf]
&BEGIN_PROVIDER[double precision, inv_selectors_coef_hf_squared]
&BEGIN_PROVIDER[double precision, E_corr_per_selectors, (N_det_selectors)]
&BEGIN_PROVIDER[double precision, i_H_HF_per_selectors, (N_det_selectors)]
&BEGIN_PROVIDER[double precision, Delta_E_per_selector, (N_det_selectors)]
&BEGIN_PROVIDER[double precision, E_corr_double_only ]
&BEGIN_PROVIDER[double precision, E_corr_second_order ]
implicit none
! energy of correlation per determinant respect to the Hartree Fock determinant
! for the all the double excitations in the selectors determinants
! E_corr_per_selectors(i) = <D_i|H|HF> * c(D_i)/c(HF) if |D_i> is a double excitation
! E_corr_per_selectors(i) = -1000.d0 if it is not a double excitation
! coef_hf_selector = coefficient of the Hartree Fock determinant in the selectors determinants
PROVIDE ref_bitmask_energy psi_selectors ref_bitmask N_int psi_selectors
integer :: i,degree
double precision :: hij,diag_H_mat_elem
E_corr_double_only = 0.d0
E_corr_second_order = 0.d0
do i = 1, N_det_selectors
call i_H_j(ref_bitmask,psi_selectors(1,1,i),N_int,hij)
i_H_HF_per_selectors(i) = hij
E_corr_per_selectors(i) = psi_selectors_coef(i,1) * hij
E_corr_double_only += E_corr_per_selectors(i)
! E_corr_second_order += hij * hij /(ref_bitmask_energy - diag_H_mat_elem(psi_selectors(1,1,i),N_int))
elseif(exc_degree_per_selectors(i) == 0)then
coef_hf_selector = psi_selectors_coef(i,1)
E_corr_per_selectors(i) = -1000.d0
Delta_E_per_selector(i) = 0.d0
E_corr_per_selectors(i) = -1000.d0
if (dabs(coef_hf_selector) > 1.d-8) then
inv_selectors_coef_hf = 1.d0/coef_hf_selector
inv_selectors_coef_hf_squared = inv_selectors_coef_hf * inv_selectors_coef_hf
inv_selectors_coef_hf = 0.d0
inv_selectors_coef_hf_squared = 0.d0
do i = 1,n_double_selectors
E_corr_per_selectors(double_index_selectors(i)) *=inv_selectors_coef_hf
E_corr_double_only = E_corr_double_only * inv_selectors_coef_hf

View File

@ -0,0 +1,11 @@
BEGIN_PROVIDER [ double precision, pt2_E0_denominator, (N_states) ]
implicit none
! E0 in the denominator of the PT2
pt2_E0_denominator(1:N_states) = CI_electronic_energy(1:N_states)
! pt2_E0_denominator(1:N_states) = HF_energy - nuclear_repulsion
! pt2_E0_denominator(1:N_states) = barycentric_electronic_energy(1:N_states)
call write_double(6,pt2_E0_denominator(1)+nuclear_repulsion, 'PT2 Energy denominator')

View File

@ -0,0 +1,4 @@
! Created by $QP_ROOT/scripts/ezfio_interface/ei_handler.py
! from file /home/scemama/quantum_package/src/CAS_SD_ZMQ/EZFIO.cfg

View File

@ -0,0 +1,156 @@
subroutine run_selection_slave(thread,iproc,energy)
use f77_zmq
use selection_types
implicit none
double precision, intent(in) :: energy(N_states)
integer, intent(in) :: thread, iproc
integer :: rc, i
integer :: worker_id, task_id(1), ctask, ltask
character*(512) :: task
integer(ZMQ_PTR),external :: new_zmq_to_qp_run_socket
integer(ZMQ_PTR) :: zmq_to_qp_run_socket
integer(ZMQ_PTR), external :: new_zmq_push_socket
integer(ZMQ_PTR) :: zmq_socket_push
type(selection_buffer) :: buf, buf2
logical :: done
double precision :: pt2(N_states)
zmq_to_qp_run_socket = new_zmq_to_qp_run_socket()
zmq_socket_push = new_zmq_push_socket(thread)
call connect_to_taskserver(zmq_to_qp_run_socket,worker_id,thread)
if(worker_id == -1) then
print *, "WORKER -1"
!call disconnect_from_taskserver(zmq_to_qp_run_socket,zmq_socket_push,worker_id)
call end_zmq_to_qp_run_socket(zmq_to_qp_run_socket)
call end_zmq_push_socket(zmq_socket_push,thread)
end if
buf%N = 0
ctask = 1
pt2 = 0d0
call get_task_from_taskserver(zmq_to_qp_run_socket,worker_id, task_id(ctask), task)
done = task_id(ctask) == 0
if (done) then
ctask = ctask - 1
integer :: i_generator, i_generator_start, i_generator_max, step, N
read (task,*) i_generator_start, i_generator_max, step, N
if(buf%N == 0) then
! Only first time
call create_selection_buffer(N, N*2, buf)
call create_selection_buffer(N, N*3, buf2)
if(N /= buf%N) stop "N changed... wtf man??"
end if
!print *, "psi_selectors_coef ", psi_selectors_coef(N_det_selectors-5:N_det_selectors, 1)
!call debug_det(psi_selectors(1,1,N_det_selectors), N_int)
do i_generator=i_generator_start,i_generator_max,step
call select_connected(i_generator,energy,pt2,buf)
if(done .or. ctask == size(task_id)) then
if(buf%N == 0 .and. ctask > 0) stop "uninitialized selection_buffer"
do i=1, ctask
call task_done_to_taskserver(zmq_to_qp_run_socket,worker_id,task_id(i))
end do
if(ctask > 0) then
call push_selection_results(zmq_socket_push, pt2, buf, task_id(1), ctask)
do i=1,buf%cur
call add_to_selection_buffer(buf2, buf%det(1,1,i), buf%val(i))
call sort_selection_buffer(buf2)
buf%mini = buf2%mini
pt2 = 0d0
buf%cur = 0
end if
ctask = 0
end if
if(done) exit
ctask = ctask + 1
end do
call disconnect_from_taskserver(zmq_to_qp_run_socket,zmq_socket_push,worker_id)
call end_zmq_to_qp_run_socket(zmq_to_qp_run_socket)
call end_zmq_push_socket(zmq_socket_push,thread)
end subroutine
subroutine push_selection_results(zmq_socket_push, pt2, b, task_id, ntask)
use f77_zmq
use selection_types
implicit none
integer(ZMQ_PTR), intent(in) :: zmq_socket_push
double precision, intent(in) :: pt2(N_states)
type(selection_buffer), intent(inout) :: b
integer, intent(in) :: ntask, task_id(*)
integer :: rc
call sort_selection_buffer(b)
rc = f77_zmq_send( zmq_socket_push, b%cur, 4, ZMQ_SNDMORE)
if(rc /= 4) stop "push"
rc = f77_zmq_send( zmq_socket_push, pt2, 8*N_states, ZMQ_SNDMORE)
if(rc /= 8*N_states) stop "push"
rc = f77_zmq_send( zmq_socket_push, b%val(1), 8*b%cur, ZMQ_SNDMORE)
if(rc /= 8*b%cur) stop "push"
rc = f77_zmq_send( zmq_socket_push, b%det(1,1,1), bit_kind*N_int*2*b%cur, ZMQ_SNDMORE)
if(rc /= bit_kind*N_int*2*b%cur) stop "push"
rc = f77_zmq_send( zmq_socket_push, ntask, 4, ZMQ_SNDMORE)
if(rc /= 4) stop "push"
rc = f77_zmq_send( zmq_socket_push, task_id(1), ntask*4, 0)
if(rc /= 4*ntask) stop "push"
! Activate is zmq_socket_push is a REQ
! rc = f77_zmq_recv( zmq_socket_push, task_id(1), ntask*4, 0)
end subroutine
subroutine pull_selection_results(zmq_socket_pull, pt2, val, det, N, task_id, ntask)
use f77_zmq
use selection_types
implicit none
integer(ZMQ_PTR), intent(in) :: zmq_socket_pull
double precision, intent(inout) :: pt2(N_states)
double precision, intent(out) :: val(*)
integer(bit_kind), intent(out) :: det(N_int, 2, *)
integer, intent(out) :: N, ntask, task_id(*)
integer :: rc, rn, i
rc = f77_zmq_recv( zmq_socket_pull, N, 4, 0)
if(rc /= 4) stop "pull"
rc = f77_zmq_recv( zmq_socket_pull, pt2, N_states*8, 0)
if(rc /= 8*N_states) stop "pull"
rc = f77_zmq_recv( zmq_socket_pull, val(1), 8*N, 0)
if(rc /= 8*N) stop "pull"
rc = f77_zmq_recv( zmq_socket_pull, det(1,1,1), bit_kind*N_int*2*N, 0)
if(rc /= bit_kind*N_int*2*N) stop "pull"
rc = f77_zmq_recv( zmq_socket_pull, ntask, 4, 0)
if(rc /= 4) stop "pull"
rc = f77_zmq_recv( zmq_socket_pull, task_id(1), ntask*4, 0)
if(rc /= 4*ntask) stop "pull"
! Activate is zmq_socket_pull is a REP
! rc = f77_zmq_send( zmq_socket_pull, task_id(1), ntask*4, 0)
end subroutine

View File

@ -1,3 +1,480 @@
use bitmasks
double precision function integral8(i,j,k,l)
implicit none
integer, intent(in) :: i,j,k,l
double precision, external :: get_mo_bielec_integral
integer :: ii
ii = l-mo_integrals_cache_min
ii = ior(ii, k-mo_integrals_cache_min)
ii = ior(ii, j-mo_integrals_cache_min)
ii = ior(ii, i-mo_integrals_cache_min)
if (iand(ii, -64) /= 0) then
integral8 = get_mo_bielec_integral(i,j,k,l,mo_integrals_map)
ii = l-mo_integrals_cache_min
ii = ior( ishft(ii,6), k-mo_integrals_cache_min)
ii = ior( ishft(ii,6), j-mo_integrals_cache_min)
ii = ior( ishft(ii,6), i-mo_integrals_cache_min)
integral8 = mo_integrals_cache(ii)
end function
BEGIN_PROVIDER [ integer(1), psi_phasemask, (N_int*bit_kind_size, 2, N_det)]
use bitmasks
implicit none
integer :: i
do i=1, N_det
call get_mask_phase(psi_selectors(1,1,i), psi_phasemask(1,1,i))
end do
subroutine assert(cond, msg)
character(*), intent(in) :: msg
logical, intent(in) :: cond
if(.not. cond) then
print *, "assert fail: "//msg
end if
end subroutine
subroutine get_mask_phase(det, phasemask)
use bitmasks
implicit none
integer(bit_kind), intent(in) :: det(N_int, 2)
integer(1), intent(out) :: phasemask(N_int*bit_kind_size, 2)
integer :: s, ni, i
logical :: change
phasemask = 0_1
do s=1,2
change = .false.
do ni=1,N_int
do i=0,bit_kind_size-1
if(BTEST(det(ni, s), i)) change = .not. change
if(change) phasemask((ni-1)*bit_kind_size + i + 1, s) = 1_1
end do
end do
end do
end subroutine
subroutine select_connected(i_generator,E0,pt2,b)
use bitmasks
use selection_types
implicit none
integer, intent(in) :: i_generator
type(selection_buffer), intent(inout) :: b
double precision, intent(inout) :: pt2(N_states)
integer :: k,l
double precision, intent(in) :: E0(N_states)
integer(bit_kind) :: hole_mask(N_int,2), particle_mask(N_int,2)
double precision :: fock_diag_tmp(2,mo_tot_num+1)
call build_fock_tmp(fock_diag_tmp,psi_det_generators(1,1,i_generator),N_int)
do l=1,N_generators_bitmask
do k=1,N_int
hole_mask(k,1) = iand(generators_bitmask(k,1,s_hole,l), psi_det_generators(k,1,i_generator))
hole_mask(k,2) = iand(generators_bitmask(k,2,s_hole,l), psi_det_generators(k,2,i_generator))
particle_mask(k,1) = iand(generators_bitmask(k,1,s_part,l), not(psi_det_generators(k,1,i_generator)) )
particle_mask(k,2) = iand(generators_bitmask(k,2,s_part,l), not(psi_det_generators(k,2,i_generator)) )
call select_doubles(i_generator,hole_mask,particle_mask,fock_diag_tmp,E0,pt2,b)
call select_singles(i_generator,hole_mask,particle_mask,fock_diag_tmp,E0,pt2,b)
end subroutine
double precision function get_phase_bi(phasemask, s1, s2, h1, p1, h2, p2)
use bitmasks
implicit none
integer(1), intent(in) :: phasemask(N_int*bit_kind_size, 2)
integer, intent(in) :: s1, s2, h1, h2, p1, p2
logical :: change
integer(1) :: np
double precision, parameter :: res(0:1) = (/1d0, -1d0/)
np = phasemask(h1,s1) + phasemask(p1,s1) + phasemask(h2,s2) + phasemask(p2,s2)
if(p1 < h1) np = np + 1_1
if(p2 < h2) np = np + 1_1
if(s1 == s2 .and. max(h1, p1) > min(h2, p2)) np = np + 1_1
get_phase_bi = res(iand(np,1_1))
end subroutine
! Selection single
! ----------------
subroutine select_singles(i_gen,hole_mask,particle_mask,fock_diag_tmp,E0,pt2,buf)
use bitmasks
use selection_types
implicit none
! Select determinants connected to i_det by H
integer, intent(in) :: i_gen
integer(bit_kind), intent(in) :: hole_mask(N_int,2), particle_mask(N_int,2)
double precision, intent(in) :: fock_diag_tmp(mo_tot_num)
double precision, intent(in) :: E0(N_states)
double precision, intent(inout) :: pt2(N_states)
type(selection_buffer), intent(inout) :: buf
double precision :: vect(N_states, mo_tot_num)
logical :: bannedOrb(mo_tot_num)
integer :: i, j, k
integer :: h1,h2,s1,s2,i1,i2,ib,sp
integer(bit_kind) :: hole(N_int,2), particle(N_int,2), mask(N_int, 2)
logical :: fullMatch, ok
do k=1,N_int
hole (k,1) = iand(psi_det_generators(k,1,i_gen), hole_mask(k,1))
hole (k,2) = iand(psi_det_generators(k,2,i_gen), hole_mask(k,2))
particle(k,1) = iand(not(psi_det_generators(k,1,i_gen)), particle_mask(k,1))
particle(k,2) = iand(not(psi_det_generators(k,2,i_gen)), particle_mask(k,2))
! Create lists of holes and particles
! -----------------------------------
integer :: N_holes(2), N_particles(2)
integer :: hole_list(N_int*bit_kind_size,2)
integer :: particle_list(N_int*bit_kind_size,2)
call bitstring_to_list_ab(hole , hole_list , N_holes , N_int)
call bitstring_to_list_ab(particle, particle_list, N_particles, N_int)
do sp=1,2
do i=1, N_holes(sp)
h1 = hole_list(i,sp)
call apply_hole(psi_det_generators(1,1,i_gen), sp, h1, mask, ok, N_int)
bannedOrb = .true.
do j=1,N_particles(sp)
bannedOrb(particle_list(j, sp)) = .false.
end do
call spot_hasBeen(mask, sp, psi_selectors, i_gen, N_det, bannedOrb, fullMatch)
if(fullMatch) cycle
vect = 0d0
call splash_p(mask, sp, psi_selectors(1,1,i_gen), psi_phasemask(1,1,i_gen), psi_selectors_coef_transp(1,i_gen), N_det_selectors - i_gen + 1, bannedOrb, vect)
call fill_buffer_single(i_gen, sp, h1, bannedOrb, fock_diag_tmp, E0, pt2, vect, buf)
end do
end subroutine
subroutine fill_buffer_single(i_generator, sp, h1, bannedOrb, fock_diag_tmp, E0, pt2, vect, buf)
use bitmasks
use selection_types
implicit none
integer, intent(in) :: i_generator, sp, h1
double precision, intent(in) :: vect(N_states, mo_tot_num)
logical, intent(in) :: bannedOrb(mo_tot_num)
double precision, intent(in) :: fock_diag_tmp(mo_tot_num)
double precision, intent(in) :: E0(N_states)
double precision, intent(inout) :: pt2(N_states)
type(selection_buffer), intent(inout) :: buf
logical :: ok
integer :: s1, s2, p1, p2, ib, istate
integer(bit_kind) :: mask(N_int, 2), det(N_int, 2)
double precision :: e_pert, delta_E, val, Hii, max_e_pert, tmp
double precision, external :: diag_H_mat_elem_fock
call apply_hole(psi_det_generators(1,1,i_generator), sp, h1, mask, ok, N_int)
do p1=1,mo_tot_num
if(bannedOrb(p1)) cycle
if(vect(1, p1) == 0d0) cycle
call apply_particle(mask, sp, p1, det, ok, N_int)
Hii = diag_H_mat_elem_fock(psi_det_generators(1,1,i_generator),det,fock_diag_tmp,N_int)
max_e_pert = 0d0
do istate=1,N_states
val = vect(istate, p1) + vect(istate, p1)
delta_E = E0(istate) - Hii
tmp = dsqrt(delta_E * delta_E + val * val)
if (delta_E < 0.d0) then
tmp = -tmp
e_pert = 0.5d0 * ( tmp - delta_E)
pt2(istate) += e_pert
if(dabs(e_pert) > dabs(max_e_pert)) max_e_pert = e_pert
end do
if(dabs(max_e_pert) > buf%mini) then
call add_to_selection_buffer(buf, det, max_e_pert)
end do
end subroutine
subroutine splash_p(mask, sp, det, phasemask, coefs, N_sel, bannedOrb, vect)
use bitmasks
implicit none
integer(bit_kind),intent(in) :: mask(N_int, 2), det(N_int,2,N_sel)
integer(1), intent(in) :: phasemask(N_int*bit_kind_size, 2, N_sel)
double precision, intent(in) :: coefs(N_states, N_sel)
integer, intent(in) :: sp, N_sel
logical, intent(inout) :: bannedOrb(mo_tot_num)
double precision, intent(inout) :: vect(N_states, mo_tot_num)
integer :: i, j, h(0:2,2), p(0:3,2), nt
integer(bit_kind) :: perMask(N_int, 2), mobMask(N_int, 2), negMask(N_int, 2)
do i=1,N_int
negMask(i,1) = not(mask(i,1))
negMask(i,2) = not(mask(i,2))
end do
do i=1, N_sel
nt = 0
do j=1,N_int
mobMask(j,1) = iand(negMask(j,1), det(j,1,i))
mobMask(j,2) = iand(negMask(j,2), det(j,2,i))
nt += popcnt(mobMask(j, 1)) + popcnt(mobMask(j, 2))
end do
if(nt > 3) cycle
do j=1,N_int
perMask(j,1) = iand(mask(j,1), not(det(j,1,i)))
perMask(j,2) = iand(mask(j,2), not(det(j,2,i)))
end do
call bitstring_to_list(perMask(1,1), h(1,1), h(0,1), N_int)
call bitstring_to_list(perMask(1,2), h(1,2), h(0,2), N_int)
call bitstring_to_list(mobMask(1,1), p(1,1), p(0,1), N_int)
call bitstring_to_list(mobMask(1,2), p(1,2), p(0,2), N_int)
if(nt == 3) then
call get_m2(det(1,1,i), phasemask(1,1,i), bannedOrb, vect, mask, h, p, sp, coefs(1, i))
else if(nt == 2) then
call get_m1(det(1,1,i), phasemask(1,1,i), bannedOrb, vect, mask, h, p, sp, coefs(1, i))
call get_m0(det(1,1,i), phasemask(1,1,i), bannedOrb, vect, mask, h, p, sp, coefs(1, i))
end if
end do
end subroutine
subroutine get_m2(gen, phasemask, bannedOrb, vect, mask, h, p, sp, coefs)
use bitmasks
implicit none
integer(bit_kind), intent(in) :: gen(N_int, 2), mask(N_int, 2)
integer(1), intent(in) :: phasemask(N_int*bit_kind_size, 2)
logical, intent(in) :: bannedOrb(mo_tot_num)
double precision, intent(in) :: coefs(N_states)
double precision, intent(inout) :: vect(N_states, mo_tot_num)
integer, intent(in) :: sp, h(0:2, 2), p(0:3, 2)
integer :: i, j, h1, h2, p1, p2, sfix, hfix, pfix, hmob, pmob, puti
double precision :: hij
double precision, external :: get_phase_bi, integral8
integer, parameter :: turn3_2(2,3) = reshape((/2,3, 1,3, 1,2/), (/2,3/))
integer, parameter :: turn2(2) = (/2,1/)
if(h(0,sp) == 2) then
h1 = h(1, sp)
h2 = h(2, sp)
do i=1,3
puti = p(i, sp)
if(bannedOrb(puti)) cycle
p1 = p(turn3_2(1,i), sp)
p2 = p(turn3_2(2,i), sp)
hij = integral8(p1, p2, h1, h2) - integral8(p2, p1, h1, h2)
hij *= get_phase_bi(phasemask, sp, sp, h1, p1, h2, p2)
vect(:, puti) += hij * coefs
end do
else if(h(0,sp) == 1) then
sfix = turn2(sp)
hfix = h(1,sfix)
pfix = p(1,sfix)
hmob = h(1,sp)
do j=1,2
puti = p(j, sp)
if(bannedOrb(puti)) cycle
pmob = p(turn2(j), sp)
hij = integral8(pfix, pmob, hfix, hmob)
hij *= get_phase_bi(phasemask, sp, sfix, hmob, pmob, hfix, pfix)
vect(:, puti) += hij * coefs
end do
puti = p(1,sp)
if(.not. bannedOrb(puti)) then
sfix = turn2(sp)
p1 = p(1,sfix)
p2 = p(2,sfix)
h1 = h(1,sfix)
h2 = h(2,sfix)
hij = (integral8(p1,p2,h1,h2) - integral8(p2,p1,h1,h2))
hij *= get_phase_bi(phasemask, sfix, sfix, h1, p1, h2, p2)
vect(:, puti) += hij * coefs
end if
end if
end subroutine
subroutine get_m1(gen, phasemask, bannedOrb, vect, mask, h, p, sp, coefs)
use bitmasks
implicit none
integer(bit_kind), intent(in) :: gen(N_int, 2), mask(N_int, 2)
integer(1), intent(in) :: phasemask(N_int*bit_kind_size, 2)
logical, intent(in) :: bannedOrb(mo_tot_num)
double precision, intent(in) :: coefs(N_states)
double precision, intent(inout) :: vect(N_states, mo_tot_num)
integer, intent(in) :: sp, h(0:2, 2), p(0:3, 2)
integer :: i, hole, p1, p2, sh
logical :: ok, lbanned(mo_tot_num)
integer(bit_kind) :: det(N_int, 2)
double precision :: hij
double precision, external :: get_phase_bi, integral8
lbanned = bannedOrb
sh = 1
if(h(0,2) == 1) sh = 2
hole = h(1, sh)
lbanned(p(1,sp)) = .true.
if(p(0,sp) == 2) lbanned(p(2,sp)) = .true.
!print *, "SPm1", sp, sh
p1 = p(1, sp)
if(sp == sh) then
p2 = p(2, sp)
lbanned(p2) = .true.
do i=1,hole-1
if(lbanned(i)) cycle
hij = (integral8(p1, p2, i, hole) - integral8(p2, p1, i, hole))
hij *= get_phase_bi(phasemask, sp, sp, i, p1, hole, p2)
vect(:,i) += hij * coefs
end do
do i=hole+1,mo_tot_num
if(lbanned(i)) cycle
hij = (integral8(p1, p2, hole, i) - integral8(p2, p1, hole, i))
hij *= get_phase_bi(phasemask, sp, sp, hole, p1, i, p2)
vect(:,i) += hij * coefs
end do
call apply_particle(mask, sp, p2, det, ok, N_int)
call i_h_j(gen, det, N_int, hij)
vect(:, p2) += hij * coefs
p2 = p(1, sh)
do i=1,mo_tot_num
if(lbanned(i)) cycle
hij = integral8(p1, p2, i, hole)
hij *= get_phase_bi(phasemask, sp, sh, i, p1, hole, p2)
vect(:,i) += hij * coefs
end do
end if
call apply_particle(mask, sp, p1, det, ok, N_int)
call i_h_j(gen, det, N_int, hij)
vect(:, p1) += hij * coefs
end subroutine
subroutine get_m0(gen, phasemask, bannedOrb, vect, mask, h, p, sp, coefs)
use bitmasks
implicit none
integer(bit_kind), intent(in) :: gen(N_int, 2), mask(N_int, 2)
integer(1), intent(in) :: phasemask(N_int*bit_kind_size, 2)
logical, intent(in) :: bannedOrb(mo_tot_num)
double precision, intent(in) :: coefs(N_states)
double precision, intent(inout) :: vect(N_states, mo_tot_num)
integer, intent(in) :: sp, h(0:2, 2), p(0:3, 2)
integer :: i
logical :: ok, lbanned(mo_tot_num)
integer(bit_kind) :: det(N_int, 2)
double precision :: hij
lbanned = bannedOrb
lbanned(p(1,sp)) = .true.
do i=1,mo_tot_num
if(lbanned(i)) cycle
call apply_particle(mask, sp, i, det, ok, N_int)
call i_h_j(gen, det, N_int, hij)
vect(:, i) += hij * coefs
end do
end subroutine
subroutine spot_hasBeen(mask, sp, det, i_gen, N, banned, fullMatch)
use bitmasks
implicit none
integer(bit_kind),intent(in) :: mask(N_int, 2), det(N_int, 2, N)
integer, intent(in) :: i_gen, N, sp
logical, intent(inout) :: banned(mo_tot_num)
logical, intent(out) :: fullMatch
integer :: i, j, na, nb, list(3), nt
integer(bit_kind) :: myMask(N_int, 2), negMask(N_int, 2)
fullMatch = .false.
do i=1,N_int
negMask(i,1) = not(mask(i,1))
negMask(i,2) = not(mask(i,2))
end do
do i=1, N
nt = 0
do j=1, N_int
myMask(j, 1) = iand(det(j, 1, i), negMask(j, 1))
myMask(j, 2) = iand(det(j, 2, i), negMask(j, 2))
nt += popcnt(myMask(j, 1)) + popcnt(myMask(j, 2))
end do
if(nt > 3) cycle
if(nt <= 2 .and. i < i_gen) then
fullMatch = .true.
end if
call bitstring_to_list(myMask(1,sp), list(1), na, N_int)
if(nt == 3 .and. i < i_gen) then
do j=1,na
banned(list(j)) = .true.
end do
else if(nt == 1 .and. na == 1) then
banned(list(1)) = .true.
end if
end do
end subroutine
! Selection double
! ----------------
subroutine select_doubles(i_generator,hole_mask,particle_mask,fock_diag_tmp,E0,pt2,buf) subroutine select_doubles(i_generator,hole_mask,particle_mask,fock_diag_tmp,E0,pt2,buf)
use bitmasks use bitmasks
@ -49,8 +526,8 @@ subroutine select_doubles(i_generator,hole_mask,particle_mask,fock_diag_tmp,E0,p
do i=1,N_det do i=1,N_det
nt = 0 nt = 0
do j=1,N_int do j=1,N_int
mobMask(j,1) = iand(negMask(j,1), psi_det_sorted(j,1,i)) mobMask(j,1) = iand(negMask(j,1), psi_selectors(j,1,i))
mobMask(j,2) = iand(negMask(j,2), psi_det_sorted(j,2,i)) mobMask(j,2) = iand(negMask(j,2), psi_selectors(j,2,i))
nt += popcnt(mobMask(j, 1)) + popcnt(mobMask(j, 2)) nt += popcnt(mobMask(j, 1)) + popcnt(mobMask(j, 2))
end do end do
@ -83,19 +560,19 @@ subroutine select_doubles(i_generator,hole_mask,particle_mask,fock_diag_tmp,E0,p
i = preinteresting(ii) i = preinteresting(ii)
nt = 0 nt = 0
do j=1,N_int do j=1,N_int
mobMask(j,1) = iand(negMask(j,1), psi_det_sorted(j,1,i)) mobMask(j,1) = iand(negMask(j,1), psi_selectors(j,1,i))
mobMask(j,2) = iand(negMask(j,2), psi_det_sorted(j,2,i)) mobMask(j,2) = iand(negMask(j,2), psi_selectors(j,2,i))
nt += popcnt(mobMask(j, 1)) + popcnt(mobMask(j, 2)) nt += popcnt(mobMask(j, 1)) + popcnt(mobMask(j, 2))
end do end do
if(nt <= 4) then if(nt <= 4) then
interesting(0) += 1 interesting(0) += 1
interesting(interesting(0)) = i interesting(interesting(0)) = i
minilist(:,:,interesting(0)) = psi_det_sorted(:,:,i) minilist(:,:,interesting(0)) = psi_selectors(:,:,i)
if(nt <= 2) then if(nt <= 2) then
fullinteresting(0) += 1 fullinteresting(0) += 1
fullinteresting(fullinteresting(0)) = i fullinteresting(fullinteresting(0)) = i
fullminilist(:,:,fullinteresting(0)) = psi_det_sorted(:,:,i) fullminilist(:,:,fullinteresting(0)) = psi_selectors(:,:,i)
end if end if
end if end if
end do end do
@ -104,15 +581,15 @@ subroutine select_doubles(i_generator,hole_mask,particle_mask,fock_diag_tmp,E0,p
i = prefullinteresting(ii) i = prefullinteresting(ii)
nt = 0 nt = 0
do j=1,N_int do j=1,N_int
mobMask(j,1) = iand(negMask(j,1), psi_det_sorted(j,1,i)) mobMask(j,1) = iand(negMask(j,1), psi_selectors(j,1,i))
mobMask(j,2) = iand(negMask(j,2), psi_det_sorted(j,2,i)) mobMask(j,2) = iand(negMask(j,2), psi_selectors(j,2,i))
nt += popcnt(mobMask(j, 1)) + popcnt(mobMask(j, 2)) nt += popcnt(mobMask(j, 1)) + popcnt(mobMask(j, 2))
end do end do
if(nt <= 2) then if(nt <= 2) then
fullinteresting(0) += 1 fullinteresting(0) += 1
fullinteresting(fullinteresting(0)) = i fullinteresting(fullinteresting(0)) = i
fullminilist(:,:,fullinteresting(0)) = psi_det_sorted(:,:,i) fullminilist(:,:,fullinteresting(0)) = psi_selectors(:,:,i)
end if end if
end do end do
@ -168,7 +645,7 @@ subroutine fill_buffer_double(i_generator, sp, h1, h2, bannedOrb, banned, fock_d
logical :: ok logical :: ok
integer :: s1, s2, p1, p2, ib, j, istate integer :: s1, s2, p1, p2, ib, j, istate
integer(bit_kind) :: mask(N_int, 2), det(N_int, 2) integer(bit_kind) :: mask(N_int, 2), det(N_int, 2)
double precision :: e_pert, delta_E, val, Hii, max_e_pert double precision :: e_pert, delta_E, val, Hii, max_e_pert,tmp
double precision, external :: diag_H_mat_elem_fock double precision, external :: diag_H_mat_elem_fock
logical, external :: detEq logical, external :: detEq
@ -193,6 +670,10 @@ subroutine fill_buffer_double(i_generator, sp, h1, h2, bannedOrb, banned, fock_d
if(banned(p1,p2)) cycle if(banned(p1,p2)) cycle
if(mat(1, p1, p2) == 0d0) cycle if(mat(1, p1, p2) == 0d0) cycle
call apply_particles(mask, s1, p1, s2, p2, det, ok, N_int) call apply_particles(mask, s1, p1, s2, p2, det, ok, N_int)
logical, external :: is_in_wavefunction
if (is_in_wavefunction(det,N_int)) then
Hii = diag_H_mat_elem_fock(psi_det_generators(1,1,i_generator),det,fock_diag_tmp,N_int) Hii = diag_H_mat_elem_fock(psi_det_generators(1,1,i_generator),det,fock_diag_tmp,N_int)
@ -200,14 +681,14 @@ subroutine fill_buffer_double(i_generator, sp, h1, h2, bannedOrb, banned, fock_d
do istate=1,N_states do istate=1,N_states
delta_E = E0(istate) - Hii delta_E = E0(istate) - Hii
val = mat(istate, p1, p2) val = mat(istate, p1, p2) + mat(istate, p1, p2)
tmp = dsqrt(delta_E * delta_E + val * val)
if (delta_E < 0.d0) then if (delta_E < 0.d0) then
e_pert = 0.5d0 * (-dsqrt(delta_E * delta_E + 4.d0 * val * val) - delta_E) tmp = -tmp
e_pert = 0.5d0 * ( dsqrt(delta_E * delta_E + 4.d0 * val * val) - delta_E)
endif endif
pt2(istate) += e_pert e_pert = 0.5d0 * ( tmp - delta_E)
if(dabs(e_pert) > dabs(max_e_pert)) max_e_pert = e_pert pt2(istate) = pt2(istate) + e_pert
max_e_pert = min(e_pert,max_e_pert)
end do end do
if(dabs(max_e_pert) > buf%mini) then if(dabs(max_e_pert) > buf%mini) then

View File

@ -0,0 +1,70 @@
subroutine create_selection_buffer(N, siz, res)
use selection_types
implicit none
integer, intent(in) :: N, siz
type(selection_buffer), intent(out) :: res
allocate(res%det(N_int, 2, siz), res%val(siz))
res%val = 0d0
res%det = 0_8
res%N = N
res%mini = 0d0
res%cur = 0
end subroutine
subroutine add_to_selection_buffer(b, det, val)
use selection_types
implicit none
type(selection_buffer), intent(inout) :: b
integer(bit_kind), intent(in) :: det(N_int, 2)
double precision, intent(in) :: val
integer :: i
if(dabs(val) >= b%mini) then
b%cur += 1
b%det(:,:,b%cur) = det(:,:)
b%val(b%cur) = val
if(b%cur == size(b%val)) then
call sort_selection_buffer(b)
end if
end if
end subroutine
subroutine sort_selection_buffer(b)
use selection_types
implicit none
type(selection_buffer), intent(inout) :: b
double precision, allocatable :: vals(:), absval(:)
integer, allocatable :: iorder(:)
integer(bit_kind), allocatable :: detmp(:,:,:)
integer :: i, nmwen
logical, external :: detEq
nmwen = min(b%N, b%cur)
allocate(iorder(b%cur), detmp(N_int, 2, nmwen), absval(b%cur), vals(nmwen))
absval = -dabs(b%val(:b%cur))
do i=1,b%cur
iorder(i) = i
end do
call dsort(absval, iorder, b%cur)
do i=1, nmwen
detmp(:,:,i) = b%det(:,:,iorder(i))
vals(i) = b%val(iorder(i))
end do
b%det(:,:,:nmwen) = detmp(:,:,:)
b%det(:,:,nmwen+1:) = 0_bit_kind
b%val(:nmwen) = vals(:)
b%val(nmwen+1:) = 0d0
b%mini = max(b%mini,dabs(b%val(b%N)))
b%cur = nmwen
end subroutine

View File

@ -0,0 +1,93 @@
program selection_slave
implicit none
! Helper program to compute the PT2 in distributed mode.
read_wf = .False.
SOFT_TOUCH read_wf
call provide_everything
call switch_qp_run_to_master
call run_wf
subroutine provide_everything
PROVIDE H_apply_buffer_allocated mo_bielec_integrals_in_map psi_det_generators psi_coef_generators psi_det_sorted_bit psi_selectors n_det_generators n_states generators_bitmask zmq_context
PROVIDE pt2_e0_denominator mo_tot_num N_int
subroutine run_wf
use f77_zmq
implicit none
integer(ZMQ_PTR), external :: new_zmq_to_qp_run_socket
integer(ZMQ_PTR) :: zmq_to_qp_run_socket
double precision :: energy(N_states)
character*(64) :: states(1)
integer :: rc, i
call provide_everything
zmq_context = f77_zmq_ctx_new ()
states(1) = 'selection'
zmq_to_qp_run_socket = new_zmq_to_qp_run_socket()
call wait_for_states(states,zmq_state,1)
if(trim(zmq_state) == 'Stopped') then
else if (trim(zmq_state) == 'selection') then
! Selection
! ---------
print *, 'Selection'
call zmq_get_psi(zmq_to_qp_run_socket,1,energy,N_states)
i = omp_get_thread_num()
call selection_slave_tcp(i, energy)
print *, 'Selection done'
end do
subroutine update_energy(energy)
implicit none
double precision, intent(in) :: energy(N_states)
! Update energy when it is received from ZMQ
integer :: j,k
do j=1,N_states
do k=1,N_det
CI_eigenvectors(k,j) = psi_coef(k,j)
call u_0_S2_u_0(CI_eigenvectors_s2,CI_eigenvectors,N_det,psi_det,N_int)
if (.True.) then
do k=1,N_states
ci_electronic_energy(k) = energy(k)
TOUCH ci_electronic_energy CI_eigenvectors_s2 CI_eigenvectors
call write_double(6,ci_energy,'Energy')
subroutine selection_slave_tcp(i,energy)
implicit none
double precision, intent(in) :: energy(N_states)
integer, intent(in) :: i
call run_selection_slave(0,i,energy)

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@ -0,0 +1,9 @@
module selection_types
type selection_buffer
integer :: N, cur
integer(8), allocatable :: det(:,:,:)
double precision, allocatable :: val(:)
double precision :: mini
end module

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@ -1 +1 @@
Determinants Davidson Determinants Davidson core_integrals

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@ -1,21 +1,25 @@
program fcidump program fcidump
implicit none implicit none
character*(128) :: output
integer :: i_unit_output,getUnitAndOpen
i_unit_output = getUnitAndOpen(output,'w')
integer :: i,j,k,l integer :: i,j,k,l
integer :: ii(8), jj(8), kk(8),ll(8) integer :: i1,j1,k1,l1
integer :: i2,j2,k2,l2
integer*8 :: m integer*8 :: m
character*(2), allocatable :: A(:) character*(2), allocatable :: A(:)
print *, '&FCI NORB=', mo_tot_num, ', NELEC=', elec_num, & write(i_unit_output,*) '&FCI NORB=', n_act_orb, ', NELEC=', elec_num-n_core_orb*2, &
', MS2=', (elec_alpha_num-elec_beta_num), ',' ', MS2=', (elec_alpha_num-elec_beta_num), ','
allocate (A(mo_tot_num)) allocate (A(n_act_orb))
A = '1,' A = '1,'
print *, 'ORBSYM=', (A(i), i=1,mo_tot_num) write(i_unit_output,*) 'ORBSYM=', (A(i), i=1,n_act_orb)
print *,'ISYM=0,' write(i_unit_output,*) 'ISYM=0,'
print *,'/' write(i_unit_output,*) '/'
deallocate(A) deallocate(A)
integer*8 :: i8, k1
integer(key_kind), allocatable :: keys(:) integer(key_kind), allocatable :: keys(:)
double precision, allocatable :: values(:) double precision, allocatable :: values(:)
integer(cache_map_size_kind) :: n_elements, n_elements_max integer(cache_map_size_kind) :: n_elements, n_elements_max
@ -23,14 +27,18 @@ program fcidump
double precision :: get_mo_bielec_integral, integral double precision :: get_mo_bielec_integral, integral
do l=1,mo_tot_num do l=1,n_act_orb
do k=1,mo_tot_num l1 = list_act(l)
do j=l,mo_tot_num do k=1,n_act_orb
do i=k,mo_tot_num k1 = list_act(k)
if (i>=j) then do j=l,n_act_orb
integral = get_mo_bielec_integral(i,j,k,l,mo_integrals_map) j1 = list_act(j)
do i=k,n_act_orb
i1 = list_act(i)
if (i1>=j1) then
integral = get_mo_bielec_integral(i1,j1,k1,l1,mo_integrals_map)
if (dabs(integral) > mo_integrals_threshold) then if (dabs(integral) > mo_integrals_threshold) then
print *, integral, i,k,j,l write(i_unit_output,*) integral, i,k,j,l
endif endif
end if end if
enddo enddo
@ -38,13 +46,15 @@ program fcidump
enddo enddo
enddo enddo
do j=1,mo_tot_num do j=1,n_act_orb
do i=j,mo_tot_num j1 = list_act(j)
integral = mo_mono_elec_integral(i,j) do i=j,n_act_orb
i1 = list_act(i)
integral = mo_mono_elec_integral(i1,j1) + core_fock_operator(i1,j1)
if (dabs(integral) > mo_integrals_threshold) then if (dabs(integral) > mo_integrals_threshold) then
print *, integral, i,j,0,0 write(i_unit_output,*) integral, i,j,0,0
endif endif
enddo enddo
enddo enddo
print *, 0.d0, 0, 0, 0, 0 write(i_unit_output,*) core_energy, 0, 0, 0, 0
end end

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@ -1 +1 @@
Perturbation Selectors_no_sorted Hartree_Fock Davidson CISD Perturbation Selectors_no_sorted SCF_density Davidson CISD

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@ -210,7 +210,7 @@ subroutine dressing_1h1p_by_2h2p(dets_in,u_in,diag_H_elements,dim_in,sze,N_st,Ni
integer, intent(in) :: dim_in, sze, N_st, Nint integer, intent(in) :: dim_in, sze, N_st, Nint
integer(bit_kind), intent(in) :: dets_in(Nint,2,sze) integer(bit_kind), intent(in) :: dets_in(Nint,2,sze)
double precision, intent(inout) :: u_in(dim_in,N_st) double precision, intent(inout) :: u_in(dim_in,N_st)
double precision, intent(out) :: diag_H_elements(dim_in) double precision, intent(out) :: diag_H_elements(0:dim_in)
double precision, intent(in) :: convergence double precision, intent(in) :: convergence
integer :: i,j,k,l integer :: i,j,k,l

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@ -48,6 +48,7 @@ subroutine all_single(e_pt2)
print*,'-----------------------' print*,'-----------------------'
print*,'i = ',i print*,'i = ',i
call H_apply_just_mono(pt2, norm_pert, H_pert_diag, N_st) call H_apply_just_mono(pt2, norm_pert, H_pert_diag, N_st)
call make_s2_eigenfunction_first_order
call diagonalize_CI call diagonalize_CI
print*,'N_det = ',N_det print*,'N_det = ',N_det
print*,'E = ',CI_energy(1) print*,'E = ',CI_energy(1)

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@ -30,20 +30,12 @@ subroutine create_restart_and_1h(i_hole)
enddo enddo
enddo enddo
integer :: N_det_old integer :: N_det_old
N_det_old = N_det N_det_old = N_det
N_det += n_new_det
allocate (new_det(N_int,2,n_new_det)) logical, allocatable :: duplicate(:)
if (psi_det_size < N_det) then allocate (new_det(N_int,2,n_new_det),duplicate(n_new_det))
psi_det_size = N_det
TOUCH psi_det_size
do i = 1, N_det_old
do k = 1, N_int
psi_det(k,1,i) = old_psi_det(k,1,i)
psi_det(k,2,i) = old_psi_det(k,2,i)
n_new_det = 0 n_new_det = 0
do j = 1, n_act_orb do j = 1, n_act_orb
@ -58,19 +50,56 @@ subroutine create_restart_and_1h(i_hole)
if(i_ok .ne. 1)cycle if(i_ok .ne. 1)cycle
n_new_det +=1 n_new_det +=1
do k = 1, N_int do k = 1, N_int
psi_det(k,1,n_det_old+n_new_det) = key_tmp(k,1) new_det(k,1,n_new_det) = key_tmp(k,1)
psi_det(k,2,n_det_old+n_new_det) = key_tmp(k,2) new_det(k,2,n_new_det) = key_tmp(k,2)
enddo enddo
psi_coef(n_det_old+n_new_det,:) = 0.d0
enddo enddo
enddo enddo
enddo enddo
SOFT_TOUCH N_det psi_det psi_coef integer :: i_test
logical :: found_duplicates duplicate = .False.
if(n_act_orb.gt.1)then do i = 1, n_new_det
call remove_duplicates_in_psi_det(found_duplicates) if(duplicate(i))cycle
do j = i+1, n_new_det
i_test = 0
do ispin =1 ,2
do k = 1, N_int
i_test += popcnt(xor(new_det(k,ispin,i),new_det(k,ispin,j)))
duplicate(j) = .True.
integer :: n_new_det_unique
n_new_det_unique = 0
print*, 'uniq det'
do i = 1, n_new_det
n_new_det_unique += 1
endif endif
print*, n_new_det_unique
N_det += n_new_det_unique
if (psi_det_size < N_det) then
psi_det_size = N_det
TOUCH psi_det_size
do i = 1, n_new_det_unique
do ispin = 1, 2
do k = 1, N_int
psi_det(k,ispin,N_det_old+i) = new_det(k,ispin,i)
psi_coef(N_det_old+i,:) = 0.d0
SOFT_TOUCH N_det psi_det psi_coef
deallocate (new_det,duplicate)
end end
subroutine create_restart_and_1p(i_particle) subroutine create_restart_and_1p(i_particle)
@ -107,18 +136,8 @@ subroutine create_restart_and_1p(i_particle)
integer :: N_det_old integer :: N_det_old
N_det_old = N_det N_det_old = N_det
N_det += n_new_det logical, allocatable :: duplicate(:)
allocate (new_det(N_int,2,n_new_det)) allocate (new_det(N_int,2,n_new_det),duplicate(n_new_det))
if (psi_det_size < N_det) then
psi_det_size = N_det
TOUCH psi_det_size
do i = 1, N_det_old
do k = 1, N_int
psi_det(k,1,i) = old_psi_det(k,1,i)
psi_det(k,2,i) = old_psi_det(k,2,i)
n_new_det = 0 n_new_det = 0
do j = 1, n_act_orb do j = 1, n_act_orb
@ -133,17 +152,59 @@ subroutine create_restart_and_1p(i_particle)
if(i_ok .ne. 1)cycle if(i_ok .ne. 1)cycle
n_new_det +=1 n_new_det +=1
do k = 1, N_int do k = 1, N_int
psi_det(k,1,n_det_old+n_new_det) = key_tmp(k,1) new_det(k,1,n_new_det) = key_tmp(k,1)
psi_det(k,2,n_det_old+n_new_det) = key_tmp(k,2) new_Det(k,2,n_new_det) = key_tmp(k,2)
enddo enddo
psi_coef(n_det_old+n_new_det,:) = 0.d0
enddo enddo
enddo enddo
enddo enddo
integer :: i_test
duplicate = .False.
do i = 1, n_new_det
call debug_det(new_det(1,1,i),N_int)
do j = i+1, n_new_det
i_test = 0
call debug_det(new_det(1,1,j),N_int)
do ispin =1 ,2
do k = 1, N_int
i_test += popcnt(xor(new_det(k,ispin,i),new_det(k,ispin,j)))
duplicate(j) = .True.
integer :: n_new_det_unique
n_new_det_unique = 0
print*, 'uniq det'
do i = 1, n_new_det
n_new_det_unique += 1
print*, n_new_det_unique
N_det += n_new_det_unique
if (psi_det_size < N_det) then
psi_det_size = N_det
TOUCH psi_det_size
do i = 1, n_new_det_unique
do ispin = 1, 2
do k = 1, N_int
psi_det(k,ispin,N_det_old+i) = new_det(k,ispin,i)
psi_coef(N_det_old+i,:) = 0.d0
SOFT_TOUCH N_det psi_det psi_coef SOFT_TOUCH N_det psi_det psi_coef
logical :: found_duplicates deallocate (new_det,duplicate)
call remove_duplicates_in_psi_det(found_duplicates)
end end
subroutine create_restart_1h_1p(i_hole,i_part) subroutine create_restart_1h_1p(i_hole,i_part)

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@ -17,6 +17,7 @@
integer :: degree_respect_to_HF_l,index_ref_generators_restart integer :: degree_respect_to_HF_l,index_ref_generators_restart
double precision :: inv_coef_ref_generators_restart double precision :: inv_coef_ref_generators_restart
integer :: i integer :: i
print*, 'providing the one_body_dm_mo_alpha_generators_restart'
do i = 1, N_det_generators_restart do i = 1, N_det_generators_restart
! Find the reference determinant for intermediate normalization ! Find the reference determinant for intermediate normalization
@ -32,6 +33,11 @@
psi_coef_generators_restart(i,1) = psi_coef_generators_restart(i,1) * inv_coef_ref_generators_restart psi_coef_generators_restart(i,1) = psi_coef_generators_restart(i,1) * inv_coef_ref_generators_restart
norm_generators_restart += psi_coef_generators_restart(i,1)**2 norm_generators_restart += psi_coef_generators_restart(i,1)**2
enddo enddo
double precision :: inv_norm
inv_norm = 1.d0/dsqrt(norm_generators_restart)
do i = 1, N_det_generators_restart
psi_coef_generators_restart(i,1) = psi_coef_generators_restart(i,1) * inv_norm
one_body_dm_mo_alpha_generators_restart = 0.d0 one_body_dm_mo_alpha_generators_restart = 0.d0

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@ -175,6 +175,10 @@ subroutine dress_H_matrix_from_psi_det_input(psi_det_generators_input,Ndet_gener
endif endif
do j = 1, Ndet_generators do j = 1, Ndet_generators
call i_h_j(psi_det_generators_input(1,1,j),psi_det_generators_input(1,1,i),N_int,hij) ! Fill the zeroth order H matrix call i_h_j(psi_det_generators_input(1,1,j),psi_det_generators_input(1,1,i),N_int,hij) ! Fill the zeroth order H matrix
call debug_det(psi_det_generators_input(1,1,i),N_int)
print*, hij
dressed_H_matrix(i,j) = hij dressed_H_matrix(i,j) = hij
enddo enddo
enddo enddo
@ -234,6 +238,7 @@ subroutine dress_H_matrix_from_psi_det_input(psi_det_generators_input,Ndet_gener
do i = 1, N_states do i = 1, N_states
i_state(i) = i i_state(i) = i
E_ref(i) = eigvalues(i) E_ref(i) = eigvalues(i)
print*, 'E_ref(i)',E_ref(i)
enddo enddo
endif endif
do i = 1,N_states do i = 1,N_states
@ -287,7 +292,7 @@ subroutine dress_H_matrix_from_psi_det_input(psi_det_generators_input,Ndet_gener
accu += eigvectors(j,i) * psi_coef_ref(j,k) accu += eigvectors(j,i) * psi_coef_ref(j,k)
enddo enddo
print*,'accu = ',accu print*,'accu = ',accu
if(dabs(accu).ge.0.72d0)then if(dabs(accu).ge.0.60d0)then
i_good_state(0) +=1 i_good_state(0) +=1
i_good_state(i_good_state(0)) = i i_good_state(i_good_state(0)) = i
endif endif

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@ -15,8 +15,6 @@ end
subroutine run_prepare subroutine run_prepare
implicit none implicit none
! no_oa_or_av_opt = .False.
! touch no_oa_or_av_opt
call damping_SCF call damping_SCF
call diag_inactive_virt_and_update_mos call diag_inactive_virt_and_update_mos
end end
@ -28,7 +26,8 @@ subroutine routine_fobo_scf
print*,'' print*,''
character*(64) :: label character*(64) :: label
label = "Natural" label = "Natural"
do i = 1, 5 do i = 1, 10
call initialize_mo_coef_begin_iteration
print*,'*******************************************************************************' print*,'*******************************************************************************'
print*,'*******************************************************************************' print*,'*******************************************************************************'
print*,'FOBO-SCF Iteration ',i print*,'FOBO-SCF Iteration ',i
@ -56,6 +55,8 @@ subroutine routine_fobo_scf
call save_osoci_natural_mos call save_osoci_natural_mos
call damping_SCF call damping_SCF
call diag_inactive_virt_and_update_mos call diag_inactive_virt_and_update_mos
call reorder_active_orb
call save_mos
call clear_mo_map call clear_mo_map
call provide_properties call provide_properties
enddo enddo

View File

@ -40,6 +40,7 @@ subroutine FOBOCI_lmct_mlct_old_thr(iter)
logical :: lmct logical :: lmct
double precision, allocatable :: psi_singles_coef(:,:) double precision, allocatable :: psi_singles_coef(:,:)
logical :: exit_loop logical :: exit_loop
call update_generators_restart_coef
allocate( zero_bitmask(N_int,2) ) allocate( zero_bitmask(N_int,2) )
do i = 1, n_inact_orb do i = 1, n_inact_orb
lmct = .True. lmct = .True.
@ -55,6 +56,10 @@ subroutine FOBOCI_lmct_mlct_old_thr(iter)
call create_restart_and_1h(i_hole_osoci) call create_restart_and_1h(i_hole_osoci)
call set_generators_to_psi_det call set_generators_to_psi_det
print*,'Passed set generators' print*,'Passed set generators'
integer :: m
do m = 1, N_det_generators
call debug_det(psi_det_generators(1,1,m),N_int)
call set_bitmask_particl_as_input(reunion_of_bitmask) call set_bitmask_particl_as_input(reunion_of_bitmask)
call set_bitmask_hole_as_input(reunion_of_bitmask) call set_bitmask_hole_as_input(reunion_of_bitmask)
double precision :: e_pt2 double precision :: e_pt2
@ -82,7 +87,7 @@ subroutine FOBOCI_lmct_mlct_old_thr(iter)
call set_bitmask_particl_as_input(reunion_of_bitmask) call set_bitmask_particl_as_input(reunion_of_bitmask)
call set_bitmask_hole_as_input(reunion_of_bitmask) call set_bitmask_hole_as_input(reunion_of_bitmask)
call all_single(e_pt2) call all_single(e_pt2)
call make_s2_eigenfunction_first_order ! call make_s2_eigenfunction_first_order
threshold_davidson = 1.d-6 threshold_davidson = 1.d-6
soft_touch threshold_davidson davidson_criterion soft_touch threshold_davidson davidson_criterion
call diagonalize_ci call diagonalize_ci
@ -541,7 +546,6 @@ subroutine FOBOCI_lmct_mlct_old_thr_restart(iter)
call print_generators_bitmasks_holes call print_generators_bitmasks_holes
! Impose that only the active part can be reached ! Impose that only the active part can be reached
call set_bitmask_hole_as_input(unpaired_bitmask) call set_bitmask_hole_as_input(unpaired_bitmask)
!!! call all_single_h_core
call create_restart_and_1p(i_particl_osoci) call create_restart_and_1p(i_particl_osoci)
!!! ! Update the generators !!! ! Update the generators
call set_generators_to_psi_det call set_generators_to_psi_det

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@ -74,3 +74,18 @@ END_PROVIDER
&BEGIN_PROVIDER [ double precision, psi_coef_generators, (10000,N_states) ] &BEGIN_PROVIDER [ double precision, psi_coef_generators, (10000,N_states) ]
subroutine update_generators_restart_coef
implicit none
call set_generators_to_generators_restart
call set_psi_det_to_generators
call diagonalize_CI
integer :: i,j,k,l
do i = 1, N_det_generators_restart
do j = 1, N_states
psi_coef_generators_restart(i,j) = psi_coef(i,j)
soft_touch psi_coef_generators_restart
provide one_body_dm_mo_alpha_generators_restart

View File

@ -13,6 +13,8 @@ subroutine set_intermediate_normalization_lmct_old(norm,i_hole)
integer :: n_good_hole integer :: n_good_hole
logical,allocatable :: is_a_ref_det(:) logical,allocatable :: is_a_ref_det(:)
allocate(index_one_hole(n_det),index_one_hole_one_p(n_det),index_two_hole_one_p(N_det),index_two_hole(N_det),index_one_p(N_det),is_a_ref_det(N_det)) allocate(index_one_hole(n_det),index_one_hole_one_p(n_det),index_two_hole_one_p(N_det),index_two_hole(N_det),index_one_p(N_det),is_a_ref_det(N_det))
double precision, allocatable :: local_norm(:)
n_one_hole = 0 n_one_hole = 0
n_one_hole_one_p = 0 n_one_hole_one_p = 0
@ -30,7 +32,6 @@ subroutine set_intermediate_normalization_lmct_old(norm,i_hole)
do k = 1, N_states do k = 1, N_states
inv_coef_ref_generators_restart(k) = 1.d0/psi_coef(i,k) inv_coef_ref_generators_restart(k) = 1.d0/psi_coef(i,k)
enddo enddo
! cycle
endif endif
! Find all the determinants present in the reference wave function ! Find all the determinants present in the reference wave function
@ -59,10 +60,8 @@ subroutine set_intermediate_normalization_lmct_old(norm,i_hole)
enddo enddo
endif endif
enddo enddo
!do k = 1, N_det
! call debug_det(psi_det(1,1,k),N_int)
! print*,'k,coef = ',k,psi_coef(k,1)/psi_coef(index_ref_generators_restart,1)
print*,'' print*,''
print*,'n_good_hole = ',n_good_hole print*,'n_good_hole = ',n_good_hole
do k = 1,N_states do k = 1,N_states
@ -72,7 +71,6 @@ subroutine set_intermediate_normalization_lmct_old(norm,i_hole)
enddo enddo
print*,'' print*,''
enddo enddo
norm = 0.d0
! Set the wave function to the intermediate normalization ! Set the wave function to the intermediate normalization
do k = 1, N_states do k = 1, N_states
@ -80,19 +78,30 @@ subroutine set_intermediate_normalization_lmct_old(norm,i_hole)
psi_coef(i,k) = psi_coef(i,k) * inv_coef_ref_generators_restart(k) psi_coef(i,k) = psi_coef(i,k) * inv_coef_ref_generators_restart(k)
enddo enddo
enddo enddo
norm = 0.d0
do k = 1,N_states do k = 1,N_states
print*,'state ',k print*,'state ',k
do i = 1, N_det do i = 1, N_det
!! print*,'psi_coef(i_ref) = ',psi_coef(i,1)
if (is_a_ref_det(i))then if (is_a_ref_det(i))then
print*,'i,psi_coef_ref = ',psi_coef(i,k) print*,'i,psi_coef_ref = ',psi_coef(i,k)
endif endif
norm(k) += psi_coef(i,k) * psi_coef(i,k) norm(k) += psi_coef(i,k) * psi_coef(i,k)
enddo enddo
print*,'norm = ',norm(k) print*,'norm = ',norm(k)
enddo enddo
do k =1, N_states
local_norm(k) = 1.d0 / dsqrt(norm(k))
do k = 1,N_states
do i = 1, N_det
psi_coef(i,k) = psi_coef(i,k) * local_norm(k)
deallocate(index_one_hole,index_one_hole_one_p,index_two_hole_one_p,index_two_hole,index_one_p,is_a_ref_det) deallocate(index_one_hole,index_one_hole_one_p,index_two_hole_one_p,index_two_hole,index_one_p,is_a_ref_det)
soft_touch psi_coef soft_touch psi_coef
end end
@ -117,6 +126,8 @@ subroutine set_intermediate_normalization_mlct_old(norm,i_particl)
integer :: i_count integer :: i_count
allocate(index_one_hole(n_det),index_one_hole_one_p(n_det),index_two_hole_one_p(N_det),index_two_hole(N_det),index_one_p(N_det),is_a_ref_det(N_det)) allocate(index_one_hole(n_det),index_one_hole_one_p(n_det),index_two_hole_one_p(N_det),index_two_hole(N_det),index_one_p(N_det),is_a_ref_det(N_det))
allocate(index_one_hole_two_p(n_det)) allocate(index_one_hole_two_p(n_det))
double precision, allocatable :: local_norm(:)
n_one_hole = 0 n_one_hole = 0
n_one_hole_one_p = 0 n_one_hole_one_p = 0
@ -185,20 +196,29 @@ subroutine set_intermediate_normalization_mlct_old(norm,i_particl)
psi_coef(i,k) = psi_coef(i,k) * inv_coef_ref_generators_restart(k) psi_coef(i,k) = psi_coef(i,k) * inv_coef_ref_generators_restart(k)
enddo enddo
enddo enddo
do k = 1, N_states
norm = 0.d0
do k = 1,N_states
print*,'state ',k print*,'state ',k
do i = 1, N_det do i = 1, N_det
!! print*,'i = ',i, psi_coef(i,1)
if (is_a_ref_det(i))then if (is_a_ref_det(i))then
print*,'i,psi_coef_ref = ',psi_coef(i,k) print*,'i,psi_coef_ref = ',psi_coef(i,k)
endif endif
norm(k) += psi_coef(i,k) * psi_coef(i,k) norm(k) += psi_coef(i,k) * psi_coef(i,k)
enddo enddo
print*,'norm = ',norm print*,'norm = ',norm(k)
do k =1, N_states
local_norm(k) = 1.d0 / dsqrt(norm(k))
do k = 1,N_states
do i = 1, N_det
psi_coef(i,k) = psi_coef(i,k) * local_norm(k)
enddo enddo
soft_touch psi_coef soft_touch psi_coef
deallocate(index_one_hole,index_one_hole_one_p,index_two_hole_one_p,index_two_hole,index_one_p,is_a_ref_det) deallocate(index_one_hole,index_one_hole_one_p,index_two_hole_one_p,index_two_hole,index_one_p,is_a_ref_det)
end end
@ -210,12 +230,60 @@ subroutine update_density_matrix_osoci
integer :: i,j integer :: i,j
integer :: iorb,jorb integer :: iorb,jorb
! active <--> inactive block
do i = 1, mo_tot_num do i = 1, mo_tot_num
do j = 1, mo_tot_num do j = 1, mo_tot_num
one_body_dm_mo_alpha_osoci(i,j) = one_body_dm_mo_alpha_osoci(i,j) + (one_body_dm_mo_alpha_average(i,j) - one_body_dm_mo_alpha_generators_restart(i,j)) one_body_dm_mo_alpha_osoci(i,j) += one_body_dm_mo_alpha_average(i,j) - one_body_dm_mo_alpha_generators_restart(i,j)
one_body_dm_mo_beta_osoci(i,j) = one_body_dm_mo_beta_osoci(i,j) + (one_body_dm_mo_beta_average(i,j) - one_body_dm_mo_beta_generators_restart(i,j)) one_body_dm_mo_beta_osoci(i,j) += one_body_dm_mo_beta_average(i,j) - one_body_dm_mo_beta_generators_restart(i,j)
enddo enddo
enddo enddo
!do i = 1, n_act_orb
! iorb = list_act(i)
! do j = 1, n_inact_orb
! jorb = list_inact(j)
! one_body_dm_mo_alpha_osoci(iorb,jorb)+= one_body_dm_mo_alpha_average(iorb,jorb)
! one_body_dm_mo_alpha_osoci(jorb,iorb)+= one_body_dm_mo_alpha_average(jorb,iorb)
! one_body_dm_mo_beta_osoci(iorb,jorb) += one_body_dm_mo_beta_average(iorb,jorb)
! one_body_dm_mo_beta_osoci(jorb,iorb) += one_body_dm_mo_beta_average(jorb,iorb)
! enddo
!! active <--> virt block
!do i = 1, n_act_orb
! iorb = list_act(i)
! do j = 1, n_virt_orb
! jorb = list_virt(j)
! one_body_dm_mo_alpha_osoci(iorb,jorb)+= one_body_dm_mo_alpha_average(iorb,jorb)
! one_body_dm_mo_alpha_osoci(jorb,iorb)+= one_body_dm_mo_alpha_average(jorb,iorb)
! one_body_dm_mo_beta_osoci(iorb,jorb) += one_body_dm_mo_beta_average(iorb,jorb)
! one_body_dm_mo_beta_osoci(jorb,iorb) += one_body_dm_mo_beta_average(jorb,iorb)
! enddo
!! virt <--> virt block
!do j = 1, n_virt_orb
! jorb = list_virt(j)
! one_body_dm_mo_alpha_osoci(jorb,jorb)+= one_body_dm_mo_alpha_average(jorb,jorb)
! one_body_dm_mo_beta_osoci(jorb,jorb) += one_body_dm_mo_beta_average(jorb,jorb)
!! inact <--> inact block
!do j = 1, n_inact_orb
! jorb = list_inact(j)
! one_body_dm_mo_alpha_osoci(jorb,jorb) -= one_body_dm_mo_alpha_average(jorb,jorb)
! one_body_dm_mo_beta_osoci(jorb,jorb) -= one_body_dm_mo_beta_average(jorb,jorb)
double precision :: accu_alpha, accu_beta
accu_alpha = 0.d0
accu_beta = 0.d0
do i = 1, mo_tot_num
accu_alpha += one_body_dm_mo_alpha_osoci(i,i)
accu_beta += one_body_dm_mo_beta_osoci(i,i)
! write(*,'(I3,X,100(F16.10,X))') i,one_body_dm_mo_alpha_osoci(i,i),one_body_dm_mo_beta_osoci(i,i),one_body_dm_mo_alpha_osoci(i,i)+one_body_dm_mo_beta_osoci(i,i)
print*, 'accu_alpha/beta',accu_alpha,accu_beta
end end
@ -261,8 +329,18 @@ end
subroutine initialize_density_matrix_osoci subroutine initialize_density_matrix_osoci
implicit none implicit none
call set_generators_to_generators_restart
call set_psi_det_to_generators
call diagonalize_CI
one_body_dm_mo_alpha_osoci = one_body_dm_mo_alpha_generators_restart one_body_dm_mo_alpha_osoci = one_body_dm_mo_alpha_generators_restart
one_body_dm_mo_beta_osoci = one_body_dm_mo_beta_generators_restart one_body_dm_mo_beta_osoci = one_body_dm_mo_beta_generators_restart
integer :: i
print*, '8*********************'
print*, 'initialize_density_matrix_osoci'
do i = 1, mo_tot_num
end end
subroutine rescale_density_matrix_osoci(norm) subroutine rescale_density_matrix_osoci(norm)
@ -438,6 +516,10 @@ subroutine save_osoci_natural_mos
endif endif
enddo enddo
enddo enddo
print*, 'test'
print*, 'test'
print*, 'test'
print*, 'test'
do i = 1, mo_tot_num do i = 1, mo_tot_num
do j = i+1, mo_tot_num do j = i+1, mo_tot_num
if(dabs(tmp(i,j)).le.threshold_fobo_dm)then if(dabs(tmp(i,j)).le.threshold_fobo_dm)then
@ -445,8 +527,10 @@ subroutine save_osoci_natural_mos
tmp(j,i) = 0.d0 tmp(j,i) = 0.d0
endif endif
enddo enddo
print*, tmp(i,i)
enddo enddo
label = "Natural" label = "Natural"
call mo_as_eigvectors_of_mo_matrix(tmp,size(tmp,1),size(tmp,2),label,1) call mo_as_eigvectors_of_mo_matrix(tmp,size(tmp,1),size(tmp,2),label,1)

View File

@ -8,15 +8,3 @@ type: double precision
doc: Calculated FCI energy + PT2 doc: Calculated FCI energy + PT2
interface: ezfio interface: ezfio
type: Threshold
doc: Thresholds on generators (fraction of the norm) for final PT2 calculation
interface: ezfio,provider,ocaml
default: 0.999
type: Threshold
doc: Thresholds on selectors (fraction of the norm) for final PT2 calculation
interface: ezfio,provider,ocaml
default: 1.

View File

@ -12,11 +12,6 @@ s.set_perturbation("epstein_nesbet_2x2")
s.unset_openmp() s.unset_openmp()
print s print s
s = H_apply("FCI_PT2_new")
print s
s = H_apply("FCI_no_skip") s = H_apply("FCI_no_skip")
s.set_selection_pt2("epstein_nesbet_2x2") s.set_selection_pt2("epstein_nesbet_2x2")

View File

@ -0,0 +1,11 @@
type: double precision
doc: Calculated Selected FCI energy
interface: ezfio
type: double precision
doc: Calculated FCI energy + PT2
interface: ezfio

View File

@ -1 +1 @@
Perturbation Selectors_full Generators_full ZMQ Full_CI Perturbation Selectors_full Generators_full ZMQ

View File

@ -0,0 +1,11 @@
BEGIN_PROVIDER [ double precision, pt2_E0_denominator, (N_states) ]
implicit none
! E0 in the denominator of the PT2
pt2_E0_denominator(1:N_states) = CI_electronic_energy(1:N_states)
! pt2_E0_denominator(1:N_states) = HF_energy - nuclear_repulsion
! pt2_E0_denominator(1:N_states) = barycentric_electronic_energy(1:N_states)
call write_double(6,pt2_E0_denominator(1)+nuclear_repulsion, 'PT2 Energy denominator')

View File

@ -5,11 +5,16 @@ program fci_zmq
double precision, allocatable :: pt2(:) double precision, allocatable :: pt2(:)
integer :: degree integer :: degree
integer :: n_det_before, to_select
double precision :: threshold_davidson_in
allocate (pt2(N_states)) allocate (pt2(N_states))
pt2 = 1.d0 pt2 = 1.d0
diag_algorithm = "Lapack" diag_algorithm = "Lapack"
threshold_davidson_in = threshold_davidson
SOFT_TOUCH threshold_davidson
threshold_davidson = 1.d-4
if (N_det > N_det_max) then if (N_det > N_det_max) then
call diagonalize_CI call diagonalize_CI
@ -33,29 +38,36 @@ program fci_zmq
double precision :: E_CI_before(N_states) double precision :: E_CI_before(N_states)
integer :: n_det_before
print*,'Beginning the selection ...' print*,'Beginning the selection ...'
E_CI_before(1:N_states) = CI_energy(1:N_states) E_CI_before(1:N_states) = CI_energy(1:N_states)
n_det_before = 0
do while ( (N_det < N_det_max) .and. (maxval(abs(pt2(1:N_states))) > pt2_max) ) do while ( (N_det < N_det_max) .and. (maxval(abs(pt2(1:N_states))) > pt2_max) )
n_det_before = N_det n_det_before = N_det
call ZMQ_selection(max(1024-N_det, N_det), pt2) to_select = 3*N_det
to_select = max(1024-to_select, to_select)
to_select = min(to_select, N_det_max-n_det_before)
call ZMQ_selection(to_select, pt2)
PROVIDE psi_coef PROVIDE psi_coef
PROVIDE psi_det PROVIDE psi_det
PROVIDE psi_det_sorted PROVIDE psi_det_sorted
if (N_det == N_det_max) then
threshold_davidson = threshold_davidson_in
SOFT_TOUCH threshold_davidson
call diagonalize_CI call diagonalize_CI
call save_wavefunction call save_wavefunction
if (N_det > N_det_max) then ! if (N_det > N_det_max) then
psi_det = psi_det_sorted ! psi_det = psi_det_sorted
psi_coef = psi_coef_sorted ! psi_coef = psi_coef_sorted
N_det = N_det_max ! N_det = N_det_max
soft_touch N_det psi_det psi_coef ! soft_touch N_det psi_det psi_coef
call diagonalize_CI ! call diagonalize_CI
call save_wavefunction ! call save_wavefunction
endif ! endif
print *, 'N_det = ', N_det print *, 'N_det = ', N_det
print *, 'N_states = ', N_states print *, 'N_states = ', N_states
@ -79,13 +91,13 @@ program fci_zmq
enddo enddo
endif endif
E_CI_before(1:N_states) = CI_energy(1:N_states) E_CI_before(1:N_states) = CI_energy(1:N_states)
call ezfio_set_full_ci_energy(CI_energy) call ezfio_set_full_ci_zmq_energy(CI_energy)
enddo enddo
if(do_pt2_end)then if(do_pt2_end)then
print*,'Last iteration only to compute the PT2' print*,'Last iteration only to compute the PT2'
threshold_selectors = threshold_selectors_pt2 threshold_selectors = max(threshold_selectors,threshold_selectors_pt2)
threshold_generators = threshold_generators_pt2 threshold_generators = max(threshold_generators,threshold_generators_pt2)
TOUCH threshold_selectors threshold_generators TOUCH threshold_selectors threshold_generators
E_CI_before(1:N_states) = CI_energy(1:N_states) E_CI_before(1:N_states) = CI_energy(1:N_states)
call ZMQ_selection(0, pt2) call ZMQ_selection(0, pt2)
@ -99,7 +111,7 @@ program fci_zmq
print *, 'E+PT2 = ', E_CI_before+pt2 print *, 'E+PT2 = ', E_CI_before+pt2
print *, '-----' print *, '-----'
enddo enddo
call ezfio_set_full_ci_energy_pt2(E_CI_before+pt2) call ezfio_set_full_ci_zmq_energy_pt2(E_CI_before+pt2)
endif endif
call save_wavefunction call save_wavefunction
end end
@ -122,38 +134,43 @@ subroutine ZMQ_selection(N_in, pt2)
double precision, intent(out) :: pt2(N_states) double precision, intent(out) :: pt2(N_states)
N = max(N_in,1) if (.True.) then
provide nproc PROVIDE pt2_e0_denominator
provide ci_electronic_energy N = max(N_in,1)
call new_parallel_job(zmq_to_qp_run_socket,"selection") provide nproc
call zmq_put_psi(zmq_to_qp_run_socket,1,ci_electronic_energy,size(ci_electronic_energy)) call new_parallel_job(zmq_to_qp_run_socket,"selection")
call zmq_set_running(zmq_to_qp_run_socket) call zmq_put_psi(zmq_to_qp_run_socket,1,pt2_e0_denominator,size(pt2_e0_denominator))
call create_selection_buffer(N, N*2, b) call zmq_set_running(zmq_to_qp_run_socket)
call create_selection_buffer(N, N*2, b)
integer :: i_generator, i_generator_start, i_generator_max, step integer :: i_generator, i_generator_start, i_generator_max, step
! step = int(max(1.,10*elec_num/mo_tot_num) ! step = int(max(1.,10*elec_num/mo_tot_num)
step = int(5000000.d0 / dble(N_int * N_states * elec_num * elec_num * mo_tot_num * mo_tot_num )) step = int(5000000.d0 / dble(N_int * N_states * elec_num * elec_num * mo_tot_num * mo_tot_num ))
step = max(1,step) step = max(1,step)
do i= N_det_generators, 1, -step do i= 1, N_det_generators,step
i_generator_start = max(i-step+1,1) i_generator_start = i
i_generator_max = i i_generator_max = min(i+step-1,N_det_generators)
write(task,*) i_generator_start, i_generator_max, 1, N write(task,*) i_generator_start, i_generator_max, 1, N
call add_task_to_taskserver(zmq_to_qp_run_socket,task) call add_task_to_taskserver(zmq_to_qp_run_socket,task)
end do end do
!$OMP PARALLEL DEFAULT(none) SHARED(b, pt2) PRIVATE(i) NUM_THREADS(nproc+1) shared(ci_electronic_energy_is_built, n_det_generators_is_built, n_states_is_built, n_int_is_built, nproc_is_built) !$OMP PARALLEL DEFAULT(shared) SHARED(b, pt2) PRIVATE(i) NUM_THREADS(nproc+1)
i = omp_get_thread_num() i = omp_get_thread_num()
if (i==0) then if (i==0) then
call selection_collector(b, pt2) call selection_collector(b, pt2)
else else
call selection_slave_inproc(i) call selection_slave_inproc(i)
endif endif
call end_parallel_job(zmq_to_qp_run_socket, 'selection') call end_parallel_job(zmq_to_qp_run_socket, 'selection')
if (N_in > 0) then if (N_in > 0) then
call fill_H_apply_buffer_no_selection(b%cur,b%det,N_int,0) !!! PAS DE ROBIN call fill_H_apply_buffer_no_selection(b%cur,b%det,N_int,0) !!! PAS DE ROBIN
call copy_H_apply_buffer_to_wf() call copy_H_apply_buffer_to_wf()
if (s2_eig) then
call make_s2_eigenfunction
endif endif
end subroutine end subroutine
@ -162,7 +179,7 @@ subroutine selection_slave_inproc(i)
implicit none implicit none
integer, intent(in) :: i integer, intent(in) :: i
call run_selection_slave(1,i,ci_electronic_energy) call run_selection_slave(1,i,pt2_e0_denominator)
end end
subroutine selection_collector(b, pt2) subroutine selection_collector(b, pt2)

View File

@ -4,7 +4,7 @@ subroutine run_selection_slave(thread,iproc,energy)
use selection_types use selection_types
implicit none implicit none
double precision, intent(in) :: energy(N_states_diag) double precision, intent(in) :: energy(N_states)
integer, intent(in) :: thread, iproc integer, intent(in) :: thread, iproc
integer :: rc, i integer :: rc, i

File diff suppressed because it is too large Load Diff

View File

@ -13,7 +13,7 @@ end
subroutine provide_everything subroutine provide_everything
PROVIDE H_apply_buffer_allocated mo_bielec_integrals_in_map psi_det_generators psi_coef_generators psi_det_sorted_bit psi_selectors n_det_generators n_states generators_bitmask zmq_context mo_mono_elec_integral PROVIDE H_apply_buffer_allocated mo_bielec_integrals_in_map psi_det_generators psi_coef_generators psi_det_sorted_bit psi_selectors n_det_generators n_states generators_bitmask zmq_context mo_mono_elec_integral
! PROVIDE ci_electronic_energy mo_tot_num N_int ! PROVIDE pt2_e0_denominator mo_tot_num N_int
end end
subroutine run_wf subroutine run_wf
@ -22,7 +22,7 @@ subroutine run_wf
integer(ZMQ_PTR), external :: new_zmq_to_qp_run_socket integer(ZMQ_PTR), external :: new_zmq_to_qp_run_socket
integer(ZMQ_PTR) :: zmq_to_qp_run_socket integer(ZMQ_PTR) :: zmq_to_qp_run_socket
double precision :: energy(N_states_diag) double precision :: energy(N_states)
character*(64) :: states(2) character*(64) :: states(2)
integer :: rc, i integer :: rc, i
@ -48,7 +48,7 @@ subroutine run_wf
! --------- ! ---------
print *, 'Selection' print *, 'Selection'
call zmq_get_psi(zmq_to_qp_run_socket,1,energy,N_states_diag) call zmq_get_psi(zmq_to_qp_run_socket,1,energy,N_states)
i = omp_get_thread_num() i = omp_get_thread_num()
@ -76,7 +76,7 @@ end
subroutine update_energy(energy) subroutine update_energy(energy)
implicit none implicit none
double precision, intent(in) :: energy(N_states_diag) double precision, intent(in) :: energy(N_states)
! Update energy when it is received from ZMQ ! Update energy when it is received from ZMQ
@ -88,7 +88,7 @@ subroutine update_energy(energy)
enddo enddo
call u_0_S2_u_0(CI_eigenvectors_s2,CI_eigenvectors,N_det,psi_det,N_int) call u_0_S2_u_0(CI_eigenvectors_s2,CI_eigenvectors,N_det,psi_det,N_int)
if (.True.) then if (.True.) then
do k=1,size(ci_electronic_energy) do k=1,N_states
ci_electronic_energy(k) = energy(k) ci_electronic_energy(k) = energy(k)
enddo enddo
TOUCH ci_electronic_energy CI_eigenvectors_s2 CI_eigenvectors TOUCH ci_electronic_energy CI_eigenvectors_s2 CI_eigenvectors
@ -99,7 +99,7 @@ end
subroutine selection_slave_tcp(i,energy) subroutine selection_slave_tcp(i,energy)
implicit none implicit none
double precision, intent(in) :: energy(N_states_diag) double precision, intent(in) :: energy(N_states)
integer, intent(in) :: i integer, intent(in) :: i
call run_selection_slave(0,i,energy) call run_selection_slave(0,i,energy)

View File

@ -1,354 +0,0 @@
subroutine select_singles(i_gen,hole_mask,particle_mask,fock_diag_tmp,E0,pt2,buf)
use bitmasks
use selection_types
implicit none
! Select determinants connected to i_det by H
integer, intent(in) :: i_gen
integer(bit_kind), intent(in) :: hole_mask(N_int,2), particle_mask(N_int,2)
double precision, intent(in) :: fock_diag_tmp(mo_tot_num)
double precision, intent(in) :: E0(N_states)
double precision, intent(inout) :: pt2(N_states)
type(selection_buffer), intent(inout) :: buf
double precision :: vect(N_states, mo_tot_num)
logical :: bannedOrb(mo_tot_num)
integer :: i, j, k
integer :: h1,h2,s1,s2,i1,i2,ib,sp
integer(bit_kind) :: hole(N_int,2), particle(N_int,2), mask(N_int, 2)
logical :: fullMatch, ok
do k=1,N_int
hole (k,1) = iand(psi_det_generators(k,1,i_gen), hole_mask(k,1))
hole (k,2) = iand(psi_det_generators(k,2,i_gen), hole_mask(k,2))
particle(k,1) = iand(not(psi_det_generators(k,1,i_gen)), particle_mask(k,1))
particle(k,2) = iand(not(psi_det_generators(k,2,i_gen)), particle_mask(k,2))
! Create lists of holes and particles
! -----------------------------------
integer :: N_holes(2), N_particles(2)
integer :: hole_list(N_int*bit_kind_size,2)
integer :: particle_list(N_int*bit_kind_size,2)
call bitstring_to_list_ab(hole , hole_list , N_holes , N_int)
call bitstring_to_list_ab(particle, particle_list, N_particles, N_int)
do sp=1,2
do i=1, N_holes(sp)
h1 = hole_list(i,sp)
call apply_hole(psi_det_generators(1,1,i_gen), sp, h1, mask, ok, N_int)
bannedOrb = .true.
do j=1,N_particles(sp)
bannedOrb(particle_list(j, sp)) = .false.
end do
call spot_hasBeen(mask, sp, psi_det_sorted, i_gen, N_det, bannedOrb, fullMatch)
if(fullMatch) cycle
vect = 0d0
call splash_p(mask, sp, psi_selectors(1,1,i_gen), psi_phasemask(1,1,i_gen), psi_selectors_coef_transp(1,i_gen), N_det_selectors - i_gen + 1, bannedOrb, vect)
call fill_buffer_single(i_gen, sp, h1, bannedOrb, fock_diag_tmp, E0, pt2, vect, buf)
end do
end subroutine
subroutine fill_buffer_single(i_generator, sp, h1, bannedOrb, fock_diag_tmp, E0, pt2, vect, buf)
use bitmasks
use selection_types
implicit none
integer, intent(in) :: i_generator, sp, h1
double precision, intent(in) :: vect(N_states, mo_tot_num)
logical, intent(in) :: bannedOrb(mo_tot_num)
double precision, intent(in) :: fock_diag_tmp(mo_tot_num)
double precision, intent(in) :: E0(N_states)
double precision, intent(inout) :: pt2(N_states)
type(selection_buffer), intent(inout) :: buf
logical :: ok
integer :: s1, s2, p1, p2, ib, istate
integer(bit_kind) :: mask(N_int, 2), det(N_int, 2)
double precision :: e_pert, delta_E, val, Hii, max_e_pert
double precision, external :: diag_H_mat_elem_fock
call apply_hole(psi_det_generators(1,1,i_generator), sp, h1, mask, ok, N_int)
do p1=1,mo_tot_num
if(bannedOrb(p1)) cycle
if(vect(1, p1) == 0d0) cycle
call apply_particle(mask, sp, p1, det, ok, N_int)
Hii = diag_H_mat_elem_fock(psi_det_generators(1,1,i_generator),det,fock_diag_tmp,N_int)
max_e_pert = 0d0
do istate=1,N_states
val = vect(istate, p1)
delta_E = E0(istate) - Hii
if (delta_E < 0.d0) then
e_pert = 0.5d0 * (-dsqrt(delta_E * delta_E + 4.d0 * val * val) - delta_E)
e_pert = 0.5d0 * ( dsqrt(delta_E * delta_E + 4.d0 * val * val) - delta_E)
pt2(istate) += e_pert
if(dabs(e_pert) > dabs(max_e_pert)) max_e_pert = e_pert
end do
if(dabs(max_e_pert) > buf%mini) call add_to_selection_buffer(buf, det, max_e_pert)
end do
end subroutine
subroutine splash_p(mask, sp, det, phasemask, coefs, N_sel, bannedOrb, vect)
use bitmasks
implicit none
integer(bit_kind),intent(in) :: mask(N_int, 2), det(N_int,2,N_sel)
integer(1), intent(in) :: phasemask(N_int*bit_kind_size, 2, N_sel)
double precision, intent(in) :: coefs(N_states, N_sel)
integer, intent(in) :: sp, N_sel
logical, intent(inout) :: bannedOrb(mo_tot_num)
double precision, intent(inout) :: vect(N_states, mo_tot_num)
integer :: i, j, h(0:2,2), p(0:3,2), nt
integer(bit_kind) :: perMask(N_int, 2), mobMask(N_int, 2), negMask(N_int, 2)
do i=1,N_int
negMask(i,1) = not(mask(i,1))
negMask(i,2) = not(mask(i,2))
end do
do i=1, N_sel
nt = 0
do j=1,N_int
mobMask(j,1) = iand(negMask(j,1), det(j,1,i))
mobMask(j,2) = iand(negMask(j,2), det(j,2,i))
nt += popcnt(mobMask(j, 1)) + popcnt(mobMask(j, 2))
end do
if(nt > 3) cycle
do j=1,N_int
perMask(j,1) = iand(mask(j,1), not(det(j,1,i)))
perMask(j,2) = iand(mask(j,2), not(det(j,2,i)))
end do
call bitstring_to_list(perMask(1,1), h(1,1), h(0,1), N_int)
call bitstring_to_list(perMask(1,2), h(1,2), h(0,2), N_int)
call bitstring_to_list(mobMask(1,1), p(1,1), p(0,1), N_int)
call bitstring_to_list(mobMask(1,2), p(1,2), p(0,2), N_int)
if(nt == 3) then
call get_m2(det(1,1,i), phasemask(1,1,i), bannedOrb, vect, mask, h, p, sp, coefs(1, i))
else if(nt == 2) then
call get_m1(det(1,1,i), phasemask(1,1,i), bannedOrb, vect, mask, h, p, sp, coefs(1, i))
call get_m0(det(1,1,i), phasemask(1,1,i), bannedOrb, vect, mask, h, p, sp, coefs(1, i))
end if
end do
end subroutine
subroutine get_m2(gen, phasemask, bannedOrb, vect, mask, h, p, sp, coefs)
use bitmasks
implicit none
integer(bit_kind), intent(in) :: gen(N_int, 2), mask(N_int, 2)
integer(1), intent(in) :: phasemask(N_int*bit_kind_size, 2)
logical, intent(in) :: bannedOrb(mo_tot_num)
double precision, intent(in) :: coefs(N_states)
double precision, intent(inout) :: vect(N_states, mo_tot_num)
integer, intent(in) :: sp, h(0:2, 2), p(0:3, 2)
integer :: i, j, h1, h2, p1, p2, sfix, hfix, pfix, hmob, pmob, puti
double precision :: hij
double precision, external :: get_phase_bi, integral8
integer, parameter :: turn3_2(2,3) = reshape((/2,3, 1,3, 1,2/), (/2,3/))
integer, parameter :: turn2(2) = (/2,1/)
if(h(0,sp) == 2) then
h1 = h(1, sp)
h2 = h(2, sp)
do i=1,3
puti = p(i, sp)
if(bannedOrb(puti)) cycle
p1 = p(turn3_2(1,i), sp)
p2 = p(turn3_2(2,i), sp)
hij = integral8(p1, p2, h1, h2) - integral8(p2, p1, h1, h2)
hij *= get_phase_bi(phasemask, sp, sp, h1, p1, h2, p2)
vect(:, puti) += hij * coefs
end do
else if(h(0,sp) == 1) then
sfix = turn2(sp)
hfix = h(1,sfix)
pfix = p(1,sfix)
hmob = h(1,sp)
do j=1,2
puti = p(j, sp)
if(bannedOrb(puti)) cycle
pmob = p(turn2(j), sp)
hij = integral8(pfix, pmob, hfix, hmob)
hij *= get_phase_bi(phasemask, sp, sfix, hmob, pmob, hfix, pfix)
vect(:, puti) += hij * coefs
end do
puti = p(1,sp)
if(.not. bannedOrb(puti)) then
sfix = turn2(sp)
p1 = p(1,sfix)
p2 = p(2,sfix)
h1 = h(1,sfix)
h2 = h(2,sfix)
hij = (integral8(p1,p2,h1,h2) - integral8(p2,p1,h1,h2))
hij *= get_phase_bi(phasemask, sfix, sfix, h1, p1, h2, p2)
vect(:, puti) += hij * coefs
end if
end if
end subroutine
subroutine get_m1(gen, phasemask, bannedOrb, vect, mask, h, p, sp, coefs)
use bitmasks
implicit none
integer(bit_kind), intent(in) :: gen(N_int, 2), mask(N_int, 2)
integer(1), intent(in) :: phasemask(N_int*bit_kind_size, 2)
logical, intent(in) :: bannedOrb(mo_tot_num)
double precision, intent(in) :: coefs(N_states)
double precision, intent(inout) :: vect(N_states, mo_tot_num)
integer, intent(in) :: sp, h(0:2, 2), p(0:3, 2)
integer :: i, hole, p1, p2, sh
logical :: ok, lbanned(mo_tot_num)
integer(bit_kind) :: det(N_int, 2)
double precision :: hij
double precision, external :: get_phase_bi, integral8
lbanned = bannedOrb
sh = 1
if(h(0,2) == 1) sh = 2
hole = h(1, sh)
lbanned(p(1,sp)) = .true.
if(p(0,sp) == 2) lbanned(p(2,sp)) = .true.
!print *, "SPm1", sp, sh
p1 = p(1, sp)
if(sp == sh) then
p2 = p(2, sp)
lbanned(p2) = .true.
do i=1,hole-1
if(lbanned(i)) cycle
hij = (integral8(p1, p2, i, hole) - integral8(p2, p1, i, hole))
hij *= get_phase_bi(phasemask, sp, sp, i, p1, hole, p2)
vect(:,i) += hij * coefs
end do
do i=hole+1,mo_tot_num
if(lbanned(i)) cycle
hij = (integral8(p1, p2, hole, i) - integral8(p2, p1, hole, i))
hij *= get_phase_bi(phasemask, sp, sp, hole, p1, i, p2)
vect(:,i) += hij * coefs
end do
call apply_particle(mask, sp, p2, det, ok, N_int)
call i_h_j(gen, det, N_int, hij)
vect(:, p2) += hij * coefs
p2 = p(1, sh)
do i=1,mo_tot_num
if(lbanned(i)) cycle
hij = integral8(p1, p2, i, hole)
hij *= get_phase_bi(phasemask, sp, sh, i, p1, hole, p2)
vect(:,i) += hij * coefs
end do
end if
call apply_particle(mask, sp, p1, det, ok, N_int)
call i_h_j(gen, det, N_int, hij)
vect(:, p1) += hij * coefs
end subroutine
subroutine get_m0(gen, phasemask, bannedOrb, vect, mask, h, p, sp, coefs)
use bitmasks
implicit none
integer(bit_kind), intent(in) :: gen(N_int, 2), mask(N_int, 2)
integer(1), intent(in) :: phasemask(N_int*bit_kind_size, 2)
logical, intent(in) :: bannedOrb(mo_tot_num)
double precision, intent(in) :: coefs(N_states)
double precision, intent(inout) :: vect(N_states, mo_tot_num)
integer, intent(in) :: sp, h(0:2, 2), p(0:3, 2)
integer :: i
logical :: ok, lbanned(mo_tot_num)
integer(bit_kind) :: det(N_int, 2)
double precision :: hij
lbanned = bannedOrb
lbanned(p(1,sp)) = .true.
do i=1,mo_tot_num
if(lbanned(i)) cycle
call apply_particle(mask, sp, i, det, ok, N_int)
call i_h_j(gen, det, N_int, hij)
vect(:, i) += hij * coefs
end do
end subroutine
subroutine spot_hasBeen(mask, sp, det, i_gen, N, banned, fullMatch)
use bitmasks
implicit none
integer(bit_kind),intent(in) :: mask(N_int, 2), det(N_int, 2, N)
integer, intent(in) :: i_gen, N, sp
logical, intent(inout) :: banned(mo_tot_num)
logical, intent(out) :: fullMatch
integer :: i, j, na, nb, list(3), nt
integer(bit_kind) :: myMask(N_int, 2), negMask(N_int, 2)
fullMatch = .false.
do i=1,N_int
negMask(i,1) = not(mask(i,1))
negMask(i,2) = not(mask(i,2))
end do
genl : do i=1, N
nt = 0
do j=1, N_int
myMask(j, 1) = iand(det(j, 1, i), negMask(j, 1))
myMask(j, 2) = iand(det(j, 2, i), negMask(j, 2))
nt += popcnt(myMask(j, 1)) + popcnt(myMask(j, 2))
end do
if(nt > 3) cycle
if(nt <= 2 .and. i < i_gen) then
fullMatch = .true.
end if
call bitstring_to_list(myMask(1,sp), list(1), na, N_int)
if(nt == 3 .and. i < i_gen) then
do j=1,na
banned(list(j)) = .true.
end do
else if(nt == 1 .and. na == 1) then
banned(list(1)) = .true.
end if
end do genl
end subroutine

View File

@ -13,7 +13,7 @@ end
subroutine provide_everything subroutine provide_everything
PROVIDE H_apply_buffer_allocated mo_bielec_integrals_in_map psi_det_generators psi_coef_generators psi_det_sorted_bit psi_selectors n_det_generators n_states generators_bitmask zmq_context PROVIDE H_apply_buffer_allocated mo_bielec_integrals_in_map psi_det_generators psi_coef_generators psi_det_sorted_bit psi_selectors n_det_generators n_states generators_bitmask zmq_context
! PROVIDE ci_electronic_energy mo_tot_num N_int PROVIDE pt2_e0_denominator mo_tot_num N_int
end end
subroutine run_wf subroutine run_wf
@ -22,7 +22,7 @@ subroutine run_wf
integer(ZMQ_PTR), external :: new_zmq_to_qp_run_socket integer(ZMQ_PTR), external :: new_zmq_to_qp_run_socket
integer(ZMQ_PTR) :: zmq_to_qp_run_socket integer(ZMQ_PTR) :: zmq_to_qp_run_socket
double precision :: energy(N_states_diag) double precision :: energy(N_states)
character*(64) :: states(1) character*(64) :: states(1)
integer :: rc, i integer :: rc, i
@ -47,7 +47,7 @@ subroutine run_wf
! --------- ! ---------
print *, 'Selection' print *, 'Selection'
call zmq_get_psi(zmq_to_qp_run_socket,1,energy,N_states_diag) call zmq_get_psi(zmq_to_qp_run_socket,1,energy,N_states)
i = omp_get_thread_num() i = omp_get_thread_num()
@ -62,7 +62,7 @@ end
subroutine update_energy(energy) subroutine update_energy(energy)
implicit none implicit none
double precision, intent(in) :: energy(N_states_diag) double precision, intent(in) :: energy(N_states)
! Update energy when it is received from ZMQ ! Update energy when it is received from ZMQ
@ -74,7 +74,7 @@ subroutine update_energy(energy)
enddo enddo
call u_0_S2_u_0(CI_eigenvectors_s2,CI_eigenvectors,N_det,psi_det,N_int) call u_0_S2_u_0(CI_eigenvectors_s2,CI_eigenvectors,N_det,psi_det,N_int)
if (.True.) then if (.True.) then
do k=1,size(ci_electronic_energy) do k=1,N_states
ci_electronic_energy(k) = energy(k) ci_electronic_energy(k) = energy(k)
enddo enddo
TOUCH ci_electronic_energy CI_eigenvectors_s2 CI_eigenvectors TOUCH ci_electronic_energy CI_eigenvectors_s2 CI_eigenvectors
@ -85,7 +85,7 @@ end
subroutine selection_slave_tcp(i,energy) subroutine selection_slave_tcp(i,energy)
implicit none implicit none
double precision, intent(in) :: energy(N_states_diag) double precision, intent(in) :: energy(N_states)
integer, intent(in) :: i integer, intent(in) :: i
call run_selection_slave(0,i,energy) call run_selection_slave(0,i,energy)

View File

@ -0,0 +1,25 @@
# Automatically created by /home/razoa/quantum_package/scripts/module/module_handler.py

View File

@ -0,0 +1 @@
Determinants Hartree_Fock

View File

@ -0,0 +1,61 @@
Generators_full Module
All the determinants of the wave function are generators. In this way, the Full CI
space is explored.
Needed Modules
.. Do not edit this section It was auto-generated
.. by the `update_README.py` script.
.. image:: tree_dependency.png
* `Determinants <http://github.com/LCPQ/quantum_package/tree/master/src/Determinants>`_
* `Hartree_Fock <http://github.com/LCPQ/quantum_package/tree/master/src/Hartree_Fock>`_
Needed Modules
.. Do not edit this section It was auto-generated
.. by the `update_README.py` script.
.. image:: tree_dependency.png
* `Determinants <http://github.com/LCPQ/quantum_package/tree/master/src/Determinants>`_
* `Hartree_Fock <http://github.com/LCPQ/quantum_package/tree/master/plugins/Hartree_Fock>`_
.. Do not edit this section It was auto-generated
.. by the `update_README.py` script.
`degree_max_generators <http://github.com/LCPQ/quantum_package/tree/master/plugins/Generators_full/generators.irp.f#L43>`_
Max degree of excitation (respect to HF) of the generators
`n_det_generators <http://github.com/LCPQ/quantum_package/tree/master/plugins/Generators_full/generators.irp.f#L3>`_
For Single reference wave functions, the number of generators is 1 : the
Hartree-Fock determinant
`psi_coef_generators <http://github.com/LCPQ/quantum_package/tree/master/plugins/Generators_full/generators.irp.f#L26>`_
For Single reference wave functions, the generator is the
Hartree-Fock determinant
`psi_det_generators <http://github.com/LCPQ/quantum_package/tree/master/plugins/Generators_full/generators.irp.f#L25>`_
For Single reference wave functions, the generator is the
Hartree-Fock determinant
`select_max <http://github.com/LCPQ/quantum_package/tree/master/plugins/Generators_full/generators.irp.f#L66>`_
Memo to skip useless selectors
`size_select_max <http://github.com/LCPQ/quantum_package/tree/master/plugins/Generators_full/generators.irp.f#L58>`_
Size of the select_max array

View File

@ -0,0 +1,75 @@
use bitmasks
BEGIN_PROVIDER [ integer, N_det_generators ]
implicit none
! For Single reference wave functions, the number of generators is 1 : the
! Hartree-Fock determinant
integer :: i
double precision :: norm
call write_time(output_determinants)
norm = 0.d0
N_det_generators = N_det
do i=1,N_det
norm = norm + psi_average_norm_contrib_sorted(i)
if (norm >= threshold_generators) then
N_det_generators = i
N_det_generators = max(N_det_generators,1)
call write_int(output_determinants,N_det_generators,'Number of generators')
BEGIN_PROVIDER [ integer(bit_kind), psi_det_generators, (N_int,2,psi_det_size) ]
&BEGIN_PROVIDER [ double precision, psi_coef_generators, (psi_det_size,N_states) ]
implicit none
! For Single reference wave functions, the generator is the
! Hartree-Fock determinant
integer :: i, k
psi_coef_generators = 0.d0
psi_det_generators = 0_bit_kind
do i=1,N_det_generators
do k=1,N_int
psi_det_generators(k,1,i) = psi_det_sorted(k,1,i)
psi_det_generators(k,2,i) = psi_det_sorted(k,2,i)
psi_coef_generators(i,:) = psi_coef_sorted(i,:)
BEGIN_PROVIDER [integer, degree_max_generators]
implicit none
! Max degree of excitation (respect to HF) of the generators
integer :: i,degree
degree_max_generators = 0
do i = 1, N_det_generators
call get_excitation_degree(HF_bitmask,psi_det_generators(1,1,i),degree,N_int)
if(degree .gt. degree_max_generators)then
degree_max_generators = degree
BEGIN_PROVIDER [ integer, size_select_max]
implicit none
! Size of the select_max array
size_select_max = 10000
BEGIN_PROVIDER [ double precision, select_max, (size_select_max) ]
implicit none
! Memo to skip useless selectors
select_max = huge(1.d0)

Binary file not shown.


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@ -9,14 +9,14 @@ BEGIN_PROVIDER [ integer, N_det_generators ]
logical :: good logical :: good
call write_time(output_determinants) call write_time(output_determinants)
N_det_generators = 0 N_det_generators = 0
do i=1,N_det do i=1,N_det_ref
do l=1,n_cas_bitmask do l=1,n_cas_bitmask
good = .True. good = .True.
do k=1,N_int do k=1,N_int
good = good .and. ( & good = good .and. ( &
iand(not(cas_bitmask(k,1,l)), psi_det(k,1,i)) == & iand(not(cas_bitmask(k,1,l)), psi_ref(k,1,i)) == &
iand(not(cas_bitmask(k,1,l)), HF_bitmask(k,1)) ) .and. ( & iand(not(cas_bitmask(k,1,l)), HF_bitmask(k,1)) ) .and. ( &
iand(not(cas_bitmask(k,2,l)), psi_det(k,2,i)) == & iand(not(cas_bitmask(k,2,l)), psi_ref(k,2,i)) == &
iand(not(cas_bitmask(k,2,l)), HF_bitmask(k,2)) ) iand(not(cas_bitmask(k,2,l)), HF_bitmask(k,2)) )
enddo enddo
if (good) then if (good) then
@ -41,14 +41,14 @@ END_PROVIDER
integer :: i, k, l, m integer :: i, k, l, m
logical :: good logical :: good
m=0 m=0
do i=1,N_det do i=1,N_det_ref
do l=1,n_cas_bitmask do l=1,n_cas_bitmask
good = .True. good = .True.
do k=1,N_int do k=1,N_int
good = good .and. ( & good = good .and. ( &
iand(not(cas_bitmask(k,1,l)), psi_det(k,1,i)) == & iand(not(cas_bitmask(k,1,l)), psi_ref(k,1,i)) == &
iand(not(cas_bitmask(k,1,l)), HF_bitmask(k,1)) .and. ( & iand(not(cas_bitmask(k,1,l)), HF_bitmask(k,1)) .and. ( &
iand(not(cas_bitmask(k,2,l)), psi_det(k,2,i)) == & iand(not(cas_bitmask(k,2,l)), psi_ref(k,2,i)) == &
iand(not(cas_bitmask(k,2,l)), HF_bitmask(k,2) )) ) iand(not(cas_bitmask(k,2,l)), HF_bitmask(k,2) )) )
enddo enddo
if (good) then if (good) then
@ -58,8 +58,8 @@ END_PROVIDER
if (good) then if (good) then
m = m+1 m = m+1
do k=1,N_int do k=1,N_int
psi_det_generators(k,1,m) = psi_det(k,1,i) psi_det_generators(k,1,m) = psi_ref(k,1,i)
psi_det_generators(k,2,m) = psi_det(k,2,i) psi_det_generators(k,2,m) = psi_ref(k,2,i)
enddo enddo
psi_coef_generators(m,:) = psi_coef(m,:) psi_coef_generators(m,:) = psi_coef(m,:)
endif endif

View File

@ -1,4 +1,10 @@
program mp2 program mp2
no_vvvv_integrals = .True.
SOFT_TOUCH no_vvvv_integrals
call run
subroutine run
implicit none implicit none
double precision, allocatable :: pt2(:), norm_pert(:) double precision, allocatable :: pt2(:), norm_pert(:)
double precision :: H_pert_diag, E_old double precision :: H_pert_diag, E_old

View File

@ -1,4 +1,10 @@
program mp2_wf program mp2_wf
no_vvvv_integrals = .True.
SOFT_TOUCH no_vvvv_integrals
call run
subroutine run
implicit none implicit none
! Save the MP2 wave function ! Save the MP2 wave function

View File

@ -1 +1 @@
Perturbation Selectors_full Generators_full Psiref_Utils Psiref_CAS Perturbation Selectors_full Generators_full Psiref_Utils Psiref_CAS MRPT_Utils

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@ -0,0 +1,230 @@
BEGIN_PROVIDER [ integer, n_exc_active ]
&BEGIN_PROVIDER [ integer, active_pp_idx, (hh_nex) ]
&BEGIN_PROVIDER [ integer, active_hh_idx, (hh_nex) ]
&BEGIN_PROVIDER [ logical, is_active_exc, (hh_nex) ]
implicit none
! is_active_exc : True if the excitation involves at least one active MO
! n_exc_active : Number of active excitations : Number of excitations without the inactive ones.
! active_hh_idx :
! active_pp_idx :
integer :: hh, pp, II
integer :: ind
logical :: ok
integer(bit_kind) :: myDet(N_int, 2), myMask(N_int, 2)
integer, allocatable :: pathTo(:)
integer, external :: searchDet
pathTo(:) = 0
is_active_exc(:) = .false.
n_exc_active = 0
do hh = 1, hh_shortcut(0)
do pp = hh_shortcut(hh), hh_shortcut(hh+1)-1
do II = 1, N_det_ref
call apply_hole_local(psi_ref(1,1,II), hh_exists(1, hh), myMask, ok, N_int)
if(.not. ok) cycle
call apply_particle_local(myMask, pp_exists(1, pp), myDet, ok, N_int)
if(.not. ok) cycle
ind = searchDet(psi_non_ref_sorted(1,1,1), myDet(1,1), N_det_non_ref, N_int)
if(ind == -1) cycle
ind = psi_non_ref_sorted_idx(ind)
if(pathTo(ind) == 0) then
pathTo(ind) = pp
is_active_exc(pp) = .true.
is_active_exc(pathTo(ind)) = .true.
end if
end do
end do
end do
do hh = 1, hh_shortcut(0)
do pp = hh_shortcut(hh), hh_shortcut(hh+1)-1
if(is_active_exc(pp)) then
n_exc_active = n_exc_active + 1
active_hh_idx(n_exc_active) = hh
active_pp_idx(n_exc_active) = pp
end if
end do
end do
print *, n_exc_active, "active excitations /", hh_nex
BEGIN_PROVIDER [ integer, active_excitation_to_determinants_idx, (0:N_det_ref+1, n_exc_active) ]
&BEGIN_PROVIDER [ double precision, active_excitation_to_determinants_val, (N_states,N_det_ref+1, n_exc_active) ]
implicit none
! Sparse matrix A containing the matrix to transform the active excitations to
! determinants : A | \Psi_0 > = | \Psi_SD >
integer :: s, ppp, pp, hh, II, ind, wk, i
integer, allocatable :: lref(:)
integer(bit_kind) :: myDet(N_int,2), myMask(N_int,2)
double precision :: phase
logical :: ok
integer, external :: searchDet
!$OMP PARALLEL default(none) shared(psi_non_ref, hh_exists, pp_exists, N_int,&
!$OMP active_excitation_to_determinants_val, active_excitation_to_determinants_idx)&
!$OMP shared(hh_shortcut, psi_ref_coef, N_det_non_ref, psi_non_ref_sorted, &
!$OMP psi_non_ref_sorted_idx, psi_ref, N_det_ref, N_states)&
!$OMP shared(is_active_exc, active_hh_idx, active_pp_idx, n_exc_active)&
!$OMP private(lref, pp, II, ok, myMask, myDet, ind, phase, wk, ppp, hh, s)
!$OMP DO schedule(dynamic)
do ppp=1,n_exc_active
active_excitation_to_determinants_val(:,:,ppp) = 0d0
active_excitation_to_determinants_idx(:,ppp) = 0
pp = active_pp_idx(ppp)
hh = active_hh_idx(ppp)
lref = 0
do II = 1, N_det_ref
call apply_hole_local(psi_ref(1,1,II), hh_exists(1, hh), myMask, ok, N_int)
if(.not. ok) cycle
call apply_particle_local(myMask, pp_exists(1, pp), myDet, ok, N_int)
if(.not. ok) cycle
ind = searchDet(psi_non_ref_sorted(1,1,1), myDet(1,1), N_det_non_ref, N_int)
if(ind /= -1) then
call get_phase(myDet(1,1), psi_ref(1,1,II), phase, N_int)
if (phase > 0.d0) then
lref(psi_non_ref_sorted_idx(ind)) = II
lref(psi_non_ref_sorted_idx(ind)) = -II
end if
end do
wk = 0
do i=1, N_det_non_ref
if(lref(i) > 0) then
wk += 1
do s=1,N_states
active_excitation_to_determinants_val(s,wk, ppp) = psi_ref_coef(lref(i), s)
active_excitation_to_determinants_idx(wk, ppp) = i
else if(lref(i) < 0) then
wk += 1
do s=1,N_states
active_excitation_to_determinants_val(s,wk, ppp) = -psi_ref_coef(-lref(i), s)
active_excitation_to_determinants_idx(wk, ppp) = i
end if
end do
active_excitation_to_determinants_idx(0,ppp) = wk
end do
BEGIN_PROVIDER [ integer, mrcc_AtA_ind, (N_det_ref * n_exc_active) ]
&BEGIN_PROVIDER [ double precision, mrcc_AtA_val, (N_states, N_det_ref * n_exc_active) ]
&BEGIN_PROVIDER [ integer, mrcc_col_shortcut, (n_exc_active) ]
&BEGIN_PROVIDER [ integer, mrcc_N_col, (n_exc_active) ]
implicit none
! A is active_excitation_to_determinants in At.A
integer :: AtA_size, i,k
integer :: at_roww, at_row, wk, a_coll, a_col, r1, r2, s
double precision, allocatable :: t(:), A_val_mwen(:,:), As2_val_mwen(:,:)
integer, allocatable :: A_ind_mwen(:)
double precision :: sij
PROVIDE psi_non_ref
mrcc_AtA_ind(:) = 0
mrcc_AtA_val(:,:) = 0.d0
mrcc_col_shortcut(:) = 0
mrcc_N_col(:) = 0
AtA_size = 0
!$OMP PARALLEL default(none) shared(k, active_excitation_to_determinants_idx,&
!$OMP active_excitation_to_determinants_val, hh_nex) &
!$OMP private(at_row, a_col, t, i, r1, r2, wk, A_ind_mwen, A_val_mwen,&
!$OMP As2_val_mwen, a_coll, at_roww,sij) &
!$OMP shared(N_states,mrcc_col_shortcut, mrcc_N_col, AtA_size, mrcc_AtA_val, mrcc_AtA_ind, &
!$OMP n_exc_active, active_pp_idx,psi_non_ref)
allocate(A_val_mwen(N_states,hh_nex), As2_val_mwen(N_states,hh_nex), A_ind_mwen(hh_nex), t(N_states) )
!$OMP DO schedule(dynamic, 100)
do at_roww = 1, n_exc_active ! hh_nex
at_row = active_pp_idx(at_roww)
wk = 0
if(mod(at_roww, 100) == 0) print *, "AtA", at_row, "/", hh_nex
do a_coll = 1, n_exc_active
a_col = active_pp_idx(a_coll)
t(:) = 0d0
r1 = 1
r2 = 1
do while ((active_excitation_to_determinants_idx(r1, at_roww) /= 0).and.(active_excitation_to_determinants_idx(r2, a_coll) /= 0))
if(active_excitation_to_determinants_idx(r1, at_roww) > active_excitation_to_determinants_idx(r2, a_coll)) then
r2 = r2+1
else if(active_excitation_to_determinants_idx(r1, at_roww) < active_excitation_to_determinants_idx(r2, a_coll)) then
r1 = r1+1
do s=1,N_states
t(s) = t(s) - active_excitation_to_determinants_val(s,r1, at_roww) * active_excitation_to_determinants_val(s,r2, a_coll)
r1 = r1+1
r2 = r2+1
end if
end do
if (a_col == at_row) then
t(:) = t(:) + 1.d0
if (sum(dabs(t(:))) > 0.d0) then
wk = wk+1
A_ind_mwen(wk) = a_col
A_val_mwen(:,wk) = t(:)
end do
if(wk /= 0) then
mrcc_col_shortcut(at_roww) = AtA_size+1
mrcc_N_col(at_roww) = wk
if (AtA_size+wk > size(mrcc_AtA_ind,1)) then
print *, AtA_size+wk , size(mrcc_AtA_ind,1)
stop 'too small'
do i=1,wk
mrcc_AtA_ind(AtA_size+i) = A_ind_mwen(i)
do s=1,N_states
mrcc_AtA_val(s,AtA_size+i) = A_val_mwen(s,i)
AtA_size += wk
end if
end do
deallocate (A_ind_mwen, A_val_mwen, As2_val_mwen, t)
print *, "ATA SIZE", ata_size

View File

@ -207,19 +207,6 @@ subroutine davidson_diag_hjj_mrcc(dets_in,u_in,H_jj,energies,dim_in,sze,N_st,N_s
! ------------------------------------------- ! -------------------------------------------
! do l=1,N_st_diag
! do k=1,N_st_diag
! do iter2=1,iter-1
! h(k,iter2,l,iter) = u_dot_v(U(1,k,iter2),W(1,l,iter),sze)
! h(k,iter,l,iter2) = h(k,iter2,l,iter)
! enddo
! enddo
! do k=1,l
! h(k,iter,l,iter) = u_dot_v(U(1,k,iter),W(1,l,iter),sze)
! h(l,iter,k,iter) = h(k,iter,l,iter)
! enddo
! enddo
call dgemm('T','N', N_st_diag*iter, N_st_diag, sze, & call dgemm('T','N', N_st_diag*iter, N_st_diag, sze, &
1.d0, U, size(U,1), W(1,1,iter), size(W,1), & 1.d0, U, size(U,1), W(1,1,iter), size(W,1), &
0.d0, h(1,1,1,iter), size(h,1)*size(h,2)) 0.d0, h(1,1,1,iter), size(h,1)*size(h,2))
@ -328,20 +315,10 @@ subroutine davidson_diag_hjj_mrcc(dets_in,u_in,H_jj,energies,dim_in,sze,N_st,N_s
! ----------- ! -----------
do k=1,N_st_diag do k=1,N_st_diag
energies(k) = lambda(k)
do i=1,sze do i=1,sze
u_in(i,k) = 0.d0 u_in(i,k) = 0.d0
enddo enddo
enddo enddo
! do k=1,N_st_diag
! do i=1,sze
! do iter2=1,iter
! do l=1,N_st_diag
! u_in(i,k) += U(i,l,iter2)*y(l,iter2,k,1)
! enddo
! enddo
! enddo
! enddo
call dgemm('N','N', sze, N_st_diag, N_st_diag*iter, 1.d0, & call dgemm('N','N', sze, N_st_diag, N_st_diag*iter, 1.d0, &
U, size(U,1), y, N_st_diag*davidson_sze_max, & U, size(U,1), y, N_st_diag*davidson_sze_max, &
@ -349,6 +326,9 @@ subroutine davidson_diag_hjj_mrcc(dets_in,u_in,H_jj,energies,dim_in,sze,N_st,N_s
enddo enddo
do k=1,N_st_diag
energies(k) = lambda(k)
write_buffer = '===== ' write_buffer = '===== '
do i=1,N_st do i=1,N_st
write_buffer = trim(write_buffer)//' ================ ================' write_buffer = trim(write_buffer)//' ================ ================'
@ -570,7 +550,7 @@ subroutine davidson_diag_mrcc_hs2(dets_in,u_in,dim_in,energies,sze,N_st,N_st_dia
integer, intent(in) :: dim_in, sze, N_st, N_st_diag, Nint, iunit, istate integer, intent(in) :: dim_in, sze, N_st, N_st_diag, Nint, iunit, istate
integer(bit_kind), intent(in) :: dets_in(Nint,2,sze) integer(bit_kind), intent(in) :: dets_in(Nint,2,sze)
double precision, intent(inout) :: u_in(dim_in,N_st_diag) double precision, intent(inout) :: u_in(dim_in,N_st_diag)
double precision, intent(out) :: energies(N_st) double precision, intent(out) :: energies(N_st_diag)
double precision, allocatable :: H_jj(:), S2_jj(:) double precision, allocatable :: H_jj(:), S2_jj(:)
double precision :: diag_h_mat_elem double precision :: diag_h_mat_elem
@ -648,7 +628,7 @@ subroutine davidson_diag_hjj_sjj_mrcc(dets_in,u_in,H_jj,S2_jj,energies,dim_in,sz
integer :: k_pairs, kl integer :: k_pairs, kl
integer :: iter2 integer :: iter2
double precision, allocatable :: W(:,:), U(:,:), S(:,:) double precision, allocatable :: W(:,:), U(:,:), S(:,:), overlap(:,:)
double precision, allocatable :: y(:,:), h(:,:), lambda(:), s2(:) double precision, allocatable :: y(:,:), h(:,:), lambda(:), s2(:)
double precision, allocatable :: c(:), s_(:,:), s_tmp(:,:) double precision, allocatable :: c(:), s_(:,:), s_tmp(:,:)
double precision :: diag_h_mat_elem double precision :: diag_h_mat_elem
@ -660,8 +640,10 @@ subroutine davidson_diag_hjj_sjj_mrcc(dets_in,u_in,H_jj,S2_jj,energies,dim_in,sz
include 'constants.include.F' include 'constants.include.F'
!DIR$ ATTRIBUTES ALIGN : $IRP_ALIGN :: U, W, S, y, h, lambda !DIR$ ATTRIBUTES ALIGN : $IRP_ALIGN :: U, W, S, y, h, lambda
if (N_st_diag > sze) then if (N_st_diag*3 > sze) then
stop 'error in Davidson : N_st_diag > sze' print *, 'error in Davidson :'
print *, 'Increase n_det_max_jacobi to ', N_st_diag*3
stop -1
endif endif
PROVIDE nuclear_repulsion PROVIDE nuclear_repulsion
@ -686,7 +668,7 @@ subroutine davidson_diag_hjj_sjj_mrcc(dets_in,u_in,H_jj,S2_jj,energies,dim_in,sz
write(iunit,'(A)') trim(write_buffer) write(iunit,'(A)') trim(write_buffer)
write_buffer = ' Iter' write_buffer = ' Iter'
do i=1,N_st do i=1,N_st
write_buffer = trim(write_buffer)//' Energy S^2 Residual' write_buffer = trim(write_buffer)//' Energy S^2 Residual '
enddo enddo
write(iunit,'(A)') trim(write_buffer) write(iunit,'(A)') trim(write_buffer)
write_buffer = '===== ' write_buffer = '===== '
@ -698,26 +680,19 @@ subroutine davidson_diag_hjj_sjj_mrcc(dets_in,u_in,H_jj,S2_jj,energies,dim_in,sz
integer, external :: align_double integer, external :: align_double
sze_8 = align_double(sze) sze_8 = align_double(sze)
double precision :: delta
if (s2_eig) then
delta = 1.d0
delta = 0.d0
itermax = min(davidson_sze_max, sze/N_st_diag) itermax = min(davidson_sze_max, sze/N_st_diag)
allocate( & allocate( &
W(sze_8,N_st_diag*itermax), & W(sze_8,N_st_diag*itermax), &
U(sze_8,N_st_diag*itermax), & U(sze_8,N_st_diag*itermax), &
S(sze_8,N_st_diag*itermax), & S(sze_8,N_st_diag*itermax), &
h(N_st_diag*itermax,N_st_diag*itermax), & h(N_st_diag*itermax,N_st_diag*itermax), &
y(N_st_diag*itermax,N_st_diag*itermax), & y(N_st_diag*itermax,N_st_diag*itermax), &
s_(N_st_diag*itermax,N_st_diag*itermax), & s_(N_st_diag*itermax,N_st_diag*itermax), &
s_tmp(N_st_diag*itermax,N_st_diag*itermax), & s_tmp(N_st_diag*itermax,N_st_diag*itermax), &
residual_norm(N_st_diag), & residual_norm(N_st_diag), &
c(N_st_diag*itermax), & c(N_st_diag*itermax), &
s2(N_st_diag*itermax), & s2(N_st_diag*itermax), &
overlap(N_st_diag*itermax,N_st_diag*itermax), &
lambda(N_st_diag*itermax)) lambda(N_st_diag*itermax))
h = 0.d0 h = 0.d0
@ -741,24 +716,18 @@ subroutine davidson_diag_hjj_sjj_mrcc(dets_in,u_in,H_jj,S2_jj,energies,dim_in,sz
converged = .False. converged = .False.
double precision :: r1, r2 double precision :: r1, r2
do k=N_st+1,N_st_diag-2,2 do k=N_st+1,N_st_diag
u_in(k,k) = 10.d0
do i=1,sze do i=1,sze
call random_number(r1) call random_number(r1)
call random_number(r2) call random_number(r2)
r1 = dsqrt(-2.d0*dlog(r1)) r1 = dsqrt(-2.d0*dlog(r1))
r2 = dtwo_pi*r2 r2 = dtwo_pi*r2
u_in(i,k) = r1*dcos(r2) u_in(i,k) = r1*dcos(r2)
u_in(i,k+1) = r1*dsin(r2)
enddo enddo
enddo enddo
do k=N_st_diag-1,N_st_diag do k=1,N_st_diag
do i=1,sze call normalize(u_in(1,k),sze)
call random_number(r1)
call random_number(r2)
r1 = dsqrt(-2.d0*dlog(r1))
r2 = dtwo_pi*r2
u_in(i,k) = r1*dcos(r2)
enddo enddo
@ -788,13 +757,52 @@ subroutine davidson_diag_hjj_sjj_mrcc(dets_in,u_in,H_jj,S2_jj,energies,dim_in,sz
! ------------------------------------------- ! -------------------------------------------
call dgemm('T','N', shift2, N_st_diag, sze, & call dgemm('T','N', shift2, shift2, sze, &
1.d0, U, size(U,1), W(1,shift+1), size(W,1), & 1.d0, U, size(U,1), W, size(W,1), &
0.d0, h(1,shift+1), size(h,1)) 0.d0, h, size(h,1))
call dgemm('T','N', shift2, shift2, sze, &
1.d0, U, size(U,1), S, size(S,1), &
0.d0, s_, size(s_,1))
! ! Diagonalize S^2
! ! ---------------
! call lapack_diag(s2,y,s_,size(s_,1),shift2)
! ! Rotate H in the basis of eigenfunctions of s2
! ! ---------------------------------------------
! call dgemm('N','N',shift2,shift2,shift2, &
! 1.d0, h, size(h,1), y, size(y,1), &
! 0.d0, s_tmp, size(s_tmp,1))
! call dgemm('T','N',shift2,shift2,shift2, &
! 1.d0, y, size(y,1), s_tmp, size(s_tmp,1), &
! 0.d0, h, size(h,1))
! ! Damp interaction between different spin states
! ! ------------------------------------------------
! do k=1,shift2
! do l=1,shift2
! if (dabs(s2(k) - s2(l)) > 1.d0) then
! h(k,l) = h(k,l)*(max(0.d0,1.d0 - dabs(s2(k) - s2(l))))
! endif
! enddo
! enddo
! ! Rotate back H
! ! -------------
! call dgemm('N','T',shift2,shift2,shift2, &
! 1.d0, h, size(h,1), y, size(y,1), &
! 0.d0, s_tmp, size(s_tmp,1))
! call dgemm('N','N',shift2,shift2,shift2, &
! 1.d0, y, size(y,1), s_tmp, size(s_tmp,1), &
! 0.d0, h, size(h,1))
call dgemm('T','N', shift2, N_st_diag, sze, &
1.d0, U, size(U,1), S(1,shift+1), size(S,1), &
0.d0, s_(1,shift+1), size(s_,1))
! Diagonalize h ! Diagonalize h
! ------------- ! -------------
@ -816,24 +824,73 @@ subroutine davidson_diag_hjj_sjj_mrcc(dets_in,u_in,H_jj,S2_jj,energies,dim_in,sz
enddo enddo
if (s2_eig) then if (s2_eig) then
logical :: state_ok(N_st_diag*davidson_sze_max) logical :: state_ok(N_st_diag*davidson_sze_max)
do k=1,shift2
state_ok(k) = (dabs(s2(k)-expected_s2) < 0.6d0)
state_ok(k) = .True.
do k=1,shift2
if (.not. state_ok(k)) then
do l=k+1,shift2
if (state_ok(l)) then
call dswap(shift2, y(1,k), 1, y(1,l), 1)
call dswap(1, s2(k), 1, s2(l), 1)
call dswap(1, lambda(k), 1, lambda(l), 1)
state_ok(k) = .True.
state_ok(l) = .False.
if (state_following) then
! Compute overlap with U_in
! -------------------------
integer :: order(N_st_diag)
double precision :: cmax
overlap = -1.d0
do k=1,shift2 do k=1,shift2
state_ok(k) = (dabs(s2(k)-expected_s2) < 0.6d0) do i=1,shift2
overlap(k,i) = dabs(y(k,i))
enddo enddo
do k=1,shift2 do k=1,N_st
if (.not. state_ok(k)) then cmax = -1.d0
do l=k+1,shift2 do i=1,N_st
if (state_ok(l)) then if (overlap(i,k) > cmax) then
call dswap(shift2, y(1,k), 1, y(1,l), 1) cmax = overlap(i,k)
call dswap(1, s2(k), 1, s2(l), 1) order(k) = i
call dswap(1, lambda(k), 1, lambda(l), 1) endif
state_ok(k) = .True. enddo
state_ok(l) = .False. do i=1,shift2
exit overlap(order(k),i) = -1.d0
endif enddo
enddo enddo
overlap = y
do k=1,N_st
l = order(k)
if (k /= l) then
y(1:shift2,k) = overlap(1:shift2,l)
endif endif
enddo enddo
do k=1,N_st
overlap(k,1) = lambda(k)
overlap(k,2) = s2(k)
do k=1,N_st
l = order(k)
if (k /= l) then
lambda(k) = overlap(l,1)
s2(k) = overlap(l,2)
endif endif
@ -851,11 +908,31 @@ subroutine davidson_diag_hjj_sjj_mrcc(dets_in,u_in,H_jj,S2_jj,energies,dim_in,sz
! ----------------------- ! -----------------------
do k=1,N_st_diag do k=1,N_st_diag
do i=1,sze if (state_ok(k)) then
U(i,shift2+k) = (lambda(k) * U(i,shift2+k) - W(i,shift2+k) ) & do i=1,sze
* (1.d0 + s2(k) * U(i,shift2+k) - S(i,shift2+k) - S_z2_Sz & U(i,shift2+k) = (lambda(k) * U(i,shift2+k) - W(i,shift2+k) ) &
)/max(H_jj(i) - lambda (k),1.d-2) * (1.d0 + s2(k) * U(i,shift2+k) - S(i,shift2+k) - S_z2_Sz &
enddo )/max(H_jj(i) - lambda (k),1.d-2)
! Randomize components with bad <S2>
do i=1,sze-2,2
call random_number(r1)
call random_number(r2)
r1 = dsqrt(-2.d0*dlog(r1))
r2 = dtwo_pi*r2
U(i,shift2+k) = r1*dcos(r2)
U(i+1,shift2+k) = r1*dsin(r2)
do i=sze-2+1,sze
call random_number(r1)
call random_number(r2)
r1 = dsqrt(-2.d0*dlog(r1))
r2 = dtwo_pi*r2
U(i,shift2+k) = r1*dcos(r2)
if (k <= N_st) then if (k <= N_st) then
residual_norm(k) = u_dot_u(U(1,shift2+k),sze) residual_norm(k) = u_dot_u(U(1,shift2+k),sze)
to_print(1,k) = lambda(k) + nuclear_repulsion to_print(1,k) = lambda(k) + nuclear_repulsion
@ -878,20 +955,16 @@ subroutine davidson_diag_hjj_sjj_mrcc(dets_in,u_in,H_jj,S2_jj,energies,dim_in,sz
enddo enddo
if (.not.converged) then
iter = itermax-1
! Re-contract to u_in ! Re-contract to u_in
! ----------- ! -----------
do k=1,N_st_diag call dgemm('N','N', sze, N_st_diag, shift2, &
energies(k) = lambda(k) 1.d0, U, size(U,1), y, size(y,1), 0.d0, u_in, size(u_in,1))
call dgemm('N','N', sze, N_st_diag, N_st_diag*iter, 1.d0, & enddo
U, size(U,1), y, size(y,1), 0.d0, u_in, size(u_in,1))
do k=1,N_st_diag
energies(k) = lambda(k)
enddo enddo
write_buffer = '===== ' write_buffer = '===== '
@ -904,7 +977,7 @@ subroutine davidson_diag_hjj_sjj_mrcc(dets_in,u_in,H_jj,S2_jj,energies,dim_in,sz
deallocate ( & deallocate ( &
W, residual_norm, & W, residual_norm, &
U, & U, overlap, &
c, S, & c, S, &
h, & h, &
y, s_, s_tmp, & y, s_, s_tmp, &
@ -970,12 +1043,12 @@ subroutine H_S2_u_0_mrcc_nstates(v_0,s_0,u_0,H_jj,S2_jj,n,keys_tmp,Nint,istate_i
!$OMP PRIVATE(i,hij,s2,j,k,jj,vt,st,ii,sh,sh2,ni,exa,ext,org_i,org_j,endi,sorted_i,istate)& !$OMP PRIVATE(i,hij,s2,j,k,jj,vt,st,ii,sh,sh2,ni,exa,ext,org_i,org_j,endi,sorted_i,istate)&
!$OMP SHARED(n,keys_tmp,ut,Nint,v_0,s_0,sorted,shortcut,sort_idx,version,N_st,N_st_8, & !$OMP SHARED(n,keys_tmp,ut,Nint,v_0,s_0,sorted,shortcut,sort_idx,version,N_st,N_st_8, &
!$OMP N_det_ref, idx_ref, N_det_non_ref, idx_non_ref, delta_ij,istate_in) !$OMP N_det_ref, idx_ref, N_det_non_ref, idx_non_ref, delta_ij, delta_ij_s2,istate_in)
allocate(vt(N_st_8,n),st(N_st_8,n)) allocate(vt(N_st_8,n),st(N_st_8,n))
Vt = 0.d0 Vt = 0.d0
St = 0.d0 St = 0.d0
!$OMP DO SCHEDULE(dynamic) !$OMP DO SCHEDULE(guided)
do sh=1,shortcut(0,1) do sh=1,shortcut(0,1)
do sh2=sh,shortcut(0,1) do sh2=sh,shortcut(0,1)
exa = 0 exa = 0
@ -1017,8 +1090,8 @@ subroutine H_S2_u_0_mrcc_nstates(v_0,s_0,u_0,H_jj,S2_jj,n,keys_tmp,Nint,istate_i
enddo enddo
enddo enddo
enddo enddo
!$OMP DO SCHEDULE(dynamic) !$OMP DO SCHEDULE(guided)
do sh=1,shortcut(0,2) do sh=1,shortcut(0,2)
do i=shortcut(sh,2),shortcut(sh+1,2)-1 do i=shortcut(sh,2),shortcut(sh+1,2)-1
org_i = sort_idx(i,2) org_i = sort_idx(i,2)
@ -1041,7 +1114,7 @@ subroutine H_S2_u_0_mrcc_nstates(v_0,s_0,u_0,H_jj,S2_jj,n,keys_tmp,Nint,istate_i
end do end do
end do end do
enddo enddo
! -------------------------- ! --------------------------
! Begin Specific to dressing ! Begin Specific to dressing
@ -1055,6 +1128,8 @@ subroutine H_S2_u_0_mrcc_nstates(v_0,s_0,u_0,H_jj,S2_jj,n,keys_tmp,Nint,istate_i
do istate=1,N_st do istate=1,N_st
vt (istate,i) = vt (istate,i) + delta_ij(istate_in,jj,ii)*ut(istate,j) vt (istate,i) = vt (istate,i) + delta_ij(istate_in,jj,ii)*ut(istate,j)
vt (istate,j) = vt (istate,j) + delta_ij(istate_in,jj,ii)*ut(istate,i) vt (istate,j) = vt (istate,j) + delta_ij(istate_in,jj,ii)*ut(istate,i)
st (istate,i) = st (istate,i) + delta_ij_s2(istate_in,jj,ii)*ut(istate,j)
st (istate,j) = st (istate,j) + delta_ij_s2(istate_in,jj,ii)*ut(istate,i)
enddo enddo
enddo enddo
enddo enddo

View File

@ -1,4 +0,0 @@
program pouet

View File

@ -77,18 +77,18 @@ BEGIN_PROVIDER [ double precision, hij_mrcc, (N_det_non_ref,N_det_ref) ]
BEGIN_PROVIDER [ double precision, delta_ij, (N_states,N_det_non_ref,N_det_ref) ] ! BEGIN_PROVIDER [ double precision, delta_ij, (N_states,N_det_non_ref,N_det_ref) ]
&BEGIN_PROVIDER [ double precision, delta_ii, (N_states,N_det_ref) ] !&BEGIN_PROVIDER [ double precision, delta_ii, (N_states,N_det_ref) ]
implicit none ! implicit none
! Dressing matrix in N_det basis ! ! Dressing matrix in N_det basis
integer :: i,j,m ! integer :: i,j,m
delta_ij = 0.d0 ! delta_ij = 0.d0
delta_ii = 0.d0 ! delta_ii = 0.d0
call H_apply_mrcc(delta_ij,delta_ii,N_states,N_det_non_ref,N_det_ref) ! call H_apply_mrcc(delta_ij,delta_ii,N_states,N_det_non_ref,N_det_ref)
BEGIN_PROVIDER [ double precision, h_matrix_dressed, (N_det,N_det,N_states) ] BEGIN_PROVIDER [ double precision, h_matrix_dressed, (N_det,N_det,N_states) ]
@ -139,7 +139,6 @@ END_PROVIDER
integer :: mrcc_state integer :: mrcc_state
mrcc_state = N_states
do j=1,min(N_states,N_det) do j=1,min(N_states,N_det)
do i=1,N_det do i=1,N_det
CI_eigenvectors_dressed(i,j) = psi_coef(i,j) CI_eigenvectors_dressed(i,j) = psi_coef(i,j)
@ -148,16 +147,33 @@ END_PROVIDER
if (diag_algorithm == "Davidson") then if (diag_algorithm == "Davidson") then
! call davidson_diag_mrcc(psi_det,CI_eigenvectors_dressed,CI_electronic_energy_dressed,& allocate (eigenvectors(size(CI_eigenvectors_dressed,1),size(CI_eigenvectors_dressed,2)), &
! size(CI_eigenvectors_dressed,1),N_det,N_states,N_states_diag,N_int,output_determinants,mrcc_state) eigenvalues(size(CI_electronic_energy_dressed,1)))
do j=1,min(N_states,N_det)
call davidson_diag_mrcc_HS2(psi_det,CI_eigenvectors_dressed,& do i=1,N_det
size(CI_eigenvectors_dressed,1), & eigenvectors(i,j) = psi_coef(i,j)
CI_electronic_energy_dressed,N_det,N_states,N_states_diag,N_int, & enddo
output_determinants,mrcc_state) enddo
do mrcc_state=1,N_states
call u_0_S2_u_0(CI_eigenvectors_s2_dressed,CI_eigenvectors_dressed,N_det,psi_det,N_int,& do j=mrcc_state,min(N_states,N_det)
N_states_diag,size(CI_eigenvectors_dressed,1)) do i=1,N_det
eigenvectors(i,j) = psi_coef(i,j)
call davidson_diag_mrcc_HS2(psi_det,eigenvectors,&
size(eigenvectors,1), &
eigenvalues,N_det,N_states,N_states_diag,N_int, &
CI_eigenvectors_dressed(1:N_det,mrcc_state) = eigenvectors(1:N_det,mrcc_state)
CI_electronic_energy_dressed(mrcc_state) = eigenvalues(mrcc_state)
do k=N_states+1,N_states_diag
CI_eigenvectors_dressed(1:N_det,k) = eigenvectors(1:N_det,k)
CI_electronic_energy_dressed(k) = eigenvalues(k)
call u_0_S2_u_0(CI_eigenvectors_s2_dressed,CI_eigenvectors_dressed,N_det,psi_det,N_int,&
deallocate (eigenvectors,eigenvalues)
else if (diag_algorithm == "Lapack") then else if (diag_algorithm == "Lapack") then
@ -613,222 +629,114 @@ END_PROVIDER
call sort_det(psi_non_ref_sorted, psi_non_ref_sorted_idx, N_det_non_ref, N_int) call sort_det(psi_non_ref_sorted, psi_non_ref_sorted_idx, N_det_non_ref, N_int)
BEGIN_PROVIDER [ double precision, rho_mrpt, (N_det_non_ref, N_states) ]
implicit none
integer :: i, j, k
double precision :: coef_mrpt(N_States),coef_array(N_states),hij,delta_e(N_states)
double precision :: hij_array(N_det_Ref),delta_e_array(N_det_ref,N_states)
integer :: number_of_holes, number_of_particles,nh,np
do i = 1, N_det_non_ref
nh = number_of_holes(psi_non_ref(1,1,i))
np = number_of_particles(psi_non_ref(1,1,i))
do j = 1, N_det_ref
do k = 1, N_States
coef_array(k) = psi_ref_coef(j,k)
call i_h_j(psi_ref(1,1,j), psi_non_ref(1,1,i), N_int, Hij_array(j))
call get_delta_e_dyall(psi_ref(1,1,j),psi_non_ref(1,1,i),coef_array,hij_array(j),delta_e)
! write(*,'(A7,x,100(F16.10,x))')'delta_e',delta_e(:)
do k = 1, N_states
delta_e_Array(j,k) = delta_e(k)
coef_mrpt = 0.d0
do k = 1, N_states
do j = 1, N_det_Ref
coef_mrpt(k) += psi_ref_coef(j,k) * hij_array(j) / delta_e_array(j,k)
BEGIN_PROVIDER [ double precision, dIj_unique, (hh_shortcut(hh_shortcut(0)+1)-1, N_states) ] write(*,'(A7,X,100(F16.10,x))')'coef ',psi_non_ref_coef(i,1) , coef_mrpt(1),psi_non_ref_coef(i,2) , coef_mrpt(2)
print*, nh,np
do k = 1, N_States
if(dabs(coef_mrpt(k)) .le.1.d-10)then
rho_mrpt(i,k) = 0.d0
if(psi_non_ref_coef(i,k) / coef_mrpt(k) .lt.0d0)then
rho_mrpt(i,k) = 1.d0
rho_mrpt(i,k) = psi_non_ref_coef(i,k) / coef_mrpt(k)
BEGIN_PROVIDER [ double precision, dIj_unique, (hh_nex, N_states) ]
&BEGIN_PROVIDER [ double precision, rho_mrcc, (N_det_non_ref, N_states) ] &BEGIN_PROVIDER [ double precision, rho_mrcc, (N_det_non_ref, N_states) ]
implicit none implicit none
logical :: ok logical :: ok
integer :: i, j, k, s, II, pp, ppp, hh, ind, wk, nex, a_col, at_row integer :: i, j, k, s, II, pp, ppp, hh, ind, wk, a_col, at_row
integer, external :: searchDet, unsortedSearchDet integer, external :: searchDet, unsortedSearchDet
integer(bit_kind) :: myDet(N_int, 2), myMask(N_int, 2) integer(bit_kind) :: myDet(N_int, 2), myMask(N_int, 2)
integer :: N, INFO, AtA_size, r1, r2 integer :: N, INFO, r1, r2
double precision , allocatable :: AtB(:), AtA_val(:), A_val(:,:), x(:), x_new(:), A_val_mwen(:) double precision , allocatable :: AtB(:), x(:), x_new(:), A_val_mwen(:,:), t(:)
double precision :: t, norm, cx, res double precision :: norm, cx, res
integer, allocatable :: A_ind(:,:), lref(:), AtA_ind(:), A_ind_mwen(:), col_shortcut(:), N_col(:) integer, allocatable :: lref(:), A_ind_mwen(:)
double precision :: phase double precision :: phase
integer, allocatable :: pathTo(:), active_hh_idx(:), active_pp_idx(:) double precision, allocatable :: rho_mrcc_init(:)
logical, allocatable :: active(:) integer :: a_coll, at_roww
double precision, allocatable :: rho_mrcc_init(:,:)
integer :: nactive
nex = hh_shortcut(hh_shortcut(0)+1)-1 print *, "TI", hh_nex, N_det_non_ref
print *, "TI", nex, N_det_non_ref
allocate(pathTo(N_det_non_ref), active(nex)) allocate(rho_mrcc_init(N_det_non_ref))
allocate(active_pp_idx(nex), active_hh_idx(nex)) allocate(x_new(hh_nex))
allocate(rho_mrcc_init(N_det_non_ref, N_states)) allocate(x(hh_nex), AtB(hh_nex))
x = 0d0
pathTo = 0
active = .false.
nactive = 0
do hh = 1, hh_shortcut(0) do s=1,N_states
do pp = hh_shortcut(hh), hh_shortcut(hh+1)-1
do II = 1, N_det_ref
call apply_hole_local(psi_ref(1,1,II), hh_exists(1, hh), myMask, ok, N_int)
if(.not. ok) cycle
call apply_particle_local(myMask, pp_exists(1, pp), myDet, ok, N_int)
if(.not. ok) cycle
ind = searchDet(psi_non_ref_sorted(1,1,1), myDet(1,1), N_det_non_ref, N_int)
if(ind == -1) cycle
ind = psi_non_ref_sorted_idx(ind)
if(pathTo(ind) == 0) then
pathTo(ind) = pp
active(pp) = .true.
active(pathTo(ind)) = .true.
end if
end do
end do
end do
do hh = 1, hh_shortcut(0) AtB(:) = 0.d0
do pp = hh_shortcut(hh), hh_shortcut(hh+1)-1 !$OMP PARALLEL default(none) shared(k, psi_non_ref_coef, active_excitation_to_determinants_idx,&
if(active(pp)) then !$OMP active_excitation_to_determinants_val, x, N_det_ref, hh_nex, N_det_non_ref) &
nactive = nactive + 1 !$OMP private(at_row, a_col, i, j, r1, r2, wk, A_ind_mwen, A_val_mwen, a_coll, at_roww)&
active_hh_idx(nactive) = hh !$OMP shared(N_states,mrcc_col_shortcut, mrcc_N_col, AtB, mrcc_AtA_val, mrcc_AtA_ind, s, n_exc_active, active_pp_idx)
active_pp_idx(nactive) = pp
end if
end do
end do
print *, nactive, "inact/", size(active)
allocate(A_ind(0:N_det_ref+1, nactive), A_val(N_det_ref+1, nactive))
allocate(AtA_ind(N_det_ref * nactive), AtA_val(N_det_ref * nactive))
allocate(x(nex), AtB(nex))
allocate(N_col(nactive), col_shortcut(nactive))
do s=1, N_states
A_val = 0d0
A_ind = 0
AtA_ind = 0
AtB = 0d0
AtA_val = 0d0
x = 0d0
N_col = 0
col_shortcut = 0
!$OMP PARALLEL default(none) shared(psi_non_ref, hh_exists, pp_exists, N_int, A_val, A_ind)&
!$OMP shared(s, hh_shortcut, psi_ref_coef, N_det_non_ref, psi_non_ref_sorted, psi_non_ref_sorted_idx, psi_ref, N_det_ref)&
!$OMP shared(active, active_hh_idx, active_pp_idx, nactive) &
!$OMP private(lref, pp, II, ok, myMask, myDet, ind, phase, wk, ppp, hh)
!$OMP DO schedule(static,10)
do ppp=1,nactive
pp = active_pp_idx(ppp)
hh = active_hh_idx(ppp)
lref = 0
do II = 1, N_det_ref
call apply_hole_local(psi_ref(1,1,II), hh_exists(1, hh), myMask, ok, N_int)
if(.not. ok) cycle
call apply_particle_local(myMask, pp_exists(1, pp), myDet, ok, N_int)
if(.not. ok) cycle
ind = searchDet(psi_non_ref_sorted(1,1,1), myDet(1,1), N_det_non_ref, N_int)
if(ind /= -1) then
call get_phase(myDet(1,1), psi_ref(1,1,II), phase, N_int)
if (phase > 0.d0) then
lref(psi_non_ref_sorted_idx(ind)) = II
lref(psi_non_ref_sorted_idx(ind)) = -II
end if
end do
wk = 0
do i=1, N_det_non_ref
if(lref(i) > 0) then
wk += 1
A_val(wk, ppp) = psi_ref_coef(lref(i), s)
A_ind(wk, ppp) = i
else if(lref(i) < 0) then
wk += 1
A_val(wk, ppp) = -psi_ref_coef(-lref(i), s)
A_ind(wk, ppp) = i
end if
end do
A_ind(0,ppp) = wk
end do
print *, 'Done building A_val, A_ind'
AtA_size = 0
col_shortcut = 0
N_col = 0
integer :: a_coll, at_roww
!$OMP PARALLEL default(none) shared(k, psi_non_ref_coef, A_ind, A_val, x, N_det_ref, nex, N_det_non_ref)&
!$OMP private(at_row, a_col, t, i, j, r1, r2, wk, A_ind_mwen, A_val_mwen, a_coll, at_roww)&
!$OMP shared(col_shortcut, N_col, AtB, AtA_size, AtA_val, AtA_ind, s, nactive, active_pp_idx)
allocate(A_val_mwen(nex), A_ind_mwen(nex))
!$OMP DO schedule(dynamic, 100) !$OMP DO schedule(dynamic, 100)
do at_roww = 1, nactive ! nex do at_roww = 1, n_exc_active ! hh_nex
at_row = active_pp_idx(at_roww) at_row = active_pp_idx(at_roww)
wk = 0 do i=1,active_excitation_to_determinants_idx(0,at_roww)
if(mod(at_roww, 100) == 0) print *, "AtA", at_row, "/", nex AtB(at_row) = AtB(at_row) + psi_non_ref_coef(active_excitation_to_determinants_idx(i, at_roww), s) * active_excitation_to_determinants_val(s,i, at_roww)
do i=1,A_ind(0,at_roww)
j = active_pp_idx(i)
AtB(at_row) = AtB(at_row) + psi_non_ref_coef(A_ind(i, at_roww), s) * A_val(i, at_roww)
end do end do
do a_coll = 1, nactive
a_col = active_pp_idx(a_coll)
t = 0d0
r1 = 1
r2 = 1
do while ((A_ind(r1, at_roww) /= 0).and.(A_ind(r2, a_coll) /= 0))
if(A_ind(r1, at_roww) > A_ind(r2, a_coll)) then
r2 = r2+1
else if(A_ind(r1, at_roww) < A_ind(r2, a_coll)) then
r1 = r1+1
t = t - A_val(r1, at_roww) * A_val(r2, a_coll)
r1 = r1+1
r2 = r2+1
end if
end do
if(a_col == at_row) then
t = t + 1.d0
end if
if(t /= 0.d0) then
wk += 1
A_ind_mwen(wk) = a_col
A_val_mwen(wk) = t
end if
end do
if(wk /= 0) then
col_shortcut(at_roww) = AtA_size+1
N_col(at_roww) = wk
if (AtA_size+wk > size(AtA_ind,1)) then
print *, AtA_size+wk , size(AtA_ind,1)
stop 'too small'
do i=1,wk
AtA_ind(AtA_size+i) = A_ind_mwen(i)
AtA_val(AtA_size+i) = A_val_mwen(i)
AtA_size += wk
end if
end do end do
deallocate (A_ind_mwen, A_val_mwen)
print *, "ATA SIZE", ata_size X(:) = 0d0
x = 0d0
do a_coll = 1, nactive do a_coll = 1, n_exc_active
a_col = active_pp_idx(a_coll) a_col = active_pp_idx(a_coll)
X(a_col) = AtB(a_col) X(a_col) = AtB(a_col)
end do end do
rho_mrcc_init = 0d0 rho_mrcc_init = 0d0
!$OMP PARALLEL default(shared) &
!$OMP private(lref, hh, pp, II, myMask, myDet, ok, ind, phase)
allocate(lref(N_det_ref)) allocate(lref(N_det_ref))
!$OMP DO schedule(static, 1)
do hh = 1, hh_shortcut(0) do hh = 1, hh_shortcut(0)
do pp = hh_shortcut(hh), hh_shortcut(hh+1)-1 do pp = hh_shortcut(hh), hh_shortcut(hh+1)-1
if(active(pp)) cycle if(is_active_exc(pp)) cycle
lref = 0 lref = 0
AtB(pp) = 0.d0
do II=1,N_det_ref do II=1,N_det_ref
call apply_hole_local(psi_ref(1,1,II), hh_exists(1, hh), myMask, ok, N_int) call apply_hole_local(psi_ref(1,1,II), hh_exists(1, hh), myMask, ok, N_int)
if(.not. ok) cycle if(.not. ok) cycle
@ -838,45 +746,43 @@ END_PROVIDER
if(ind == -1) cycle if(ind == -1) cycle
ind = psi_non_ref_sorted_idx(ind) ind = psi_non_ref_sorted_idx(ind)
call get_phase(myDet(1,1), psi_ref(1,1,II), phase, N_int) call get_phase(myDet(1,1), psi_ref(1,1,II), phase, N_int)
X(pp) += psi_ref_coef(II,s)**2
AtB(pp) += psi_non_ref_coef(ind, s) * psi_ref_coef(II, s) * phase AtB(pp) += psi_non_ref_coef(ind, s) * psi_ref_coef(II, s) * phase
lref(II) = ind lref(II) = ind
if(phase < 0d0) lref(II) = -ind if(phase < 0.d0) lref(II) = -ind
end do end do
X(pp) = AtB(pp) / X(pp) X(pp) = AtB(pp)
do II=1,N_det_ref do II=1,N_det_ref
if(lref(II) > 0) then if(lref(II) > 0) then
rho_mrcc_init(lref(II),s) = psi_ref_coef(II,s) * X(pp) rho_mrcc_init(lref(II)) = psi_ref_coef(II,s) * X(pp)
else if(lref(II) < 0) then else if(lref(II) < 0) then
rho_mrcc_init(-lref(II),s) = -psi_ref_coef(II,s) * X(pp) rho_mrcc_init(-lref(II)) = -psi_ref_coef(II,s) * X(pp)
end if end if
end do end do
end do end do
end do end do
deallocate(lref) deallocate(lref)
x_new = x x_new = x
double precision :: factor, resold double precision :: factor, resold
factor = 1.d0 factor = 1.d0
resold = huge(1.d0) resold = huge(1.d0)
do k=0,100000
!$OMP PARALLEL default(shared) private(cx, i, j, a_col, a_coll) do k=0,hh_nex*hh_nex
!$OMP PARALLEL default(shared) private(cx, i, a_col, a_coll)
do i=1,N_det_non_ref do i=1,N_det_non_ref
rho_mrcc(i,s) = rho_mrcc_init(i,s) ! 0d0 rho_mrcc(i,s) = rho_mrcc_init(i)
enddo enddo
do a_coll = 1, nactive !: nex do a_coll = 1, n_exc_active
a_col = active_pp_idx(a_coll) a_col = active_pp_idx(a_coll)
cx = 0d0 cx = 0.d0
do i=col_shortcut(a_coll), col_shortcut(a_coll) + N_col(a_coll) - 1 do i=mrcc_col_shortcut(a_coll), mrcc_col_shortcut(a_coll) + mrcc_N_col(a_coll) - 1
cx = cx + x(AtA_ind(i)) * AtA_val(i) cx = cx + x(mrcc_AtA_ind(i)) * mrcc_AtA_val(s,i)
end do end do
x_new(a_col) = AtB(a_col) + cx * factor x_new(a_col) = AtB(a_col) + cx * factor
end do end do
@ -884,35 +790,30 @@ END_PROVIDER
res = 0.d0 res = 0.d0
do a_coll=1,n_exc_active
a_col = active_pp_idx(a_coll)
if (res < resold) then do j=1,N_det_non_ref
do a_coll=1,nactive ! nex i = active_excitation_to_determinants_idx(j,a_coll)
a_col = active_pp_idx(a_coll) if (i==0) exit
do j=1,N_det_non_ref rho_mrcc(i,s) = rho_mrcc(i,s) + active_excitation_to_determinants_val(s,j,a_coll) * X_new(a_col)
i = A_ind(j,a_coll) enddo
if (i==0) exit res = res + (X_new(a_col) - X(a_col))*(X_new(a_col) - X(a_col))
rho_mrcc(i,s) = rho_mrcc(i,s) + A_val(j,a_coll) * X_new(a_col) X(a_col) = X_new(a_col)
enddo end do
res = res + (X_new(a_col) - X(a_col))*(X_new(a_col) - X(a_col)) if (res > resold) then
X(a_col) = X_new(a_col) factor = factor * 0.5d0
end do
factor = 1.d0
factor = -factor * 0.5d0
endif endif
resold = res resold = res
if(mod(k, 100) == 0) then if(iand(k, 4095) == 0) then
print *, "res ", k, res print *, "res ", k, res
end if end if
if(res < 1d-9) exit if(res < 1d-12) exit
end do end do
norm = 0.d0 norm = 0.d0
do i=1,N_det_non_ref do i=1,N_det_non_ref
norm = norm + rho_mrcc(i,s)*rho_mrcc(i,s) norm = norm + rho_mrcc(i,s)*rho_mrcc(i,s)
@ -1073,6 +974,9 @@ END_PROVIDER
norm = norm*f norm = norm*f
print *, 'norm of |T Psi_0> = ', dsqrt(norm) print *, 'norm of |T Psi_0> = ', dsqrt(norm)
if (dsqrt(norm) > 1.d0) then
stop 'Error : Norm of the SD larger than the norm of the reference.'
do i=1,N_det_ref do i=1,N_det_ref
norm = norm + psi_ref_coef(i,s)*psi_ref_coef(i,s) norm = norm + psi_ref_coef(i,s)*psi_ref_coef(i,s)
@ -1084,7 +988,7 @@ END_PROVIDER
! rho_mrcc now contains the product of the scaling factors and the ! rho_mrcc now contains the product of the scaling factors and the
! normalization constant ! normalization constant
dIj_unique(:size(X), s) = X(:) dIj_unique(1:size(X), s) = X(1:size(X))
end do end do
@ -1096,17 +1000,14 @@ BEGIN_PROVIDER [ double precision, dij, (N_det_ref, N_det_non_ref, N_states) ]
integer :: s,i,j integer :: s,i,j
double precision, external :: get_dij_index double precision, external :: get_dij_index
print *, "computing amplitudes..." print *, "computing amplitudes..."
do s=1, N_states do s=1, N_states
do i=1, N_det_non_ref do i=1, N_det_non_ref
do j=1, N_det_ref do j=1, N_det_ref
dij(j, i, s) = get_dij_index(j, i, s, N_int) dij(j, i, s) = get_dij_index(j, i, s, N_int)
end do end do
end do end do
end do end do
print *, "done computing amplitudes" print *, "done computing amplitudes"
@ -1116,15 +1017,23 @@ END_PROVIDER
double precision function get_dij_index(II, i, s, Nint) double precision function get_dij_index(II, i, s, Nint)
integer, intent(in) :: II, i, s, Nint integer, intent(in) :: II, i, s, Nint
double precision, external :: get_dij double precision, external :: get_dij
double precision :: HIi, phase double precision :: HIi, phase,delta_e_final(N_states)
if(lambda_type == 0) then if(lambda_type == 0) then
call get_phase(psi_ref(1,1,II), psi_non_ref(1,1,i), phase, N_int) call get_phase(psi_ref(1,1,II), psi_non_ref(1,1,i), phase, N_int)
get_dij_index = get_dij(psi_ref(1,1,II), psi_non_ref(1,1,i), s, Nint) * phase get_dij_index = get_dij(psi_ref(1,1,II), psi_non_ref(1,1,i), s, Nint) * phase
get_dij_index = get_dij_index * rho_mrcc(i,s) get_dij_index = get_dij_index * rho_mrcc(i,s)
else else if(lambda_type == 1) then
call i_h_j(psi_ref(1,1,II), psi_non_ref(1,1,i), Nint, HIi) call i_h_j(psi_ref(1,1,II), psi_non_ref(1,1,i), Nint, HIi)
get_dij_index = HIi * lambda_mrcc(s, i) get_dij_index = HIi * lambda_mrcc(s, i)
else if(lambda_type == 2) then
call get_phase(psi_ref(1,1,II), psi_non_ref(1,1,i), phase, N_int)
get_dij_index = get_dij(psi_ref(1,1,II), psi_non_ref(1,1,i), s, Nint) * phase
get_dij_index = get_dij_index
else if(lambda_type == 3) then
call i_h_j(psi_ref(1,1,II), psi_non_ref(1,1,i), Nint, HIi)
call get_delta_e_dyall_fast(psi_ref(1,1,II),psi_non_ref(1,1,i),delta_e_final)
get_dij_index = HIi * rho_mrpt(i, s) / delta_e_final(s)
end if end if
end function end function
@ -1182,9 +1091,21 @@ end function
BEGIN_PROVIDER [ integer*2, hh_exists, (4, N_hh_exists) ] BEGIN_PROVIDER [ integer*2, hh_exists, (4, N_hh_exists) ]
&BEGIN_PROVIDER [ integer, hh_shortcut, (0:N_hh_exists + 1) ]
&BEGIN_PROVIDER [ integer*2, pp_exists, (4, N_pp_exists) ] &BEGIN_PROVIDER [ integer*2, pp_exists, (4, N_pp_exists) ]
&BEGIN_PROVIDER [ integer, hh_shortcut, (0:N_hh_exists + 1) ]
&BEGIN_PROVIDER [ integer, hh_nex ]
implicit none implicit none
! hh_exists :
! pp_exists :
! hh_shortcut :
! hh_nex : Total number of excitation operators
integer*2,allocatable :: num(:,:) integer*2,allocatable :: num(:,:)
integer :: exc(0:2, 2, 2), degree, n, on, s, l, i integer :: exc(0:2, 2, 2), degree, n, on, s, l, i
integer*2 :: h1, h2, p1, p2 integer*2 :: h1, h2, p1, p2
@ -1250,6 +1171,7 @@ end function
end if end if
end do end do
end do end do
hh_nex = hh_shortcut(hh_shortcut(0)+1)-1

View File

@ -0,0 +1,56 @@
program MRPT_Utils
implicit none
read_wf = .True.
touch read_wf
! call routine
! call routine_2
call routine_3
subroutine routine_3
implicit none
integer :: i,j
!provide fock_virt_total_spin_trace
provide delta_ij
print *, 'N_det = ', N_det
print *, 'N_states = ', N_states
do i = 1, N_States
write(*,'(A12,X,I3,A3,XX,F20.16)') ' PT2 ', i,' = ', second_order_pt_new(i)
write(*,'(A12,X,I3,A3,XX,F22.16)') ' E ', i,' = ', psi_ref_average_value(i)
write(*,'(A12,X,I3,A3,XX,F22.16)') ' E+PT2 ', i,' = ', psi_ref_average_value(i)+second_order_pt_new(i)
write(*,'(A12,X,I3,A3,XX,F22.16)') ' E dressed ', i,' = ', CI_dressed_pt2_new_energy(i)
write(*,'(A12,X,I3,A3,XX,F20.16)') ' S^2 ', i,' = ', CI_dressed_pt2_new_eigenvectors_s2(i)
print*,'coef before and after'
do j = 1, N_det_ref
call save_wavefunction_general(N_det_ref,N_states_diag_heff,psi_ref,N_det_ref,CI_dressed_pt2_new_eigenvectors)
! print*, 'neutral = ',psi_ref_coef(1,1),CI_dressed_pt2_new_eigenvectors(1,1)
! print*, 'ionic = ',psi_ref_coef(3,1),CI_dressed_pt2_new_eigenvectors(3,1)
subroutine routine_2
implicit none
integer :: i
do i = 1, n_core_inact_orb
double precision :: accu
accu = 0.d0
do i = 1, n_act_orb
integer :: j_act_orb
j_act_orb = list_act(i)
accu += one_body_dm_mo_alpha(j_act_orb,j_act_orb,1)
print*,'accu = ',accu

View File

@ -0,0 +1 @@
MRPT_Utils Selectors_full Psiref_CAS Generators_CAS

plugins/MRPT/README.rst Normal file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,14 @@
Executables for Multi-reference perturbation.
Needed Modules
.. Do not edit this section It was auto-generated
.. by the `update_README.py` script.
.. Do not edit this section It was auto-generated
.. by the `update_README.py` script.

plugins/MRPT/mrpt.irp.f Normal file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,38 @@
program MRPT
implicit none
print *, ' _/ '
print *, ' -:\_?, _Jm####La '
print *, 'J"(:" > _]#AZ#Z#UUZ##, '
print *, '_,::./ %(|i%12XmX1*1XL _?, '
print *, ' \..\ _\(vmWQwodY+ia%lnL _",/ ( '
print *, ' .:< ]J=mQD?WXn<uQWmmvd, -.-:=!'
print *, ' "{Z jC]QW|=3Zv)Bi3BmXv3 = _7'
print *, ' ]h[Z6)WQ;)jZs]C;|$BZv+, : ./ '
print *, ' -#sJX%$Wmm#ev]hinW#Xi:` c ; '
print *, ' #X#X23###1}vI$WWmX1>|,)nr" '
print *, ' 4XZ#Xov1v}=)vnXAX1nnv;1n" '
print *, ' ]XX#ZXoovvvivnnnlvvo2*i7 '
print *, ' "23Z#1S2oo2XXSnnnoSo2>v" '
print *, ' miX#L -~`""!!1}oSoe|i7 '
print *, ' 4cn#m, v221=|v[ '
print *, ' ]hI3Zma,;..__wXSe=+vo '
print *, ' ]Zov*XSUXXZXZXSe||vo2 '
print *, ' ]Z#><iiii|i||||==vn2( '
print *, ' ]Z#i<ii||+|=||=:{no2[ '
print *, ' ]ZUsiiiiivi|=||=vo22[ '
print *, ' ]XZvlliiIi|i=|+|vooo '
print *, ' =v1llli||||=|||||lii( '
print *, ' ]iillii||||||||=>=|< '
print *, ' -ziiiii||||||+||==+> '
print *, ' -%|+++||=|=+|=|==/ '
print *, ' -a>====+|====-:- '
print *, ' "~,- -- /- '
print *, ' -. )> '
print *, ' .~ +- '
print *, ' . .... : . '
print *, ' -------~ '
print *, ''

View File

@ -0,0 +1,58 @@
program print_1h2p
implicit none
read_wf = .True.
touch read_wf
call routine
subroutine routine
implicit none
provide one_anhil_one_creat_inact_virt
subroutine routine_2
implicit none
integer :: i,j,degree
double precision :: hij
do i =1, n_core_inact_orb
do i =1, n_virt_orb
do i = 1, n_virt_orb
do j = 1, n_inact_orb
if(dabs(one_anhil_one_creat_inact_virt(j,i,1)) .lt. 1.d-10)cycle
subroutine routine_3
implicit none
double precision,allocatable :: matrix_1h2p(:,:,:)
double precision :: accu(2)
allocate (matrix_1h2p(N_det_ref,N_det_ref,N_states))
integer :: i,j,istate
accu = 0.d0
matrix_1h2p = 0.d0
!call H_apply_mrpt_1h2p(matrix_1h2p,N_det_ref)
call give_1h2p_contrib(matrix_1h2p)
do istate = 1, N_states
do i = 1, N_det
do j = 1, N_det
accu(istate) += matrix_1h2p(i,j,istate) * psi_coef(i,istate) * psi_coef(j,istate)
call contrib_1h2p_dm_based(accu)
deallocate (matrix_1h2p)

View File

@ -5,3 +5,23 @@ interface: ezfio,provider,ocaml
default: True default: True
type: logical
doc: If true, you save the eigenvectors of the effective hamiltonian
interface: ezfio,provider,ocaml
default: False
type: logical
doc: If true, diagonalize the dressed matrix for each state and do a state following of the initial states
interface: ezfio,provider,ocaml
default: True
type: States_number
doc: Number of eigenvectors obtained with the effective hamiltonian
interface: ezfio,provider,ocaml
default: 1

View File

@ -23,6 +23,7 @@ print s
s = H_apply("mrpt_1h") s = H_apply("mrpt_1h")
s.filter_only_1h() s.filter_only_1h()
s.data["parameters"] = ", delta_ij_, Ndet" s.data["parameters"] = ", delta_ij_, Ndet"
s.data["declarations"] += """ s.data["declarations"] += """
integer, intent(in) :: Ndet integer, intent(in) :: Ndet
@ -43,6 +44,7 @@ print s
s = H_apply("mrpt_1p") s = H_apply("mrpt_1p")
s.filter_only_1p() s.filter_only_1p()
s.data["parameters"] = ", delta_ij_, Ndet" s.data["parameters"] = ", delta_ij_, Ndet"
s.data["declarations"] += """ s.data["declarations"] += """
integer, intent(in) :: Ndet integer, intent(in) :: Ndet
@ -63,6 +65,7 @@ print s
s = H_apply("mrpt_1h1p") s = H_apply("mrpt_1h1p")
s.filter_only_1h1p() s.filter_only_1h1p()
s.data["parameters"] = ", delta_ij_, Ndet" s.data["parameters"] = ", delta_ij_, Ndet"
s.data["declarations"] += """ s.data["declarations"] += """
integer, intent(in) :: Ndet integer, intent(in) :: Ndet
@ -83,6 +86,7 @@ print s
s = H_apply("mrpt_2p") s = H_apply("mrpt_2p")
s.filter_only_2p() s.filter_only_2p()
s.data["parameters"] = ", delta_ij_, Ndet" s.data["parameters"] = ", delta_ij_, Ndet"
s.data["declarations"] += """ s.data["declarations"] += """
integer, intent(in) :: Ndet integer, intent(in) :: Ndet
@ -103,6 +107,7 @@ print s
s = H_apply("mrpt_2h") s = H_apply("mrpt_2h")
s.filter_only_2h() s.filter_only_2h()
s.data["parameters"] = ", delta_ij_, Ndet" s.data["parameters"] = ", delta_ij_, Ndet"
s.data["declarations"] += """ s.data["declarations"] += """
integer, intent(in) :: Ndet integer, intent(in) :: Ndet
@ -124,6 +129,7 @@ print s
s = H_apply("mrpt_1h2p") s = H_apply("mrpt_1h2p")
s.filter_only_1h2p() s.filter_only_1h2p()
s.data["parameters"] = ", delta_ij_, Ndet" s.data["parameters"] = ", delta_ij_, Ndet"
s.data["declarations"] += """ s.data["declarations"] += """
integer, intent(in) :: Ndet integer, intent(in) :: Ndet
@ -144,6 +150,7 @@ print s
s = H_apply("mrpt_2h1p") s = H_apply("mrpt_2h1p")
s.filter_only_2h1p() s.filter_only_2h1p()
s.data["parameters"] = ", delta_ij_, Ndet" s.data["parameters"] = ", delta_ij_, Ndet"
s.data["declarations"] += """ s.data["declarations"] += """
integer, intent(in) :: Ndet integer, intent(in) :: Ndet
@ -164,6 +171,7 @@ print s
s = H_apply("mrpt_2h2p") s = H_apply("mrpt_2h2p")
s.filter_only_2h2p() s.filter_only_2h2p()
s.data["parameters"] = ", delta_ij_, Ndet" s.data["parameters"] = ", delta_ij_, Ndet"
s.data["declarations"] += """ s.data["declarations"] += """
integer, intent(in) :: Ndet integer, intent(in) :: Ndet

View File

@ -1,43 +0,0 @@
program MRPT_Utils
implicit none
read_wf = .True.
touch read_wf
! call routine
! call routine_2
call routine_3
subroutine routine_3
implicit none
!provide fock_virt_total_spin_trace
provide delta_ij
print *, 'N_det = ', N_det
print *, 'N_states = ', N_states
print *, 'PT2 = ', second_order_pt_new(1)
print *, 'E = ', CI_energy(1)
print *, 'E+PT2 = ', CI_energy(1)+second_order_pt_new(1)
print *, 'E dressed= ', CI_dressed_pt2_new_energy(1)
subroutine routine_2
implicit none
integer :: i
do i = 1, n_core_inact_orb
double precision :: accu
accu = 0.d0
do i = 1, n_act_orb
integer :: j_act_orb
j_act_orb = list_act(i)
accu += one_body_dm_mo_alpha(j_act_orb,j_act_orb,1)
print*,'accu = ',accu

View File

@ -1 +1 @@
Determinants Selectors_full Generators_full Davidson Determinants Davidson

View File

@ -0,0 +1,193 @@
subroutine contrib_1h2p_dm_based(accu)
implicit none
integer :: i_i,i_r,i_v,i_a,i_b
integer :: i,r,v,a,b
integer :: ispin,jspin
integer :: istate
double precision, intent(out) :: accu(N_states)
double precision :: active_int(n_act_orb,2)
double precision :: delta_e(n_act_orb,2,N_states)
double precision :: get_mo_bielec_integral
accu = 0.d0
!do i_i = 1, 1
do i_i = 1, n_inact_orb
i = list_inact(i_i)
! do i_r = 1, 1
do i_r = 1, n_virt_orb
r = list_virt(i_r)
! do i_v = 1, 1
do i_v = 1, n_virt_orb
v = list_virt(i_v)
do i_a = 1, n_act_orb
a = list_act(i_a)
active_int(i_a,1) = get_mo_bielec_integral(i,a,r,v,mo_integrals_map) ! direct
active_int(i_a,2) = get_mo_bielec_integral(i,a,v,r,mo_integrals_map) ! exchange
do istate = 1, N_states
do jspin=1, 2
delta_e(i_a,jspin,istate) = one_anhil(i_a,jspin,istate) &
- fock_virt_total_spin_trace(r,istate) &
- fock_virt_total_spin_trace(v,istate) &
+ fock_core_inactive_total_spin_trace(i,istate)
delta_e(i_a,jspin,istate) = 1.d0/delta_e(i_a,jspin,istate)
do i_a = 1, n_act_orb
a = list_act(i_a)
do i_b = 1, n_act_orb
! do i_b = i_a, i_a
b = list_act(i_b)
do ispin = 1, 2 ! spin of (i --> r)
do jspin = 1, 2 ! spin of (a --> v)
if(ispin == jspin .and. r.le.v)cycle ! condition not to double count
do istate = 1, N_states
if(ispin == jspin)then
accu(istate) += (active_int(i_a,1) - active_int(i_a,2)) * one_body_dm_mo_spin_index(a,b,istate,ispin) &
* (active_int(i_b,1) - active_int(i_b,2)) &
* delta_e(i_a,jspin,istate)
accu(istate) += active_int(i_a,1) * one_body_dm_mo_spin_index(a,b,istate,ispin) * delta_e(i_a,ispin,istate) &
* active_int(i_b,1)
subroutine contrib_2h1p_dm_based(accu)
implicit none
integer :: i_i,i_j,i_v,i_a,i_b
integer :: i,j,v,a,b
integer :: ispin,jspin
integer :: istate
double precision, intent(out) :: accu(N_states)
double precision :: active_int(n_act_orb,2)
double precision :: delta_e(n_act_orb,2,N_states)
double precision :: get_mo_bielec_integral
accu = 0.d0
do i_i = 1, n_inact_orb
i = list_inact(i_i)
do i_j = 1, n_inact_orb
j = list_inact(i_j)
do i_v = 1, n_virt_orb
v = list_virt(i_v)
do i_a = 1, n_act_orb
a = list_act(i_a)
active_int(i_a,1) = get_mo_bielec_integral(i,j,v,a,mo_integrals_map) ! direct
active_int(i_a,2) = get_mo_bielec_integral(i,j,a,v,mo_integrals_map) ! exchange
do istate = 1, N_states
do jspin=1, 2
! delta_e(i_a,jspin,istate) =
delta_e(i_a,jspin,istate) = one_creat(i_a,jspin,istate) - fock_virt_total_spin_trace(v,istate) &
+ fock_core_inactive_total_spin_trace(i,istate) &
+ fock_core_inactive_total_spin_trace(j,istate)
delta_e(i_a,jspin,istate) = 1.d0/delta_e(i_a,jspin,istate)
do i_a = 1, n_act_orb
a = list_act(i_a)
do i_b = 1, n_act_orb
! do i_b = i_a, i_a
b = list_act(i_b)
do ispin = 1, 2 ! spin of (i --> v)
do jspin = 1, 2 ! spin of (j --> a)
if(ispin == jspin .and. i.le.j)cycle ! condition not to double count
do istate = 1, N_states
if(ispin == jspin)then
accu(istate) += (active_int(i_a,1) - active_int(i_a,2)) * one_body_dm_dagger_mo_spin_index(a,b,istate,ispin) &
* (active_int(i_b,1) - active_int(i_b,2)) &
* delta_e(i_a,jspin,istate)
accu(istate) += active_int(i_a,1) * one_body_dm_dagger_mo_spin_index(a,b,istate,ispin) * delta_e(i_a,ispin,istate) &
* active_int(i_b,1)
subroutine contrib_2p_dm_based(accu)
implicit none
integer :: i_r,i_v,i_a,i_b,i_c,i_d
integer :: r,v,a,b,c,d
integer :: ispin,jspin
integer :: istate
double precision, intent(out) :: accu(N_states)
double precision :: active_int(n_act_orb,n_act_orb,2)
double precision :: delta_e(n_act_orb,n_act_orb,2,2,N_states)
double precision :: get_mo_bielec_integral
accu = 0.d0
do i_r = 1, n_virt_orb
r = list_virt(i_r)
do i_v = 1, n_virt_orb
v = list_virt(i_v)
do i_a = 1, n_act_orb
a = list_act(i_a)
do i_b = 1, n_act_orb
b = list_act(i_b)
active_int(i_a,i_b,1) = get_mo_bielec_integral(a,b,r,v,mo_integrals_map) ! direct
active_int(i_a,i_b,2) = get_mo_bielec_integral(a,b,v,r,mo_integrals_map) ! direct
do istate = 1, N_states
do jspin=1, 2 ! spin of i_a
do ispin = 1, 2 ! spin of i_b
delta_e(i_a,i_b,jspin,ispin,istate) = two_anhil(i_a,i_b,jspin,ispin,istate) &
- fock_virt_total_spin_trace(r,istate) &
- fock_virt_total_spin_trace(v,istate)
delta_e(i_a,i_b,jspin,ispin,istate) = 1.d0/delta_e(i_a,i_b,jspin,ispin,istate)
! diagonal terms
do i_a = 1, n_act_orb
a = list_act(i_a)
do i_b = 1, n_act_orb
b = list_act(i_b)
do ispin = 1, 2 ! spin of (a --> r)
do jspin = 1, 2 ! spin of (b --> v)
if(ispin == jspin .and. r.le.v)cycle ! condition not to double count
if(ispin == jspin .and. a.le.b)cycle ! condition not to double count
do istate = 1, N_states
if(ispin == jspin)then
double precision :: contrib_spin
if(ispin == 1)then
contrib_spin = two_body_dm_aa_diag_act(i_a,i_b)
contrib_spin = two_body_dm_bb_diag_act(i_a,i_b)
accu(istate) += (active_int(i_a,i_b,1) - active_int(i_a,i_b,2)) * contrib_spin &
* (active_int(i_a,i_b,1) - active_int(i_a,i_b,2)) &
* delta_e(i_a,i_b,ispin,jspin,istate)
accu(istate) += 0.5d0 * active_int(i_a,i_b,1) * two_body_dm_ab_diag_act(i_a,i_b) * delta_e(i_a,i_b,ispin,jspin,istate) &
* active_int(i_a,i_b,1)

File diff suppressed because it is too large Load Diff

View File

@ -25,6 +25,7 @@ subroutine apply_exc_to_psi(orb,hole_particle,spin_exc, &
integer :: det_tmp(N_int), det_tmp_bis(N_int) integer :: det_tmp(N_int), det_tmp_bis(N_int)
double precision :: phase double precision :: phase
double precision :: norm_factor double precision :: norm_factor
! print*, orb,hole_particle,spin_exc
elec_num_tab_local = 0 elec_num_tab_local = 0
do i = 1, ndet do i = 1, ndet
@ -36,6 +37,7 @@ subroutine apply_exc_to_psi(orb,hole_particle,spin_exc, &
exit exit
endif endif
enddo enddo
! print*, elec_num_tab_local(1),elec_num_tab_local(2)
if(hole_particle == 1)then if(hole_particle == 1)then
do i = 1, ndet do i = 1, ndet
call set_bit_to_integer(orb,psi_in_out(1,spin_exc,i),N_int) call set_bit_to_integer(orb,psi_in_out(1,spin_exc,i),N_int)
@ -212,52 +214,97 @@ double precision function diag_H_mat_elem_no_elec_check(det_in,Nint)
core_act += 2.d0 * mo_bielec_integral_jj(jorb,iorb) - mo_bielec_integral_jj_exchange(jorb,iorb) core_act += 2.d0 * mo_bielec_integral_jj(jorb,iorb) - mo_bielec_integral_jj_exchange(jorb,iorb)
enddo enddo
enddo enddo
! print*,'core_act = ',core_act
! print*,'alpha_alpha = ',alpha_alpha
! print*,'alpha_beta = ',alpha_beta
! print*,'beta_beta = ',beta_beta
! print*,'mono_elec = ',mono_elec
! do i = 1, n_core_inact_orb end
! iorb = list_core_inact(i)
! diag_H_mat_elem_no_elec_check += 2.d0 * fock_core_inactive_total_spin_trace(iorb,1)
! enddo
double precision function diag_H_mat_elem_no_elec_check_no_spin(det_in,Nint)
implicit none
! Computes <i|H|i>
integer,intent(in) :: Nint
integer(bit_kind),intent(in) :: det_in(Nint,2)
integer :: i, j, iorb, jorb
integer :: occ(Nint*bit_kind_size,2)
integer :: elec_num_tab_local(2)
double precision :: core_act
double precision :: alpha_alpha
double precision :: alpha_beta
double precision :: beta_beta
double precision :: mono_elec
core_act = 0.d0
alpha_alpha = 0.d0
alpha_beta = 0.d0
beta_beta = 0.d0
mono_elec = 0.d0
diag_H_mat_elem_no_elec_check_no_spin = 0.d0
call bitstring_to_list(det_in(1,1), occ(1,1), elec_num_tab_local(1), N_int)
call bitstring_to_list(det_in(1,2), occ(1,2), elec_num_tab_local(2), N_int)
! alpha - alpha ! alpha - alpha
do i = 1, n_core_inact_orb do i = 1, elec_num_tab_local(1)
iorb = list_core_inact(i) iorb = occ(i,1)
diag_H_mat_elem_no_elec_check += 1.d0 * mo_mono_elec_integral(iorb,iorb) diag_H_mat_elem_no_elec_check_no_spin += mo_mono_elec_integral(iorb,iorb)
do j = i+1, n_core_inact_orb mono_elec += mo_mono_elec_integral(iorb,iorb)
jorb = list_core_inact(j) do j = i+1, elec_num_tab_local(1)
diag_H_mat_elem_no_elec_check += 1.d0 * mo_bielec_integral_jj(jorb,iorb) - 1.d0 * mo_bielec_integral_jj_exchange(jorb,iorb) jorb = occ(j,1)
diag_H_mat_elem_no_elec_check_no_spin += mo_bielec_integral_jj(jorb,iorb)
alpha_alpha += mo_bielec_integral_jj(jorb,iorb)
enddo enddo
enddo enddo
do i = 1, n_core_inact_orb ! beta - beta
iorb = list_core_inact(i) do i = 1, elec_num_tab_local(2)
diag_H_mat_elem_no_elec_check += 1.d0 * mo_mono_elec_integral(iorb,iorb) iorb = occ(i,2)
do j = i+1, n_core_inact_orb diag_H_mat_elem_no_elec_check_no_spin += mo_mono_elec_integral(iorb,iorb)
jorb = list_core_inact(j) mono_elec += mo_mono_elec_integral(iorb,iorb)
diag_H_mat_elem_no_elec_check += 1.d0 * mo_bielec_integral_jj(jorb,iorb) - 1.d0 * mo_bielec_integral_jj_exchange(jorb,iorb) do j = i+1, elec_num_tab_local(2)
jorb = occ(j,2)
diag_H_mat_elem_no_elec_check_no_spin += mo_bielec_integral_jj(jorb,iorb)
beta_beta += mo_bielec_integral_jj(jorb,iorb)
enddo enddo
enddo enddo
do i = 1, n_core_inact_orb
iorb = list_core_inact(i) ! alpha - beta
do i = 1, elec_num_tab_local(2)
iorb = occ(i,2)
do j = 1, elec_num_tab_local(1)
jorb = occ(j,1)
diag_H_mat_elem_no_elec_check_no_spin += mo_bielec_integral_jj(jorb,iorb)
alpha_beta += mo_bielec_integral_jj(jorb,iorb)
! alpha - core-act
do i = 1, elec_num_tab_local(1)
iorb = occ(i,1)
do j = 1, n_core_inact_orb do j = 1, n_core_inact_orb
jorb = list_core_inact(j) jorb = list_core_inact(j)
diag_H_mat_elem_no_elec_check += 1.d0 * mo_bielec_integral_jj(jorb,iorb) diag_H_mat_elem_no_elec_check_no_spin += 2.d0 * mo_bielec_integral_jj(jorb,iorb)
core_act += 2.d0 * mo_bielec_integral_jj(jorb,iorb)
! beta - core-act
do i = 1, elec_num_tab_local(2)
iorb = occ(i,2)
do j = 1, n_core_inact_orb
jorb = list_core_inact(j)
diag_H_mat_elem_no_elec_check_no_spin += 2.d0 * mo_bielec_integral_jj(jorb,iorb)
core_act += 2.d0 * mo_bielec_integral_jj(jorb,iorb)
enddo enddo
enddo enddo
end end
subroutine i_H_j_dyall(key_i,key_j,Nint,hij) subroutine i_H_j_dyall(key_i,key_j,Nint,hij)
use bitmasks use bitmasks
implicit none implicit none
@ -389,6 +436,133 @@ subroutine i_H_j_dyall(key_i,key_j,Nint,hij)
end end
subroutine i_H_j_dyall_no_spin(key_i,key_j,Nint,hij)
use bitmasks
implicit none
! Returns <i|H|j> where i and j are determinants
integer, intent(in) :: Nint
integer(bit_kind), intent(in) :: key_i(Nint,2), key_j(Nint,2)
double precision, intent(out) :: hij
integer :: exc(0:2,2,2)
integer :: degree
double precision :: get_mo_bielec_integral
integer :: m,n,p,q
integer :: i,j,k
integer :: occ(Nint*bit_kind_size,2)
double precision :: diag_H_mat_elem_no_elec_check, phase,phase_2
integer :: n_occ_ab(2)
logical :: has_mipi(Nint*bit_kind_size)
double precision :: mipi(Nint*bit_kind_size), miip(Nint*bit_kind_size)
PROVIDE mo_bielec_integrals_in_map mo_integrals_map
ASSERT (Nint > 0)
ASSERT (Nint == N_int)
hij = 0.d0
call get_excitation_degree(key_i,key_j,degree,Nint)
select case (degree)
case (2)
call get_double_excitation(key_i,key_j,exc,phase,Nint)
if (exc(0,1,1) == 1) then
! Mono alpha, mono beta
if(exc(1,1,1) == exc(1,1,2) .and. exc(1,1,2) == exc(1,2,1) )then
hij = 0.d0
hij = phase*get_mo_bielec_integral( &
exc(1,1,1), &
exc(1,1,2), &
exc(1,2,1), &
exc(1,2,2) ,mo_integrals_map)
else if (exc(0,1,1) == 2) then
! Double alpha
hij = phase*get_mo_bielec_integral( &
exc(1,1,1), &
exc(2,1,1), &
exc(1,2,1), &
exc(2,2,1) ,mo_integrals_map)
else if (exc(0,1,2) == 2) then
! Double beta
hij = phase*get_mo_bielec_integral( &
exc(1,1,2), &
exc(2,1,2), &
exc(1,2,2), &
exc(2,2,2) ,mo_integrals_map)
case (1)
call get_mono_excitation(key_i,key_j,exc,phase,Nint)
call bitstring_to_list_ab(key_i, occ, n_occ_ab, Nint)
has_mipi = .False.
if (exc(0,1,1) == 1) then
! Mono alpha
m = exc(1,1,1)
p = exc(1,2,1)
do k = 1, n_occ_ab(1)
i = occ(k,1)
if (.not.has_mipi(i)) then
mipi(i) = get_mo_bielec_integral(m,i,p,i,mo_integrals_map)
miip(i) = get_mo_bielec_integral(m,i,i,p,mo_integrals_map)
has_mipi(i) = .True.
do k = 1, n_occ_ab(2)
i = occ(k,2)
if (.not.has_mipi(i)) then
mipi(i) = get_mo_bielec_integral(m,i,p,i,mo_integrals_map)
has_mipi(i) = .True.
do k = 1, n_occ_ab(1)
hij = hij + mipi(occ(k,1)) !- miip(occ(k,1))
do k = 1, n_occ_ab(2)
hij = hij + mipi(occ(k,2))
! Mono beta
m = exc(1,1,2)
p = exc(1,2,2)
do k = 1, n_occ_ab(2)
i = occ(k,2)
if (.not.has_mipi(i)) then
mipi(i) = get_mo_bielec_integral(m,i,p,i,mo_integrals_map)
miip(i) = get_mo_bielec_integral(m,i,i,p,mo_integrals_map)
has_mipi(i) = .True.
do k = 1, n_occ_ab(1)
i = occ(k,1)
if (.not.has_mipi(i)) then
mipi(i) = get_mo_bielec_integral(m,i,p,i,mo_integrals_map)
has_mipi(i) = .True.
do k = 1, n_occ_ab(1)
hij = hij + mipi(occ(k,1))
do k = 1, n_occ_ab(2)
hij = hij + mipi(occ(k,2)) !- miip(occ(k,2))
hij = phase*(hij + mo_mono_elec_integral(m,p) + fock_operator_active_from_core_inact(m,p) )
case (0)
double precision :: diag_H_mat_elem_no_elec_check_no_spin
hij = diag_H_mat_elem_no_elec_check_no_spin(key_i,Nint)
end select
subroutine u0_H_dyall_u0(energies,psi_in,psi_in_coef,ndet,dim_psi_in,dim_psi_coef,N_states_in,state_target) subroutine u0_H_dyall_u0(energies,psi_in,psi_in_coef,ndet,dim_psi_in,dim_psi_coef,N_states_in,state_target)
use bitmasks use bitmasks
implicit none implicit none
@ -414,6 +588,7 @@ subroutine u0_H_dyall_u0(energies,psi_in,psi_in_coef,ndet,dim_psi_in,dim_psi_coe
do j = 1, ndet do j = 1, ndet
if(psi_coef_tmp(j)==0.d0)cycle if(psi_coef_tmp(j)==0.d0)cycle
call i_H_j_dyall(psi_in(1,1,i),psi_in(1,1,j),N_int,hij) call i_H_j_dyall(psi_in(1,1,i),psi_in(1,1,j),N_int,hij)
! call i_H_j_dyall_no_spin(psi_in(1,1,i),psi_in(1,1,j),N_int,hij)
accu += psi_coef_tmp(i) * psi_coef_tmp(j) * hij accu += psi_coef_tmp(i) * psi_coef_tmp(j) * hij
enddo enddo
enddo enddo
@ -502,6 +677,7 @@ subroutine i_H_j_dyall_no_exchange(key_i,key_j,Nint,hij)
integer :: n_occ_ab(2) integer :: n_occ_ab(2)
logical :: has_mipi(Nint*bit_kind_size) logical :: has_mipi(Nint*bit_kind_size)
double precision :: mipi(Nint*bit_kind_size) double precision :: mipi(Nint*bit_kind_size)
double precision :: diag_H_mat_elem
PROVIDE mo_bielec_integrals_in_map mo_integrals_map PROVIDE mo_bielec_integrals_in_map mo_integrals_map
ASSERT (Nint > 0) ASSERT (Nint > 0)
@ -598,9 +774,12 @@ subroutine i_H_j_dyall_no_exchange(key_i,key_j,Nint,hij)
endif endif
hij = phase*(hij + mo_mono_elec_integral(m,p) + fock_operator_active_from_core_inact(m,p) ) hij = phase*(hij + mo_mono_elec_integral(m,p) + fock_operator_active_from_core_inact(m,p) )
! hij = phase*(hij + mo_mono_elec_integral(m,p) )
case (0) case (0)
hij = diag_H_mat_elem_no_elec_check_no_exchange(key_i,Nint) hij = diag_H_mat_elem_no_elec_check_no_exchange(key_i,Nint)
! hij = diag_H_mat_elem(key_i,Nint)
! hij = 0.d0
end select end select
end end
@ -625,7 +804,7 @@ double precision function diag_H_mat_elem_no_elec_check_no_exchange(det_in,Nint)
! alpha - alpha ! alpha - alpha
do i = 1, elec_num_tab_local(1) do i = 1, elec_num_tab_local(1)
iorb = occ(i,1) iorb = occ(i,1)
diag_H_mat_elem_no_elec_check_no_exchange += mo_mono_elec_integral(iorb,iorb) diag_H_mat_elem_no_elec_check_no_exchange += mo_mono_elec_integral(iorb,iorb) !+ fock_operator_active_from_core_inact(iorb,iorb)
do j = i+1, elec_num_tab_local(1) do j = i+1, elec_num_tab_local(1)
jorb = occ(j,1) jorb = occ(j,1)
diag_H_mat_elem_no_elec_check_no_exchange += mo_bielec_integral_jj(jorb,iorb) diag_H_mat_elem_no_elec_check_no_exchange += mo_bielec_integral_jj(jorb,iorb)
@ -635,7 +814,7 @@ double precision function diag_H_mat_elem_no_elec_check_no_exchange(det_in,Nint)
! beta - beta ! beta - beta
do i = 1, elec_num_tab_local(2) do i = 1, elec_num_tab_local(2)
iorb = occ(i,2) iorb = occ(i,2)
diag_H_mat_elem_no_elec_check_no_exchange += mo_mono_elec_integral(iorb,iorb) diag_H_mat_elem_no_elec_check_no_exchange += mo_mono_elec_integral(iorb,iorb) !+ fock_operator_active_from_core_inact(iorb,iorb)
do j = i+1, elec_num_tab_local(2) do j = i+1, elec_num_tab_local(2)
jorb = occ(j,2) jorb = occ(j,2)
diag_H_mat_elem_no_elec_check_no_exchange += mo_bielec_integral_jj(jorb,iorb) diag_H_mat_elem_no_elec_check_no_exchange += mo_bielec_integral_jj(jorb,iorb)
@ -653,13 +832,16 @@ double precision function diag_H_mat_elem_no_elec_check_no_exchange(det_in,Nint)
enddo enddo
! return
! alpha - core-act ! alpha - core-act
do i = 1, elec_num_tab_local(1) do i = 1, elec_num_tab_local(1)
iorb = occ(i,1) iorb = occ(i,1)
do j = 1, n_core_inact_orb do j = 1, n_core_inact_orb
jorb = list_core_inact(j) jorb = list_core_inact(j)
diag_H_mat_elem_no_elec_check_no_exchange += 2.d0 * mo_bielec_integral_jj(jorb,iorb) diag_H_mat_elem_no_elec_check_no_exchange += 2.d0 * mo_bielec_integral_jj(jorb,iorb)
core_act_exchange(1) += - mo_bielec_integral_jj_exchange(jorb,iorb) ! core_act_exchange(1) += - mo_bielec_integral_jj_exchange(jorb,iorb)
! diag_H_mat_elem_no_elec_check_no_exchange += core_act_exchange(1)
enddo enddo
enddo enddo
@ -669,7 +851,8 @@ double precision function diag_H_mat_elem_no_elec_check_no_exchange(det_in,Nint)
do j = 1, n_core_inact_orb do j = 1, n_core_inact_orb
jorb = list_core_inact(j) jorb = list_core_inact(j)
diag_H_mat_elem_no_elec_check_no_exchange += 2.d0 * mo_bielec_integral_jj(jorb,iorb) diag_H_mat_elem_no_elec_check_no_exchange += 2.d0 * mo_bielec_integral_jj(jorb,iorb)
core_act_exchange(2) += - mo_bielec_integral_jj_exchange(jorb,iorb) ! core_act_exchange(2) += - mo_bielec_integral_jj_exchange(jorb,iorb)
! diag_H_mat_elem_no_elec_check_no_exchange += core_act_exchange(2)
enddo enddo
enddo enddo
@ -706,3 +889,45 @@ subroutine u0_H_dyall_u0_no_exchange(energies,psi_in,psi_in_coef,ndet,dim_psi_in
energies(state_target) = accu energies(state_target) = accu
deallocate(psi_coef_tmp) deallocate(psi_coef_tmp)
end end
!subroutine u0_H_dyall_u0_no_exchange_bis(energies,psi_in,psi_in_active,psi_in_coef,ndet,dim_psi_in,dim_psi_coef,N_states_in,state_target)
subroutine u0_H_dyall_u0_no_exchange_bis(energies,psi_in,psi_in_coef,ndet,dim_psi_in,dim_psi_coef,N_states_in,state_target)
use bitmasks
implicit none
integer, intent(in) :: N_states_in,ndet,dim_psi_in,dim_psi_coef,state_target
!integer(bit_kind), intent(in) :: psi_in(N_int,2,dim_psi_in),psi_in_active(N_int,2,dim_psi_in)
integer(bit_kind), intent(in) :: psi_in(N_int,2,dim_psi_in)
double precision, intent(in) :: psi_in_coef(dim_psi_coef,N_states_in)
double precision, intent(out) :: energies(N_states_in)
integer :: i,j
double precision :: hij,accu
energies = 0.d0
accu = 0.d0
double precision, allocatable :: psi_coef_tmp(:)
do i = 1, ndet
psi_coef_tmp(i) = psi_in_coef(i,state_target)
double precision :: hij_bis,diag_H_mat_elem
do i = 1, ndet
do j = i+1, ndet
! call i_H_j_dyall_no_exchange(psi_in_active(1,1,i),psi_in_active(1,1,j),N_int,hij)
call i_H_j(psi_in(1,1,i),psi_in(1,1,j),N_int,hij)
accu += 2.d0 * psi_coef_tmp(i) * psi_coef_tmp(j) * hij
do i = 1, N_det
accu += psi_coef_tmp(i) * psi_coef_tmp(i) * diag_H_mat_elem(psi_in(1,1,i),N_int)
energies(state_target) = accu

View File

@ -0,0 +1,80 @@
! Created by $QP_ROOT/scripts/ezfio_interface/ei_handler.py
! from file /home/giner/qp_bis/quantum_package/src/MRPT_Utils/EZFIO.cfg
BEGIN_PROVIDER [ logical, do_third_order_1h1p ]
implicit none
! If true, compute the third order contribution for the 1h1p
logical :: has
PROVIDE ezfio_filename
call ezfio_has_mrpt_utils_do_third_order_1h1p(has)
if (has) then
call ezfio_get_mrpt_utils_do_third_order_1h1p(do_third_order_1h1p)
print *, 'mrpt_utils/do_third_order_1h1p not found in EZFIO file'
stop 1
BEGIN_PROVIDER [ logical, save_heff_eigenvectors ]
implicit none
! If true, you save the eigenvectors of the effective hamiltonian
logical :: has
PROVIDE ezfio_filename
call ezfio_has_mrpt_utils_save_heff_eigenvectors(has)
if (has) then
call ezfio_get_mrpt_utils_save_heff_eigenvectors(save_heff_eigenvectors)
print *, 'mrpt_utils/save_heff_eigenvectors not found in EZFIO file'
stop 1
BEGIN_PROVIDER [ integer, n_states_diag_heff ]
implicit none
! Number of eigenvectors obtained with the effective hamiltonian
logical :: has
PROVIDE ezfio_filename
call ezfio_has_mrpt_utils_n_states_diag_heff(has)
if (has) then
call ezfio_get_mrpt_utils_n_states_diag_heff(n_states_diag_heff)
print *, 'mrpt_utils/n_states_diag_heff not found in EZFIO file'
stop 1
BEGIN_PROVIDER [ logical, pure_state_specific_mrpt2 ]
implicit none
! If true, diagonalize the dressed matrix for each state and do a state following of the initial states
logical :: has
PROVIDE ezfio_filename
call ezfio_has_mrpt_utils_pure_state_specific_mrpt2(has)
if (has) then
call ezfio_get_mrpt_utils_pure_state_specific_mrpt2(pure_state_specific_mrpt2)
print *, 'mrpt_utils/pure_state_specific_mrpt2 not found in EZFIO file'
stop 1

View File

@ -197,7 +197,7 @@
k_inact_core_orb = list_core_inact(k) k_inact_core_orb = list_core_inact(k)
coulomb = get_mo_bielec_integral(k_inact_core_orb,iorb,k_inact_core_orb,jorb,mo_integrals_map) coulomb = get_mo_bielec_integral(k_inact_core_orb,iorb,k_inact_core_orb,jorb,mo_integrals_map)
exchange = get_mo_bielec_integral(k_inact_core_orb,jorb,iorb,k_inact_core_orb,mo_integrals_map) exchange = get_mo_bielec_integral(k_inact_core_orb,jorb,iorb,k_inact_core_orb,mo_integrals_map)
accu += 2.d0 * coulomb - exchange accu += 2.d0 * coulomb - exchange
enddo enddo
fock_operator_active_from_core_inact(iorb,jorb) = accu fock_operator_active_from_core_inact(iorb,jorb) = accu
enddo enddo

View File

@ -44,11 +44,11 @@ subroutine mrpt_dress(delta_ij_, Ndet,i_generator,n_selected,det_buffer,Nint,ip
integer :: N_miniList, leng integer :: N_miniList, leng
double precision :: delta_e(N_states),hij_tmp double precision :: delta_e(N_states),hij_tmp
integer :: index_i,index_j integer :: index_i,index_j
double precision :: phase_array(N_det),phase double precision :: phase_array(N_det_ref),phase
integer :: exc(0:2,2,2),degree integer :: exc(0:2,2,2),degree
leng = max(N_det_generators, N_det) leng = max(N_det_generators, N_det_generators)
allocate(miniList(Nint, 2, leng), idx_miniList(leng)) allocate(miniList(Nint, 2, leng), idx_miniList(leng))
!create_minilist_find_previous(key_mask, fullList, miniList, N_fullList, N_miniList, fullMatch, Nint) !create_minilist_find_previous(key_mask, fullList, miniList, N_fullList, N_miniList, fullMatch, Nint)
@ -59,35 +59,76 @@ subroutine mrpt_dress(delta_ij_, Ndet,i_generator,n_selected,det_buffer,Nint,ip
end if end if
call find_connections_previous(i_generator,n_selected,det_buffer,Nint,tq,N_tq,miniList,N_minilist) call find_connections_previous(n_selected,det_buffer,Nint,tq,N_tq,miniList,N_minilist)
if(N_tq > 0) then if(N_tq > 0) then
call create_minilist(key_mask, psi_det, miniList, idx_miniList, N_det, N_minilist, Nint) call create_minilist(key_mask, psi_ref, miniList, idx_miniList, N_det_ref, N_minilist, Nint)
end if end if
double precision :: coef_array(N_states)
do i_alpha=1,N_tq do i_alpha=1,N_tq
! do i = 1, N_det_ref
! do i_state = 1, N_states
! coef_array(i_state) = psi_ref_coef(i,i_state)
! enddo
! call i_H_j(psi_ref(1,1,i),tq(1,1,i_alpha),n_int,hialpha)
! if(dabs(hialpha).le.1.d-20)then
! do i_state = 1, N_states
! delta_e(i_state) = 1.d+20
! enddo
! else
! call get_delta_e_dyall(psi_ref(1,1,i),tq(1,1,i_alpha),coef_array,hialpha,delta_e)
! endif
! hij_array(i) = hialpha
! do i_state = 1,N_states
! delta_e_inv_array(i,i_state) = 1.d0/delta_e(i_state)
! enddo
! enddo
! do i = 1, N_det_ref
! do j = 1, N_det_ref
! do i_state = 1, N_states
! delta_ij_(i,j,i_state) += hij_array(i) * hij_array(j)* delta_e_inv_array(j,i_state)
! enddo
! enddo
! enddo
! cycle
! call get_excitation_degree_vector(psi_ref,tq(1,1,i_alpha),degree_alpha,Nint,N_det_ref,idx_alpha)
call get_excitation_degree_vector(miniList,tq(1,1,i_alpha),degree_alpha,Nint,N_minilist,idx_alpha) call get_excitation_degree_vector(miniList,tq(1,1,i_alpha),degree_alpha,Nint,N_minilist,idx_alpha)
do j=1,idx_alpha(0) do j=1,idx_alpha(0)
idx_alpha(j) = idx_miniList(idx_alpha(j)) idx_alpha(j) = idx_miniList(idx_alpha(j))
enddo enddo
! double precision :: ihpsi0,coef_pert
! ihpsi0 = 0.d0
! coef_pert = 0.d0
phase_array =0.d0 phase_array =0.d0
do i = 1,idx_alpha(0) do i = 1,idx_alpha(0)
index_i = idx_alpha(i) index_i = idx_alpha(i)
call i_h_j(tq(1,1,i_alpha),psi_det(1,1,index_i),Nint,hialpha) call i_h_j(tq(1,1,i_alpha),psi_ref(1,1,index_i),Nint,hialpha)
double precision :: coef_array(N_states)
do i_state = 1, N_states do i_state = 1, N_states
coef_array(i_state) = psi_coef(index_i,i_state) coef_array(i_state) = psi_ref_coef(index_i,i_state)
enddo enddo
call get_delta_e_dyall(psi_det(1,1,index_i),tq(1,1,i_alpha),coef_array,hialpha,delta_e) integer :: degree_scalar
call get_excitation_degree(tq(1,1,i_alpha),psi_ref(1,1,index_i),degree_scalar,N_int)
! if(degree_scalar == 2)then
! hialpha = 0.d0
! endif
do i_state = 1, N_states
delta_e(i_state) = 1.d+20
call get_delta_e_dyall(psi_ref(1,1,index_i),tq(1,1,i_alpha),coef_array,hialpha,delta_e)
!!!!!!!!!!!!! SHIFTED BK
! double precision :: hjj
! call i_h_j(tq(1,1,i_alpha),tq(1,1,i_alpha),Nint,hjj)
! delta_e(1) = CI_electronic_energy(1) - hjj
! !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
hij_array(index_i) = hialpha hij_array(index_i) = hialpha
call get_excitation(psi_det(1,1,index_i),tq(1,1,i_alpha),exc,degree,phase,N_int)
! phase_array(index_i) = phase
do i_state = 1,N_states do i_state = 1,N_states
delta_e_inv_array(index_i,i_state) = 1.d0/delta_e(i_state) delta_e_inv_array(index_i,i_state) = 1.d0/delta_e(i_state)
enddo enddo
@ -99,18 +140,14 @@ subroutine mrpt_dress(delta_ij_, Ndet,i_generator,n_selected,det_buffer,Nint,ip
call omp_set_lock( psi_ref_bis_lock(index_i) ) call omp_set_lock( psi_ref_bis_lock(index_i) )
do j = 1, idx_alpha(0) do j = 1, idx_alpha(0)
index_j = idx_alpha(j) index_j = idx_alpha(j)
! call get_excitation(psi_det(1,1,index_i),psi_det(1,1,index_i),exc,degree,phase,N_int) !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! WARNING TEST
! if(index_j.ne.index_i)then !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! WARNING TEST
! if(phase_array(index_j) * phase_array(index_i) .ne. phase)then ! if(index_j .ne. index_i)cycle
! print*, phase_array(index_j) , phase_array(index_i) ,phase !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! WARNING TEST
! call debug_det(psi_det(1,1,index_i),N_int) !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! WARNING TEST
! call debug_det(psi_det(1,1,index_j),N_int) !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! WARNING TEST
! call debug_det(tq(1,1,i_alpha),N_int)
! stop
! endif
! endif
do i_state=1,N_states do i_state=1,N_states
! standard dressing first order ! standard dressing first order
delta_ij_(index_i,index_j,i_state) += hij_array(index_j) * hij_tmp * delta_e_inv_array(index_j,i_state) delta_ij_(index_i,index_j,i_state) += hij_array(index_j) * hij_tmp * delta_e_inv_array(index_j,i_state)
enddo enddo
enddo enddo
@ -122,23 +159,23 @@ end
BEGIN_PROVIDER [ integer(bit_kind), gen_det_sorted, (N_int,2,N_det_generators,2) ] BEGIN_PROVIDER [ integer(bit_kind), gen_det_sorted, (N_int,2,N_det_ref,2) ]
&BEGIN_PROVIDER [ integer, gen_det_shortcut, (0:N_det_generators,2) ] &BEGIN_PROVIDER [ integer, gen_det_shortcut, (0:N_det_ref,2) ]
&BEGIN_PROVIDER [ integer, gen_det_version, (N_int, N_det_generators,2) ] &BEGIN_PROVIDER [ integer, gen_det_version, (N_int, N_det_ref,2) ]
&BEGIN_PROVIDER [ integer, gen_det_idx, (N_det_generators,2) ] &BEGIN_PROVIDER [ integer, gen_det_idx, (N_det_ref,2) ]
gen_det_sorted(:,:,:,1) = psi_det_generators(:,:,:N_det_generators) gen_det_sorted(:,:,:,1) = psi_ref(:,:,:N_det_ref)
gen_det_sorted(:,:,:,2) = psi_det_generators(:,:,:N_det_generators) gen_det_sorted(:,:,:,2) = psi_ref(:,:,:N_det_ref)
call sort_dets_ab_v(gen_det_sorted(:,:,:,1), gen_det_idx(:,1), gen_det_shortcut(0:,1), gen_det_version(:,:,1), N_det_generators, N_int) call sort_dets_ab_v(gen_det_sorted(:,:,:,1), gen_det_idx(:,1), gen_det_shortcut(0:,1), gen_det_version(:,:,1), N_det_ref, N_int)
call sort_dets_ba_v(gen_det_sorted(:,:,:,2), gen_det_idx(:,2), gen_det_shortcut(0:,2), gen_det_version(:,:,2), N_det_generators, N_int) call sort_dets_ba_v(gen_det_sorted(:,:,:,2), gen_det_idx(:,2), gen_det_shortcut(0:,2), gen_det_version(:,:,2), N_det_ref, N_int)
subroutine find_connections_previous(i_generator,n_selected,det_buffer,Nint,tq,N_tq,miniList,N_miniList) subroutine find_connections_previous(n_selected,det_buffer,Nint,tq,N_tq,miniList,N_miniList)
use bitmasks use bitmasks
implicit none implicit none
integer, intent(in) :: i_generator,n_selected, Nint integer, intent(in) :: n_selected, Nint
integer(bit_kind), intent(in) :: det_buffer(Nint,2,n_selected) integer(bit_kind), intent(in) :: det_buffer(Nint,2,n_selected)
integer :: i,j,k,m integer :: i,j,k,m
@ -155,7 +192,7 @@ subroutine find_connections_previous(i_generator,n_selected,det_buffer,Nint,tq,N
logical, external :: is_connected_to logical, external :: is_connected_to
integer(bit_kind),intent(in) :: miniList(Nint,2,N_det_generators) integer(bit_kind),intent(in) :: miniList(Nint,2,N_det_ref)
integer,intent(in) :: N_miniList integer,intent(in) :: N_miniList
@ -168,7 +205,7 @@ subroutine find_connections_previous(i_generator,n_selected,det_buffer,Nint,tq,N
cycle cycle
end if end if
if (.not. is_in_wavefunction(det_buffer(1,1,i),Nint,N_det)) then if (.not. is_in_wavefunction(det_buffer(1,1,i),Nint,N_det_ref)) then
N_tq += 1 N_tq += 1
do k=1,N_int do k=1,N_int
tq(k,1,N_tq) = det_buffer(k,1,i) tq(k,1,N_tq) = det_buffer(k,1,i)
@ -179,8 +216,3 @@ subroutine find_connections_previous(i_generator,n_selected,det_buffer,Nint,tq,N
end end

View File

@ -1,5 +1,5 @@
BEGIN_PROVIDER [ double precision, delta_ij, (N_det,N_det,N_states) ] BEGIN_PROVIDER [ double precision, delta_ij, (N_det_ref,N_det_ref,N_states) ]
&BEGIN_PROVIDER [ double precision, second_order_pt_new, (N_states) ] &BEGIN_PROVIDER [ double precision, second_order_pt_new, (N_states) ]
&BEGIN_PROVIDER [ double precision, second_order_pt_new_1h, (N_states) ] &BEGIN_PROVIDER [ double precision, second_order_pt_new_1h, (N_states) ]
&BEGIN_PROVIDER [ double precision, second_order_pt_new_1p, (N_states) ] &BEGIN_PROVIDER [ double precision, second_order_pt_new_1p, (N_states) ]
@ -11,7 +11,7 @@
&BEGIN_PROVIDER [ double precision, second_order_pt_new_2h2p, (N_states) ] &BEGIN_PROVIDER [ double precision, second_order_pt_new_2h2p, (N_states) ]
implicit none implicit none
! Dressing matrix in N_det basis ! Dressing matrix in N_det_ref basis
integer :: i,j,m integer :: i,j,m
integer :: i_state integer :: i_state
@ -21,17 +21,18 @@
delta_ij = 0.d0 delta_ij = 0.d0
allocate (delta_ij_tmp(N_det,N_det,N_states)) allocate (delta_ij_tmp(N_det_ref,N_det_ref,N_states))
! 1h ! 1h
delta_ij_tmp = 0.d0 delta_ij_tmp = 0.d0
call H_apply_mrpt_1h(delta_ij_tmp,N_det) call H_apply_mrpt_1h(delta_ij_tmp,N_det_ref)
accu = 0.d0 accu = 0.d0
do i_state = 1, N_states do i_state = 1, N_states
do i = 1, N_det do i = 1, N_det_ref
do j = 1, N_det write(*,'(1000(F16.10,x))')delta_ij_tmp(i,:,i_state)
accu(i_state) += delta_ij_tmp(j,i,i_state) * psi_coef(i,i_state) * psi_coef(j,i_state) do j = 1, N_det_ref
accu(i_state) += delta_ij_tmp(j,i,i_state) * psi_ref_coef(i,i_state) * psi_ref_coef(j,i_state)
delta_ij(j,i,i_state) += delta_ij_tmp(j,i,i_state) delta_ij(j,i,i_state) += delta_ij_tmp(j,i,i_state)
enddo enddo
enddo enddo
@ -39,169 +40,237 @@
enddo enddo
print*, '1h = ',accu print*, '1h = ',accu
! 1p ! 1p
delta_ij_tmp = 0.d0 delta_ij_tmp = 0.d0
call H_apply_mrpt_1p(delta_ij_tmp,N_det) call H_apply_mrpt_1p(delta_ij_tmp,N_det_ref)
accu = 0.d0 accu = 0.d0
do i_state = 1, N_states do i_state = 1, N_states
do i = 1, N_det do i = 1, N_det_ref
do j = 1, N_det write(*,'(1000(F16.10,x))')delta_ij_tmp(i,:,i_state)
accu(i_state) += delta_ij_tmp(j,i,i_state) * psi_coef(i,i_state) * psi_coef(j,i_state) do j = 1, N_det_ref
delta_ij(j,i,i_state) += delta_ij_tmp(j,i,i_state) ! print*, accu
enddo ! print*,delta_ij_tmp(j,i,i_state) , psi_ref_coef(i,i_state) , psi_ref_coef(j,i_state)
enddo accu(i_state) += delta_ij_tmp(j,i,i_state) * psi_ref_coef(i,i_state) * psi_ref_coef(j,i_state)
second_order_pt_new_1p(i_state) = accu(i_state) delta_ij(j,i,i_state) += delta_ij_tmp(j,i,i_state)
enddo enddo
print*, '1p = ',accu
! 1h1p
delta_ij_tmp = 0.d0
call H_apply_mrpt_1h1p(delta_ij_tmp,N_det)
double precision :: e_corr_from_1h1p_singles(N_states)
!call give_singles_and_partial_doubles_1h1p_contrib(delta_ij_tmp,e_corr_from_1h1p_singles)
!call give_1h1p_only_doubles_spin_cross(delta_ij_tmp)
accu = 0.d0
do i_state = 1, N_states
do i = 1, N_det
do j = 1, N_det
accu(i_state) += delta_ij_tmp(j,i,i_state) * psi_coef(i,i_state) * psi_coef(j,i_state)
delta_ij(j,i,i_state) += delta_ij_tmp(j,i,i_state)
second_order_pt_new_1h1p(i_state) = accu(i_state)
print*, '1h1p = ',accu
! 1h1p third order
delta_ij_tmp = 0.d0
call give_1h1p_sec_order_singles_contrib(delta_ij_tmp)
accu = 0.d0
do i_state = 1, N_states
do i = 1, N_det
do j = 1, N_det
accu(i_state) += delta_ij_tmp(j,i,i_state) * psi_coef(i,i_state) * psi_coef(j,i_state)
delta_ij(j,i,i_state) += delta_ij_tmp(j,i,i_state)
enddo enddo
enddo second_order_pt_new_1p(i_state) = accu(i_state)
second_order_pt_new_1h1p(i_state) = accu(i_state) enddo
enddo print*, '1p = ',accu
print*, '1h1p(3)',accu
! 2h ! 1h1p
delta_ij_tmp = 0.d0 delta_ij_tmp = 0.d0
call H_apply_mrpt_2h(delta_ij_tmp,N_det) call H_apply_mrpt_1h1p(delta_ij_tmp,N_det_ref)
accu = 0.d0 accu = 0.d0
do i_state = 1, N_states do i_state = 1, N_states
do i = 1, N_det do i = 1, N_det_ref
do j = 1, N_det write(*,'(1000(F16.10,x))')delta_ij_tmp(i,:,i_state)
accu(i_state) += delta_ij_tmp(j,i,i_state) * psi_coef(i,i_state) * psi_coef(j,i_state) do j = 1, N_det_ref
delta_ij(j,i,i_state) += delta_ij_tmp(j,i,i_state) accu(i_state) += delta_ij_tmp(j,i,i_state) * psi_ref_coef(i,i_state) * psi_ref_coef(j,i_state)
enddo delta_ij(j,i,i_state) += delta_ij_tmp(j,i,i_state)
enddo enddo
second_order_pt_new_2h(i_state) = accu(i_state) enddo
enddo double precision :: accu_diag,accu_non_diag
print*, '2h = ',accu accu_diag = 0.d0
accu_non_diag = 0.d0
do i = 1, N_det_ref
accu_diag += delta_ij_tmp(i,i,i_state) * psi_ref_coef(i,i_state) * psi_ref_coef(i,i_state)
do j = 1, N_det_ref
if(i == j)cycle
accu_non_diag += delta_ij_tmp(j,i,i_state) * psi_ref_coef(i,i_state) * psi_ref_coef(j,i_state)
second_order_pt_new_1h1p(i_state) = accu(i_state)
!double precision :: neutral, ionic
!neutral = 0.d0
!do i = 1, 2
! do j = 1, N_det_ref
! neutral += psi_ref_coef(j,1) * delta_ij_tmp(j,i,1) * psi_ref_coef(i,1)
! enddo
!do i = 3, 4
! do j = 1, N_det_ref
! ionic += psi_ref_coef(j,1) * delta_ij_tmp(j,i,1) * psi_ref_coef(i,1)
! enddo
!neutral = delta_ij_tmp(1,1,1) * psi_ref_coef(1,1)**2 + delta_ij_tmp(2,2,1) * psi_ref_coef(2,1)**2 &
! + delta_ij_tmp(1,2,1) * psi_ref_coef(1,1)* psi_ref_coef(2,1) + delta_ij_tmp(2,1,1) * psi_ref_coef(1,1)* psi_ref_coef(2,1)
!ionic = delta_ij_tmp(3,3,1) * psi_ref_coef(3,1)**2 + delta_ij_tmp(4,4,1) * psi_ref_coef(4,1)**2 &
! + delta_ij_tmp(3,4,1) * psi_ref_coef(3,1)* psi_ref_coef(4,1) + delta_ij_tmp(4,3,1) * psi_ref_coef(3,1)* psi_ref_coef(4,1)
!neutral = delta_ij_tmp(1,1,1)
!ionic = delta_ij_tmp(3,3,1)
!print*, 'neutral = ',neutral
!print*, 'ionic = ',ionic
print*, '1h1p = ',accu
! 2p !! 1h1p third order
delta_ij_tmp = 0.d0 !if(do_third_order_1h1p)then
call H_apply_mrpt_2p(delta_ij_tmp,N_det) ! delta_ij_tmp = 0.d0
accu = 0.d0 ! call give_1h1p_sec_order_singles_contrib(delta_ij_tmp)
do i_state = 1, N_states ! accu = 0.d0
do i = 1, N_det ! do i_state = 1, N_states
do j = 1, N_det ! do i = 1, N_det_ref
accu(i_state) += delta_ij_tmp(j,i,i_state) * psi_coef(i,i_state) * psi_coef(j,i_state) ! write(*,'(1000(F16.10,x))')delta_ij_tmp(i,:,i_state)
delta_ij(j,i,i_state) += delta_ij_tmp(j,i,i_state) ! do j = 1, N_det_ref
enddo ! accu(i_state) += delta_ij_tmp(j,i,i_state) * psi_ref_coef(i,i_state) * psi_ref_coef(j,i_state)
enddo ! delta_ij(j,i,i_state) += delta_ij_tmp(j,i,i_state)
second_order_pt_new_2p(i_state) = accu(i_state) ! enddo
enddo ! enddo
print*, '2p = ',accu ! second_order_pt_new_1h1p(i_state) = accu(i_state)
! enddo
! print*, '1h1p(3)',accu
! 1h2p ! 2h
delta_ij_tmp = 0.d0 delta_ij_tmp = 0.d0
!call give_1h2p_contrib(delta_ij_tmp) call H_apply_mrpt_2h(delta_ij_tmp,N_det_ref)
call H_apply_mrpt_1h2p(delta_ij_tmp,N_det) accu = 0.d0
accu = 0.d0 do i_state = 1, N_states
do i_state = 1, N_states do i = 1, N_det_ref
do i = 1, N_det write(*,'(1000(F16.10,x))')delta_ij_tmp(i,:,i_state)
do j = 1, N_det do j = 1, N_det_ref
accu(i_state) += delta_ij_tmp(j,i,i_state) * psi_coef(i,i_state) * psi_coef(j,i_state) accu(i_state) += delta_ij_tmp(j,i,i_state) * psi_ref_coef(i,i_state) * psi_ref_coef(j,i_state)
delta_ij(j,i,i_state) += delta_ij_tmp(j,i,i_state) delta_ij(j,i,i_state) += delta_ij_tmp(j,i,i_state)
enddo enddo
enddo enddo
second_order_pt_new_1h2p(i_state) = accu(i_state) second_order_pt_new_2h(i_state) = accu(i_state)
enddo enddo
print*, '1h2p = ',accu print*, '2h = ',accu
! 2h1p ! 2p
delta_ij_tmp = 0.d0 delta_ij_tmp = 0.d0
!call give_2h1p_contrib(delta_ij_tmp) call H_apply_mrpt_2p(delta_ij_tmp,N_det_ref)
call H_apply_mrpt_2h1p(delta_ij_tmp,N_det) accu = 0.d0
accu = 0.d0 do i_state = 1, N_states
do i_state = 1, N_states do i = 1, N_det_ref
do i = 1, N_det write(*,'(1000(F16.10,x))')delta_ij_tmp(i,:,i_state)
do j = 1, N_det do j = 1, N_det_ref
accu(i_state) += delta_ij_tmp(j,i,i_state) * psi_coef(i,i_state) * psi_coef(j,i_state) accu(i_state) += delta_ij_tmp(j,i,i_state) * psi_ref_coef(i,i_state) * psi_ref_coef(j,i_state)
delta_ij(j,i,i_state) += delta_ij_tmp(j,i,i_state) delta_ij(j,i,i_state) += delta_ij_tmp(j,i,i_state)
enddo enddo
enddo enddo
second_order_pt_new_2h1p(i_state) = accu(i_state) second_order_pt_new_2p(i_state) = accu(i_state)
enddo enddo
print*, '2h1p = ',accu print*, '2p = ',accu
! 2h2p ! 1h2p
!delta_ij_tmp = 0.d0 delta_ij_tmp = 0.d0
!call H_apply_mrpt_2h2p(delta_ij_tmp,N_det) call give_1h2p_contrib(delta_ij_tmp)
!accu = 0.d0 !!!call H_apply_mrpt_1h2p(delta_ij_tmp,N_det_ref)
!do i_state = 1, N_states accu = 0.d0
!do i = 1, N_det do i_state = 1, N_states
! do j = 1, N_det do i = 1, N_det_ref
! accu(i_state) += delta_ij_tmp(j,i,i_state) * psi_coef(i,i_state) * psi_coef(j,i_state) write(*,'(1000(F16.10,x))')delta_ij_tmp(i,:,i_state)
! delta_ij(j,i,i_state) += delta_ij_tmp(j,i,i_state) do j = 1, N_det_ref
! enddo accu(i_state) += delta_ij_tmp(j,i,i_state) * psi_ref_coef(i,i_state) * psi_ref_coef(j,i_state)
!enddo delta_ij(j,i,i_state) += delta_ij_tmp(j,i,i_state)
!second_order_pt_new_2h2p(i_state) = accu(i_state) enddo
!enddo enddo
!print*, '2h2p = ',accu second_order_pt_new_1h2p(i_state) = accu(i_state)
print*, '1h2p = ',accu
double precision :: contrib_2h2p(N_states) ! 2h1p
call give_2h2p(contrib_2h2p) delta_ij_tmp = 0.d0
do i_state = 1, N_states call give_2h1p_contrib(delta_ij_tmp)
do i = 1, N_det !!!!call H_apply_mrpt_2h1p(delta_ij_tmp,N_det_ref)
delta_ij(i,i,i_state) += contrib_2h2p(i_state) accu = 0.d0
enddo do i_state = 1, N_states
second_order_pt_new_2h2p(i_state) = contrib_2h2p(i_state) do i = 1, N_det_ref
enddo write(*,'(1000(F16.10,x))')delta_ij_tmp(i,:,i_state)
print*, '2h2p = ',contrib_2h2p(1) do j = 1, N_det_ref
accu(i_state) += delta_ij_tmp(j,i,i_state) * psi_ref_coef(i,i_state) * psi_ref_coef(j,i_state)
delta_ij(j,i,i_state) += delta_ij_tmp(j,i,i_state)
second_order_pt_new_2h1p(i_state) = accu(i_state)
print*, '2h1p = ',accu
! 2h2p
double precision :: contrib_2h2p(N_states)
call give_2h2p(contrib_2h2p)
do i_state = 1, N_states
do i = 1, N_det_ref
delta_ij(i,i,i_state) += contrib_2h2p(i_state)
second_order_pt_new_2h2p(i_state) = contrib_2h2p(i_state)
print*, '2h2p = ',contrib_2h2p(:)
! ! 2h2p old fashion
! delta_ij_tmp = 0.d0
! call H_apply_mrpt_2h2p(delta_ij_tmp,N_det_ref)
! accu = 0.d0
! do i_state = 1, N_states
! do i = 1, N_det_ref
! write(*,'(1000(F16.10,x))')delta_ij_tmp(i,:,i_state)
! do j = 1, N_det_ref
! accu(i_state) += delta_ij_tmp(j,i,i_state) * psi_ref_coef(i,i_state) * psi_ref_coef(j,i_state)
! delta_ij(j,i,i_state) += delta_ij_tmp(j,i,i_state)
! enddo
! enddo
! second_order_pt_new_2h2p(i_state) = accu(i_state)
! enddo
! print*, '2h2p = ',accu
! total ! total
accu = 0.d0 accu = 0.d0
do i_state = 1, N_states print*, 'naked matrix'
do i = 1, N_det double precision, allocatable :: hmatrix(:,:)
! write(*,'(1000(F16.10,x))')delta_ij(i,:,:) double precision:: hij,h00
do j = i_state, N_det allocate(hmatrix(N_det_ref, N_det_ref))
accu(i_state) += delta_ij(j,i,i_state) * psi_coef(i,i_state) * psi_coef(j,i_state) call i_h_j(psi_ref(1,1,1),psi_ref(1,1,1),N_int,h00)
do i = 1, N_det_ref
do j = 1, N_det_Ref
call i_h_j(psi_ref(1,1,i),psi_ref(1,1,j),N_int,hij)
hmatrix(i,j) = hij
enddo enddo
print*, hmatrix(i,i), h00
hmatrix(i,i) += - h00
enddo enddo
second_order_pt_new(i_state) = accu(i_state) do i = 1, N_det_ref
print*, 'total= ',accu(i_state) write(*,'(1000(F16.10,x))')hmatrix(i,:)
enddo enddo
print*, ''
print*, ''
print*, ''
do i_state = 1, N_states
print*,'state ',i_state
do i = 1, N_det_ref
do j = 1 , N_det_ref
accu(i_state) += delta_ij(j,i,i_state) * psi_ref_coef(i,i_state) * psi_ref_coef(j,i_state)
hmatrix(i,j) += delta_ij(j,i,i_state)
second_order_pt_new(i_state) = accu(i_state)
print*, 'total= ',accu(i_state)
do i = 1, N_det_ref
BEGIN_PROVIDER [double precision, Hmatrix_dressed_pt2_new, (N_det,N_det,N_states)] BEGIN_PROVIDER [double precision, Hmatrix_dressed_pt2_new, (N_det_ref,N_det_ref,N_states)]
implicit none implicit none
integer :: i,j,i_state integer :: i,j,i_state
double precision :: hij
do i_state = 1, N_states do i_state = 1, N_states
do i = 1,N_det do i = 1,N_det_ref
do j = 1,N_det do j = 1,N_det_ref
Hmatrix_dressed_pt2_new(j,i,i_state) = H_matrix_all_dets(j,i) + delta_ij(j,i,i_state) call i_h_j(psi_ref(1,1,j),psi_ref(1,1,i),N_int,hij)
Hmatrix_dressed_pt2_new(j,i,i_state) = hij + delta_ij(j,i,i_state)
enddo enddo
enddo enddo
enddo enddo
@ -209,23 +278,29 @@ END_PROVIDER
BEGIN_PROVIDER [double precision, Hmatrix_dressed_pt2_new_symmetrized, (N_det,N_det,N_states)] BEGIN_PROVIDER [double precision, Hmatrix_dressed_pt2_new_symmetrized, (N_det_ref,N_det_ref,N_states)]
implicit none implicit none
integer :: i,j,i_state integer :: i,j,i_state
double precision :: hij
double precision :: accu(N_states)
accu = 0.d0
do i_state = 1, N_states do i_state = 1, N_states
do i = 1,N_det do i = 1,N_det_ref
do j = i,N_det do j = 1,N_det_ref
Hmatrix_dressed_pt2_new_symmetrized(j,i,i_state) = H_matrix_all_dets(j,i) & call i_h_j(psi_ref(1,1,j),psi_ref(1,1,i),N_int,hij)
Hmatrix_dressed_pt2_new_symmetrized(j,i,i_state) = hij &
+ 0.5d0 * ( delta_ij(j,i,i_state) + delta_ij(i,j,i_state) ) + 0.5d0 * ( delta_ij(j,i,i_state) + delta_ij(i,j,i_state) )
Hmatrix_dressed_pt2_new_symmetrized(i,j,i_state) = Hmatrix_dressed_pt2_new_symmetrized(j,i,i_state) ! Hmatrix_dressed_pt2_new_symmetrized(i,j,i_state) = Hmatrix_dressed_pt2_new_symmetrized(j,i,i_state)
accu(i_State) += psi_ref_coef(i,i_State) * Hmatrix_dressed_pt2_new_symmetrized(j,i,i_state) * psi_ref_coef(j,i_State)
enddo enddo
enddo enddo
enddo enddo
print*, 'accu = ',accu + nuclear_repulsion
BEGIN_PROVIDER [ double precision, CI_electronic_dressed_pt2_new_energy, (N_states_diag) ] BEGIN_PROVIDER [ double precision, CI_electronic_dressed_pt2_new_energy, (N_states_diag_heff) ]
&BEGIN_PROVIDER [ double precision, CI_dressed_pt2_new_eigenvectors, (N_det,N_states_diag) ] &BEGIN_PROVIDER [ double precision, CI_dressed_pt2_new_eigenvectors, (N_det_ref,N_states_diag_heff) ]
&BEGIN_PROVIDER [ double precision, CI_dressed_pt2_new_eigenvectors_s2, (N_states_diag) ] &BEGIN_PROVIDER [ double precision, CI_dressed_pt2_new_eigenvectors_s2, (N_states_diag_heff) ]
! Eigenvectors/values of the CI matrix ! Eigenvectors/values of the CI matrix
@ -236,23 +311,25 @@ END_PROVIDER
logical, allocatable :: good_state_array(:) logical, allocatable :: good_state_array(:)
double precision, allocatable :: s2_values_tmp(:) double precision, allocatable :: s2_values_tmp(:)
integer :: i_other_state integer :: i_other_state
double precision, allocatable :: eigenvectors(:,:), eigenvalues(:) double precision, allocatable :: eigenvectors(:,:), eigenvalues(:), hmatrix_tmp(:,:)
integer :: i_state integer :: i_state
double precision :: s2,e_0 double precision :: s2,e_0
integer :: i,j,k integer :: i,j,k
double precision, allocatable :: s2_eigvalues(:) double precision, allocatable :: s2_eigvalues(:)
double precision, allocatable :: e_array(:) double precision, allocatable :: e_array(:)
integer, allocatable :: iorder(:) integer, allocatable :: iorder(:)
double precision :: overlap(N_det_ref)
double precision, allocatable :: psi_tmp(:)
! Guess values for the "N_states_diag" states of the CI_dressed_pt2_new_eigenvectors ! Guess values for the "N_states_diag_heff" states of the CI_dressed_pt2_new_eigenvectors
do j=1,min(N_states_diag,N_det) do j=1,min(N_states,N_det_ref)
do i=1,N_det do i=1,N_det_ref
CI_dressed_pt2_new_eigenvectors(i,j) = psi_coef(i,j) CI_dressed_pt2_new_eigenvectors(i,j) = psi_ref_coef(i,j)
enddo enddo
enddo enddo
do j=N_det+1,N_states_diag do j=min(N_states,N_det_ref)+1,N_states_diag_heff
do i=1,N_det do i=1,N_det_ref
CI_dressed_pt2_new_eigenvectors(i,j) = 0.d0 CI_dressed_pt2_new_eigenvectors(i,j) = 0.d0
enddo enddo
enddo enddo
@ -262,93 +339,164 @@ END_PROVIDER
print*, 'Davidson not yet implemented for the dressing ... ' print*, 'Davidson not yet implemented for the dressing ... '
stop stop
else if (diag_algorithm == "Lapack") then else if (diag_algorithm == "Lapack") then
allocate (eigenvectors(N_det_ref,N_det_ref))
allocate (eigenvectors(size(H_matrix_all_dets,1),N_det)) allocate (eigenvalues(N_det_ref))
allocate (eigenvalues(N_det)) if(pure_state_specific_mrpt2)then
call lapack_diag(eigenvalues,eigenvectors, & allocate (hmatrix_tmp(N_det_ref,N_det_ref))
H_matrix_all_dets,size(H_matrix_all_dets,1),N_det) allocate (iorder(N_det_ref))
CI_electronic_energy(:) = 0.d0 allocate (psi_tmp(N_det_ref))
if (s2_eig) then print*,''
i_state = 0 print*,'***************************'
allocate (s2_eigvalues(N_det)) do i_state = 1, N_states !! Big loop over states
allocate(index_good_state_array(N_det),good_state_array(N_det)) print*,''
good_state_array = .False. print*,'Diagonalizing with the dressing for state',i_state
call u_0_S2_u_0(s2_eigvalues,eigenvectors,N_det,psi_det,N_int,& do i = 1, N_det_ref
N_det,size(eigenvectors,1)) do j = 1, N_det_ref
do j=1,N_det hmatrix_tmp(j,i) = Hmatrix_dressed_pt2_new_symmetrized(j,i,i_state)
! Select at least n_states states with S^2 values closed to "expected_s2" enddo
if(dabs(s2_eigvalues(j)-expected_s2).le.0.5d0)then ! print*,i,hmatrix_tmp(i,i)+nuclear_repulsion
i_state +=1
index_good_state_array(i_state) = j
good_state_array(j) = .True.
if(i_state.eq.N_states) then
enddo enddo
if(i_state .ne.0)then call lapack_diag(eigenvalues,eigenvectors,hmatrix_tmp,N_det_ref,N_det_ref)
! Fill the first "i_state" states that have a correct S^2 value write(*,'(A86)')'Looking for the most overlapping state within all eigenvectors of the dressed matrix'
do j = 1, i_state print*,''
do i=1,N_det print*,'Calculating the overlap for ...'
CI_eigenvectors(i,j) = eigenvectors(i,index_good_state_array(j)) do i = 1, N_det_ref
enddo overlap(i) = 0.d0
CI_electronic_energy(j) = eigenvalues(index_good_state_array(j)) iorder(i) = i
CI_eigenvectors_s2(j) = s2_eigvalues(index_good_state_array(j)) print*,'eigenvector',i
enddo do j = 1, N_det_ref
i_other_state = 0 overlap(i)+= psi_ref_coef(j,i_state) * eigenvectors(j,i)
do j = 1, N_det enddo
if(good_state_array(j))cycle overlap(i) = -dabs(overlap(i))
i_other_state +=1 print*,'energy = ',eigenvalues(i) + nuclear_repulsion
if(i_state+i_other_state.gt.n_states_diag)then print*,'overlap = ',dabs(overlap(i))
exit enddo
endif print*,''
do i=1,N_det print*,'Sorting the eigenvectors per overlap'
CI_eigenvectors(i,i_state+i_other_state) = eigenvectors(i,j) call dsort(overlap,iorder,n_det_ref)
enddo do j = 1, N_det_ref
CI_electronic_energy(i_state+i_other_state) = eigenvalues(j) print*,overlap(j),iorder(j)
CI_eigenvectors_s2(i_state+i_other_state) = s2_eigvalues(i_state+i_other_state) enddo
enddo print*,''
print*,'The most overlapping state is the ',iorder(1)
print*,'with the overlap of ',dabs(overlap(1))
print*,'and an energy of ',eigenvalues(iorder(1)) + nuclear_repulsion
print*,'Calculating the S^2 value ...'
do i=1,N_det_ref
CI_dressed_pt2_new_eigenvectors(i,i_state) = eigenvectors(i,iorder(1))
psi_tmp(i) = eigenvectors(i,iorder(1))
CI_electronic_dressed_pt2_new_energy(i_state) = eigenvalues(iorder(1))
call u_0_S2_u_0(CI_dressed_pt2_new_eigenvectors_s2(i_state),psi_tmp,N_det_ref,psi_det,N_int,1,N_det_ref)
print*,'S^2 = ', CI_dressed_pt2_new_eigenvectors_s2(i_state)
!else if(state_average)then
! print*,''
! print*,'***************************'
! print*,''
! print*,'Doing state average dressings'
! allocate (hmatrix_tmp(N_det_ref,N_det_ref))
! hmatrix_tmp = 0.d0
! do i_state = 1, N_states !! Big loop over states
! do i = 1, N_det_ref
! do j = 1, N_det_ref
! hmatrix_tmp(j,i) += Hmatrix_dressed_pt2_new_symmetrized(j,i,i_state)
! enddo
! enddo
! enddo
! deallocate(hmatrix_tmp)
print*,'!!!!!!!! WARNING !!!!!!!!!'
print*,' Within the ',N_det,'determinants selected'
print*,' and the ',N_states_diag,'states requested'
print*,' We did not find any state with S^2 values close to ',expected_s2
print*,' We will then set the first N_states eigenvectors of the H matrix'
print*,' as the CI_eigenvectors'
print*,' You should consider more states and maybe ask for s2_eig to be .True. or just enlarge the CI space'
do j=1,min(N_states_diag,N_det)
do i=1,N_det
CI_eigenvectors(i,j) = eigenvectors(i,j)
CI_electronic_energy(j) = eigenvalues(j)
CI_eigenvectors_s2(j) = s2_eigvalues(j)
else else
call u_0_S2_u_0(CI_eigenvectors_s2,eigenvectors,N_det,psi_det,N_int,&
min(N_det,N_states_diag),size(eigenvectors,1)) call lapack_diag(eigenvalues,eigenvectors, &
! Select the "N_states_diag" states of lowest energy Hmatrix_dressed_pt2_new_symmetrized(1,1,1),N_det_ref,N_det_ref)
do j=1,min(N_det,N_states_diag) CI_electronic_dressed_pt2_new_energy(:) = 0.d0
do i=1,N_det if (s2_eig) then
CI_eigenvectors(i,j) = eigenvectors(i,j) i_state = 0
enddo allocate (s2_eigvalues(N_det_ref))
CI_electronic_energy(j) = eigenvalues(j) allocate(index_good_state_array(N_det_ref),good_state_array(N_det_ref))
enddo good_state_array = .False.
call u_0_S2_u_0(s2_eigvalues,eigenvectors,N_det_ref,psi_det,N_int,&
do j=1,N_det_ref
! Select at least n_states states with S^2 values closed to "expected_s2"
print*, eigenvalues(j)+nuclear_repulsion, s2_eigvalues(j)
i_state += 1
index_good_state_array(i_state) = j
good_state_array(j) = .True.
if (i_state==N_states) then
if (i_state /= 0) then
! Fill the first "i_state" states that have a correct S^2 value
do j = 1, i_state
do i=1,N_det_ref
CI_dressed_pt2_new_eigenvectors(i,j) = eigenvectors(i,index_good_state_array(j))
CI_electronic_dressed_pt2_new_energy(j) = eigenvalues(index_good_state_array(j))
CI_dressed_pt2_new_eigenvectors_s2(j) = s2_eigvalues(index_good_state_array(j))
i_other_state = 0
do j = 1, N_det_ref
i_other_state +=1
do i=1,N_det_ref
CI_dressed_pt2_new_eigenvectors(i,i_state+i_other_state) = eigenvectors(i,j)
CI_electronic_dressed_pt2_new_energy(i_state+i_other_state) = eigenvalues(j)
CI_dressed_pt2_new_eigenvectors_s2(i_state+i_other_state) = s2_eigvalues(i_state+i_other_state)
print*,'!!!!!!!! WARNING !!!!!!!!!'
print*,' Within the ',N_det_ref,'determinants selected'
print*,' and the ',N_states_diag_heff,'states requested'
print*,' We did not find any state with S^2 values close to ',expected_s2
print*,' We will then set the first N_states eigenvectors of the H matrix'
print*,' as the CI_dressed_pt2_new_eigenvectors'
print*,' You should consider more states and maybe ask for s2_eig to be .True. or just enlarge the CI space'
do j=1,min(N_states_diag_heff,N_det_ref)
do i=1,N_det_ref
CI_dressed_pt2_new_eigenvectors(i,j) = eigenvectors(i,j)
CI_electronic_dressed_pt2_new_energy(j) = eigenvalues(j)
CI_dressed_pt2_new_eigenvectors_s2(j) = s2_eigvalues(j)
call u_0_S2_u_0(CI_dressed_pt2_new_eigenvectors_s2,eigenvectors,N_det_ref,psi_det,N_int,&
! Select the "N_states_diag_heff" states of lowest energy
do j=1,min(N_det_ref,N_states)
do i=1,N_det_ref
CI_dressed_pt2_new_eigenvectors(i,j) = eigenvectors(i,j)
CI_electronic_dressed_pt2_new_energy(j) = eigenvalues(j)
endif endif
endif endif
BEGIN_PROVIDER [ double precision, CI_dressed_pt2_new_energy, (N_states_diag) ] BEGIN_PROVIDER [ double precision, CI_dressed_pt2_new_energy, (N_states_diag_heff) ]
implicit none implicit none
! N_states lowest eigenvalues of the CI matrix ! N_states lowest eigenvalues of the CI matrix
@ -357,11 +505,11 @@ BEGIN_PROVIDER [ double precision, CI_dressed_pt2_new_energy, (N_states_diag) ]
integer :: j integer :: j
character*(8) :: st character*(8) :: st
call write_time(output_determinants) call write_time(output_determinants)
do j=1,N_states_diag do j=1,N_states_diag_heff
CI_dressed_pt2_new_energy(j) = CI_electronic_dressed_pt2_new_energy(j) + nuclear_repulsion CI_dressed_pt2_new_energy(j) = CI_electronic_dressed_pt2_new_energy(j) + nuclear_repulsion
write(st,'(I4)') j write(st,'(I4)') j
call write_double(output_determinants,CI_dressed_pt2_new_energy(j),'Energy of state '//trim(st)) call write_double(output_determinants,CI_dressed_pt2_new_energy(j),'Energy of state '//trim(st))
call write_double(output_determinants,CI_eigenvectors_s2(j),'S^2 of state '//trim(st)) call write_double(output_determinants, CI_dressed_pt2_new_eigenvectors_s2(j) ,'S^2 of state '//trim(st))
enddo enddo

View File

@ -1,7 +1,7 @@
subroutine give_2h1p_contrib(matrix_2h1p) subroutine give_2h1p_contrib(matrix_2h1p)
use bitmasks use bitmasks
implicit none implicit none
double precision , intent(inout) :: matrix_2h1p(N_det,N_det,*) double precision , intent(inout) :: matrix_2h1p(N_det_ref,N_det_ref,*)
integer :: i,j,r,a,b integer :: i,j,r,a,b
integer :: iorb, jorb, rorb, aorb, borb integer :: iorb, jorb, rorb, aorb, borb
integer :: ispin,jspin integer :: ispin,jspin
@ -22,8 +22,8 @@ subroutine give_2h1p_contrib(matrix_2h1p)
elec_num_tab_local = 0 elec_num_tab_local = 0
do inint = 1, N_int do inint = 1, N_int
elec_num_tab_local(1) += popcnt(psi_det(inint,1,1)) elec_num_tab_local(1) += popcnt(psi_ref(inint,1,1))
elec_num_tab_local(2) += popcnt(psi_det(inint,2,1)) elec_num_tab_local(2) += popcnt(psi_ref(inint,2,1))
enddo enddo
do i = 1, n_inact_orb ! First inactive do i = 1, n_inact_orb ! First inactive
iorb = list_inact(i) iorb = list_inact(i)
@ -38,14 +38,14 @@ subroutine give_2h1p_contrib(matrix_2h1p)
active_int(a,2) = get_mo_bielec_integral(iorb,jorb,aorb,rorb,mo_integrals_map) ! exchange active_int(a,2) = get_mo_bielec_integral(iorb,jorb,aorb,rorb,mo_integrals_map) ! exchange
enddo enddo
integer :: degree(N_det) integer :: degree(N_det_ref)
integer :: idx(0:N_det) integer :: idx(0:N_det_ref)
double precision :: delta_e(n_act_orb,2,N_states) double precision :: delta_e(n_act_orb,2,N_states)
integer :: istate integer :: istate
integer :: index_orb_act_mono(N_det,3) integer :: index_orb_act_mono(N_det_ref,3)
do idet = 1, N_det do idet = 1, N_det_ref
call get_excitation_degree_vector_mono(psi_det,psi_det(1,1,idet),degree,N_int,N_det,idx) call get_excitation_degree_vector_mono(psi_ref,psi_ref(1,1,idet),degree,N_int,N_det_ref,idx)
!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Precomputation of matrix elements !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Precomputation of matrix elements
do ispin = 1, 2 ! spin of the couple a-a^dagger (i,r) do ispin = 1, 2 ! spin of the couple a-a^dagger (i,r)
do jspin = 1, 2 ! spin of the couple z-a^dagger (j,a) do jspin = 1, 2 ! spin of the couple z-a^dagger (j,a)
@ -53,8 +53,8 @@ subroutine give_2h1p_contrib(matrix_2h1p)
do a = 1, n_act_orb ! First active do a = 1, n_act_orb ! First active
aorb = list_act(a) aorb = list_act(a)
do inint = 1, N_int do inint = 1, N_int
det_tmp(inint,1) = psi_det(inint,1,idet) det_tmp(inint,1) = psi_ref(inint,1,idet)
det_tmp(inint,2) = psi_det(inint,2,idet) det_tmp(inint,2) = psi_ref(inint,2,idet)
enddo enddo
! Do the excitation inactive -- > virtual ! Do the excitation inactive -- > virtual
call clear_bit_to_integer(iorb,det_tmp(1,ispin),N_int) ! hole in "iorb" of spin Ispin call clear_bit_to_integer(iorb,det_tmp(1,ispin),N_int) ! hole in "iorb" of spin Ispin
@ -64,7 +64,7 @@ subroutine give_2h1p_contrib(matrix_2h1p)
call clear_bit_to_integer(jorb,det_tmp(1,jspin),N_int) ! hole in "jorb" of spin Jspin call clear_bit_to_integer(jorb,det_tmp(1,jspin),N_int) ! hole in "jorb" of spin Jspin
call set_bit_to_integer(aorb,det_tmp(1,jspin),N_int) ! particle in "aorb" of spin Jspin call set_bit_to_integer(aorb,det_tmp(1,jspin),N_int) ! particle in "aorb" of spin Jspin
! Check if the excitation is possible or not on psi_det(idet) ! Check if the excitation is possible or not on psi_ref(idet)
accu_elec= 0 accu_elec= 0
do inint = 1, N_int do inint = 1, N_int
accu_elec+= popcnt(det_tmp(inint,jspin)) accu_elec+= popcnt(det_tmp(inint,jspin))
@ -81,7 +81,7 @@ subroutine give_2h1p_contrib(matrix_2h1p)
perturb_dets(inint,1,a,jspin,ispin) = det_tmp(inint,1) perturb_dets(inint,1,a,jspin,ispin) = det_tmp(inint,1)
perturb_dets(inint,2,a,jspin,ispin) = det_tmp(inint,2) perturb_dets(inint,2,a,jspin,ispin) = det_tmp(inint,2)
enddo enddo
call get_double_excitation(psi_det(1,1,idet),det_tmp,exc,phase,N_int) call get_double_excitation(psi_ref(1,1,idet),det_tmp,exc,phase,N_int)
perturb_dets_phase(a,jspin,ispin) = phase perturb_dets_phase(a,jspin,ispin) = phase
do istate = 1, N_states do istate = 1, N_states
delta_e(a,jspin,istate) = one_creat(a,jspin,istate) & delta_e(a,jspin,istate) = one_creat(a,jspin,istate) &
@ -109,7 +109,7 @@ subroutine give_2h1p_contrib(matrix_2h1p)
!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! <Jdet | a_{b} a^{\dagger}_a | Idet> !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! <Jdet | a_{b} a^{\dagger}_a | Idet>
do jdet = 1, idx(0) do jdet = 1, idx(0)
if(idx(jdet).ne.idet)then if(idx(jdet).ne.idet)then
call get_mono_excitation(psi_det(1,1,idet),psi_det(1,1,idx(jdet)),exc,phase,N_int) call get_mono_excitation(psi_ref(1,1,idet),psi_ref(1,1,idx(jdet)),exc,phase,N_int)
if (exc(0,1,1) == 1) then if (exc(0,1,1) == 1) then
! Mono alpha ! Mono alpha
index_orb_act_mono(idx(jdet),1) = list_act_reverse(exc(1,2,1)) !!! a^{\dagger}_a index_orb_act_mono(idx(jdet),1) = list_act_reverse(exc(1,2,1)) !!! a^{\dagger}_a
@ -129,6 +129,7 @@ subroutine give_2h1p_contrib(matrix_2h1p)
integer :: kspin integer :: kspin
do jdet = 1, idx(0) do jdet = 1, idx(0)
if(idx(jdet).ne.idet)then if(idx(jdet).ne.idet)then
! cycle
! two determinants | Idet > and | Jdet > which are connected throw a mono excitation operator ! two determinants | Idet > and | Jdet > which are connected throw a mono excitation operator
! are connected by the presence of the perturbers determinants |det_tmp> ! are connected by the presence of the perturbers determinants |det_tmp>
aorb = index_orb_act_mono(idx(jdet),1) ! a^{\dagger}_{aorb} aorb = index_orb_act_mono(idx(jdet),1) ! a^{\dagger}_{aorb}
@ -150,7 +151,7 @@ subroutine give_2h1p_contrib(matrix_2h1p)
! you determine the interaction between the excited determinant and the other parent | Jdet > ! you determine the interaction between the excited determinant and the other parent | Jdet >
! | det_tmp > = a^{\dagger}_{rorb,ispin} a^{\dagger}_{borb,kspin} a_{jorb,kspin} a_{iorb,ispin} | Jdet > ! | det_tmp > = a^{\dagger}_{rorb,ispin} a^{\dagger}_{borb,kspin} a_{jorb,kspin} a_{iorb,ispin} | Jdet >
! hja = < det_tmp | H | Jdet > ! hja = < det_tmp | H | Jdet >
call get_double_excitation(psi_det(1,1,idx(jdet)),det_tmp,exc,phase,N_int) call get_double_excitation(psi_ref(1,1,idx(jdet)),det_tmp,exc,phase,N_int)
if(kspin == ispin)then if(kspin == ispin)then
hja = phase * (active_int(borb,2) - active_int(borb,1) ) hja = phase * (active_int(borb,2) - active_int(borb,1) )
else else
@ -195,7 +196,7 @@ end
subroutine give_1h2p_contrib(matrix_1h2p) subroutine give_1h2p_contrib(matrix_1h2p)
use bitmasks use bitmasks
implicit none implicit none
double precision , intent(inout) :: matrix_1h2p(N_det,N_det,*) double precision , intent(inout) :: matrix_1h2p(N_det_ref,N_det_ref,*)
integer :: i,v,r,a,b integer :: i,v,r,a,b
integer :: iorb, vorb, rorb, aorb, borb integer :: iorb, vorb, rorb, aorb, borb
integer :: ispin,jspin integer :: ispin,jspin
@ -213,16 +214,18 @@ subroutine give_1h2p_contrib(matrix_1h2p)
double precision :: active_int(n_act_orb,2) double precision :: active_int(n_act_orb,2)
double precision :: hij,phase double precision :: hij,phase
!matrix_1h2p = 0.d0 !matrix_1h2p = 0.d0
elec_num_tab_local = 0 elec_num_tab_local = 0
do inint = 1, N_int do inint = 1, N_int
elec_num_tab_local(1) += popcnt(psi_det(inint,1,1)) elec_num_tab_local(1) += popcnt(psi_ref(inint,1,1))
elec_num_tab_local(2) += popcnt(psi_det(inint,2,1)) elec_num_tab_local(2) += popcnt(psi_ref(inint,2,1))
enddo enddo
!do i = 1, 1 ! First inactive
do i = 1, n_inact_orb ! First inactive do i = 1, n_inact_orb ! First inactive
iorb = list_inact(i) iorb = list_inact(i)
! do v = 1, 1
do v = 1, n_virt_orb ! First virtual do v = 1, n_virt_orb ! First virtual
vorb = list_virt(v) vorb = list_virt(v)
! do r = 1, 1
do r = 1, n_virt_orb ! Second virtual do r = 1, n_virt_orb ! Second virtual
rorb = list_virt(r) rorb = list_virt(r)
! take all the integral you will need for i,j,r fixed ! take all the integral you will need for i,j,r fixed
@ -232,14 +235,14 @@ subroutine give_1h2p_contrib(matrix_1h2p)
active_int(a,2) = get_mo_bielec_integral(iorb,aorb,vorb,rorb,mo_integrals_map) ! exchange active_int(a,2) = get_mo_bielec_integral(iorb,aorb,vorb,rorb,mo_integrals_map) ! exchange
enddo enddo
integer :: degree(N_det) integer :: degree(N_det_ref)
integer :: idx(0:N_det) integer :: idx(0:N_det_ref)
double precision :: delta_e(n_act_orb,2,N_states) double precision :: delta_e(n_act_orb,2,N_states)
integer :: istate integer :: istate
integer :: index_orb_act_mono(N_det,3) integer :: index_orb_act_mono(N_det_ref,3)
do idet = 1, N_det do idet = 1, N_det_ref
call get_excitation_degree_vector_mono(psi_det,psi_det(1,1,idet),degree,N_int,N_det,idx) call get_excitation_degree_vector_mono(psi_ref,psi_ref(1,1,idet),degree,N_int,N_det_ref,idx)
!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Precomputation of matrix elements !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Precomputation of matrix elements
do ispin = 1, 2 ! spin of the couple a-a^dagger (iorb,rorb) do ispin = 1, 2 ! spin of the couple a-a^dagger (iorb,rorb)
do jspin = 1, 2 ! spin of the couple a-a^dagger (aorb,vorb) do jspin = 1, 2 ! spin of the couple a-a^dagger (aorb,vorb)
@ -247,8 +250,8 @@ subroutine give_1h2p_contrib(matrix_1h2p)
aorb = list_act(a) aorb = list_act(a)
if(ispin == jspin .and. vorb.le.rorb)cycle ! condition not to double count if(ispin == jspin .and. vorb.le.rorb)cycle ! condition not to double count
do inint = 1, N_int do inint = 1, N_int
det_tmp(inint,1) = psi_det(inint,1,idet) det_tmp(inint,1) = psi_ref(inint,1,idet)
det_tmp(inint,2) = psi_det(inint,2,idet) det_tmp(inint,2) = psi_ref(inint,2,idet)
enddo enddo
! Do the excitation inactive -- > virtual ! Do the excitation inactive -- > virtual
call clear_bit_to_integer(iorb,det_tmp(1,ispin),N_int) ! hole in "iorb" of spin Ispin call clear_bit_to_integer(iorb,det_tmp(1,ispin),N_int) ! hole in "iorb" of spin Ispin
@ -258,7 +261,7 @@ subroutine give_1h2p_contrib(matrix_1h2p)
call clear_bit_to_integer(aorb,det_tmp(1,jspin),N_int) ! hole in "aorb" of spin Jspin call clear_bit_to_integer(aorb,det_tmp(1,jspin),N_int) ! hole in "aorb" of spin Jspin
call set_bit_to_integer(vorb,det_tmp(1,jspin),N_int) ! particle in "vorb" of spin Jspin call set_bit_to_integer(vorb,det_tmp(1,jspin),N_int) ! particle in "vorb" of spin Jspin
! Check if the excitation is possible or not on psi_det(idet) ! Check if the excitation is possible or not on psi_ref(idet)
accu_elec= 0 accu_elec= 0
do inint = 1, N_int do inint = 1, N_int
accu_elec+= popcnt(det_tmp(inint,jspin)) accu_elec+= popcnt(det_tmp(inint,jspin))
@ -280,7 +283,7 @@ subroutine give_1h2p_contrib(matrix_1h2p)
det_tmp(inint,2) = perturb_dets(inint,2,a,jspin,ispin) det_tmp(inint,2) = perturb_dets(inint,2,a,jspin,ispin)
enddo enddo
call get_double_excitation(psi_det(1,1,idet),det_tmp,exc,phase,N_int) call get_double_excitation(psi_ref(1,1,idet),det_tmp,exc,phase,N_int)
perturb_dets_phase(a,jspin,ispin) = phase perturb_dets_phase(a,jspin,ispin) = phase
do istate = 1, N_states do istate = 1, N_states
delta_e(a,jspin,istate) = one_anhil(a,jspin,istate) & delta_e(a,jspin,istate) = one_anhil(a,jspin,istate) &
@ -308,7 +311,7 @@ subroutine give_1h2p_contrib(matrix_1h2p)
!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! <Jdet | a^{\dagger}_b a_{a} | Idet> !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! <Jdet | a^{\dagger}_b a_{a} | Idet>
do jdet = 1, idx(0) do jdet = 1, idx(0)
if(idx(jdet).ne.idet)then if(idx(jdet).ne.idet)then
call get_mono_excitation(psi_det(1,1,idet),psi_det(1,1,idx(jdet)),exc,phase,N_int) call get_mono_excitation(psi_ref(1,1,idet),psi_ref(1,1,idx(jdet)),exc,phase,N_int)
if (exc(0,1,1) == 1) then if (exc(0,1,1) == 1) then
! Mono alpha ! Mono alpha
index_orb_act_mono(idx(jdet),1) = list_act_reverse(exc(1,1,1)) !!! a_a index_orb_act_mono(idx(jdet),1) = list_act_reverse(exc(1,1,1)) !!! a_a
@ -350,7 +353,7 @@ subroutine give_1h2p_contrib(matrix_1h2p)
! | det_tmp > = a^{\dagger}_{rorb,ispin} a^{\dagger}_{vorb,kspin} a_{borb,kspin} a_{iorb,ispin} | Jdet > ! | det_tmp > = a^{\dagger}_{rorb,ispin} a^{\dagger}_{vorb,kspin} a_{borb,kspin} a_{iorb,ispin} | Jdet >
! hja = < det_tmp | H | Jdet > ! hja = < det_tmp | H | Jdet >
call get_double_excitation(psi_det(1,1,idx(jdet)),det_tmp,exc,phase,N_int) call get_double_excitation(psi_ref(1,1,idx(jdet)),det_tmp,exc,phase,N_int)
if(kspin == ispin)then if(kspin == ispin)then
hja = phase * (active_int(borb,1) - active_int(borb,2) ) hja = phase * (active_int(borb,1) - active_int(borb,2) )
else else
@ -393,130 +396,10 @@ subroutine give_1h2p_contrib(matrix_1h2p)
end end
subroutine give_1h1p_contrib(matrix_1h1p)
use bitmasks
implicit none
double precision , intent(inout) :: matrix_1h1p(N_det,N_det,*)
integer :: i,j,r,a,b
integer :: iorb, jorb, rorb, aorb, borb
integer :: ispin,jspin
integer :: idet,jdet
integer :: inint
integer :: elec_num_tab_local(2),acu_elec
integer(bit_kind) :: det_tmp(N_int,2)
integer :: exc(0:2,2,2)
integer :: accu_elec
double precision :: get_mo_bielec_integral
double precision :: active_int(n_act_orb,2)
double precision :: hij,phase
integer :: degree(N_det)
integer :: idx(0:N_det)
integer :: istate
double precision :: hja,delta_e_inact_virt(N_states)
integer :: kspin,degree_scalar
!matrix_1h1p = 0.d0
elec_num_tab_local = 0
do inint = 1, N_int
elec_num_tab_local(1) += popcnt(psi_det(inint,1,1))
elec_num_tab_local(2) += popcnt(psi_det(inint,2,1))
do i = 1, n_inact_orb ! First inactive
iorb = list_inact(i)
do r = 1, n_virt_orb ! First virtual
rorb = list_virt(r)
do j = 1, N_states
delta_e_inact_virt(j) = fock_core_inactive_total_spin_trace(iorb,j) &
- fock_virt_total_spin_trace(rorb,j)
do idet = 1, N_det
call get_excitation_degree_vector_mono(psi_det,psi_det(1,1,idet),degree,N_int,N_det,idx)
!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Precomputation of matrix elements
!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Case of the mono excitations
do jdet = 1, idx(0)
do ispin = 1, 2 ! spin of the couple a-a^dagger (i,r)
do inint = 1, N_int
det_tmp(inint,1) = psi_det(inint,1,idet)
det_tmp(inint,2) = psi_det(inint,2,idet)
! Do the excitation inactive -- > virtual
double precision :: himono,delta_e(N_states),coef_mono(N_states)
call clear_bit_to_integer(iorb,det_tmp(1,ispin),N_int) ! hole in "iorb" of spin Ispin
call set_bit_to_integer(rorb,det_tmp(1,ispin),N_int) ! particle in "rorb" of spin Ispin
call i_H_j(psi_det(1,1,idet),det_tmp,N_int,himono)
do state_target = 1, N_states
! delta_e(state_target) = one_anhil_one_creat_inact_virt(i,r,state_target) + delta_e_inact_virt(state_target)
delta_e(state_target) = one_anhil_one_creat_inact_virt_bis(i,r,idet,state_target)
coef_mono(state_target) = himono / delta_e(state_target)
call get_mono_excitation(psi_det(1,1,idet),psi_det(1,1,idx(jdet)),exc,phase,N_int)
if (exc(0,1,1) == 1) then
! Mono alpha
aorb = (exc(1,2,1)) !!! a^{\dagger}_a
borb = (exc(1,1,1)) !!! a_{b}
jspin = 1
! Mono beta
aorb = (exc(1,2,2)) !!! a^{\dagger}_a
borb = (exc(1,1,2)) !!! a_{b}
jspin = 2
call get_excitation_degree(psi_det(1,1,idx(jdet)),det_tmp,degree_scalar,N_int)
if(degree_scalar .ne. 2)then
print*, 'pb !!!'
print*, degree_scalar
call debug_det(psi_det(1,1,idx(jdet)),N_int)
call debug_det(det_tmp,N_int)
call get_double_excitation(psi_det(1,1,idx(jdet)),det_tmp,exc,phase,N_int)
if(ispin == jspin )then
hij = -get_mo_bielec_integral(iorb,aorb,rorb,borb,mo_integrals_map) &
+ get_mo_bielec_integral(iorb,aorb,borb,rorb,mo_integrals_map)
hij = get_mo_bielec_integral(iorb,borb,rorb,aorb,mo_integrals_map)
hij = hij * phase
double precision :: hij_test
integer :: state_target
call i_H_j(psi_det(1,1,idx(jdet)),det_tmp,N_int,hij_test)
if(dabs(hij - hij_test).gt.1.d-10)then
print*, 'ahah pb !!'
print*, 'hij .ne. hij_test'
print*, hij,hij_test
call debug_det(psi_det(1,1,idx(jdet)),N_int)
call debug_det(det_tmp,N_int)
print*, ispin, jspin
print*, phase
call i_H_j_verbose(psi_det(1,1,idx(jdet)),det_tmp,N_int,hij_test)
do state_target = 1, N_states
matrix_1h1p(idx(jdet),idet,state_target) += hij* coef_mono(state_target)
do state_target = 1, N_states
matrix_1h1p(idet,idet,state_target) += himono * coef_mono(state_target)
subroutine give_1h1p_sec_order_singles_contrib(matrix_1h1p) subroutine give_1h1p_sec_order_singles_contrib(matrix_1h1p)
use bitmasks use bitmasks
implicit none implicit none
double precision , intent(inout) :: matrix_1h1p(N_det,N_det,*) double precision , intent(inout) :: matrix_1h1p(N_det_ref,N_det_ref,*)
integer :: i,j,r,a,b integer :: i,j,r,a,b
integer :: iorb, jorb, rorb, aorb, borb,s,sorb integer :: iorb, jorb, rorb, aorb, borb,s,sorb
integer :: ispin,jspin integer :: ispin,jspin
@ -533,8 +416,8 @@ subroutine give_1h1p_sec_order_singles_contrib(matrix_1h1p)
double precision :: get_mo_bielec_integral double precision :: get_mo_bielec_integral
double precision :: active_int(n_act_orb,2) double precision :: active_int(n_act_orb,2)
double precision :: hij,phase double precision :: hij,phase
integer :: degree(N_det) integer :: degree(N_det_ref)
integer :: idx(0:N_det) integer :: idx(0:N_det_ref)
integer :: istate integer :: istate
double precision :: hja,delta_e_inact_virt(N_states) double precision :: hja,delta_e_inact_virt(N_states)
integer :: kspin,degree_scalar integer :: kspin,degree_scalar
@ -542,13 +425,13 @@ subroutine give_1h1p_sec_order_singles_contrib(matrix_1h1p)
elec_num_tab_local = 0 elec_num_tab_local = 0
do inint = 1, N_int do inint = 1, N_int
elec_num_tab_local(1) += popcnt(psi_det(inint,1,1)) elec_num_tab_local(1) += popcnt(psi_ref(inint,1,1))
elec_num_tab_local(2) += popcnt(psi_det(inint,2,1)) elec_num_tab_local(2) += popcnt(psi_ref(inint,2,1))
enddo enddo
double precision :: himono,delta_e(N_states),coef_mono(N_states) double precision :: himono,delta_e(N_states),coef_mono(N_states)
integer :: state_target integer :: state_target
do idet = 1, N_det do idet = 1, N_det_ref
call get_excitation_degree_vector_mono(psi_det,psi_det(1,1,idet),degree,N_int,N_det,idx) call get_excitation_degree_vector_mono(psi_ref,psi_ref(1,1,idet),degree,N_int,N_det_ref,idx)
do i = 1, n_inact_orb ! First inactive do i = 1, n_inact_orb ! First inactive
iorb = list_inact(i) iorb = list_inact(i)
do r = 1, n_virt_orb ! First virtual do r = 1, n_virt_orb ! First virtual
@ -563,13 +446,13 @@ subroutine give_1h1p_sec_order_singles_contrib(matrix_1h1p)
- fock_virt_total_spin_trace(rorb,j) - fock_virt_total_spin_trace(rorb,j)
enddo enddo
do inint = 1, N_int do inint = 1, N_int
det_tmp(inint,1) = psi_det(inint,1,idet) det_tmp(inint,1) = psi_ref(inint,1,idet)
det_tmp(inint,2) = psi_det(inint,2,idet) det_tmp(inint,2) = psi_ref(inint,2,idet)
enddo enddo
! Do the excitation inactive -- > virtual ! Do the excitation inactive -- > virtual
call clear_bit_to_integer(iorb,det_tmp(1,ispin),N_int) ! hole in "iorb" of spin Ispin call clear_bit_to_integer(iorb,det_tmp(1,ispin),N_int) ! hole in "iorb" of spin Ispin
call set_bit_to_integer(rorb,det_tmp(1,ispin),N_int) ! particle in "rorb" of spin Ispin call set_bit_to_integer(rorb,det_tmp(1,ispin),N_int) ! particle in "rorb" of spin Ispin
call i_H_j(psi_det(1,1,idet),det_tmp,N_int,himono) call i_H_j(psi_ref(1,1,idet),det_tmp,N_int,himono)
do inint = 1, N_int do inint = 1, N_int
det_pert(inint,1,i,r,ispin) = det_tmp(inint,1) det_pert(inint,1,i,r,ispin) = det_tmp(inint,1)
det_pert(inint,2,i,r,ispin) = det_tmp(inint,2) det_pert(inint,2,i,r,ispin) = det_tmp(inint,2)
@ -619,9 +502,9 @@ subroutine give_1h1p_sec_order_singles_contrib(matrix_1h1p)
do r = 1, n_virt_orb ! First virtual do r = 1, n_virt_orb ! First virtual
rorb = list_virt(r) rorb = list_virt(r)
do ispin = 1, 2 ! spin of the couple a-a^dagger (i,r) do ispin = 1, 2 ! spin of the couple a-a^dagger (i,r)
do state_target = 1, N_states !do state_target = 1, N_states
coef_det_pert(i,r,ispin,state_target,1) += coef_det_pert(i,r,ispin,state_target,2) ! coef_det_pert(i,r,ispin,state_target,1) += coef_det_pert(i,r,ispin,state_target,2)
enddo !enddo
do inint = 1, N_int do inint = 1, N_int
det_tmp(inint,1) = det_pert(inint,1,i,r,ispin) det_tmp(inint,1) = det_pert(inint,1,i,r,ispin)
@ -629,37 +512,37 @@ subroutine give_1h1p_sec_order_singles_contrib(matrix_1h1p)
enddo enddo
do jdet = 1, idx(0) do jdet = 1, idx(0)
! !
call get_mono_excitation(psi_det(1,1,idet),psi_det(1,1,idx(jdet)),exc,phase,N_int)
if (exc(0,1,1) == 1) then
! Mono alpha
aorb = (exc(1,2,1)) !!! a^{\dagger}_a
borb = (exc(1,1,1)) !!! a_{b}
jspin = 1
aorb = (exc(1,2,2)) !!! a^{\dagger}_a
borb = (exc(1,1,2)) !!! a_{b}
jspin = 2
call get_excitation_degree(psi_det(1,1,idx(jdet)),det_tmp,degree_scalar,N_int)
if(degree_scalar .ne. 2)then
print*, 'pb !!!'
print*, degree_scalar
call debug_det(psi_det(1,1,idx(jdet)),N_int)
call debug_det(det_tmp,N_int)
call get_double_excitation(psi_det(1,1,idx(jdet)),det_tmp,exc,phase,N_int)
double precision :: hij_test double precision :: hij_test
hij_test = 0.d0 if(idx(jdet).ne.idet)then
call i_H_j(psi_det(1,1,idx(jdet)),det_tmp,N_int,hij_test) ! call get_mono_excitation(psi_ref(1,1,idet),psi_ref(1,1,idx(jdet)),exc,phase,N_int)
do state_target = 1, N_states ! if (exc(0,1,1) == 1) then
matrix_1h1p(idx(jdet),idet,state_target) += hij_test* coef_det_pert(i,r,ispin,state_target,2) ! ! Mono alpha
enddo ! aorb = (exc(1,2,1)) !!! a^{\dagger}_a
! borb = (exc(1,1,1)) !!! a_{b}
! jspin = 1
! else
! aorb = (exc(1,2,2)) !!! a^{\dagger}_a
! borb = (exc(1,1,2)) !!! a_{b}
! jspin = 2
! endif
! call get_excitation_degree(psi_ref(1,1,idx(jdet)),det_tmp,degree_scalar,N_int)
! if(degree_scalar .ne. 2)then
! print*, 'pb !!!'
! print*, degree_scalar
! call debug_det(psi_ref(1,1,idx(jdet)),N_int)
! call debug_det(det_tmp,N_int)
! stop
! endif
! call get_double_excitation(psi_ref(1,1,idx(jdet)),det_tmp,exc,phase,N_int)
! hij_test = 0.d0
! call i_H_j(psi_ref(1,1,idx(jdet)),det_tmp,N_int,hij_test)
! do state_target = 1, N_states
! matrix_1h1p(idx(jdet),idet,state_target) += hij_test* coef_det_pert(i,r,ispin,state_target,2)
! enddo
else else
hij_test = 0.d0 hij_test = 0.d0
call i_H_j(psi_det(1,1,idet),det_tmp,N_int,hij_test) call i_H_j(psi_ref(1,1,idet),det_tmp,N_int,hij_test)
do state_target = 1, N_states do state_target = 1, N_states
matrix_1h1p(idet,idet,state_target) += hij_test* coef_det_pert(i,r,ispin,state_target,2) matrix_1h1p(idet,idet,state_target) += hij_test* coef_det_pert(i,r,ispin,state_target,2)
enddo enddo
@ -676,7 +559,7 @@ end
subroutine give_1p_sec_order_singles_contrib(matrix_1p) subroutine give_1p_sec_order_singles_contrib(matrix_1p)
use bitmasks use bitmasks
implicit none implicit none
double precision , intent(inout) :: matrix_1p(N_det,N_det,*) double precision , intent(inout) :: matrix_1p(N_det_ref,N_det_ref,*)
integer :: i,j,r,a,b integer :: i,j,r,a,b
integer :: iorb, jorb, rorb, aorb, borb,s,sorb integer :: iorb, jorb, rorb, aorb, borb,s,sorb
integer :: ispin,jspin integer :: ispin,jspin
@ -692,8 +575,8 @@ subroutine give_1p_sec_order_singles_contrib(matrix_1p)
integer :: accu_elec integer :: accu_elec
double precision :: get_mo_bielec_integral double precision :: get_mo_bielec_integral
double precision :: hij,phase double precision :: hij,phase
integer :: degree(N_det) integer :: degree(N_det_ref)
integer :: idx(0:N_det) integer :: idx(0:N_det_ref)
integer :: istate integer :: istate
double precision :: hja,delta_e_act_virt(N_states) double precision :: hja,delta_e_act_virt(N_states)
integer :: kspin,degree_scalar integer :: kspin,degree_scalar
@ -701,13 +584,13 @@ subroutine give_1p_sec_order_singles_contrib(matrix_1p)
elec_num_tab_local = 0 elec_num_tab_local = 0
do inint = 1, N_int do inint = 1, N_int
elec_num_tab_local(1) += popcnt(psi_det(inint,1,1)) elec_num_tab_local(1) += popcnt(psi_ref(inint,1,1))
elec_num_tab_local(2) += popcnt(psi_det(inint,2,1)) elec_num_tab_local(2) += popcnt(psi_ref(inint,2,1))
enddo enddo
double precision :: himono,delta_e(N_states),coef_mono(N_states) double precision :: himono,delta_e(N_states),coef_mono(N_states)
integer :: state_target integer :: state_target
do idet = 1, N_det do idet = 1, N_det_ref
call get_excitation_degree_vector_mono(psi_det,psi_det(1,1,idet),degree,N_int,N_det,idx) call get_excitation_degree_vector_mono(psi_ref,psi_ref(1,1,idet),degree,N_int,N_det_ref,idx)
do i = 1, n_act_orb ! First active do i = 1, n_act_orb ! First active
iorb = list_act(i) iorb = list_act(i)
do r = 1, n_virt_orb ! First virtual do r = 1, n_virt_orb ! First virtual
@ -721,8 +604,8 @@ subroutine give_1p_sec_order_singles_contrib(matrix_1p)
delta_e_act_virt(j) = - fock_virt_total_spin_trace(rorb,j) delta_e_act_virt(j) = - fock_virt_total_spin_trace(rorb,j)
enddo enddo
do inint = 1, N_int do inint = 1, N_int
det_tmp(inint,1) = psi_det(inint,1,idet) det_tmp(inint,1) = psi_ref(inint,1,idet)
det_tmp(inint,2) = psi_det(inint,2,idet) det_tmp(inint,2) = psi_ref(inint,2,idet)
enddo enddo
! Do the excitation active -- > virtual ! Do the excitation active -- > virtual
call do_mono_excitation(det_tmp,iorb,rorb,ispin,i_ok) call do_mono_excitation(det_tmp,iorb,rorb,ispin,i_ok)
@ -739,7 +622,7 @@ subroutine give_1p_sec_order_singles_contrib(matrix_1p)
enddo enddo
cycle cycle
endif endif
call i_H_j(psi_det(1,1,idet),det_tmp,N_int,himono) call i_H_j(psi_ref(1,1,idet),det_tmp,N_int,himono)
do inint = 1, N_int do inint = 1, N_int
det_pert(inint,1,i,r,ispin) = det_tmp(inint,1) det_pert(inint,1,i,r,ispin) = det_tmp(inint,1)
det_pert(inint,2,i,r,ispin) = det_tmp(inint,2) det_pert(inint,2,i,r,ispin) = det_tmp(inint,2)
@ -801,10 +684,10 @@ subroutine give_1p_sec_order_singles_contrib(matrix_1p)
det_tmp(inint,1) = det_pert(inint,1,i,r,ispin) det_tmp(inint,1) = det_pert(inint,1,i,r,ispin)
det_tmp(inint,2) = det_pert(inint,2,i,r,ispin) det_tmp(inint,2) = det_pert(inint,2,i,r,ispin)
enddo enddo
do jdet = 1,N_det do jdet = 1,N_det_ref
double precision :: coef_array(N_states),hij_test double precision :: coef_array(N_states),hij_test
call i_H_j(det_tmp,psi_det(1,1,jdet),N_int,himono) call i_H_j(det_tmp,psi_ref(1,1,jdet),N_int,himono)
call get_delta_e_dyall(psi_det(1,1,jdet),det_tmp,coef_array,hij_test,delta_e) call get_delta_e_dyall(psi_ref(1,1,jdet),det_tmp,coef_array,hij_test,delta_e)
do state_target = 1, N_states do state_target = 1, N_states
! matrix_1p(idet,jdet,state_target) += himono * coef_det_pert(i,r,ispin,state_target,1) ! matrix_1p(idet,jdet,state_target) += himono * coef_det_pert(i,r,ispin,state_target,1)
matrix_1p(idet,jdet,state_target) += himono * hij_det_pert(i,r,ispin) / delta_e(state_target) matrix_1p(idet,jdet,state_target) += himono * hij_det_pert(i,r,ispin) / delta_e(state_target)
@ -822,7 +705,7 @@ end
subroutine give_1h1p_only_doubles_spin_cross(matrix_1h1p) subroutine give_1h1p_only_doubles_spin_cross(matrix_1h1p)
use bitmasks use bitmasks
implicit none implicit none
double precision , intent(inout) :: matrix_1h1p(N_det,N_det,*) double precision , intent(inout) :: matrix_1h1p(N_det_ref,N_det_ref,*)
integer :: i,j,r,a,b integer :: i,j,r,a,b
integer :: iorb, jorb, rorb, aorb, borb integer :: iorb, jorb, rorb, aorb, borb
integer :: ispin,jspin integer :: ispin,jspin
@ -835,8 +718,8 @@ subroutine give_1h1p_only_doubles_spin_cross(matrix_1h1p)
double precision :: get_mo_bielec_integral double precision :: get_mo_bielec_integral
double precision :: active_int(n_act_orb,2) double precision :: active_int(n_act_orb,2)
double precision :: hij,phase double precision :: hij,phase
integer :: degree(N_det) integer :: degree(N_det_ref)
integer :: idx(0:N_det) integer :: idx(0:N_det_ref)
integer :: istate integer :: istate
double precision :: hja,delta_e_inact_virt(N_states) double precision :: hja,delta_e_inact_virt(N_states)
integer(bit_kind) :: pert_det(N_int,2,n_act_orb,n_act_orb,2) integer(bit_kind) :: pert_det(N_int,2,n_act_orb,n_act_orb,2)
@ -850,8 +733,8 @@ subroutine give_1h1p_only_doubles_spin_cross(matrix_1h1p)
elec_num_tab_local = 0 elec_num_tab_local = 0
do inint = 1, N_int do inint = 1, N_int
elec_num_tab_local(1) += popcnt(psi_det(inint,1,1)) elec_num_tab_local(1) += popcnt(psi_ref(inint,1,1))
elec_num_tab_local(2) += popcnt(psi_det(inint,2,1)) elec_num_tab_local(2) += popcnt(psi_ref(inint,2,1))
enddo enddo
do i = 1, n_inact_orb ! First inactive do i = 1, n_inact_orb ! First inactive
iorb = list_inact(i) iorb = list_inact(i)
@ -861,8 +744,8 @@ subroutine give_1h1p_only_doubles_spin_cross(matrix_1h1p)
delta_e_inact_virt(j) = fock_core_inactive_total_spin_trace(iorb,j) & delta_e_inact_virt(j) = fock_core_inactive_total_spin_trace(iorb,j) &
- fock_virt_total_spin_trace(rorb,j) - fock_virt_total_spin_trace(rorb,j)
enddo enddo
do idet = 1, N_det do idet = 1, N_det_ref
call get_excitation_degree_vector_double_alpha_beta(psi_det,psi_det(1,1,idet),degree,N_int,N_det,idx) call get_excitation_degree_vector_double_alpha_beta(psi_ref,psi_ref(1,1,idet),degree,N_int,N_det_ref,idx)
!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Precomputation of matrix elements !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Precomputation of matrix elements
!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Case of the mono excitations !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Case of the mono excitations
do ispin = 1, 2 do ispin = 1, 2
@ -872,8 +755,8 @@ subroutine give_1h1p_only_doubles_spin_cross(matrix_1h1p)
do b = 1, n_act_orb do b = 1, n_act_orb
borb = list_act(b) borb = list_act(b)
do inint = 1, N_int do inint = 1, N_int
det_tmp(inint,1) = psi_det(inint,1,idet) det_tmp(inint,1) = psi_ref(inint,1,idet)
det_tmp(inint,2) = psi_det(inint,2,idet) det_tmp(inint,2) = psi_ref(inint,2,idet)
enddo enddo
! Do the excitation (i-->a)(ispin) + (b-->r)(other_spin(ispin)) ! Do the excitation (i-->a)(ispin) + (b-->r)(other_spin(ispin))
integer :: i_ok,corb,dorb integer :: i_ok,corb,dorb
@ -904,7 +787,7 @@ subroutine give_1h1p_only_doubles_spin_cross(matrix_1h1p)
pert_det(inint,2,a,b,ispin) = det_tmp(inint,2) pert_det(inint,2,a,b,ispin) = det_tmp(inint,2)
enddo enddo
call i_H_j(psi_det(1,1,idet),det_tmp,N_int,hidouble) call i_H_j(psi_ref(1,1,idet),det_tmp,N_int,hidouble)
do state_target = 1, N_states do state_target = 1, N_states
delta_e(state_target) = one_anhil_one_creat(a,b,ispin,jspin,state_target) + delta_e_inact_virt(state_target) delta_e(state_target) = one_anhil_one_creat(a,b,ispin,jspin,state_target) + delta_e_inact_virt(state_target)
pert_det_coef(a,b,ispin,state_target) = hidouble / delta_e(state_target) pert_det_coef(a,b,ispin,state_target) = hidouble / delta_e(state_target)
@ -915,7 +798,7 @@ subroutine give_1h1p_only_doubles_spin_cross(matrix_1h1p)
enddo enddo
do jdet = 1, idx(0) do jdet = 1, idx(0)
if(idx(jdet).ne.idet)then if(idx(jdet).ne.idet)then
call get_double_excitation(psi_det(1,1,idet),psi_det(1,1,idx(jdet)),exc,phase,N_int) call get_double_excitation(psi_ref(1,1,idet),psi_ref(1,1,idx(jdet)),exc,phase,N_int)
integer :: c,d,state_target integer :: c,d,state_target
integer(bit_kind) :: det_tmp_bis(N_int,2) integer(bit_kind) :: det_tmp_bis(N_int,2)
! excitation from I --> J ! excitation from I --> J
@ -935,8 +818,8 @@ subroutine give_1h1p_only_doubles_spin_cross(matrix_1h1p)
det_tmp_bis(inint,2) = pert_det(inint,2,c,d,2) det_tmp_bis(inint,2) = pert_det(inint,2,c,d,2)
enddo enddo
double precision :: hjdouble_1,hjdouble_2 double precision :: hjdouble_1,hjdouble_2
call i_H_j(psi_det(1,1,idx(jdet)),det_tmp,N_int,hjdouble_1) call i_H_j(psi_ref(1,1,idx(jdet)),det_tmp,N_int,hjdouble_1)
call i_H_j(psi_det(1,1,idx(jdet)),det_tmp_bis,N_int,hjdouble_2) call i_H_j(psi_ref(1,1,idx(jdet)),det_tmp_bis,N_int,hjdouble_2)
do state_target = 1, N_states do state_target = 1, N_states
matrix_1h1p(idx(jdet),idet,state_target) += (pert_det_coef(c,d,1,state_target) * hjdouble_1 + pert_det_coef(c,d,2,state_target) * hjdouble_2 ) matrix_1h1p(idx(jdet),idet,state_target) += (pert_det_coef(c,d,1,state_target) * hjdouble_1 + pert_det_coef(c,d,2,state_target) * hjdouble_2 )
enddo enddo

View File

@ -44,8 +44,8 @@ subroutine give_2h1p_contrib_sec_order(matrix_2h1p)
perturb_dets_phase(a,2,1) = -1000.d0 perturb_dets_phase(a,2,1) = -1000.d0
enddo enddo
integer :: degree(N_det) integer :: degree(N_det_Ref)
integer :: idx(0:N_det) integer :: idx(0:N_det_Ref)
double precision :: delta_e(n_act_orb,2,N_states) double precision :: delta_e(n_act_orb,2,N_states)
integer :: istate integer :: istate
@ -379,8 +379,8 @@ subroutine give_1h2p_contrib_sec_order(matrix_1h2p)
double precision :: active_int(n_act_orb,2) double precision :: active_int(n_act_orb,2)
double precision :: hij,phase double precision :: hij,phase
double precision :: accu_contrib double precision :: accu_contrib
integer :: degree(N_det) integer :: degree(N_det_Ref)
integer :: idx(0:N_det) integer :: idx(0:N_det_Ref)
double precision :: delta_e(n_act_orb,2,N_states) double precision :: delta_e(n_act_orb,2,N_states)
integer :: istate integer :: istate
integer :: index_orb_act_mono(N_det,6) integer :: index_orb_act_mono(N_det,6)

View File

@ -1,51 +0,0 @@
program print_1h2p
implicit none
read_wf = .True.
touch read_wf
call routine
subroutine routine
implicit none
double precision,allocatable :: matrix_1h2p(:,:,:)
allocate (matrix_1h2p(N_det,N_det,N_states))
integer :: i,j,istate
do i = 1, N_det
do j = 1, N_det
do istate = 1, N_states
matrix_1h2p(i,j,istate) = 0.d0
call give_1h2p_contrib(matrix_1h2p)
double precision :: accu
accu = 0.d0
do i = 1, N_det
do j = 1, N_det
accu += matrix_1h2p(i,j,1) * psi_coef(i,1) * psi_coef(j,1)
print*, 'second order ', accu
do i = 1, N_det
do j = 1, N_det
do istate = 1, N_states
matrix_1h2p(i,j,istate) = 0.d0
call give_1h2p_new(matrix_1h2p)
accu = 0.d0
do i = 1, N_det
do j = 1, N_det
accu += matrix_1h2p(i,j,1) * psi_coef(i,1) * psi_coef(j,1)
print*, 'third order ', accu
deallocate (matrix_1h2p)

View File

@ -9,11 +9,12 @@ BEGIN_PROVIDER [integer(bit_kind), psi_active, (N_int,2,psi_det_size)]
integer :: i,j,k,l integer :: i,j,k,l
provide cas_bitmask provide cas_bitmask
!print*, 'psi_active ' !print*, 'psi_active '
do i = 1, N_det do i = 1, N_det_ref
do j = 1, N_int do j = 1, N_int
psi_active(j,1,i) = iand(psi_det(j,1,i),cas_bitmask(j,1,1)) psi_active(j,1,i) = iand(psi_ref(j,1,i),cas_bitmask(j,1,1))
psi_active(j,2,i) = iand(psi_det(j,2,i),cas_bitmask(j,1,1)) psi_active(j,2,i) = iand(psi_ref(j,2,i),cas_bitmask(j,1,1))
enddo enddo
! call debug_det(psi_active(1,1,i),N_int)
enddo enddo
@ -180,25 +181,35 @@ subroutine get_delta_e_dyall(det_1,det_2,coef_array,hij,delta_e_final)
double precision :: delta_e_inactive(N_states) double precision :: delta_e_inactive(N_states)
integer :: i_hole_inact integer :: i_hole_inact, list_holes_inact(n_inact_orb,2)
call get_excitation_degree(det_1,det_2,degree,N_int) call get_excitation_degree(det_1,det_2,degree,N_int)
if(degree>2)then if(degree>2)then
delta_e_final = -1.d+10 do i_state = 1, N_States
delta_e_final(i_state) = -1.d+10
return return
endif endif
call give_holes_in_inactive_space(det_2,n_holes_spin,n_holes,holes_list) call give_holes_in_inactive_space(det_2,n_holes_spin,n_holes,holes_list)
delta_e_inactive = 0.d0 delta_e_inactive = 0.d0
integer :: n_holes_total
n_holes_total = 0
do i = 1, n_holes_spin(1) do i = 1, n_holes_spin(1)
i_hole_inact = holes_list(i,1) i_hole_inact = holes_list(i,1)
n_holes_total +=1
list_holes_inact(n_holes_total,1) = i_hole_inact
list_holes_inact(n_holes_total,2) = 1
do i_state = 1, N_states do i_state = 1, N_states
delta_e_inactive += fock_core_inactive_total_spin_trace(i_hole_inact,i_state) delta_e_inactive(i_state) += fock_core_inactive_total_spin_trace(i_hole_inact,i_state)
enddo enddo
enddo enddo
do i = 1, n_holes_spin(2) do i = 1, n_holes_spin(2)
i_hole_inact = holes_list(i,2) i_hole_inact = holes_list(i,2)
n_holes_total +=1
list_holes_inact(n_holes_total,1) = i_hole_inact
list_holes_inact(n_holes_total,2) = 2
do i_state = 1, N_states do i_state = 1, N_states
delta_e_inactive(i_state) += fock_core_inactive_total_spin_trace(i_hole_inact,i_state) delta_e_inactive(i_state) += fock_core_inactive_total_spin_trace(i_hole_inact,i_state)
enddo enddo
@ -215,14 +226,14 @@ subroutine get_delta_e_dyall(det_1,det_2,coef_array,hij,delta_e_final)
do i = 1, n_particles_spin(1) do i = 1, n_particles_spin(1)
i_part_virt = particles_list(i,1) i_part_virt = particles_list(i,1)
do i_state = 1, N_states do i_state = 1, N_states
delta_e_virt += fock_virt_total_spin_trace(i_part_virt,i_state) delta_e_virt(i_state) += fock_virt_total_spin_trace(i_part_virt,i_state)
enddo enddo
enddo enddo
do i = 1, n_particles_spin(2) do i = 1, n_particles_spin(2)
i_part_virt = particles_list(i,2) i_part_virt = particles_list(i,2)
do i_state = 1, N_states do i_state = 1, N_states
delta_e_virt += fock_virt_total_spin_trace(i_part_virt,i_state) delta_e_virt(i_state) += fock_virt_total_spin_trace(i_part_virt,i_state)
enddo enddo
enddo enddo
@ -293,27 +304,39 @@ subroutine get_delta_e_dyall(det_1,det_2,coef_array,hij,delta_e_final)
if (n_holes_act == 0 .and. n_particles_act == 1) then if (n_holes_act == 0 .and. n_particles_act == 1) then
ispin = particle_list_practical(1,1) ispin = particle_list_practical(1,1)
i_particle_act = particle_list_practical(2,1) i_particle_act = particle_list_practical(2,1)
! call get_excitation_degree(det_1,det_2,degree,N_int) call get_excitation_degree(det_1,det_2,degree,N_int)
! if(degree == 1)then if(degree == 1)then
! call get_excitation(det_1,det_2,exc,degree,phase,N_int) call get_excitation(det_1,det_2,exc,degree,phase,N_int)
! call decode_exc(exc,degree,h1,p1,h2,p2,s1,s2) call decode_exc(exc,degree,h1,p1,h2,p2,s1,s2)
! i_hole = list_inact_reverse(h1) i_hole = list_inact_reverse(h1)
! i_part = list_act_reverse(p1) i_part = list_act_reverse(p1)
! do i_state = 1, N_states do i_state = 1, N_states
! delta_e_act(i_state) += one_anhil_inact(i_hole,i_part,i_state) delta_e_act(i_state) += one_anhil_inact(i_hole,i_part,i_state)
! enddo enddo
! else if (degree == 2)then else if (degree == 2)then
do i_state = 1, N_states do i_state = 1, N_states
delta_e_act(i_state) += one_creat(i_particle_act,ispin,i_state) delta_e_act(i_state) += one_creat(i_particle_act,ispin,i_state)
enddo enddo
! endif endif
else if (n_holes_act == 1 .and. n_particles_act == 0) then else if (n_holes_act == 1 .and. n_particles_act == 0) then
ispin = hole_list_practical(1,1) ispin = hole_list_practical(1,1)
i_hole_act = hole_list_practical(2,1) i_hole_act = hole_list_practical(2,1)
call get_excitation_degree(det_1,det_2,degree,N_int)
if(degree == 1)then
call get_excitation(det_1,det_2,exc,degree,phase,N_int)
call decode_exc(exc,degree,h1,p1,h2,p2,s1,s2)
i_hole = list_act_reverse(h1)
i_part = list_virt_reverse(p1)
do i_state = 1, N_states
delta_e_act(i_state) += one_creat_virt(i_hole,i_part,i_state)
! delta_e_act += 1.d12
else if (degree == 2)then
do i_state = 1, N_states do i_state = 1, N_states
delta_e_act(i_state) += one_anhil(i_hole_act , ispin,i_state) delta_e_act(i_state) += one_anhil(i_hole_act , ispin,i_state)
enddo enddo
else if (n_holes_act == 1 .and. n_particles_act == 1) then else if (n_holes_act == 1 .and. n_particles_act == 1) then
! first hole ! first hole
@ -363,14 +386,346 @@ subroutine get_delta_e_dyall(det_1,det_2,coef_array,hij,delta_e_final)
ispin = hole_list_practical(1,1) ispin = hole_list_practical(1,1)
i_hole_act = hole_list_practical(2,1) i_hole_act = hole_list_practical(2,1)
! first particle ! first particle
jspin = particle_list_practical(1,1) kspin = particle_list_practical(1,1)
i_particle_act = particle_list_practical(2,1)
! first particle
jspin = particle_list_practical(1,2)
j_particle_act = particle_list_practical(2,2)
do i_state = 1, N_states
delta_e_act(i_state) += two_creat_one_anhil(i_particle_act,j_particle_act,i_hole_act,kspin,jspin,ispin,i_state)
! ! First find the particle that has been added from the inactive
! !
! integer :: spin_hole_inact, spin_hole_part_act
! spin_hole_inact = list_holes_inact(1,2)
! ! by convention, you first make a movement in the cas
! ! first hole
! i_hole_act = hole_list_practical(2,1)
! if(particle_list_practical(1,1) == spin_hole_inact)then
! ! first particle
! i_particle_act = particle_list_practical(1,2)
! ! second particle
! j_particle_act = particle_list_practical(2,2)
! else if (particle_list_practical(1,2) == spin_hole_inact)then
! ! first particle
! i_particle_act = particle_list_practical(2,2)
! ! second particle
! j_particle_act = particle_list_practical(1,2)
! else
! print*, 'pb in n_holes_act == 1 .and. n_particles_act == 2 !!'
! stop
! endif
! do i_state = 1, N_states
! delta_e_act(i_state) += two_creat_one_anhil(i_particle_act,j_particle_act,i_hole_act,i_state)
! enddo
else if (n_holes_act == 3 .and. n_particles_act == 0) then
! first hole
ispin = hole_list_practical(1,1)
i_hole_act = hole_list_practical(2,1)
! second hole
jspin = hole_list_practical(1,2)
j_hole_act = hole_list_practical(2,2)
! third hole
kspin = hole_list_practical(1,3)
k_hole_act = hole_list_practical(2,3)
do i_state = 1, N_states
delta_e_act(i_state) += three_anhil(i_hole_act,j_hole_act,k_hole_act,ispin,jspin,kspin,i_state)
else if (n_holes_act == 0 .and. n_particles_act == 3) then
! first particle
ispin = particle_list_practical(1,1)
i_particle_act = particle_list_practical(2,1) i_particle_act = particle_list_practical(2,1)
! second particle ! second particle
kspin = particle_list_practical(1,2) jspin = particle_list_practical(1,2)
j_particle_act = particle_list_practical(2,2) j_particle_act = particle_list_practical(2,2)
! second particle
kspin = particle_list_practical(1,3)
k_particle_act = particle_list_practical(2,3)
do i_state = 1, N_states do i_state = 1, N_states
delta_e_act(i_state) += two_creat_one_anhil(i_particle_act,j_particle_act,i_hole_act,jspin,kspin,ispin,i_state) delta_e_act(i_state) += three_creat(i_particle_act,j_particle_act,k_particle_act,ispin,jspin,kspin,i_state)
else if (n_holes_act .eq. 0 .and. n_particles_act .eq.0)then
integer :: degree
integer(bit_kind) :: det_1_active(N_int,2)
integer :: h1,h2,p1,p2,s1,s2
integer :: exc(0:2,2,2)
integer :: i_hole, i_part
double precision :: phase
call get_excitation_degree(det_1,det_2,degree,N_int)
if(degree == 1)then
call get_excitation(det_1,det_2,exc,degree,phase,N_int)
call decode_exc(exc,degree,h1,p1,h2,p2,s1,s2)
i_hole = list_inact_reverse(h1)
i_part = list_virt_reverse(p1)
do i_state = 1, N_states
delta_e_act(i_state) += one_anhil_one_creat_inact_virt(i_hole,i_part,i_state)
else if (n_holes_act .ge. 2 .and. n_particles_act .ge.2) then
do i = 1, N_states
delta_e_act(i_state) = -1.d12
!print*, 'one_anhil_spin_trace'
!print*, one_anhil_spin_trace(1), one_anhil_spin_trace(2)
do i_state = 1, n_states
delta_e_final(i_state) = delta_e_act(i_state) + delta_e_inactive(i_state) - delta_e_virt(i_state)
!write(*,'(100(f16.10,X))'), delta_e_final(1) , delta_e_act(1) , delta_e_inactive(1) , delta_e_virt(1)
!write(*,'(100(f16.10,X))'), delta_e_final(2) , delta_e_act(2) , delta_e_inactive(2) , delta_e_virt(2)
subroutine get_delta_e_dyall_fast(det_1,det_2,delta_e_final)
! routine that returns the delta_e with the Moller Plesset and Dyall operators
! with det_1 being a determinant from the cas, and det_2 being a perturber
! Delta_e(det_1,det_2) = sum (hole) epsilon(hole) + sum(part) espilon(part) + delta_e(act)
! where hole is necessary in the inactive, part necessary in the virtuals
! and delta_e(act) is obtained from the contracted application of the excitation
! operator in the active space that lead from det_1 to det_2
implicit none
use bitmasks
double precision, intent(out) :: delta_e_final(N_states)
integer(bit_kind), intent(in) :: det_1(N_int,2),det_2(N_int,2)
integer :: i,j,k,l
integer :: i_state
integer :: n_holes_spin(2)
integer :: n_holes
integer :: holes_list(N_int*bit_kind_size,2)
double precision :: delta_e_inactive(N_states)
integer :: i_hole_inact, list_holes_inact(n_inact_orb,2)
call get_excitation_degree(det_1,det_2,degree,N_int)
do i_state = 1, N_States
delta_e_final(i_state) = -1.d+10
call give_holes_in_inactive_space(det_2,n_holes_spin,n_holes,holes_list)
delta_e_inactive = 0.d0
integer :: n_holes_total
n_holes_total = 0
do i = 1, n_holes_spin(1)
i_hole_inact = holes_list(i,1)
n_holes_total +=1
list_holes_inact(n_holes_total,1) = i_hole_inact
list_holes_inact(n_holes_total,2) = 1
do i_state = 1, N_states
delta_e_inactive(i_state) += fock_core_inactive_total_spin_trace(i_hole_inact,i_state)
do i = 1, n_holes_spin(2)
i_hole_inact = holes_list(i,2)
n_holes_total +=1
list_holes_inact(n_holes_total,1) = i_hole_inact
list_holes_inact(n_holes_total,2) = 2
do i_state = 1, N_states
delta_e_inactive(i_state) += fock_core_inactive_total_spin_trace(i_hole_inact,i_state)
double precision :: delta_e_virt(N_states)
integer :: i_part_virt
integer :: n_particles_spin(2)
integer :: n_particles
integer :: particles_list(N_int*bit_kind_size,2)
call give_particles_in_virt_space(det_2,n_particles_spin,n_particles,particles_list)
delta_e_virt = 0.d0
do i = 1, n_particles_spin(1)
i_part_virt = particles_list(i,1)
do i_state = 1, N_states
delta_e_virt(i_state) += fock_virt_total_spin_trace(i_part_virt,i_state)
do i = 1, n_particles_spin(2)
i_part_virt = particles_list(i,2)
do i_state = 1, N_states
delta_e_virt(i_state) += fock_virt_total_spin_trace(i_part_virt,i_state)
integer :: n_holes_spin_act(2),n_particles_spin_act(2)
integer :: n_holes_act,n_particles_act
integer :: holes_active_list(2*n_act_orb,2)
integer :: holes_active_list_spin_traced(4*n_act_orb)
integer :: particles_active_list(2*n_act_orb,2)
integer :: particles_active_list_spin_traced(4*n_act_orb)
double precision :: delta_e_act(N_states)
delta_e_act = 0.d0
call give_holes_and_particles_in_active_space(det_1,det_2,n_holes_spin_act,n_particles_spin_act, &
integer :: icount,icountbis
integer :: hole_list_practical(2,elec_num_tab(1)+elec_num_tab(2)), particle_list_practical(2,elec_num_tab(1)+elec_num_tab(2))
icount = 0
icountbis = 0
do i = 1, n_holes_spin_act(1)
icount += 1
icountbis += 1
hole_list_practical(1,icountbis) = 1
hole_list_practical(2,icountbis) = holes_active_list(i,1)
holes_active_list_spin_traced(icount) = holes_active_list(i,1)
do i = 1, n_holes_spin_act(2)
icount += 1
icountbis += 1
hole_list_practical(1,icountbis) = 2
hole_list_practical(2,icountbis) = holes_active_list(i,2)
holes_active_list_spin_traced(icount) = holes_active_list(i,2)
if(icount .ne. n_holes_act) then
print*, icount, n_holes_act
print * , 'pb in holes_active_list_spin_traced !!'
icount = 0
icountbis = 0
do i = 1, n_particles_spin_act(1)
icount += 1
icountbis += 1
particle_list_practical(1,icountbis) = 1
particle_list_practical(2,icountbis) = particles_active_list(i,1)
particles_active_list_spin_traced(icount) = particles_active_list(i,1)
do i = 1, n_particles_spin_act(2)
icount += 1
icountbis += 1
particle_list_practical(1,icountbis) = 2
particle_list_practical(2,icountbis) = particles_active_list(i,2)
particles_active_list_spin_traced(icount) = particles_active_list(i,2)
if(icount .ne. n_particles_act) then
print*, icount, n_particles_act
print * , 'pb in particles_active_list_spin_traced !!'
integer :: i_hole_act, j_hole_act, k_hole_act
integer :: i_particle_act, j_particle_act, k_particle_act
integer :: ispin,jspin,kspin
if (n_holes_act == 0 .and. n_particles_act == 1) then
ispin = particle_list_practical(1,1)
i_particle_act = particle_list_practical(2,1)
call get_excitation_degree(det_1,det_2,degree,N_int)
if(degree == 1)then
call get_excitation(det_1,det_2,exc,degree,phase,N_int)
call decode_exc(exc,degree,h1,p1,h2,p2,s1,s2)
i_hole = list_inact_reverse(h1)
i_part = list_act_reverse(p1)
do i_state = 1, N_states
delta_e_act(i_state) += one_anhil_inact(i_hole,i_part,i_state)
else if (degree == 2)then
do i_state = 1, N_states
delta_e_act(i_state) += one_creat(i_particle_act,ispin,i_state)
else if (n_holes_act == 1 .and. n_particles_act == 0) then
ispin = hole_list_practical(1,1)
i_hole_act = hole_list_practical(2,1)
call get_excitation_degree(det_1,det_2,degree,N_int)
if(degree == 1)then
call get_excitation(det_1,det_2,exc,degree,phase,N_int)
call decode_exc(exc,degree,h1,p1,h2,p2,s1,s2)
i_hole = list_act_reverse(h1)
i_part = list_virt_reverse(p1)
do i_state = 1, N_states
delta_e_act(i_state) += one_creat_virt(i_hole,i_part,i_state)
else if (degree == 2)then
do i_state = 1, N_states
delta_e_act(i_state) += one_anhil(i_hole_act , ispin,i_state)
else if (n_holes_act == 1 .and. n_particles_act == 1) then
! first hole
ispin = hole_list_practical(1,1)
i_hole_act = hole_list_practical(2,1)
! first particle
jspin = particle_list_practical(1,1)
i_particle_act = particle_list_practical(2,1)
do i_state = 1, N_states
delta_e_act(i_state) += one_anhil_one_creat(i_particle_act,i_hole_act,jspin,ispin,i_state)
else if (n_holes_act == 2 .and. n_particles_act == 0) then
ispin = hole_list_practical(1,1)
i_hole_act = hole_list_practical(2,1)
jspin = hole_list_practical(1,2)
j_hole_act = hole_list_practical(2,2)
do i_state = 1, N_states
delta_e_act(i_state) += two_anhil(i_hole_act,j_hole_act,ispin,jspin,i_state)
else if (n_holes_act == 0 .and. n_particles_act == 2) then
ispin = particle_list_practical(1,1)
i_particle_act = particle_list_practical(2,1)
jspin = particle_list_practical(1,2)
j_particle_act = particle_list_practical(2,2)
do i_state = 1, N_states
delta_e_act(i_state) += two_creat(i_particle_act,j_particle_act,ispin,jspin,i_state)
else if (n_holes_act == 2 .and. n_particles_act == 1) then
! first hole
ispin = hole_list_practical(1,1)
i_hole_act = hole_list_practical(2,1)
! second hole
jspin = hole_list_practical(1,2)
j_hole_act = hole_list_practical(2,2)
! first particle
kspin = particle_list_practical(1,1)
i_particle_act = particle_list_practical(2,1)
do i_state = 1, N_states
delta_e_act(i_state) += two_anhil_one_creat(i_particle_act,i_hole_act,j_hole_act,kspin,ispin,jspin,i_state)
else if (n_holes_act == 1 .and. n_particles_act == 2) then
! first hole
ispin = hole_list_practical(1,1)
i_hole_act = hole_list_practical(2,1)
! first particle
kspin = particle_list_practical(1,1)
i_particle_act = particle_list_practical(2,1)
! first particle
jspin = particle_list_practical(1,2)
j_particle_act = particle_list_practical(2,2)
do i_state = 1, N_states
delta_e_act(i_state) += two_creat_one_anhil(i_particle_act,j_particle_act,i_hole_act,kspin,jspin,ispin,i_state)
enddo enddo
else if (n_holes_act == 3 .and. n_particles_act == 0) then else if (n_holes_act == 3 .and. n_particles_act == 0) then
@ -415,11 +770,13 @@ subroutine get_delta_e_dyall(det_1,det_2,coef_array,hij,delta_e_final)
i_hole = list_inact_reverse(h1) i_hole = list_inact_reverse(h1)
i_part = list_virt_reverse(p1) i_part = list_virt_reverse(p1)
do i_state = 1, N_states do i_state = 1, N_states
! delta_e_act(i_state) += one_anhil_one_creat_inact_virt(i_hole,i_part,i_state) delta_e_act(i_state) += one_anhil_one_creat_inact_virt(i_hole,i_part,i_state)
enddo enddo
endif endif
else if (n_holes_act .ge. 2 .and. n_particles_act .ge.2) then else if (n_holes_act .ge. 2 .and. n_particles_act .ge.2) then
delta_e_act = -10000000.d0 do i = 1, N_states
delta_e_act(i_state) = -10000000.d0
endif endif
!print*, 'one_anhil_spin_trace' !print*, 'one_anhil_spin_trace'
@ -429,7 +786,8 @@ subroutine get_delta_e_dyall(det_1,det_2,coef_array,hij,delta_e_final)
do i_state = 1, n_states do i_state = 1, n_states
delta_e_final(i_state) = delta_e_act(i_state) + delta_e_inactive(i_state) - delta_e_virt(i_state) delta_e_final(i_state) = delta_e_act(i_state) + delta_e_inactive(i_state) - delta_e_virt(i_state)
enddo enddo
!write(*,'(100(f16.10,X))'), delta_e_final(1) , delta_e_act(1) , delta_e_inactive(1) , delta_e_virt(1) !write(*,'(100(f16.10,X))'), delta_e_final(2) , delta_e_act(2) , delta_e_inactive(2) , delta_e_virt(2)
end end

View File

@ -22,8 +22,8 @@ subroutine give_1h2p_new(matrix_1h2p)
double precision :: active_int(n_act_orb,2) double precision :: active_int(n_act_orb,2)
double precision :: hij,phase double precision :: hij,phase
double precision :: accu_contrib(N_states) double precision :: accu_contrib(N_states)
integer :: degree(N_det) integer :: degree(N_det_Ref)
integer :: idx(0:N_det) integer :: idx(0:N_det_Ref)
double precision :: delta_e(n_act_orb,2,N_states) double precision :: delta_e(n_act_orb,2,N_states)
double precision :: delta_e_inv(n_act_orb,2,N_states) double precision :: delta_e_inv(n_act_orb,2,N_states)
double precision :: delta_e_inactive_virt(N_states) double precision :: delta_e_inactive_virt(N_states)
@ -502,8 +502,8 @@ subroutine give_2h1p_new(matrix_2h1p)
double precision :: delta_e_inv(n_act_orb,2,N_states) double precision :: delta_e_inv(n_act_orb,2,N_states)
double precision :: fock_operator_local(n_act_orb,n_act_orb,2) double precision :: fock_operator_local(n_act_orb,n_act_orb,2)
double precision :: delta_e_inactive_virt(N_states) double precision :: delta_e_inactive_virt(N_states)
integer :: degree(N_det) integer :: degree(N_det_Ref)
integer :: idx(0:N_det) integer :: idx(0:N_det_Ref)
double precision :: delta_e(n_act_orb,2,N_states) double precision :: delta_e(n_act_orb,2,N_states)
integer :: istate integer :: istate
integer :: index_orb_act_mono(N_det,3) integer :: index_orb_act_mono(N_det,3)

View File

@ -21,8 +21,8 @@ subroutine give_2p_new(matrix_2p)
double precision :: active_int(n_act_orb,n_act_orb,2) double precision :: active_int(n_act_orb,n_act_orb,2)
double precision :: hij,phase double precision :: hij,phase
double precision :: accu_contrib(N_states) double precision :: accu_contrib(N_states)
integer :: degree(N_det) integer :: degree(N_det_Ref)
integer :: idx(0:N_det) integer :: idx(0:N_det_Ref)
double precision :: delta_e(n_act_orb,n_act_orb,2,2,N_states) double precision :: delta_e(n_act_orb,n_act_orb,2,2,N_states)
double precision :: delta_e_inv(n_act_orb,n_act_orb,2,2,N_states) double precision :: delta_e_inv(n_act_orb,n_act_orb,2,2,N_states)
double precision :: delta_e_inactive_virt(N_states) double precision :: delta_e_inactive_virt(N_states)

View File

@ -18,3 +18,15 @@ doc: The selection process stops when the energy ratio variational/(variational+
interface: ezfio,provider,ocaml interface: ezfio,provider,ocaml
default: 0.75 default: 0.75
type: Threshold
doc: Thresholds on generators (fraction of the norm) for final PT2 calculation
interface: ezfio,provider,ocaml
default: 0.999
type: Threshold
doc: Thresholds on selectors (fraction of the norm) for final PT2 calculation
interface: ezfio,provider,ocaml
default: 1.

View File

@ -1 +1 @@
Determinants Properties Hartree_Fock Davidson MRPT_Utils Determinants Properties Hartree_Fock Davidson

View File

@ -46,36 +46,6 @@ subroutine pt2_epstein_nesbet ($arguments)
end end
subroutine pt2_decontracted ($arguments)
use bitmasks
implicit none
integer :: i,j
double precision :: diag_H_mat_elem_fock, h
double precision :: i_H_psi_array(N_st)
double precision :: coef_pert
PROVIDE selection_criterion
ASSERT (Nint == N_int)
ASSERT (Nint > 0)
!call i_H_psi(det_pert,psi_selectors,psi_selectors_coef,Nint,N_det_selectors,psi_selectors_size,N_st,i_H_psi_array)
call i_H_psi_pert_new_minilist(det_pert,minilist,idx_minilist,N_minilist,psi_selectors_coef,Nint,N_minilist,psi_selectors_size,N_st,i_H_psi_array,coef_pert)
H_pert_diag = 0.d0
c_pert(1) = coef_pert
e_2_pert(1) = coef_pert * i_H_psi_array(1)
! print*,coef_pert,i_H_psi_array(1)
subroutine pt2_epstein_nesbet_2x2 ($arguments) subroutine pt2_epstein_nesbet_2x2 ($arguments)
use bitmasks use bitmasks
implicit none implicit none

View File

@ -67,3 +67,14 @@ END_PROVIDER
BEGIN_PROVIDER [double precision, electronic_psi_ref_average_value, (N_states)]
&BEGIN_PROVIDER [double precision, psi_ref_average_value, (N_states)]
implicit none
integer :: i,j
call u_0_H_u_0(electronic_psi_ref_average_value,psi_ref_coef,N_det_ref,psi_ref,N_int,N_states,psi_det_size)
do i = 1, N_states
psi_ref_average_value(i) = electronic_psi_ref_average_value(i) + nuclear_repulsion

View File

@ -97,6 +97,10 @@ END_PROVIDER
endif endif
enddo enddo
N_det_non_ref = i_non_ref N_det_non_ref = i_non_ref
if (N_det_non_ref < 1) then
print *, 'Error : All determinants are in the reference'
stop -1
BEGIN_PROVIDER [ integer(bit_kind), psi_non_ref_restart, (N_int,2,psi_det_size) ] BEGIN_PROVIDER [ integer(bit_kind), psi_non_ref_restart, (N_int,2,psi_det_size) ]

plugins/SCF_density/.gitignore vendored Normal file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,25 @@
# Automatically created by $QP_ROOT/scripts/module/module_handler.py

View File

@ -0,0 +1,35 @@
type: Threshold
doc: Threshold on the convergence of the Hartree Fock energy
interface: ezfio,provider,ocaml
default: 1.e-10
type: Strictly_positive_int
doc: Maximum number of SCF iterations
interface: ezfio,provider,ocaml
default: 200
type: Positive_float
doc: Energy shift on the virtual MOs to improve SCF convergence
interface: ezfio,provider,ocaml
default: 0.5
type: MO_guess
doc: Initial MO guess. Can be [ Huckel | HCore ]
interface: ezfio,provider,ocaml
default: Huckel
type: double precision
doc: Calculated HF energy
interface: ezfio
type: logical
doc: If true, skip the (inactive+core) --> (active) and the (active) --> (virtual) orbital rotations within the SCF procedure
interface: ezfio,provider,ocaml
default: False

View File

@ -0,0 +1,437 @@
BEGIN_PROVIDER [ double precision, Fock_matrix_mo, (mo_tot_num_align,mo_tot_num) ]
&BEGIN_PROVIDER [ double precision, Fock_matrix_diag_mo, (mo_tot_num)]
implicit none
! Fock matrix on the MO basis.
! For open shells, the ROHF Fock Matrix is
! | F-K | F + K/2 | F |
! |---------------------------------|
! | F + K/2 | F | F - K/2 |
! |---------------------------------|
! | F | F - K/2 | F + K |
! F = 1/2 (Fa + Fb)
! K = Fb - Fa
integer :: i,j,n
if (elec_alpha_num == elec_beta_num) then
Fock_matrix_mo = Fock_matrix_alpha_mo
do j=1,elec_beta_num
! F-K
do i=1,elec_beta_num
Fock_matrix_mo(i,j) = 0.5d0*(Fock_matrix_alpha_mo(i,j)+Fock_matrix_beta_mo(i,j))&
- (Fock_matrix_beta_mo(i,j) - Fock_matrix_alpha_mo(i,j))
! F+K/2
do i=elec_beta_num+1,elec_alpha_num
Fock_matrix_mo(i,j) = 0.5d0*(Fock_matrix_alpha_mo(i,j)+Fock_matrix_beta_mo(i,j))&
+ 0.5d0*(Fock_matrix_beta_mo(i,j) - Fock_matrix_alpha_mo(i,j))
! F
do i=elec_alpha_num+1, mo_tot_num
Fock_matrix_mo(i,j) = 0.5d0*(Fock_matrix_alpha_mo(i,j)+Fock_matrix_beta_mo(i,j))
do j=elec_beta_num+1,elec_alpha_num
! F+K/2
do i=1,elec_beta_num
Fock_matrix_mo(i,j) = 0.5d0*(Fock_matrix_alpha_mo(i,j)+Fock_matrix_beta_mo(i,j))&
+ 0.5d0*(Fock_matrix_beta_mo(i,j) - Fock_matrix_alpha_mo(i,j))
! F
do i=elec_beta_num+1,elec_alpha_num
Fock_matrix_mo(i,j) = 0.5d0*(Fock_matrix_alpha_mo(i,j)+Fock_matrix_beta_mo(i,j))
! F-K/2
do i=elec_alpha_num+1, mo_tot_num
Fock_matrix_mo(i,j) = 0.5d0*(Fock_matrix_alpha_mo(i,j)+Fock_matrix_beta_mo(i,j))&
- 0.5d0*(Fock_matrix_beta_mo(i,j) - Fock_matrix_alpha_mo(i,j))
do j=elec_alpha_num+1, mo_tot_num
! F
do i=1,elec_beta_num
Fock_matrix_mo(i,j) = 0.5d0*(Fock_matrix_alpha_mo(i,j)+Fock_matrix_beta_mo(i,j))
! F-K/2
do i=elec_beta_num+1,elec_alpha_num
Fock_matrix_mo(i,j) = 0.5d0*(Fock_matrix_alpha_mo(i,j)+Fock_matrix_beta_mo(i,j))&
- 0.5d0*(Fock_matrix_beta_mo(i,j) - Fock_matrix_alpha_mo(i,j))
! F+K
do i=elec_alpha_num+1,mo_tot_num
Fock_matrix_mo(i,j) = 0.5d0*(Fock_matrix_alpha_mo(i,j)+Fock_matrix_beta_mo(i,j)) &
+ (Fock_matrix_beta_mo(i,j) - Fock_matrix_alpha_mo(i,j))
do i = 1, mo_tot_num
Fock_matrix_diag_mo(i) = Fock_matrix_mo(i,i)
BEGIN_PROVIDER [ double precision, Fock_matrix_alpha_ao, (ao_num_align, ao_num) ]
&BEGIN_PROVIDER [ double precision, Fock_matrix_beta_ao, (ao_num_align, ao_num) ]
implicit none
! Alpha Fock matrix in AO basis set
integer :: i,j
do j=1,ao_num
do i=1,ao_num
Fock_matrix_alpha_ao(i,j) = ao_mono_elec_integral(i,j) + ao_bi_elec_integral_alpha(i,j)
Fock_matrix_beta_ao (i,j) = ao_mono_elec_integral(i,j) + ao_bi_elec_integral_beta (i,j)
BEGIN_PROVIDER [ double precision, ao_bi_elec_integral_alpha, (ao_num_align, ao_num) ]
&BEGIN_PROVIDER [ double precision, ao_bi_elec_integral_beta , (ao_num_align, ao_num) ]
use map_module
implicit none
! Alpha Fock matrix in AO basis set
integer :: i,j,k,l,k1,r,s
integer :: i0,j0,k0,l0
integer*8 :: p,q
double precision :: integral, c0, c1, c2
double precision :: ao_bielec_integral, local_threshold
double precision, allocatable :: ao_bi_elec_integral_alpha_tmp(:,:)
double precision, allocatable :: ao_bi_elec_integral_beta_tmp(:,:)
!DIR$ ATTRIBUTES ALIGN : $IRP_ALIGN :: ao_bi_elec_integral_beta_tmp
!DIR$ ATTRIBUTES ALIGN : $IRP_ALIGN :: ao_bi_elec_integral_alpha_tmp
ao_bi_elec_integral_alpha = 0.d0
ao_bi_elec_integral_beta = 0.d0
if (do_direct_integrals) then
!$OMP PRIVATE(i,j,l,k1,k,integral,ii,jj,kk,ll,i8,keys,values,p,q,r,s,i0,j0,k0,l0, &
!$OMP ao_bi_elec_integral_alpha_tmp,ao_bi_elec_integral_beta_tmp, c0, c1, c2, &
!$OMP local_threshold)&
!$OMP SHARED(ao_num,ao_num_align,HF_density_matrix_ao_alpha,HF_density_matrix_ao_beta,&
!$OMP ao_integrals_map,ao_integrals_threshold, ao_bielec_integral_schwartz, &
!$OMP ao_overlap_abs, ao_bi_elec_integral_alpha, ao_bi_elec_integral_beta)
allocate(keys(1), values(1))
allocate(ao_bi_elec_integral_alpha_tmp(ao_num_align,ao_num), &
ao_bi_elec_integral_alpha_tmp = 0.d0
ao_bi_elec_integral_beta_tmp = 0.d0
q = ao_num*ao_num*ao_num*ao_num
!$OMP DO SCHEDULE(dynamic)
do p=1_8,q
call bielec_integrals_index_reverse(kk,ii,ll,jj,p)
if ( (kk(1)>ao_num).or. &
(ii(1)>ao_num).or. &
(jj(1)>ao_num).or. &
(ll(1)>ao_num) ) then
k = kk(1)
i = ii(1)
l = ll(1)
j = jj(1)
if (ao_overlap_abs(k,l)*ao_overlap_abs(i,j) &
< ao_integrals_threshold) then
local_threshold = ao_bielec_integral_schwartz(k,l)*ao_bielec_integral_schwartz(i,j)
if (local_threshold < ao_integrals_threshold) then
i0 = i
j0 = j
k0 = k
l0 = l
values(1) = 0.d0
local_threshold = ao_integrals_threshold/local_threshold
do k2=1,8
if (kk(k2)==0) then
i = ii(k2)
j = jj(k2)
k = kk(k2)
l = ll(k2)
c0 = HF_density_matrix_ao_alpha(k,l)+HF_density_matrix_ao_beta(k,l)
c1 = HF_density_matrix_ao_alpha(k,i)
c2 = HF_density_matrix_ao_beta(k,i)
if ( dabs(c0)+dabs(c1)+dabs(c2) < local_threshold) then
if (values(1) == 0.d0) then
values(1) = ao_bielec_integral(k0,l0,i0,j0)
integral = c0 * values(1)
ao_bi_elec_integral_alpha_tmp(i,j) += integral
ao_bi_elec_integral_beta_tmp (i,j) += integral
integral = values(1)
ao_bi_elec_integral_alpha_tmp(l,j) -= c1 * integral
ao_bi_elec_integral_beta_tmp (l,j) -= c2 * integral
ao_bi_elec_integral_alpha += ao_bi_elec_integral_alpha_tmp
ao_bi_elec_integral_beta += ao_bi_elec_integral_beta_tmp
PROVIDE ao_bielec_integrals_in_map
integer(omp_lock_kind) :: lck(ao_num)
integer*8 :: i8
integer :: ii(8), jj(8), kk(8), ll(8), k2
integer(cache_map_size_kind) :: n_elements_max, n_elements
integer(key_kind), allocatable :: keys(:)
double precision, allocatable :: values(:)
!$OMP PRIVATE(i,j,l,k1,k,integral,ii,jj,kk,ll,i8,keys,values,n_elements_max, &
!$OMP n_elements,ao_bi_elec_integral_alpha_tmp,ao_bi_elec_integral_beta_tmp)&
!$OMP SHARED(ao_num,ao_num_align,HF_density_matrix_ao_alpha,HF_density_matrix_ao_beta,&
!$OMP ao_integrals_map, ao_bi_elec_integral_alpha, ao_bi_elec_integral_beta)
call get_cache_map_n_elements_max(ao_integrals_map,n_elements_max)
allocate(keys(n_elements_max), values(n_elements_max))
allocate(ao_bi_elec_integral_alpha_tmp(ao_num_align,ao_num), &
ao_bi_elec_integral_alpha_tmp = 0.d0
ao_bi_elec_integral_beta_tmp = 0.d0
!$OMP DO SCHEDULE(dynamic)
do i8=0_8,ao_integrals_map%map_size
n_elements = n_elements_max
call get_cache_map(ao_integrals_map,i8,keys,values,n_elements)
do k1=1,n_elements
call bielec_integrals_index_reverse(kk,ii,ll,jj,keys(k1))
do k2=1,8
if (kk(k2)==0) then
i = ii(k2)
j = jj(k2)
k = kk(k2)
l = ll(k2)
integral = (HF_density_matrix_ao_alpha(k,l)+HF_density_matrix_ao_beta(k,l)) * values(k1)
ao_bi_elec_integral_alpha_tmp(i,j) += integral
ao_bi_elec_integral_beta_tmp (i,j) += integral
integral = values(k1)
ao_bi_elec_integral_alpha_tmp(l,j) -= HF_density_matrix_ao_alpha(k,i) * integral
ao_bi_elec_integral_beta_tmp (l,j) -= HF_density_matrix_ao_beta (k,i) * integral
ao_bi_elec_integral_alpha += ao_bi_elec_integral_alpha_tmp
ao_bi_elec_integral_beta += ao_bi_elec_integral_beta_tmp
BEGIN_PROVIDER [ double precision, Fock_matrix_alpha_mo, (mo_tot_num_align,mo_tot_num) ]
implicit none
! Fock matrix on the MO basis
double precision, allocatable :: T(:,:)
allocate ( T(ao_num_align,mo_tot_num) )
call dgemm('N','N', ao_num, mo_tot_num, ao_num, &
1.d0, Fock_matrix_alpha_ao,size(Fock_matrix_alpha_ao,1), &
mo_coef, size(mo_coef,1), &
0.d0, T, ao_num_align)
call dgemm('T','N', mo_tot_num, mo_tot_num, ao_num, &
1.d0, mo_coef,size(mo_coef,1), &
T, size(T,1), &
0.d0, Fock_matrix_alpha_mo, mo_tot_num_align)
BEGIN_PROVIDER [ double precision, Fock_matrix_beta_mo, (mo_tot_num_align,mo_tot_num) ]
implicit none
! Fock matrix on the MO basis
double precision, allocatable :: T(:,:)
allocate ( T(ao_num_align,mo_tot_num) )
call dgemm('N','N', ao_num, mo_tot_num, ao_num, &
1.d0, Fock_matrix_beta_ao,size(Fock_matrix_beta_ao,1), &
mo_coef, size(mo_coef,1), &
0.d0, T, ao_num_align)
call dgemm('T','N', mo_tot_num, mo_tot_num, ao_num, &
1.d0, mo_coef,size(mo_coef,1), &
T, size(T,1), &
0.d0, Fock_matrix_beta_mo, mo_tot_num_align)
BEGIN_PROVIDER [ double precision, HF_energy ]
implicit none
! Hartree-Fock energy
HF_energy = nuclear_repulsion
integer :: i,j
do j=1,ao_num
do i=1,ao_num
HF_energy += 0.5d0 * ( &
(ao_mono_elec_integral(i,j) + Fock_matrix_alpha_ao(i,j) ) * HF_density_matrix_ao_alpha(i,j) +&
(ao_mono_elec_integral(i,j) + Fock_matrix_beta_ao (i,j) ) * HF_density_matrix_ao_beta (i,j) )
BEGIN_PROVIDER [ double precision, Fock_matrix_ao, (ao_num_align, ao_num) ]
implicit none
! Fock matrix in AO basis set
if ( (elec_alpha_num == elec_beta_num).and. &
(level_shift == 0.) ) &
integer :: i,j
do j=1,ao_num
do i=1,ao_num_align
Fock_matrix_ao(i,j) = Fock_matrix_alpha_ao(i,j)
double precision, allocatable :: T(:,:), M(:,:)
integer :: ierr
! F_ao = S C F_mo C^t S
allocate (T(ao_num_align,ao_num),M(ao_num_align,ao_num),stat=ierr)
if (ierr /=0 ) then
print *, irp_here, ' : allocation failed'
! ao_overlap (ao_num,ao_num) . mo_coef (ao_num,mo_tot_num)
! -> M(ao_num,mo_tot_num)
call dgemm('N','N', ao_num,mo_tot_num,ao_num, 1.d0, &
ao_overlap, size(ao_overlap,1), &
mo_coef, size(mo_coef,1), &
0.d0, &
M, size(M,1))
! M(ao_num,mo_tot_num) . Fock_matrix_mo (mo_tot_num,mo_tot_num)
! -> T(ao_num,mo_tot_num)
call dgemm('N','N', ao_num,mo_tot_num,mo_tot_num, 1.d0, &
M, size(M,1), &
Fock_matrix_mo, size(Fock_matrix_mo,1), &
0.d0, &
T, size(T,1))
! T(ao_num,mo_tot_num) . mo_coef^T (mo_tot_num,ao_num)
! -> M(ao_num,ao_num)
call dgemm('N','T', ao_num,ao_num,mo_tot_num, 1.d0, &
T, size(T,1), &
mo_coef, size(mo_coef,1), &
0.d0, &
M, size(M,1))
! M(ao_num,ao_num) . ao_overlap (ao_num,ao_num)
! -> Fock_matrix_ao(ao_num,ao_num)
call dgemm('N','N', ao_num,ao_num,ao_num, 1.d0, &
M, size(M,1), &
ao_overlap, size(ao_overlap,1), &
0.d0, &
Fock_matrix_ao, size(Fock_matrix_ao,1))
subroutine Fock_mo_to_ao(FMO,LDFMO,FAO,LDFAO)
implicit none
integer, intent(in) :: LDFMO ! size(FMO,1)
integer, intent(in) :: LDFAO ! size(FAO,1)
double precision, intent(in) :: FMO(LDFMO,*)
double precision, intent(out) :: FAO(LDFAO,*)
double precision, allocatable :: T(:,:), M(:,:)
integer :: ierr
! F_ao = S C F_mo C^t S
allocate (T(ao_num_align,ao_num),M(ao_num_align,ao_num),stat=ierr)
if (ierr /=0 ) then
print *, irp_here, ' : allocation failed'
! ao_overlap (ao_num,ao_num) . mo_coef (ao_num,mo_tot_num)
! -> M(ao_num,mo_tot_num)
call dgemm('N','N', ao_num,mo_tot_num,ao_num, 1.d0, &
ao_overlap, size(ao_overlap,1), &
mo_coef, size(mo_coef,1), &
0.d0, &
M, size(M,1))
! M(ao_num,mo_tot_num) . FMO (mo_tot_num,mo_tot_num)
! -> T(ao_num,mo_tot_num)
call dgemm('N','N', ao_num,mo_tot_num,mo_tot_num, 1.d0, &
M, size(M,1), &
FMO, size(FMO,1), &
0.d0, &
T, size(T,1))
! T(ao_num,mo_tot_num) . mo_coef^T (mo_tot_num,ao_num)
! -> M(ao_num,ao_num)
call dgemm('N','T', ao_num,ao_num,mo_tot_num, 1.d0, &
T, size(T,1), &
mo_coef, size(mo_coef,1), &
0.d0, &
M, size(M,1))
! M(ao_num,ao_num) . ao_overlap (ao_num,ao_num)
! -> Fock_matrix_ao(ao_num,ao_num)
call dgemm('N','N', ao_num,ao_num,ao_num, 1.d0, &
M, size(M,1), &
ao_overlap, size(ao_overlap,1), &
0.d0, &
FAO, size(FAO,1))

View File

@ -0,0 +1,66 @@
BEGIN_PROVIDER [ double precision, HF_density_matrix_ao_alpha, (ao_num_align,ao_num) ]
implicit none
! S^-1 x Alpha density matrix in the AO basis x S^-1
! call dgemm('N','T',ao_num,ao_num,elec_alpha_num,1.d0, &
! mo_coef, size(mo_coef,1), &
! mo_coef, size(mo_coef,1), 0.d0, &
! HF_density_matrix_ao_alpha, size(HF_density_matrix_ao_alpha,1))
integer :: i,j,k,l
double precision :: test_alpha
HF_density_matrix_ao_alpha = 0.d0
do i = 1, mo_tot_num
do j = 1, mo_tot_num
do k = 1, ao_num
do l = 1, ao_num
HF_density_matrix_ao_alpha(k,l) += mo_coef(k,i) * mo_coef(l,j) * mo_general_density_alpha(i,j)
BEGIN_PROVIDER [ double precision, HF_density_matrix_ao_beta, (ao_num_align,ao_num) ]
implicit none
! S^-1 Beta density matrix in the AO basis x S^-1
! call dgemm('N','T',ao_num,ao_num,elec_beta_num,1.d0, &
! mo_coef, size(mo_coef,1), &
! mo_coef, size(mo_coef,1), 0.d0, &
! HF_density_matrix_ao_beta, size(HF_density_matrix_ao_beta,1))
integer :: i,j,k,l
double precision :: test_beta
HF_density_matrix_ao_beta = 0.d0
do i = 1, mo_tot_num
do j = 1, mo_tot_num
do k = 1, ao_num
do l = 1, ao_num
HF_density_matrix_ao_beta(k,l) += mo_coef(k,i) * mo_coef(l,j) * mo_general_density_beta(i,j)
BEGIN_PROVIDER [ double precision, HF_density_matrix_ao, (ao_num_align,ao_num) ]
implicit none
! S^-1 Density matrix in the AO basis S^-1
ASSERT (size(HF_density_matrix_ao,1) == size(HF_density_matrix_ao_alpha,1))
if (elec_alpha_num== elec_beta_num) then
HF_density_matrix_ao = HF_density_matrix_ao_alpha + HF_density_matrix_ao_alpha
ASSERT (size(HF_density_matrix_ao,1) == size(HF_density_matrix_ao_beta ,1))
HF_density_matrix_ao = HF_density_matrix_ao_alpha + HF_density_matrix_ao_beta

View File

@ -0,0 +1 @@
Integrals_Bielec MOGuess Bitmask

View File

@ -0,0 +1,175 @@
SCF_density Module
From the 140 molecules of the G2 set, only LiO, ONa don't converge well.
Needed Modules
.. Do not edit this section It was auto-generated
.. by the `update_README.py` script.
.. image:: tree_dependency.png
* `Integrals_Bielec <http://github.com/LCPQ/quantum_package/tree/master/src/Integrals_Bielec>`_
* `MOGuess <http://github.com/LCPQ/quantum_package/tree/master/src/MOGuess>`_
Needed Modules
.. Do not edit this section It was auto-generated
.. by the `update_README.py` script.
.. image:: tree_dependency.png
* `Integrals_Bielec <http://github.com/LCPQ/quantum_package/tree/master/src/Integrals_Bielec>`_
* `MOGuess <http://github.com/LCPQ/quantum_package/tree/master/src/MOGuess>`_
* `Bitmask <http://github.com/LCPQ/quantum_package/tree/master/src/Bitmask>`_
.. Do not edit this section It was auto-generated
.. by the `update_README.py` script.
`ao_bi_elec_integral_alpha <http://github.com/LCPQ/quantum_package/tree/master/plugins/Hartree_Fock/Fock_matrix.irp.f#L103>`_
Alpha Fock matrix in AO basis set
`ao_bi_elec_integral_beta <http://github.com/LCPQ/quantum_package/tree/master/plugins/Hartree_Fock/Fock_matrix.irp.f#L104>`_
Alpha Fock matrix in AO basis set
`create_guess <http://github.com/LCPQ/quantum_package/tree/master/plugins/Hartree_Fock/SCF.irp.f#L13>`_
Create an MO guess if no MOs are present in the EZFIO directory
`damping_scf <http://github.com/LCPQ/quantum_package/tree/master/plugins/Hartree_Fock/damping_SCF.irp.f#L1>`_
`diagonal_fock_matrix_mo <http://github.com/LCPQ/quantum_package/tree/master/plugins/Hartree_Fock/diagonalize_fock.irp.f#L1>`_
Diagonal Fock matrix in the MO basis
`diagonal_fock_matrix_mo_sum <http://github.com/LCPQ/quantum_package/tree/master/plugins/Hartree_Fock/diagonalize_fock.irp.f#L95>`_
diagonal element of the fock matrix calculated as the sum over all the interactions
with all the electrons in the RHF determinant
diagonal_Fock_matrix_mo_sum(i) = sum_{j=1, N_elec} 2 J_ij -K_ij
`eigenvectors_fock_matrix_mo <http://github.com/LCPQ/quantum_package/tree/master/plugins/Hartree_Fock/diagonalize_fock.irp.f#L2>`_
Diagonal Fock matrix in the MO basis
`fock_matrix_alpha_ao <http://github.com/LCPQ/quantum_package/tree/master/plugins/Hartree_Fock/Fock_matrix.irp.f#L84>`_
Alpha Fock matrix in AO basis set
`fock_matrix_alpha_mo <http://github.com/LCPQ/quantum_package/tree/master/plugins/Hartree_Fock/Fock_matrix.irp.f#L268>`_
Fock matrix on the MO basis
`fock_matrix_ao <http://github.com/LCPQ/quantum_package/tree/master/plugins/Hartree_Fock/Fock_matrix.irp.f#L326>`_
Fock matrix in AO basis set
`fock_matrix_beta_ao <http://github.com/LCPQ/quantum_package/tree/master/plugins/Hartree_Fock/Fock_matrix.irp.f#L85>`_
Alpha Fock matrix in AO basis set
`fock_matrix_beta_mo <http://github.com/LCPQ/quantum_package/tree/master/plugins/Hartree_Fock/Fock_matrix.irp.f#L288>`_
Fock matrix on the MO basis
`fock_matrix_diag_mo <http://github.com/LCPQ/quantum_package/tree/master/plugins/Hartree_Fock/Fock_matrix.irp.f#L2>`_
Fock matrix on the MO basis.
For open shells, the ROHF Fock Matrix is
| F-K | F + K/2 | F |
| F + K/2 | F | F - K/2 |
| F | F - K/2 | F + K |
F = 1/2 (Fa + Fb)
K = Fb - Fa
`fock_matrix_mo <http://github.com/LCPQ/quantum_package/tree/master/plugins/Hartree_Fock/Fock_matrix.irp.f#L1>`_
Fock matrix on the MO basis.
For open shells, the ROHF Fock Matrix is
| F-K | F + K/2 | F |
| F + K/2 | F | F - K/2 |
| F | F - K/2 | F + K |
F = 1/2 (Fa + Fb)
K = Fb - Fa
`fock_mo_to_ao <http://github.com/LCPQ/quantum_package/tree/master/plugins/Hartree_Fock/Fock_matrix.irp.f#L388>`_
`guess <http://github.com/LCPQ/quantum_package/tree/master/plugins/Hartree_Fock/Huckel_guess.irp.f#L1>`_
`hf_density_matrix_ao <http://github.com/LCPQ/quantum_package/tree/master/plugins/Hartree_Fock/HF_density_matrix_ao.irp.f#L27>`_
S^-1 Density matrix in the AO basis S^-1
`hf_density_matrix_ao_alpha <http://github.com/LCPQ/quantum_package/tree/master/plugins/Hartree_Fock/HF_density_matrix_ao.irp.f#L1>`_
S^-1 x Alpha density matrix in the AO basis x S^-1
`hf_density_matrix_ao_beta <http://github.com/LCPQ/quantum_package/tree/master/plugins/Hartree_Fock/HF_density_matrix_ao.irp.f#L14>`_
S^-1 Beta density matrix in the AO basis x S^-1
`hf_energy <http://github.com/LCPQ/quantum_package/tree/master/plugins/Hartree_Fock/Fock_matrix.irp.f#L307>`_
Hartree-Fock energy
`huckel_guess <http://github.com/LCPQ/quantum_package/tree/master/plugins/Hartree_Fock/huckel.irp.f#L1>`_
Build the MOs using the extended Huckel model
`level_shift <http://github.com/LCPQ/quantum_package/tree/master/plugins/Hartree_Fock/ezfio_interface.irp.f#L25>`_
Energy shift on the virtual MOs to improve SCF convergence
`mo_guess_type <http://github.com/LCPQ/quantum_package/tree/master/plugins/Hartree_Fock/ezfio_interface.irp.f#L6>`_
Initial MO guess. Can be [ Huckel | HCore ]
`n_it_scf_max <http://github.com/LCPQ/quantum_package/tree/master/plugins/Hartree_Fock/ezfio_interface.irp.f#L63>`_
Maximum number of SCF iterations
`no_oa_or_av_opt <http://github.com/LCPQ/quantum_package/tree/master/plugins/Hartree_Fock/ezfio_interface.irp.f#L82>`_
If true, skip the (inactive+core) --> (active) and the (active) --> (virtual) orbital rotations within the SCF procedure
`run <http://github.com/LCPQ/quantum_package/tree/master/plugins/Hartree_Fock/SCF.irp.f#L38>`_
Run SCF calculation
`scf <http://github.com/LCPQ/quantum_package/tree/master/plugins/Hartree_Fock/SCF.irp.f#L1>`_
Produce `Hartree_Fock` MO orbital
output: mo_basis.mo_tot_num mo_basis.mo_label mo_basis.ao_md5 mo_basis.mo_coef mo_basis.mo_occ
output: hartree_fock.energy
optional: mo_basis.mo_coef
`thresh_scf <http://github.com/LCPQ/quantum_package/tree/master/plugins/Hartree_Fock/ezfio_interface.irp.f#L44>`_
Threshold on the convergence of the Hartree Fock energy

View File

@ -0,0 +1,132 @@
subroutine damping_SCF
implicit none
double precision :: E
double precision, allocatable :: D_alpha(:,:), D_beta(:,:)
double precision :: E_new
double precision, allocatable :: D_new_alpha(:,:), D_new_beta(:,:), F_new(:,:)
double precision, allocatable :: delta_alpha(:,:), delta_beta(:,:)
double precision :: lambda, E_half, a, b, delta_D, delta_E, E_min
integer :: i,j,k
logical :: saving
character :: save_char
allocate( &
D_alpha( ao_num_align, ao_num ), &
D_beta( ao_num_align, ao_num ), &
F_new( ao_num_align, ao_num ), &
D_new_alpha( ao_num_align, ao_num ), &
D_new_beta( ao_num_align, ao_num ), &
delta_alpha( ao_num_align, ao_num ), &
delta_beta( ao_num_align, ao_num ))
do j=1,ao_num
do i=1,ao_num
D_alpha(i,j) = HF_density_matrix_ao_alpha(i,j)
D_beta (i,j) = HF_density_matrix_ao_beta (i,j)
call write_time(output_hartree_fock)
write(output_hartree_fock,'(A4,1X,A16, 1X, A16, 1X, A16, 1X, A4 )') &
'====','================','================','================', '===='
write(output_hartree_fock,'(A4,1X,A16, 1X, A16, 1X, A16, 1X, A4 )') &
' N ', 'Energy ', 'Energy diff ', 'Density diff ', 'Save'
write(output_hartree_fock,'(A4,1X,A16, 1X, A16, 1X, A16, 1X, A4 )') &
'====','================','================','================', '===='
E = HF_energy + 1.d0
E_min = HF_energy
delta_D = 0.d0
do k=1,n_it_scf_max
delta_E = HF_energy - E
E = HF_energy
if ( (delta_E < 0.d0).and.(dabs(delta_E) < thresh_scf) ) then
saving = E < E_min
if (saving) then
call save_mos
save_char = 'X'
E_min = E
save_char = ' '
write(output_hartree_fock,'(I4,1X,F16.10, 1X, F16.10, 1X, F16.10, 3X, A )') &
k, E, delta_E, delta_D, save_char
D_alpha = HF_density_matrix_ao_alpha
D_beta = HF_density_matrix_ao_beta
mo_coef = eigenvectors_fock_matrix_mo
TOUCH mo_coef
D_new_alpha = HF_density_matrix_ao_alpha
D_new_beta = HF_density_matrix_ao_beta
F_new = Fock_matrix_ao
E_new = HF_energy
delta_alpha = D_new_alpha - D_alpha
delta_beta = D_new_beta - D_beta
lambda = .5d0
E_half = 0.d0
do while (E_half > E)
HF_density_matrix_ao_alpha = D_alpha + lambda * delta_alpha
HF_density_matrix_ao_beta = D_beta + lambda * delta_beta
TOUCH HF_density_matrix_ao_alpha HF_density_matrix_ao_beta
mo_coef = eigenvectors_fock_matrix_mo
TOUCH mo_coef
E_half = HF_energy
if ((E_half > E).and.(E_new < E)) then
lambda = 1.d0
else if ((E_half > E).and.(lambda > 5.d-4)) then
lambda = 0.5d0 * lambda
E_new = E_half
a = (E_new + E - 2.d0*E_half)*2.d0
b = -E_new - 3.d0*E + 4.d0*E_half
lambda = -lambda*b/(a+1.d-16)
D_alpha = (1.d0-lambda) * D_alpha + lambda * D_new_alpha
D_beta = (1.d0-lambda) * D_beta + lambda * D_new_beta
delta_E = HF_energy - E
do j=1,ao_num
do i=1,ao_num
delta_D = delta_D + &
(D_alpha(i,j) - HF_density_matrix_ao_alpha(i,j))*(D_alpha(i,j) - HF_density_matrix_ao_alpha(i,j)) + &
(D_beta (i,j) - HF_density_matrix_ao_beta (i,j))*(D_beta (i,j) - HF_density_matrix_ao_beta (i,j))
delta_D = dsqrt(delta_D/dble(ao_num)**2)
HF_density_matrix_ao_alpha = D_alpha
HF_density_matrix_ao_beta = D_beta
TOUCH HF_density_matrix_ao_alpha HF_density_matrix_ao_beta
mo_coef = eigenvectors_fock_matrix_mo
TOUCH mo_coef
write(output_hartree_fock,'(A4,1X,A16, 1X, A16, 1X, A16, 1X, A4 )') '====','================','================','================', '===='
call mo_as_eigvectors_of_mo_matrix(Fock_matrix_mo,size(Fock_matrix_mo,1),size(Fock_matrix_mo,2),mo_label,1)
call write_double(output_hartree_fock, E_min, 'Hartree-Fock energy')
call ezfio_set_hartree_fock_energy(E_min)
call write_time(output_hartree_fock)

View File

@ -0,0 +1,124 @@
BEGIN_PROVIDER [ double precision, diagonal_Fock_matrix_mo, (ao_num) ]
&BEGIN_PROVIDER [ double precision, eigenvectors_Fock_matrix_mo, (ao_num_align,mo_tot_num) ]
implicit none
! Diagonal Fock matrix in the MO basis
integer :: i,j
integer :: liwork, lwork, n, info
integer, allocatable :: iwork(:)
double precision, allocatable :: work(:), F(:,:), S(:,:)
allocate( F(mo_tot_num_align,mo_tot_num) )
do j=1,mo_tot_num
do i=1,mo_tot_num
F(i,j) = Fock_matrix_mo(i,j)
! print*, no_oa_or_av_opt
integer :: iorb,jorb
do i = 1, n_act_orb
iorb = list_act(i)
do j = 1, n_inact_orb
jorb = list_inact(j)
F(iorb,jorb) = 0.d0
F(jorb,iorb) = 0.d0
do j = 1, n_virt_orb
jorb = list_virt(j)
F(iorb,jorb) = 0.d0
F(jorb,iorb) = 0.d0
do j = 1, n_core_orb
jorb = list_core(j)
F(iorb,jorb) = 0.d0
F(jorb,iorb) = 0.d0
! do i = 1, n_act_orb
! iorb = list_act(i)
! write(*,'(100(F16.10,X))')F(iorb,:)
! enddo
! Insert level shift here
do i = elec_beta_num+1, elec_alpha_num
F(i,i) += 0.5d0*level_shift
do i = elec_alpha_num+1, mo_tot_num
F(i,i) += level_shift
n = mo_tot_num
lwork = 1+6*n + 2*n*n
liwork = 3 + 5*n
allocate(work(lwork), iwork(liwork) )
lwork = -1
liwork = -1
call dsyevd( 'V', 'U', mo_tot_num, F, &
size(F,1), diagonal_Fock_matrix_mo, &
work, lwork, iwork, liwork, info)
if (info /= 0) then
print *, irp_here//' failed : ', info
stop 1
lwork = int(work(1))
liwork = iwork(1)
allocate(work(lwork), iwork(liwork) )
call dsyevd( 'V', 'U', mo_tot_num, F, &
size(F,1), diagonal_Fock_matrix_mo, &
work, lwork, iwork, liwork, info)
if (info /= 0) then
print *, irp_here//' failed : ', info
stop 1
call dgemm('N','N',ao_num,mo_tot_num,mo_tot_num, 1.d0, &
mo_coef, size(mo_coef,1), F, size(F,1), &
0.d0, eigenvectors_Fock_matrix_mo, size(eigenvectors_Fock_matrix_mo,1))
deallocate(work, iwork, F)
! endif
BEGIN_PROVIDER [double precision, diagonal_Fock_matrix_mo_sum, (mo_tot_num)]
implicit none
! diagonal element of the fock matrix calculated as the sum over all the interactions
! with all the electrons in the RHF determinant
! diagonal_Fock_matrix_mo_sum(i) = sum_{j=1, N_elec} 2 J_ij -K_ij
integer :: i,j
double precision :: accu
do j = 1,elec_alpha_num
accu = 0.d0
do i = 1, elec_alpha_num
accu += 2.d0 * mo_bielec_integral_jj_from_ao(i,j) - mo_bielec_integral_jj_exchange_from_ao(i,j)
diagonal_Fock_matrix_mo_sum(j) = accu + mo_mono_elec_integral(j,j)
do j = elec_alpha_num+1,mo_tot_num
accu = 0.d0
do i = 1, elec_alpha_num
accu += 2.d0 * mo_bielec_integral_jj_from_ao(i,j) - mo_bielec_integral_jj_exchange_from_ao(i,j)
diagonal_Fock_matrix_mo_sum(j) = accu + mo_mono_elec_integral(j,j)

View File

@ -0,0 +1,32 @@
subroutine huckel_guess
implicit none
! Build the MOs using the extended Huckel model
integer :: i,j
double precision :: accu
double precision :: c
character*(64) :: label
label = "Guess"
call mo_as_eigvectors_of_mo_matrix(mo_mono_elec_integral, &
size(mo_mono_elec_integral,1), &
TOUCH mo_coef
c = 0.5d0 * 1.75d0
do j=1,ao_num
do i=1,ao_num
Fock_matrix_ao(i,j) = c*ao_overlap(i,j)*(ao_mono_elec_integral_diag(i) + &
Fock_matrix_ao(j,j) = Fock_matrix_alpha_ao(j,j)
TOUCH Fock_matrix_ao
mo_coef = eigenvectors_fock_matrix_mo
SOFT_TOUCH mo_coef
call save_mos

View File

@ -0,0 +1 @@

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@ -0,0 +1,12 @@
Needed Modules
.. Do not edit this section It was auto-generated
.. by the `update_README.py` script.
.. Do not edit this section It was auto-generated
.. by the `update_README.py` script.

View File

@ -0,0 +1,95 @@
use bitmasks
BEGIN_PROVIDER [ integer, psi_selectors_size ]
implicit none
psi_selectors_size = psi_det_size
BEGIN_PROVIDER [ integer, N_det_selectors]
implicit none
! For Single reference wave functions, the number of selectors is 1 : the
! Hartree-Fock determinant
N_det_selectors = N_det
BEGIN_PROVIDER [ integer(bit_kind), psi_selectors, (N_int,2,psi_selectors_size) ]
&BEGIN_PROVIDER [ double precision, psi_selectors_coef, (psi_selectors_size,N_states) ]
implicit none
! Determinants on which we apply <i|H|psi> for perturbation.
integer :: i, k, l, m
logical :: good
do i=1,N_det_generators
do k=1,N_int
psi_selectors(k,1,i) = psi_det_generators(k,1,i)
psi_selectors(k,2,i) = psi_det_generators(k,2,i)
do k=1,N_states
do i=1,N_det_selectors
psi_selectors_coef(i,k) = psi_coef_generators(i,k)
do i=1,N_det
do l=1,n_cas_bitmask
good = .True.
do k=1,N_int
good = good .and. ( &
iand(not(cas_bitmask(k,1,l)), psi_det_sorted(k,1,i)) == &
iand(not(cas_bitmask(k,1,l)), HF_bitmask(k,1)) .and. ( &
iand(not(cas_bitmask(k,2,l)), psi_det_sorted(k,2,i)) == &
iand(not(cas_bitmask(k,2,l)), HF_bitmask(k,2) )) )
if (good) then
if (.not.good) then
m = m+1
do k=1,N_int
psi_selectors(k,1,m) = psi_det_sorted(k,1,i)
psi_selectors(k,2,m) = psi_det_sorted(k,2,i)
psi_selectors_coef(m,:) = psi_coef_sorted(i,:)
if (N_det /= m) then
print *, N_det, m
stop 'N_det /= m'
BEGIN_PROVIDER [ double precision, psi_selectors_coef_transp, (N_states,psi_selectors_size) ]
implicit none
! Transposed psi_selectors
integer :: i,k
do i=1,N_det_selectors
do k=1,N_states
psi_selectors_coef_transp(k,i) = psi_selectors_coef(i,k)
BEGIN_PROVIDER [ double precision, psi_selectors_diag_h_mat, (psi_selectors_size) ]
implicit none
! Diagonal elements of the H matrix for each selectors
integer :: i
double precision :: diag_H_mat_elem
do i = 1, N_det_selectors
psi_selectors_diag_h_mat(i) = diag_H_mat_elem(psi_selectors(1,1,i),N_int)

View File

@ -0,0 +1,122 @@
subroutine zmq_put_psi(zmq_to_qp_run_socket,worker_id, energy, size_energy)
use f77_zmq
implicit none
! Put the wave function on the qp_run scheduler
integer(ZMQ_PTR), intent(in) :: zmq_to_qp_run_socket
integer, intent(in) :: worker_id
integer, intent(in) :: size_energy
double precision, intent(out) :: energy(size_energy)
integer :: rc
character*(256) :: msg
write(msg,*) 'put_psi ', worker_id, N_states, N_det, psi_det_size, n_det_generators, n_det_selectors
rc = f77_zmq_send(zmq_to_qp_run_socket,trim(msg),len(trim(msg)),ZMQ_SNDMORE)
if (rc /= len(trim(msg))) then
print *, 'f77_zmq_send(zmq_to_qp_run_socket,trim(msg),len(trim(msg)),ZMQ_SNDMORE)'
stop 'error'
rc = f77_zmq_send(zmq_to_qp_run_socket,psi_det,N_int*2*N_det*bit_kind,ZMQ_SNDMORE)
if (rc /= N_int*2*N_det*bit_kind) then
print *, 'f77_zmq_send(zmq_to_qp_run_socket,psi_det,N_int*2*N_det*bit_kind,ZMQ_SNDMORE)'
stop 'error'
rc = f77_zmq_send(zmq_to_qp_run_socket,psi_coef,psi_det_size*N_states*8,ZMQ_SNDMORE)
if (rc /= psi_det_size*N_states*8) then
print *, 'f77_zmq_send(zmq_to_qp_run_socket,psi_coef,psi_det_size*N_states*8,ZMQ_SNDMORE)'
stop 'error'
rc = f77_zmq_send(zmq_to_qp_run_socket,energy,size_energy*8,0)
if (rc /= size_energy*8) then
print *, 'f77_zmq_send(zmq_to_qp_run_socket,energy,size_energy*8,0)'
stop 'error'
rc = f77_zmq_recv(zmq_to_qp_run_socket,msg,len(msg),0)
if (msg(1:rc) /= 'put_psi_reply 1') then
print *, rc, trim(msg)
print *, 'Error in put_psi_reply'
stop 'error'
subroutine zmq_get_psi(zmq_to_qp_run_socket, worker_id, energy, size_energy)
use f77_zmq
implicit none
! Get the wave function from the qp_run scheduler
integer(ZMQ_PTR), intent(in) :: zmq_to_qp_run_socket
integer, intent(in) :: worker_id
integer, intent(in) :: size_energy
double precision, intent(out) :: energy(size_energy)
integer :: rc
character*(64) :: msg
write(msg,*) 'get_psi ', worker_id
rc = f77_zmq_send(zmq_to_qp_run_socket,trim(msg),len(trim(msg)),0)
if (rc /= len(trim(msg))) then
print *, 'f77_zmq_send(zmq_to_qp_run_socket,trim(msg),len(trim(msg)),0)'
stop 'error'
rc = f77_zmq_recv(zmq_to_qp_run_socket,msg,len(msg),0)
if (msg(1:13) /= 'get_psi_reply') then
print *, rc, trim(msg)
print *, 'Error in get_psi_reply'
stop 'error'
integer :: N_states_read, N_det_read, psi_det_size_read
integer :: N_det_selectors_read, N_det_generators_read
read(msg(14:rc),*) rc, N_states_read, N_det_read, psi_det_size_read, &
N_det_generators_read, N_det_selectors_read
if (rc /= worker_id) then
print *, 'Wrong worker ID'
stop 'error'
N_states = N_states_read
N_det = N_det_read
psi_det_size = psi_det_size_read
rc = f77_zmq_recv(zmq_to_qp_run_socket,psi_det,N_int*2*N_det*bit_kind,ZMQ_SNDMORE)
if (rc /= N_int*2*N_det*bit_kind) then
print *, 'f77_zmq_recv(zmq_to_qp_run_socket,psi_det,N_int*2*N_det*bit_kind,ZMQ_SNDMORE)'
stop 'error'
rc = f77_zmq_recv(zmq_to_qp_run_socket,psi_coef,psi_det_size*N_states*8,ZMQ_SNDMORE)
if (rc /= psi_det_size*N_states*8) then
print *, '77_zmq_recv(zmq_to_qp_run_socket,psi_coef,psi_det_size*N_states*8,ZMQ_SNDMORE)'
stop 'error'
TOUCH psi_det_size N_det N_states psi_det psi_coef
rc = f77_zmq_recv(zmq_to_qp_run_socket,energy,size_energy*8,0)
if (rc /= size_energy*8) then
print *, 'f77_zmq_recv(zmq_to_qp_run_socket,energy,size_energy*8,0)'
stop 'error'
if (N_det_generators_read > 0) then
N_det_generators = N_det_generators_read
TOUCH N_det_generators
if (N_det_selectors_read > 0) then
N_det_selectors = N_det_selectors_read
TOUCH N_det_selectors

View File

@ -14,7 +14,7 @@ BEGIN_PROVIDER [ integer, N_det_selectors]
integer :: i integer :: i
double precision :: norm, norm_max double precision :: norm, norm_max
call write_time(output_determinants) call write_time(output_determinants)
N_det_selectors = N_det_generators N_det_selectors = N_det
if (threshold_generators < 1.d0) then if (threshold_generators < 1.d0) then
norm = 0.d0 norm = 0.d0
do i=1,N_det do i=1,N_det

View File

@ -18,7 +18,7 @@ C
zprt=.true. zprt=.true.
niter=1000000 niter=1000000
conv=1.d-8 conv=1.d-10
C niter=1000000 C niter=1000000
C conv=1.d-6 C conv=1.d-6

View File

@ -101,10 +101,29 @@
cmoref = 0.d0 cmoref = 0.d0
irot = 0 irot = 0
irot(1,1) = 11 irot(1,1) = 14
irot(2,1) = 12 irot(2,1) = 15
cmoref(15,1,1) = 1.d0 ! ! cmoref(6,1,1) = 1.d0
cmoref(14,2,1) = 1.d0 ! ! cmoref(26,2,1) = 1.d0
cmoref(36,1,1) = 1.d0
cmoref(56,2,1) = 1.d0
! !!! H2O
! irot(1,1) = 4
! irot(2,1) = 5
! irot(3,1) = 6
! irot(4,1) = 7
! ! O pz
! cmoref(5,1,1) = 1.55362d0
! cmoref(6,1,1) = 1.07578d0
! cmoref(5,2,1) = 1.55362d0
! cmoref(6,2,1) = -1.07578d0
! ! O px - pz
! ! H1
! cmoref(16,3,1) = 1.d0
! ! H1
! cmoref(21,4,1) = 1.d0
! ESATRIENE with 3 bonding and anti bonding orbitals ! ESATRIENE with 3 bonding and anti bonding orbitals
! First bonding orbital for esa ! First bonding orbital for esa
@ -150,19 +169,19 @@
! ESATRIENE with 1 central bonding and anti bonding orbitals ! ESATRIENE with 1 central bonding and anti bonding orbitals
! AND 4 radical orbitals ! AND 4 radical orbitals
! First radical orbital ! First radical orbital
cmoref(7,1,1) = 1.d0 ! ! cmoref(7,1,1) = 1.d0 !
! Second radical orbital ! Second radical orbital
cmoref(26,2,1) = 1.d0 ! ! cmoref(26,2,1) = 1.d0 !
! First bonding orbital ! First bonding orbital
cmoref(45,3,1) = 1.d0 ! ! cmoref(45,3,1) = 1.d0 !
cmoref(64,3,1) = 1.d0 ! ! cmoref(64,3,1) = 1.d0 !
! Third radical orbital for esa ! Third radical orbital for esa
cmoref(83,4,1) = 1.d0 ! ! cmoref(83,4,1) = 1.d0 !
! Fourth radical orbital for esa ! Fourth radical orbital for esa
cmoref(102,5,1) = 1.d0 ! ! cmoref(102,5,1) = 1.d0 !
! First anti bonding orbital ! First anti bonding orbital
cmoref(45,6,1) = 1.d0 ! ! cmoref(45,6,1) = 1.d0 !
cmoref(64,6,1) =-1.d0 ! ! cmoref(64,6,1) =-1.d0 !
do i = 1, nrot(1) do i = 1, nrot(1)

View File

@ -14,20 +14,21 @@ program loc_int
exchange_int = 0.d0 exchange_int = 0.d0
iorder = 0 iorder = 0
print*,'' print*,''
if(list_core_inact_check(iorb) == .False.)cycle if(list_core_inact_check(iorb) .eqv. .False.)cycle
do j = i+1, n_core_inact_orb do j = i+1, n_core_inact_orb
jorb = list_core_inact(j) jorb = list_core_inact(j)
iorder(jorb) = jorb iorder(jorb) = jorb
exchange_int(jorb) = -mo_bielec_integral_jj_exchange(iorb,jorb) if(list_core_inact_check(jorb) == .False.)then
exchange_int(jorb) = 0.d0
exchange_int(jorb) = -mo_bielec_integral_jj_exchange(iorb,jorb)
enddo enddo
n_rot += 1 n_rot += 1
call dsort(exchange_int,iorder,mo_tot_num) call dsort(exchange_int,iorder,mo_tot_num)
indices(n_rot,1) = iorb indices(n_rot,1) = iorb
indices(n_rot,2) = iorder(1) indices(n_rot,2) = iorder(1)
list_core_inact_check(iorder(1)) = .False. list_core_inact_check(iorder(1)) = .False.
enddo enddo
print*,'****************************' print*,'****************************'
print*,'-+++++++++++++++++++++++++' print*,'-+++++++++++++++++++++++++'
@ -46,20 +47,21 @@ program loc_int
exchange_int = 0.d0 exchange_int = 0.d0
iorder = 0 iorder = 0
print*,'' print*,''
if(list_core_inact_check(iorb) == .False.)cycle if(list_core_inact_check(iorb) .eqv. .False.)cycle
do j = i+1, n_act_orb do j = i+1, n_act_orb
jorb = list_act(j) jorb = list_act(j)
iorder(jorb) = jorb iorder(jorb) = jorb
exchange_int(jorb) = -mo_bielec_integral_jj_exchange(iorb,jorb) if(list_core_inact_check(jorb) == .False.)then
exchange_int(jorb) = 0.d0
exchange_int(jorb) = -mo_bielec_integral_jj_exchange(iorb,jorb)
enddo enddo
n_rot += 1 n_rot += 1
call dsort(exchange_int,iorder,mo_tot_num) call dsort(exchange_int,iorder,mo_tot_num)
indices(n_rot,1) = iorb indices(n_rot,1) = iorb
indices(n_rot,2) = iorder(1) indices(n_rot,2) = iorder(1)
list_core_inact_check(iorder(1)) = .False. list_core_inact_check(iorder(1)) = .False.
enddo enddo
print*,'****************************' print*,'****************************'
print*,'-+++++++++++++++++++++++++' print*,'-+++++++++++++++++++++++++'
@ -78,20 +80,21 @@ program loc_int
exchange_int = 0.d0 exchange_int = 0.d0
iorder = 0 iorder = 0
print*,'' print*,''
if(list_core_inact_check(iorb) == .False.)cycle if(list_core_inact_check(iorb) .eqv. .False.)cycle
do j = i+1, n_virt_orb do j = i+1, n_virt_orb
jorb = list_virt(j) jorb = list_virt(j)
iorder(jorb) = jorb iorder(jorb) = jorb
exchange_int(jorb) = -mo_bielec_integral_jj_exchange(iorb,jorb) if(list_core_inact_check(jorb) == .False.)then
exchange_int(jorb) = 0.d0
exchange_int(jorb) = -mo_bielec_integral_jj_exchange(iorb,jorb)
enddo enddo
n_rot += 1 n_rot += 1
call dsort(exchange_int,iorder,mo_tot_num) call dsort(exchange_int,iorder,mo_tot_num)
indices(n_rot,1) = iorb indices(n_rot,1) = iorb
indices(n_rot,2) = iorder(1) indices(n_rot,2) = iorder(1)
list_core_inact_check(iorder(1)) = .False. list_core_inact_check(iorder(1)) = .False.
enddo enddo
print*,'****************************' print*,'****************************'
print*,'-+++++++++++++++++++++++++' print*,'-+++++++++++++++++++++++++'

View File

@ -15,20 +15,21 @@ program loc_int
exchange_int = 0.d0 exchange_int = 0.d0
iorder = 0 iorder = 0
print*,'' print*,''
if(list_core_inact_check(iorb) == .False.)cycle if(list_core_inact_check(iorb) .eqv. .False.)cycle
do j = i+1, n_act_orb do j = i+1, n_act_orb
jorb = list_act(j) jorb = list_act(j)
iorder(jorb) = jorb iorder(jorb) = jorb
exchange_int(jorb) = -mo_bielec_integral_jj_exchange(iorb,jorb) if(list_core_inact_check(jorb) == .False.)then
exchange_int(jorb) = 0.d0
exchange_int(jorb) = -mo_bielec_integral_jj_exchange(iorb,jorb)
enddo enddo
n_rot += 1 n_rot += 1
call dsort(exchange_int,iorder,mo_tot_num) call dsort(exchange_int,iorder,mo_tot_num)
indices(n_rot,1) = iorb indices(n_rot,1) = iorb
indices(n_rot,2) = iorder(1) indices(n_rot,2) = iorder(1)
list_core_inact_check(iorder(1)) = .False. list_core_inact_check(iorder(1)) = .False.
enddo enddo
print*,'****************************' print*,'****************************'
print*,'-+++++++++++++++++++++++++' print*,'-+++++++++++++++++++++++++'

View File

@ -14,7 +14,7 @@ program loc_int
exchange_int = 0.d0 exchange_int = 0.d0
iorder = 0 iorder = 0
print*,'' print*,''
if(list_core_inact_check(iorb) == .False.)cycle if(list_core_inact_check(iorb) .eqv. .False.)cycle
do j = i+1, n_core_inact_orb do j = i+1, n_core_inact_orb
jorb = list_core_inact(j) jorb = list_core_inact(j)
iorder(jorb) = jorb iorder(jorb) = jorb

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