mirror of https://github.com/LCPQ/quantum_package synced 2025-03-15 13:16:48 +01:00

fixed openmp + support for N_int and N_states > 1

This commit is contained in:
Yann Garniron 2016-04-04 15:51:32 +02:00
parent cdb87937c8
commit a843dae541
4 changed files with 296 additions and 429 deletions

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@ -47,7 +47,7 @@ subroutine davidson_diag_mrcc(dets_in,u_in,energies,dim_in,sze,N_st,Nint,iunit,i
do i=1,N_det_ref
H_jj(idx_ref(i)) += delta_ii(i,istate)
H_jj(idx_ref(i)) += delta_ii(istate,i)

View File

@ -25,6 +25,7 @@ subroutine mrcc_iterations
print *, '==========================='
print *, ''
E_old = sum(ci_energy_dressed)
print *, iteration, ci_energy_dressed(1)
call write_double(6,ci_energy_dressed(1),"MRCC energy")
call diagonalize_ci_dressed(lambda)
E_new = sum(ci_energy_dressed)
@ -38,7 +39,7 @@ subroutine mrcc_iterations
! E_past(j) = E_new
! j +=1
call save_wavefunction
if (iteration > 200) then
if (iteration > 0) then

View File

@ -12,7 +12,6 @@ use bitmasks
!mrmode : 1=mrcepa0, 2=mrsc2 add, 3=mrsc2 sub
do i_state = 1, N_states
if(mrmode == 3) then
do i = 1, N_det_ref
delta_ii(i_state,i)= delta_mrcepa0_ii(i,i_state) - delta_sub_ii(i,i_state)
@ -45,59 +44,73 @@ END_PROVIDER
BEGIN_PROVIDER [ integer, cepa0_shortcut, (0:N_det_non_ref+1) ]
&BEGIN_PROVIDER [ integer, det_cepa0_idx, (N_det_non_ref) ]
&BEGIN_PROVIDER [ integer(bit_kind), det_cepa0_active, (N_det_non_ref) ]
&BEGIN_PROVIDER [ integer(bit_kind), det_ref_active, (N_det_ref) ]
&BEGIN_PROVIDER [ integer(bit_kind), active_sorb, (2) ]
&BEGIN_PROVIDER [ integer(bit_kind), det_cepa0_active, (N_int,2,N_det_non_ref) ]
&BEGIN_PROVIDER [ integer(bit_kind), det_ref_active, (N_int,2,N_det_ref) ]
&BEGIN_PROVIDER [ integer(bit_kind), active_sorb, (N_int,2) ]
use bitmasks
implicit none
integer(bit_kind) :: det_noactive(N_int, 2, N_det_non_ref), nonactive_sorb(2)
integer(bit_kind) :: det_noactive(N_int, 2, N_det_non_ref), nonactive_sorb(N_int,2)
integer i, II, j, k
logical, external :: detEq
active_sorb(:) = 0_8
nonactive_sorb(:) = not(0_8)
active_sorb(:,:) = 0_8
nonactive_sorb(:,:) = not(0_8)
if(N_det_ref > 1) then
do i=1, N_det_ref
active_sorb(1) = ior(psi_ref(1,1,i), active_sorb(1))
active_sorb(2) = ior(psi_ref(1,2,i), active_sorb(2))
nonactive_sorb(1) = iand(psi_ref(1,1,i), nonactive_sorb(1))
nonactive_sorb(2) = iand(psi_ref(1,2,i), nonactive_sorb(2))
do k=1, N_int
active_sorb(k,1) = ior(psi_ref(k,1,i), active_sorb(k,1))
active_sorb(k,2) = ior(psi_ref(k,2,i), active_sorb(k,2))
nonactive_sorb(k,1) = iand(psi_ref(k,1,i), nonactive_sorb(k,1))
nonactive_sorb(k,2) = iand(psi_ref(k,2,i), nonactive_sorb(k,2))
end do
end do
do k=1, N_int
active_sorb(k,1) = iand(active_sorb(k,1), not(nonactive_sorb(k,1)))
active_sorb(k,2) = iand(active_sorb(k,2), not(nonactive_sorb(k,2)))
end do
active_sorb(1) = iand(active_sorb(1), not(nonactive_sorb(1)))
active_sorb(2) = iand(active_sorb(2), not(nonactive_sorb(2)))
end if
do i=1, N_det_non_ref
det_noactive(1,1,i) = iand(psi_non_ref(1,1,i), not(active_sorb(1)))
det_noactive(1,2,i) = iand(psi_non_ref(1,2,i), not(active_sorb(2)))
do k=1, N_int
det_noactive(k,1,i) = iand(psi_non_ref(k,1,i), not(active_sorb(k,1)))
det_noactive(k,2,i) = iand(psi_non_ref(k,2,i), not(active_sorb(k,2)))
end do
end do
call sort_dets_ab(det_noactive, det_cepa0_idx, cepa0_shortcut, N_det_non_ref, N_int)
do i=1,N_det_ref
det_ref_active(i) = iand(psi_ref(1,1,i), active_sorb(1))
det_ref_active(i) = det_ref_active(i) + iand(psi_ref(1,2,i), active_sorb(2)) * 2_8**32_8
do k=1, N_int
det_ref_active(k,1,i) = iand(psi_ref(k,1,i), active_sorb(k,1))
det_ref_active(k,2,i) = iand(psi_ref(k,2,i), active_sorb(k,2))
!det_ref_active(i) = det_ref_active(i) + iand(psi_ref(1,2,i), active_sorb(2)) * 2_8**32_8
end do
end do
cepa0_shortcut(0) = 1
cepa0_shortcut(1) = 1
det_cepa0_active(1) = iand(psi_non_ref(1,1,det_cepa0_idx(1)), active_sorb(1))
det_cepa0_active(1) = det_cepa0_active(1) + iand(psi_non_ref(1,2,det_cepa0_idx(1)), active_sorb(2)) * 2_8**32_8
do k=1, N_int
det_cepa0_active(k,1,1) = iand(psi_non_ref(k,1,det_cepa0_idx(1)), active_sorb(k,1))
det_cepa0_active(k,2,1) = iand(psi_non_ref(k,2,det_cepa0_idx(1)), active_sorb(k,2))
!det_cepa0_active(1) = det_cepa0_active(1) + iand(psi_non_ref(1,2,det_cepa0_idx(1)), active_sorb(2)) * 2_8**32_8
end do
do i=2,N_det_non_ref
det_cepa0_active(i) = iand(psi_non_ref(1,1,det_cepa0_idx(i)), active_sorb(1))
det_cepa0_active(i) = det_cepa0_active(i) + iand(psi_non_ref(1,2,det_cepa0_idx(i)), active_sorb(2)) * 2_8**32_8
do k=1, N_int
det_cepa0_active(k,1,i) = iand(psi_non_ref(k,1,det_cepa0_idx(i)), active_sorb(k,1))
det_cepa0_active(k,2,i) = iand(psi_non_ref(k,2,det_cepa0_idx(i)), active_sorb(k,2))
end do
! det_cepa0_active(i) = iand(psi_non_ref(1,1,det_cepa0_idx(i)), active_sorb(1))
! det_cepa0_active(i) = det_cepa0_active(i) + iand(psi_non_ref(1,2,det_cepa0_idx(i)), active_sorb(2)) * 2_8**32_8
if(.not. detEq(det_noactive(1,1,i), det_noactive(1,1,i-1), N_int)) then
cepa0_shortcut(0) += 1
cepa0_shortcut(cepa0_shortcut(0)) = i
end if
end do
!cepa0_shortcut(0) += 1
cepa0_shortcut(cepa0_shortcut(0)+1) = N_det_non_ref+1
@ -110,17 +123,14 @@ END_PROVIDER
integer i_state, degree
provide lambda_mrcc
i_state = 1
do i_state = 1, N_states
!$OMP PARALLEL DO default(none) schedule(dynamic) private(j,k,Hjk,Hki,degree) shared(lambda_mrcc,i_state, N_det_non_ref,psi_ref, psi_non_ref,N_int,delta_cas)
do i=1,N_det_ref
do j=1,i
call get_excitation_degree(psi_ref(1,1,i), psi_ref(1,1,j), degree, N_int)
if(degree /= 2 .and. degree /= 0) cycle
delta_cas(i,j,i_state) = 0d0
do k=1,N_det_non_ref
! call get_excitation_degree(psi_ref(1,1,j), psi_non_ref(1,1,k), degree, N_int)
! if(degree /= 2) cycle
! call get_excitation_degree(psi_ref(1,1,i), psi_non_ref(1,1,k), degree, N_int)
! if(degree /= 2) cycle
call i_h_j(psi_ref(1,1,j), psi_non_ref(1,1,k),N_int,Hjk)
call i_h_j(psi_non_ref(1,1,k),psi_ref(1,1,i), N_int,Hki)
@ -130,10 +140,10 @@ END_PROVIDER
delta_cas(j,i,i_state) = delta_cas(i,j,i_state)
end do
end do
end do
logical function detEq(a,b,Nint)
use bitmasks
@ -154,117 +164,6 @@ end function
BEGIN_PROVIDER [ double precision, delta_mrcepa0_ij_old, (N_det_ref,N_det_non_ref,N_states) ]
&BEGIN_PROVIDER [ double precision, delta_mrcepa0_ii_old, (N_det_ref,N_states) ]
use bitmasks
implicit none
integer :: i_state, i, i_I, J, k, degree, degree2, m, l, deg, ni
integer :: p1,p2,h1,h2,s1,s2, p1_,p2_,h1_,h2_,s1_,s2_
logical :: ok
double precision :: phase_iI, phase_Ik, phase_Jl, phase_IJ, phase_al, diI, hIi, hJi, delta_JI, dkI(1), HkI, ci_inv(1), dia_hla(1)
double precision :: contrib
integer, dimension(0:2,2,2) :: exc_iI, exc_Ik, exc_IJ
integer(bit_kind) :: det_tmp(N_int, 2), made_hole, made_particle, myActive
integer, allocatable :: idx_sorted_bit(:)
integer, external :: get_index_in_psi_det_sorted_bit
logical, external :: is_in_wavefunction
double precision, allocatable :: hab(:,:)
integer :: II, blok
provide det_cepa0_active delta_cas lambda_mrcc
if(N_int /= 1) then
print *, "mrcepa0 experimental N_int==1"
end if
i_state = 1
delta_mrcepa0_ii(:,:) = 0d0
delta_mrcepa0_ij(:,:,:) = 0d0
!allocate(hab(N_det_non_ref, N_det_non_ref))
!hab(:,:) = 0d0
! do i=1,N_det_ref
! delta_ii(i,i_state) = delta_cas(i,i,i_state)
! end do
provide mo_bielec_integrals_in_map
idx_sorted_bit(:) = -1
do i=1,N_det_non_ref
idx_sorted_bit(get_index_in_psi_det_sorted_bit(psi_non_ref(1,1,i), N_int)) = i
!- qsd $OMP PARALLEL DO schedule(dynamic,10) default(firstprivate) shared(delta_ij, delta_ii)
do blok=1,cepa0_shortcut(0)
do i=cepa0_shortcut(blok), cepa0_shortcut(blok+1)-1
do II=1,N_det_ref
made_hole = iand(det_ref_active(II), xor(det_cepa0_active(i), det_ref_active(II)))
made_particle = iand(det_cepa0_active(i), xor(det_cepa0_active(i), det_ref_active(II)))
call get_excitation_degree(psi_ref(1,1,II),psi_non_ref(1,1,det_cepa0_idx(i)),degree,N_int)
if (degree > 2 .or. popcnt(made_hole) + popcnt(made_particle) == 7650) cycle
do k=cepa0_shortcut(blok), cepa0_shortcut(blok+1)-1
if(iand(not(active_sorb(1)), xor(psi_non_ref(1,1,det_cepa0_idx(k)), psi_non_ref(1,1,det_cepa0_idx(i)))) /= 0) stop "STOOOP"
!do k=1,N_det_non_ref
if(iand(made_hole, det_cepa0_active(k)) /= 0) cycle
if(iand(made_particle, det_cepa0_active(k)) /= made_particle) cycle
myActive = xor(det_cepa0_active(k), made_hole)
myActive = xor(myActive, made_particle)
if(i==k .and. myActive /= det_ref_active(II)) stop "AAAA"
!if(i==k) print *, "i=k"
do J=1,N_det_ref
if(det_ref_active(J) /= myActive) cycle
call get_excitation_degree(psi_ref(1,1,J),psi_non_ref(1,1,det_cepa0_idx(k)),degree,N_int)
if(degree > 2) stop "BBBB"
call i_h_j(psi_non_ref(1,1,det_cepa0_idx(k)),psi_ref(1,1,II),N_int,Hki)
!call i_h_j(psi_non_ref(1,1,det_cepa0_idx(k)),psi_ref(1,1,J),N_int,Hki)
!contrib = Hki * lambda_mrcc(i_state, det_cepa0_idx(k)) * delta_cas(II,J,i_state)! * psi_ref_coef(II, I_state)*psi_ref_coef(J, I_state)/(psi_ref_coef(1, I_state)**2 + psi_ref_coef(2, I_state)**2)
contrib = Hki * lambda_mrcc(i_state, det_cepa0_idx(k)) * delta_cas(II,J,i_state)! * psi_ref_coef(II, I_state)*psi_ref_coef(J, I_state)/(psi_ref_coef(1, I_state)**2 + psi_ref_coef(2, I_state)**2)
! (psi_ref_coef(II, I_state) * psi_ref_coef(J, I_state)) / (psi_ref_coef(1, I_state)**2 + psi_ref_coef(2, I_state)**2)
! if(hab(det_cepa0_idx(k), det_cepa0_idx(i)) /= 0) then
! print *, "HAB ", contrib, hab(det_cepa0_idx(k), det_cepa0_idx(i))
! !contrib = 0d0
! !stop
! else
! hab(det_cepa0_idx(k), det_cepa0_idx(i)) = contrib
! hab(det_cepa0_idx(i), det_cepa0_idx(k)) = contrib
! end if
delta_mrcepa0_ij(II, det_cepa0_idx(i), i_state) += contrib
if(dabs(psi_ref_coef(II,i_state)).ge.5.d-5) then
delta_mrcepa0_ii(II,i_state) -= contrib / psi_ref_coef(II, i_state) * psi_non_ref_coef(det_cepa0_idx(k),i_state)
end do
end do
end do
end do
end do
!print *, "MMMMMMMMMM ", delta_cas(2,2,i_state) , delta_ii(2,i_state)
! do i=1,N_det_ref
! delta_cas(i,i,i_state) += delta_ii(i,i_state)
! end do
BEGIN_PROVIDER [ double precision, delta_mrcepa0_ij, (N_det_ref,N_det_non_ref,N_states) ]
&BEGIN_PROVIDER [ double precision, delta_mrcepa0_ii, (N_det_ref,N_states) ]
use bitmasks
@ -276,7 +175,7 @@ END_PROVIDER
double precision :: phase_iI, phase_Ik, phase_Jl, phase_IJ, phase_al, diI, hIi, hJi, delta_JI, dkI(1), HkI, ci_inv(1), dia_hla(1)
double precision :: contrib, HIIi, HJk
integer, dimension(0:2,2,2) :: exc_iI, exc_Ik, exc_IJ
integer(bit_kind) :: det_tmp(N_int, 2), made_hole, made_particle, myActive
integer(bit_kind) :: det_tmp(N_int, 2), made_hole(N_int,2), made_particle(N_int,2), myActive(N_int,2)
integer, allocatable :: idx_sorted_bit(:)
integer, external :: get_index_in_psi_det_sorted_bit
logical, external :: is_in_wavefunction
@ -284,129 +183,78 @@ END_PROVIDER
integer :: II, blok
provide det_cepa0_active delta_cas lambda_mrcc
provide mo_bielec_integrals_in_map
idx_sorted_bit(:) = -1
do i=1,N_det_non_ref
idx_sorted_bit(get_index_in_psi_det_sorted_bit(psi_non_ref(1,1,i), N_int)) = i
if(N_int /= 1) then
print *, "mrcepa0 experimental N_int==1"
end if
i_state = 1
do i_state = 1, N_states
delta_mrcepa0_ii(:,:) = 0d0
delta_mrcepa0_ij(:,:,:) = 0d0
provide mo_bielec_integrals_in_map
idx_sorted_bit(:) = -1
do i=1,N_det_non_ref
idx_sorted_bit(get_index_in_psi_det_sorted_bit(psi_non_ref(1,1,i), N_int)) = i
!- qsd $OMP PARALLEL DO schedule(dynamic,10) default(firstprivate) shared(delta_mrcepa0_ij, delta_mrcepa0_ii)
!$OMP PARALLEL DO default(none) schedule(dynamic) shared(delta_mrcepa0_ij, delta_mrcepa0_ii) &
!$OMP private(i,II,J,k,degree,myActive,made_hole,made_particle,hjk,contrib) &
!$OMP shared(active_sorb, psi_non_ref, psi_non_ref_coef, psi_ref, psi_ref_coef, cepa0_shortcut, det_cepa0_active) &
!$OMP shared(N_det_ref, N_det_non_ref,N_int,det_cepa0_idx,lambda_mrcc,det_ref_active, delta_cas) &
!$OMP shared(i_state)
do blok=1,cepa0_shortcut(0)
do i=cepa0_shortcut(blok), cepa0_shortcut(blok+1)-1
do II=1,N_det_ref
call get_excitation_degree(psi_ref(1,1,II),psi_non_ref(1,1,det_cepa0_idx(i)),degree,N_int)
if (degree > 2 ) cycle
made_hole = iand(det_ref_active(II), xor(det_cepa0_active(i), det_ref_active(II)))
made_particle = iand(det_cepa0_active(i), xor(det_cepa0_active(i), det_ref_active(II)))
do ni=1,N_int
made_hole(ni,1) = iand(det_ref_active(ni,1,II), xor(det_cepa0_active(ni,1,i), det_ref_active(ni,1,II)))
made_hole(ni,2) = iand(det_ref_active(ni,2,II), xor(det_cepa0_active(ni,2,i), det_ref_active(ni,2,II)))
!made_particle = iand(det_cepa0_active(i), xor(det_cepa0_active(i), det_ref_active(II)))
made_particle(ni,1) = iand(det_cepa0_active(ni,1,i), xor(det_cepa0_active(ni,1,i), det_ref_active(ni,1,II)))
made_particle(ni,2) = iand(det_cepa0_active(ni,2,i), xor(det_cepa0_active(ni,2,i), det_ref_active(ni,2,II)))
end do
kloop: do k=cepa0_shortcut(blok), cepa0_shortcut(blok+1)-1
if(lambda_mrcc(i_state, det_cepa0_idx(k)) == 0d0) cycle
do k=cepa0_shortcut(blok), cepa0_shortcut(blok+1)-1
!if(i==k) cycle
if(iand(not(active_sorb(1)), xor(psi_non_ref(1,1,det_cepa0_idx(k)), psi_non_ref(1,1,det_cepa0_idx(i)))) /= 0) stop "STOOOP"
if(iand(made_hole, det_cepa0_active(k)) /= 0) cycle
if(iand(made_particle, det_cepa0_active(k)) /= made_particle) cycle
myActive = xor(det_cepa0_active(k), made_hole)
myActive = xor(myActive, made_particle)
if(i==k .and. myActive /= det_ref_active(II)) stop "AAAA"
do J=1,N_det_ref
if(det_ref_active(J) /= myActive) cycle
do ni=1,N_int
if(iand(made_hole(ni,1), det_cepa0_active(ni,1,k)) /= 0) cycle kloop
if(iand(made_particle(ni,1), det_cepa0_active(ni,1,k)) /= made_particle(ni,1)) cycle kloop
if(iand(made_hole(ni,2), det_cepa0_active(ni,2,k)) /= 0) cycle kloop
if(iand(made_particle(ni,2), det_cepa0_active(ni,2,k)) /= made_particle(ni,2)) cycle kloop
end do
do ni=1,N_int
myActive(ni,1) = xor(det_cepa0_active(ni,1,k), made_hole(ni,1))
myActive(ni,1) = xor(myActive(ni,1), made_particle(ni,1))
myActive(ni,2) = xor(det_cepa0_active(ni,2,k), made_hole(ni,2))
myActive(ni,2) = xor(myActive(ni,2), made_particle(ni,2))
end do
jloop: do J=1,N_det_ref
do ni=1,N_int !!! replace with sort+search
if(det_ref_active(ni,1,J) /= myActive(ni,1)) cycle jloop
if(det_ref_active(ni,2,J) /= myActive(ni,2)) cycle jloop
end do
call i_h_j(psi_non_ref(1,1,det_cepa0_idx(k)),psi_ref(1,1,J),N_int,HJk)
contrib = delta_cas(II, J, i_state) * HJk * lambda_mrcc(i_state, det_cepa0_idx(k))
delta_mrcepa0_ij(J, det_cepa0_idx(i), i_state) += contrib
if(dabs(psi_ref_coef(J,i_state)).ge.5.d-5) then
delta_mrcepa0_ii(J,i_state) -= contrib / psi_ref_coef(J, i_state) * psi_non_ref_coef(det_cepa0_idx(k),i_state)
end if
end do jloop
end do kloop
end do
end do
end do
end do
end do
BEGIN_PROVIDER [ double precision, delta_mrcepa0_ij_exp, (N_det_ref,N_det_non_ref,N_states) ]
&BEGIN_PROVIDER [ double precision, delta_mrcepa0_ii_exp, (N_det_ref,N_states) ]
use bitmasks
implicit none
integer :: i_state, i, i_I, J, k, degree, degree2, m, l, deg, ni
integer :: p1,p2,h1,h2,s1,s2, p1_,p2_,h1_,h2_,s1_,s2_
logical :: ok
double precision :: phase_iI, phase_Ik, phase_Jl, phase_IJ, phase_al, diI, hIi, hJi, delta_JI, dkI(1), HkI, ci_inv(1), dia_hla(1)
double precision :: contrib, HIIi, HJk
integer, dimension(0:2,2,2) :: exc_iI, exc_Ik, exc_IJ
integer(bit_kind) :: det_tmp(N_int, 2), made_hole, made_particle, myActive
integer, allocatable :: idx_sorted_bit(:)
integer, external :: get_index_in_psi_det_sorted_bit
logical, external :: is_in_wavefunction
integer :: II, blok
provide det_cepa0_active delta_cas lambda_mrcc
print *, "mrcepa0 experimental"
if(N_int /= 1) then
print *, "mrcepa0 experimental N_int==1"
end if
i_state = 1
delta_mrcepa0_ii_exp(:,:) = 0d0
delta_mrcepa0_ij_exp(:,:,:) = 0d0
provide mo_bielec_integrals_in_map
idx_sorted_bit(:) = -1
do i=1,N_det_non_ref
idx_sorted_bit(get_index_in_psi_det_sorted_bit(psi_non_ref(1,1,i), N_int)) = i
!- qsd $OMP PARALLEL DO schedule(dynamic,10) default(firstprivate) shared(delta_mrcepa0_ii_exp, delta_mrcepa0_ij_exp)
do blok=1,cepa0_shortcut(0)
do i=cepa0_shortcut(blok), cepa0_shortcut(blok+1)-1
do II=1,N_det_ref
made_hole = iand(det_ref_active(II), xor(det_cepa0_active(i), det_ref_active(II)))
made_particle = iand(det_cepa0_active(i), xor(det_cepa0_active(i), det_ref_active(II)))
do k=cepa0_shortcut(blok), cepa0_shortcut(blok+1)-1
do J=1,N_det_ref
if(made_hole /= iand(det_ref_active(J), xor(det_cepa0_active(k), det_ref_active(J)))) cycle
if(made_particle /= iand(det_cepa0_active(k), xor(det_cepa0_active(k), det_ref_active(J)))) cycle
call i_h_j(psi_non_ref(1,1,det_cepa0_idx(k)),psi_ref(1,1,J),N_int,HJk)
contrib = delta_cas(II, J, i_state) * HJk * lambda_mrcc(i_state, det_cepa0_idx(k))
delta_mrcepa0_ij_exp(J, det_cepa0_idx(i), i_state) += contrib
if(dabs(psi_ref_coef(J,i_state)).ge.5.d-5) then
delta_mrcepa0_ii_exp(J,i_state) -= contrib / psi_ref_coef(J, i_state) * psi_non_ref_coef(det_cepa0_idx(k),i_state)
end if
end do
end do
end do
end do
end do
@ -416,7 +264,7 @@ END_PROVIDER
use bitmasks
implicit none
integer :: i_state, i, i_I, J, k, degree, degree2, m, l, deg, ni
integer :: i_state, i, i_I, J, k, degree, degree2, l, deg, ni
integer :: p1,p2,h1,h2,s1,s2, p1_,p2_,h1_,h2_,s1_,s2_
logical :: ok
double precision :: phase_Ji, phase_Ik, phase_Ii
@ -428,28 +276,29 @@ END_PROVIDER
integer :: II, blok
provide det_cepa0_active delta_cas lambda_mrcc
if(N_int /= 1) then
print *, "mrsc2 experimental N_int==1"
end if
i_state = 1
delta_sub_ij(:,:,:) = 0d0
delta_sub_ii(:,:) = 0d0
provide mo_bielec_integrals_in_map
provide delta_cas lambda_mrcc
idx_sorted_bit(:) = -1
do i=1,N_det_non_ref
idx_sorted_bit(get_index_in_psi_det_sorted_bit(psi_non_ref(1,1,i), N_int)) = i
!$OMP PARALLEL DO schedule(dynamic,10) default(firstprivate) shared(delta_sub_ij, delta_sub_ii)
do i_state = 1, N_states
delta_sub_ij(:,:,:) = 0d0
delta_sub_ii(:,:) = 0d0
provide mo_bielec_integrals_in_map
!$OMP PARALLEL DO default(none) schedule(dynamic,10) shared(delta_sub_ij, delta_sub_ii) &
!$OMP private(i, J, k, degree, degree2, l, deg, ni) &
!$OMP private(p1,p2,h1,h2,s1,s2, p1_,p2_,h1_,h2_,s1_,s2_) &
!$OMP private(ok, phase_Ji, phase_Ik, phase_Ii, contrib, delta_IJk, HJk, HIk, HIl, exc_Ik, exc_Ji, exc_Ii) &
!$OMP private(det_tmp, det_tmp2, II, blok) &
!$OMP shared(idx_sorted_bit, N_det_non_ref, N_det_ref, N_int, psi_non_ref, psi_non_ref_coef, psi_ref, psi_ref_coef) &
!$OMP shared(i_state,lambda_mrcc, hf_bitmask, active_sorb)
do i=1,N_det_non_ref
if(mod(i,1000) == 0) print "(A,I3,A)", "♫ sloubi", i/1000, " ♪ (sub)"
if(mod(i,1000) == 0) print *, i, "/", N_det_non_ref
do J=1,N_det_ref
call get_excitation(psi_ref(1,1,J),psi_non_ref(1,1,i),exc_Ji,degree,phase_Ji,N_int)
if(degree == -1) cycle
@ -464,7 +313,6 @@ END_PROVIDER
if(l == 0) cycle
l = idx_sorted_bit(l)
if(psi_non_ref(1,1,l) /= det_tmp(1,1)) stop "sdf"
call i_h_j(psi_ref(1,1,II), det_tmp, N_int, HIl)
do k=1,N_det_non_ref
@ -474,13 +322,16 @@ END_PROVIDER
det_tmp(:,:) = 0_bit_kind
det_tmp2(:,:) = 0_bit_kind
det_tmp(1,1) = iand(xor(HF_bitmask(1,1), psi_non_ref(1,1,k)), not(active_sorb(1)))
det_tmp(1,2) = iand(xor(HF_bitmask(1,1), psi_non_ref(1,1,i)), not(active_sorb(1)))
ok = (popcnt(det_tmp(1,1)) + popcnt(det_tmp(1,2)) == popcnt(xor(det_tmp(1,1), det_tmp(1,2))))
ok = .true.
do ni=1,N_int
det_tmp(ni,1) = iand(xor(HF_bitmask(ni,1), psi_non_ref(ni,1,k)), not(active_sorb(ni,1)))
det_tmp(ni,2) = iand(xor(HF_bitmask(ni,1), psi_non_ref(ni,1,i)), not(active_sorb(ni,1)))
ok = ok .and. (popcnt(det_tmp(ni,1)) + popcnt(det_tmp(ni,2)) == popcnt(xor(det_tmp(ni,1), det_tmp(ni,2))))
det_tmp(1,1) = iand(xor(HF_bitmask(1,2), psi_non_ref(1,2,k)), not(active_sorb(2)))
det_tmp(1,2) = iand(xor(HF_bitmask(1,2), psi_non_ref(1,2,i)), not(active_sorb(2)))
ok = ok .and. (popcnt(det_tmp(1,1)) + popcnt(det_tmp(1,2)) == popcnt(xor(det_tmp(1,1), det_tmp(1,2))))
det_tmp(ni,1) = iand(xor(HF_bitmask(ni,2), psi_non_ref(ni,2,k)), not(active_sorb(ni,2)))
det_tmp(ni,2) = iand(xor(HF_bitmask(ni,2), psi_non_ref(ni,2,i)), not(active_sorb(ni,2)))
ok = ok .and. (popcnt(det_tmp(ni,1)) + popcnt(det_tmp(ni,2)) == popcnt(xor(det_tmp(ni,1), det_tmp(ni,2))))
end do
if(ok) cycle
@ -489,23 +340,22 @@ END_PROVIDER
call i_h_j(psi_ref(1,1,II), psi_non_ref(1,1,k), N_int, HIk)
if(HJk == 0) cycle
!assert HIk == 0
!delta_IJk = HJk * HIk * lambda_mrcc(i_state, k)
delta_IJk = HJk * HIk * lambda_mrcc(i_state, k)
call apply_excitation(psi_non_ref(1,1,i),exc_Ik,det_tmp,ok,N_int)
if(ok) cycle
! contrib = delta_IJk * HIl * lambda_mrcc(i_state, l)
contrib = delta_IJk * HIl * lambda_mrcc(i_state,l)
delta_sub_ij(II, i, i_state) += contrib
if(dabs(psi_ref_coef(II,i_state)).ge.5.d-5) then
delta_sub_ii(II,i_state) -= contrib / psi_ref_coef(II, i_state) * psi_non_ref_coef(l,i_state)
end do
end do
end do
end do
end do
@ -527,9 +377,9 @@ end subroutine
implicit none
integer :: i_state, i, i_I, J, k, degree, degree2, m, l, deg, ni
integer :: p1,p2,h1,h2,s1,s2, p1_,p2_,h1_,h2_,s1_,s2_, x(2), y(2)
integer :: p1,p2,h1,h2,s1,s2, p1_,p2_,h1_,h2_,s1_,s2_
logical :: ok
double precision :: phase_iI, phase_Ik, phase_Jl, phase_IJ, phase_al, diI, hIi, hJi, delta_JI, dkI(1), HkI, ci_inv(1), dia_hla(1)
double precision :: phase_iI, phase_Ik, phase_Jl, phase_IJ, phase_al, diI, hIi, hJi, delta_JI, dkI(N_states), HkI, ci_inv(N_states), dia_hla(N_states)
double precision :: contrib
integer, dimension(0:2,2,2) :: exc_iI, exc_Ik, exc_IJ
integer(bit_kind) :: det_tmp(N_int, 2), det_tmp2(N_int, 2)
@ -537,11 +387,6 @@ implicit none
integer, external :: get_index_in_psi_det_sorted_bit
logical, external :: is_in_wavefunction
delta_ii_old(:,:) = 0
delta_ij_old(:,:,:) = 0
i_state = 1
provide mo_bielec_integrals_in_map
@ -550,10 +395,24 @@ implicit none
idx_sorted_bit(get_index_in_psi_det_sorted_bit(psi_non_ref(1,1,i), N_int)) = i
!$OMP PARALLEL DO schedule(dynamic,10) default(firstprivate) shared(delta_ij_old, delta_ii_old)
do i_state = 1, N_states
delta_ii_old(:,:) = 0
delta_ij_old(:,:,:) = 0
!$OMP PARALLEL DO default(none) schedule(dynamic,10) shared(delta_ij_old, delta_ii_old) &
!$OMP private(i, J, k, degree, degree2, l, deg, ni) &
!$OMP private(ok,p1,p2,h1,h2,s1,s2, p1_,p2_,h1_,h2_,s1_,s2_) &
!$OMP private(phase_iI, phase_Ik, phase_Jl, phase_IJ, phase_al, diI, hIi, hJi, delta_JI, dkI, HkI, ci_inv, dia_hla) &
!$OMP private(contrib, exc_iI, exc_Ik, exc_IJ, det_tmp, det_tmp2) &
!$OMP shared(idx_sorted_bit, N_det_non_ref, N_det_ref, N_int, psi_non_ref, psi_non_ref_coef, psi_ref, psi_ref_coef) &
!$OMP shared(i_state, lambda_mrcc, hf_bitmask, active_sorb)
do i = 1 , N_det_non_ref
if(mod(i,1000) == 0) print *, i, "/", N_det_non_ref
if(lambda_mrcc(i_state, i) == 0d0) cycle
if(mod(i,1000) == 0) print "(A,I3,A)", "♫ sloubi", i/1000, " ♪ (old)"
do i_I = 1 , N_det_ref
call get_excitation(psi_ref(1,1,i_I),psi_non_ref(1,1,i),exc_iI,degree2,phase_iI,N_int)
if(degree2 == -1) cycle
@ -579,14 +438,17 @@ implicit none
det_tmp(:,:) = 0_bit_kind
det_tmp2(:,:) = 0_bit_kind
ok = .true.
do ni=1,N_int
det_tmp(ni,1) = iand(xor(HF_bitmask(ni,1), psi_non_ref(ni,1,k)), not(active_sorb(ni,1)))
det_tmp(ni,2) = iand(xor(HF_bitmask(ni,1), psi_non_ref(ni,1,i)), not(active_sorb(ni,1)))
ok = ok .and. (popcnt(det_tmp(ni,1)) + popcnt(det_tmp(ni,2)) == popcnt(xor(det_tmp(ni,1), det_tmp(ni,2))))
det_tmp(1,1) = iand(xor(HF_bitmask(1,1), psi_non_ref(1,1,k)), not(active_sorb(1)))
det_tmp(1,2) = iand(xor(HF_bitmask(1,1), psi_non_ref(1,1,i)), not(active_sorb(1)))
ok = (popcnt(det_tmp(1,1)) + popcnt(det_tmp(1,2)) == popcnt(xor(det_tmp(1,1), det_tmp(1,2))))
det_tmp(ni,1) = iand(xor(HF_bitmask(ni,2), psi_non_ref(ni,2,k)), not(active_sorb(ni,2)))
det_tmp(ni,2) = iand(xor(HF_bitmask(ni,2), psi_non_ref(ni,2,i)), not(active_sorb(ni,2)))
ok = ok .and. (popcnt(det_tmp(ni,1)) + popcnt(det_tmp(ni,2)) == popcnt(xor(det_tmp(ni,1), det_tmp(ni,2))))
end do
det_tmp(1,1) = iand(xor(HF_bitmask(1,2), psi_non_ref(1,2,k)), not(active_sorb(2)))
det_tmp(1,2) = iand(xor(HF_bitmask(1,2), psi_non_ref(1,2,i)), not(active_sorb(2)))
ok = ok .and. (popcnt(det_tmp(1,1)) + popcnt(det_tmp(1,2)) == popcnt(xor(det_tmp(1,1), det_tmp(1,2))))
if(.not. ok) cycle
@ -613,37 +475,22 @@ implicit none
call i_h_j(psi_non_ref(1,1,k), psi_ref(1,1,i_I),N_int,HkI)
!dkI(i_state) = HkI * lambda_mrcc(i_state,k) * phase_Jl * phase_Ik * Xref(I_i)
dkI(i_state) = HkI * lambda_mrcc(i_state, k) * phase_Jl * phase_Ik
contrib = dkI(i_state) * delta_JI
delta_ij_old(i_I,l,i_state) += contrib
if(dabs(psi_ref_coef(i_I,i_state)).ge.5.d-5) then
delta_ii_old(i_I,i_state) -= contrib * ci_inv(i_state) * psi_non_ref_coef(k,i_state)
! double precision :: error, acc
! integer :: II
! error = 0d0
! do i=1, N_det_non_ref
! acc = 0d0
! do II=1, N_det_ref
! call i_h_j(psi_ref(1,1,II), psi_non_ref(1,1,i), N_int, HIi)
! acc += HIi * lambda_mrcc(i_state, i) * Xref(II) * psi_ref_coef(II, i_state)
! end do
! error += (psi_non_ref_coef(i, i_state) - acc)**2
! end do
! print *, "QUALITY ", error
end do

View File

@ -42,7 +42,7 @@ subroutine mrcepa0_iterations
! E_past(j) = E_new
! j +=1
call save_wavefunction
if (iteration > 200) then
if (iteration > 0) then
@ -55,9 +55,9 @@ subroutine mrcepa0_iterations
call write_double(6,ci_energy_dressed(1),"Final MRCEPA0 energy")
call write_double(6,ci_energy_dressed(1)+rest,"Final MRCEPA0+rest energy")
call ezfio_set_mrcc_cassd_energy(ci_energy_dressed(1))
call save_wavefunction
subroutine set_generators_bitmasks_as_holes_and_particles
@ -85,7 +85,26 @@ subroutine set_generators_bitmasks_as_holes_and_particles
touch generators_bitmask
BEGIN_PROVIDER [ double precision, rest ]
integer :: i, j
double precision :: hij, c0
c0 = 1d0
do i=1,N_det_non_ref
c0 += psi_non_ref_coef(i,1)**2
end do
c0 = dsqrt(c0)
print *, "C", c0
rest = 0d0
do i=1, N_det_non_ref
if(lambda_mrcc(1, i) == 0d0) then
do j=1, N_det_ref
call i_h_j(psi_ref(1,1,j), psi_non_ref(1,1,i), N_int, hij)
rest += hij * psi_non_ref_coef(i,1) * psi_ref_coef(j,1) / c0
end do
end if
end do