mirror of https://github.com/LCPQ/quantum_package synced 2024-10-19 22:41:48 +02:00

Merge branch 'eginer-toto'

This commit is contained in:
Anthony Scemama 2018-12-25 10:36:58 +01:00
commit 81a30fcf1a
31 changed files with 550 additions and 139 deletions

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@ -7,12 +7,7 @@
* Creer une page web pas trop degueu et la mettre ici : http://lcpq.github.io/quantum_package
* Manu : README
* data_energy_and_density
* dft_keywords
* dft_quantities_on_grid
* dft_utils_one_body
* dm_for_dft
* integrals_erf
* prendre des bouts du src/README.rst et en mettre partout

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@ -9,6 +9,7 @@ ao_basis

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@ -67,13 +67,13 @@ just run
.. code:: bash
qp_run SCF hcn
qp_run scf hcn
The expected energy is ``-92.827856698`` au.
.. seealso::
The documentation of the :ref:`Hartree_Fock` module.
The documentation of the :ref:`hartree_fock` module.
Choose the target |MO| space
@ -95,7 +95,7 @@ We will now use the |CIPSI| algorithm to estimate the |FCI| energy.
.. code::
qp_run FCI hcn
qp_run fci hcn
The program will start with a single determinant and will iteratively:
@ -116,7 +116,7 @@ The estimated |FCI| energy of HCN is ``-93.0501`` au.
.. seealso::
The documentation of the :ref:`FCI` module.
The documentation of the :ref:`fci` module.
.. important:: TODO

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@ -6,7 +6,7 @@ This module contains all quantities needed to build the Becke's grid used in gen
This grid is built as the reunion of a spherical grid around each atom. Each spherical grid contains a certain number of radial and angular points.
For a simple example of how to use the grid, see example.irp.f.
For a simple example of how to use the grid, see :file:`example.irp.f`.
The spherical integration uses Lebedev-Laikov grids, which was used from the code distributed through CCL (http://www.ccl.net/).
See next section for explanations and citation policies.

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@ -25,4 +25,4 @@ transforming a bit string to a list of integers for example.
bit_kind = bit_kind_size / 8
For an example of how to use the bitmaks, see the file :file:`example.irp.f`.

View File

@ -0,0 +1,11 @@
type: character*(32)
doc: Type of density used for DFT calculation. If set to WFT , it uses the density of the wave function stored in (psi_det,psi_coef). If set to input_density it uses the one-body dm stored in aux_quantities/ . If set to damping_rs_dft it uses the damped density between WFT and input_density. In the ks_scf and rs_ks_scf programs, it is set to WFT.
interface: ezfio, provider, ocaml
default: WFT
type: double precision
doc: damping factor for the density used in RSFT.
interface: ezfio,provider,ocaml
default: 0.5

View File

@ -1,4 +1,12 @@
This module defines the *provider* of the density used for the DFT related calculations.
This definition is done through the keyword :option:`density_for_dft density_for_dft`.
The density can be:
# WFT : the density is computed with a potentially multi determinant wave function (see variables `psi_det` and `psi_det`)# input_density : the density is set to a density previously stored in the |EZFIO| folder (see ``aux_quantities``)
# damping_rs_dft : the density is damped between the input_density and the WFT density, with a damping factor of :option:`density_for_dft damping_for_rs_dft`

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@ -2,4 +2,4 @@
Contains everything for the computation of the Hamiltonian in the basis of Slater determinants.
Contains everything for the computation of the Hamiltonian matrix elements in the basis of orthogonal Slater determinants built on a restricted spin-orbitals basis.

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@ -16,14 +16,3 @@ doc: Percentage of HF exchange in the DFT model
interface: ezfio,provider,ocaml
default: 0.
type: character*(32)
doc: Type of density used for DFT calculation. If WFT it uses the density of the WFT stored in terms of determinants. If input_density it uses the one-body dm stored in data_.../ . If damping_rs_dft it uses the damping density between WFT and input_density
interface: ezfio, provider, ocaml
default: WFT
type: double precision
doc: damping factor for the density used in RSFT.
interface: ezfio,provider,ocaml
default: 0.5

View File

@ -2,6 +2,11 @@
DFT Keywords
This module contains all keywords which are related to a DFT calculation
This module contains the main keywords related to a DFT calculation or RS-DFT calculation, such as:
# :option:exchange_functional
# :option:correlation_functional
# :option:HF_exchange : only relevent for the :ref:`ks_scf` program
# :option:density_for_dft : mainly relevent for multi-determinant range separated DFT, see the plugins of eginer.
The keyword for the range separation parameter :math:`\mu` is the :option:`ao_two_e_erf_integrals mu_erf` keyword.

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@ -1,5 +1,4 @@

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@ -1,4 +1,21 @@
This module contains all the one-body related quantities needed to perform DFT or RS-DFT calculations.
Therefore, it contains most of the properties which depends on the one-body density and density matrix.
The most important files and variables are:
# The general *providers* for the x/c energies in :file:`e_xc_general.irp.f`
# The general *providers* for the x/c potentials in :file:`pot_general.irp.f`
# The short-range hartree operator and all related quantities in :file:`sr_coulomb.irp.f`
These *providers* will be used in many DFT-related programs, such as :file:`ks_scf.irp.f` or :file:`rs_ks_scf.irp.f`.
It is also needed to compute the effective one-body operator needed in multi-determinant RS-DFT (see plugins by eginer).
Some other interesting quantities:
# The LDA and PBE *providers* for the x/c energies in :file:`e_xc.irp.f` and :file:`sr_exc.irp.f`
# The LDA and PBE *providers* for the x/c potentials on the AO basis in :file:`pot_ao.irp.f` and :file:`sr_pot_ao.irp.f`
# The :math:`h_{core}` energy computed directly with the one-body density matrix in :file:`one_e_energy_dft.irp.f`
# LDA and PBE short-range functionals *subroutines* in :file:`exc_sr_lda.irp.f` and :file:`exc_sr_pbe.irp.f`

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@ -1,5 +1,8 @@
BEGIN_PROVIDER [double precision, mu_erf_dft]
implicit none
! range separation parameter used in RS-DFT. It is set to mu_erf in order to be consistent with the two electrons integrals erf
mu_erf_dft = mu_erf

View File

@ -0,0 +1,190 @@
BEGIN_PROVIDER[double precision, aos_vc_alpha_LDA_w, (n_points_final_grid,ao_num,N_states)]
&BEGIN_PROVIDER[double precision, aos_vc_beta_LDA_w, (n_points_final_grid,ao_num,N_states)]
&BEGIN_PROVIDER[double precision, aos_vx_alpha_LDA_w, (n_points_final_grid,ao_num,N_states)]
&BEGIN_PROVIDER[double precision, aos_vx_beta_LDA_w, (n_points_final_grid,ao_num,N_states)]
implicit none
! aos_vxc_alpha_LDA_w(j,i) = ao_i(r_j) * (v^x_alpha(r_j) + v^c_alpha(r_j)) * W(r_j)
integer :: istate,i,j
double precision :: r(3)
double precision :: mu,weight
double precision :: e_c,vc_a,vc_b,e_x,vx_a,vx_b
double precision, allocatable :: rhoa(:),rhob(:)
double precision :: mu_local
mu_local = 1.d-9
allocate(rhoa(N_states), rhob(N_states))
do istate = 1, N_states
do i = 1, n_points_final_grid
r(1) = final_grid_points(1,i)
r(2) = final_grid_points(2,i)
r(3) = final_grid_points(3,i)
rhoa(istate) = one_body_dm_alpha_at_r(i,istate)
rhob(istate) = one_body_dm_beta_at_r(i,istate)
call ec_LDA_sr(mu_local,rhoa(istate),rhob(istate),e_c,vc_a,vc_b)
call ex_LDA_sr(mu_local,rhoa(istate),rhob(istate),e_x,vx_a,vx_b)
do j =1, ao_num
aos_vc_alpha_LDA_w(i,j,istate) = vc_a * aos_in_r_array(j,i)*weight
aos_vc_beta_LDA_w(i,j,istate) = vc_b * aos_in_r_array(j,i)*weight
aos_vx_alpha_LDA_w(i,j,istate) = vx_a * aos_in_r_array(j,i)*weight
aos_vx_beta_LDA_w(i,j,istate) = vx_b * aos_in_r_array(j,i)*weight
BEGIN_PROVIDER [double precision, potential_x_alpha_ao_LDA,(ao_num,ao_num,N_states)]
&BEGIN_PROVIDER [double precision, potential_x_beta_ao_LDA,(ao_num,ao_num,N_states)]
&BEGIN_PROVIDER [double precision, potential_c_alpha_ao_LDA,(ao_num,ao_num,N_states)]
&BEGIN_PROVIDER [double precision, potential_c_beta_ao_LDA,(ao_num,ao_num,N_states)]
implicit none
! short range exchange/correlation alpha/beta potentials with LDA functional on the AO basis
integer :: istate
double precision :: wall_1,wall_2
call wall_time(wall_1)
do istate = 1, N_states
call dgemm('N','N',ao_num,ao_num,n_points_final_grid,1.d0,aos_in_r_array,ao_num,aos_vc_alpha_LDA_w(1,1,istate),n_points_final_grid,0.d0,potential_c_alpha_ao_LDA(1,1,istate),ao_num)
call dgemm('N','N',ao_num,ao_num,n_points_final_grid,1.d0,aos_in_r_array,ao_num,aos_vc_beta_LDA_w(1,1,istate) ,n_points_final_grid,0.d0,potential_c_beta_ao_LDA(1,1,istate),ao_num)
call dgemm('N','N',ao_num,ao_num,n_points_final_grid,1.d0,aos_in_r_array,ao_num,aos_vx_alpha_LDA_w(1,1,istate),n_points_final_grid,0.d0,potential_x_alpha_ao_LDA(1,1,istate),ao_num)
call dgemm('N','N',ao_num,ao_num,n_points_final_grid,1.d0,aos_in_r_array,ao_num,aos_vx_beta_LDA_w(1,1,istate) ,n_points_final_grid,0.d0,potential_x_beta_ao_LDA(1,1,istate),ao_num)
call wall_time(wall_2)
print*,'time to provide potential_x/c_alpha/beta_ao_LDA = ',wall_2 - wall_1
BEGIN_PROVIDER[double precision, aos_vc_alpha_PBE_w , (ao_num,n_points_final_grid,N_states)] !(n_points_final_grid,ao_num,N_states)]
&BEGIN_PROVIDER[double precision, aos_vc_beta_PBE_w , (ao_num,n_points_final_grid,N_states)]!(n_points_final_grid,ao_num,N_states)]
&BEGIN_PROVIDER[double precision, aos_vx_alpha_PBE_w , (ao_num,n_points_final_grid,N_states)] !(n_points_final_grid,ao_num,N_states)]
&BEGIN_PROVIDER[double precision, aos_vx_beta_PBE_w , (ao_num,n_points_final_grid,N_states)]!(n_points_final_grid,ao_num,N_states)]
&BEGIN_PROVIDER[double precision, aos_dvc_alpha_PBE_w , (ao_num,n_points_final_grid,3,N_states)]
&BEGIN_PROVIDER[double precision, aos_dvc_beta_PBE_w , (ao_num,n_points_final_grid,3,N_states)]
&BEGIN_PROVIDER[double precision, aos_dvx_alpha_PBE_w , (ao_num,n_points_final_grid,3,N_states)]
&BEGIN_PROVIDER[double precision, aos_dvx_beta_PBE_w , (ao_num,n_points_final_grid,3,N_states)]
&BEGIN_PROVIDER[double precision, grad_aos_dvc_alpha_PBE_w , (ao_num,n_points_final_grid,3,N_states)]
&BEGIN_PROVIDER[double precision, grad_aos_dvc_beta_PBE_w , (ao_num,n_points_final_grid,3,N_states)]
&BEGIN_PROVIDER[double precision, grad_aos_dvx_alpha_PBE_w , (ao_num,n_points_final_grid,3,N_states)]
&BEGIN_PROVIDER[double precision, grad_aos_dvx_beta_PBE_w , (ao_num,n_points_final_grid,3,N_states)]
implicit none
! aos_vxc_alpha_PBE_w(j,i) = ao_i(r_j) * (v^x_alpha(r_j) + v^c_alpha(r_j)) * W(r_j)
integer :: istate,i,j,m
double precision :: r(3)
double precision :: mu,weight
double precision, allocatable :: ex(:), ec(:)
double precision, allocatable :: rho_a(:),rho_b(:),grad_rho_a(:,:),grad_rho_b(:,:),grad_rho_a_2(:),grad_rho_b_2(:),grad_rho_a_b(:)
double precision, allocatable :: contrib_grad_xa(:,:),contrib_grad_xb(:,:),contrib_grad_ca(:,:),contrib_grad_cb(:,:)
double precision, allocatable :: vc_rho_a(:), vc_rho_b(:), vx_rho_a(:), vx_rho_b(:)
double precision, allocatable :: vx_grad_rho_a_2(:), vx_grad_rho_b_2(:), vx_grad_rho_a_b(:), vc_grad_rho_a_2(:), vc_grad_rho_b_2(:), vc_grad_rho_a_b(:)
allocate(vc_rho_a(N_states), vc_rho_b(N_states), vx_rho_a(N_states), vx_rho_b(N_states))
allocate(vx_grad_rho_a_2(N_states), vx_grad_rho_b_2(N_states), vx_grad_rho_a_b(N_states), vc_grad_rho_a_2(N_states), vc_grad_rho_b_2(N_states), vc_grad_rho_a_b(N_states))
allocate(rho_a(N_states), rho_b(N_states),grad_rho_a(3,N_states),grad_rho_b(3,N_states))
allocate(grad_rho_a_2(N_states),grad_rho_b_2(N_states),grad_rho_a_b(N_states), ex(N_states), ec(N_states))
do istate = 1, N_states
do i = 1, n_points_final_grid
r(1) = final_grid_points(1,i)
r(2) = final_grid_points(2,i)
r(3) = final_grid_points(3,i)
rho_a(istate) = one_body_dm_alpha_and_grad_at_r(4,i,istate)
rho_b(istate) = one_body_dm_beta_and_grad_at_r(4,i,istate)
grad_rho_a(1:3,istate) = one_body_dm_alpha_and_grad_at_r(1:3,i,istate)
grad_rho_b(1:3,istate) = one_body_dm_beta_and_grad_at_r(1:3,i,istate)
grad_rho_a_2 = 0.d0
grad_rho_b_2 = 0.d0
grad_rho_a_b = 0.d0
do m = 1, 3
grad_rho_a_2(istate) += grad_rho_a(m,istate) * grad_rho_a(m,istate)
grad_rho_b_2(istate) += grad_rho_b(m,istate) * grad_rho_b(m,istate)
grad_rho_a_b(istate) += grad_rho_a(m,istate) * grad_rho_b(m,istate)
! inputs
call GGA_type_functionals(r,rho_a,rho_b,grad_rho_a_2,grad_rho_b_2,grad_rho_a_b, & ! outputs exchange
ex,vx_rho_a,vx_rho_b,vx_grad_rho_a_2,vx_grad_rho_b_2,vx_grad_rho_a_b, & ! outputs correlation
ec,vc_rho_a,vc_rho_b,vc_grad_rho_a_2,vc_grad_rho_b_2,vc_grad_rho_a_b )
vx_rho_a(istate) *= weight
vc_rho_a(istate) *= weight
vx_rho_b(istate) *= weight
vc_rho_b(istate) *= weight
do m= 1,3
contrib_grad_ca(m,istate) = weight * (2.d0 * vc_grad_rho_a_2(istate) * grad_rho_a(m,istate) + vc_grad_rho_a_b(istate) * grad_rho_b(m,istate))
contrib_grad_xa(m,istate) = weight * (2.d0 * vx_grad_rho_a_2(istate) * grad_rho_a(m,istate) + vx_grad_rho_a_b(istate) * grad_rho_b(m,istate))
contrib_grad_cb(m,istate) = weight * (2.d0 * vc_grad_rho_b_2(istate) * grad_rho_b(m,istate) + vc_grad_rho_a_b(istate) * grad_rho_a(m,istate))
contrib_grad_xb(m,istate) = weight * (2.d0 * vx_grad_rho_b_2(istate) * grad_rho_b(m,istate) + vx_grad_rho_a_b(istate) * grad_rho_a(m,istate))
do j = 1, ao_num
aos_vc_alpha_PBE_w(j,i,istate) = vc_rho_a(istate) * aos_in_r_array(j,i)
aos_vc_beta_PBE_w (j,i,istate) = vc_rho_b(istate) * aos_in_r_array(j,i)
aos_vx_alpha_PBE_w(j,i,istate) = vx_rho_a(istate) * aos_in_r_array(j,i)
aos_vx_beta_PBE_w (j,i,istate) = vx_rho_b(istate) * aos_in_r_array(j,i)
do m = 1,3
aos_dvc_alpha_PBE_w(j,i,m,istate) = contrib_grad_ca(m,istate) * aos_in_r_array(j,i)
aos_dvc_beta_PBE_w (j,i,m,istate) = contrib_grad_cb(m,istate) * aos_in_r_array(j,i)
aos_dvx_alpha_PBE_w(j,i,m,istate) = contrib_grad_xa(m,istate) * aos_in_r_array(j,i)
aos_dvx_beta_PBE_w (j,i,m,istate) = contrib_grad_xb(m,istate) * aos_in_r_array(j,i)
grad_aos_dvc_alpha_PBE_w (j,i,m,istate) = contrib_grad_ca(m,istate) * aos_grad_in_r_array(j,i,m)
grad_aos_dvc_beta_PBE_w (j,i,m,istate) = contrib_grad_cb(m,istate) * aos_grad_in_r_array(j,i,m)
grad_aos_dvx_alpha_PBE_w (j,i,m,istate) = contrib_grad_xa(m,istate) * aos_grad_in_r_array(j,i,m)
grad_aos_dvx_beta_PBE_w (j,i,m,istate) = contrib_grad_xb(m,istate) * aos_grad_in_r_array(j,i,m)
BEGIN_PROVIDER [double precision, potential_x_alpha_ao_PBE,(ao_num,ao_num,N_states)]
&BEGIN_PROVIDER [double precision, potential_x_beta_ao_PBE,(ao_num,ao_num,N_states)]
&BEGIN_PROVIDER [double precision, potential_c_alpha_ao_PBE,(ao_num,ao_num,N_states)]
&BEGIN_PROVIDER [double precision, potential_c_beta_ao_PBE,(ao_num,ao_num,N_states)]
implicit none
! exchange/correlation alpha/beta potentials with the short range PBE functional on the AO basis
integer :: istate, m
double precision :: wall_1,wall_2
call wall_time(wall_1)
potential_c_alpha_ao_PBE = 0.d0
potential_x_alpha_ao_PBE = 0.d0
potential_c_beta_ao_PBE = 0.d0
potential_x_beta_ao_PBE = 0.d0
do istate = 1, N_states
! correlation alpha
call dgemm('N','T',ao_num,ao_num,n_points_final_grid,1.d0,aos_vc_alpha_PBE_w(1,1,istate),size(aos_vc_alpha_PBE_w,1),aos_in_r_array,size(aos_in_r_array,1),1.d0,potential_c_alpha_ao_PBE(1,1,istate),size(potential_c_alpha_ao_PBE,1))
! correlation beta
call dgemm('N','T',ao_num,ao_num,n_points_final_grid,1.d0,aos_vc_beta_PBE_w(1,1,istate),size(aos_vc_beta_PBE_w,1),aos_in_r_array,size(aos_in_r_array,1),1.d0,potential_c_beta_ao_PBE(1,1,istate),size(potential_c_beta_ao_PBE,1))
! exchange alpha
call dgemm('N','T',ao_num,ao_num,n_points_final_grid,1.d0,aos_vx_alpha_PBE_w(1,1,istate),size(aos_vx_alpha_PBE_w,1),aos_in_r_array,size(aos_in_r_array,1),1.d0,potential_x_alpha_ao_PBE(1,1,istate),size(potential_x_alpha_ao_PBE,1))
! exchange beta
call dgemm('N','T',ao_num,ao_num,n_points_final_grid,1.d0,aos_vx_beta_PBE_w(1,1,istate),size(aos_vx_beta_PBE_w,1), aos_in_r_array,size(aos_in_r_array,1),1.d0,potential_x_beta_ao_PBE(1,1,istate), size(potential_x_beta_ao_PBE,1))
do m= 1,3
! correlation alpha
call dgemm('N','T',ao_num,ao_num,n_points_final_grid,1.d0,aos_dvc_alpha_PBE_w(1,1,m,istate),size(aos_dvc_alpha_PBE_w,1),aos_grad_in_r_array(1,1,m),size(aos_grad_in_r_array,1),1.d0,potential_c_alpha_ao_PBE(1,1,istate),size(potential_c_alpha_ao_PBE,1))
call dgemm('N','T',ao_num,ao_num,n_points_final_grid,1.d0,grad_aos_dvc_alpha_PBE_w(1,1,m,istate),size(grad_aos_dvc_alpha_PBE_w,1),aos_in_r_array,size(aos_in_r_array,1),1.d0,potential_c_alpha_ao_PBE(1,1,istate),size(potential_c_alpha_ao_PBE,1))
! correlation beta
call dgemm('N','T',ao_num,ao_num,n_points_final_grid,1.d0,aos_dvc_beta_PBE_w(1,1,m,istate),size(aos_dvc_beta_PBE_w,1),aos_grad_in_r_array(1,1,m),size(aos_grad_in_r_array,1),1.d0,potential_c_beta_ao_PBE(1,1,istate),size(potential_c_beta_ao_PBE,1))
call dgemm('N','T',ao_num,ao_num,n_points_final_grid,1.d0,grad_aos_dvc_beta_PBE_w(1,1,m,istate),size(grad_aos_dvc_beta_PBE_w,1),aos_in_r_array,size(aos_in_r_array,1),1.d0,potential_c_beta_ao_PBE(1,1,istate),size(potential_c_beta_ao_PBE,1))
! exchange alpha
call dgemm('N','T',ao_num,ao_num,n_points_final_grid,1.d0,aos_dvx_alpha_PBE_w(1,1,m,istate),size(aos_dvx_alpha_PBE_w,1),aos_grad_in_r_array(1,1,m),size(aos_grad_in_r_array,1),1.d0,potential_x_alpha_ao_PBE(1,1,istate),size(potential_x_alpha_ao_PBE,1))
call dgemm('N','T',ao_num,ao_num,n_points_final_grid,1.d0,grad_aos_dvx_alpha_PBE_w(1,1,m,istate),size(grad_aos_dvx_alpha_PBE_w,1),aos_in_r_array,size(aos_in_r_array,1),1.d0,potential_x_alpha_ao_PBE(1,1,istate),size(potential_x_alpha_ao_PBE,1))
! exchange beta
call dgemm('N','T',ao_num,ao_num,n_points_final_grid,1.d0,aos_dvx_beta_PBE_w(1,1,m,istate),size(aos_dvx_beta_PBE_w,1),aos_grad_in_r_array(1,1,m),size(aos_grad_in_r_array,1),1.d0,potential_x_beta_ao_PBE(1,1,istate),size(potential_x_beta_ao_PBE,1))
call dgemm('N','T',ao_num,ao_num,n_points_final_grid,1.d0,grad_aos_dvx_beta_PBE_w(1,1,m,istate),size(grad_aos_dvx_beta_PBE_w,1),aos_in_r_array,size(aos_in_r_array,1),1.d0,potential_x_beta_ao_PBE(1,1,istate),size(potential_x_beta_ao_PBE,1))
call wall_time(wall_2)

View File

@ -14,6 +14,12 @@
else if(exchange_functional.EQ."short_range_PBE")then
potential_x_alpha_ao = potential_sr_x_alpha_ao_PBE
potential_x_beta_ao = potential_sr_x_beta_ao_PBE
else if(trim(exchange_functional)=="LDA")then
potential_x_alpha_ao = potential_x_alpha_ao_LDA
potential_x_beta_ao = potential_x_beta_ao_LDA
else if(exchange_functional.EQ."PBE")then
potential_x_alpha_ao = potential_x_alpha_ao_PBE
potential_x_beta_ao = potential_x_beta_ao_PBE
else if(exchange_functional.EQ."None")then
potential_x_alpha_ao = 0.d0
potential_x_beta_ao = 0.d0
@ -26,9 +32,15 @@
potential_c_alpha_ao = potential_sr_c_alpha_ao_LDA
potential_c_beta_ao = potential_sr_c_beta_ao_LDA
else if(trim(correlation_functional)=="LDA")then
potential_c_alpha_ao = potential_c_alpha_ao_LDA
potential_c_beta_ao = potential_c_beta_ao_LDA
else if(correlation_functional.EQ."short_range_PBE")then
potential_c_alpha_ao = potential_sr_c_alpha_ao_PBE
potential_c_beta_ao = potential_sr_c_beta_ao_PBE
else if(correlation_functional.EQ."PBE")then
potential_c_alpha_ao = potential_c_alpha_ao_PBE
potential_c_beta_ao = potential_c_beta_ao_PBE
else if(correlation_functional.EQ."None")then
potential_c_alpha_ao = 0.d0
potential_c_beta_ao = 0.d0

View File

@ -3,6 +3,9 @@ subroutine GGA_sr_type_functionals(r,rho_a,rho_b,grad_rho_a_2,grad_rho_b_2,grad_
ex,vx_rho_a,vx_rho_b,vx_grad_rho_a_2,vx_grad_rho_b_2,vx_grad_rho_a_b, &
ec,vc_rho_a,vc_rho_b,vc_grad_rho_a_2,vc_grad_rho_b_2,vc_grad_rho_a_b )
implicit none
! routine that helps in building the x/c potentials on the AO basis for a GGA functional with a short-range interaction
double precision, intent(in) :: r(3),rho_a(N_states),rho_b(N_states),grad_rho_a_2(N_states),grad_rho_b_2(N_states),grad_rho_a_b(N_states)
double precision, intent(out) :: ex(N_states),vx_rho_a(N_states),vx_rho_b(N_states),vx_grad_rho_a_2(N_states),vx_grad_rho_b_2(N_states),vx_grad_rho_a_b(N_states)
double precision, intent(out) :: ec(N_states),vc_rho_a(N_states),vc_rho_b(N_states),vc_grad_rho_a_2(N_states),vc_grad_rho_b_2(N_states),vc_grad_rho_a_b(N_states)
@ -54,13 +57,16 @@ subroutine GGA_type_functionals(r,rho_a,rho_b,grad_rho_a_2,grad_rho_b_2,grad_rho
ex,vx_rho_a,vx_rho_b,vx_grad_rho_a_2,vx_grad_rho_b_2,vx_grad_rho_a_b, &
ec,vc_rho_a,vc_rho_b,vc_grad_rho_a_2,vc_grad_rho_b_2,vc_grad_rho_a_b )
implicit none
! routine that helps in building the x/c potentials on the AO basis for a GGA functional
double precision, intent(in) :: r(3),rho_a(N_states),rho_b(N_states),grad_rho_a_2(N_states),grad_rho_b_2(N_states),grad_rho_a_b(N_states)
double precision, intent(out) :: ex(N_states),vx_rho_a(N_states),vx_rho_b(N_states),vx_grad_rho_a_2(N_states),vx_grad_rho_b_2(N_states),vx_grad_rho_a_b(N_states)
double precision, intent(out) :: ec(N_states),vc_rho_a(N_states),vc_rho_b(N_states),vc_grad_rho_a_2(N_states),vc_grad_rho_b_2(N_states),vc_grad_rho_a_b(N_states)
integer :: istate
double precision :: r2(3),dr2(3), local_potential,r12,dx2,mu
double precision :: r2(3),dr2(3), local_potential,r12,dx2
double precision :: mu_local
mu_local = 1.d+9
mu_local = 1.d-9
do istate = 1, N_states
call ex_pbe_sr(mu_local,rho_a(istate),rho_b(istate),grad_rho_a_2(istate),grad_rho_b_2(istate),grad_rho_a_b(istate),ex(istate),vx_rho_a(istate),vx_rho_b(istate),vx_grad_rho_a_2(istate),vx_grad_rho_b_2(istate),vx_grad_rho_a_b(istate))

View File

@ -6,13 +6,20 @@ Hartree-Fock
The Hartree-Fock module performs *Restricted* Hartree-Fock calculations (the
spatial part of the |MOs| is common for alpha and beta spinorbitals).
The Hartree-Fock program does the following:
The Hartree-Fock in an SCF and therefore is based on the ``scf_utils`` structure.
It performs the following actions:
#. Compute/Read all the one- and two-electron integrals, and store them in memory
#. Check in the |EZFIO| database if there is a set of |MOs|. If there is, it
will read them as initial guess. Otherwise, it will create a guess.
#. Perform the |SCF| iterations
The definition of the Fock matrix is in :file:`hartree_fock fock_matrix_hf.irp.f`
For the keywords related to the |SCF| procedure, see the ``scf_utils`` directory where you will find all options.
The main are:
# :option:`scf_utils thresh_scf`
# :option:`scf_utils level_shift`
At each iteration, the |MOs| are saved in the |EZFIO| database. Hence, if the calculation
crashes for any unexpected reason, the calculation can be restarted by running again
the |SCF| with the same |EZFIO| database.

View File

@ -1,6 +1,13 @@
BEGIN_PROVIDER [double precision, extra_energy_contrib_from_density]
BEGIN_PROVIDER [double precision, extra_e_contrib_density]
implicit none
extra_energy_contrib_from_density = 0.D0
! Extra contribution to the SCF energy coming from the density.
! For a Hartree-Fock calculation: extra_e_contrib_density = 0
! For a Kohn-Sham or Range-separated Kohn-Sham: the exchange/correlation - trace of the V_xc potential
extra_e_contrib_density = 0.D0
@ -8,6 +15,9 @@ END_PROVIDER
&BEGIN_PROVIDER [ double precision, HF_two_electron_energy]
&BEGIN_PROVIDER [ double precision, HF_one_electron_energy]
implicit none
! Hartree-Fock energy containing the nuclear repulsion, and its one- and two-body components.
integer :: i,j
HF_energy = nuclear_repulsion
do j=1,ao_num

View File

@ -1,18 +1,25 @@
The Hartree-Fock module performs *Restricted* Hartree-Fock calculations (the
The Kohn-Sham module performs *Restricted* Kohn-Sham calculations (the
spatial part of the |MOs| is common for alpha and beta spinorbitals).
The Hartree-Fock program does the following:
The Kohn-Sham in an SCF and therefore is based on the ``scf_utils`` structure.
It performs the following actions:
#. Compute/Read all the one- and two-electron integrals, and store them in memory
#. Check in the |EZFIO| database if there is a set of |MOs|. If there is, it
will read them as initial guess. Otherwise, it will create a guess.
#. Perform the |SCF| iterations
The definition of the Fock matrix is in :file:`kohn_sham fock_matrix_ks.irp.f`
For the keywords related to the |SCF| procedure, see the ``scf_utils`` directory where you will find all options.
The main are:
# :option:`scf_utils thresh_scf`
# :option:`scf_utils level_shift`
At each iteration, the |MOs| are saved in the |EZFIO| database. Hence, if the calculation
crashes for any unexpected reason, the calculation can be restarted by running again
the |SCF| with the same |EZFIO| database.

View File

@ -199,46 +199,3 @@ END_PROVIDER
BEGIN_PROVIDER [ double precision, KS_energy]
&BEGIN_PROVIDER [ double precision, two_electron_energy]
&BEGIN_PROVIDER [ double precision, one_electron_energy]
&BEGIN_PROVIDER [ double precision, Fock_matrix_energy]
&BEGIN_PROVIDER [ double precision, trace_potential_xc ]
implicit none
! Hartree-Fock energy
integer :: i,j
double precision :: accu_mono,accu_fock
KS_energy = nuclear_repulsion
one_electron_energy = 0.d0
two_electron_energy = 0.d0
Fock_matrix_energy = 0.d0
trace_potential_xc = 0.d0
do j=1,ao_num
do i=1,ao_num
Fock_matrix_energy += Fock_matrix_ao_alpha(i,j) * SCF_density_matrix_ao_alpha(i,j) + &
Fock_matrix_ao_beta(i,j) * SCF_density_matrix_ao_beta(i,j)
two_electron_energy += 0.5d0 * ( ao_bi_elec_integral_alpha(i,j) * SCF_density_matrix_ao_alpha(i,j) &
+ao_bi_elec_integral_beta(i,j) * SCF_density_matrix_ao_beta(i,j) )
one_electron_energy += ao_mono_elec_integral(i,j) * (SCF_density_matrix_ao_alpha(i,j) + SCF_density_matrix_ao_beta (i,j) )
! possible bug fix for open-shell
! trace_potential_xc += (ao_potential_alpha_xc(i,j) + ao_potential_beta_xc(i,j) ) * (SCF_density_matrix_ao_alpha(i,j) + SCF_density_matrix_ao_beta (i,j) )
trace_potential_xc += ao_potential_alpha_xc(i,j) * SCF_density_matrix_ao_alpha(i,j) + ao_potential_beta_xc(i,j) * SCF_density_matrix_ao_beta (i,j)
KS_energy += e_exchange_dft + e_correlation_dft + one_electron_energy + two_electron_energy
BEGIN_PROVIDER [double precision, extra_energy_contrib_from_density]
implicit none
! possible bug fix for open-shell:
! extra_energy_contrib_from_density = e_exchange_dft + e_correlation_dft - 0.25d0 * trace_potential_xc
extra_energy_contrib_from_density = e_exchange_dft + e_correlation_dft - 0.5d0 * trace_potential_xc

View File

@ -0,0 +1,43 @@
BEGIN_PROVIDER [ double precision, KS_energy]
&BEGIN_PROVIDER [ double precision, two_electron_energy]
&BEGIN_PROVIDER [ double precision, one_electron_energy]
&BEGIN_PROVIDER [ double precision, Fock_matrix_energy]
&BEGIN_PROVIDER [ double precision, trace_potential_xc ]
implicit none
! Kohn-Sham energy containing the nuclear repulsion energy, and the various components of this quantity.
integer :: i,j
double precision :: accu_mono,accu_fock
KS_energy = nuclear_repulsion
one_electron_energy = 0.d0
two_electron_energy = 0.d0
Fock_matrix_energy = 0.d0
trace_potential_xc = 0.d0
do j=1,ao_num
do i=1,ao_num
Fock_matrix_energy += Fock_matrix_ao_alpha(i,j) * SCF_density_matrix_ao_alpha(i,j) + &
Fock_matrix_ao_beta(i,j) * SCF_density_matrix_ao_beta(i,j)
two_electron_energy += 0.5d0 * ( ao_bi_elec_integral_alpha(i,j) * SCF_density_matrix_ao_alpha(i,j) &
+ao_bi_elec_integral_beta(i,j) * SCF_density_matrix_ao_beta(i,j) )
one_electron_energy += ao_mono_elec_integral(i,j) * (SCF_density_matrix_ao_alpha(i,j) + SCF_density_matrix_ao_beta (i,j) )
trace_potential_xc += ao_potential_alpha_xc(i,j) * SCF_density_matrix_ao_alpha(i,j) + ao_potential_beta_xc(i,j) * SCF_density_matrix_ao_beta (i,j)
KS_energy += e_exchange_dft + e_correlation_dft + one_electron_energy + two_electron_energy
BEGIN_PROVIDER [double precision, extra_e_contrib_density]
implicit none
! Extra contribution to the SCF energy coming from the density.
! For a Hartree-Fock calculation: extra_e_contrib_density = 0
! For a Kohn-Sham or Range-separated Kohn-Sham: the exchange/correlation - 1/2 trace of the V_xc potential
extra_e_contrib_density = e_exchange_dft + e_correlation_dft - 0.5d0 * trace_potential_xc

View File

@ -1,18 +1,27 @@
Range-separated Kohn-Sham
The Hartree-Fock module performs *Restricted* Hartree-Fock calculations (the
spatial part of the |MOs| is common for alpha and beta spinorbitals).
The Range-separated Kohn-Sham module performs *Restricted* Kohn-Sham calculations (the
spatial part of the |MOs| is common for alpha and beta spinorbitals) where the coulomb interaction is partially treated using exact exchange.
The splitting of the interaction between long- and short-range is determined by the range-separation parameter :option:`ao_two_e_erf_integrals mu_erf`. The long-range part of the interaction is explicitly treated with exact exchange, and the short-range part of the interaction is treated with appropriate DFT functionals.
The Hartree-Fock program does the following:
The Range-separated Kohn-Sham in an SCF and therefore is based on the ``scf_utils`` structure.
It performs the following actions:
#. Compute/Read all the one- and two-electron integrals, and store them in memory
#. Check in the |EZFIO| database if there is a set of |MOs|. If there is, it
will read them as initial guess. Otherwise, it will create a guess.
#. Perform the |SCF| iterations
The definition of the Fock matrix is in :file:`kohn_sham_rs fock_matrix_rs_ks.irp.f`
For the keywords related to the |SCF| procedure, see the ``scf_utils`` directory where you will find all options.
The main are:
# :option:`scf_utils thresh_scf`
# :option:`scf_utils level_shift`
At each iteration, the |MOs| are saved in the |EZFIO| database. Hence, if the calculation
crashes for any unexpected reason, the calculation can be restarted by running again
the |SCF| with the same |EZFIO| database.
@ -24,8 +33,6 @@ To start a calculation from scratch, the simplest way is to remove the
``mo_basis`` directory from the |EZFIO| database, and run the |SCF| again.
.. _DIIS: https://en.wikipedia.org/w/index.php?title=DIIS
.. _level-shifting: https://doi.org/10.1002/qua.560070407

View File

@ -245,50 +245,3 @@ END_PROVIDER
BEGIN_PROVIDER [ double precision, RS_KS_energy ]
!BEGIN_PROVIDER [ double precision, SCF_energy ]
&BEGIN_PROVIDER [ double precision, two_electron_energy]
&BEGIN_PROVIDER [ double precision, one_electron_energy]
&BEGIN_PROVIDER [ double precision, Fock_matrix_energy]
&BEGIN_PROVIDER [ double precision, trace_potential_xc ]
implicit none
! Range-separated Kohn-Sham energy
RS_KS_energy = nuclear_repulsion
integer :: i,j
double precision :: accu_mono,accu_fock
one_electron_energy = 0.d0
two_electron_energy = 0.d0
Fock_matrix_energy = 0.d0
trace_potential_xc = 0.d0
do j=1,ao_num
do i=1,ao_num
Fock_matrix_energy += Fock_matrix_ao_alpha(i,j) * SCF_density_matrix_ao_alpha(i,j) + &
Fock_matrix_ao_beta(i,j) * SCF_density_matrix_ao_beta(i,j)
two_electron_energy += 0.5d0 * ( ao_bi_elec_integral_alpha(i,j) * SCF_density_matrix_ao_alpha(i,j) &
+ao_bi_elec_integral_beta(i,j) * SCF_density_matrix_ao_beta(i,j) )
one_electron_energy += ao_mono_elec_integral(i,j) * (SCF_density_matrix_ao_alpha(i,j) + SCF_density_matrix_ao_beta (i,j) )
! possible bug fix for open-shell
! trace_potential_xc += (ao_potential_alpha_xc(i,j) + ao_potential_beta_xc(i,j) ) * (SCF_density_matrix_ao_alpha(i,j) + SCF_density_matrix_ao_beta (i,j) )
trace_potential_xc += ao_potential_alpha_xc(i,j) * SCF_density_matrix_ao_alpha(i,j) + ao_potential_beta_xc(i,j) * SCF_density_matrix_ao_beta (i,j)
RS_KS_energy += e_exchange_dft + e_correlation_dft + one_electron_energy + two_electron_energy
!SCF_energy = RS_KS_energy
BEGIN_PROVIDER [double precision, extra_energy_contrib_from_density]
implicit none
! possible bug fix for open-shell:
! extra_energy_contrib_from_density = e_exchange_dft + e_correlation_dft - 0.25d0 * trace_potential_xc
extra_energy_contrib_from_density = e_exchange_dft + e_correlation_dft - 0.5d0 * trace_potential_xc
!BEGIN_PROVIDER [ double precision, SCF_energy ]
! implicit none
! SCF_energy = RS_KS_energy

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@ -0,0 +1,42 @@
BEGIN_PROVIDER [ double precision, RS_KS_energy ]
&BEGIN_PROVIDER [ double precision, two_electron_energy]
&BEGIN_PROVIDER [ double precision, one_electron_energy]
&BEGIN_PROVIDER [ double precision, Fock_matrix_energy]
&BEGIN_PROVIDER [ double precision, trace_potential_xc ]
implicit none
! Range-separated Kohn-Sham energy containing the nuclear repulsion energy, and the various components of this quantity.
RS_KS_energy = nuclear_repulsion
integer :: i,j
double precision :: accu_mono,accu_fock
one_electron_energy = 0.d0
two_electron_energy = 0.d0
Fock_matrix_energy = 0.d0
trace_potential_xc = 0.d0
do j=1,ao_num
do i=1,ao_num
Fock_matrix_energy += Fock_matrix_ao_alpha(i,j) * SCF_density_matrix_ao_alpha(i,j) + &
Fock_matrix_ao_beta(i,j) * SCF_density_matrix_ao_beta(i,j)
two_electron_energy += 0.5d0 * ( ao_bi_elec_integral_alpha(i,j) * SCF_density_matrix_ao_alpha(i,j) &
+ao_bi_elec_integral_beta(i,j) * SCF_density_matrix_ao_beta(i,j) )
one_electron_energy += ao_mono_elec_integral(i,j) * (SCF_density_matrix_ao_alpha(i,j) + SCF_density_matrix_ao_beta (i,j) )
trace_potential_xc += ao_potential_alpha_xc(i,j) * SCF_density_matrix_ao_alpha(i,j) + ao_potential_beta_xc(i,j) * SCF_density_matrix_ao_beta (i,j)
RS_KS_energy += e_exchange_dft + e_correlation_dft + one_electron_energy + two_electron_energy
BEGIN_PROVIDER [double precision, extra_e_contrib_density]
implicit none
! Extra contribution to the SCF energy coming from the density.
! For a Hartree-Fock calculation: extra_e_contrib_density = 0
! For a Kohn-Sham or Range-separated Kohn-Sham: the exchange/correlation - 1/2 trace of the V_xc potential
extra_e_contrib_density = e_exchange_dft + e_correlation_dft - 0.5d0 * trace_potential_xc

View File

@ -3,4 +3,35 @@ scf_utils
The scf_utils module performs *Restricted* SCF calculations (the
spatial part of the |MOs| is common for alpha and beta spinorbitals) based on a single-determinant wave function.
This module does not produce any executable *and must not do*, but instead it contains everything one needs to perform an orbital optimization based on an Fock matrix.
The ``scf_utils`` module is included in the :file:`NEED` of the various single determinant SCF procedures, such as ``hartree_fock`` or ``kohn_sham``, where a specific definition of the Fock matrix is given (see :file:`hartree_fock fock_matrix_hf.irp.f` for an example).
All SCF programs perform the following actions:
#. Compute/Read all the one- and two-electron integrals, and store them in memory
#. Check in the |EZFIO| database if there is a set of |MOs|. If there is, it
will read them as initial guess. Otherwise, it will create a guess.
#. Perform the |SCF| iterations based on the definition of the Fock matrix
The main keywords/options are:
# :option:`scf_utils thresh_scf`
# :option:`scf_utils level_shift`
At each iteration, the |MOs| are saved in the |EZFIO| database. Hence, if the calculation
crashes for any unexpected reason, the calculation can be restarted by running again
the |SCF| with the same |EZFIO| database.
The `DIIS`_ algorithm is implemented, as well as the `level-shifting`_ method.
If the |SCF| does not converge, try again with a higher value of :option:`level_shift`.
To start a calculation from scratch, the simplest way is to remove the
``mo_basis`` directory from the |EZFIO| database, and run the |SCF| again.
.. _DIIS: https://en.wikipedia.org/w/index.php?title=DIIS
.. _level-shifting: https://doi.org/10.1002/qua.560070407

View File

@ -138,7 +138,7 @@ BEGIN_PROVIDER [ double precision, SCF_energy ]
(ao_mono_elec_integral(i,j) + Fock_matrix_ao_beta (i,j) ) * SCF_density_matrix_ao_beta (i,j) )
SCF_energy += extra_energy_contrib_from_density
SCF_energy += extra_e_contrib_density

View File

@ -1,2 +1,3 @@

src/tools/print_wf.irp.f Normal file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,117 @@
program print_wf
implicit none
! print the wave function stored in the EZFIO folder in the intermediate normalization
! it also prints a lot of information regarding the excitation operators from the reference determinant
! and a first-order perturbative analysis of the wave function.
! If the wave function strongly deviates from the first-order analysis, something funny is going on :)
! this has to be done in order to be sure that N_det, psi_det and psi_coef are the wave function stored in the EZFIO folder
read_wf = .True.
touch read_wf
call routine
subroutine routine
implicit none
integer :: i
integer :: degree
double precision :: hij,hii,coef_1,h00
integer :: exc(0:2,2,2)
double precision :: phase
integer :: h1,p1,h2,p2,s1,s2
double precision :: get_mo_bielec_integral
double precision :: norm_mono_a,norm_mono_b
double precision :: norm_mono_a_2,norm_mono_b_2
double precision :: norm_mono_a_pert_2,norm_mono_b_pert_2
double precision :: norm_mono_a_pert,norm_mono_b_pert
double precision :: delta_e,coef_2_2
norm_mono_a = 0.d0
norm_mono_b = 0.d0
norm_mono_a_2 = 0.d0
norm_mono_b_2 = 0.d0
norm_mono_a_pert = 0.d0
norm_mono_b_pert = 0.d0
norm_mono_a_pert_2 = 0.d0
norm_mono_b_pert_2 = 0.d0
do i = 1, min(10000,N_det)
print*,'i = ',i
call debug_det(psi_det(1,1,i),N_int)
call get_excitation_degree(psi_det(1,1,i),psi_det(1,1,1),degree,N_int)
print*,'degree = ',degree
if(degree == 0)then
print*,'Reference determinant '
call i_H_j(psi_det(1,1,i),psi_det(1,1,i),N_int,h00)
call i_H_j(psi_det(1,1,i),psi_det(1,1,i),N_int,hii)
call i_H_j(psi_det(1,1,1),psi_det(1,1,i),N_int,hij)
delta_e = hii - h00
coef_1 = hij/(h00-hii)
if (delta_e > 0.d0) then
coef_2_2 = 0.5d0 * (delta_e - dsqrt(delta_e * delta_e + 4.d0 * hij * hij ))/ hij
coef_2_2 = 0.5d0 * (delta_e + dsqrt(delta_e * delta_e + 4.d0 * hij * hij )) /hij
call get_excitation(psi_det(1,1,1),psi_det(1,1,i),exc,degree,phase,N_int)
call decode_exc(exc,degree,h1,p1,h2,p2,s1,s2)
print*,'phase = ',phase
if(degree == 1)then
print*,'h1,p1 = ',h1,p1
if(s1 == 1)then
norm_mono_a += dabs(psi_coef(i,1)/psi_coef(1,1))
norm_mono_a_2 += dabs(psi_coef(i,1)/psi_coef(1,1))**2
norm_mono_a_pert += dabs(coef_1)
norm_mono_a_pert_2 += dabs(coef_1)**2
norm_mono_b += dabs(psi_coef(i,1)/psi_coef(1,1))
norm_mono_b_2 += dabs(psi_coef(i,1)/psi_coef(1,1))**2
norm_mono_b_pert += dabs(coef_1)
norm_mono_b_pert_2 += dabs(coef_1)**2
double precision :: hmono,hdouble
call i_H_j_verbose(psi_det(1,1,1),psi_det(1,1,i),N_int,hij,hmono,hdouble,phase)
print*,'hmono = ',hmono
print*,'hdouble = ',hdouble
print*,'hmono+hdouble = ',hmono+hdouble
print*,'hij = ',hij
print*,'h1,p1 = ',h1,p1
print*,'h2,p2 = ',h2,p2
print*,'<Ref| H |D_I> = ',hij
print*,'Delta E = ',h00-hii
print*,'coef pert (1) = ',coef_1
print*,'coef 2x2 = ',coef_2_2
print*,'Delta E_corr = ',psi_coef(i,1)/psi_coef(1,1) * hij
print*,'amplitude = ',psi_coef(i,1)/psi_coef(1,1)
print*,'L1 norm of mono alpha = ',norm_mono_a
print*,'L1 norm of mono beta = ',norm_mono_b
print*, '---'
print*,'L2 norm of mono alpha = ',norm_mono_a_2
print*,'L2 norm of mono beta = ',norm_mono_b_2
print*, '-- perturbative mono'
print*,'L1 norm of pert alpha = ',norm_mono_a_pert
print*,'L1 norm of pert beta = ',norm_mono_b_pert
print*,'L2 norm of pert alpha = ',norm_mono_a_pert_2
print*,'L2 norm of pert beta = ',norm_mono_b_pert_2