mirror of https://github.com/LCPQ/quantum_package synced 2024-10-02 06:20:59 +02:00

Fixed last merge (#217)

* Fixes #211

* Removed debug print

* Revert input coordinates

* Fix MPI
This commit is contained in:
Anthony Scemama 2017-12-19 13:48:21 +01:00 committed by GitHub
parent eac2c81f98
commit 7ebc2ac896
No known key found for this signature in database
12 changed files with 307 additions and 513 deletions

View File

@ -1,118 +1,56 @@
1 H Hydrogen
2 He Helium
3 Li Lithium
4 Be Beryllium
5 B Boron
6 C Carbon
7 N Nitrogen
8 O Oxygen
9 F Fluorine
10 Ne Neon
11 Na Sodium
12 Mg Magnesium
13 Al Aluminum
14 Si Silicon
15 P Phosphorus
16 S Sulfur
17 Cl Chlorine
18 Ar Argon
19 K Potassium
20 Ca Calcium
21 Sc Scandium
22 Ti Titanium
23 V Vanadium
24 Cr Chromium
25 Mn Manganese
26 Fe Iron
27 Co Cobalt
28 Ni Nickel
29 Cu Copper
30 Zn Zinc
31 Ga Gallium
32 Ge Germanium
33 As Arsenic
34 Se Selenium
35 Br Bromine
36 Kr Krypton
37 Rb Rubidium
38 Sr Strontium
39 Y Yttrium
40 Zr Zirconium
41 Nb Niobium
42 Mo Molybdenum
43 Tc Technetium
44 Ru Ruthenium
45 Rh Rhodium
46 Pd Palladium
47 Ag Silver
48 Cd Cadmium
49 In Indium
50 Sn Tin
51 Sb Antimony
52 Te Tellurium
53 I Iodine
54 Xe Xenon
55 Cs Cesium
56 Ba Barium
57 La Lanthanum
58 Ce Cerium
59 Pr Praseodymium
60 Nd Neodymium
61 Pm Promethium
62 Sm Samarium
63 Eu Europium
64 Gd Gadolinium
65 Tb Terbium
66 Dy Dysprosium
67 Ho Holmium
68 Er Erbium
69 Tm Thulium
70 Yb Ytterbium
71 Lu Lutetium
72 Hf Hafnium
73 Ta Tantalum
74 W Tungsten
75 Re Rhenium
76 Os Osmium
77 Ir Iridium
78 Pt Platinum
79 Au Gold
80 Hg Mercury
81 Tl Thallium
82 Pb Lead
83 Bi Bismuth
84 Po Polonium
85 At Astatine
86 Rn Radon
87 Fr Francium
88 Ra Radium
89 Ac Actinium
90 Th Thorium
91 Pa Protactinium
92 U Uranium
93 Np Neptunium
94 Pu Plutonium
95 Am Americium
96 Cm Curium
97 Bk Berkelium
98 Cf Californium
99 Es Einsteinium
100 Fm Fermium
101 Md Mendelevium
102 No Nobelium
103 Lr Lawrencium
104 Rf Rutherfordium
105 Db Dubnium
106 Sg Seaborgium
107 Bh Bohrium
108 Hs Hassium
109 Mt Meitnerium
110 Ds Darmstadtium
111 Rg Roentgenium
112 Cn Copernicium
113 Uut Ununtrium
114 Fl Flerovium
115 Uup Ununpentium
116 Lv Livermorium
117 Uus Ununseptium
118 Uuo Ununoctium
0 X Dummy 0.000000
1 H Hydrogen 1.007900
2 He Helium 4.002600
3 Li Lithium 6.941000
4 Be Beryllium 9.012180
5 B Boron 10.810000
6 C Carbon 12.011000
7 N Nitrogen 14.006700
8 O Oxygen 15.999400
9 F Fluorine 18.998403
10 Ne Neon 20.179000
11 Na Sodium 22.989770
12 Mg Magnesium 24.305000
13 Al Aluminum 26.981540
14 Si Silicon 28.085500
15 P Phosphorus 30.973760
16 S Sulfur 32.060000
17 Cl Chlorine 35.453000
18 Ar Argon 39.948000
19 K Potassium 39.098300
20 Ca Calcium 40.080000
21 Sc Scandium 44.955900
22 Ti Titanium 47.900000
23 V Vanadium 50.941500
24 Cr Chromium 51.996000
25 Mn Manganese 54.938000
26 Fe Iron 55.933200
27 Co Cobalt 58.933200
28 Ni Nickel 58.700000
29 Cu Copper 63.546000
30 Zn Zinc 65.380000
31 Ga Gallium 69.720000
32 Ge Germanium 72.590000
33 As Arsenic 74.921600
34 Se Selenium 78.960000
35 Br Bromine 79.904000
36 Kr Krypton 83.800000
37 Rb Rubidium 85.467800
38 Sr Strontium 87.620000
39 Y Yttrium 88.905840
40 Zr Zirconium 91.224000
41 Nb Niobium 92.906370
42 Mo Molybdenum 95.950000
43 Tc Technetium 98.000000
44 Ru Ruthenium 101.070000
45 Rh Rhodium 102.905500
46 Pd Palladium 106.420000
47 Ag Silver 107.868200
48 Cd Cadmium 112.414000
49 In Indium 114.818000
50 Sn Tin 118.710000
51 Sb Antimony 121.760000
52 Te Tellurium 127.600000
53 I Iodine 126.904470
54 Xe Xenon 131.293000
78 Pt Platinum 195.084000

View File

@ -499,3 +499,4 @@ let mass x =
result x
|> Positive_float.of_float

View File

@ -17,7 +17,7 @@ MLLFILES=$(wildcard *.mll)
MLFILES=$(wildcard *.ml) ezfio.ml Qptypes.ml Input_auto_generated.ml qp_edit.ml
MLIFILES=$(wildcard *.mli) git
ALL_TESTS=$(patsubst %.ml,%.byte,$(wildcard test_*.ml))
ALL_EXE=$(patsubst %.ml,%.native,$(wildcard qp_*.ml)) qp_edit.native
ALL_EXE=$(patsubst %.ml,%.native,$(wildcard qp_*.ml)) qp_edit.native element_create_db.byte
.PHONY: executables default remake_executables
@ -37,8 +37,9 @@ tests: $(ALL_TESTS)
executables: $(QP_ROOT)/data/executables
$(QP_ROOT)/data/executables: remake_executables
$(QP_ROOT)/data/executables: remake_executables element_create_db.byte Qptypes.ml
opam install cryptokit core

View File

@ -0,0 +1,27 @@
open Core
open Qptypes
open Element
let () =
let indices =
Array.init 78 (fun i -> i)
Out_channel.with_file (Qpackage.root ^ "/data/list_element.txt")
~f:(fun out_channel ->
Array.init 110 ~f:(fun i ->
let element =
Some (of_charge (Charge.of_int i))
| _ -> None
match element with
| None -> ""
| Some x -> Printf.sprintf "%3d %3s %s %f\n"
i (to_string x) (to_long_string x) (Positive_float.to_float @@ mass x )
|> Array.to_list
|> String.concat ~sep:""
|> Out_channel.output_string out_channel

View File

@ -1,7 +1,6 @@
program save_for_qmc
integer :: iunit
integer, external :: get_unit_and_open
logical :: exists
double precision :: e_ref

View File

@ -6,13 +6,13 @@ program Symmetry
integer :: i, j
character*8 :: sym
print *, 'Molecule is linear:', molecule_is_linear
print *, 'Has center of inversion:', molecule_has_center_of_inversion
print *, 'Has S2n improper rotation:', molecule_has_improper_rotation
print *, 'Symmetry rotation axis:', sym_rotation_axis(:)
print *, 'Group:'//point_group
print *, 'Symmetry irreps', sym_irrep(1:n_irrep)
print *, 'Symmetry operations', sym_operation(1:n_irrep)
print *, 'Molecule is linear: ', molecule_is_linear
print *, 'Has center of inversion: ', molecule_has_center_of_inversion
print *, 'Has S2n improper rotation: ', molecule_has_improper_rotation
print *, 'Symmetry rotation axis: ', sym_rotation_axis(:)
print *, 'Group: '//point_group
print *, 'Symmetry irreps : ', sym_irrep(1:n_irrep)
print *, 'Symmetry operations : ', sym_operation(1:n_irrep)
print *, 'Character table'
do i=1,n_irrep
print *, character_table(i,:)

View File

@ -7,8 +7,8 @@ BEGIN_PROVIDER [ double precision, sym_box, (3,2) ]
sym_box(:,:) = 0.d0
do xyz=1,3
do i=1,nucl_num
sym_box(xyz,1) = min(sym_box(xyz,1), nucl_coord(i,xyz))
sym_box(xyz,2) = max(sym_box(xyz,2), nucl_coord(i,xyz))
sym_box(xyz,1) = min(sym_box(xyz,1), nucl_coord_sym(i,xyz))
sym_box(xyz,2) = max(sym_box(xyz,2), nucl_coord_sym(i,xyz))
sym_box(:,1) = sym_box(:,1) - 2.d0
@ -42,24 +42,28 @@ subroutine compute_sym_ao_values(sym_points, n_sym_points, result)
double precision, intent(out) :: result(n_sym_points, ao_num)
integer :: i, j
double precision :: x, y, z
double precision :: x2, y2, z2
result (:,:) = 0.d0
do j=1,ao_num
do i=1,n_sym_points
x = sym_points(1,i) - nucl_coord_transp(1,ao_nucl(j))
y = sym_points(2,i) - nucl_coord_transp(2,ao_nucl(j))
z = sym_points(3,i) - nucl_coord_transp(3,ao_nucl(j))
x = x**ao_power(j,1)
y = y**ao_power(j,2)
z = z**ao_power(j,3)
! result(i,j) = x*y*z*exp(-(x*x+y*y+z*z))
result(i,j) = x*y*z
if (result(i,j) > 0.d0) then
result(i,j) = 1.d0
else if (result(i,j) < 0.d0) then
result(i,j) = -1.d0
result(i,j) = 0.d0
x = sym_points(1,i) - nucl_coord_sym_transp(1,ao_nucl(j))
y = sym_points(2,i) - nucl_coord_sym_transp(2,ao_nucl(j))
z = sym_points(3,i) - nucl_coord_sym_transp(3,ao_nucl(j))
x2 = x*sym_molecule_rotation_inv(1,1) + y*sym_molecule_rotation_inv(2,1) + z*sym_molecule_rotation_inv(3,1)
y2 = x*sym_molecule_rotation_inv(1,2) + y*sym_molecule_rotation_inv(2,2) + z*sym_molecule_rotation_inv(3,2)
z2 = x*sym_molecule_rotation_inv(1,3) + y*sym_molecule_rotation_inv(2,3) + z*sym_molecule_rotation_inv(3,3)
x = x2**ao_power(j,1)
y = y2**ao_power(j,2)
z = z2**ao_power(j,3)
result(i,j) = x*y*z*exp(-(x*x+y*y+z*z))
! result(i,j) = x*y*z
! if (result(i,j) > 0.d0) then
! result(i,j) = 1.d0
! else if (result(i,j) < 0.d0) then
! result(i,j) = -1.d0
! else
! result(i,j) = 0.d0
! endif

View File

@ -20,7 +20,7 @@ BEGIN_PROVIDER [ logical, molecule_has_center_of_inversion ]
found = .False.
do j=1,nucl_num
if (nucl_charge(i) /= nucl_charge(j)) cycle
point(:) = nucl_coord_transp(:,i) + nucl_coord_transp(:,j)
point(:) = nucl_coord_sym_transp(:,i) + nucl_coord_sym_transp(:,j)
if (u_dot_u(point,3) < 1.d-5) then
found = .True.
@ -52,10 +52,10 @@ BEGIN_PROVIDER [ integer, sym_rotation_axis, (3) ]
sym_rotation_axis(iaxis) = iorder
do i=1,nucl_num
found = .False.
call sym_apply_rotation(dble(iorder),iaxis,nucl_coord_transp(1,i),point)
call sym_apply_rotation(dble(iorder),iaxis,nucl_coord_sym_transp(1,i),point)
do j=1,nucl_num
if (nucl_charge(i) /= nucl_charge(j)) cycle
point2(:) = nucl_coord_transp(:,j) - point(:)
point2(:) = nucl_coord_sym_transp(:,j) - point(:)
if (u_dot_u(point2,3) < 1.d-5) then
found = .True.
@ -148,10 +148,10 @@ BEGIN_PROVIDER [ logical, molecule_has_improper_rotation ]
molecule_has_improper_rotation = .True.
do i=1,nucl_num
found = .False.
call sym_apply_improper_rotation(dble(iorder),iaxis,nucl_coord_transp(1,i),point)
call sym_apply_improper_rotation(dble(iorder),iaxis,nucl_coord_sym_transp(1,i),point)
do j=1,nucl_num
if (nucl_charge(i) /= nucl_charge(j)) cycle
point2(:) = nucl_coord_transp(:,j) - point(:)
point2(:) = nucl_coord_sym_transp(:,j) - point(:)
if (u_dot_u(point2,3) < 1.d-5) then
found = .True.
@ -179,7 +179,7 @@ BEGIN_PROVIDER [ logical, molecule_has_center_of_inversion ]
found = .False.
do j=1,nucl_num
if (nucl_charge(i) /= nucl_charge(j)) cycle
point(:) = nucl_coord_transp(:,i) + nucl_coord_transp(:,j)
point(:) = nucl_coord_sym_transp(:,i) + nucl_coord_sym_transp(:,j)
if (u_dot_u(point,3) < 1.d-5) then
found = .True.
@ -208,11 +208,11 @@ BEGIN_PROVIDER [ logical, molecule_has_sigma_plane, (3) ]
molecule_has_sigma_plane(iaxis) = .True.
do i=1,nucl_num
found = .False.
point(:) = nucl_coord_transp(:,i)
point(:) = nucl_coord_sym_transp(:,i)
point(iaxis) = -point(iaxis)
do j=1,nucl_num
if (nucl_charge(i) /= nucl_charge(j)) cycle
point2(:) = nucl_coord_transp(:,j) - point(:)
point2(:) = nucl_coord_sym_transp(:,j) - point(:)
if (u_dot_u(point2,3) < 1.d-5) then
found = .True.
@ -233,7 +233,7 @@ BEGIN_PROVIDER [ character*16, point_group ]
! Point group of the molecule
character*2, save :: i_to_a(24) = (/ ' 1', ' 2', ' 3', ' 4', ' 5', ' 6', ' 7', ' 8', ' 9', &
character*2, save :: i_to_a(24) = (/ '1 ', '2 ', '3 ', '4 ', '5 ', '6 ', '7 ', '8 ', '9 ', &
'10', '11', '12', '13', '14', '15', '16', '17', '18', '19', '20', &
'21', '22', '23', '24' /)
point_group = 'C1'
@ -366,7 +366,7 @@ BEGIN_PROVIDER [ integer, mo_sym, (mo_tot_num) ]
integer :: iangle, n_sym_points
double precision :: angle
integer :: iop, imo, ipoint, l, i
double precision :: sym_operations_on_mos(n_irrep)
double precision :: sym_operations_on_mos(mo_tot_num)
logical :: possible_irrep(n_irrep,mo_tot_num)
n_sym_points = 10000
@ -443,6 +443,7 @@ BEGIN_PROVIDER [ integer, mo_sym, (mo_tot_num) ]
sym_operations_on_mos(imo) += x
sym_operations_on_mos(imo) *= 1.d0/n_sym_points
print *, iop, imo, sym_operations_on_mos(imo)
if (dabs(sym_operations_on_mos(imo)-1.d0) < 1.d-2) then
else if (dabs(sym_operations_on_mos(imo)+1.d0) < 1.d-2) then

View File

@ -0,0 +1,92 @@
BEGIN_PROVIDER [ double precision, nucl_coord_sym, (nucl_num,3) ]
implicit none
! Nuclear coordinates in standard orientation
if (mpi_master) then
integer :: i
do i=1,nucl_num
nucl_coord_sym(i,1) = (nucl_coord(i,1) - center_of_mass(1))*inertia_tensor_eigenvectors(1,1) + &
(nucl_coord(i,2) - center_of_mass(2))*inertia_tensor_eigenvectors(2,1) + &
(nucl_coord(i,3) - center_of_mass(3))*inertia_tensor_eigenvectors(3,1)
nucl_coord_sym(i,2) = (nucl_coord(i,1) - center_of_mass(1))*inertia_tensor_eigenvectors(1,2) + &
(nucl_coord(i,2) - center_of_mass(2))*inertia_tensor_eigenvectors(2,2) + &
(nucl_coord(i,3) - center_of_mass(3))*inertia_tensor_eigenvectors(3,2)
nucl_coord_sym(i,3) = (nucl_coord(i,1) - center_of_mass(1))*inertia_tensor_eigenvectors(1,3) + &
(nucl_coord(i,2) - center_of_mass(2))*inertia_tensor_eigenvectors(2,3) + &
(nucl_coord(i,3) - center_of_mass(3))*inertia_tensor_eigenvectors(3,3)
character*(64), parameter :: f = '(A16, 4(1X,F12.6))'
character*(64), parameter :: ft= '(A16, 4(1X,A12 ))'
double precision, parameter :: a0= 0.529177249d0
call write_time(output_Nuclei)
write(output_Nuclei,'(A)') ''
write(output_Nuclei,'(A)') 'Nuclear Coordinates in standard orientation (Angstroms)'
write(output_Nuclei,'(A)') '======================================================='
write(output_Nuclei,'(A)') ''
write(output_Nuclei,ft) &
write(output_Nuclei,*) &
' Atom Charge X Y Z '
write(output_Nuclei,ft) &
do i=1,nucl_num
write(output_Nuclei,f) nucl_label(i), nucl_charge(i), &
nucl_coord_sym(i,1)*a0, &
nucl_coord_sym(i,2)*a0, &
write(output_Nuclei,ft) &
write(output_Nuclei,'(A)') ''
include 'mpif.h'
integer :: ierr
call MPI_BCAST( nucl_coord_sym, 3*nucl_num, MPI_DOUBLE_PRECISION, 0, MPI_COMM_WORLD, ierr)
if (ierr /= MPI_SUCCESS) then
stop 'Unable to read nucl_coord_sym with MPI'
BEGIN_PROVIDER [ double precision, nucl_coord_sym_transp, (3,nucl_num) ]
implicit none
! Transposed array of nucl_coord
integer :: i, k
nucl_coord_sym_transp = 0.d0
do i=1,nucl_num
nucl_coord_sym_transp(1,i) = nucl_coord_sym(i,1)
nucl_coord_sym_transp(2,i) = nucl_coord_sym(i,2)
nucl_coord_sym_transp(3,i) = nucl_coord_sym(i,3)
BEGIN_PROVIDER [ double precision, sym_molecule_rotation, (3,3) ]
implicit none
! Rotation of the molecule to go from input orientation to standard orientation
call find_rotation(nucl_coord, size(nucl_coord,1), nucl_coord_sym, 3, sym_molecule_rotation, 3)
BEGIN_PROVIDER [ double precision, sym_molecule_rotation_inv, (3,3) ]
implicit none
! Rotation of the molecule to go from standard orientation to input orientation
call find_rotation(nucl_coord_sym, size(nucl_coord_sym,1), nucl_coord, 3, sym_molecule_rotation_inv, 3)

View File

@ -1,119 +1,15 @@
name_to_elec = {"X": 0,
"H": 1,
"He": 2,
"Li": 3,
"Be": 4,
"B": 5,
"C": 6,
"N": 7,
"O": 8,
"F": 9,
"Ne": 10,
"Na": 11,
"Mg": 12,
"Al": 13,
"Si": 14,
"P": 15,
"S": 16,
"Cl": 17,
"Ar": 18,
"K": 19,
"Ca": 20,
"Sc": 21,
"Ti": 22,
"V": 23,
"Cr": 24,
"Mn": 25,
"Fe": 26,
"Co": 27,
"Ni": 28,
"Cu": 29,
"Zn": 30,
"Ga": 31,
"Ge": 32,
"As": 33,
"Se": 34,
"Br": 35,
"Kr": 36,
"Rb": 37,
"Sr": 38,
"Y": 39,
"Zr": 40,
"Nb": 41,
"Mo": 42,
"Tc": 43,
"Ru": 44,
"Rh": 45,
"Pd": 46,
"Ag": 47,
"Cd": 48,
"In": 49,
"Sn": 50,
"Sb": 51,
"Te": 52,
"I": 53,
"Xe": 54,
"Cs": 55,
"Ba": 56,
"La": 57,
"Ce": 58,
"Pr": 59,
"Nd": 60,
"Pm": 61,
"Sm": 62,
"Eu": 63,
"Gd": 64,
"Tb": 65,
"Dy": 66,
"Ho": 67,
"Er": 68,
"Tm": 69,
"Yb": 70,
"Lu": 71,
"Hf": 72,
"Ta": 73,
"W": 74,
"Re": 75,
"Os": 76,
"Ir": 77,
"Pt": 78,
"Au": 79,
"Hg": 80,
"Tl": 81,
"Pb": 82,
"Bi": 83,
"Po": 84,
"At": 85,
"Rn": 86,
"Fr": 87,
"Ra": 88,
"Ac": 89,
"Th": 90,
"Pa": 91,
"U": 92,
"Np": 93,
"Pu": 94,
"Am": 95,
"Cm": 96,
"Bk": 97,
"Cf": 98,
"Es": 99,
"Fm": 100,
"Md": 101,
"No": 102,
"Lr": 103,
"Rf": 104,
"Db": 105,
"Sg": 106,
"Bh": 107,
"Hs": 108,
"Mt": 109,
"Ds": 110,
"Rg": 111,
"Cn": 112,
"Uut": 113,
"Fl": 114,
"Uup": 115,
"Lv": 116,
"Uus": 117,
"Uuo": 118}
#!/usr/bin/env python
import os
name_to_elec = {}
with open(QP_ROOT+"/data/list_element.txt","r") as f:
data = f.readlines()
for line in data:
b = line.split()
name_to_elec[b[1]] = int(b[0])
if __name__ == '__main__':
print name_to_elec

View File

@ -6,12 +6,12 @@ BEGIN_PROVIDER [ double precision, inertia_tensor, (3,3) ]
integer :: i,j,k
inertia_tensor = 0.d0
do k=1,nucl_num
inertia_tensor(1,1) += mass(int(nucl_charge(k))) * ((nucl_coord_input(k,2)-center_of_mass(2))**2 + (nucl_coord_input(k,3)-center_of_mass(3))**2)
inertia_tensor(2,2) += mass(int(nucl_charge(k))) * ((nucl_coord_input(k,1)-center_of_mass(1))**2 + (nucl_coord_input(k,3)-center_of_mass(3))**2)
inertia_tensor(3,3) += mass(int(nucl_charge(k))) * ((nucl_coord_input(k,1)-center_of_mass(1))**2 + (nucl_coord_input(k,2)-center_of_mass(2))**2)
inertia_tensor(1,2) -= mass(int(nucl_charge(k))) * ((nucl_coord_input(k,1)-center_of_mass(1)) * (nucl_coord_input(k,2)-center_of_mass(2)) )
inertia_tensor(1,3) -= mass(int(nucl_charge(k))) * ((nucl_coord_input(k,1)-center_of_mass(1)) * (nucl_coord_input(k,3)-center_of_mass(3)) )
inertia_tensor(2,3) -= mass(int(nucl_charge(k))) * ((nucl_coord_input(k,2)-center_of_mass(2)) * (nucl_coord_input(k,3)-center_of_mass(3)) )
inertia_tensor(1,1) += element_mass(int(nucl_charge(k))) * ((nucl_coord(k,2)-center_of_mass(2))**2 + (nucl_coord(k,3)-center_of_mass(3))**2)
inertia_tensor(2,2) += element_mass(int(nucl_charge(k))) * ((nucl_coord(k,1)-center_of_mass(1))**2 + (nucl_coord(k,3)-center_of_mass(3))**2)
inertia_tensor(3,3) += element_mass(int(nucl_charge(k))) * ((nucl_coord(k,1)-center_of_mass(1))**2 + (nucl_coord(k,2)-center_of_mass(2))**2)
inertia_tensor(1,2) -= element_mass(int(nucl_charge(k))) * ((nucl_coord(k,1)-center_of_mass(1)) * (nucl_coord(k,2)-center_of_mass(2)) )
inertia_tensor(1,3) -= element_mass(int(nucl_charge(k))) * ((nucl_coord(k,1)-center_of_mass(1)) * (nucl_coord(k,3)-center_of_mass(3)) )
inertia_tensor(2,3) -= element_mass(int(nucl_charge(k))) * ((nucl_coord(k,2)-center_of_mass(2)) * (nucl_coord(k,3)-center_of_mass(3)) )
inertia_tensor(2,1) = inertia_tensor(1,2)
inertia_tensor(3,1) = inertia_tensor(1,3)
@ -27,6 +27,6 @@ END_PROVIDER
integer :: k
call lapack_diagd(inertia_tensor_eigenvalues,inertia_tensor_eigenvectors,inertia_tensor,3,3)
print *, 'Rotational constants (GHZ):'
print *, (1805.65468542d0/inertia_tensor_eigenvalues(k), k=3,1,-1)
print *, (1805.65468542d0/(inertia_tensor_eigenvalues(k)+1.d-32), k=3,1,-1)

View File

@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
BEGIN_PROVIDER [ double precision, nucl_coord_input, (nucl_num,3) ]
BEGIN_PROVIDER [ double precision, nucl_coord, (nucl_num,3) ]
implicit none
@ -8,7 +8,7 @@ BEGIN_PROVIDER [ double precision, nucl_coord_input, (nucl_num,3) ]
if (mpi_master) then
double precision, allocatable :: buffer(:,:)
nucl_coord_input = 0.d0
nucl_coord = 0.d0
allocate (buffer(nucl_num,3))
buffer = 0.d0
logical :: has
@ -22,7 +22,7 @@ BEGIN_PROVIDER [ double precision, nucl_coord_input, (nucl_num,3) ]
do i=1,3
do j=1,nucl_num
nucl_coord_input(j,i) = buffer(j,i)
nucl_coord(j,i) = buffer(j,i)
@ -31,65 +31,6 @@ BEGIN_PROVIDER [ double precision, nucl_coord_input, (nucl_num,3) ]
character*(64), parameter :: ft= '(A16, 4(1X,A12 ))'
double precision, parameter :: a0= 0.529177249d0
call write_time(output_Nuclei)
write(output_Nuclei,'(A)') ''
write(output_Nuclei,'(A)') 'Input Nuclear Coordinates (Angstroms)'
write(output_Nuclei,'(A)') '====================================='
write(output_Nuclei,'(A)') ''
write(output_Nuclei,ft) &
write(output_Nuclei,*) &
' Atom Charge X Y Z '
write(output_Nuclei,ft) &
do i=1,nucl_num
write(output_Nuclei,f) nucl_label(i), nucl_charge(i), &
nucl_coord_input(i,1)*a0, &
nucl_coord_input(i,2)*a0, &
write(output_Nuclei,ft) &
write(output_Nuclei,'(A)') ''
include 'mpif.h'
integer :: ierr
call MPI_BCAST( nucl_coord_input, 3*nucl_num, MPI_DOUBLE_PRECISION, 0, MPI_COMM_WORLD, ierr)
if (ierr /= MPI_SUCCESS) then
stop 'Unable to read nucl_coord_input with MPI'
BEGIN_PROVIDER [ double precision, nucl_coord, (nucl_num,3) ]
implicit none
! Nuclear coordinates in standard orientation
if (mpi_master) then
integer :: i
do i=1,nucl_num
nucl_coord(i,1) = (nucl_coord_input(i,1) - center_of_mass(1))*inertia_tensor_eigenvectors(1,1) + &
(nucl_coord_input(i,2) - center_of_mass(2))*inertia_tensor_eigenvectors(2,1) + &
(nucl_coord_input(i,3) - center_of_mass(3))*inertia_tensor_eigenvectors(3,1)
nucl_coord(i,2) = (nucl_coord_input(i,1) - center_of_mass(1))*inertia_tensor_eigenvectors(1,2) + &
(nucl_coord_input(i,2) - center_of_mass(2))*inertia_tensor_eigenvectors(2,2) + &
(nucl_coord_input(i,3) - center_of_mass(3))*inertia_tensor_eigenvectors(3,2)
nucl_coord(i,3) = (nucl_coord_input(i,1) - center_of_mass(1))*inertia_tensor_eigenvectors(1,3) + &
(nucl_coord_input(i,2) - center_of_mass(2))*inertia_tensor_eigenvectors(2,3) + &
(nucl_coord_input(i,3) - center_of_mass(3))*inertia_tensor_eigenvectors(3,3)
character*(64), parameter :: f = '(A16, 4(1X,F12.6))'
character*(64), parameter :: ft= '(A16, 4(1X,A12 ))'
double precision, parameter :: a0= 0.529177249d0
call write_time(output_Nuclei)
write(output_Nuclei,'(A)') ''
write(output_Nuclei,'(A)') 'Nuclear Coordinates (Angstroms)'
@ -207,7 +148,7 @@ BEGIN_PROVIDER [ double precision, nuclear_repulsion ]
PROVIDE mpi_master nucl_coord nucl_charge nucl_num
if (disk_access_nuclear_repulsion.EQ.'Read') then
logical :: has
if (mpi_master) then
call ezfio_has_nuclei_nuclear_repulsion(has)
if (has) then
@ -229,184 +170,78 @@ BEGIN_PROVIDER [ double precision, nuclear_repulsion ]
integer :: k,l
double precision :: Z12, r2, x(3)
nuclear_repulsion = 0.d0
do l = 1, nucl_num
do k = 1, nucl_num
if(k == l) then
Z12 = nucl_charge(k)*nucl_charge(l)
x(1) = nucl_coord(k,1) - nucl_coord(l,1)
x(2) = nucl_coord(k,2) - nucl_coord(l,2)
x(3) = nucl_coord(k,3) - nucl_coord(l,3)
r2 = x(1)*x(1) + x(2)*x(2) + x(3)*x(3)
nuclear_repulsion += Z12/dsqrt(r2)
nuclear_repulsion *= 0.5d0
integer :: k,l
double precision :: Z12, r2, x(3)
nuclear_repulsion = 0.d0
do l = 1, nucl_num
do k = 1, nucl_num
if(k == l) then
Z12 = nucl_charge(k)*nucl_charge(l)
x(1) = nucl_coord(k,1) - nucl_coord(l,1)
x(2) = nucl_coord(k,2) - nucl_coord(l,2)
x(3) = nucl_coord(k,3) - nucl_coord(l,3)
r2 = x(1)*x(1) + x(2)*x(2) + x(3)*x(3)
nuclear_repulsion += Z12/dsqrt(r2)
nuclear_repulsion *= 0.5d0
end if
call write_time(output_Nuclei)
call write_double(output_Nuclei,nuclear_repulsion, &
'Nuclear repulsion energy')
if (disk_access_nuclear_repulsion.EQ.'Write') then
if (mpi_master) then
call ezfio_set_nuclei_nuclear_repulsion(nuclear_repulsion)
call ezfio_set_nuclei_nuclear_repulsion(nuclear_repulsion)
BEGIN_PROVIDER [ character*(128), element_name, (78)]
! Array of the name of element, sorted by nuclear charge (integer)
element_name(1) = 'H'
element_name(2) = 'He'
element_name(3) = 'Li'
element_name(4) = 'Be'
element_name(5) = 'B'
element_name(6) = 'C'
element_name(7) = 'N'
element_name(8) = 'O'
element_name(9) = 'F'
element_name(10) = 'Ne'
element_name(11) = 'Na'
element_name(12) = 'Mg'
element_name(13) = 'Al'
element_name(14) = 'Si'
element_name(15) = 'P'
element_name(16) = 'S'
element_name(17) = 'Cl'
element_name(18) = 'Ar'
element_name(19) = 'K'
element_name(20) = 'Ca'
element_name(21) = 'Sc'
element_name(22) = 'Ti'
element_name(23) = 'V'
element_name(24) = 'Cr'
element_name(25) = 'Mn'
element_name(26) = 'Fe'
element_name(27) = 'Co'
element_name(28) = 'Ni'
element_name(29) = 'Cu'
element_name(30) = 'Zn'
element_name(31) = 'Ga'
element_name(32) = 'Ge'
element_name(33) = 'As'
element_name(34) = 'Se'
element_name(35) = 'Br'
element_name(36) = 'Kr'
element_name(37) = 'Rb'
element_name(38) = 'Sr'
element_name(39) = 'Y'
element_name(40) = 'Zr'
element_name(41) = 'Nb'
element_name(42) = 'Mo'
element_name(43) = 'Tc'
element_name(44) = 'Ru'
element_name(45) = 'Rh'
element_name(46) = 'Pd'
element_name(47) = 'Ag'
element_name(48) = 'Cd'
element_name(49) = 'In'
element_name(50) = 'Sn'
element_name(51) = 'Sb'
element_name(52) = 'Te'
element_name(53) = 'I'
element_name(54) = 'Xe'
element_name(55) = 'Cs'
element_name(56) = 'Ba'
element_name(57) = 'La'
element_name(58) = 'Ce'
element_name(59) = 'Pr'
element_name(60) = 'Nd'
element_name(61) = 'Pm'
element_name(62) = 'Sm'
element_name(63) = 'Eu'
element_name(64) = 'Gd'
element_name(65) = 'Tb'
element_name(66) = 'Dy'
element_name(67) = 'Ho'
element_name(68) = 'Er'
element_name(69) = 'Tm'
element_name(70) = 'Yb'
element_name(71) = 'Lu'
element_name(72) = 'Hf'
element_name(73) = 'Ta'
element_name(74) = 'W'
element_name(75) = 'Re'
element_name(76) = 'Os'
element_name(77) = 'Ir'
element_name(78) = 'Pt'
BEGIN_PROVIDER [ character*(4), element_name, (0:128)]
&BEGIN_PROVIDER [ double precision, element_mass, (0:128) ]
! Array of the name of element, sorted by nuclear charge (integer)
integer :: iunit
integer, external :: getUnitAndOpen
character*(128) :: filename
if (mpi_master) then
call getenv('QP_ROOT',filename)
filename = trim(filename)//'/data/list_element.txt'
iunit = getUnitAndOpen(filename,'r')
element_mass(:) = 0.d0
do i=0,128
write(element_name(i),'(I4)') i
character*(80) :: buffer, dummy
read(iunit,'(A80)',end=10) buffer
read(buffer,*) i ! First read i
read(buffer,*) i, element_name(i), dummy, element_mass(i)
10 continue
BEGIN_PROVIDER [ double precision, mass, (0:110) ]
implicit none
! Atomic masses
mass( 0 ) = 0.
mass( 1 ) = 1.0079
mass( 2 ) = 4.00260
mass( 3 ) = 6.941
mass( 4 ) = 9.01218
mass( 5 ) = 10.81
mass( 6 ) = 12.011
mass( 7 ) = 14.0067
mass( 8 ) = 15.9994
mass( 9 ) = 18.998403
mass( 10 ) = 20.179
mass( 11 ) = 22.98977
mass( 12 ) = 24.305
mass( 13 ) = 26.98154
mass( 14 ) = 28.0855
mass( 15 ) = 30.97376
mass( 16 ) = 32.06
mass( 17 ) = 35.453
mass( 18 ) = 39.948
mass( 19 ) = 39.0983
mass( 20 ) = 40.08
mass( 21 ) = 44.9559
mass( 22 ) = 47.90
mass( 23 ) = 50.9415
mass( 24 ) = 51.996
mass( 25 ) = 54.9380
mass( 26 ) = 55.9332
mass( 27 ) = 58.9332
mass( 28 ) = 58.70
mass( 29 ) = 63.546
mass( 30 ) = 65.38
mass( 31 ) = 69.72
mass( 32 ) = 72.59
mass( 33 ) = 74.9216
mass( 34 ) = 78.96
mass( 35 ) = 79.904
mass( 36 ) = 83.80
mass( 37 ) = 85.4678
mass( 38 ) = 87.62
mass( 39 ) = 88.90584
mass( 40 ) = 91.224
mass( 41 ) = 92.90637
mass( 42 ) = 95.95
mass( 43 ) = 98.
mass( 44 ) = 101.07
mass( 45 ) = 102.90550
mass( 46 ) = 106.42
mass( 47 ) = 107.8682
mass( 48 ) = 112.414
mass( 49 ) = 114.818
mass( 50 ) = 118.710
mass( 51 ) = 121.760
mass( 52 ) = 127.60
mass( 53 ) = 126.90447
mass( 54 ) = 131.293
mass( 78 ) = 195.084
include 'mpif.h'
integer :: ierr
call MPI_BCAST( element_name, size(element_name)*4, MPI_CHARACTER, 0, MPI_COMM_WORLD, ierr)
if (ierr /= MPI_SUCCESS) then
stop 'Unable to read element_name with MPI'
call MPI_BCAST( element_mass, size(element_mass), MPI_DOUBLE_PRECISION, 0, MPI_COMM_WORLD, ierr)
if (ierr /= MPI_SUCCESS) then
stop 'Unable to read element_name with MPI'
BEGIN_PROVIDER [ double precision, center_of_mass, (3) ]
@ -420,9 +255,9 @@ BEGIN_PROVIDER [ double precision, center_of_mass, (3) ]
s = 0.d0
do i=1,nucl_num
do j=1,3
center_of_mass(j) += nucl_coord_input(i,j)* mass(int(nucl_charge(i)))
center_of_mass(j) += nucl_coord(i,j)* element_mass(int(nucl_charge(i)))
s += mass(int(nucl_charge(i)))
s += element_mass(int(nucl_charge(i)))
s = 1.d0/s
center_of_mass(:) = center_of_mass(:)*s