mirror of
synced 2025-02-12 04:34:37 +01:00
working mrsc2
This commit is contained in:
@ -299,6 +299,12 @@ subroutine mrcc_dress(delta_ij_, delta_ii_, Nstates, Ndet_non_ref, Ndet_ref,i_ge
call omp_unset_lock( psi_ref_lock(i_I) )
! 5.7717252361566333E-005
! -1.4525812360153183E-005
! -3.3282906594800186E-005
! -1.3864228814283882E-004
!deallocate (dIa_hla,hij_cache)
!deallocate(miniList, idx_miniList)
@ -82,6 +82,8 @@ END_PROVIDER
integer :: i_pert_count
double precision :: hii, lambda_pert
integer :: N_lambda_mrcc_pt2
integer :: histo(200), j
histo = 0
if(old_lambda) then
lambda_mrcc = lambda_mrcc_old
@ -110,11 +112,18 @@ END_PROVIDER
lambda_mrcc_pt2(N_lambda_mrcc_pt2) = i
j = int(lambda_mrcc(k,i) * 100)
if(j < -200) j = -200
if(j > 200) j = 200
histo(j) += 1
lambda_mrcc_pt2(0) = N_lambda_mrcc_pt2
end if
! do i=-200,200
! print *, i, histo(i)
! end do
print*,'N_det_non_ref = ',N_det_non_ref
!print*,'Number of ignored determinants = ',i_pert_count
print*,'psi_coef_ref_ratio = ',psi_ref_coef(2,1)/psi_ref_coef(1,1)
@ -152,6 +161,7 @@ END_PROVIDER
delta_ij = 0.d0
delta_ii = 0.d0
call H_apply_mrcc(delta_ij,delta_ii,N_states,N_det_non_ref,N_det_ref)
BEGIN_PROVIDER [ double precision, h_matrix_dressed, (N_det,N_det,N_states) ]
@ -37,6 +37,19 @@ use bitmasks
stop "invalid mrmode"
end if
end do
do i=1,N_det_ref
print *, delta_ii(1,i)
end do
do i=1,N_det_non_ref
print *, delta_ij(1,i,:)
end do
! stop
! 5.7717252361566333E-005
! -1.4525812360153183E-005
! -3.3282906594800186E-005
! -1.3864228814283882E-004
@ -52,7 +65,7 @@ END_PROVIDER
implicit none
integer(bit_kind) :: det_noactive(N_int, 2, N_det_non_ref), nonactive_sorb(N_int,2), det(N_int, 2)
integer i, II, j, k, ni
integer i, II, j, k, n, ni, idx(N_det_non_ref), shortcut(0:N_det_non_ref+1)
logical, external :: detEq
active_sorb(:,:) = 0_8
@ -82,30 +95,13 @@ END_PROVIDER
call sort_dets_ab(det_noactive, det_cepa0_idx, cepa0_shortcut, N_det_non_ref, N_int)
do i=1,N_det_ref
do k=1, N_int
det_ref_active(k,1,i) = iand(psi_ref(k,1,i), active_sorb(k,1))
det_ref_active(k,2,i) = iand(psi_ref(k,2,i), active_sorb(k,2))
!det_ref_active(i) = det_ref_active(i) + iand(psi_ref(1,2,i), active_sorb(2)) * 2_8**32_8
end do
end do
cepa0_shortcut(0) = 1
cepa0_shortcut(1) = 1
do k=1, N_int
det_cepa0_active(k,1,1) = iand(psi_non_ref(k,1,det_cepa0_idx(1)), active_sorb(k,1))
det_cepa0_active(k,2,1) = iand(psi_non_ref(k,2,det_cepa0_idx(1)), active_sorb(k,2))
!det_cepa0_active(1) = det_cepa0_active(1) + iand(psi_non_ref(1,2,det_cepa0_idx(1)), active_sorb(2)) * 2_8**32_8
do i=1,N_det_non_ref
det_cepa0(:,:,i) = psi_non_ref(:,:,det_cepa0_idx(i))
end do
cepa0_shortcut(0) = 1
cepa0_shortcut(1) = 1
do i=2,N_det_non_ref
do k=1, N_int
det_cepa0_active(k,1,i) = iand(psi_non_ref(k,1,det_cepa0_idx(i)), active_sorb(k,1))
det_cepa0_active(k,2,i) = iand(psi_non_ref(k,2,det_cepa0_idx(i)), active_sorb(k,2))
end do
! det_cepa0_active(i) = iand(psi_non_ref(1,1,det_cepa0_idx(i)), active_sorb(1))
! det_cepa0_active(i) = det_cepa0_active(i) + iand(psi_non_ref(1,2,det_cepa0_idx(i)), active_sorb(2)) * 2_8**32_8
if(.not. detEq(det_noactive(1,1,i), det_noactive(1,1,i-1), N_int)) then
cepa0_shortcut(0) += 1
cepa0_shortcut(cepa0_shortcut(0)) = i
@ -113,10 +109,35 @@ END_PROVIDER
end do
cepa0_shortcut(cepa0_shortcut(0)+1) = N_det_non_ref+1
do i=1,N_det_non_ref
det_cepa0(:,:,i) = psi_non_ref(:,:,det_cepa0_idx(i))
if(.true.) then
do i=1,cepa0_shortcut(0)
n = cepa0_shortcut(i+1) - cepa0_shortcut(i)
call sort_dets_ab(det_cepa0(1,1,cepa0_shortcut(i)), idx, shortcut, n, N_int)
do k=1,n
idx(k) = det_cepa0_idx(cepa0_shortcut(i)-1+idx(k))
end do
det_cepa0_idx(cepa0_shortcut(i):cepa0_shortcut(i)+n-1) = idx(:n)
end do
end if
do i=1,N_det_ref
do k=1, N_int
det_ref_active(k,1,i) = iand(psi_ref(k,1,i), active_sorb(k,1))
det_ref_active(k,2,i) = iand(psi_ref(k,2,i), active_sorb(k,2))
end do
end do
do i=1,N_det_non_ref
do k=1, N_int
det_cepa0_active(k,1,i) = iand(psi_non_ref(k,1,det_cepa0_idx(i)), active_sorb(k,1))
det_cepa0_active(k,2,i) = iand(psi_non_ref(k,2,det_cepa0_idx(i)), active_sorb(k,2))
end do
end do
do i=1,N_det_non_ref
if(.not. detEq(psi_non_ref(1,1,det_cepa0_idx(i)), det_cepa0(1,1,i),N_int)) stop "STOOOP"
end do
print *, "pre done"
@ -199,7 +220,7 @@ END_PROVIDER
npre += npres(i)
end do
print *, npre
do i=1,N_det_ref
do j=1,i
delta_cas(j,i,i_state) = delta_cas(i,j,i_state)
@ -294,7 +315,18 @@ integer function searchDet(dets, det, n, Nint)
integer, intent(in) :: nint, n
integer :: l, h, c
integer, external :: detCmp
logical, external :: detEq
!do l=1,n
! if(detEq(det(1,1), dets(1,1,l),Nint)) then
! searchDet = l
! return
! end if
!end do
!searchDet = -1
l = 1
h = n
do while(.true.)
@ -369,14 +401,15 @@ end subroutine
logical, external :: is_in_wavefunction, detEq
integer :: II, blok
integer*8, save :: notf = 0
call wall_time(wall)
print *, "cepa0", wall
provide det_cepa0_active delta_cas lambda_mrcc
provide mo_bielec_integrals_in_map
sortRef = det_ref_active(:,:,:N_det_ref)
sortRef(:,:,:) = det_ref_active(:,:,:)
call sort_det(sortRef, sortRefIdx, N_det_ref, N_int)
idx_sorted_bit(:) = -1
@ -393,7 +426,7 @@ end subroutine
!$OMP private(m,i,II,J,k,degree,myActive,made_hole,made_particle,hjk,contrib) &
!$OMP shared(active_sorb, psi_non_ref, psi_non_ref_coef, psi_ref, psi_ref_coef, cepa0_shortcut, det_cepa0_active) &
!$OMP shared(N_det_ref, N_det_non_ref,N_int,det_cepa0_idx,lambda_mrcc,det_ref_active, delta_cas) &
!$OMP shared(i_state, sortRef, sortRefIdx)
!$OMP shared(notf,i_state, sortRef, sortRefIdx)
do blok=1,cepa0_shortcut(0)
do i=cepa0_shortcut(blok), cepa0_shortcut(blok+1)-1
do II=1,N_det_ref
@ -409,7 +442,7 @@ end subroutine
end do
kloop: do k=cepa0_shortcut(blok), i
kloop: do k=cepa0_shortcut(blok), cepa0_shortcut(blok+1)-1 !i
if(lambda_mrcc(i_state, det_cepa0_idx(k)) == 0d0) cycle
do ni=1,N_int
@ -426,9 +459,17 @@ end subroutine
end do
j = searchDet(sortRef, myActive, N_det_ref, N_int)
if(j == -1) cycle
if(j == -1) then
end if
j = sortRefIdx(j)
notf = notf+1
!if(i/=k .and. dabs(psi_non_ref_coef(det_cepa0_idx(i),i_state)) < dabs(psi_non_ref_coef(det_cepa0_idx(k),i_state))) cycle
! if(dabs(lambda_mrcc(i_state,det_cepa0_idx(i))) > dabs(lambda_mrcc(i_state,det_cepa0_idx(k)))) cycle
! if(dabs(lambda_mrcc(i_state,det_cepa0_idx(i))) == dabs(lambda_mrcc(i_state,det_cepa0_idx(k))) .and. i < k) cycle
!if(.not. j==II .and. dabs(psi_ref_coef(II,i_state)) < dabs(psi_ref_coef(j,i_state))) cycle
call i_h_j(psi_non_ref(1,1,det_cepa0_idx(k)),psi_ref(1,1,J),N_int,HJk)
contrib = delta_cas(II, J, i_state) * HJk * lambda_mrcc(i_state, det_cepa0_idx(k))
@ -436,7 +477,7 @@ end subroutine
if(dabs(psi_ref_coef(J,i_state)).ge.5.d-5) then
delta_mrcepa0_ii(J,i_state) -= contrib / psi_ref_coef(J, i_state) * psi_non_ref_coef(det_cepa0_idx(k),i_state)
delta_mrcepa0_ii(J,i_state) -= contrib / psi_ref_coef(J, i_state) * psi_non_ref_coef(det_cepa0_idx(i),i_state)
end if
end do kloop
@ -447,8 +488,8 @@ end subroutine
end do
call wall_time(wall)
print *, "cepa0", wall
print *, "cepa0", wall, notf
@ -564,21 +605,31 @@ subroutine set_det_bit(det, p, s)
end subroutine
BEGIN_PROVIDER [ double precision, h_, (N_det_ref,N_det_non_ref) ]
integer :: i,j
do i=1,N_det_ref
do j=1,N_det_non_ref
call i_h_j(psi_ref(1,1,i), psi_non_ref(1,1,j), N_int, h_(i,j))
end do
end do
BEGIN_PROVIDER [ double precision, delta_ij_old, (N_det_ref,N_det_non_ref,N_states) ]
&BEGIN_PROVIDER [ double precision, delta_ii_old, (N_det_ref,N_states) ]
implicit none
integer :: i_state, i, i_I, J, k, kk, degree, degree2, m, l, deg, ni
integer :: p1,p2,h1,h2,s1,s2, blok
integer :: p1,p2,h1,h2,s1,s2, blok, I_s, J_s
integer, allocatable :: linked(:,:), blokMwen(:, :), nlink(:)
logical :: ok
double precision :: phase_iI, phase_Ik, phase_Jl, phase_IJ, phase_al, diI, hIi, hJi, delta_JI, dkI(N_states), HkI, ci_inv(N_states), dia_hla(N_states)
double precision :: phase_iI, phase_Ik, phase_Jl, phase_Ji, phase_al, diI, hIi, hJi, delta_JI, dkI(N_states), HkI, ci_inv(N_states), dia_hla(N_states)
double precision :: contrib, wall, iwall
integer, dimension(0:2,2,2) :: exc_iI, exc_Ik, exc_IJ
integer(bit_kind) :: det_tmp(N_int, 2), det_tmp2(N_int, 2), inac, virt
integer, allocatable :: idx_sorted_bit(:)
integer, external :: get_index_in_psi_det_sorted_bit, searchDet
logical, external :: is_in_wavefunction, isInCassd
integer, allocatable :: idx_sorted_bit(:)
integer, external :: get_index_in_psi_det_sorted_bit, searchDet, detCmp
logical, external :: is_in_wavefunction, isInCassd, detEq
call wall_time(iwall)
@ -593,10 +644,10 @@ end subroutine
do i_state = 1, N_states
delta_ii_old(:,:) = 0
delta_ij_old(:,:,:) = 0
delta_ii_old(:,:) = 0d0
delta_ij_old(:,:,:) = 0d0
!$OMP PARALLEL DO default(none) schedule(dynamic) private(blok,k,degree) shared(linked,blokMwen,psi_ref, det_cepa0,cepa0_shortcut, N_int)
!$OMP PARALLEL DO default(none) schedule(dynamic) private(blok,k,degree) shared(nlink,linked,blokMwen,psi_ref, det_cepa0,cepa0_shortcut, N_det_ref, N_int)
do J = 1, N_det_ref
nlink(J) = 0
do blok=1,cepa0_shortcut(0)
@ -615,13 +666,13 @@ end subroutine
!$OMP PARALLEL DO default(none) schedule(dynamic,10) shared(delta_ij_old, delta_ii_old) &
!$OMP private(kk, i, J, k, degree, degree2, l, deg, ni, inac, virt) &
!$OMP private(ok,p1,p2,h1,h2,s1,s2, blok, wall) &
!$OMP private(phase_iI, phase_Ik, phase_Jl, phase_IJ, diI, hIi, hJi, delta_JI, dkI, HkI, ci_inv, dia_hla) &
!$OMP private(m,kk, i_I, i, J, k, degree, degree2, l, deg, ni, inac, virt) &
!$OMP private(ok,p1,p2,h1,h2,s1,s2, blok, wall, I_s, J_s) &
!$OMP private(phase_iI, phase_Ik, phase_Ji, phase_al, diI, hIi, hJi, delta_JI, dkI, HkI, ci_inv, dia_hla) &
!$OMP private(contrib, exc_iI, exc_Ik, exc_IJ, det_tmp, det_tmp2) &
!$OMP shared(idx_sorted_bit, N_det_non_ref, N_det_ref, N_int, psi_non_ref, psi_non_ref_coef, psi_ref, psi_ref_coef) &
!$OMP shared(i_state, lambda_mrcc, hf_bitmask, active_sorb,cepa0_shortcut,det_cepa0) &
!$OMP shared(det_cepa0_idx, linked, blokMwen, nlink, iwall)
!$OMP shared(h_,det_cepa0_idx, linked, blokMwen, nlink, iwall)
do i = 1 , N_det_non_ref
if(mod(i,100) == 0) then
call wall_time(wall)
@ -632,28 +683,38 @@ end subroutine
if(lambda_mrcc(i_state, i) == 0d0) cycle
do i_I = 1, N_det_ref
do I_s = 1, N_det_ref
do J_s = 1, N_det_ref
call get_excitation(psi_ref(1,1,i_I),psi_non_ref(1,1,i),exc_iI,degree2,phase_iI,N_int)
if(degree2 == -1) cycle
ci_inv(i_state) = 1.d0 / psi_ref_coef(i_I,i_state)
call i_h_j(psi_non_ref(1,1,i), psi_ref(1,1,i_I),N_int,hIi)
diI = hIi * lambda_mrcc(i_state, i)
do J = 1 , i_I ! N_det_ref !!!
call i_h_j(psi_non_ref(1,1,i), psi_ref(1,1,J),N_int,hJi)
if(.true. .or. nlink(I_s) < nlink(J_s)) then
i_I = I_s
J = J_s
i_I = J_s
J = I_s
end if
!call i_h_j(psi_non_ref(1,1,i), psi_ref(1,1,J),N_int,hJi)
call get_excitation(psi_ref(1,1,J),psi_non_ref(1,1,i),exc_IJ,degree2,phase_Ji,N_int)
hJi = h_(J,i)
if(hJi == 0) cycle
hIi = h_(i_I,i)
if(hIi == 0) cycle
diI = hIi * lambda_mrcc(i_state, i)
delta_JI = hJi * diI
call get_excitation(psi_ref(1,1,i_I),psi_non_ref(1,1,i),exc_iI,degree2,phase_iI,N_int)
if(degree2 == -1) cycle
!call i_h_j(psi_non_ref(1,1,i), psi_ref(1,1,i_I),N_int,hIi)
do kk = 1 , nlink(i_I)
k = linked(kk,i_I)
blok = blokMwen(kk,i_I)
if(lambda_mrcc(i_state, det_cepa0_idx(k)) == 0d0) cycle
!if(lambda_mrcc(i_state, det_cepa0_idx(k)) == 0d0) cycle
call get_excitation(psi_ref(1,1,i_I),det_cepa0(1,1,k),exc_Ik,degree,phase_Ik,N_int)
@ -661,44 +722,72 @@ end subroutine
if(degree == -1) stop "STOP; ( linked )"
call apply_excitation(det_cepa0(1,1,i),exc_Ik,det_tmp,ok,N_int)
call apply_excitation(psi_non_ref(1,1,i),exc_Ik,det_tmp,ok,N_int)
if(.not. ok) cycle
call apply_excitation(psi_ref(1,1,J),exc_Ik,det_tmp2,ok,N_int)
if(.not. ok) cycle
if(isInCassd(det_tmp, N_int)) cycle
l = searchDet(det_cepa0(1,1,cepa0_shortcut(blok)), det_tmp2, cepa0_shortcut(blok+1)-cepa0_shortcut(blok), N_int)
if(l == -1) cycle
l = det_cepa0_idx(cepa0_shortcut(blok)-1+l)
!call i_h_j(det_cepa0(1,1,k), det_tmp, N_int, HiI)
!call i_h_j(psi_non_ref(1,1,l), det_tmp, N_int, HJi)
call get_excitation(det_tmp,psi_non_ref(1,1,l),exc_IJ,degree2,phase_al,N_int)
diI = hIi * lambda_mrcc(i_state, i)
delta_JI = hJi * diI * phase_al * phase_Ji
l = searchDet(det_cepa0(1,1,cepa0_shortcut(blok)), det_tmp2, cepa0_shortcut(blok+1) - cepa0_shortcut(blok), N_int)
!print *, "LL", l
if(l == -1) cycle !! -1 pour
l += cepa0_shortcut(blok) - 1
l = det_cepa0_idx(l)
l = idx_sorted_bit(l)
if(l ==-1) cycle
!if(psi_ref_coef(I_i,i_state) < psi_ref_coef(J,i_state)) then
ci_inv(i_state) = 1.d0 / psi_ref_coef(i_I,i_state)
HkI = h_(i_I,det_cepa0_idx(k))
dkI(i_state) = HkI * lambda_mrcc(i_state, det_cepa0_idx(k))
contrib = dkI(i_state) * delta_JI
delta_ij_old(i_I,l,i_state) += contrib
if(dabs(psi_ref_coef(i_I,i_state)).ge.5.d-5) then
delta_ii_old(i_I,i_state) -= contrib * ci_inv(i_state) * psi_non_ref_coef(l,i_state)
delta_ii_old(i_I,i_state) = 0.d0
call i_h_j(det_cepa0(1,1,k), psi_ref(1,1,i_I),N_int,HkI)
dkI(i_state) = HkI * lambda_mrcc(i_state, det_cepa0_idx(k))
contrib = dkI(i_state) * delta_JI
delta_ij_old(i_I,l,i_state) += contrib
if(dabs(psi_ref_coef(i_I,i_state)).ge.5.d-5) then
delta_ii_old(i_I,i_state) -= contrib * ci_inv(i_state) * psi_non_ref_coef(det_cepa0_idx(k),i_state)
! ci_inv(i_state) = 1.d0 / psi_ref_coef(J,i_state)
! HkI = h_(J,l)
! dkI(i_state) = HkI * lambda_mrcc(i_state, l)
! contrib = dkI(i_state) * delta_JI
! delta_ij_old(J,det_cepa0_idx(k),i_state) += contrib
! if(dabs(psi_ref_coef(i_I,i_state)).ge.5.d-5) then
! delta_ii_old(J,i_state) -= contrib * ci_inv(i_state) * psi_non_ref_coef(l,i_state)
! end if
! do i=1,N_det_non_ref
! print *, delta_ij_old(:,i,i_state)
! end do
! stop
end do
! call wall_time(wall)
! print *, "old ", wall
Reference in New Issue
Block a user