mirror of https://github.com/LCPQ/quantum_package synced 2024-12-22 20:35:19 +01:00

further microlisting splash_pq and spot_isinwf

This commit is contained in:
Yann Garniron 2016-10-05 10:10:28 +02:00
parent f46b9ebe87
commit 32e578c261
3 changed files with 75 additions and 91 deletions

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@ -17,8 +17,11 @@ subroutine select_doubles(i_generator,hole_mask,particle_mask,fock_diag_tmp,E0,p
logical :: fullMatch, ok
integer(bit_kind) :: mobMask(N_int, 2), negMask(N_int, 2)
integer :: preinteresting(0:N_det_selectors), interesting(0:N_det_selectors)
integer(bit_kind) :: minilist(N_int, 2, N_det_selectors)
integer,allocatable :: preinteresting(:), prefullinteresting(:), interesting(:), fullinteresting(:)
integer(bit_kind), allocatable :: minilist(:, :, :), fullminilist(:, :, :)
allocate(minilist(N_int, 2, N_det_selectors), fullminilist(N_int, 2, N_det))
allocate(preinteresting(0:N_det_selectors), prefullinteresting(0:N_det), interesting(0:N_det_selectors), fullinteresting(0:N_det))
do k=1,N_int
hole (k,1) = iand(psi_det_generators(k,1,i_generator), hole_mask(k,1))
@ -35,13 +38,15 @@ subroutine select_doubles(i_generator,hole_mask,particle_mask,fock_diag_tmp,E0,p
call bitstring_to_list_ab(particle, particle_list, N_particles, N_int)
preinteresting(0) = 0
prefullinteresting(0) = 0
do i=1,N_int
negMask(i,1) = not(psi_det_generators(i,1,i_generator))
negMask(i,2) = not(psi_det_generators(i,2,i_generator))
end do
preinteresting(0) = 0
do i=1,N_det_selectors
do i=1,N_det
nt = 0
do j=1,N_int
mobMask(j,1) = iand(negMask(j,1), psi_det_sorted(j,1,i))
@ -50,55 +55,85 @@ subroutine select_doubles(i_generator,hole_mask,particle_mask,fock_diag_tmp,E0,p
end do
if(nt <= 4) then
preinteresting(0) += 1
preinteresting(preinteresting(0)) = i
if(i <= N_det_selectors) then
preinteresting(0) += 1
preinteresting(preinteresting(0)) = i
else if(nt <= 2) then
prefullinteresting(0) += 1
prefullinteresting(prefullinteresting(0)) = i
end if
end if
end do
do s1=1,2
do s2=s1,2
sp = s1
if(s1 /= s2) sp = 3
do i1=N_holes(s1),1,-1 ! Generate low excitations first
h1 = hole_list(i1,s1)
call apply_hole(psi_det_generators(1,1,i_generator), s1,h1, pmask, ok, N_int)
do i=1,N_int
negMask(i,1) = not(pmask(i,1))
negMask(i,2) = not(pmask(i,2))
do i1=N_holes(s1),1,-1 ! Generate low excitations first
h1 = hole_list(i1,s1)
call apply_hole(psi_det_generators(1,1,i_generator), s1,h1, pmask, ok, N_int)
do i=1,N_int
negMask(i,1) = not(pmask(i,1))
negMask(i,2) = not(pmask(i,2))
end do
interesting(0) = 0
fullinteresting(0) = 0
do ii=1,preinteresting(0)
i = preinteresting(ii)
nt = 0
do j=1,N_int
mobMask(j,1) = iand(negMask(j,1), psi_det_sorted(j,1,i))
mobMask(j,2) = iand(negMask(j,2), psi_det_sorted(j,2,i))
nt += popcnt(mobMask(j, 1)) + popcnt(mobMask(j, 2))
end do
interesting(0) = 0
do ii=1,preinteresting(0)
i = preinteresting(ii)
nt = 0
do j=1,N_int
mobMask(j,1) = iand(negMask(j,1), psi_det_sorted(j,1,i))
mobMask(j,2) = iand(negMask(j,2), psi_det_sorted(j,2,i))
nt += popcnt(mobMask(j, 1)) + popcnt(mobMask(j, 2))
end do
if(nt <= 4) then
interesting(0) += 1
interesting(interesting(0)) = i
minilist(:,:,interesting(0)) = psi_det_sorted(:,:,i)
if(nt <= 4) then
interesting(0) += 1
interesting(interesting(0)) = i
minilist(:,:,interesting(0)) = psi_det_sorted(:,:,i)
if(nt <= 2) then
fullinteresting(0) += 1
fullinteresting(fullinteresting(0)) = i
fullminilist(:,:,fullinteresting(0)) = psi_det_sorted(:,:,i)
end if
end if
end do
do ii=1,prefullinteresting(0)
i = prefullinteresting(ii)
nt = 0
do j=1,N_int
mobMask(j,1) = iand(negMask(j,1), psi_det_sorted(j,1,i))
mobMask(j,2) = iand(negMask(j,2), psi_det_sorted(j,2,i))
nt += popcnt(mobMask(j, 1)) + popcnt(mobMask(j, 2))
end do
if(nt <= 2) then
fullinteresting(0) += 1
fullinteresting(fullinteresting(0)) = i
fullminilist(:,:,fullinteresting(0)) = psi_det_sorted(:,:,i)
end if
end do
do s2=s1,2
sp = s1
if(s1 /= s2) sp = 3
ib = 1
if(s1 == s2) ib = i1+1
do i2=N_holes(s2),ib,-1 ! Generate low excitations first
h2 = hole_list(i2,s2)
call apply_hole(pmask, s2,h2, mask, ok, N_int)
! call apply_holes(psi_det_generators(1,1,i_generator), s1,h1,s2,h2, mask, ok, N_int)
logical :: banned(mo_tot_num, mo_tot_num,2)
logical :: bannedOrb(mo_tot_num, 2)
banned = .false.
call spot_isinwf(mask, psi_det_sorted, i_generator, N_det, banned, fullMatch)
call spot_isinwf(mask, fullminilist, i_generator, fullinteresting(0), banned, fullMatch, fullinteresting)
if(fullMatch) cycle
bannedOrb(1:mo_tot_num, 1:2) = .true.
@ -109,7 +144,6 @@ subroutine select_doubles(i_generator,hole_mask,particle_mask,fock_diag_tmp,E0,p
mat = 0d0
! call splash_pq(mask, sp, psi_det_sorted, i_generator, N_det_selectors, bannedOrb, banned, mat, interesting)
call splash_pq(mask, sp, minilist, i_generator, interesting(0), bannedOrb, banned, mat, interesting)
call fill_buffer_double(i_generator, sp, h1, h2, bannedOrb, banned, fock_diag_tmp, E0, pt2, mat, buf)
@ -647,10 +681,11 @@ end subroutine
subroutine spot_isinwf(mask, det, i_gen, N, banned, fullMatch)
subroutine spot_isinwf(mask, det, i_gen, N, banned, fullMatch, interesting)
use bitmasks
implicit none
integer, intent(in) :: interesting(0:N)
integer(bit_kind),intent(in) :: mask(N_int, 2), det(N_int, 2, N)
integer, intent(in) :: i_gen, N
logical, intent(inout) :: banned(mo_tot_num, mo_tot_num)
@ -673,7 +708,7 @@ subroutine spot_isinwf(mask, det, i_gen, N, banned, fullMatch)
if(iand(det(j,2,i), mask(j,2)) /= mask(j, 2)) cycle genl
end do
if(i < i_gen) then
if(interesting(i) < i_gen) then
fullMatch = .true.
end if

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@ -19,16 +19,9 @@ subroutine davidson_process(block, N, idx, vt, st)
integer(bit_kind) :: sorted_i(N_int)
double precision :: s2, hij
logical :: wrotten(dav_size)
wrotten = .false.
! vt = 0d0
! st = 0d0
N = dav_size
do i=1,N
idx(i) = i
end do
sh = block
do sh2=1,sh

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@ -213,7 +213,7 @@ subroutine H_S2_u_0_nstates(v_0,s_0,u_0,H_jj,S2_jj,n,keys_tmp,Nint,N_st,sze_8)
integer(ZMQ_PTR) :: handler
if(N_st /= N_states .or. sze_8 /= N_det) stop "SPEP"
if(N_st /= N_states .or. sze_8 < N_det) stop "assert fail in H_S2_u_0_nstates"
N_st_8 = N_st !! align_double(N_st)
ASSERT (Nint > 0)
@ -255,50 +255,6 @@ subroutine H_S2_u_0_nstates(v_0,s_0,u_0,H_jj,S2_jj,n,keys_tmp,Nint,N_st,sze_8)
Vt = 0.d0
St = 0.d0
! ! !$OMP DO SCHEDULE(dynamic)
! ! do sh=1,shortcut(0,1)
! ! do sh2=sh,shortcut(0,1)
! ! exa = 0
! ! do ni=1,Nint
! ! exa = exa + popcnt(xor(version(ni,sh,1), version(ni,sh2,1)))
! ! end do
! ! if(exa > 2) then
! ! cycle
! ! end if
! !
! ! do i=shortcut(sh,1),shortcut(sh+1,1)-1
! ! org_i = sort_idx(i,1)
! ! if(sh==sh2) then
! ! endi = i-1
! ! else
! ! endi = shortcut(sh2+1,1)-1
! ! end if
! ! do ni=1,Nint
! ! sorted_i(ni) = sorted(ni,i,1)
! ! enddo
! !
! ! do j=shortcut(sh2,1),endi
! ! org_j = sort_idx(j,1)
! ! ext = exa
! ! do ni=1,Nint
! ! ext = ext + popcnt(xor(sorted_i(ni), sorted(ni,j,1)))
! ! end do
! ! if(ext <= 4) then
! ! call i_h_j (keys_tmp(1,1,org_j),keys_tmp(1,1,org_i),nint,hij)
! ! call get_s2(keys_tmp(1,1,org_j),keys_tmp(1,1,org_i),nint,s2)
! ! do istate=1,n_st
! ! vt (istate,org_i) = vt (istate,org_i) + hij*ut(istate,org_j)
! ! vt (istate,org_j) = vt (istate,org_j) + hij*ut(istate,org_i)
! ! st (istate,org_i) = st (istate,org_i) + s2*ut(istate,org_j)
! ! st (istate,org_j) = st (istate,org_j) + s2*ut(istate,org_i)
! ! enddo
! ! endif
! ! enddo
! ! enddo
! ! enddo
! ! enddo
!$OMP DO SCHEDULE(dynamic)
do sh=1,shortcut(0,2)
do i=shortcut(sh,2),shortcut(sh+1,2)-1