mirror of https://github.com/LCPQ/quantum_package synced 2025-01-12 05:58:24 +01:00

Doc: Benchmarks

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Anthony Scemama 2018-10-23 01:13:32 +02:00
parent d40f7d1568
commit 1c6991b323
10 changed files with 767 additions and 8 deletions

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View File

@ -1,12 +1,158 @@
Parallel efficiency
The determinant selection, MR-PT2 and diagonalization are parallelized with
distributed parallelism. Benchmarks for the [NH2-CH-NH2]+ molecule in the
aug-cc-pVDZ basis set are presented with up to 50 nodes (1800 cores) on
CALMIP's `Olympe`_ supercomputer, and 200 nodes (9600 cores) on GENCI's
`Irene`_ supercomputer. This represents an active space of 18 electrons
in 111 MOs.
- Nodes of Olympe have two Skylake sockets, 2x18 cores @ 2.3GHz.
- Nodes of Irene have two Skylake sockets, 2x24 cores @ 2.7GHz.
Convergence of the energy
.. figure:: _static/cn3_energy.png
:alt: Convergence of the energy.
Convergence of the variational energy, with and without the PT2 correction.
Both energies converge to the (frozen core) FCI energy.
The plot is displayed for the ground state and for the 1st excited state.
Variational energy
================ ================ ================ ===============
Number of dets Ground state Excited state Excitation (eV)
================ ================ ================ ===============
7 -149.489 186 -149.207 354 7.67
123 -149.536 265 -149.261 860 7.47
3 083 -149.685 606 -149.404 450 7.65
29 409 -149.826 151 -149.547 275 7.59
168 595 -149.900 352 -149.626 058 7.46
1 322 537 -149.946 655 -149.675 032 7.39
8 495 334 -149.972 032 -149.704 145 7.29
9 356 952 -149.973 375 -149.706 822 7.25
42 779 636 -149.987 370 -149.721 470 7.24
186 978 487 -149.998 582 -149.733 039 7.23
================ ================ ================ ===============
Variational energy + PT2 correction
================ ================ ================ ===============
Number of dets Ground state Excited state Excitation (eV)
================ ================ ================ ===============
7 -150.161 107 -149.904 883 6.97
123 -150.116 958 -149.849 465 7.28
3 083 -150.043 5(2) -149.780 8(2) 7.15
29 409 -150.022 2(2) -149.758 3(2) 7.18
168 595 -150.019 9(1) -149.754 5(1) 7.22
1 322 537 -150.017 89(7) -149.752 55(7) 7.22
8 495 334 -150.015 97(4) -149.750 87(5) 7.21
9 356 952 -150.015 89(3) -149.750 66(3) 7.22
42 959 496 -150.016 75(2) -149.751 88(2) 7.21
186 978 487 -150.017 51(2) -149.752 90(2) 7.20
================ ================ ================ ===============
Davidson's diagonalization
We present the parallel speedup curve, and the wall-clock time in seconds
required to compute one iteration for two wave functions measured on Olympe
and Irene.
.. figure:: _static/speedup_davidson.png
:alt: Parallel speedup of Davidson's diagonalization.
Parallel speedup of Davidson's diagonalization measured on Olympe and Irene.
======================= ====================== =======================
Number of 36-core Nodes 9 356 952 determinants 42 959 496 determinants
======================= ====================== =======================
1 775.55 11 198.70
5 169.88 2 288.58
10 93.22 1 213.95
20 56.86 626.41
30 43.76 445.65
40 36.18 350.25
50 33.67 295.25
======================= ====================== =======================
======================= ====================== =======================
Number of 48-core Nodes 9 356 952 determinants 42 959 496 determinants
======================= ====================== =======================
1 572.98 9 154.30 *
10 72.55 922.07
25 38.88 412.34
50 27.95 241.35
75 27.54 183.63
100 27.86 165.68
150 28.14 134.05
200 27.77 134.64
======================= ====================== =======================
PT2 correction
We present the parallel speedup curve, and the wall-clock time in seconds
required to compute the PT2 correction for two wave functions measured on
Olympe and Irene.
.. figure:: _static/speedup_pt2.png
:alt: Parallel speedup of the PT2 computation of the ground state.
Parallel speedup of the PT2 computation of the ground state measured
on Olympe and Irene.
======================= ====================== =======================
Number of 36-core Nodes Ground state (9.3M) Excited state (9.3M)
======================= ====================== =======================
1 7 883.74 9 829.19
5 1 629.06 2 022.36
10 832.89 1 029.91
20 440.76 537.37
30 303.31 378.69
40 246.12 296.31
50 201.84 241.55
======================= ====================== =======================
======================= ====================== ======================= ====================== =======================
Number of 48-core Nodes Ground state (9.3M) Excited state (9.3M) Ground state (42.9M) Excited state (42.9M)
======================= ====================== ======================= ====================== =======================
1 4 935.81 6 152.29 24 586.62 37 440.59
10 525.95 652.23 2 458.66 3 086.19
25 237.47 286.06 1 041.69 1 295.43
50 144.39 174.12 588.35 724.25
75 109.13 129.17 446.74 537.59
100 100.75 103.43 367.21 450.32
150 82.04 91.77 298.63 358.25
200 75.62 85.25 268.96 312.23
======================= ====================== ======================= ====================== =======================
The determinant selection, MR-PT2 and diagonalization are parallelized with distributed parallelism.
Benchmarks for the [NH2-CH-NH2]+ molecule are presented with up to 200 nodes (9600 cores) on the
`Irene` supercomputer.
.. _Irene: http://www-hpc.cea.fr/en/complexe/tgcc-Irene.htm
.. include:: work.rst
.. _Olympe: https://www.calmip.univ-toulouse.fr/spip.php?article582&lang=fr

View File

@ -0,0 +1,24 @@
#Number of 36-core Nodes 9 356 952 determinants 42 959 496 determinants
1 775.55 11198.70
5 169.88 2288.58
10 93.22 1213.95
20 56.86 626.41
30 43.76 445.65
40 36.18 350.25
50 33.67 295.25
#Number of 48-core Nodes 9 356 952 determinants 42 959 496 determinants
1 572.98 9154.30
10 72.55 922.07
25 38.88 412.34
50 27.95 241.35
75 27.54 183.63
100 27.86 165.68
150 28.14 134.05
200 27.77 134.64

View File

@ -0,0 +1,194 @@
#!/usr/bin/gnuplot -persist
# G N U P L O T
# Version 5.2 patchlevel 4 last modified 2018-06-01
# Copyright (C) 1986-1993, 1998, 2004, 2007-2018
# Thomas Williams, Colin Kelley and many others
# gnuplot home: http://www.gnuplot.info
# faq, bugs, etc: type "help FAQ"
# immediate help: type "help" (plot window: hit 'h')
set terminal png
set output '../_static/speedup_davidson.png'
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GNUTERM = "qt"
x = 0.0
set key bottom
set yrange [:80]
## Last datafile plotted: "data_davidson"
plot \
'davidson.dat' index 0 u 1:(11198.698/$3) title '42 959 496 dets, Olympe' w lp, \
'davidson.dat' index 0 u 1:(775.5464/$2) title '9 356 952 dets, Olympe' w lp, \
'davidson.dat' index 1 u 1:(9154.30/$3) title '42 959 496 dets, Irene' w lp, \
'davidson.dat' index 1 u 1:(572.98/$2) title '9 356 952 dets, Irene' w lp
# x title "Ideal", \

View File

@ -0,0 +1,26 @@
# Num of dets Ground state Excited state
7 -149.489186 -149.207354
123 -149.536265 -149.261860
3083 -149.685606 -149.404450
29409 -149.826151 -149.547275
168595 -149.900352 -149.626058
1322537 -149.946655 -149.675032
8495334 -149.972032 -149.704145
9356952 -149.973375 -149.706822
42779636 -149.987370 -149.721470
186978487 -149.998582 -149.733039
# Num of dets Ground state Excited state
7 -150.161107 -149.904883
123 -150.116958 -149.849465
3083 -150.0435 -149.7808
29409 -150.0222 -149.7583
168595 -150.0199 -149.7545
1322537 -150.01789 -149.75255
8495334 -150.01597 -149.75087
9356952 -150.01589 -149.75066
42959496 -150.01675 -149.75188
186978487 -150.01751 -149.75290

docs/source/perf/energy.plt Normal file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,173 @@
#!/usr/bin/gnuplot -persist
# G N U P L O T
# Version 5.0 patchlevel 3 last modified 2016-02-21
# Copyright (C) 1986-1993, 1998, 2004, 2007-2016
# Thomas Williams, Colin Kelley and many others
# gnuplot home: http://www.gnuplot.info
# faq, bugs, etc: type "help FAQ"
# immediate help: type "help" (plot window: hit 'h')
set terminal png
set output '../_static/cn3_energy.png'
unset clip points
set clip one
unset clip two
set bar 1.000000 front
set border 31 front lt black linewidth 1.000 dashtype solid
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nox2tics nomx2tics noy2tics nomy2tics nocbtics nomcbtics
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set timestamp ""
set timestamp font "" norotate
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set trange [ * : * ] noreverse nowriteback
set urange [ * : * ] noreverse nowriteback
set vrange [ * : * ] noreverse nowriteback
set xlabel "Number of determinants"
set xlabel font "" textcolor lt -1 norotate
set x2label ""
set x2label font "" textcolor lt -1 norotate
set xrange [ * : * ] noreverse nowriteback
set x2range [ * : * ] noreverse nowriteback
set ylabel "Energy (au)"
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set y2label font "" textcolor lt -1 rotate by -270
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set y2range [ * : * ] noreverse nowriteback
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set paxis 4 range [ * : * ] noreverse nowriteback
set paxis 5 range [ * : * ] noreverse nowriteback
set paxis 6 range [ * : * ] noreverse nowriteback
set paxis 7 range [ * : * ] noreverse nowriteback
set zero 1e-08
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set pm3d scansautomatic
set pm3d interpolate 1,1 flush begin noftriangles noborder corners2color mean
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set palette rgbformulae 7, 5, 15
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set colorbox vertical origin screen 0.9, 0.2, 0 size screen 0.05, 0.6, 0 front bdefault
set style boxplot candles range 1.50 outliers pt 7 separation 1 labels auto unsorted
set loadpath
set fontpath
set psdir
set fit brief errorvariables nocovariancevariables errorscaling prescale nowrap v5
GNUTERM = "qt"
x = 0.0
plot 'energy.dat' index 0 u 1:3 w lp title 'Excited state, E_{var}', 'energy.dat' index 0 u 1:2 w lp title 'Ground state, E_{var}', 'energy.dat' index 1 u 1:3 w errorlines title 'Excited state, E_{var}+PT2', 'energy.dat' index 1 u 1:2 w errorlines title 'Ground state, E_{var}+PT2'

docs/source/perf/pt2.dat Normal file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,20 @@
# Olympe (9356952-det wf)
1 7883.7443 9829.1905
5 1629.0612 2022.3561
10 832.8855 1029.9124
20 440.7613 537.3718
30 303.3079 378.6931
40 246.1153 296.3148
50 201.8428 241.5513
# Irene (9356952-det and 42959496-det wf)
1 4935.8080 6152.2916 24586.619 37440.5884
10 525.9498 652.2256 2458.6619 3086.1905
25 237.4663 286.0648 1041.6905 1295.4332
50 144.3955 174.1193 588.3493 724.2491
75 109.1328 129.1688 446.7379 537.5888
100 100.7537 103.4340 367.2123 450.3191
150 82.0399 91.7735 298.6261 358.2490
200 75.6173 85.2520 268.9631 312.2254

docs/source/perf/pt2.plt Normal file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,176 @@
#!/usr/bin/gnuplot -persist
# G N U P L O T
# Version 5.0 patchlevel 3 last modified 2016-02-21
# Copyright (C) 1986-1993, 1998, 2004, 2007-2016
# Thomas Williams, Colin Kelley and many others
# gnuplot home: http://www.gnuplot.info
# faq, bugs, etc: type "help FAQ"
# immediate help: type "help" (plot window: hit 'h')
set terminal png
set output '../_static/speedup_pt2.png'
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set xlabel "Number of 36-core nodes"
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set x2range [ * : * ] noreverse nowriteback
set ylabel "Speedup"
set ylabel font "" textcolor lt -1 rotate by -270
set y2label ""
set y2label font "" textcolor lt -1 rotate by -270
set yrange [ * : * ] noreverse nowriteback
set y2range [ * : * ] noreverse nowriteback
set zlabel ""
set zlabel font "" textcolor lt -1 norotate
set zrange [ * : * ] noreverse nowriteback
set cblabel ""
set cblabel font "" textcolor lt -1 rotate by -270
set cbrange [ * : * ] noreverse nowriteback
set paxis 1 range [ * : * ] noreverse nowriteback
set paxis 2 range [ * : * ] noreverse nowriteback
set paxis 3 range [ * : * ] noreverse nowriteback
set paxis 4 range [ * : * ] noreverse nowriteback
set paxis 5 range [ * : * ] noreverse nowriteback
set paxis 6 range [ * : * ] noreverse nowriteback
set paxis 7 range [ * : * ] noreverse nowriteback
set zero 1e-08
set lmargin -1
set bmargin -1
set rmargin -1
set tmargin -1
set pm3d explicit at s
set pm3d scansautomatic
set pm3d interpolate 1,1 flush begin noftriangles noborder corners2color mean
set palette positive nops_allcF maxcolors 0 gamma 1.5 color model RGB
set palette rgbformulae 7, 5, 15
set colorbox default
set colorbox vertical origin screen 0.9, 0.2, 0 size screen 0.05, 0.6, 0 front bdefault
set style boxplot candles range 1.50 outliers pt 7 separation 1 labels auto unsorted
set loadpath
set fontpath
set psdir
set fit brief errorvariables nocovariancevariables errorscaling prescale nowrap v5
set key bottom
set grid
GNUTERM = "qt"
x = 0.0
plot 'pt2.dat' index 0 u 1:(7883.7443/$2) w lp title '9 356 952 dets, Olympe', \
'pt2.dat' index 1 u 1:(4935.8080/$2) w lp title '9 356 952 dets, Irene', \
'pt2.dat' index 1 u 1:(24586.6194/$4) w lp title '42 959 496 dets, Irene', \