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.. _mrcc_utils:
.. program:: mrcc_utils
.. default-role:: option
Subroutines and providers required for |MRCC|.
2018-12-18 17:30:16 +01:00
.. c:var:: active_excitation_to_determinants_idx
.. code:: text
integer, allocatable :: active_excitation_to_determinants_idx (0:N_det_ref+1,n_exc_active_sze)
double precision, allocatable :: active_excitation_to_determinants_val (N_states,N_det_ref+1,n_exc_active_sze)
File: :file:`amplitudes.irp.f`
Sparse matrix A containing the matrix to transform the active excitations to determinants : A | \Psi_0 > = | \Psi_SD >
.. c:var:: active_excitation_to_determinants_val
.. code:: text
integer, allocatable :: active_excitation_to_determinants_idx (0:N_det_ref+1,n_exc_active_sze)
double precision, allocatable :: active_excitation_to_determinants_val (N_states,N_det_ref+1,n_exc_active_sze)
File: :file:`amplitudes.irp.f`
Sparse matrix A containing the matrix to transform the active excitations to determinants : A | \Psi_0 > = | \Psi_SD >
.. c:var:: active_hh_idx
.. code:: text
integer :: n_exc_active
integer, allocatable :: active_pp_idx (hh_nex)
integer, allocatable :: active_hh_idx (hh_nex)
logical, allocatable :: is_active_exc (hh_nex)
File: :file:`amplitudes.irp.f`
is_active_exc : True if the excitation involves at least one active MO
n_exc_active : Number of active excitations : Number of excitations without the inactive ones.
active_hh_idx :
active_pp_idx :
.. c:var:: active_pp_idx
.. code:: text
integer :: n_exc_active
integer, allocatable :: active_pp_idx (hh_nex)
integer, allocatable :: active_hh_idx (hh_nex)
logical, allocatable :: is_active_exc (hh_nex)
File: :file:`amplitudes.irp.f`
is_active_exc : True if the excitation involves at least one active MO
n_exc_active : Number of active excitations : Number of excitations without the inactive ones.
active_hh_idx :
active_pp_idx :
.. c:var:: dij
.. code:: text
double precision, allocatable :: dij (N_det_ref,N_det_non_ref,N_states)
File: :file:`mrcc_utils.irp.f`
.. c:var:: dij_unique
.. code:: text
double precision, allocatable :: dij_unique (hh_nex,N_states)
double precision, allocatable :: rho_mrcc (N_det_non_ref,N_states)
File: :file:`mrcc_utils.irp.f`
.. c:var:: has_a_unique_parent
.. code:: text
logical, allocatable :: has_a_unique_parent (N_det_non_ref)
File: :file:`amplitudes.irp.f`
True if the determinant in the non-reference has a unique parent
.. c:var:: hh_exists
.. code:: text
integer, allocatable :: hh_exists (4,N_hh_exists)
integer, allocatable :: pp_exists (4,N_pp_exists)
integer, allocatable :: hh_shortcut (0:N_hh_exists + 1)
integer :: hh_nex
File: :file:`mrcc_utils.irp.f`
hh_exists :
pp_exists :
hh_shortcut :
hh_nex : Total number of excitation operators
.. c:var:: hh_nex
.. code:: text
integer, allocatable :: hh_exists (4,N_hh_exists)
integer, allocatable :: pp_exists (4,N_pp_exists)
integer, allocatable :: hh_shortcut (0:N_hh_exists + 1)
integer :: hh_nex
File: :file:`mrcc_utils.irp.f`
hh_exists :
pp_exists :
hh_shortcut :
hh_nex : Total number of excitation operators
.. c:var:: hh_shortcut
.. code:: text
integer, allocatable :: hh_exists (4,N_hh_exists)
integer, allocatable :: pp_exists (4,N_pp_exists)
integer, allocatable :: hh_shortcut (0:N_hh_exists + 1)
integer :: hh_nex
File: :file:`mrcc_utils.irp.f`
hh_exists :
pp_exists :
hh_shortcut :
hh_nex : Total number of excitation operators
.. c:var:: hij_mrcc
.. code:: text
double precision, allocatable :: hij_mrcc (N_det_non_ref,N_det_ref)
File: :file:`mrcc_utils.irp.f`
< ref | H | Non-ref > matrix
.. c:var:: is_active_exc
.. code:: text
integer :: n_exc_active
integer, allocatable :: active_pp_idx (hh_nex)
integer, allocatable :: active_hh_idx (hh_nex)
logical, allocatable :: is_active_exc (hh_nex)
File: :file:`amplitudes.irp.f`
is_active_exc : True if the excitation involves at least one active MO
n_exc_active : Number of active excitations : Number of excitations without the inactive ones.
active_hh_idx :
active_pp_idx :
.. c:var:: lambda_mrcc
.. code:: text
double precision, allocatable :: lambda_mrcc (N_states,N_det_non_ref)
integer, allocatable :: lambda_mrcc_pt2 (0:psi_det_size)
integer, allocatable :: lambda_mrcc_kept (0:psi_det_size)
File: :file:`mrcc_utils.irp.f`
cm/<Psi_0|H|D_m> or perturbative 1/Delta_E(m)
.. c:var:: lambda_mrcc_kept
.. code:: text
double precision, allocatable :: lambda_mrcc (N_states,N_det_non_ref)
integer, allocatable :: lambda_mrcc_pt2 (0:psi_det_size)
integer, allocatable :: lambda_mrcc_kept (0:psi_det_size)
File: :file:`mrcc_utils.irp.f`
cm/<Psi_0|H|D_m> or perturbative 1/Delta_E(m)
.. c:var:: lambda_mrcc_pt2
.. code:: text
double precision, allocatable :: lambda_mrcc (N_states,N_det_non_ref)
integer, allocatable :: lambda_mrcc_pt2 (0:psi_det_size)
integer, allocatable :: lambda_mrcc_kept (0:psi_det_size)
File: :file:`mrcc_utils.irp.f`
cm/<Psi_0|H|D_m> or perturbative 1/Delta_E(m)
.. c:var:: mrcc_ata_ind
.. code:: text
integer, allocatable :: mrcc_ata_ind (N_det_ref * n_exc_active_sze)
double precision, allocatable :: mrcc_ata_val (N_states,N_det_ref * n_exc_active_sze)
integer, allocatable :: mrcc_col_shortcut (n_exc_active_sze)
integer, allocatable :: mrcc_n_col (n_exc_active_sze)
File: :file:`amplitudes.irp.f`
A is active_excitation_to_determinants in At.A
.. c:var:: mrcc_ata_val
.. code:: text
integer, allocatable :: mrcc_ata_ind (N_det_ref * n_exc_active_sze)
double precision, allocatable :: mrcc_ata_val (N_states,N_det_ref * n_exc_active_sze)
integer, allocatable :: mrcc_col_shortcut (n_exc_active_sze)
integer, allocatable :: mrcc_n_col (n_exc_active_sze)
File: :file:`amplitudes.irp.f`
A is active_excitation_to_determinants in At.A
.. c:var:: mrcc_col_shortcut
.. code:: text
integer, allocatable :: mrcc_ata_ind (N_det_ref * n_exc_active_sze)
double precision, allocatable :: mrcc_ata_val (N_states,N_det_ref * n_exc_active_sze)
integer, allocatable :: mrcc_col_shortcut (n_exc_active_sze)
integer, allocatable :: mrcc_n_col (n_exc_active_sze)
File: :file:`amplitudes.irp.f`
A is active_excitation_to_determinants in At.A
.. c:var:: mrcc_n_col
.. code:: text
integer, allocatable :: mrcc_ata_ind (N_det_ref * n_exc_active_sze)
double precision, allocatable :: mrcc_ata_val (N_states,N_det_ref * n_exc_active_sze)
integer, allocatable :: mrcc_col_shortcut (n_exc_active_sze)
integer, allocatable :: mrcc_n_col (n_exc_active_sze)
File: :file:`amplitudes.irp.f`
A is active_excitation_to_determinants in At.A
.. c:var:: mrmode
.. code:: text
integer :: mrmode
File: :file:`mrcc_utils.irp.f`
.. c:var:: n_ex_exists
.. code:: text
integer :: n_hh_exists
integer :: n_pp_exists
integer :: n_ex_exists
File: :file:`mrcc_utils.irp.f`
.. c:var:: n_exc_active
.. code:: text
integer :: n_exc_active
integer, allocatable :: active_pp_idx (hh_nex)
integer, allocatable :: active_hh_idx (hh_nex)
logical, allocatable :: is_active_exc (hh_nex)
File: :file:`amplitudes.irp.f`
is_active_exc : True if the excitation involves at least one active MO
n_exc_active : Number of active excitations : Number of excitations without the inactive ones.
active_hh_idx :
active_pp_idx :
.. c:var:: n_exc_active_sze
.. code:: text
integer :: n_exc_active_sze
File: :file:`amplitudes.irp.f`
Dimension of arrays to avoid zero-sized arrays
.. c:var:: n_hh_exists
.. code:: text
integer :: n_hh_exists
integer :: n_pp_exists
integer :: n_ex_exists
File: :file:`mrcc_utils.irp.f`
.. c:var:: n_pp_exists
.. code:: text
integer :: n_hh_exists
integer :: n_pp_exists
integer :: n_ex_exists
File: :file:`mrcc_utils.irp.f`
.. c:var:: pp_exists
.. code:: text
integer, allocatable :: hh_exists (4,N_hh_exists)
integer, allocatable :: pp_exists (4,N_pp_exists)
integer, allocatable :: hh_shortcut (0:N_hh_exists + 1)
integer :: hh_nex
File: :file:`mrcc_utils.irp.f`
hh_exists :
pp_exists :
hh_shortcut :
hh_nex : Total number of excitation operators
.. c:var:: psi_non_ref_sorted
.. code:: text
integer(bit_kind), allocatable :: psi_non_ref_sorted (N_int,2,N_det_non_ref)
integer, allocatable :: psi_non_ref_sorted_idx (N_det_non_ref)
File: :file:`mrcc_utils.irp.f`
.. c:var:: psi_non_ref_sorted_idx
.. code:: text
integer(bit_kind), allocatable :: psi_non_ref_sorted (N_int,2,N_det_non_ref)
integer, allocatable :: psi_non_ref_sorted_idx (N_det_non_ref)
File: :file:`mrcc_utils.irp.f`
.. c:var:: psi_ref_lock
.. code:: text
integer(omp_lock_kind), allocatable :: psi_ref_lock (psi_det_size)
File: :file:`mrcc_dress.irp.f`
Locks on ref determinants to fill delta_ij
.. c:var:: rho_mrcc
.. code:: text
double precision, allocatable :: dij_unique (hh_nex,N_states)
double precision, allocatable :: rho_mrcc (N_det_non_ref,N_states)
File: :file:`mrcc_utils.irp.f`
Subroutines / functions
.. c:function:: apply_hole_local
.. code:: text
subroutine apply_hole_local(det, exc, res, ok, Nint)
File: :file:`mrcc_utils.irp.f`
.. c:function:: apply_particle_local
.. code:: text
subroutine apply_particle_local(det, exc, res, ok, Nint)
File: :file:`mrcc_utils.irp.f`
.. c:function:: dec_exc
.. code:: text
subroutine dec_exc(exc, h1, h2, p1, p2)
File: :file:`mrcc_utils.irp.f`
.. c:function:: exc_inf
.. code:: text
logical function exc_inf(exc1, exc2)
File: :file:`mrcc_utils.irp.f`
.. c:function:: exccmp
.. code:: text
integer function excCmp(exc1, exc2)
File: :file:`mrcc_utils.irp.f`
.. c:function:: exceq
.. code:: text
logical function excEq(exc1, exc2)
File: :file:`mrcc_utils.irp.f`
.. c:function:: find_triples_and_quadruples
.. code:: text
subroutine find_triples_and_quadruples(i_generator,n_selected,det_buffer,Nint,tq,N_tq,miniList,N_miniList)
File: :file:`mrcc_dress.irp.f`
.. c:function:: find_triples_and_quadruples_micro
.. code:: text
subroutine find_triples_and_quadruples_micro(i_generator,n_selected,det_buffer,Nint,tq,N_tq,microlist,ptr_microlist,N_microlist,key_mask)
File: :file:`mrcc_dress.irp.f`
.. c:function:: get_dij
.. code:: text
double precision function get_dij(det1, det2, s, Nint)
File: :file:`mrcc_utils.irp.f`
.. c:function:: get_dij_index
.. code:: text
double precision function get_dij_index(II, i, s, Nint)
File: :file:`mrcc_utils.irp.f`
.. c:function:: h_apply_mrcc
.. code:: text
subroutine H_apply_mrcc(delta_ij_, Nstates, Ndet_non_ref, Ndet_ref)
File: :file:`h_apply.irp.f_shell_38`
Calls H_apply on the HF determinant and selects all connected single and double excitations (of the same symmetry). Auto-generated by the ``generate_h_apply`` script.
.. c:function:: h_apply_mrcc_diexc
.. code:: text
subroutine H_apply_mrcc_diexc(key_in, key_prev, hole_1,particl_1, hole_2, particl_2, fock_diag_tmp, i_generator, iproc_in , delta_ij_, Nstates, Ndet_non_ref, Ndet_ref )
File: :file:`h_apply.irp.f_shell_38`
.. c:function:: h_apply_mrcc_diexcorg
.. code:: text
subroutine H_apply_mrcc_diexcOrg(key_in,key_mask,hole_1,particl_1,hole_2, particl_2, fock_diag_tmp, i_generator, iproc_in , delta_ij_, Nstates, Ndet_non_ref, Ndet_ref )
File: :file:`h_apply.irp.f_shell_38`
Generate all double excitations of key_in using the bit masks of holes and particles. Assume N_int is already provided.
.. c:function:: h_apply_mrcc_diexcp
.. code:: text
subroutine H_apply_mrcc_diexcP(key_in, fs1, fh1, particl_1, fs2, fh2, particl_2, fock_diag_tmp, i_generator, iproc_in , delta_ij_, Nstates, Ndet_non_ref, Ndet_ref )
File: :file:`h_apply.irp.f_shell_38`
.. c:function:: h_apply_mrcc_monoexc
.. code:: text
subroutine H_apply_mrcc_monoexc(key_in, hole_1,particl_1,fock_diag_tmp,i_generator,iproc_in , delta_ij_, Nstates, Ndet_non_ref, Ndet_ref )
File: :file:`h_apply.irp.f_shell_38`
Generate all single excitations of key_in using the bit masks of holes and particles. Assume N_int is already provided.
.. c:function:: h_apply_mrcc_pt2
.. code:: text
subroutine H_apply_mrcc_PT2(pt2, norm_pert, H_pert_diag, N_st)
File: :file:`h_apply.irp.f_shell_38`
Calls H_apply on the HF determinant and selects all connected single and double excitations (of the same symmetry). Auto-generated by the ``generate_h_apply`` script.
.. c:function:: h_apply_mrcc_pt2_diexc
.. code:: text
subroutine H_apply_mrcc_PT2_diexc(key_in, key_prev, hole_1,particl_1, hole_2, particl_2, fock_diag_tmp, i_generator, iproc_in ,sum_e_2_pert_in,sum_norm_pert_in,sum_H_pert_diag_in,N_st,Nint )
File: :file:`h_apply.irp.f_shell_38`
.. c:function:: h_apply_mrcc_pt2_diexcorg
.. code:: text
subroutine H_apply_mrcc_PT2_diexcOrg(key_in,key_mask,hole_1,particl_1,hole_2, particl_2, fock_diag_tmp, i_generator, iproc_in ,sum_e_2_pert_in,sum_norm_pert_in,sum_H_pert_diag_in,N_st,Nint )
File: :file:`h_apply.irp.f_shell_38`
Generate all double excitations of key_in using the bit masks of holes and particles. Assume N_int is already provided.
.. c:function:: h_apply_mrcc_pt2_diexcp
.. code:: text
subroutine H_apply_mrcc_PT2_diexcP(key_in, fs1, fh1, particl_1, fs2, fh2, particl_2, fock_diag_tmp, i_generator, iproc_in ,sum_e_2_pert_in,sum_norm_pert_in,sum_H_pert_diag_in,N_st,Nint )
File: :file:`h_apply.irp.f_shell_38`
.. c:function:: h_apply_mrcc_pt2_monoexc
.. code:: text
subroutine H_apply_mrcc_PT2_monoexc(key_in, hole_1,particl_1,fock_diag_tmp,i_generator,iproc_in ,sum_e_2_pert_in,sum_norm_pert_in,sum_H_pert_diag_in,N_st,Nint )
File: :file:`h_apply.irp.f_shell_38`
Generate all single excitations of key_in using the bit masks of holes and particles. Assume N_int is already provided.
.. c:function:: h_apply_mrcepa_pt2
.. code:: text
subroutine H_apply_mrcepa_PT2(pt2, norm_pert, H_pert_diag, N_st)
File: :file:`h_apply.irp.f_shell_38`
Calls H_apply on the HF determinant and selects all connected single and double excitations (of the same symmetry). Auto-generated by the ``generate_h_apply`` script.
.. c:function:: h_apply_mrcepa_pt2_diexc
.. code:: text
subroutine H_apply_mrcepa_PT2_diexc(key_in, key_prev, hole_1,particl_1, hole_2, particl_2, fock_diag_tmp, i_generator, iproc_in ,sum_e_2_pert_in,sum_norm_pert_in,sum_H_pert_diag_in,N_st,Nint )
File: :file:`h_apply.irp.f_shell_38`
.. c:function:: h_apply_mrcepa_pt2_diexcorg
.. code:: text
subroutine H_apply_mrcepa_PT2_diexcOrg(key_in,key_mask,hole_1,particl_1,hole_2, particl_2, fock_diag_tmp, i_generator, iproc_in ,sum_e_2_pert_in,sum_norm_pert_in,sum_H_pert_diag_in,N_st,Nint )
File: :file:`h_apply.irp.f_shell_38`
Generate all double excitations of key_in using the bit masks of holes and particles. Assume N_int is already provided.
.. c:function:: h_apply_mrcepa_pt2_diexcp
.. code:: text
subroutine H_apply_mrcepa_PT2_diexcP(key_in, fs1, fh1, particl_1, fs2, fh2, particl_2, fock_diag_tmp, i_generator, iproc_in ,sum_e_2_pert_in,sum_norm_pert_in,sum_H_pert_diag_in,N_st,Nint )
File: :file:`h_apply.irp.f_shell_38`
.. c:function:: h_apply_mrcepa_pt2_monoexc
.. code:: text
subroutine H_apply_mrcepa_PT2_monoexc(key_in, hole_1,particl_1,fock_diag_tmp,i_generator,iproc_in ,sum_e_2_pert_in,sum_norm_pert_in,sum_H_pert_diag_in,N_st,Nint )
File: :file:`h_apply.irp.f_shell_38`
Generate all single excitations of key_in using the bit masks of holes and particles. Assume N_int is already provided.
.. c:function:: is_generable
.. code:: text
logical function is_generable(det1, det2, Nint)
File: :file:`mrcc_utils.irp.f`
.. c:function:: mrcc_dress
.. code:: text
subroutine mrcc_dress(delta_ij_, Nstates, Ndet_non_ref, Ndet_ref,i_generator,n_selected,det_buffer,Nint,iproc,key_mask)
File: :file:`mrcc_dress.irp.f`
.. c:function:: searchdet
.. code:: text
integer function searchDet(dets, det, n, Nint)
File: :file:`mrcc_utils.irp.f`
.. c:function:: searchexc
.. code:: text
integer function searchExc(excs, exc, n)
File: :file:`mrcc_utils.irp.f`
.. c:function:: sort_det
.. code:: text
subroutine sort_det(key, idx, N_key, Nint)
File: :file:`mrcc_utils.irp.f`
.. c:function:: sort_exc
.. code:: text
subroutine sort_exc(key, N_key)
File: :file:`mrcc_utils.irp.f`
.. c:function:: tamise_exc
.. code:: text
subroutine tamise_exc(key, no, n, N_key)
File: :file:`mrcc_utils.irp.f`
Uncodumented : TODO
.. c:function:: unsortedsearchdet
.. code:: text
integer function unsortedSearchDet(dets, det, n, Nint)
File: :file:`mrcc_utils.irp.f`