mirror of https://github.com/LCPQ/quantum_package synced 2024-10-02 14:30:59 +02:00

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2014-10-20 12:19:12 +02:00
open Qptypes;;
open Qputils;;
open Core.Std;;
module Determinants : sig
2014-10-21 23:32:47 +02:00
type t =
{ n_int : N_int_number.t;
bit_kind : Bit_kind.t;
mo_label : Non_empty_string.t;
n_det : Det_number.t;
n_states : States_number.t;
n_states_diag : States_number.t;
2014-10-28 17:16:51 +01:00
n_det_max_jacobi : Strictly_positive_int.t;
2014-10-22 00:12:23 +02:00
threshold_generators : Threshold.t;
threshold_selectors : Threshold.t;
2014-10-21 23:32:47 +02:00
read_wf : bool;
expected_s2 : Positive_float.t;
s2_eig : bool;
psi_coef : Det_coef.t array;
psi_det : Determinant.t array;
2014-10-25 21:24:21 +02:00
} with sexp
2014-10-21 23:32:47 +02:00
2014-10-20 12:19:12 +02:00
val read : unit -> t
val to_string : t -> string
2014-10-29 00:12:45 +01:00
val debug : t -> string
2014-10-20 12:19:12 +02:00
end = struct
type t =
{ n_int : N_int_number.t;
bit_kind : Bit_kind.t;
mo_label : Non_empty_string.t;
n_det : Det_number.t;
n_states : States_number.t;
n_states_diag : States_number.t;
2014-10-28 17:16:51 +01:00
n_det_max_jacobi : Strictly_positive_int.t;
2014-10-22 00:12:23 +02:00
threshold_generators : Threshold.t;
threshold_selectors : Threshold.t;
2014-10-20 12:19:12 +02:00
read_wf : bool;
expected_s2 : Positive_float.t;
s2_eig : bool;
psi_coef : Det_coef.t array;
psi_det : Determinant.t array;
2014-10-25 21:24:21 +02:00
} with sexp
2014-10-20 12:19:12 +02:00
let get_default = Qpackage.get_ezfio_default "determinants";;
let read_n_int () =
if not (Ezfio.has_determinants_n_int()) then
Ezfio.get_mo_basis_mo_tot_num ()
|> Bitlist.n_int_of_mo_tot_num
|> N_int_number.to_int
|> Ezfio.set_determinants_n_int
Ezfio.get_determinants_n_int ()
|> N_int_number.of_int
let read_bit_kind () =
if not (Ezfio.has_determinants_bit_kind ()) then
Lazy.force Qpackage.bit_kind
|> Bit_kind.to_int
|> Ezfio.set_determinants_bit_kind
Ezfio.get_determinants_bit_kind ()
|> Bit_kind.of_int
let read_mo_label () =
if (not (Ezfio.has_determinants_mo_label ())) then
Ezfio.get_mo_basis_mo_label ()
|> Ezfio.set_determinants_mo_label
Ezfio.get_determinants_mo_label ()
|> Non_empty_string.of_string
let read_n_det () =
if not (Ezfio.has_determinants_n_det ()) then
Ezfio.set_determinants_n_det 1
Ezfio.get_determinants_n_det ()
|> Det_number.of_int
let read_n_states () =
if not (Ezfio.has_determinants_n_states ()) then
Ezfio.set_determinants_n_states 1
Ezfio.get_determinants_n_states ()
|> States_number.of_int
let read_n_states_diag () =
if not (Ezfio.has_determinants_n_states_diag ()) then
read_n_states ()
|> States_number.to_int
|> Ezfio.set_determinants_n_states_diag
Ezfio.get_determinants_n_states_diag ()
|> States_number.of_int
let read_n_det_max_jacobi () =
if not (Ezfio.has_determinants_n_det_max_jacobi ()) then
get_default "n_det_max_jacobi"
|> Int.of_string
|> Ezfio.set_determinants_n_det_max_jacobi
Ezfio.get_determinants_n_det_max_jacobi ()
2014-10-28 17:16:51 +01:00
|> Strictly_positive_int.of_int
2014-10-20 12:19:12 +02:00
let read_threshold_generators () =
if not (Ezfio.has_determinants_threshold_generators ()) then
get_default "threshold_generators"
|> Float.of_string
|> Ezfio.set_determinants_threshold_generators
Ezfio.get_determinants_threshold_generators ()
2014-10-22 00:12:23 +02:00
|> Threshold.of_float
2014-10-20 12:19:12 +02:00
let read_threshold_selectors () =
if not (Ezfio.has_determinants_threshold_selectors ()) then
get_default "threshold_selectors"
|> Float.of_string
|> Ezfio.set_determinants_threshold_selectors
Ezfio.get_determinants_threshold_selectors ()
2014-10-22 00:12:23 +02:00
|> Threshold.of_float
2014-10-20 12:19:12 +02:00
let read_read_wf () =
if not (Ezfio.has_determinants_read_wf ()) then
get_default "read_wf"
|> Bool.of_string
|> Ezfio.set_determinants_read_wf
Ezfio.get_determinants_read_wf ()
let read_expected_s2 () =
if not (Ezfio.has_determinants_expected_s2 ()) then
let na = Ezfio.get_electrons_elec_alpha_num ()
and nb = Ezfio.get_electrons_elec_beta_num ()
let s = 0.5 *. (Float.of_int (na - nb))
Ezfio.set_determinants_expected_s2 ( s *. (s +. 1.) )
Ezfio.get_determinants_expected_s2 ()
|> Positive_float.of_float
let read_s2_eig () =
if not (Ezfio.has_determinants_s2_eig ()) then
get_default "s2_eig"
|> Bool.of_string
|> Ezfio.set_determinants_s2_eig
Ezfio.get_determinants_s2_eig ()
let read_psi_coef () =
if not (Ezfio.has_determinants_psi_coef ()) then
Ezfio.ezfio_array_of_list ~rank:1 ~dim:[| 1 |] ~data:[1.]
|> Ezfio.set_determinants_psi_coef
(Ezfio.get_determinants_psi_coef ()).Ezfio.data
|> Ezfio.flattened_ezfio_data
|> Array.map ~f:Det_coef.of_float
let read_psi_det () =
let n_int = read_n_int () in
if not (Ezfio.has_determinants_psi_det ()) then
let rec build_data accu = function
| 0 -> accu
| n -> build_data ((MO_number.of_int n)::accu) (n-1)
let det_a = build_data [] (Ezfio.get_electrons_elec_alpha_num ())
|> Bitlist.of_mo_number_list n_int
and det_b = build_data [] (Ezfio.get_electrons_elec_beta_num ())
|> Bitlist.of_mo_number_list n_int
let data = ( (Bitlist.to_int64_list det_a) @
(Bitlist.to_int64_list det_b) )
Ezfio.ezfio_array_of_list ~rank:3 ~dim:[| N_int_number.to_int n_int ; 2 ; 1 |] ~data:data
|> Ezfio.set_determinants_psi_det
end ;
2014-10-29 00:12:45 +01:00
2014-10-20 12:19:12 +02:00
let rec transform accu1 accu2 n_rest = function
| [] ->
let accu1 = List.rev accu1
|> Array.of_list
2014-10-29 00:12:45 +01:00
|> Determinant.of_int64_array n_int
2014-10-20 12:19:12 +02:00
List.rev (accu1::accu2) |> Array.of_list
| i::rest ->
if (n_rest > 0) then
transform (i::accu1) accu2 (n_rest-1) rest
let accu1 = List.rev accu1
|> Array.of_list
2014-10-29 00:12:45 +01:00
|> Determinant.of_int64_array n_int
2014-10-20 12:19:12 +02:00
2014-10-29 00:12:45 +01:00
let n_int = N_int_number.to_int n_int in
2014-10-20 12:19:12 +02:00
transform [] (accu1::accu2) (2*n_int) rest
2014-10-29 00:12:45 +01:00
let n_int = N_int_number.to_int n_int in
let psi_det_array = Ezfio.get_determinants_psi_det () in
let dim = psi_det_array.Ezfio.dim
and data = Ezfio.flattened_ezfio_data psi_det_array.Ezfio.data
assert (n_int = dim.(0));
assert (dim.(1) = 2);
assert (dim.(2) = (Det_number.to_int (read_n_det ())));
List.init dim.(2) ~f:(fun i ->
Array.sub ~pos:(2*n_int*i) ~len:(2*n_int) data)
|> List.map ~f:(Determinant.of_int64_array
(N_int_number.of_int n_int))
|> Array.of_list
2014-10-20 12:19:12 +02:00
let read () =
{ n_int = read_n_int () ;
bit_kind = read_bit_kind () ;
mo_label = read_mo_label () ;
n_det = read_n_det () ;
n_states = read_n_states () ;
n_states_diag = read_n_states_diag () ;
n_det_max_jacobi = read_n_det_max_jacobi () ;
threshold_generators = read_threshold_generators () ;
threshold_selectors = read_threshold_selectors () ;
read_wf = read_read_wf () ;
expected_s2 = read_expected_s2 () ;
s2_eig = read_s2_eig () ;
psi_coef = read_psi_coef () ;
psi_det = read_psi_det () ;
let to_string b =
2014-10-29 00:12:45 +01:00
let mo_tot_num = Ezfio.get_mo_basis_mo_tot_num ()
|> MO_number.of_int in
let det_text =
List.map2_exn ~f:(fun coef det ->
Printf.sprintf " %f\n%s\n"
(Det_coef.to_float coef)
(Determinant.to_string ~mo_tot_num:mo_tot_num det
|> String.split ~on:'\n'
|> List.map ~f:(fun x -> " "^x)
|> String.concat ~sep:"\n"
) (Array.to_list b.psi_coef) (Array.to_list b.psi_det)
|> String.concat ~sep:"\n"
Printf.sprintf "
Read the current wave function ::
read_wf = %s
Label of the MOs on which the determinants were computed ::
mo_label = %s
Force the selected wave function to be an eigenfunction of S^2.
If true, input the expected value of S^2 ::
s2_eig = %s
expected_s2 = %s
Thresholds on generators and selectors (fraction of the norm) ::
threshold_generators = %s
threshold_selectors = %s
Number of requested states, and number of states used for the
Davidson diagonalization ::
n_states = %s
n_states_diag = %s
Maximum size of the Hamiltonian matrix that will be fully diagonalized ::
n_det_max_jacobi = %s
Number of determinants ::
n_det = %s
Determinants ::
2014-10-28 17:16:51 +01:00
(b.read_wf |> Bool.to_string)
2014-10-29 00:12:45 +01:00
(b.mo_label |> Non_empty_string.to_string)
(b.s2_eig |> Bool.to_string)
(b.expected_s2 |> Positive_float.to_string)
2014-10-28 17:16:51 +01:00
(b.threshold_generators |> Threshold.to_string)
(b.threshold_selectors |> Threshold.to_string)
2014-10-29 00:12:45 +01:00
(b.n_states |> States_number.to_string)
2014-10-28 17:16:51 +01:00
(b.n_states_diag |> States_number.to_string)
2014-10-29 00:12:45 +01:00
(b.n_det_max_jacobi |> Strictly_positive_int.to_string)
(b.n_det |> Det_number.to_string)
2014-10-28 17:16:51 +01:00
let debug b =
2014-10-29 00:12:45 +01:00
let mo_tot_num = Ezfio.get_mo_basis_mo_tot_num ()
|> MO_number.of_int in
2014-10-20 12:19:12 +02:00
Printf.sprintf "
n_int = %s
bit_kind = %s
mo_label = \"%s\"
n_det = %s
n_states = %s
n_states_diag = %s
n_det_max_jacobi = %s
threshold_generators = %s
threshold_selectors = %s
read_wf = %s
expected_s2 = %s
s2_eig = %s
psi_coef = %s
psi_det = %s
(b.n_int |> N_int_number.to_string)
(b.bit_kind |> Bit_kind.to_string)
(b.mo_label |> Non_empty_string.to_string)
(b.n_det |> Det_number.to_string)
(b.n_states |> States_number.to_string)
(b.n_states_diag |> States_number.to_string)
2014-10-28 17:16:51 +01:00
(b.n_det_max_jacobi |> Strictly_positive_int.to_string)
2014-10-22 00:12:23 +02:00
(b.threshold_generators |> Threshold.to_string)
(b.threshold_selectors |> Threshold.to_string)
2014-10-20 12:19:12 +02:00
(b.read_wf |> Bool.to_string)
(b.expected_s2 |> Positive_float.to_string)
(b.s2_eig |> Bool.to_string)
(b.psi_coef |> Array.to_list |> List.map ~f:Det_coef.to_string
|> String.concat ~sep:", ")
2014-10-29 00:12:45 +01:00
(b.psi_det |> Array.to_list |> List.map ~f:(Determinant.to_string
~mo_tot_num:mo_tot_num) |> String.concat ~sep:"\n\n")
2014-10-28 17:16:51 +01:00
2014-10-20 12:19:12 +02:00