mirror of https://github.com/pfloos/quack synced 2024-10-10 18:11:46 +02:00

151 lines
2.9 KiB

subroutine EE_EOM_CCD_1h1p(nC,nO,nV,nR,eO,eV,OOVV,OVVO,t)
! EE-EOM-CCD calculation up to 1h1p
implicit none
! Input variables
integer,intent(in) :: nC
integer,intent(in) :: nO
integer,intent(in) :: nV
integer,intent(in) :: nR
double precision,intent(in) :: eO(nO)
double precision,intent(in) :: eV(nV)
double precision,intent(in) :: OOVV(nO,nO,nV,nV)
double precision,intent(in) :: OVVO(nO,nV,nV,nO)
double precision,intent(in) :: t(nO,nO,nV,nV)
! Local variables
integer :: a,b,c,d
integer :: i,j,k,l
integer :: ia,jb
integer :: nS
double precision,external :: Kronecker_delta
double precision,allocatable :: Fvv(:,:)
double precision,allocatable :: Foo(:,:)
double precision,allocatable :: Wovvo(:,:,:,:)
double precision,allocatable :: H(:,:)
double precision,allocatable :: Om(:)
double precision,allocatable :: Z(:,:)
integer,allocatable :: order(:)
! Hello world
write(*,*)'| EE-EOM-CCD (1h1p) |'
! Size of the EOM Hamiltonian
nS = (nO-nC)*(nV-nR)
! Memory allocation
! Form one-body terms
do a=1,nV-nR
do b=1,nV-nR
Fvv(a,b) = eV(a)*Kronecker_delta(a,b)
do i=1,nO-nC
do j=1,nO-nC
do c=1,nV-nR
! Fvv(a,b) = Fvv(a,b) - 0.5d0*OOVV(i,j,b,c)*t(i,j,a,c)
end do
end do
end do
end do
end do
do i=1,nO-nC
do j=1,nO-nC
Foo(i,j) = eO(i)*Kronecker_delta(i,j)
do k=1,nO-nC
do a=1,nV-nR
do b=1,nV-nR
! Foo(i,j) = Foo(i,j) + 0.5d0*OOVV(i,k,a,b)*t(j,k,a,b)
end do
end do
end do
end do
end do
! Form two-body terms
do i=1,nO-nC
do b=1,nV-nR
do a=1,nV-nR
do j=1,nO-nC
Wovvo(i,b,a,j) = OVVO(i,b,a,j)
do k=1,nO-nC
do c=1,nV-nR
Wovvo(i,b,a,j) = Wovvo(i,b,a,j) + OOVV(i,k,a,c)*t(k,j,c,b)
end do
end do
end do
end do
end do
end do
! Form EOM Hamiltonian
ia = 0
do i=1,nO-nC
do a=1,nV-nR
ia = ia + 1
jb = 0
do j=1,nO-nC
do b=1,nV-nR
jb = jb + 1
H(ia,jb) = Fvv(a,b)*Kronecker_delta(i,j) - Kronecker_delta(a,b)*Foo(i,j) + Wovvo(i,b,a,j)
end do
end do
end do
end do
! Diagonalize EOM Hamiltonian
if(nS > 0) then
call diagonalize_general_matrix(nS,H,Om,Z)
do ia=1,nS
order(ia) = ia
end do
call quick_sort(Om,order,nS)
call set_order(Z,order,nS,nS)
call print_excitation('EE-EOM-CCD ',3,nS,Om)
end if
end subroutine EE_EOM_CCD_1h1p