
32 lines
641 B

subroutine MOtoAO(nBas,S,C,B,A)
! Perform MO to AO transformation of a matrix A for a given metric S
! and coefficients c
implicit none
! Input variables
integer,intent(in) :: nBas
double precision,intent(in) :: S(nBas,nBas)
double precision,intent(in) :: C(nBas,nBas)
double precision,intent(in) :: B(nBas,nBas)
! Local variables
double precision,allocatable :: SC(:,:),BSC(:,:)
! Output variables
double precision,intent(out) :: A(nBas,nBas)
! Memory allocation
SC = matmul(S,C)
BSC = matmul(B,transpose(SC))
A = matmul(SC,BSC)
end subroutine