subroutine diagonalize_general_matrix(N,A,WR,VR) ! Diagonalize a non-symmetric square matrix implicit none ! Input variables integer :: i,j,k integer,intent(in) :: N double precision,intent(inout):: A(N,N) double precision,intent(out) :: VR(N,N) double precision,intent(out) :: WR(N) ! Local variables integer :: lwork,info double precision,allocatable :: work(:),WI(:),VL(:,:) ! Memory allocation allocate(work(1),WI(N),VL(N,N)) lwork = -1 call dgeev('V','V',N,A,N,WR,WI,VL,N,VR,N,work,lwork,info) lwork = int(work(1)) deallocate(work) allocate(work(lwork)) call dgeev('V','V',N,A,N,WR,WI,VL,N,VR,N,work,lwork,info) if(info /= 0) then print*,'Problem in diagonalize_general_matrix (dgeev)!!' endif end subroutine diagonalize_general_matrix subroutine diagonalize_matrix(N,A,e) ! Diagonalize a square matrix implicit none ! Input variables integer,intent(in) :: N double precision,intent(inout):: A(N,N) double precision,intent(out) :: e(N) ! Local variables integer :: lwork,info double precision,allocatable :: work(:) ! Memory allocation allocate(work(1)) lwork = -1 call dsyev('V','U',N,A,N,e,work,lwork,info) lwork = int(work(1)) deallocate(work) allocate(work(lwork)) call dsyev('V','U',N,A,N,e,work,lwork,info) if(info /= 0) then print*,'Problem in diagonalize_matrix (dsyev)!!' endif end subroutine diagonalize_matrix subroutine svd(N,A,U,D,Vt) ! Compute A = U.D.Vt ! Dimension of A is NxN implicit none integer, intent(in) :: N double precision,intent(in) :: A(N,N) double precision,intent(out) :: U(N,N) double precision,intent(out) :: Vt(N,N) double precision,intent(out) :: D(N) double precision,allocatable :: work(:) integer :: info,lwork double precision,allocatable :: scr(:,:) allocate (scr(N,N)) scr(:,:) = A(:,:) ! Find optimal size for temporary arrays allocate(work(1)) lwork = -1 call dgesvd('A','A',N,N,scr,N,D,U,N,Vt,N,work,lwork,info) lwork = int(work(1)) deallocate(work) allocate(work(lwork)) call dgesvd('A','A',N,N,scr,N,D,U,N,Vt,N,work,lwork,info) deallocate(work,scr) if (info /= 0) then print *, info, ': SVD failed' stop endif end subroutine inverse_matrix(N,A,B) ! Returns the inverse of the square matrix A in B implicit none integer,intent(in) :: N double precision, intent(in) :: A(N,N) double precision, intent(out) :: B(N,N) integer :: info,lwork integer, allocatable :: ipiv(:) double precision,allocatable :: work(:) allocate (ipiv(N),work(N*N)) lwork = size(work) B(1:N,1:N) = A(1:N,1:N) call dgetrf(N,N,B,N,ipiv,info) if (info /= 0) then print*,info stop 'error in inverse (dgetrf)!!' endif call dgetri(N,B,N,ipiv,work,lwork,info) if (info /= 0) then print *, info stop 'error in inverse (dgetri)!!' endif deallocate(ipiv,work) end subroutine inverse_matrix subroutine linear_solve(N,A,b,x,rcond) ! Solve the linear system A.x = b where A is a NxN matrix ! and x and x are vectors of size N implicit none integer,intent(in) :: N double precision,intent(out) :: A(N,N),b(N),rcond double precision,intent(out) :: x(N) integer :: info,lwork double precision :: ferr,berr integer,allocatable :: ipiv(:),iwork(:) double precision,allocatable :: AF(:,:),work(:) lwork = 3*N allocate(AF(N,N),ipiv(N),work(lwork),iwork(N)) call dsysvx('N','U',N,1,A,N,AF,N,ipiv,b,N,x,N,rcond,ferr,berr,work,lwork,iwork,info) ! if (info /= 0) then ! print *, info ! stop 'error in linear_solve (dsysvx)!!' ! endif end subroutine linear_solve subroutine easy_linear_solve(N,A,b,x) ! Solve the linear system A.x = b where A is a NxN matrix ! and x and x are vectors of size N implicit none integer,intent(in) :: N double precision,intent(in) :: A(N,N),b(N) double precision,intent(out) :: x(N) integer :: info,lwork integer,allocatable :: ipiv(:) double precision,allocatable :: work(:) allocate(ipiv(N),work(N*N)) lwork = size(work) x = b call dsysv('U',N,1,A,N,ipiv,x,N,work,lwork,info) if (info /= 0) then print *, info stop 'error in linear_solve (dsysv)!!' endif end subroutine easy_linear_solve