subroutine QP_roots(nBas,nC,nO,nV,nR,nS,eta,eHF,Omega,rho) ! Compute all the roots of the QP equation for each orbital implicit none include 'parameters.h' ! Input variables integer,intent(in) :: nBas integer,intent(in) :: nC integer,intent(in) :: nO integer,intent(in) :: nV integer,intent(in) :: nR integer,intent(in) :: nS double precision,intent(in) :: eta double precision,intent(in) :: eHF(nBas) double precision,intent(in) :: Omega(nS) double precision,intent(in) :: rho(nBas,nBas,nS) ! Local variables integer :: i,j,a,b,x,jb,g integer :: nRoot integer,parameter :: nGrid = 10000 double precision,parameter :: wmin = -10d0 double precision,parameter :: wmax = +10d0 double precision :: dw double precision :: eps double precision :: left_sign,right_sign double precision :: left_QP,right_QP double precision,allocatable :: w(:) double precision,allocatable :: SigC(:) double precision,allocatable :: dSigC(:) integer :: nIt integer,parameter :: maxIt = 64 double precision,parameter :: thresh = 1d-6 double precision,external :: SigmaC,dSigmaC double precision :: f,df double precision :: s,ds double precision :: om ! Construct grid allocate(w(nGrid),SigC(nGrid),dSigC(nGrid)) ! Minimum and maximum frequency values dw = (wmax - wmin)/dble(nGrid) do g=1,nGrid w(g) = wmin + dble(g)*dw enddo ! Main loop over the orbitals do x=nC+1,nBas-nR SigC(:) = 0d0 dSigC(:) = 0d0 ! Loop over grid points do g=1,nGrid ! Occupied part of the self-energy and spectral weight do i=nC+1,nO jb = 0 do j=nC+1,nO do b=nO+1,nBas-nR jb = jb + 1 eps = w(g) - eHF(i) + Omega(jb) SigC(g) = SigC(g) + 2d0*rho(x,i,jb)**2*eps/(eps**2 + eta**2) dSigC(g) = dSigC(g) - 2d0*rho(x,i,jb)**2*(eps**2 - eta**2)/(eps**2 + eta**2)**2 enddo enddo enddo ! Virtual part of the self-energy and spectral weight do a=nO+1,nBas-nR jb = 0 do j=nC+1,nO do b=nO+1,nBas-nR jb = jb + 1 eps = w(g) - eHF(a) - Omega(jb) SigC(g) = SigC(g) + 2d0*rho(x,a,jb)**2*eps/(eps**2 + eta**2) dSigC(g) = dSigC(g) - 2d0*rho(x,a,jb)**2*(eps**2 - eta**2)/(eps**2 + eta**2)**2 enddo enddo enddo enddo ! Find the zeros of the QP equation nRoot = 0 write(*,*) '-----------------' write(*,'(A10,I3)') 'Orbital ',x write(*,*) '-----------------' write(*,*) left_QP = w(1) - eHF(x) - SigC(1) left_sign = sign(1d0,left_QP) do g=2,nGrid right_QP = w(g) - eHF(x) - SigC(g) right_sign = sign(1d0,right_QP) if(left_sign /= right_sign .and. left_sign == sign(1d0,-1d0)) then nRoot = nRoot + 1 write(*,'(A20,I6,F10.6,F10.6,I6,F10.6,F10.6,F10.6)') & 'root right here!',g-1,w(g-1),left_QP,g,w(g),right_QP,1d0/(1d0-dSigC(g)) ! Run Newton's algorithm to find the root om = w(g-1) nIt = 0 f = 1d0 do while (abs(f) > thresh .and. nIt < maxIt) nIt = nIt + 1 s = SigmaC(x,om,eta,nBas,nC,nO,nV,nR,nS,eHF,Omega,rho) ds = dSigmaC(x,om,eta,nBas,nC,nO,nV,nR,nS,eHF,Omega,rho) f = om - eHF(x) - s df = 1d0 - ds write(*,'(A3,I3,A1,1X,4F15.9)') 'It.',nIt,':',om,f,s,1d0/(1d0-ds) om = om - f/df end do end if left_sign = right_sign left_QP = right_QP end do write(*,*) write(*,'(A32,I3,A1,I3)') 'Number of roots for orbital ',x,':',nRoot write(*,*) end do end subroutine QP_roots