# QuAcK: a software for emerging quantum electronic structure methods **Contributors:** - [Pierre-Francois Loos](https://pfloos.github.io/WEB_LOOS) - [Enzo Monino](https://enzomonino.github.io) - [Antoine Marie](https://antoine-marie.github.io) - [Anthony Scemama](https://scemama.github.io) # What is it? QuAcK is a small electronic structure program written in `Fortran 90` and developed at the Laboratoire de Chimie et Physique Quantiques [LCPQ](https://www.lcpq.ups-tlse.fr) (Toulouse, France). QuAcK is usually used for prototyping purposes and the successful ideas are usually implemented more efficiently in [quantum package](https://quantumpackage.github.io/qp2/). QuAcK is an excellent place to start for experienced PhD students or postdocs as the code is simple and written in a fairly well-known and straightforward language. For beginners, we suggest having a look at [qcmath](https://github.com/LCPQ/qcmath/), a Mathematica-based program to help newcomers in quantum chemistry easily develop their ideas. # Installation guide The QuAcK software can be downloaded on GitHub as a Git repository ``` git clone https://github.com/pfloos/QuAcK.git ``` Then, one must define the variable `QUACK_ROOT`. For example, ``` export QUACK_ROOT=$HOME/Work/QuAcK ``` You must also install [PySCF](https://pyscf.org) (for example using `pip`) ``` pip install pyscf ``` PySCF is used for the computation of one- and two-electron integrals (mainly). # Quick start ``` QuAcK 💩 % cd $QUACK_ROOT QuAcK 💩 % python PyDuck.py -h usage: PyDuck.py [-h] -b BASIS [--bohr] [-c CHARGE] [--cartesian] [-fc FROZEN_CORE] [-m MULTIPLICITY] [--working_dir WORKING_DIR] -x XYZ This script is the main script of QuAcK, it is used to run the calculation. If $QUACK_ROOT is not set, $QUACK_ROOT is replaces by the current directory. options: -h, --help show this help message and exit -b BASIS, --basis BASIS Name of the file containing the basis set in the $QUACK_ROOT/basis/ directory --bohr By default QuAcK assumes that the xyz files are in Angstrom. Add this argument if your xyz file is in Bohr. -c CHARGE, --charge CHARGE Total charge of the molecule. Specify negative charges with "m" instead of the minus sign, for example m1 instead of -1. Default is 0 --cartesian Add this option if you want to use cartesian basis functions. -fc FROZEN_CORE, --frozen_core FROZEN_CORE Freeze core MOs. Default is false -m MULTIPLICITY, --multiplicity MULTIPLICITY Number of unpaired electrons 2S. Default is 0 therefore singlet --working_dir WORKING_DIR Set a working directory to run the calculation. -x XYZ, --xyz XYZ Name of the file containing the nuclear coordinates in xyz format in the $QUACK_ROOT/mol/ directory without the .xyz extension ``` The two most important files are: - the file `$QUACK_ROOT/input/methods` that gathers the methods you want to use. - the file `$QUACK_ROOT/input/options` that gathers the different options associated these methods. These files look like this ``` QuAcK 💩 % cat input/methods # RHF UHF KS MOM T F F F # MP2* MP3 F F # CCD pCCD DCD CCSD CCSD(T) F F F F F # drCCD rCCD crCCD lCCD F F F F # CIS* CIS(D) CID CISD FCI F F F F F # RPA* RPAx* crRPA ppRPA F F F F # G0F2* evGF2* qsGF2* G0F3 evGF3 F F F F F # G0W0* evGW* qsGW* SRG-qsGW ufG0W0 ufGW T F F F F F # G0T0pp evGTpp qsGTpp G0T0eh evGTeh qsGTeh F F F F F F # * unrestricted version available ``` and ``` QuAcK 💩 % cat input/options # HF: maxSCF thresh DIIS n_diis guess_type ortho_type mix_guess level_shift stability 512 0.0000001 T 5 1 1 F 0.0 F # MP: reg F # CC: maxSCF thresh DIIS n_diis 64 0.0000001 T 5 # spin: TDA singlet triplet spin_conserved spin_flip F T F T T # GF: maxSCF thresh DIIS n_diis lin eta renorm reg 256 0.00001 T 5 T 0.0 0 F # GW: maxSCF thresh DIIS n_diis lin eta COHSEX TDA_W reg 256 0.00001 T 5 T 0.0 F F F # GT: maxSCF thresh DIIS n_diis lin eta TDA_T reg 256 0.00001 T 5 T 0.1 F F # ACFDT: AC Kx XBS F T T # BSE: BSE dBSE dTDA evDyn ppBSE BSE2 T T T F F F ``` For example, if you want to run a calculation on water using the cc-pvdz basis set: ``` QuAcK 💩 % python PyDuck.py -x water -b cc-pvdz ```