double precision function dfac(n) implicit none integer :: n double precision, external :: fact dfac = fact(n) end !------------------- ! The following functions were taken with from Quantum Package ! ( , AGPL license) double precision function fact(n) implicit none integer :: n double precision, save :: memo(1:100) integer, save :: memomax = 1 integer :: i double precision :: logfact if (n<=memomax) then if (n<2) then fact = 1.d0 else fact = memo(n) endif return endif memo(1) = 1.d0 do i=memomax+1,min(n,100) memo(i) = memo(i-1)*dble(i) enddo memomax = min(n,100) fact = dexp(logfact(n)) end function double precision function logfact(n) implicit none integer :: n double precision, save :: memo(1:100) integer, save :: memomax = 1 integer :: i if (n<=memomax) then if (n<2) then logfact = 0.d0 else logfact = memo(n) endif return endif memo(1) = 0.d0 do i=memomax+1,min(n,100) memo(i) = memo(i-1)+dlog(dble(i)) enddo memomax = min(n,100) logfact = memo(memomax) do i=101,n logfact = logfact + dlog(dble(i)) enddo end function