import sys import os import shutil from pathlib import Path import subprocess import platform from datetime import datetime import argparse from molecule import get_molecules_from_db from molecule import generate_xyz from utils import print_col current_date = quack_root = os.getenv('QUACK_ROOT') # User Name user_name = os.getlogin() # Operating System os_name = platform.system() os_release = platform.release() os_version = platform.version() # CPU Information machine = platform.machine() processor = platform.processor() # System Architecture architecture = platform.architecture()[0] # Python Version python_version_full = platform.python_version_tuple() PYTHON_VERSION = "{}.{}".format(python_version_full[0], python_version_full[1]) print(f"The current date and time is {current_date.strftime('%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S')}") print(f"User Name: {user_name}") print(f"Operating System: {os_name} {os_release} ({os_version})") print(f"CPU: {processor} ({machine})") print(f"System Architecture: {architecture}") print(f"QUACK_ROOT: {quack_root}") print(f"Python version: {python_version_full}\n\n") parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(description="Benchmark Data Sets") parser.add_argument( '-s', '--set_type', choices=['light', 'medium', 'heavy'], default='light', help="Specify the type of data set: light (default), medium, or heavy." ) args = parser.parse_args() if args.set_type == 'light': bench = 'FeatherBench' bench_title = "\n\nSelected Light Benchmark: {}\n\n".format(bench) elif args.set_type == 'medium': bench = 'BalanceBench' bench_title = "\n\nSelected Medium Benchmark: {}\n\n".format(bench) elif args.set_type == 'heavy': bench = 'TitanBench' bench_title = "\n\nSelected Heavy Benchmark: {}\n\n".format(bench) else: bench_title = "\n\nSelected Light Benchmark: {}\n\n".format(bench) print(, '-')) print("\n\n") # --- class Quack_Job: def __init__(self, mol, multip, basis, geom, methd): self.mol = mol self.multip = multip self.basis = basis self.geom = geom self.methd = methd def prep_inp(self): # geometry generate_xyz(self.geom, filename="{}.xyz".format(self.mol)) # input files for inp in ["methods", "options"]: inp_file = "{}.{}".format(inp, self.methd.upper()) if os.path.exists("inp/{}".format(inp_file)): shutil.copy("inp/{}".format(inp_file), "../mol/{}".format(inp_file)) else: print_col("File 'inp/{}' does not exist.".format(inp_file), "red") sys.exit(1) def run(file_out, mol, bas, multip): os.chdir('..') print(f" :$ cd ..") for file_in in ["methods", "options"]: command = ['cp', 'tests/{}.RHF'.format(file_in), 'input/{}'.format(file_in)] print(f" :$ {' '.join(command)}") result =, capture_output=True, text=True) if result.returncode != 0: print("Error moving file: {}".format(result.stderr)) command = [ 'python{}'.format(PYTHON_VERSION), '', '-x', '{}'.format(mol), '-b', '{}'.format(bas), '-m', '{}'.format(multip) ] print(f" :$ {' '.join(command)}") with open(file_out, 'w') as fobj: result =, stdout=fobj, stderr=subprocess.PIPE, text=True) if result.stderr: print("Error output:", result.stderr) os.chdir('tests') print(f" :$ cd tests") # --- def main(): work_path = Path('{}/tests/work'.format(quack_root)) if not work_path.exists(): work_path.mkdir(parents=True, exist_ok=True) print(f"Directory '{work_path}' created.\n") for mol in molecules: mol_name = mol_mult = mol.multiplicity mol_geom = mol.geometry mol_data = print_col(" Molecule: {} (2S+1 = {})".format(mol_name, mol_mult), "blue") for mol_prop_name, mol_prop_data in mol_data.items(): print_col(" Testing {}".format(mol_prop_name), "cyan") methd = mol_prop_name[len('properties_'):] if(len(mol_prop_data) == 0): print_col(" {} is empty. Skipping...".format(mol_prop_name), "cyan") print() continue for basis_name, basis_data in mol_prop_data.items(): print_col(" Basis set = {}".format(basis_name), "yellow") if(len(basis_data) == 0): print_col(" {} is empty. Skipping...".format(basis_name), "yellow") print() continue work_methd = Path('{}/{}'.format(work_path, methd)) if not work_methd.exists(): work_methd.mkdir(parents=True, exist_ok=True) #print(f"Directory '{work_methd}' created.\n") New_Quack_Job = Quack_Job(mol_name, mol_mult, basis_name, mol_geom, methd) New_Quack_Job.prep_inp() # for name, val in basis_data.items(): # print(f" name = {name}") # print(f" val = {val}") print() print() print() quit() # # create input files # class_methd.gen_input() # # file_out = "{}/{}/{}_{}_{}.out".format(work_path, prop, mol_name, mol_mult, bas) # # print(" testing {} for {}@{} (2S+1 = {})".format(prop, mol_name, bas, mol_mult)) # print(" file_out: {}".format(file_out)) # # class_methd.run_job(file_out, mol_name, bas, mol_mult) db_name = '{}.db'.format(bench) molecules = get_molecules_from_db(db_name) main()