# QuAcK: a software for emerging quantum electronic structure methods **Contributors:** - [Pierre-Francois Loos](https://pfloos.github.io/WEB_LOOS) - [Enzo Monino](https://enzomonino.github.io) - [Antoine Marie](https://antoine-marie.github.io) - [Anthony Scemama](https://scemama.github.io) # What is it? QuAcK is a small electronic structure program written in `Fortran 90` and developed at the Laboratoire de Chimie et Physique Quantiques [LCPQ](https://www.lcpq.ups-tlse.fr) (Toulouse, France). QuAcK is usually used for prototyping purposes and the successful ideas are usually implemented more efficiently in [Quantum Package](https://quantumpackage.github.io/qp2/). QuAcK is an excellent place to start for experienced PhD students or postdocs as the code is simple and written with a fairly well-known and straightforward language. For beginners, we suggest having a look at [qcmath](https://github.com/LCPQ/qcmath/), a [Mathematica](https://www.wolfram.com/mathematica/)-based program to help newcomers in quantum chemistry easily develop their ideas. QuAcK is under continuous and active development, so it is very (very) likely to contain many bugs and errors. You have been warned. # Installation guide The QuAcK software can be downloaded on GitHub as a Git repository ``` git clone https://github.com/pfloos/QuAcK.git ``` Then, one must define the variable `QUACK_ROOT`. For example, ``` export QUACK_ROOT=$HOME/Work/QuAcK ``` You must also install [PySCF](https://pyscf.org) (for example using `pip`) ``` pip install pyscf ``` PySCF is used for the computation of one- and two-electron integrals (mainly). # Quick start ``` ~ 💩 % cd $QUACK_ROOT QuAcK 💩 % python PyDuck.py -h usage: PyDuck.py [-h] -b BASIS [--bohr] [-c CHARGE] [--cartesian] [-fc FROZEN_CORE] [-m MULTIPLICITY] [--working_dir WORKING_DIR] -x XYZ This script is the main script of QuAcK, it is used to run the calculation. If $QUACK_ROOT is not set, $QUACK_ROOT is replaces by the current directory. options: -h, --help show this help message and exit -b BASIS, --basis BASIS Name of the file containing the basis set in the $QUACK_ROOT/basis/ directory --bohr By default QuAcK assumes that the xyz files are in Angstrom. Add this argument if your xyz file is in Bohr. -c CHARGE, --charge CHARGE Total charge of the molecule. Specify negative charges with "m" instead of the minus sign, for example m1 instead of -1. Default is 0 --cartesian Add this option if you want to use cartesian basis functions. -fc FROZEN_CORE, --frozen_core FROZEN_CORE Freeze core MOs. Default is false -m MULTIPLICITY, --multiplicity MULTIPLICITY Number of unpaired electrons 2S. Default is 0 therefore singlet --working_dir WORKING_DIR Set a working directory to run the calculation. -x XYZ, --xyz XYZ Name of the file containing the nuclear coordinates in xyz format in the $QUACK_ROOT/mol/ directory without the .xyz extension ``` The two most important files are: - `$QUACK_ROOT/input/methods` that gathers the methods you want to use. - `$QUACK_ROOT/input/options` that gathers the different options associated these methods. These files look like this ``` QuAcK 💩 % cat input/methods # RHF UHF KS MOM T F F F # MP2* MP3 F F # CCD pCCD DCD CCSD CCSD(T) F F F F F # drCCD rCCD crCCD lCCD F F F F # CIS* CIS(D) CID CISD FCI F F F F F # RPA* RPAx* crRPA ppRPA F F F F # G0F2* evGF2* qsGF2* G0F3 evGF3 F F F F F # G0W0* evGW* qsGW* SRG-qsGW ufG0W0 ufGW T F F F F F # G0T0pp evGTpp qsGTpp G0T0eh evGTeh qsGTeh F F F F F F # * unrestricted version available ``` and ``` QuAcK 💩 % cat input/options # HF: maxSCF thresh DIIS n_diis guess_type ortho_type mix_guess level_shift stability 512 0.0000001 T 5 1 1 F 0.0 F # MP: reg F # CC: maxSCF thresh DIIS n_diis 64 0.0000001 T 5 # spin: TDA singlet triplet spin_conserved spin_flip F T F T T # GF: maxSCF thresh DIIS n_diis lin eta renorm reg 256 0.00001 T 5 T 0.0 0 F # GW: maxSCF thresh DIIS n_diis lin eta COHSEX TDA_W reg 256 0.00001 T 5 T 0.0 F F F # GT: maxSCF thresh DIIS n_diis lin eta TDA_T reg 256 0.00001 T 5 T 0.1 F F # ACFDT: AC Kx XBS F T T # BSE: BSE dBSE dTDA evDyn ppBSE BSE2 T T T F F F ``` For example, if you want to run a calculation on water using the cc-pvdz basis set: ``` QuAcK 💩 % python PyDuck.py -x water -b cc-pvdz ``` QuAcK is supported by the [PTEROSOR](https://lcpq.github.io/PTEROSOR/) project that has received funding from the European Research Council (ERC) under the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme (Grant agreement No. 863481).