subroutine D_correction(ispin,nBasin,nCin,nOin,nVin,nRin,nSin,maxS,eHF,ERI,w,X) ! Compute the D correction of CIS(D) implicit none include 'parameters.h' ! Input variables integer,intent(in) :: ispin integer,intent(in) :: nBasin integer,intent(in) :: nCin integer,intent(in) :: nOin integer,intent(in) :: nVin integer,intent(in) :: nRin integer,intent(in) :: nSin integer,intent(in) :: maxS double precision,intent(in) :: eHF(nBasin) double precision,intent(in) :: ERI(nBasin,nBasin,nBasin,nBasin) double precision,intent(in) :: w(maxS) double precision,intent(in) :: X(nSin,maxS) ! Local variables integer :: i,j,k integer :: a,b,c integer :: m,ia integer :: nBas integer :: nC integer :: nO integer :: nV integer :: nR double precision,allocatable :: seHF(:) double precision,allocatable :: sERI(:,:,:,:) double precision,allocatable :: dbERI(:,:,:,:) double precision,allocatable :: eO(:) double precision,allocatable :: eV(:) double precision,allocatable :: delta(:,:,:,:) double precision,allocatable :: OOOV(:,:,:,:) double precision,allocatable :: OOVV(:,:,:,:) double precision,allocatable :: OVVV(:,:,:,:) double precision,allocatable :: u(:,:,:,:) double precision,allocatable :: v(:,:) double precision,allocatable :: t(:,:,:,:) double precision,allocatable :: rr(:,:),r(:,:) double precision :: wD double precision,external :: Kronecker_delta ! Spatial to spin orbitals nBas = 2*nBasin nC = 2*nCin nO = 2*nOin nV = 2*nVin nR = 2*nRin allocate(seHF(nBas),sERI(nBas,nBas,nBas,nBas)) call spatial_to_spin_MO_energy(nBasin,eHF,nBas,seHF) call spatial_to_spin_ERI(nBasin,ERI,nBas,sERI) ! Antysymmetrize ERIs allocate(dbERI(nBas,nBas,nBas,nBas)) call antisymmetrize_ERI(2,nBas,sERI,dbERI) deallocate(sERI) ! Form energy denominator allocate(eO(nO),eV(nV)) allocate(delta(nO,nO,nV,nV)) eO(:) = seHF(1:nO) eV(:) = seHF(nO+1:nBas) call form_delta_OOVV(nC,nO,nV,nR,eO,eV,delta) deallocate(seHF,eO,eV) ! Create integral batches allocate(OOOV(nO,nO,nO,nV),OOVV(nO,nO,nV,nV),OVVV(nO,nV,nV,nV)) OOOV(:,:,:,:) = dbERI( 1:nO , 1:nO , 1:nO ,nO+1:nBas) OOVV(:,:,:,:) = dbERI( 1:nO , 1:nO ,nO+1:nBas,nO+1:nBas) OVVV(:,:,:,:) = dbERI( 1:nO ,nO+1:nBas,nO+1:nBas,nO+1:nBas) deallocate(dbERI) ! Memory allocation allocate(t(nO,nO,nV,nV),r(nO,nV),u(nO,nO,nV,nV),v(nO,nV)) ! MP2 guess amplitudes t(:,:,:,:) = -OOVV(:,:,:,:)/delta(:,:,:,:) !------------------------------------------------------------------------ ! Loop over single excitations !------------------------------------------------------------------------ write(*,*) '---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------' write(*,*) ' CIS(D) correction ' write(*,*) '---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------' write(*,'(2X,A5,1X,A20,1X,A20,1X,A20)') '#','CIS (eV)','CIS(D) (eV)','Correction (eV)' write(*,*) '---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------' do m=1,maxS ! Unfold r allocate(rr(nOin,nVin)) ia = 0 do i=nCin+1,nOin do a=1,nVin-nRin ia = ia + 1 rr(i,a) = x(ia,m) end do end do if(ispin == 1) then do i=nC+1,nO do a=1,nV-nR r(i,a) = rr((i+1)/2,(a+1)/2)*Kronecker_delta(mod(i,2),mod(a,2)) end do end do elseif(ispin == 2) then do i=nC+1,nO do a=1,nV-nR r(i,a) = rr((i+1)/2,(a+1)/2)*Kronecker_delta(mod(i,2),mod(a+1,2)) end do end do else print*,'!!! CIS(D) must be for singlet or triplet !!!' stop end if deallocate(rr) ! Compute u array u(:,:,:,:) = 0d0 do i=nC+1,nO do a=1,nV-nR do j=nC+1,nO do b=1,nV-nR do c=1,nV-nR u(i,j,a,b) = u(i,j,a,b) + OVVV(i,c,a,b)*r(j,c) - OVVV(j,c,a,b)*r(i,c) end do do k=nC+1,nO u(i,j,a,b) = u(i,j,a,b) + OOOV(i,j,k,a)*r(k,b) - OOOV(i,j,k,b)*r(k,a) end do end do end do end do end do ! Compute v array v(:,:) = 0d0 do i=nC+1,nO do j=nC+1,nO do k=nC+1,nO do a=1,nV-nR do b=1,nV-nR do c=1,nV-nR v(i,a) = v(i,a) + OOVV(j,k,b,c)*(r(i,b)*t(j,k,c,a) + r(j,a)*t(i,k,c,b) + 2d0*r(j,b)*t(i,k,a,c)) end do end do end do end do end do end do v(:,:) = 0.5d0*v(:,:) ! Compute CIS(D) correction to CIS excitation energies wD = 0d0 do i=nC+1,nO do a=1,nV-nR do j=nC+1,nO do b=1,nV-nR wD = wD - 0.25d0*u(i,j,a,b)**2/(delta(i,j,a,b) - w(m)) enddo enddo wD = wD + r(i,a)*v(i,a) enddo enddo wD = 0.5d0*wD ! Flush results write(*,'(2X,I5,5X,F15.6,5X,F15.6,5X,F15.6)') m,w(m)*HaToeV,(w(m)+wD)*HaToeV,wD*HaToeV end do write(*,*) '---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------' write(*,*) !------------------------------------------------------------------------ ! End of loop over single excitations !------------------------------------------------------------------------ end subroutine D_correction