let basis_file : string option ref = ref None let nuclei_file : string option ref = ref None let charge : int option ref = ref None let multiplicity : int option ref = ref None let speclist = [ ( "-b" , Arg.String (fun x -> basis_file := Some x), "File containing the atomic basis set") ; ( "-c" , Arg.Int (fun x -> charge := Some x), "Total charge of the system") ; ( "-m" , Arg.Int (fun x -> multiplicity := Some x), "Multiplicity of the system") ; ( "-x" , Arg.String (fun x -> nuclei_file := Some x), "File containing the nuclear coordinates") ; ] let run () = let basis_file = match !basis_file with | None -> raise (Invalid_argument "Basis set file should be specified with -b") | Some x -> x and nuclei_file = match !nuclei_file with | None -> raise (Invalid_argument "Coordinate file should be specified with -x") | Some x -> x in let nuclei = Qcaml.Nuclei.of_xyz_file nuclei_file in let basis = QCaml.Gaussian_basis.of_nuclei_and_basis_filename nuclei basis_file |> QCaml.Gaussian_basis.general_basis in (* Print basis *) Format.printf "%a" QCaml.Gaussian_basis.pp basis; () (* List.map (fun (element, shell) -> Simulation.of_filenames ?range_separation ?charge ?multiplicity ~nuclei:nuclei_file basis_file in print_endline @@ Nuclei.to_string @@ Simulation.nuclei s; print_endline "Nuclear repulsion : "; print_float @@ Simulation.nuclear_repulsion s; print_newline (); print_endline @@ Basis.to_string @@ Simulation.basis s; let ao_basis = Simulation.ao_basis s in let overlap = AOBasis.overlap ao_basis in let eN_ints = AOBasis.eN_ints ao_basis in let kin_ints = AOBasis.kin_ints ao_basis in let ee_ints = AOBasis.ee_ints ao_basis in Overlap.to_file ~filename:("Ov.dat") overlap; NucInt.to_file ~filename:("Nuc.dat") eN_ints; KinInt.to_file ~filename:("Kin.dat") kin_ints; ERI.to_file ~filename:("ERI.dat") ee_ints; match range_separation with | Some _mu -> ERI_lr.to_file ~filename:("ERI_lr.dat") (AOBasis.ee_lr_ints ao_basis) | None -> () *) let () = let usage_msg = "Available options:" in Arg.parse speclist (fun _ -> ()) usage_msg; run ()