subroutine US51_lda_exchange_individual_energy(nEns,nGrid,weight,rhow,rho,LZx,Ex) ! Compute the restricted version of Slater's LDA exchange individual energy implicit none include 'parameters.h' ! Input variables integer,intent(in) :: nEns integer,intent(in) :: nGrid double precision,intent(in) :: weight(nGrid) double precision,intent(in) :: rhow(nGrid,nspin) double precision,intent(in) :: rho(nGrid,nspin,nEns) ! Local variables integer :: iG integer :: iEns integer :: ispin double precision :: r double precision :: rI double precision :: e double precision :: dedr ! Output variables double precision,intent(out) :: LZx(nspin) double precision,intent(out) :: Ex(nspin,nEns) LZx(:) = 0d0 Ex(:,:) = 0d0 do ispin=1,nspin do iG=1,nGrid r = max(0d0,rhow(iG,ispin)) if(r > threshold) then e = CxLSDA*r**(+1d0/3d0) dedr = 1d0/3d0*CxLSDA*r**(-2d0/3d0) LZx(ispin) = LZx(ispin) - weight(iG)*dedr*r*r do iEns=1,nEns rI = max(0d0,rho(iG,ispin,iEns)) if(rI > threshold) Ex(ispin,iEns) = Ex(ispin,iEns) + weight(iG)*(e + dedr*r)*rI end do endif enddo enddo end subroutine US51_lda_exchange_individual_energy