subroutine linear_response_pp(ispin,BSE,nBas,nC,nO,nV,nR,nOO,nVV,e,ERI,Omega1,X1,Y1,Omega2,X2,Y2,Ec_ppRPA) ! Compute the p-p channel of the linear response: see Scueria et al. JCP 139, 104113 (2013) implicit none include 'parameters.h' ! Input variables logical,intent(in) :: BSE integer,intent(in) :: ispin,nBas,nC,nO,nV,nR integer,intent(in) :: nOO integer,intent(in) :: nVV double precision,intent(in) :: e(nBas) double precision,intent(in) :: ERI(nBas,nBas,nBas,nBas) ! Local variables double precision :: trace_matrix double precision,allocatable :: B(:,:) double precision,allocatable :: C(:,:) double precision,allocatable :: D(:,:) double precision,allocatable :: M(:,:) double precision,allocatable :: Z(:,:) double precision,allocatable :: Omega(:) ! Output variables double precision,intent(out) :: Omega1(nVV) double precision,intent(out) :: X1(nVV,nVV) double precision,intent(out) :: Y1(nOO,nVV) double precision,intent(out) :: Omega2(nOO) double precision,intent(out) :: X2(nVV,nOO) double precision,intent(out) :: Y2(nOO,nOO) double precision,intent(out) :: Ec_ppRPA ! Memory allocation allocate(B(nVV,nOO),C(nVV,nVV),D(nOO,nOO),M(nOO+nVV,nOO+nVV),Z(nOO+nVV,nOO+nVV),Omega(nOO+nVV)) ! Build B, C and D matrices for the pp channel call linear_response_B_pp(ispin,nBas,nC,nO,nV,nR,nOO,nVV,e,ERI,B) call linear_response_C_pp(ispin,nBas,nC,nO,nV,nR,nOO,nVV,e,ERI,C) call linear_response_D_pp(ispin,nBas,nC,nO,nV,nR,nOO,nVV,e,ERI,D) !------------------------------------------------------------------------ ! Solve the p-p eigenproblem !------------------------------------------------------------------------ ! ! | C -B | | X1 X2 | | w1 0 | | X1 X2 | ! | | | | = | | | | ! | Bt -D | | Y1 Y2 | | 0 w2 | | Y1 Y2 | ! ! Diagonal blocks M( 1:nVV , 1:nVV) = + C(1:nVV,1:nVV) M(nVV+1:nVV+nOO,nVV+1:nVV+nOO) = - D(1:nOO,1:nOO) ! Off-diagonal blocks M( 1:nVV ,nVV+1:nOO+nVV) = - B(1:nVV,1:nOO) M(nVV+1:nOO+nVV, 1:nVV) = + transpose(B(1:nVV,1:nOO)) ! print*, 'pp-RPA matrix' ! call matout(nOO+nVV,nOO+nVV,M(:,:)) ! Diagonalize the p-h matrix Z(:,:) = M(:,:) call diagonalize_general_matrix(nOO+nVV,M(:,:),Omega(:),Z(:,:)) ! call diagonalize_matrix(nOO+nVV,Z(:,:),Omega(:)) ! write(*,*) 'pp-RPA excitation energies' ! call matout(nOO+nVV,1,Omega(:)) ! write(*,*) ! call matout(nOO+nVV,nOO+nVV,matmul(transpose(Z(:,:)),matmul(W(:,:),Z(:,:)))) ! write(*,*) ! Split the various quantities in p-p and h-h parts call sort_ppRPA(nOO,nVV,Omega(:),Z(:,:),Omega1(:),X1(:,:),Y1(:,:),Omega2(:),X2(:,:),Y2(:,:)) ! Omega1(:) = Omega(nOO+1:nOO+nVV) ! Omega2(:) = Omega(1:nOO) ! X1(:,:) = Z(nOO+1:nOO+nVV,nOO+1:nOO+nVV) ! Y1(:,:) = Z( 1:nOO ,nOO+1:nOO+nVV) ! X2(:,:) = Z(nOO+1:nOO+nVV, 1:nOO ) ! Y2(:,:) = Z( 1:nOO ,nOO+1:nOO+nVV) ! Compute the RPA correlation energy Ec_ppRPA = 0.5d0*( sum(Omega1(:)) - sum(Omega2(:)) - trace_matrix(nVV,C(:,:)) - trace_matrix(nOO,D(:,:)) ) print*,'Ec(pp-RPA) = ',Ec_ppRPA print*,'Ec(pp-RPA) = ',+sum(Omega1(:)) - trace_matrix(nVV,C(:,:)) print*,'Ec(pp-RPA) = ',-sum(Omega2(:)) - trace_matrix(nOO,D(:,:)) end subroutine linear_response_pp