mirror of
synced 2025-03-14 12:56:31 +01:00
remove R subroutines and GOK
This commit is contained in:
@ -1,351 +0,0 @@
subroutine GOK_RKS(restart,x_rung,x_DFA,c_rung,c_DFA,LDA_centered,nEns,wEns,aCC_w1,aCC_w2,nGrid,weight,maxSCF,thresh, &
! Perform restricted Kohn-Sham calculation for ensembles
implicit none
include 'parameters.h'
! Input variables
logical,intent(in) :: restart
integer,intent(in) :: x_rung,c_rung
character(len=12),intent(in) :: x_DFA,c_DFA
logical,intent(in) :: LDA_centered
integer,intent(in) :: nEns
double precision,intent(in) :: wEns(nEns)
double precision,intent(in) :: aCC_w1(3)
double precision,intent(in) :: aCC_w2(3)
integer,intent(in) :: nGrid
double precision,intent(in) :: weight(nGrid)
integer,intent(in) :: maxSCF
integer,intent(in) :: max_diis
integer,intent(in) :: guess_type
double precision,intent(in) :: thresh
integer,intent(in) :: nBas
double precision,intent(in) :: AO(nBas,nGrid)
double precision,intent(in) :: dAO(ncart,nBas,nGrid)
integer,intent(in) :: nO
integer,intent(in) :: nV
double precision,intent(in) :: S(nBas,nBas)
double precision,intent(in) :: T(nBas,nBas)
double precision,intent(in) :: V(nBas,nBas)
double precision,intent(in) :: Hc(nBas,nBas)
double precision,intent(in) :: X(nBas,nBas)
double precision,intent(in) :: ERI(nBas,nBas,nBas,nBas)
double precision,intent(in) :: ENuc
double precision,intent(inout):: c(nBas,nBas)
double precision,intent(in) :: occnum(nBas,nspin,nEns)
integer,intent(in) :: Cx_choice
! Local variables
integer :: xc_rung
integer :: nSCF,nBasSq
integer :: n_diis
double precision :: conv
double precision :: rcond
double precision :: ET
double precision :: EV
double precision :: EJ
double precision :: Ex
double precision :: Ec
double precision,allocatable :: eps(:)
double precision,allocatable :: cp(:,:)
double precision,allocatable :: J(:,:)
double precision,allocatable :: F(:,:)
double precision,allocatable :: Fp(:,:)
double precision,allocatable :: Fx(:,:)
double precision,allocatable :: FxHF(:,:)
double precision,allocatable :: Fc(:,:)
double precision,allocatable :: err(:,:)
double precision,allocatable :: err_diis(:,:)
double precision,allocatable :: F_diis(:,:)
double precision,external :: trace_matrix
double precision,external :: electron_number
double precision,allocatable :: Pw(:,:)
double precision,allocatable :: rhow(:)
double precision,allocatable :: drhow(:,:)
double precision :: nEl
double precision,allocatable :: P(:,:,:)
double precision,allocatable :: rho(:,:)
double precision,allocatable :: drho(:,:,:)
double precision :: E(nEns)
double precision :: Om(nEns)
integer :: iEns
! Output variables
double precision,intent(out) :: Ew
! Hello world
write(*,*)'* Restricted Kohn-Sham calculation *'
write(*,*)'* *** for ensembles *** *'
! Useful stuff
nBasSq = nBas*nBas
! Rung of Jacob's ladder
! Select rung for exchange
write(*,*) '*******************************************************************'
write(*,*) '* EXCHANGE RUNG *'
write(*,*) '*******************************************************************'
call select_rung(x_rung,x_DFA)
! Select rung for correlation
write(*,*) '*******************************************************************'
write(*,*) '* CORRELATION RUNG *'
write(*,*) '*******************************************************************'
call select_rung(c_rung,c_DFA)
! Overall rung
xc_rung = max(x_rung,c_rung)
! Memory allocation
allocate(eps(nBas),cp(nBas,nBas),J(nBas,nBas), &
F(nBas,nBas),Fp(nBas,nBas),Fx(nBas,nBas), &
FxHF(nBas,nBas),Fc(nBas,nBas),err(nBas,nBas), &
Pw(nBas,nBas),rhow(nGrid),drhow(ncart,nGrid), &
err_diis(nBasSq,max_diis),F_diis(nBasSq,max_diis), &
! Guess coefficients and eigenvalues
if(.not. restart) then
! call mo_guess(nBas,nO,guess_type,S,Hc,ERI,J,Fx,X,cp,F,Fp,eps,c,P)
if(guess_type == 1) then
cp(:,:) = matmul(transpose(X(:,:)),matmul(Hc(:,:),X(:,:)))
call diagonalize_matrix(nBas,cp(:,:),eps(:))
c(:,:) = matmul(X(:,:),cp(:,:))
print*,'Wrong guess option'
end if
end if
! Initialization
nSCF = 0
conv = 1d0
nEl = 0d0
Ex = 0d0
Ec = 0d0
Fx(:,:) = 0d0
FxHF(:,:) = 0d0
Fc(:,:) = 0d0
n_diis = 0
F_diis(:,:) = 0d0
err_diis(:,:) = 0d0
! Main SCF loop
write(*,'(1X,A1,1X,A3,1X,A1,1X,A16,1X,A1,1X,A16,1X,A1,1X,A16,1X,A1,1X,A10,1X,A1,1X,A10,1X,A1,1X)') &
do while(conv > thresh .and. nSCF < maxSCF)
! Increment
nSCF = nSCF + 1
! Compute density matrix
call restricted_density_matrix(nBas,nEns,nO,c(:,:),P(:,:,:),occnum)
! Weight-dependent density matrix
Pw(:,:) = 0d0
do iEns=1,nEns
Pw(:,:) = Pw(:,:) + wEns(iEns)*P(:,:,iEns)
end do
! Compute one-electron density and its gradient if necessary
do iEns=1,nEns
call density(nGrid,nBas,P(:,:,iEns),AO(:,:),rho(:,iEns))
end do
! Weight-dependent one-electron density
rhow(:) = 0d0
do iEns=1,nEns
rhow(:) = rhow(:) + wEns(iEns)*rho(:,iEns)
end do
if(xc_rung > 1) then
! Compute gradient of the one-electron density
do iEns=1,nEns
call gradient_density(nGrid,nBas,P(:,:,iEns),AO(:,:),dAO(:,:,:),drho(:,:,iEns))
end do
! Weight-dependent one-electron density gradient
drhow(:,:) = 0d0
do iEns=1,nEns
drhow(:,:) = drhow(:,:) + wEns(iEns)*drho(:,:,iEns)
end do
end if
! Build Coulomb repulsion
call hartree_coulomb(nBas,Pw(:,:),ERI(:,:,:,:),J(:,:))
! Compute exchange potential
call restricted_exchange_potential(x_rung,x_DFA,LDA_centered,nEns,wEns(:),aCC_w1,aCC_w2,nGrid,weight(:),nBas,Pw(:,:), &
! Compute correlation potential
call restricted_correlation_potential(c_rung,c_DFA,LDA_centered,nEns,wEns(:),nGrid,weight(:), &
! Build Fock operator
F(:,:) = Hc(:,:) + J(:,:) + Fx(:,:) + Fc(:,:)
! Check convergence
err(:,:) = matmul(F(:,:),matmul(Pw(:,:),S(:,:))) - matmul(matmul(S(:,:),Pw(:,:)),F(:,:))
conv = maxval(abs(err(:,:)))
! DIIS extrapolation
n_diis = min(n_diis+1,max_diis)
call DIIS_extrapolation(rcond,nBasSq,nBasSq,n_diis,err_diis(:,:),F_diis(:,:),err(:,:),F(:,:))
! Reset DIIS if required
if(abs(rcond) < 1d-15) n_diis = 0
! Transform Fock matrix in orthogonal basis
Fp(:,:) = matmul(transpose(X(:,:)),matmul(F(:,:),X(:,:)))
! Diagonalize Fock matrix to get eigenvectors and eigenvalues
cp(:,:) = Fp(:,:)
call diagonalize_matrix(nBas,cp(:,:),eps(:))
! Back-transform eigenvectors in non-orthogonal basis
c(:,:) = matmul(X(:,:),cp(:,:))
! Compute KS energy
! Kinetic energy
ET = trace_matrix(nBas,matmul(Pw(:,:),T(:,:)))
! Potential energy
EV = trace_matrix(nBas,matmul(Pw(:,:),V(:,:)))
! Coulomb energy
EJ = 0.5d0*trace_matrix(nBas,matmul(Pw(:,:),J(:,:)))
! Exchange energy
call restricted_exchange_energy(x_rung,x_DFA,LDA_centered,nEns,wEns(:),aCC_w1,aCC_w2,nGrid,weight(:),nBas, &
! Correlation energy
call restricted_correlation_energy(c_rung,c_DFA,LDA_centered,nEns,wEns(:),nGrid,weight(:),rhow(:),drhow(:,:),Ec)
! Total energy
Ew = ET + EV + EJ + Ex + Ec
! Check the grid accuracy by computing the number of electrons
nEl = electron_number(nGrid,weight(:),rhow(:))
! Dump results
write(*,'(1X,A1,1X,I3,1X,A1,1X,F16.10,1X,A1,1X,F16.10,1X,A1,1X,F16.10,1X,A1,1X,F10.6,1X,A1,1X,F10.6,1X,A1,1X)') &
'|',nSCF,'|',Ew + ENuc,'|',Ex,'|',Ec,'|',conv,'|',nEl,'|'
end do
! End of SCF loop
! Did it actually converge?
if(nSCF == maxSCF) then
write(*,*)' Convergence failed '
! stop
end if
! Compute final KS energy
call print_RKS(nBas,nO,eps(:),c(:,:),ENuc,ET,EV,EJ,Ex,Ec,Ew)
! Compute individual energies from ensemble energy
call restricted_individual_energy(x_rung,x_DFA,c_rung,c_DFA,LDA_centered,nEns,wEns(:),aCC_w1,aCC_w2,nGrid,weight(:), &
nBas,nO,nV,T(:,:),V(:,:),ERI(:,:,:,:),ENuc,eps(:),Pw(:,:),rhow(:),drhow(:,:), &
end subroutine GOK_RKS
@ -1,375 +0,0 @@
subroutine GOK_UKS(x_rung,x_DFA,c_rung,c_DFA,nEns,wEns,nGrid,weight,aCC_w1,aCC_w2,maxSCF,thresh,max_diis,guess_type, &
! Perform unrestricted Kohn-Sham calculation for ensembles
implicit none
include 'parameters.h'
! Input variables
integer,intent(in) :: x_rung,c_rung
character(len=12),intent(in) :: x_DFA,c_DFA
integer,intent(in) :: nEns
double precision,intent(in) :: wEns(nEns)
integer,intent(in) :: nGrid
double precision,intent(in) :: weight(nGrid)
double precision,intent(in) :: aCC_w1(3)
double precision,intent(in) :: aCC_w2(3)
integer,intent(in) :: maxSCF,max_diis,guess_type
double precision,intent(in) :: thresh
integer,intent(in) :: nBas
double precision,intent(in) :: AO(nBas,nGrid)
double precision,intent(in) :: dAO(ncart,nBas,nGrid)
integer,intent(in) :: nO(nspin),nV(nspin)
double precision,intent(in) :: S(nBas,nBas)
double precision,intent(in) :: T(nBas,nBas)
double precision,intent(in) :: V(nBas,nBas)
double precision,intent(in) :: Hc(nBas,nBas)
double precision,intent(in) :: X(nBas,nBas)
double precision,intent(in) :: ERI(nBas,nBas,nBas,nBas)
double precision,intent(in) :: ENuc
double precision,intent(in) :: occnum(nspin,2,nEns)
integer,intent(in) :: Cx_choice
! Local variables
integer :: xc_rung
logical :: LDA_centered = .false.
integer :: nSCF,nBasSq
integer :: n_diis
double precision :: conv
double precision :: rcond(nspin)
double precision :: ET(nspin)
double precision :: EV(nspin)
double precision :: EJ(nsp)
double precision :: Ex(nspin)
double precision :: Ec(nsp)
double precision :: Ew
double precision,allocatable :: eps(:,:)
double precision,allocatable :: c(:,:,:)
double precision,allocatable :: cp(:,:,:)
double precision,allocatable :: J(:,:,:)
double precision,allocatable :: F(:,:,:)
double precision,allocatable :: Fp(:,:,:)
double precision,allocatable :: Fx(:,:,:)
double precision,allocatable :: FxHF(:,:,:)
double precision,allocatable :: Fc(:,:,:)
double precision,allocatable :: err(:,:,:)
double precision,allocatable :: err_diis(:,:,:)
double precision,allocatable :: F_diis(:,:,:)
double precision,external :: trace_matrix
double precision,external :: electron_number
double precision,allocatable :: Pw(:,:,:)
double precision,allocatable :: rhow(:,:)
double precision,allocatable :: drhow(:,:,:)
double precision :: nEl(nspin)
double precision,allocatable :: P(:,:,:,:)
double precision,allocatable :: rho(:,:,:)
double precision,allocatable :: drho(:,:,:,:)
double precision :: E(nEns)
double precision :: Om(nEns)
integer :: ispin,iEns
! Hello world
write(*,*)'* Unrestricted Kohn-Sham calculation *'
write(*,*)'* *** for ensembles *** *'
! Useful stuff
nBasSq = nBas*nBas
! Rung of Jacob's ladder
! Select rung for exchange
write(*,*) '*******************************************************************'
write(*,*) '* Exchange rung *'
write(*,*) '*******************************************************************'
call select_rung(x_rung,x_DFA)
! Select rung for correlation
write(*,*) '*******************************************************************'
write(*,*) '* Correlation rung *'
write(*,*) '*******************************************************************'
call select_rung(c_rung,c_DFA)
! Overall rung
xc_rung = max(x_rung,c_rung)
! Memory allocation
allocate(eps(nBas,nspin),c(nBas,nBas,nspin),cp(nBas,nBas,nspin), &
J(nBas,nBas,nspin),F(nBas,nBas,nspin),Fp(nBas,nBas,nspin), &
Fx(nBas,nBas,nspin),FxHF(nBas,nBas,nspin),Fc(nBas,nBas,nspin),err(nBas,nBas,nspin), &
Pw(nBas,nBas,nspin),rhow(nGrid,nspin),drhow(ncart,nGrid,nspin), &
err_diis(nBasSq,max_diis,nspin),F_diis(nBasSq,max_diis,nspin), &
! Guess coefficients and eigenvalues
if(guess_type == 1) then
do ispin=1,nspin
cp(:,:,ispin) = matmul(transpose(X(:,:)),matmul(Hc(:,:),X(:,:)))
call diagonalize_matrix(nBas,cp(:,:,ispin),eps(:,ispin))
c(:,:,ispin) = matmul(X(:,:),cp(:,:,ispin))
end do
else if(guess_type == 2) then
do ispin=1,nspin
call random_number(F(:,:,ispin))
end do
print*,'Wrong guess option'
end if
! Initialization
nSCF = 0
conv = 1d0
nEl(:) = 0d0
Ex(:) = 0d0
Ec(:) = 0d0
Fx(:,:,:) = 0d0
FxHF(:,:,:) = 0d0
Fc(:,:,:) = 0d0
n_diis = 0
F_diis(:,:,:) = 0d0
err_diis(:,:,:) = 0d0
! Main SCF loop
write(*,'(1X,A1,1X,A3,1X,A1,1X,A16,1X,A1,1X,A16,1X,A1,1X,A16,1X,A1,1X,A10,1X,A1,1X,A10,1X,A1,1X)') &
do while(conv > thresh .and. nSCF < maxSCF)
! Increment
nSCF = nSCF + 1
! Compute density matrix
call unrestricted_density_matrix(nBas,nEns,nO(:),c(:,:,:),P(:,:,:,:),occnum)
! Weight-dependent density matrix
Pw(:,:,:) = 0d0
do iEns=1,nEns
Pw(:,:,:) = Pw(:,:,:) + wEns(iEns)*P(:,:,:,iEns)
end do
! Compute one-electron density and its gradient if necessary
do ispin=1,nspin
do iEns=1,nEns
call density(nGrid,nBas,P(:,:,ispin,iEns),AO(:,:),rho(:,ispin,iEns))
end do
end do
! Weight-dependent one-electron density
rhow(:,:) = 0d0
do iEns=1,nEns
rhow(:,:) = rhow(:,:) + wEns(iEns)*rho(:,:,iEns)
end do
if(xc_rung > 1) then
! Ground state density
do ispin=1,nspin
do iEns=1,nEns
call gradient_density(nGrid,nBas,P(:,:,ispin,iEns),AO(:,:),dAO(:,:,:),drho(:,:,ispin,iEns))
end do
end do
! Weight-dependent one-electron density
drhow(:,:,:) = 0d0
do iEns=1,nEns
drhow(:,:,:) = drhow(:,:,:) + wEns(iEns)*drho(:,:,:,iEns)
end do
end if
! Build Coulomb repulsion
do ispin=1,nspin
call hartree_coulomb(nBas,Pw(:,:,ispin),ERI(:,:,:,:),J(:,:,ispin))
end do
! Compute exchange potential
do ispin=1,nspin
call unrestricted_exchange_potential(x_rung,x_DFA,LDA_centered,nEns,wEns(:),aCC_w1,aCC_w2,nGrid,weight(:),nBas,&
Pw(:,:,ispin),ERI(:,:,:,:),AO(:,:),dAO(:,:,:),rhow(:,ispin),drhow(:,:,ispin), &
end do
! Compute correlation potential
call unrestricted_correlation_potential(c_rung,c_DFA,nEns,wEns,nGrid,weight,nBas,AO,dAO,rhow,drhow,Fc)
! Build Fock operator
do ispin=1,nspin
F(:,:,ispin) = Hc(:,:) + J(:,:,ispin) + J(:,:,mod(ispin,2)+1) + Fx(:,:,ispin) + Fc(:,:,ispin)
end do
! Check convergence
do ispin=1,nspin
err(:,:,ispin) = matmul(F(:,:,ispin),matmul(Pw(:,:,ispin),S(:,:))) - matmul(matmul(S(:,:),Pw(:,:,ispin)),F(:,:,ispin))
end do
conv = maxval(abs(err(:,:,:)))
! DIIS extrapolation
n_diis = min(n_diis+1,max_diis)
do ispin=1,nspin
call DIIS_extrapolation(rcond(ispin),nBasSq,nBasSq,n_diis, &
end do
! Reset DIIS if required
if(minval(rcond(:)) < 1d-15) n_diis = 0
! Transform Fock matrix in orthogonal basis
do ispin=1,nspin
Fp(:,:,ispin) = matmul(transpose(X(:,:)),matmul(F(:,:,ispin),X(:,:)))
end do
! Diagonalize Fock matrix to get eigenvectors and eigenvalues
cp(:,:,:) = Fp(:,:,:)
do ispin=1,nspin
call diagonalize_matrix(nBas,cp(:,:,ispin),eps(:,ispin))
end do
! Back-transform eigenvectors in non-orthogonal basis
do ispin=1,nspin
c(:,:,ispin) = matmul(X(:,:),cp(:,:,ispin))
end do
! Compute KS energy
! Kinetic energy
do ispin=1,nspin
ET(ispin) = trace_matrix(nBas,matmul(Pw(:,:,ispin),T(:,:)))
end do
! Potential energy
do ispin=1,nspin
EV(ispin) = trace_matrix(nBas,matmul(Pw(:,:,ispin),V(:,:)))
end do
! Coulomb energy
EJ(1) = 0.5d0*trace_matrix(nBas,matmul(Pw(:,:,1),J(:,:,1)))
EJ(2) = 0.5d0*trace_matrix(nBas,matmul(Pw(:,:,1),J(:,:,2))) &
+ 0.5d0*trace_matrix(nBas,matmul(Pw(:,:,2),J(:,:,1)))
EJ(3) = 0.5d0*trace_matrix(nBas,matmul(Pw(:,:,2),J(:,:,2)))
! Exchange energy
do ispin=1,nspin
call unrestricted_exchange_energy(x_rung,x_DFA,LDA_centered,nEns,wEns,aCC_w1,aCC_w2,nGrid,weight,nBas, &
end do
! Correlation energy
call unrestricted_correlation_energy(c_rung,c_DFA,nEns,wEns,nGrid,weight,rhow,drhow,Ec)
! Total energy
Ew = sum(ET(:)) + sum(EV(:)) + sum(EJ(:)) + sum(Ex(:)) + sum(Ec(:))
! Check the grid accuracy by computing the number of electrons
do ispin=1,nspin
nEl(ispin) = electron_number(nGrid,weight,rhow(:,ispin))
end do
! Dump results
write(*,'(1X,A1,1X,I3,1X,A1,1X,F16.10,1X,A1,1X,F16.10,1X,A1,1X,F16.10,1X,A1,1X,F10.6,1X,A1,1X,F10.6,1X,A1,1X)') &
'|',nSCF,'|',Ew + ENuc,'|',sum(Ex(:)),'|',sum(Ec(:)),'|',conv,'|',sum(nEl(:)),'|'
end do
! End of SCF loop
! Did it actually converge?
if(nSCF == maxSCF) then
write(*,*)' Convergence failed '
end if
! Compute final KS energy
call print_UKS(nBas,nO,eps,c,ENuc,ET,EV,EJ,Ex,Ec,Ew)
! Compute individual energies from ensemble energy
call unrestricted_individual_energy(x_rung,x_DFA,c_rung,c_DFA,LDA_centered,nEns,wEns,aCC_w1,aCC_w2,nGrid,weight,nBas, &
end subroutine GOK_UKS
@ -1,51 +0,0 @@
subroutine RB88_gga_exchange_energy(nGrid,weight,rho,drho,Ex)
! Compute restricted version of Becke's 88 GGA exchange energy
implicit none
include 'parameters.h'
! Input variables
integer,intent(in) :: nGrid
double precision,intent(in) :: weight(nGrid)
double precision,intent(in) :: rho(nGrid)
double precision,intent(in) :: drho(ncart,nGrid)
! Local variables
integer :: iG
double precision :: beta
double precision :: r,g,x
! Output variables
double precision :: Ex
! Coefficients for B88 GGA exchange functional
beta = 0.0042d0
! Compute GGA exchange energy
Ex = 0d0
do iG=1,nGrid
r = max(0d0,0.5d0*rho(iG))
if(r > threshold) then
g = 0.25d0*(drho(1,iG)**2 + drho(2,iG)**2 + drho(3,iG)**2)
x = sqrt(g)/r**(4d0/3d0)
Ex = Ex + weight(iG)*CxLDA*r**(4d0/3d0) &
- weight(iG)*beta*x**2*r**(4d0/3d0)/(1d0 + 6d0*beta*x*asinh(x))
end if
end do
Ex = 2d0*Ex
end subroutine RB88_gga_exchange_energy
@ -1,59 +0,0 @@
subroutine RB88_gga_exchange_individual_energy(nGrid,weight,rhow,drhow,rho,drho,Ex)
! Compute restricted Becke's GGA indivudal energy
implicit none
include 'parameters.h'
! Input variables
integer,intent(in) :: nGrid
double precision,intent(in) :: weight(nGrid)
double precision,intent(in) :: rhow(nGrid)
double precision,intent(in) :: drhow(ncart,nGrid)
double precision,intent(in) :: rho(nGrid)
double precision,intent(in) :: drho(ncart,nGrid)
! Local variables
integer :: iG
double precision :: beta
double precision :: r,rI,g,x
double precision :: ex_p,dexdr_p
! Output variables
double precision,intent(out) :: Ex
! Coefficients for B88 GGA exchange functional
beta = 0.0042d0
! Compute GGA exchange matrix in the AO basis
Ex = 0d0
do iG=1,nGrid
r = max(0d0,0.5d0*rhow(iG))
rI = max(0d0,0.5d0*rho(iG))
if(r > threshold .or. rI > threshold) then
g = 0.25d0*(drho(1,iG)**2 + drho(2,iG)**2 + drho(3,iG)**2)
x = sqrt(g)/r**(4d0/3d0)
dexdr_p = 4d0/3d0*r**(1d0/3d0)*(CxLDA - beta*g**(3d0/4d0)/r**2) &
+ 2d0*beta*g**(3d0/4d0)/r**(5d0/3d0) &
- 2d0*3d0/4d0*beta*g**(-1d0/4d0)/r**(2d0/3d0)
ex_p = CxLDA*r**(4d0/3d0) &
- weight(iG)*beta*x**2*r**(4d0/3d0)/(1d0 + 6d0*beta*x*asinh(x))
Ex = Ex + weight(iG)*(ex_p*rI + dexdr_p*r*rI - dexdr_p*r*r)
end if
end do
end subroutine RB88_gga_exchange_individual_energy
@ -1,64 +0,0 @@
subroutine RB88_gga_exchange_potential(nGrid,weight,nBas,AO,dAO,rho,drho,Fx)
! Compute restricted Becke's GGA exchange potential
implicit none
include 'parameters.h'
! Input variables
integer,intent(in) :: nGrid
double precision,intent(in) :: weight(nGrid)
integer,intent(in) :: nBas
double precision,intent(in) :: AO(nBas,nGrid)
double precision,intent(in) :: dAO(ncart,nBas,nGrid)
double precision,intent(in) :: rho(nGrid)
double precision,intent(in) :: drho(ncart,nGrid)
! Local variables
integer :: mu,nu,iG
double precision :: beta
double precision :: r,g,vAO,gAO
! Output variables
double precision,intent(out) :: Fx(nBas,nBas)
! Coefficients for B88 GGA exchange functional
beta = 0.0042d0
! Compute GGA exchange matrix in the AO basis
Fx(:,:) = 0d0
do mu=1,nBas
do nu=1,nBas
do iG=1,nGrid
r = max(0d0,0.5d0*rho(iG))
if(r > threshold) then
g = 0.25d0*(drho(1,iG)**2 + drho(2,iG)**2 + drho(3,iG)**2)
vAO = weight(iG)*AO(mu,iG)*AO(nu,iG)
Fx(mu,nu) = Fx(mu,nu) &
+ vAO*(4d0/3d0*r**(1d0/3d0)*(CxLDA - beta*g**(3d0/4d0)/r**2) &
+ 2d0*beta*g**(3d0/4d0)/r**(5d0/3d0))
gAO = drho(1,iG)*(dAO(1,mu,iG)*AO(nu,iG) + AO(mu,iG)*dAO(1,nu,iG)) &
+ drho(2,iG)*(dAO(2,mu,iG)*AO(nu,iG) + AO(mu,iG)*dAO(2,nu,iG)) &
+ drho(3,iG)*(dAO(3,mu,iG)*AO(nu,iG) + AO(mu,iG)*dAO(3,nu,iG))
gAO = weight(iG)*gAO
Fx(mu,nu) = Fx(mu,nu) - 2d0*gAO*3d0/4d0*beta*g**(-1d0/4d0)/r**(2d0/3d0)
end if
end do
end do
end do
end subroutine RB88_gga_exchange_potential
@ -1,123 +0,0 @@
subroutine RCC_lda_exchange_derivative_discontinuity(nEns,wEns,aCC_w1,aCC_w2,nGrid,weight,rhow,ExDD,Cx_choice)
! Compute the restricted version of the curvature-corrected exchange ensemble derivative
implicit none
include 'parameters.h'
! Input variables
integer,intent(in) :: nEns
double precision,intent(in) :: wEns(nEns)
double precision,intent(in) :: aCC_w1(3)
double precision,intent(in) :: aCC_w2(3)
integer,intent(in) :: nGrid
double precision,intent(in) :: weight(nGrid)
double precision,intent(in) :: rhow(nGrid)
integer,intent(in) :: Cx_choice
! Local variables
integer :: iEns,jEns
integer :: iG
double precision :: r
double precision,allocatable :: dExdw(:)
double precision,external :: Kronecker_delta
double precision :: a1,b1,c1,w1
double precision :: a2,b2,c2,w2
double precision :: dCxdw1,dCxdw2
! Output variables
double precision,intent(out) :: ExDD(nEns)
! Memory allocation
! Single excitation parameters
! a1 = 0.0d0
! b1 = 0.0d0
! c1 = 0.0d0
! Parameters for H2 at equilibrium
! a2 = +0.5751782560799208d0
! b2 = -0.021108186591137282d0
! c2 = -0.36718902716347124d0
! Parameters for stretch H2
! a2 = + 0.01922622507087411d0
! b2 = - 0.01799647558018601d0
! c2 = - 0.022945430666782573d0
! Parameters for He
! a2 = 1.9125735895875828d0
! b2 = 2.715266992840757d0
! c2 = 2.1634223380633086d0
a1 = aCC_w1(1)
b1 = aCC_w1(2)
c1 = aCC_w1(3)
a2 = aCC_w2(1)
b2 = aCC_w2(2)
c2 = aCC_w2(3)
w1 = wEns(2)
w2 = wEns(3)
select case (Cx_choice)
dCxdw1 = (0.5d0*b1 + (2d0*a1 + 0.5d0*c1)*(w1 - 0.5d0) - (1d0 - w1)*w1*(3d0*b1 + 4d0*c1*(w1 - 0.5d0)))
dCxdw2 = 0.d0
dCxdw1 = 0.d0
dCxdw2 =(0.5d0*b2 + (2d0*a2 + 0.5d0*c2)*(w2 - 0.5d0) - (1d0 - w2)*w2*(3d0*b2 + 4d0*c2*(w2 - 0.5d0)))
dCxdw1 = (0.5d0*b1 + (2d0*a1 + 0.5d0*c1)*(w1 - 0.5d0) - (1d0 - w1)*w1*(3d0*b1 + 4d0*c1*(w1 - 0.5d0))) &
* (1d0 - w2*(1d0 - w2)*(a2 + b2*(w2 - 0.5d0) + c2*(w2 - 0.5d0)**2))
dCxdw2 = (1d0 - w1*(1d0 - w1)*(a1 + b1*(w1 - 0.5d0) + c1*(w1 - 0.5d0)**2)) &
* (0.5d0*b2 + (2d0*a2 + 0.5d0*c2)*(w2 - 0.5d0) - (1d0 - w2)*w2*(3d0*b2 + 4d0*c2*(w2 - 0.5d0)))
case default
dCxdw1 = 0.d0
dCxdw2 = 0.d0
end select
dCxdw1 = CxLDA*dCxdw1
dCxdw2 = CxLDA*dCxdw2
dExdw(:) = 0d0
do iG=1,nGrid
r = max(0d0,rhow(iG))
if(r > threshold) then
dExdw(1) = 0d0
dExdw(2) = dExdw(2) + weight(iG)*dCxdw1*r**(4d0/3d0)
dExdw(3) = dExdw(3) + weight(iG)*dCxdw2*r**(4d0/3d0)
end if
end do
ExDD(:) = 0d0
do iEns=1,nEns
do jEns=2,nEns
ExDD(iEns) = ExDD(iEns) + (Kronecker_delta(iEns,jEns) - wEns(jEns))*dExdw(jEns)
end do
end do
end subroutine RCC_lda_exchange_derivative_discontinuity
@ -1,101 +0,0 @@
subroutine RCC_lda_exchange_energy(nEns,wEns,aCC_w1,aCC_w2,nGrid,weight,rho,Ex,Cx_choice)
! Compute the restricted version of the curvature-corrected exchange functional
implicit none
include 'parameters.h'
! Input variables
integer,intent(in) :: nEns
double precision,intent(in) :: wEns(nEns)
double precision,intent(in) :: aCC_w1(3)
double precision,intent(in) :: aCC_w2(3)
integer,intent(in) :: nGrid
double precision,intent(in) :: weight(nGrid)
double precision,intent(in) :: rho(nGrid)
integer,intent(in) :: Cx_choice
! Local variables
integer :: iG
double precision :: r
double precision :: a1,b1,c1,w1
double precision :: a2,b2,c2,w2
double precision :: Fx1,Fx2,Cx
! Output variables
double precision :: Ex
! Single excitation parameter
! a1 = 0.0d0
! b1 = 0.0d0
! c1 = 0.0d0
! Parameters for H2 at equilibrium
! a2 = +0.5751782560799208d0
! b2 = -0.021108186591137282d0
! c2 = -0.36718902716347124d0
! Parameters for stretch H2
! a2 = + 0.01922622507087411d0
! b2 = - 0.01799647558018601d0
! c2 = - 0.022945430666782573d0
! Parameters for He
! a2 = 1.9125735895875828d0
! b2 = 2.715266992840757d0
! c2 = 2.1634223380633086d0
a1 = aCC_w1(1)
b1 = aCC_w1(2)
c1 = aCC_w1(3)
a2 = aCC_w2(1)
b2 = aCC_w2(2)
c2 = aCC_w2(3)
w1 = wEns(2)
Fx1 = 1d0 - w1*(1d0 - w1)*(a1 + b1*(w1 - 0.5d0) + c1*(w1 - 0.5d0)**2)
w2 = wEns(3)
Fx2 = 1d0 - w2*(1d0 - w2)*(a2 + b2*(w2 - 0.5d0) + c2*(w2 - 0.5d0)**2)
select case (Cx_choice)
Cx = CxLDA*Fx1
Cx = CxLDA*Fx2
Cx = CxLDA*Fx2*Fx1
case default
Cx = CxLDA
end select
! Compute GIC-LDA exchange energy
Ex = 0d0
do iG=1,nGrid
r = max(0d0,rho(iG))
if(r > threshold) then
Ex = Ex + weight(iG)*Cx*r**(4d0/3d0)
end subroutine RCC_lda_exchange_energy
@ -1,111 +0,0 @@
subroutine RCC_lda_exchange_individual_energy(nEns,wEns,aCC_w1,aCC_w2,nGrid,weight,rhow,rho,Ex,Cx_choice)
! Compute the restricted version of the curvature-corrected exchange functional
implicit none
include 'parameters.h'
! Input variables
integer,intent(in) :: nEns
double precision,intent(in) :: wEns(nEns)
double precision,intent(in) :: aCC_w1(3)
double precision,intent(in) :: aCC_w2(3)
integer,intent(in) :: nGrid
double precision,intent(in) :: weight(nGrid)
double precision,intent(in) :: rhow(nGrid)
double precision,intent(in) :: rho(nGrid)
integer,intent(in) :: Cx_choice
! Local variables
integer :: iG
double precision :: r,rI
double precision :: e_p,dedr
double precision :: a1,b1,c1,w1
double precision :: a2,b2,c2,w2
double precision :: Fx1,Fx2,Cx
! Output variables
double precision,intent(out) :: Ex
! Single excitation parameter
! a1 = 0.0d0
! b1 = 0.0d0
! c1 = 0.0d0
! Parameters for H2 at equilibrium
! a2 = +0.5751782560799208d0
! b2 = -0.021108186591137282d0
! c2 = -0.36718902716347124d0
! Parameters for stretch H2
! a2 = + 0.01922622507087411d0
! b2 = - 0.01799647558018601d0
! c2 = - 0.022945430666782573d0
! Parameters for He
! a2 = 1.9125735895875828d0
! b2 = 2.715266992840757d0
! c2 = 2.1634223380633086d0
a1 = aCC_w1(1)
b1 = aCC_w1(2)
c1 = aCC_w1(3)
a2 = aCC_w2(1)
b2 = aCC_w2(2)
c2 = aCC_w2(3)
w1 = wEns(2)
Fx1 = 1d0 - w1*(1d0 - w1)*(a1 + b1*(w1 - 0.5d0) + c1*(w1 - 0.5d0)**2)
w2 = wEns(3)
Fx2 = 1d0 - w2*(1d0 - w2)*(a2 + b2*(w2 - 0.5d0) + c2*(w2 - 0.5d0)**2)
select case (Cx_choice)
Cx = CxLDA*Fx1
Cx = CxLDA*Fx2
Cx = CxLDA*Fx2*Fx1
case default
Cx = CxLDA
end select
! Compute LDA exchange matrix in the AO basis
Ex = 0d0
do iG=1,nGrid
r = max(0d0,rhow(iG))
rI = max(0d0,rho(iG))
if(r > threshold .or. rI > threshold) then
e_p = Cx*r**(1d0/3d0)
dedr = 1d0/3d0*Cx*r**(-2d0/3d0)
Ex = Ex + weight(iG)*(e_p*rI + dedr*r*rI - dedr*r*r)
end subroutine RCC_lda_exchange_individual_energy
@ -1,114 +0,0 @@
subroutine RCC_lda_exchange_potential(nEns,wEns,aCC_w1,aCC_w2,nGrid,weight,nBas,AO,rho,Fx,Cx_choice)
! Compute the restricted version of the curvature-corrected exchange potential
implicit none
include 'parameters.h'
! Input variables
integer,intent(in) :: nEns
double precision,intent(in) :: wEns(nEns)
double precision,intent(in) :: aCC_w1(3)
double precision,intent(in) :: aCC_w2(3)
integer,intent(in) :: nGrid
double precision,intent(in) :: weight(nGrid)
integer,intent(in) :: nBas
double precision,intent(in) :: AO(nBas,nGrid)
double precision,intent(in) :: rho(nGrid)
integer,intent(in) :: Cx_choice
! Local variables
integer :: mu,nu,iG
double precision :: r,vAO
double precision :: a1,b1,c1,w1
double precision :: a2,b2,c2,w2
double precision :: Fx1,Fx2,Cx
! Output variables
double precision,intent(out) :: Fx(nBas,nBas)
! Single excitation parameter
! a1 = 0.0d0
! b1 = 0.0d0
! c1 = 0.0d0
! Parameters for H2 at equilibrium
! a2 = +0.5751782560799208d0
! b2 = -0.021108186591137282d0
! c2 = -0.36718902716347124d0
! Parameters for stretch H2
! a2 = + 0.01922622507087411d0
! b2 = - 0.01799647558018601d0
! c2 = - 0.022945430666782573d0
! Parameters for He
! a2 = 1.9125735895875828d0
! b2 = 2.715266992840757d0
! c2 = 2.1634223380633086d0
! Parameters for He N -> N-1
a1 = aCC_w1(1)
b1 = aCC_w1(2)
c1 = aCC_w1(3)
! Parameters for He N -> N+1
a2 = aCC_w2(1)
b2 = aCC_w2(2)
c2 = aCC_w2(3)
w1 = wEns(2)
Fx1 = 1d0 - w1*(1d0 - w1)*(a1 + b1*(w1 - 0.5d0) + c1*(w1 - 0.5d0)**2)
w2 = wEns(3)
Fx2 = 1d0 - w2*(1d0 - w2)*(a2 + b2*(w2 - 0.5d0) + c2*(w2 - 0.5d0)**2)
select case (Cx_choice)
Cx = CxLDA*Fx1
Cx = CxLDA*Fx2
Cx = CxLDA*Fx2*Fx1
case default
Cx = CxLDA
end select
! Compute LDA exchange matrix in the AO basis
Fx(:,:) = 0d0
do mu=1,nBas
do nu=1,nBas
do iG=1,nGrid
r = max(0d0,rho(iG))
if(r > threshold) then
vAO = weight(iG)*AO(mu,iG)*AO(nu,iG)
Fx(mu,nu) = Fx(mu,nu) + vAO*4d0/3d0*Cx*r**(1d0/3d0)
end subroutine RCC_lda_exchange_potential
@ -1,61 +0,0 @@
subroutine RMFL20_lda_correlation_derivative_discontinuity(nEns,wEns,nGrid,weight,rhow,EcDD)
! Compute the restricted version of the eLDA correlation part of the derivative discontinuity
implicit none
include 'parameters.h'
! Input variables
integer,intent(in) :: nEns
double precision,intent(in) :: wEns(nEns)
integer,intent(in) :: nGrid
double precision,intent(in) :: weight(nGrid)
double precision,intent(in) :: rhow(nGrid)
! Local variables
integer :: iEns,jEns
double precision,allocatable :: aMFL(:,:)
double precision :: dEcdw(nEns)
double precision,external :: Kronecker_delta
! Output variables
double precision,intent(out) :: EcDD(nEns)
! Allocation
! Parameters for weight-dependent LDA correlation functional
aMFL(1,1) = -0.0238184d0
aMFL(2,1) = +0.00540994d0
aMFL(3,1) = +0.0830766d0
aMFL(1,2) = -0.0282814d0
aMFL(2,2) = +0.00273925d0
aMFL(3,2) = +0.0664914d0
aMFL(1,3) = -0.0144633d0
aMFL(2,3) = -0.0506019d0
aMFL(3,3) = +0.0331417d0
! Compute correlation energy for ground, singly-excited and doubly-excited states
do iEns=1,nEns
call restricted_elda_correlation_energy(aMFL(1:3,iEns),nGrid,weight(:),rhow(:),dEcdw(iEns))
end do
EcDD(:) = 0d0
do iEns=1,nEns
do jEns=1,nEns
EcDD(iEns) = EcDD(iEns) + (Kronecker_delta(iEns,jEns) - wEns(jEns))*(dEcdw(jEns) - dEcdw(1))
end do
end do
end subroutine RMFL20_lda_correlation_derivative_discontinuity
@ -1,69 +0,0 @@
subroutine RMFL20_lda_correlation_energy(LDA_centered,nEns,wEns,nGrid,weight,rho,Ec)
! Compute the restricted version of the Marut-Fromager-Loos weight-dependent correlation functional
! The RMFL20 is a two-state, single-weight correlation functional for spin-unpolarized systems
implicit none
include 'parameters.h'
! Input variables
logical,intent(in) :: LDA_centered
integer,intent(in) :: nEns
double precision,intent(in) :: wEns(nEns)
integer,intent(in) :: nGrid
double precision,intent(in) :: weight(nGrid)
double precision,intent(in) :: rho(nGrid)
! Local variables
integer :: iEns
double precision :: EcLDA
double precision,allocatable :: aMFL(:,:)
double precision,allocatable :: EceLDA(:)
! Output variables
double precision :: Ec
! Allocation
! Parameters for weight-dependent LDA correlation functional
aMFL(1,1) = -0.0238184d0
aMFL(2,1) = +0.00540994d0
aMFL(3,1) = +0.0830766d0
aMFL(1,2) = -0.0282814d0
aMFL(2,2) = +0.00273925d0
aMFL(3,2) = +0.0664914d0
aMFL(1,3) = -0.0144633d0
aMFL(2,3) = -0.0506019d0
aMFL(3,3) = +0.0331417d0
! Compute correlation energy for ground and doubly-excited states
do iEns=1,nEns
call restricted_elda_correlation_energy(aMFL(1:3,iEns),nGrid,weight(:),rho(:),EceLDA(iEns))
end do
! LDA-centered functional
if(LDA_centered) then
call RVWN5_lda_correlation_energy(nGrid,weight(:),rho(:),EcLDA)
EceLDA(3) = EcLDA + wEns(3)*(EceLDA(3) - EceLDA(1))
EceLDA(2) = EcLDA + wEns(2)*(EceLDA(2) - EceLDA(1))
EceLDA(1) = EcLDA
end if
! Weight-denpendent functional for ensembles
Ec = dot_product(wEns(:),EceLDA(:))
end subroutine RMFL20_lda_correlation_energy
@ -1,69 +0,0 @@
subroutine RMFL20_lda_correlation_individual_energy(LDA_centered,nEns,wEns,nGrid,weight,rhow,rho,Ec)
! Compute eLDA correlation energy
implicit none
include 'parameters.h'
! Input variables
logical,intent(in) :: LDA_centered
integer,intent(in) :: nEns
double precision,intent(in) :: wEns(nEns)
integer,intent(in) :: nGrid
double precision,intent(in) :: weight(nGrid)
double precision,intent(in) :: rhow(nGrid)
double precision,intent(in) :: rho(nGrid)
! Local variables
integer :: iEns
double precision :: EcLDA
double precision,allocatable :: aMFL(:,:)
double precision,allocatable :: EceLDA(:)
! Output variables
double precision :: Ec
! Allocation
! Parameters for weight-dependent LDA correlation functional
aMFL(1,1) = -0.0238184d0
aMFL(2,1) = +0.00540994d0
aMFL(3,1) = +0.0830766d0
aMFL(1,2) = -0.0282814d0
aMFL(2,2) = +0.00273925d0
aMFL(3,2) = +0.0664914d0
aMFL(1,3) = -0.0144633d0
aMFL(2,3) = -0.0506019d0
aMFL(3,3) = +0.0331417d0
! Compute correlation energy for ground- and doubly-excited states
do iEns=1,nEns
call restricted_elda_correlation_individual_energy(aMFL(1:3,iEns),nGrid,weight(:),rhow(:),rho(:),EceLDA(iEns))
end do
! LDA-centered functional
if(LDA_centered) then
call RVWN5_lda_correlation_individual_energy(nGrid,weight(:),rhow(:),rho(:),EcLDA)
EceLDA(3) = EcLDA + wEns(3)*(EceLDA(3) - EceLDA(1))
EceLDA(2) = EcLDA + wEns(2)*(EceLDA(2) - EceLDA(1))
EceLDA(1) = EcLDA
end if
! Weight-denpendent functional for ensembles
Ec = dot_product(wEns(:),EceLDA(:))
end subroutine RMFL20_lda_correlation_individual_energy
@ -1,73 +0,0 @@
subroutine RMFL20_lda_correlation_potential(LDA_centered,nEns,wEns,nGrid,weight,nBas,AO,rho,Fc)
! Compute Marut-Fromager-Loos weight-dependent LDA correlation potential
implicit none
include 'parameters.h'
! Input variables
logical,intent(in) :: LDA_centered
integer,intent(in) :: nEns
double precision,intent(in) :: wEns(nEns)
integer,intent(in) :: nGrid
double precision,intent(in) :: weight(nGrid)
integer,intent(in) :: nBas
double precision,intent(in) :: AO(nBas,nGrid)
double precision,intent(in) :: rho(nGrid)
! Local variables
integer :: iEns
double precision,allocatable :: aMFL(:,:)
double precision,allocatable :: FcLDA(:,:)
double precision,allocatable :: FceLDA(:,:,:)
! Output variables
double precision,intent(out) :: Fc(nBas,nBas)
! Allocation
! Parameters for weight-dependent LDA correlation functional
aMFL(1,1) = -0.0238184d0
aMFL(2,1) = +0.00540994d0
aMFL(3,1) = +0.0830766d0
aMFL(1,2) = -0.0282814d0
aMFL(2,2) = +0.00273925d0
aMFL(3,2) = +0.0664914d0
aMFL(1,3) = -0.0144633d0
aMFL(2,3) = -0.0506019d0
aMFL(3,3) = +0.0331417d0
! Compute correlation energy for ground- and doubly-excited states
do iEns=1,nEns
call restricted_elda_correlation_potential(aMFL(1:3,iEns),nGrid,weight(:),nBas,AO(:,:),rho(:),FceLDA(:,:,iEns))
end do
! LDA-centered functional
if(LDA_centered) then
call RVWN5_lda_correlation_potential(nGrid,weight(:),nBas,AO(:,:),rho(:),FcLDA(:,:))
FceLDA(:,:,3) = FcLDA(:,:) + wEns(3)*(FceLDA(:,:,3) - FceLDA(:,:,1))
FceLDA(:,:,2) = FcLDA(:,:) + wEns(2)*(FceLDA(:,:,2) - FceLDA(:,:,1))
FceLDA(:,:,1) = FcLDA(:,:)
end if
! Weight-denpendent functional for ensembles
Fc(:,:) = 0d0
do iEns=1,nEns
Fc(:,:) = Fc(:,:) + wEns(iEns)*FceLDA(:,:,iEns)
end subroutine RMFL20_lda_correlation_potential
@ -1,58 +0,0 @@
subroutine RMFL20_lda_exchange_derivative_discontinuity(nEns,wEns,nGrid,weight,rhow,ExDD)
! Compute the restricted version of the eLDA exchange part of the derivative discontinuity
implicit none
include 'parameters.h'
! Input variables
integer,intent(in) :: nEns
double precision,intent(in) :: wEns(nEns)
integer,intent(in) :: nGrid
double precision,intent(in) :: weight(nGrid)
double precision,intent(in) :: rhow(nGrid)
! Local variables
integer :: iEns,jEns
integer :: iG
double precision :: r
double precision :: dExdw(nEns)
double precision,external :: Kronecker_delta
double precision,parameter :: Cx0 = - (4d0/3d0)*(1d0/pi)**(1d0/3d0)
double precision,parameter :: Cx1 = - (176d0/105d0)*(1d0/pi)**(1d0/3d0)
! Output variables
double precision,intent(out) :: ExDD(nEns)
! Compute correlation energy for ground- and doubly-excited states
dExdw(:) = 0d0
do iG=1,nGrid
r = max(0d0,rhow(iG))
if(r > threshold) then
dExdw(1) = 0d0
dExdw(2) = dExdw(2) + weight(iG)*(Cx1 - Cx0)*r**(4d0/3d0)
end if
end do
ExDD(:) = 0d0
do iEns=1,nEns
do jEns=2,nEns
ExDD(iEns) = ExDD(iEns) + (Kronecker_delta(iEns,jEns) - wEns(jEns))*dExdw(jEns)
end do
end do
end subroutine RMFL20_lda_exchange_derivative_discontinuity
@ -1,53 +0,0 @@
subroutine RMFL20_lda_exchange_energy(LDA_centered,nEns,wEns,nGrid,weight,rho,Ex)
! Compute the restricted version of the Marut-Fromager-Loos weight-dependent exchange functional
! The RMFL20 is a two-state, single-weight exchange functional
implicit none
include 'parameters.h'
! Input variables
logical,intent(in) :: LDA_centered
integer,intent(in) :: nEns
double precision,intent(in) :: wEns(nEns)
integer,intent(in) :: nGrid
double precision,intent(in) :: weight(nGrid)
double precision,intent(in) :: rho(nGrid)
double precision,parameter :: Cx0 = - (4d0/3d0)*(1d0/pi)**(1d0/3d0)
double precision,parameter :: Cx1 = - (176d0/105d0)*(1d0/pi)**(1d0/3d0)
! Local variables
integer :: iG
double precision :: Cxw
double precision :: r
! Output variables
double precision :: Ex
! Weight-denepdent Cx coefficient
if(LDA_centered) then
Cxw = CxLDA + (Cx1 - Cx0)*wEns(2)
Cxw = wEns(1)*Cx0 + wEns(2)*Cx1
end if
! Compute LDA exchange energy
Ex = 0d0
do iG=1,nGrid
r = max(0d0,rho(iG))
if(r > threshold) then
Ex = Ex + weight(iG)*Cxw*r**(4d0/3d0)
end subroutine RMFL20_lda_exchange_energy
@ -1,58 +0,0 @@
subroutine RMFL20_lda_exchange_individual_energy(LDA_centered,nEns,wEns,nGrid,weight,rhow,rho,Ex)
! Compute the restricted version of the Marut-Fromager-Loos 2020 weight-dependent exchange functional
implicit none
include 'parameters.h'
! Input variables
logical,intent(in) :: LDA_centered
integer,intent(in) :: nEns
double precision,intent(in) :: wEns(nEns)
integer,intent(in) :: nGrid
double precision,intent(in) :: weight(nGrid)
double precision,intent(in) :: rhow(nGrid)
double precision,intent(in) :: rho(nGrid)
! Local variables
integer :: iG
double precision :: Cxw
double precision :: r,rI
double precision :: e_p,dedr
double precision,parameter :: Cx0 = - (4d0/3d0)*(1d0/pi)**(1d0/3d0)
double precision,parameter :: Cx1 = - (176d0/105d0)*(1d0/pi)**(1d0/3d0)
! Output variables
double precision,intent(out) :: Ex
! Weight-dependent Cx coefficient for RMFL20 exchange functional
if(LDA_centered) then
Cxw = CxLDA + (Cx1 - Cx0)*wEns(2)
Cxw = wEns(1)*Cx0 + wEns(2)*Cx1
end if
! Compute LDA exchange matrix in the AO basis
Ex = 0d0
do iG=1,nGrid
r = max(0d0,rhow(iG))
rI = max(0d0,rho(iG))
if(r > threshold .or. rI > threshold) then
e_p = Cxw*r**(1d0/3d0)
dedr = 1d0/3d0*Cxw*r**(-2d0/3d0)
Ex = Ex + weight(iG)*(e_p*rI + dedr*r*rI - dedr*r*r)
end subroutine RMFL20_lda_exchange_individual_energy
@ -1,61 +0,0 @@
subroutine RMFL20_lda_exchange_potential(LDA_centered,nEns,wEns,nGrid,weight,nBas,AO,rho,Fx)
! Compute the restricted version of the weight-dependent MFL20 exchange potential
implicit none
include 'parameters.h'
! Input variables
logical,intent(in) :: LDA_centered
integer,intent(in) :: nEns
double precision,intent(in) :: wEns(nEns)
integer,intent(in) :: nGrid
double precision,intent(in) :: weight(nGrid)
integer,intent(in) :: nBas
double precision,intent(in) :: AO(nBas,nGrid)
double precision,intent(in) :: rho(nGrid)
! Local variables
integer :: mu,nu,iG
double precision :: Cxw
double precision :: r,vAO
double precision,parameter :: Cx0 = - (4d0/3d0)*(1d0/pi)**(1d0/3d0)
double precision,parameter :: Cx1 = - (176d0/105d0)*(1d0/pi)**(1d0/3d0)
! Output variables
double precision,intent(out) :: Fx(nBas,nBas)
! Weight-dependent Cx coefficient for RMFL20 exchange functional
if(LDA_centered) then
Cxw = CxLDA + (Cx1 - Cx0)*wEns(2)
Cxw = wEns(1)*Cx0 + wEns(2)*Cx1
end if
! Compute LDA exchange matrix in the AO basis
Fx(:,:) = 0d0
do mu=1,nBas
do nu=1,nBas
do iG=1,nGrid
r = max(0d0,rho(iG))
if(r > threshold) then
vAO = weight(iG)*AO(mu,iG)*AO(nu,iG)
Fx(mu,nu) = Fx(mu,nu) + vAO*4d0/3d0*Cxw*r**(1d0/3d0)
end subroutine RMFL20_lda_exchange_potential
@ -1,38 +0,0 @@
subroutine RS51_lda_exchange_energy(nGrid,weight,rho,Ex)
! Compute restriced version of Slater's LDA exchange energy
implicit none
include 'parameters.h'
! Input variables
integer,intent(in) :: nGrid
double precision,intent(in) :: weight(nGrid)
double precision,intent(in) :: rho(nGrid)
! Local variables
integer :: iG
double precision :: r
! Output variables
double precision :: Ex
! Compute LDA exchange energy
Ex = 0d0
do iG=1,nGrid
r = max(0d0,rho(iG))
if(r > threshold) then
Ex = Ex + weight(iG)*CxLDA*r**(4d0/3d0)
end subroutine RS51_lda_exchange_energy
@ -1,44 +0,0 @@
subroutine RS51_lda_exchange_individual_energy(nGrid,weight,rhow,rho,Ex)
! Compute the restricted version of Slater's LDA exchange individual energy
implicit none
include 'parameters.h'
! Input variables
integer,intent(in) :: nGrid
double precision,intent(in) :: weight(nGrid)
double precision,intent(in) :: rhow(nGrid)
double precision,intent(in) :: rho(nGrid)
! Local variables
integer :: iG
double precision :: r,rI
double precision :: e,dedr
! Output variables
double precision,intent(out) :: Ex
! Compute LDA exchange matrix in the AO basis
Ex = 0d0
do iG=1,nGrid
r = max(0d0,rhow(iG))
rI = max(0d0,rho(iG))
if(r > threshold .or. rI > threshold) then
e = CxLDA*r**(1d0/3d0)
dedr = 1d0/3d0*CxLDA*r**(-2d0/3d0)
Ex = Ex + weight(iG)*(e*rI + dedr*r*rI - dedr*r*r)
end subroutine RS51_lda_exchange_individual_energy
@ -1,45 +0,0 @@
subroutine RS51_lda_exchange_potential(nGrid,weight,nBas,AO,rho,Fx)
! Compute the restricted version of Slater's LDA exchange potential
implicit none
include 'parameters.h'
! Input variables
integer,intent(in) :: nGrid
double precision,intent(in) :: weight(nGrid)
integer,intent(in) :: nBas
double precision,intent(in) :: AO(nBas,nGrid)
double precision,intent(in) :: rho(nGrid)
! Local variables
integer :: mu,nu,iG
double precision :: r,vAO
! Output variables
double precision,intent(out) :: Fx(nBas,nBas)
! Compute LDA exchange matrix in the AO basis
Fx(:,:) = 0d0
do mu=1,nBas
do nu=1,nBas
do iG=1,nGrid
r = max(0d0,rho(iG))
if(r > threshold) then
vAO = weight(iG)*AO(mu,iG)*AO(nu,iG)
Fx(mu,nu) = Fx(mu,nu) + vAO*4d0/3d0*CxLDA*r**(1d0/3d0)
end subroutine RS51_lda_exchange_potential
@ -1,62 +0,0 @@
subroutine RVWN5_lda_correlation_energy(nGrid,weight,rho,Ec)
! Compute the restricted VWN5 LDA correlation energy
implicit none
include 'parameters.h'
! Input variables
integer,intent(in) :: nGrid
double precision,intent(in) :: weight(nGrid)
double precision,intent(in) :: rho(nGrid)
! Local variables
integer :: iG
double precision :: r,rs,x
double precision :: a_p,x0_p,xx0_p,b_p,c_p,x_p,q_p
double precision :: ec_p
! Output variables
double precision :: Ec
! Parameters of the functional
a_p = +0.0621814D0/2D0
x0_p = -0.10498d0
b_p = +3.72744d0
c_p = +12.9352d0
! Initialization
Ec = 0d0
do iG=1,nGrid
r = max(0d0,rho(iG))
if(r > threshold) then
rs = (4d0*pi*r/3d0)**(-1d0/3d0)
x = sqrt(rs)
x_p = x*x + b_p*x + c_p
xx0_p = x0_p*x0_p + b_p*x0_p + c_p
q_p = sqrt(4d0*c_p - b_p*b_p)
ec_p = a_p*( log(x**2/x_p) + 2d0*b_p/q_p*atan(q_p/(2d0*x + b_p)) &
- b_p*x0_p/xx0_p*( log((x - x0_p)**2/x_p) + 2d0*(b_p + 2d0*x0_p)/q_p*atan(q_p/(2d0*x + b_p)) ) )
Ec = Ec + weight(iG)*ec_p*r
end if
end do
end subroutine RVWN5_lda_correlation_energy
@ -1,73 +0,0 @@
subroutine RVWN5_lda_correlation_individual_energy(nGrid,weight,rhow,rho,Ec)
! Compute the restricted VWN5 LDA correlation individual energies
implicit none
include 'parameters.h'
! Input variables
integer,intent(in) :: nGrid
double precision,intent(in) :: weight(nGrid)
double precision,intent(in) :: rhow(nGrid)
double precision,intent(in) :: rho(nGrid)
! Local variables
integer :: iG
double precision :: r,rI,rs,x
double precision :: a_p,x0_p,xx0_p,b_p,c_p,x_p,q_p
double precision :: dxdrs,dxdx_p,decdx_p
double precision :: drsdr,decdr_p
double precision :: ec_p
! Output variables
double precision :: Ec
! Parameters of the functional
a_p = +0.0621814D0/2D0
x0_p = -0.10498d0
b_p = +3.72744d0
c_p = +12.9352d0
! Initialization
Ec = 0d0
do iG=1,nGrid
r = max(0d0,rhow(iG))
rI = max(0d0,rho(iG))
if(r > threshold .or. rI > threshold) then
rs = (4d0*pi*r/3d0)**(-1d0/3d0)
x = sqrt(rs)
x_p = x*x + b_p*x + c_p
xx0_p = x0_p*x0_p + b_p*x0_p + c_p
q_p = sqrt(4d0*c_p - b_p*b_p)
ec_p = a_p*( log(x**2/x_p) + 2d0*b_p/q_p*atan(q_p/(2d0*x + b_p)) &
- b_p*x0_p/xx0_p*( log((x - x0_p)**2/x_p) + 2d0*(b_p + 2d0*x0_p)/q_p*atan(q_p/(2d0*x + b_p)) ) )
drsdr = - (36d0*pi)**(-1d0/3d0)*r**(-4d0/3d0)
dxdrs = 0.5d0/sqrt(rs)
dxdx_p = 2d0*x + b_p
decdx_p = a_p*( 2d0/x - 4d0*b_p/( (b_p+2d0*x)**2 + q_p**2) - dxdx_p/x_p &
- b_p*x0_p/xx0_p*( 2/(x-x0_p) - 4d0*(b_p+2d0*x0_p)/( (b_p+2d0*x)**2 + q_p**2) - dxdx_p/x_p ) )
decdr_p = drsdr*dxdrs*decdx_p
Ec = Ec + weight(iG)*(ec_p*rI + decdr_p*r*rI - decdr_p*r*r)
end if
end do
end subroutine RVWN5_lda_correlation_individual_energy
@ -1,78 +0,0 @@
subroutine RVWN5_lda_correlation_potential(nGrid,weight,nBas,AO,rho,Fc)
! Compute the restricted VWN5 LDA correlation potential
implicit none
include 'parameters.h'
! Input variables
integer,intent(in) :: nGrid
double precision,intent(in) :: weight(nGrid)
integer,intent(in) :: nBas
double precision,intent(in) :: AO(nBas,nGrid)
double precision,intent(in) :: rho(nGrid)
! Local variables
integer :: mu,nu,iG
double precision :: r,rs,x
double precision :: a_p,x0_p,xx0_p,b_p,c_p,x_p,q_p
double precision :: dxdrs,dxdx_p,decdx_p
double precision :: drsdr,decdr_p
double precision :: ec_p
! Output variables
double precision :: Fc(nBas,nBas)
! Parameters of the functional
a_p = +0.0621814d0/2d0
x0_p = -0.10498d0
b_p = +3.72744d0
c_p = +12.9352d0
! Initialization
Fc(:,:) = 0d0
do mu=1,nBas
do nu=1,nBas
do iG=1,nGrid
r = max(0d0,rho(iG))
if(r > threshold) then
rs = (4d0*pi*r/3d0)**(-1d0/3d0)
x = sqrt(rs)
x_p = x*x + b_p*x + c_p
xx0_p = x0_p*x0_p + b_p*x0_p + c_p
q_p = sqrt(4d0*c_p - b_p*b_p)
ec_p = a_p*( log(x**2/x_p) + 2d0*b_p/q_p*atan(q_p/(2d0*x + b_p)) &
- b_p*x0_p/xx0_p*( log((x - x0_p)**2/x_p) + 2d0*(b_p + 2d0*x0_p)/q_p*atan(q_p/(2d0*x + b_p)) ) )
drsdr = - (36d0*pi)**(-1d0/3d0)*r**(-4d0/3d0)
dxdrs = 0.5d0/sqrt(rs)
dxdx_p = 2d0*x + b_p
decdx_p = a_p*( 2d0/x - 4d0*b_p/( (b_p+2d0*x)**2 + q_p**2) - dxdx_p/x_p &
- b_p*x0_p/xx0_p*( 2/(x-x0_p) - 4d0*(b_p+2d0*x0_p)/( (b_p+2d0*x)**2 + q_p**2) - dxdx_p/x_p ) )
decdr_p = drsdr*dxdrs*decdx_p
Fc(mu,nu) = Fc(mu,nu) + weight(iG)*AO(mu,iG)*AO(nu,iG)*(ec_p + decdr_p*r)
end if
end do
end do
end do
end subroutine RVWN5_lda_correlation_potential
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