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2019-02-07 22:49:12 +01:00
subroutine NucInt(debug,npNuc,nSigpNuc, &
ExpA,CenterA,AngMomA, &
ExpB,CenterB,AngMomB, &
CenterC, &
! Compute recursively the primitive one-electron nuclear attraction integrals
implicit none
! Input variables
logical,intent(in) :: debug
double precision,intent(in) :: ExpA,ExpB
double precision,intent(in) :: CenterA(3),CenterB(3),CenterC(3)
integer,intent(in) :: AngMomA(3),AngMomB(3)
! Local variables
double precision :: ExpAi,ExpBi
integer :: TotAngMomA,TotAngMomB
double precision :: ExpP,ExpPi
double precision :: CenterP(3),CenterAB(3),CenterPA(3),CenterPC(3)
double precision :: NormABSq,NormPCSq
double precision :: G
double precision,allocatable :: Om(:)
double precision :: HRRNuc
double precision :: Gab
double precision :: pi
integer :: i,maxm
double precision :: start_Om,finish_Om,start_RR,finish_RR,t_Om,t_RR
! Output variables
integer,intent(inout) :: npNuc,nSigpNuc
double precision,intent(out) :: pNuc
pi = 4d0*atan(1d0)
! Pre-computed shell quantities
ExpAi = 1d0/ExpA
ExpBi = 1d0/ExpB
! Pre-computed quantities for shell-pair AB
ExpP = ExpA + ExpB
ExpPi = 1d0/ExpP
NormABSq = 0d0
NormPCSq = 0d0
do i=1,3
CenterP(i) = (ExpA*CenterA(i) + ExpB*CenterB(i))*ExpPi
CenterAB(i) = CenterA(i) - CenterB(i)
CenterPA(i) = CenterP(i) - CenterA(i)
CenterPC(i) = CenterP(i) - CenterC(i)
NormABSq = NormABSq + CenterAB(i)**2
NormPCSq = NormPCSq + CenterPC(i)**2
2019-03-20 13:38:42 +01:00
end do
2019-02-07 22:49:12 +01:00
G = (pi*ExpPi)**(1.5d0)*exp(-NormABSq/(ExpAi+ExpBi))
! Total angular momemtum
TotAngMomA = AngMomA(1) + AngMomA(2) + AngMomA(3)
TotAngMomB = AngMomB(1) + AngMomB(2) + AngMomB(3)
maxm = TotAngMomA + TotAngMomB
! Pre-compute (0|V|0)^m
call cpu_time(start_Om)
call CalcOmNuc(maxm,ExpPi,NormPCSq,Om)
call cpu_time(finish_Om)
! Print (0|V|0)^m
if(debug) then
write(*,*) '(0|V|0)^m'
do i=0,maxm
write(*,*) i,Om(i)
2019-03-20 13:38:42 +01:00
end do
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2019-03-20 13:38:42 +01:00
end if
2019-02-07 22:49:12 +01:00
! Launch reccurence relations!
call cpu_time(start_RR)
Gab = HRRNuc(AngMomA,AngMomB,maxm,Om,ExpPi,CenterAB,CenterPA,CenterPC)
call cpu_time(finish_RR)
! Timings
t_Om = finish_Om - start_Om
t_RR = finish_RR - start_RR
! Print result
pNuc = G*Gab
npNuc = npNuc + 1
if(abs(pNuc) > 1d-15) then
nSigpNuc = nSigpNuc + 1
! write(*,'(A10,1X,F16.10,1X,I6,1X,I6)') '[a|V|b] = ',pNuc
2019-03-20 13:38:42 +01:00
end if
2019-02-07 22:49:12 +01:00
! Deallocate arrays
end subroutine NucInt