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2019-02-07 22:49:12 +01:00
function KroneckerDelta(i,j) result(delta)
! Kronecker Delta
implicit none
! Input variables
integer,intent(in) :: i,j
! Output variables
integer :: delta
if(i == j) then
delta = 1
delta = 0
end function KroneckerDelta
subroutine matout(m,n,A)
! Print the MxN array A
implicit none
integer,parameter :: ncol = 5
double precision,parameter :: small = 1d-10
integer,intent(in) :: m,n
double precision,intent(in) :: A(m,n)
double precision :: B(ncol)
integer :: ilower,iupper,num,i,j
do ilower=1,n,ncol
iupper = min(ilower + ncol - 1,n)
num = iupper - ilower + 1
write(*,'(3X,10(7X,I6))') (j,j=ilower,iupper)
do i=1,m
do j=ilower,iupper
B(j-ilower+1) = A(i,j)
do j=1,num
if(abs(B(j)) < small) B(j) = 0d0
write(*,'(I7,10F15.8)') i,(B(j),j=1,num)
end subroutine matout
subroutine CalcTrAB(n,A,B,Tr)
! Calculate the trace of the square matrix A.B
implicit none
! Input variables
integer,intent(in) :: n
double precision,intent(in) :: A(n,n),B(n,n)
! Local variables
integer :: i,j
! Output variables
double precision,intent(out) :: Tr
Tr = 0d0
do i=1,n
do j=1,n
Tr = Tr + A(i,j)*B(j,i)
end subroutine CalcTrAB
function EpsilonSwitch(i,j) result(delta)
! Epsilon function
implicit none
! Input variables
integer,intent(in) :: i,j
integer :: delta
if(i <= j) then
delta = 1
delta = -1
end function EpsilonSwitch
function KappaCross(i,j,k) result(kappa)
! kappa(i,j,k) = eps(i,j) delta(i,k) - eps(k,i) delta(i,j)
implicit none
! Input variables
integer,intent(in) :: i,j,k
! Local variables
integer :: EpsilonSwitch,KroneckerDelta
double precision :: kappa
kappa = dble(EpsilonSwitch(i,j)*KroneckerDelta(i,k) - EpsilonSwitch(k,i)*KroneckerDelta(i,j))
end function KappaCross
subroutine CalcInv3(a,det)
! Calculate the inverse and the determinant of a 3x3 matrix
implicit none
double precision,intent(inout) :: a(3,3)
double precision, intent(inout) :: det
double precision :: b(3,3)
integer :: i,j
det = a(1,1)*(a(2,2)*a(3,3)-a(2,3)*a(3,2)) &
- a(1,2)*(a(2,1)*a(3,3)-a(2,3)*a(3,1)) &
+ a(1,3)*(a(2,1)*a(3,2)-a(2,2)*a(3,1))
do i=1,3
b(i,1) = a(i,1)
b(i,2) = a(i,2)
b(i,3) = a(i,3)
a(1,1) = b(2,2)*b(3,3) - b(2,3)*b(3,2)
a(2,1) = b(2,3)*b(3,1) - b(2,1)*b(3,3)
a(3,1) = b(2,1)*b(3,2) - b(2,2)*b(3,1)
a(1,2) = b(1,3)*b(3,2) - b(1,2)*b(3,3)
a(2,2) = b(1,1)*b(3,3) - b(1,3)*b(3,1)
a(3,2) = b(1,2)*b(3,1) - b(1,1)*b(3,2)
a(1,3) = b(1,2)*b(2,3) - b(1,3)*b(2,2)
a(2,3) = b(1,3)*b(2,1) - b(1,1)*b(2,3)
a(3,3) = b(1,1)*b(2,2) - b(1,2)*b(2,1)
do i=1,3
do j=1,3
a(i,j) = a(i,j)/det
end subroutine CalcInv3
subroutine CalcInv4(a,det)
implicit none
double precision,intent(inout) :: a(4,4)
double precision,intent(inout) :: det
double precision :: b(4,4)
integer :: i,j
det = a(1,1)*(a(2,2)*(a(3,3)*a(4,4)-a(3,4)*a(4,3)) &
-a(2,3)*(a(3,2)*a(4,4)-a(3,4)*a(4,2)) &
+a(2,4)*(a(3,2)*a(4,3)-a(3,3)*a(4,2))) &
- a(1,2)*(a(2,1)*(a(3,3)*a(4,4)-a(3,4)*a(4,3)) &
-a(2,3)*(a(3,1)*a(4,4)-a(3,4)*a(4,1)) &
+a(2,4)*(a(3,1)*a(4,3)-a(3,3)*a(4,1))) &
+ a(1,3)*(a(2,1)*(a(3,2)*a(4,4)-a(3,4)*a(4,2)) &
-a(2,2)*(a(3,1)*a(4,4)-a(3,4)*a(4,1)) &
+a(2,4)*(a(3,1)*a(4,2)-a(3,2)*a(4,1))) &
- a(1,4)*(a(2,1)*(a(3,2)*a(4,3)-a(3,3)*a(4,2)) &
-a(2,2)*(a(3,1)*a(4,3)-a(3,3)*a(4,1)) &
do i=1,4
b(1,i) = a(1,i)
b(2,i) = a(2,i)
b(3,i) = a(3,i)
b(4,i) = a(4,i)
a(1,1) = b(2,2)*(b(3,3)*b(4,4)-b(3,4)*b(4,3))-b(2,3)*(b(3,2)*b(4,4)-b(3,4)*b(4,2))+b(2,4)*(b(3,2)*b(4,3)-b(3,3)*b(4,2))
a(2,1) = -b(2,1)*(b(3,3)*b(4,4)-b(3,4)*b(4,3))+b(2,3)*(b(3,1)*b(4,4)-b(3,4)*b(4,1))-b(2,4)*(b(3,1)*b(4,3)-b(3,3)*b(4,1))
a(3,1) = b(2,1)*(b(3,2)*b(4,4)-b(3,4)*b(4,2))-b(2,2)*(b(3,1)*b(4,4)-b(3,4)*b(4,1))+b(2,4)*(b(3,1)*b(4,2)-b(3,2)*b(4,1))
a(4,1) = -b(2,1)*(b(3,2)*b(4,3)-b(3,3)*b(4,2))+b(2,2)*(b(3,1)*b(4,3)-b(3,3)*b(4,1))-b(2,3)*(b(3,1)*b(4,2)-b(3,2)*b(4,1))
a(1,2) = -b(1,2)*(b(3,3)*b(4,4)-b(3,4)*b(4,3))+b(1,3)*(b(3,2)*b(4,4)-b(3,4)*b(4,2))-b(1,4)*(b(3,2)*b(4,3)-b(3,3)*b(4,2))
a(2,2) = b(1,1)*(b(3,3)*b(4,4)-b(3,4)*b(4,3))-b(1,3)*(b(3,1)*b(4,4)-b(3,4)*b(4,1))+b(1,4)*(b(3,1)*b(4,3)-b(3,3)*b(4,1))
a(3,2) = -b(1,1)*(b(3,2)*b(4,4)-b(3,4)*b(4,2))+b(1,2)*(b(3,1)*b(4,4)-b(3,4)*b(4,1))-b(1,4)*(b(3,1)*b(4,2)-b(3,2)*b(4,1))
a(4,2) = b(1,1)*(b(3,2)*b(4,3)-b(3,3)*b(4,2))-b(1,2)*(b(3,1)*b(4,3)-b(3,3)*b(4,1))+b(1,3)*(b(3,1)*b(4,2)-b(3,2)*b(4,1))
a(1,3) = b(1,2)*(b(2,3)*b(4,4)-b(2,4)*b(4,3))-b(1,3)*(b(2,2)*b(4,4)-b(2,4)*b(4,2))+b(1,4)*(b(2,2)*b(4,3)-b(2,3)*b(4,2))
a(2,3) = -b(1,1)*(b(2,3)*b(4,4)-b(2,4)*b(4,3))+b(1,3)*(b(2,1)*b(4,4)-b(2,4)*b(4,1))-b(1,4)*(b(2,1)*b(4,3)-b(2,3)*b(4,1))
a(3,3) = b(1,1)*(b(2,2)*b(4,4)-b(2,4)*b(4,2))-b(1,2)*(b(2,1)*b(4,4)-b(2,4)*b(4,1))+b(1,4)*(b(2,1)*b(4,2)-b(2,2)*b(4,1))
a(4,3) = -b(1,1)*(b(2,2)*b(4,3)-b(2,3)*b(4,2))+b(1,2)*(b(2,1)*b(4,3)-b(2,3)*b(4,1))-b(1,3)*(b(2,1)*b(4,2)-b(2,2)*b(4,1))
a(1,4) = -b(1,2)*(b(2,3)*b(3,4)-b(2,4)*b(3,3))+b(1,3)*(b(2,2)*b(3,4)-b(2,4)*b(3,2))-b(1,4)*(b(2,2)*b(3,3)-b(2,3)*b(3,2))
a(2,4) = b(1,1)*(b(2,3)*b(3,4)-b(2,4)*b(3,3))-b(1,3)*(b(2,1)*b(3,4)-b(2,4)*b(3,1))+b(1,4)*(b(2,1)*b(3,3)-b(2,3)*b(3,1))
a(3,4) = -b(1,1)*(b(2,2)*b(3,4)-b(2,4)*b(3,2))+b(1,2)*(b(2,1)*b(3,4)-b(2,4)*b(3,1))-b(1,4)*(b(2,1)*b(3,2)-b(2,2)*b(3,1))
a(4,4) = b(1,1)*(b(2,2)*b(3,3)-b(2,3)*b(3,2))-b(1,2)*(b(2,1)*b(3,3)-b(2,3)*b(3,1))+b(1,3)*(b(2,1)*b(3,2)-b(2,2)*b(3,1))
do i=1,4
do j=1,4
a(i,j) = a(i,j)/det
end subroutine CalcInv4
!double precision function binom(i,j)
! implicit none
! integer,intent(in) :: i,j
! double precision :: logfact
! integer, save :: ifirst
! double precision, save :: memo(0:15,0:15)
! integer :: k,l
! if (ifirst == 0) then
! ifirst = 1
! do k=0,15
! do l=0,15
! memo(k,l) = dexp( logfact(k)-logfact(l)-logfact(k-l) )
! enddo
! enddo
! endif
! if ( (i<=15).and.(j<=15) ) then
! binom = memo(i,j)
! else
! binom = dexp( logfact(i)-logfact(j)-logfact(i-j) )
! endif
!double precision function fact(n)
! implicit none
! integer :: n
! double precision, save :: memo(1:100)
! integer, save :: memomax = 1
! if (n<=memomax) then
! if (n<2) then
! fact = 1.d0
! else
! fact = memo(n)
! endif
! return
! endif
! integer :: i
! memo(1) = 1.d0
! do i=memomax+1,min(n,100)
! memo(i) = memo(i-1)*dble(i)
! enddo
! memomax = min(n,100)
! double precision :: logfact
! fact = dexp(logfact(n))
!end function
!double precision function logfact(n)
! implicit none
! integer :: n
! double precision, save :: memo(1:100)
! integer, save :: memomax = 1
! if (n<=memomax) then
! if (n<2) then
! logfact = 0.d0
! else
! logfact = memo(n)
! endif
! return
! endif
! integer :: i
! memo(1) = 0.d0
! do i=memomax+1,min(n,100)
! memo(i) = memo(i-1)+dlog(dble(i))
! enddo
! memomax = min(n,100)
! logfact = memo(memomax)
! do i=101,n
! logfact += dlog(dble(i))
! enddo
!end function
!double precision function dble_fact(n)
! implicit none
! integer :: n
! double precision :: dble_fact_even, dble_fact_odd
! dble_fact = 1.d0
! if(n.lt.0) return
! if(iand(n,1).eq.0)then
! dble_fact = dble_fact_even(n)
! else
! dble_fact= dble_fact_odd(n)
! endif
!end function
!double precision function dble_fact_even(n) result(fact2)
! implicit none
! integer :: n,k
! double precision, save :: memo(0:100)
! integer, save :: memomax = 0
! double precision :: prod
! if (n <= memomax) then
! if (n < 2) then
! fact2 = 1.d0
! else
! fact2 = memo(n)
! endif
! return
! endif
! integer :: i
! memo(0)=1.d0
! memo(1)=1.d0
! do i=memomax+2,min(n,100),2
! memo(i) = memo(i-2)* dble(i)
! enddo
! memomax = min(n,100)
! fact2 = memo(memomax)
! if (n > 100) then
! double precision :: dble_logfact
! fact2 = dexp(dble_logfact(n))
! endif
!end function
!double precision function dble_fact_odd(n) result(fact2)
! implicit none
! integer :: n
! double precision, save :: memo(1:100)
! integer, save :: memomax = 1
! if (n<=memomax) then
! if (n<3) then
! fact2 = 1.d0
! else
! fact2 = memo(n)
! endif
! return
! endif
! integer :: i
! memo(1) = 1.d0
! do i=memomax+2,min(n,99),2
! memo(i) = memo(i-2)* dble(i)
! enddo
! memomax = min(n,99)
! fact2 = memo(memomax)
! if (n > 99) then
! double precision :: dble_logfact
! fact2 = dexp(dble_logfact(n))
! endif
!end function