2025-01-25 23:15:59 +01:00
#!/usr/bin/env python3
2023-07-03 14:33:48 +02:00
2024-11-01 10:59:35 +01:00
import os , sys
2023-07-03 14:33:48 +02:00
import argparse
import pyscf
from pyscf import gto
import numpy as np
import subprocess
2024-12-06 15:53:14 +01:00
import time
2023-07-03 14:33:48 +02:00
#Find the value of the environnement variable QUACK_ROOT. If not present we use the current repository
2024-11-01 10:59:35 +01:00
if " QUACK_ROOT " not in os . environ :
print ( " Please set the QUACK_ROOT environment variable, for example: \n " )
print ( " $ export QUACK_ROOT= {0} " . format ( os . getcwd ( ) ) )
sys . exit ( 1 )
2023-07-03 14:33:48 +02:00
QuAcK_dir = os . environ . get ( ' QUACK_ROOT ' , ' ./ ' )
#Create the argument parser object and gives a description of the script
parser = argparse . ArgumentParser ( description = ' This script is the main script of QuAcK, it is used to run the calculation. \n If $QUACK_ROOT is not set, $QUACK_ROOT is replaces by the current directory. ' )
#Initialize all the options for the script
parser . add_argument ( ' -b ' , ' --basis ' , type = str , required = True , help = ' Name of the file containing the basis set in the $QUACK_ROOT/basis/ directory ' )
parser . add_argument ( ' --bohr ' , default = ' Angstrom ' , action = ' store_const ' , const = ' Bohr ' , help = ' By default QuAcK assumes that the xyz files are in Angstrom. Add this argument if your xyz file is in Bohr. ' )
parser . add_argument ( ' -c ' , ' --charge ' , type = int , default = 0 , help = ' Total charge of the molecule. Specify negative charges with " m " instead of the minus sign, for example m1 instead of -1. Default is 0 ' )
parser . add_argument ( ' --cartesian ' , default = False , action = ' store_true ' , help = ' Add this option if you want to use cartesian basis functions. ' )
2024-12-07 02:20:05 +01:00
parser . add_argument ( ' --print_2e ' , default = True , action = ' store_true ' , help = ' If True, print 2e-integrals to disk. ' )
parser . add_argument ( ' --formatted_2e ' , default = False , action = ' store_true ' , help = ' Add this option if you want to print formatted 2e-integrals. ' )
2024-12-06 15:53:14 +01:00
parser . add_argument ( ' --mmap_2e ' , default = False , action = ' store_true ' , help = ' If True, avoid using DRAM when generating 2e-integrals. ' )
2024-12-07 02:20:05 +01:00
parser . add_argument ( ' --aosym_2e ' , default = False , action = ' store_true ' , help = ' If True, use 8-fold symmetry 2e-integrals. ' )
2023-07-03 14:33:48 +02:00
parser . add_argument ( ' -fc ' , ' --frozen_core ' , type = bool , default = False , help = ' Freeze core MOs. Default is false ' )
2023-09-06 13:33:41 +02:00
parser . add_argument ( ' -m ' , ' --multiplicity ' , type = int , default = 1 , help = ' Spin multiplicity. Default is 1 therefore singlet ' )
2023-07-03 14:33:48 +02:00
parser . add_argument ( ' --working_dir ' , type = str , default = QuAcK_dir , help = ' Set a working directory to run the calculation. ' )
parser . add_argument ( ' -x ' , ' --xyz ' , type = str , required = True , help = ' Name of the file containing the nuclear coordinates in xyz format in the $QUACK_ROOT/mol/ directory without the .xyz extension ' )
#Parse the arguments
args = parser . parse_args ( )
input_basis = args . basis
unit = args . bohr
charge = args . charge
frozen_core = args . frozen_core
multiplicity = args . multiplicity
xyz = args . xyz + ' .xyz '
cartesian = args . cartesian
2024-08-28 15:07:20 +02:00
print_2e = args . print_2e
2024-12-07 02:20:05 +01:00
formatted_2e = args . formatted_2e
2024-12-06 15:53:14 +01:00
mmap_2e = args . mmap_2e
2024-12-07 02:20:05 +01:00
aosym_2e = args . aosym_2e
2023-07-03 14:33:48 +02:00
working_dir = args . working_dir
#Read molecule
2024-10-29 23:43:33 +01:00
f = open ( working_dir + ' /mol/ ' + xyz , ' r ' )
2023-07-03 14:33:48 +02:00
lines = f . read ( ) . splitlines ( )
nbAt = int ( lines . pop ( 0 ) )
lines . pop ( 0 )
list_pos_atom = [ ]
for line in lines :
tmp = line . split ( )
atom = tmp [ 0 ]
pos = ( float ( tmp [ 1 ] ) , float ( tmp [ 2 ] ) , float ( tmp [ 3 ] ) )
list_pos_atom . append ( [ atom , pos ] )
f . close ( )
#Definition of the molecule
mol = gto . M (
atom = list_pos_atom ,
2023-09-06 11:40:26 +02:00
basis = input_basis ,
charge = charge ,
2023-09-06 13:33:41 +02:00
spin = multiplicity - 1
2024-12-07 02:20:05 +01:00
# symmetry = True # Enable symmetry
2023-07-03 14:33:48 +02:00
#Fix the unit for the lengths
mol . unit = unit
mol . cart = cartesian
#Update mol object
mol . build ( )
#Accessing number of electrons
nelec = mol . nelec #Access the number of electrons
nalpha = nelec [ 0 ]
nbeta = nelec [ 1 ]
2024-10-31 11:12:18 +01:00
subprocess . call ( [ ' mkdir ' , ' -p ' , working_dir + ' /input ' ] )
2023-07-03 14:33:48 +02:00
f = open ( working_dir + ' /input/molecule ' , ' w ' )
f . write ( ' # nAt nEla nElb nCore nRyd \n ' )
f . write ( str ( mol . natm ) + ' ' + str ( nalpha ) + ' ' + str ( nbeta ) + ' ' + str ( 0 ) + ' ' + str ( 0 ) + ' \n ' )
f . write ( ' # Znuc x y z \n ' )
for i in range ( len ( list_pos_atom ) ) :
f . write ( list_pos_atom [ i ] [ 0 ] + ' ' + str ( list_pos_atom [ i ] [ 1 ] [ 0 ] ) + ' ' + str ( list_pos_atom [ i ] [ 1 ] [ 1 ] ) + ' ' + str ( list_pos_atom [ i ] [ 1 ] [ 2 ] ) + ' \n ' )
f . close ( )
2023-12-14 10:14:00 +01:00
#Compute nuclear energy and put it in a file
2024-10-31 11:12:18 +01:00
subprocess . call ( [ ' mkdir ' , ' -p ' , working_dir + ' /int ' ] )
2024-10-31 10:46:00 +01:00
subprocess . call ( [ ' rm ' , ' -f ' , working_dir + ' /int/ENuc.dat ' ] )
2023-12-14 10:14:00 +01:00
f = open ( working_dir + ' /int/ENuc.dat ' , ' w ' )
2023-12-14 11:16:44 +01:00
f . write ( str ( mol . energy_nuc ( ) ) )
2023-12-14 10:14:00 +01:00
f . write ( ' ' )
f . close ( )
2023-07-03 14:33:48 +02:00
#Compute 1e integrals
ovlp = mol . intor ( ' int1e_ovlp ' ) #Overlap matrix elements
v1e = mol . intor ( ' int1e_nuc ' ) #Nuclear repulsion matrix elements
t1e = mol . intor ( ' int1e_kin ' ) #Kinetic energy matrix elements
dipole = mol . intor ( ' int1e_r ' ) #Matrix elements of the x, y, z operators
x , y , z = dipole [ 0 ] , dipole [ 1 ] , dipole [ 2 ]
2024-08-28 15:07:20 +02:00
norb = len ( ovlp ) # nBAS_AOs
2024-10-31 11:16:55 +01:00
subprocess . call ( [ ' rm ' , ' -f ' , working_dir + ' /int/nBas.dat ' ] )
2023-07-03 14:33:48 +02:00
f = open ( working_dir + ' /int/nBas.dat ' , ' w ' )
2024-08-28 15:07:20 +02:00
f . write ( " {} " . format ( str ( norb ) ) )
2023-07-03 14:33:48 +02:00
f . close ( )
def write_matrix_to_file ( matrix , size , file , cutoff = 1e-15 ) :
2024-10-31 10:46:00 +01:00
f = open ( file , ' w ' )
2023-07-03 14:33:48 +02:00
for i in range ( size ) :
for j in range ( i , size ) :
if abs ( matrix [ i ] [ j ] ) > cutoff :
2023-09-08 11:02:51 +02:00
f . write ( str ( i + 1 ) + ' ' + str ( j + 1 ) + ' ' + " {:.16E} " . format ( matrix [ i ] [ j ] ) )
2023-07-03 14:33:48 +02:00
f . write ( ' \n ' )
f . close ( )
#Write all 1 electron quantities in files
2024-10-31 10:46:00 +01:00
subprocess . call ( [ ' rm ' , ' -f ' , working_dir + ' /int/Ov.dat ' ] )
2023-07-03 14:33:48 +02:00
write_matrix_to_file ( ovlp , norb , working_dir + ' /int/Ov.dat ' )
2024-10-31 10:46:00 +01:00
subprocess . call ( [ ' rm ' , ' -f ' , working_dir + ' /int/Nuc.dat ' ] )
2023-07-03 14:33:48 +02:00
write_matrix_to_file ( v1e , norb , working_dir + ' /int/Nuc.dat ' )
2024-10-31 10:46:00 +01:00
subprocess . call ( [ ' rm ' , ' -f ' , working_dir + ' /int/Kin.dat ' ] )
2023-07-03 14:33:48 +02:00
write_matrix_to_file ( t1e , norb , working_dir + ' /int/Kin.dat ' )
2024-10-31 10:46:00 +01:00
subprocess . call ( [ ' rm ' , ' -f ' , working_dir + ' /int/x.dat ' ] )
2023-07-03 14:33:48 +02:00
write_matrix_to_file ( x , norb , working_dir + ' /int/x.dat ' )
2024-10-31 10:46:00 +01:00
subprocess . call ( [ ' rm ' , ' -f ' , working_dir + ' /int/y.dat ' ] )
2023-07-03 14:33:48 +02:00
write_matrix_to_file ( y , norb , working_dir + ' /int/y.dat ' )
2024-10-31 10:46:00 +01:00
subprocess . call ( [ ' rm ' , ' -f ' , working_dir + ' /int/z.dat ' ] )
2023-07-03 14:33:48 +02:00
write_matrix_to_file ( z , norb , working_dir + ' /int/z.dat ' )
2024-12-06 15:53:14 +01:00
def write_tensor_to_file ( tensor , size , file_name , cutoff = 1e-15 ) :
f = open ( file_name , ' w ' )
2023-07-03 14:33:48 +02:00
for i in range ( size ) :
for j in range ( i , size ) :
for k in range ( i , size ) :
for l in range ( j , size ) :
if abs ( tensor [ i ] [ k ] [ j ] [ l ] ) > cutoff :
2023-09-08 11:02:51 +02:00
f . write ( str ( i + 1 ) + ' ' + str ( j + 1 ) + ' ' + str ( k + 1 ) + ' ' + str ( l + 1 ) + ' ' + " {:.16E} " . format ( tensor [ i ] [ k ] [ j ] [ l ] ) )
2023-07-03 14:33:48 +02:00
f . write ( ' \n ' )
f . close ( )
2024-08-28 15:07:20 +02:00
if print_2e :
2024-12-07 02:20:05 +01:00
# Write two-electron integrals to HD
ti_2e = time . time ( )
if formatted_2e :
output_file_path = working_dir + ' /int/ERI.dat '
subprocess . call ( [ ' rm ' , ' -f ' , output_file_path ] )
eri_ao = mol . intor ( ' int2e ' )
write_tensor_to_file ( eri_ao , norb , output_file_path )
if aosym_2e :
output_file_path = working_dir + ' /int/ERI_chem.bin '
subprocess . call ( [ ' rm ' , ' -f ' , output_file_path ] )
eri_ao = mol . intor ( ' int2e ' , aosym = ' s8 ' )
2024-12-06 15:53:14 +01:00
f = open ( output_file_path , ' w ' )
eri_ao . tofile ( output_file_path )
f . close ( )
2024-12-07 02:20:05 +01:00
else :
output_file_path = working_dir + ' /int/ERI.bin '
subprocess . call ( [ ' rm ' , ' -f ' , output_file_path ] )
if ( mmap_2e ) :
# avoid using DRAM
eri_shape = ( norb , norb , norb , norb )
eri_mmap = np . memmap ( output_file_path , dtype = ' float64 ' , mode = ' w+ ' , shape = eri_shape )
mol . intor ( ' int2e ' , out = eri_mmap )
for i in range ( norb ) :
eri_mmap [ i , : , : , : ] = eri_mmap [ i , : , : , : ] . transpose ( 1 , 0 , 2 )
eri_mmap . flush ( )
del eri_mmap
else :
eri_ao = mol . intor ( ' int2e ' ) . transpose ( 0 , 2 , 1 , 3 ) # chem -> phys
f = open ( output_file_path , ' w ' )
eri_ao . tofile ( output_file_path )
f . close ( )
te_2e = time . time ( )
print ( " Wall time for writing 2e-integrals to disk: {:.3f} seconds " . format ( te_2e - ti_2e ) )
sys . stdout . flush ( )
2024-12-06 15:53:14 +01:00
2024-08-28 15:07:20 +02:00
2023-07-03 14:33:48 +02:00
#Execute the QuAcK fortran program
2024-10-31 15:42:22 +01:00
subprocess . call ( [ QuAcK_dir + ' /bin/QuAcK ' , working_dir ] )