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! ---
BEGIN_PROVIDER [double precision, env_gauss_hermI, (ao_num,ao_num)]
! :math:`\langle \chi_A | -0.5 \Delta \tau_{env} | \chi_B \rangle`
implicit none
integer :: num_A, num_B
integer :: power_A(3), power_B(3)
integer :: i, j, k, l, m
double precision :: alpha, beta, gama, coef
double precision :: A_center(3), B_center(3), C_center(3)
double precision :: c1, c2, c
integer :: dim1
double precision :: overlap_y, d_a_2, overlap_z, overlap
double precision :: int_gauss_r0, int_gauss_r2
! --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
! -- Dummy call to provide everything
dim1 = 100
A_center(:) = 0.d0
B_center(:) = 1.d0
alpha = 1.d0
beta = 0.1d0
power_A(:) = 1
power_B(:) = 0
call overlap_gaussian_xyz( A_center, B_center, alpha, beta, power_A, power_B &
, overlap_y, d_a_2, overlap_z, overlap, dim1 )
! --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
env_gauss_hermI(1:ao_num,1:ao_num) = 0.d0
!$OMP PRIVATE (i, j, k, l, m, alpha, beta, gama, &
!$OMP A_center, B_center, C_center, power_A, power_B, &
!$OMP num_A, num_B, c1, c2, c) &
!$OMP SHARED (ao_num, ao_prim_num, ao_expo_ordered_transp, &
!$OMP ao_power, ao_nucl, nucl_coord, &
!$OMP ao_coef_normalized_ordered_transp, &
!$OMP nucl_num, env_expo, env_gauss_hermI)
!$OMP DO SCHEDULE (dynamic)
do j = 1, ao_num
num_A = ao_nucl(j)
power_A(1:3) = ao_power(j,1:3)
A_center(1:3) = nucl_coord(num_A,1:3)
do i = 1, ao_num
num_B = ao_nucl(i)
power_B(1:3) = ao_power(i,1:3)
B_center(1:3) = nucl_coord(num_B,1:3)
do l = 1, ao_prim_num(j)
alpha = ao_expo_ordered_transp(l,j)
do m = 1, ao_prim_num(i)
beta = ao_expo_ordered_transp(m,i)
c = 0.d0
do k = 1, nucl_num
gama = env_expo(k)
C_center(1:3) = nucl_coord(k,1:3)
! < XA | exp[-gama r_C^2] | XB >
c1 = int_gauss_r0( A_center, B_center, C_center &
, power_A, power_B, alpha, beta, gama )
! < XA | r_A^2 exp[-gama r_C^2] | XB >
c2 = int_gauss_r2( A_center, B_center, C_center &
, power_A, power_B, alpha, beta, gama )
c = c + 3.d0 * gama * c1 - 2.d0 * gama * gama * c2
env_gauss_hermI(i,j) = env_gauss_hermI(i,j) &
+ ao_coef_normalized_ordered_transp(l,j) &
* ao_coef_normalized_ordered_transp(m,i) * c
! < XA | exp[-gama r_C^2] | XB >
double precision function int_gauss_r0(A_center, B_center, C_center, power_A, power_B, alpha, beta, gama)
! for max_dim
include 'constants.include.F'
implicit none
integer , intent(in) :: power_A(3), power_B(3)
double precision, intent(in) :: A_center(3), B_center(3), C_center(3)
double precision, intent(in) :: alpha, beta, gama
integer :: i, power_C, dim1
integer :: iorder(3)
integer :: nmax
double precision :: AB_expo, fact_AB, AB_center(3), P_AB(0:max_dim,3)
double precision :: cx, cy, cz
double precision :: overlap_gaussian_x
dim1 = 100
! P_AB(0:max_dim,3) polynomial
! AB_center(3) new center
! AB_expo new exponent
! fact_AB constant factor
! iorder(3) i_order(i) = order of the polynomials
call give_explicit_poly_and_gaussian( P_AB, AB_center, AB_expo, fact_AB &
, iorder, alpha, beta, power_A, power_B, A_center, B_center, dim1)
if( fact_AB .lt. 1d-20 ) then
int_gauss_r0 = 0.d0
power_C = 0
cx = 0.d0
do i = 0, iorder(1)
cx = cx + P_AB(i,1) * overlap_gaussian_x(AB_center(1), C_center(1), AB_expo, gama, i, power_C, dim1)
cy = 0.d0
do i = 0, iorder(2)
cy = cy + P_AB(i,2) * overlap_gaussian_x(AB_center(2), C_center(2), AB_expo, gama, i, power_C, dim1)
cz = 0.d0
do i = 0, iorder(3)
cz = cz + P_AB(i,3) * overlap_gaussian_x(AB_center(3), C_center(3), AB_expo, gama, i, power_C, dim1)
int_gauss_r0 = fact_AB * cx * cy * cz
end function int_gauss_r0
! < XA | r_C^2 exp[-gama r_C^2] | XB >
double precision function int_gauss_r2(A_center, B_center, C_center, power_A, power_B, alpha, beta, gama)
! for max_dim
include 'constants.include.F'
implicit none
integer, intent(in) :: power_A(3), power_B(3)
double precision, intent(in) :: A_center(3), B_center(3), C_center(3)
double precision, intent(in) :: alpha, beta, gama
integer :: i, power_C, dim1
integer :: iorder(3)
double precision :: AB_expo, fact_AB, AB_center(3), P_AB(0:max_dim,3)
double precision :: cx0, cy0, cz0, cx, cy, cz
double precision :: int_tmp
double precision :: overlap_gaussian_x
dim1 = 100
! P_AB(0:max_dim,3) polynomial centered on AB_center
! AB_center(3) new center
! AB_expo new exponent
! fact_AB constant factor
! iorder(3) i_order(i) = order of the polynomials
call give_explicit_poly_and_gaussian( P_AB, AB_center, AB_expo, fact_AB &
, iorder, alpha, beta, power_A, power_B, A_center, B_center, dim1)
! <<<
! to avoid multi-evaluation
power_C = 0
cx0 = 0.d0
do i = 0, iorder(1)
cx0 = cx0 + P_AB(i,1) * overlap_gaussian_x(AB_center(1), C_center(1), AB_expo, gama, i, power_C, dim1)
cy0 = 0.d0
do i = 0, iorder(2)
cy0 = cy0 + P_AB(i,2) * overlap_gaussian_x(AB_center(2), C_center(2), AB_expo, gama, i, power_C, dim1)
cz0 = 0.d0
do i = 0, iorder(3)
cz0 = cz0 + P_AB(i,3) * overlap_gaussian_x(AB_center(3), C_center(3), AB_expo, gama, i, power_C, dim1)
! >>>
int_tmp = 0.d0
power_C = 2
! ( x - XC)^2
cx = 0.d0
do i = 0, iorder(1)
cx = cx + P_AB(i,1) * overlap_gaussian_x(AB_center(1), C_center(1), AB_expo, gama, i, power_C, dim1)
int_tmp += cx * cy0 * cz0
! ( y - YC)^2
cy = 0.d0
do i = 0, iorder(2)
cy = cy + P_AB(i,2) * overlap_gaussian_x(AB_center(2), C_center(2), AB_expo, gama, i, power_C, dim1)
int_tmp += cx0 * cy * cz0
! ( z - ZC)^2
cz = 0.d0
do i = 0, iorder(3)
cz = cz + P_AB(i,3) * overlap_gaussian_x(AB_center(3), C_center(3), AB_expo, gama, i, power_C, dim1)
int_tmp += cx0 * cy0 * cz
int_gauss_r2 = fact_AB * int_tmp
end function int_gauss_r2