
79 lines
1.9 KiB

! Debug the gradient
! *Program to check the gradient*
! The program compares the result of the first and last code for the
! gradient.
! Provided:
! | mo_num | integer | number of MOs |
! Internal:
! | n | integer | number of orbitals pairs (p,q) p<q |
! | v_grad(n) | double precision | Original gradient |
! | v_grad2(n) | double precision | Gradient |
! | i | integer | index |
! | threshold | double precision | threshold for the errors |
! | max_error | double precision | maximal error in the gradient |
! | nb_error | integer | number of error in the gradient |
program debug_gradient_list
implicit none
! Variables
double precision, allocatable :: v_grad(:), v_grad2(:)
integer :: n,m
integer :: i
double precision :: threshold
double precision :: max_error, max_elem, norm
integer :: nb_error
m = dim_list_act_orb
! Definition of n
n = m*(m-1)/2
PROVIDE mo_two_e_integrals_in_map ! Verifier pour suppression
! Allocation
allocate(v_grad(n), v_grad2(n))
! Calculation
call diagonalize_ci ! Verifier pour suppression
! Gradient
call gradient_list_opt(n,m,list_act,v_grad,max_elem,norm)
call first_gradient_list_opt(n,m,list_act,v_grad2)
v_grad = v_grad - v_grad2
nb_error = 0
max_error = 0d0
threshold = 1d-12
do i = 1, n
if (ABS(v_grad(i)) > threshold) then
nb_error = nb_error + 1
if (ABS(v_grad(i)) > max_error) then
max_error = v_grad(i)
print*,'Check the gradient'
print*,'Threshold:', threshold
print*,'Nb error:', nb_error
print*,'Max error:', max_error
! Deallocation
end program