program test_dav implicit none BEGIN_DOC ! TODO : Put the documentation of the program here END_DOC print *, 'Hello world' read_wf = .True. touch read_wf PROVIDE threshold_davidson nthreads_davidson call routine end subroutine routine implicit none double precision, allocatable :: u_in(:,:), H_jj(:), energies(:),h_mat(:,:) integer :: dim_in,sze,N_st,N_st_diag_in,dressing_state logical :: converged integer :: i,j external hcalc_template N_st = N_states N_st_diag_in = N_states_diag sze = N_det dim_in = sze dressing_state = 0 allocate(u_in(dim_in,N_st_diag_in),H_jj(sze),h_mat(sze,sze),energies(N_st)) u_in = 0.d0 do i = 1, N_st u_in(1,i) = 1.d0 enddo do i = 1, sze do j = 1, sze h_mat(j,i) = H_matrix_all_dets(j,i) enddo H_jj(i) = H_mat(i,i) + nuclear_repulsion h_mat(i,i) = H_mat(i,i) + nuclear_repulsion enddo provide nthreads_davidson call davidson_general(u_in,H_jj,energies,dim_in,sze,N_st,N_st_diag_in,converged,h_mat) print*,'energies = ',energies call davidson_general_ext_rout(u_in,H_jj,energies,dim_in,sze,N_st,N_st_diag_in,converged,hcalc_template) print*,'energies = ',energies end