# This is an example for MULTI STATE CALCULATION STATE AVERAGE CASSCF # We will compute 3 states on the O2 molecule # The Ground state and 2 degenerate excited states # Please follow carefully the tuto :) ##### PREPARING THE EZFIO # Set the path to your QP2 directory QP_ROOT=my_fancy_path source ${QP_ROOT}/quantum_package.rc # Create the EZFIO folder qp create_ezfio -b aug-cc-pvdz O2.xyz -m 3 -a -o O2_avdz_multi_state # Start with ROHF orbitals qp run scf # Freeze the 1s orbitals of the two oxygen qp set_frozen_core ##### PREPARING THE ORBITALS WITH NATURAL ORBITALS OF A CIS # Tell that you want 3 states in your WF qp set determinants n_states 3 # Run a CIS wave function to start your calculation qp run cis | tee ${EZFIO_FILE}.cis_3_states.out # Save the STATE AVERAGE natural orbitals for having a balanced description # This will also order the orbitals according to their occupation number # Which makes the active space selection easyer ! qp run save_natorb | tee ${EZFIO_FILE}.natorb_3states.out ##### PREPARING A CIS GUESS WITHIN THE ACTIVE SPACE # Set an active space which has the most of important excitations # and that maintains symmetry : the ACTIVE ORBITALS are from """6 to 13""" # YOU FIRST FREEZE THE VIRTUALS THAT ARE NOT IN THE ACTIVE SPACE # !!!!! WE SET TO "-D" for DELETED !!!! qp set_mo_class -c "[1-5]" -a "[6-13]" -d "[14-46]" # You create a guess of CIS type WITHIN THE ACTIVE SPACE qp run cis | tee ${EZFIO_FILE}.cis_3_states_active_space.out # You tell to read the WFT stored (i.e. the guess we just created) qp set determinants read_wf True ##### DOING THE CASSCF ### SETTING PROPERLY THE ACTIVE SPACE FOR CASSCF # You set the active space WITH THE VIRTUAL ORBITALS !!! # !!!!! NOW WE SET TO "-v" for VIRTUALS !!!!! qp set_mo_class -c "[1-5]" -a "[6-13]" -v "[14-46]" # You tell that it is a small actice space so the CIPSI can take all Slater determinants qp set casscf_cipsi small_active_space True # You specify the output file output=${EZFIO_FILE}.casscf_3states.out # You run the CASSCF calculation qp run casscf | tee ${output} # Some grep in order to get some numbers useful to check convergence # State average energy grep "State-average CAS-SCF energy =" $output | cut -d "=" -f 2 > data_e_average # Delta E anticipated for State-average energy, only usefull to check convergence grep "Predicted energy improvement =" $output | cut -d "=" -f 2 > data_improve # Ground state energy grep "state 1 E + PT2 energy" $output | cut -d "=" -f 2 > data_1 # First excited state energy grep "state 2 E + PT2 energy" $output | cut -d "=" -f 2 > data_2 # First excitation energy grep "state 2 Delta E+PT2" $output | cut -d "=" -f 2 > data_delta_E2 # Second excited state energy grep "state 3 E + PT2 energy" $output | cut -d "=" -f 2 > data_3 # Second excitation energy grep "state 3 Delta E+PT2" $output | cut -d "=" -f 2 > data_delta_E3