[mu_erf] type: double precision doc: cutting of the interaction in the range separated model interface: ezfio,provider,ocaml default: 0.5 ezfio_name: mu_erf [j2e_type] type: character*(32) doc: type of the 2e-Jastrow: [ rs-dft | rs-dft-murho | champ ] interface: ezfio,provider,ocaml default: lin-fc-rs-dft [j1e_type] type: character*(32) doc: type of the 1e-Jastrow: [ none | gauss ] interface: ezfio,provider,ocaml default: none [j1e_size] type: integer doc: number of functions per atom in 1e-Jastrow interface: ezfio,provider,ocaml default: 1 [j1e_coef] type: double precision doc: linear coef of functions in 1e-Jastrow interface: ezfio size: (hamiltonian.j1e_size,nuclei.nucl_num) [j1e_expo] type: double precision doc: exponenets of functions in 1e-Jastrow interface: ezfio size: (hamiltonian.j1e_size,nuclei.nucl_num) [env_type] type: character*(32) doc: type of 1-body Jastrow: [ prod-gauss | sum-gauss | sum-slat | sum-quartic ] interface: ezfio, provider, ocaml default: sum-gauss [env_expo] type: double precision doc: exponents of the 1-body Jastrow interface: ezfio size: (nuclei.nucl_num) [env_coef] type: double precision doc: coefficients of the 1-body Jastrow interface: ezfio size: (nuclei.nucl_num) [murho_type] type: integer doc: type of mu(rho) Jastrow interface: ezfio, provider, ocaml default: 0 [ng_fit_jast] type: integer doc: nb of Gaussians used to fit Jastrow fcts interface: ezfio,provider,ocaml default: 20