subroutine save_mos implicit none double precision, allocatable :: buffer(:,:) integer :: i,j call system('$QP_ROOT/scripts/ '//trim(ezfio_filename)) call ezfio_set_mo_basis_mo_num(mo_num) call ezfio_set_mo_basis_mo_label(mo_label) call ezfio_set_mo_basis_ao_md5(ao_md5) allocate ( buffer(ao_num,mo_num) ) buffer = 0.d0 do j = 1, mo_num do i = 1, ao_num buffer(i,j) = mo_coef(i,j) enddo enddo call ezfio_set_mo_basis_mo_coef(buffer) call ezfio_set_mo_basis_mo_occ(mo_occ) call ezfio_set_mo_basis_mo_class(mo_class) deallocate (buffer) end subroutine save_mos_no_occ implicit none double precision, allocatable :: buffer(:,:) integer :: i,j call system('$QP_ROOT/scripts/ '//trim(ezfio_filename)) !call ezfio_set_mo_basis_mo_num(mo_num) !call ezfio_set_mo_basis_mo_label(mo_label) !call ezfio_set_mo_basis_ao_md5(ao_md5) allocate ( buffer(ao_num,mo_num) ) buffer = 0.d0 do j = 1, mo_num do i = 1, ao_num buffer(i,j) = mo_coef(i,j) enddo enddo call ezfio_set_mo_basis_mo_coef(buffer) deallocate (buffer) end subroutine save_mos_truncated(n) implicit none double precision, allocatable :: buffer(:,:) integer :: i,j,n call system('$QP_ROOT/scripts/ '//trim(ezfio_filename)) call ezfio_set_mo_basis_mo_num(n) call ezfio_set_mo_basis_mo_label(mo_label) call ezfio_set_mo_basis_ao_md5(ao_md5) allocate ( buffer(ao_num,n) ) buffer = 0.d0 do j = 1, n do i = 1, ao_num buffer(i,j) = mo_coef(i,j) enddo enddo call ezfio_set_mo_basis_mo_coef(buffer) call ezfio_set_mo_basis_mo_occ(mo_occ) call ezfio_set_mo_basis_mo_class(mo_class) deallocate (buffer) end subroutine mo_as_eigvectors_of_mo_matrix(matrix,n,m,label,sign,output) implicit none integer,intent(in) :: n,m, sign character*(64), intent(in) :: label double precision, intent(in) :: matrix(n,m) logical, intent(in) :: output integer :: i,j double precision, allocatable :: mo_coef_new(:,:), R(:,:),eigvalues(:), A(:,:) !DIR$ ATTRIBUTES ALIGN : $IRP_ALIGN :: mo_coef_new, R call write_time(6) if (m /= mo_num) then print *, irp_here, ': Error : m/= mo_num' stop 1 endif allocate(A(n,m),R(n,m),mo_coef_new(ao_num,m),eigvalues(m)) if (sign == -1) then do j=1,m do i=1,n A(i,j) = -matrix(i,j) enddo enddo else do j=1,m do i=1,n A(i,j) = matrix(i,j) enddo enddo endif mo_coef_new = mo_coef call lapack_diag(eigvalues,R,A,n,m) if (output) then write (6,'(A)') 'MOs are now **'//trim(label)//'**' write (6,'(A)') '' write (6,'(A)') 'Eigenvalues' write (6,'(A)') '-----------' write (6,'(A)') '' write (6,'(A)') '======== ================' endif if (sign == -1) then do i=1,m eigvalues(i) = -eigvalues(i) enddo endif if (output) then do i=1,m write (6,'(I8,1X,F16.10)') i,eigvalues(i) enddo write (6,'(A)') '======== ================' write (6,'(A)') '' endif call dgemm('N','N',ao_num,m,m,1.d0,mo_coef_new,size(mo_coef_new,1),R,size(R,1),0.d0,mo_coef,size(mo_coef,1)) deallocate(A,mo_coef_new,R,eigvalues) call write_time(6) mo_label = label end subroutine mo_as_svd_vectors_of_mo_matrix(matrix,lda,m,n,label) implicit none integer,intent(in) :: lda,m,n character*(64), intent(in) :: label double precision, intent(in) :: matrix(lda,n) integer :: i,j double precision :: accu double precision, allocatable :: mo_coef_new(:,:), U(:,:),D(:), A(:,:), Vt(:,:), work(:) !DIR$ ATTRIBUTES ALIGN : $IRP_ALIGN :: mo_coef_new, U, Vt, A call write_time(6) if (m /= mo_num) then print *, irp_here, ': Error : m/= mo_num' stop 1 endif allocate(A(lda,n),U(lda,n),mo_coef_new(ao_num,m),D(m),Vt(lda,n)) do j=1,n do i=1,m A(i,j) = matrix(i,j) enddo enddo mo_coef_new = mo_coef call svd(A,lda,U,lda,D,Vt,lda,m,n) write (6,'(A)') 'MOs are now **'//trim(label)//'**' write (6,'(A)') '' write (6,'(A)') 'Eigenvalues' write (6,'(A)') '-----------' write (6,'(A)') '' write (6,'(A)') '======== ================ ================' write (6,'(A)') ' MO Eigenvalue Cumulative ' write (6,'(A)') '======== ================ ================' accu = 0.d0 do i=1,m accu = accu + D(i) write (6,'(I8,1X,F16.10,1X,F16.10)') i,D(i), accu enddo write (6,'(A)') '======== ================ ================' write (6,'(A)') '' call dgemm('N','N',ao_num,m,m,1.d0,mo_coef_new,size(mo_coef_new,1),U,size(U,1),0.d0,mo_coef,size(mo_coef,1)) deallocate(A,mo_coef_new,U,Vt,D) call write_time(6) mo_label = label end subroutine mo_as_svd_vectors_of_mo_matrix_eig(matrix,lda,m,n,eig,label) implicit none integer,intent(in) :: lda,m,n character*(64), intent(in) :: label double precision, intent(in) :: matrix(lda,n) double precision, intent(out) :: eig(m) integer :: i,j double precision :: accu double precision, allocatable :: mo_coef_new(:,:), U(:,:),D(:), A(:,:), Vt(:,:), work(:) !DIR$ ATTRIBUTES ALIGN : $IRP_ALIGN :: mo_coef_new, U, Vt, A call write_time(6) if (m /= mo_num) then print *, irp_here, ': Error : m/= mo_num' stop 1 endif allocate(A(lda,n),U(lda,n),mo_coef_new(ao_num,m),D(m),Vt(lda,n)) do j=1,n do i=1,m A(i,j) = matrix(i,j) enddo enddo mo_coef_new = mo_coef call svd(A,lda,U,lda,D,Vt,lda,m,n) write (6,'(A)') 'MOs are now **'//trim(label)//'**' write (6,'(A)') '' write (6,'(A)') 'Eigenvalues' write (6,'(A)') '-----------' write (6,'(A)') '' write (6,'(A)') '======== ================ ================' write (6,'(A)') ' MO Eigenvalue Cumulative ' write (6,'(A)') '======== ================ ================' accu = 0.d0 do i=1,m accu = accu + D(i) write (6,'(I8,1X,F16.10,1X,F16.10)') i,D(i), accu enddo write (6,'(A)') '======== ================ ================' write (6,'(A)') '' call dgemm('N','N',ao_num,m,m,1.d0,mo_coef_new,size(mo_coef_new,1),U,size(U,1),0.d0,mo_coef,size(mo_coef,1)) do i=1,m eig(i) = D(i) enddo deallocate(A,mo_coef_new,U,Vt,D) call write_time(6) mo_label = label end subroutine mo_coef_new_as_svd_vectors_of_mo_matrix_eig(matrix,lda,m,n,mo_coef_before,eig,mo_coef_new) implicit none BEGIN_DOC ! You enter with matrix in the MO basis defined with the mo_coef_before. ! ! You SVD the matrix and set the eigenvectors as mo_coef_new ordered by increasing singular values END_DOC integer,intent(in) :: lda,m,n double precision, intent(in) :: matrix(lda,n),mo_coef_before(ao_num,m) double precision, intent(out) :: eig(m),mo_coef_new(ao_num,m) integer :: i,j double precision :: accu double precision, allocatable :: mo_coef_tmp(:,:), U(:,:),D(:), A(:,:), Vt(:,:), work(:) !DIR$ ATTRIBUTES ALIGN : $IRP_ALIGN :: U, Vt, A call write_time(6) if (m /= mo_num) then print *, irp_here, ': Error : m/= mo_num' stop 1 endif allocate(A(lda,n),U(lda,n),D(m),Vt(lda,n),mo_coef_tmp(ao_num,mo_num)) do j=1,n do i=1,m A(i,j) = matrix(i,j) enddo enddo mo_coef_tmp = mo_coef_before call svd(A,lda,U,lda,D,Vt,lda,m,n) write (6,'(A)') '' write (6,'(A)') 'Eigenvalues' write (6,'(A)') '-----------' write (6,'(A)') '' write (6,'(A)') '======== ================ ================' write (6,'(A)') ' MO Eigenvalue Cumulative ' write (6,'(A)') '======== ================ ================' accu = 0.d0 do i=1,m accu = accu + D(i) write (6,'(I8,1X,F16.10,1X,F16.10)') i,D(i), accu enddo write (6,'(A)') '======== ================ ================' write (6,'(A)') '' call dgemm('N','N',ao_num,m,m,1.d0,mo_coef_tmp,size(mo_coef_new,1),U,size(U,1),0.d0,mo_coef_new,size(mo_coef_new,1)) do i=1,m eig(i) = D(i) enddo deallocate(A,U,Vt,D,mo_coef_tmp) call write_time(6) end