#!/usr/bin/env python3 import os import sys # First argument is the EZFIO file # It reads a file EZFIO_point_charges.xyz written in this way: # charge x y z (Angstrom) # for all charges def zip_in_ezfio(ezfio,tmp): tmpzip=tmp+".gz" cmdzip="gzip -c "+tmp+" > "+tmpzip os.system(cmdzip) os.system("rm "+tmp) cmdmv="mv "+tmpzip+" "+EZFIO+"/nuclei/"+tmpzip os.system(cmdmv) def mv_in_ezfio(ezfio,tmp): cmdmv="mv "+tmp+" "+EZFIO+"/nuclei/"+tmp os.system(cmdmv) # Getting the EZFIO EZFIO=sys.argv[1] EZFIO=EZFIO.replace("/", "") print(EZFIO) # Reading the point charges and convert the Angstrom geometry in Bohr for QP f = open(EZFIO+'_point_charges.xyz','r') lines = f.readlines() convert_angs_to_bohr=1.8897259885789233 n_charges=0 coord_x=[] coord_y=[] coord_z=[] charges=[] for line in lines: data = line.split() if(len(data)>0): n_charges += 1 charges.append(str(data[0])) coord_x.append(str(convert_angs_to_bohr*float(data[1]))) coord_y.append(str(convert_angs_to_bohr*float(data[2]))) coord_z.append(str(convert_angs_to_bohr*float(data[3]))) # Write the file containing the number of charges and set in EZFIO folder tmp="n_pts_charge" fncharges = open(tmp,'w') fncharges.write(" "+str(n_charges)+'\n') fncharges.close() mv_in_ezfio(EZFIO,tmp) # Write the file containing the charges and set in EZFIO folder tmp="pts_charge_z" fcharges = open(tmp,'w') fcharges.write(" 1\n") fcharges.write(" "+str(n_charges)+'\n') for i in range(n_charges): fcharges.write(charges[i]+'\n') fcharges.close() zip_in_ezfio(EZFIO,tmp) # Write the file containing the charge coordinates and set in EZFIO folder tmp="pts_charge_coord" fcoord = open(tmp,'w') fcoord.write(" 2\n") fcoord.write(" "+str(n_charges)+' 3\n') #fcoord.write(" "+' 3 '+str(n_charges)+' \n') for i in range(n_charges): fcoord.write(' '+coord_x[i]+'\n') for i in range(n_charges): fcoord.write(' '+coord_y[i]+'\n') for i in range(n_charges): fcoord.write(' '+coord_z[i]+'\n') fcoord.close() zip_in_ezfio(EZFIO,tmp)