! --- BEGIN_PROVIDER [ double precision, three_e_3_idx_direct_bi_ort, (mo_num, mo_num, mo_num)] BEGIN_DOC ! ! matrix element of the -L three-body operator ON A BI ORTHONORMAL BASIS for the direct terms ! ! three_e_3_idx_direct_bi_ort(m,j,i) = <mji|-L|mji> ! ! notice the -1 sign: in this way three_e_3_idx_direct_bi_ort can be directly used to compute Slater rules with a + sign ! END_DOC implicit none integer :: i, j, m double precision :: integral, wall1, wall0 PROVIDE mo_l_coef mo_r_coef provide mos_r_in_r_array_transp mos_l_in_r_array_transp three_e_3_idx_direct_bi_ort = 0.d0 print *, ' Providing the three_e_3_idx_direct_bi_ort ...' call wall_time(wall0) call give_integrals_3_body_bi_ort(1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, integral) !$OMP PARALLEL & !$OMP DEFAULT (NONE) & !$OMP PRIVATE (i,j,m,integral) & !$OMP SHARED (mo_num,three_e_3_idx_direct_bi_ort) !$OMP DO SCHEDULE (dynamic) do i = 1, mo_num do j = 1, mo_num do m = j, mo_num call give_integrals_3_body_bi_ort(m, j, i, m, j, i, integral) three_e_3_idx_direct_bi_ort(m,j,i) = -1.d0 * integral enddo enddo enddo !$OMP END DO !$OMP END PARALLEL do i = 1, mo_num do j = 1, mo_num do m = 1, j three_e_3_idx_direct_bi_ort(m,j,i) = three_e_3_idx_direct_bi_ort(j,m,i) enddo enddo enddo call wall_time(wall1) print *, ' wall time for three_e_3_idx_direct_bi_ort', wall1 - wall0 call print_memory_usage() END_PROVIDER ! --- BEGIN_PROVIDER [ double precision, three_e_3_idx_cycle_1_bi_ort, (mo_num, mo_num, mo_num)] BEGIN_DOC ! ! matrix element of the -L three-body operator ON A BI ORTHONORMAL BASIS for the first cyclic permutation ! ! three_e_3_idx_cycle_1_bi_ort(m,j,i) = <mji|-L|jim> ! ! notice the -1 sign: in this way three_e_3_idx_direct_bi_ort can be directly used to compute Slater rules with a + sign ! END_DOC implicit none integer :: i, j, m double precision :: integral, wall1, wall0 three_e_3_idx_cycle_1_bi_ort = 0.d0 print *, ' Providing the three_e_3_idx_cycle_1_bi_ort ...' call wall_time(wall0) provide mos_r_in_r_array_transp mos_l_in_r_array_transp call give_integrals_3_body_bi_ort(1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, integral) !$OMP PARALLEL & !$OMP DEFAULT (NONE) & !$OMP PRIVATE (i,j,m,integral) & !$OMP SHARED (mo_num,three_e_3_idx_cycle_1_bi_ort) !$OMP DO SCHEDULE (dynamic) do i = 1, mo_num do j = 1, mo_num do m = j, mo_num call give_integrals_3_body_bi_ort(m, j, i, j, i, m, integral) three_e_3_idx_cycle_1_bi_ort(m,j,i) = -1.d0 * integral enddo enddo enddo !$OMP END DO !$OMP END PARALLEL do i = 1, mo_num do j = 1, mo_num do m = 1, j three_e_3_idx_cycle_1_bi_ort(m,j,i) = three_e_3_idx_cycle_1_bi_ort(j,m,i) enddo enddo enddo call wall_time(wall1) print *, ' wall time for three_e_3_idx_cycle_1_bi_ort', wall1 - wall0 call print_memory_usage() END_PROVIDER ! --- BEGIN_PROVIDER [ double precision, three_e_3_idx_cycle_2_bi_ort, (mo_num, mo_num, mo_num)] BEGIN_DOC ! ! matrix element of the -L three-body operator ON A BI ORTHONORMAL BASIS for the second cyclic permutation ! ! three_e_3_idx_direct_bi_ort(m,j,i) = <mji|-L|imj> ! ! notice the -1 sign: in this way three_e_3_idx_direct_bi_ort can be directly used to compute Slater rules with a + sign ! END_DOC implicit none integer :: i, j, m double precision :: integral, wall1, wall0 PROVIDE mo_l_coef mo_r_coef three_e_3_idx_cycle_2_bi_ort = 0.d0 print *, ' Providing the three_e_3_idx_cycle_2_bi_ort ...' call wall_time(wall0) provide mos_r_in_r_array_transp mos_l_in_r_array_transp call give_integrals_3_body_bi_ort(1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, integral) !$OMP PARALLEL & !$OMP DEFAULT (NONE) & !$OMP PRIVATE (i,j,m,integral) & !$OMP SHARED (mo_num,three_e_3_idx_cycle_2_bi_ort) !$OMP DO SCHEDULE (dynamic) do i = 1, mo_num do j = 1, mo_num do m = j, mo_num call give_integrals_3_body_bi_ort(m, j, i, i, m, j, integral) three_e_3_idx_cycle_2_bi_ort(m,j,i) = -1.d0 * integral enddo enddo enddo !$OMP END DO !$OMP END PARALLEL do i = 1, mo_num do j = 1, mo_num do m = 1, j three_e_3_idx_cycle_2_bi_ort(m,j,i) = three_e_3_idx_cycle_2_bi_ort(j,m,i) enddo enddo enddo call wall_time(wall1) print *, ' wall time for three_e_3_idx_cycle_2_bi_ort', wall1 - wall0 call print_memory_usage() END_PROVIDER ! --- BEGIN_PROVIDER [ double precision, three_e_3_idx_exch23_bi_ort, (mo_num, mo_num, mo_num)] BEGIN_DOC ! ! matrix element of the -L three-body operator ON A BI ORTHONORMAL BASIS for the permutations of particle 2 and 3 ! ! three_e_3_idx_exch23_bi_ort(m,j,i) = <mji|-L|jmi> ! ! notice the -1 sign: in this way three_e_3_idx_direct_bi_ort can be directly used to compute Slater rules with a + sign ! END_DOC implicit none integer :: i, j, m double precision :: integral, wall1, wall0 PROVIDE mo_l_coef mo_r_coef three_e_3_idx_exch23_bi_ort = 0.d0 print*,'Providing the three_e_3_idx_exch23_bi_ort ...' call wall_time(wall0) provide mos_r_in_r_array_transp mos_l_in_r_array_transp call give_integrals_3_body_bi_ort(1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, integral) !$OMP PARALLEL & !$OMP DEFAULT (NONE) & !$OMP PRIVATE (i,j,m,integral) & !$OMP SHARED (mo_num,three_e_3_idx_exch23_bi_ort) !$OMP DO SCHEDULE (dynamic) do i = 1, mo_num do j = 1, mo_num do m = j, mo_num call give_integrals_3_body_bi_ort(m, j, i, j, m, i, integral) three_e_3_idx_exch23_bi_ort(m,j,i) = -1.d0 * integral enddo enddo enddo !$OMP END DO !$OMP END PARALLEL do i = 1, mo_num do j = 1, mo_num do m = 1, j three_e_3_idx_exch23_bi_ort(m,j,i) = three_e_3_idx_exch23_bi_ort(j,m,i) enddo enddo enddo call wall_time(wall1) print *, ' wall time for three_e_3_idx_exch23_bi_ort', wall1 - wall0 call print_memory_usage() END_PROVIDER ! --- BEGIN_PROVIDER [ double precision, three_e_3_idx_exch13_bi_ort, (mo_num, mo_num, mo_num)] BEGIN_DOC ! ! matrix element of the -L three-body operator ON A BI ORTHONORMAL BASIS for the permutations of particle 1 and 3 ! ! three_e_3_idx_exch13_bi_ort(m,j,i) = <mji|-L|ijm> ! ! notice the -1 sign: in this way three_e_3_idx_direct_bi_ort can be directly used to compute Slater rules with a + sign ! END_DOC implicit none integer :: i,j,m double precision :: integral, wall1, wall0 PROVIDE mo_l_coef mo_r_coef three_e_3_idx_exch13_bi_ort = 0.d0 print *, ' Providing the three_e_3_idx_exch13_bi_ort ...' call wall_time(wall0) provide mos_r_in_r_array_transp mos_l_in_r_array_transp call give_integrals_3_body_bi_ort(1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, integral) !$OMP PARALLEL & !$OMP DEFAULT (NONE) & !$OMP PRIVATE (i,j,m,integral) & !$OMP SHARED (mo_num,three_e_3_idx_exch13_bi_ort) !$OMP DO SCHEDULE (dynamic) do i = 1, mo_num do j = 1, mo_num do m = j, mo_num call give_integrals_3_body_bi_ort(m, j, i, i, j, m,integral) three_e_3_idx_exch13_bi_ort(m,j,i) = -1.d0 * integral enddo enddo enddo !$OMP END DO !$OMP END PARALLEL do i = 1, mo_num do j = 1, mo_num do m = 1, j three_e_3_idx_exch13_bi_ort(m,j,i) = three_e_3_idx_exch13_bi_ort(j,m,i) enddo enddo enddo call wall_time(wall1) print *, ' wall time for three_e_3_idx_exch13_bi_ort', wall1 - wall0 call print_memory_usage() END_PROVIDER ! --- BEGIN_PROVIDER [ double precision, three_e_3_idx_exch12_bi_ort, (mo_num, mo_num, mo_num)] BEGIN_DOC ! ! matrix element of the -L three-body operator ON A BI ORTHONORMAL BASIS for the permutations of particle 1 and 2 ! ! three_e_3_idx_exch12_bi_ort(m,j,i) = <mji|-L|mij> ! ! notice the -1 sign: in this way three_e_3_idx_direct_bi_ort can be directly used to compute Slater rules with a + sign ! END_DOC implicit none integer :: i, j, m double precision :: integral, wall1, wall0 PROVIDE mo_l_coef mo_r_coef three_e_3_idx_exch12_bi_ort = 0.d0 print *, ' Providing the three_e_3_idx_exch12_bi_ort ...' call wall_time(wall0) provide mos_r_in_r_array_transp mos_l_in_r_array_transp call give_integrals_3_body_bi_ort(1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, integral) !$OMP PARALLEL & !$OMP DEFAULT (NONE) & !$OMP PRIVATE (i,j,m,integral) & !$OMP SHARED (mo_num,three_e_3_idx_exch12_bi_ort) !$OMP DO SCHEDULE (dynamic) do i = 1, mo_num do j = 1, mo_num do m = 1, mo_num call give_integrals_3_body_bi_ort(m, j, i, m, i, j, integral) three_e_3_idx_exch12_bi_ort(m,j,i) = -1.d0 * integral enddo enddo enddo !$OMP END DO !$OMP END PARALLEL call wall_time(wall1) print *, ' wall time for three_e_3_idx_exch12_bi_ort', wall1 - wall0 call print_memory_usage() END_PROVIDER ! --- BEGIN_PROVIDER [ double precision, three_e_3_idx_exch12_bi_ort_new, (mo_num, mo_num, mo_num)] BEGIN_DOC ! ! matrix element of the -L three-body operator ON A BI ORTHONORMAL BASIS for the permutations of particle 1 and 2 ! ! three_e_3_idx_exch12_bi_ort_new(m,j,i) = <mji|-L|mij> ! ! notice the -1 sign: in this way three_e_3_idx_direct_bi_ort can be directly used to compute Slater rules with a + sign ! END_DOC implicit none integer :: i, j, m double precision :: integral, wall1, wall0 three_e_3_idx_exch12_bi_ort_new = 0.d0 print *, ' Providing the three_e_3_idx_exch12_bi_ort_new ...' call wall_time(wall0) provide mos_r_in_r_array_transp mos_l_in_r_array_transp call give_integrals_3_body_bi_ort(1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, integral) !$OMP PARALLEL & !$OMP DEFAULT (NONE) & !$OMP PRIVATE (i,j,m,integral) & !$OMP SHARED (mo_num,three_e_3_idx_exch12_bi_ort_new) !$OMP DO SCHEDULE (dynamic) do i = 1, mo_num do j = 1, mo_num do m = j, mo_num call give_integrals_3_body_bi_ort(m, j, i, m, i, j, integral) three_e_3_idx_exch12_bi_ort_new(m,j,i) = -1.d0 * integral enddo enddo enddo !$OMP END DO !$OMP END PARALLEL do i = 1, mo_num do j = 1, mo_num do m = 1, j three_e_3_idx_exch12_bi_ort_new(m,j,i) = three_e_3_idx_exch12_bi_ort_new(j,m,i) enddo enddo enddo call wall_time(wall1) print *, ' wall time for three_e_3_idx_exch12_bi_ort_new', wall1 - wall0 call print_memory_usage() END_PROVIDER ! ---