BEGIN_PROVIDER [ integer, NSOMOMax] &BEGIN_PROVIDER [ integer, NCSFMax] &BEGIN_PROVIDER [ integer*8, NMO] &BEGIN_PROVIDER [ integer, NBFMax] &BEGIN_PROVIDER [ integer, n_CSF] &BEGIN_PROVIDER [ integer, maxDetDimPerBF] implicit none BEGIN_DOC ! Documentation for NSOMOMax ! The maximum number of SOMOs for the current calculation. ! required for the calculation of prototype arrays. END_DOC NSOMOMax = min(elec_num, cfg_nsomo_max + 2) ! Note that here we need NSOMOMax + 2 sizes NCSFMax = max(1,nint((binom(NSOMOMax,(NSOMOMax+1)/2)-binom(NSOMOMax,((NSOMOMax+1)/2)+1)))) ! TODO: NCSFs for MS=0 NBFMax = NCSFMax maxDetDimPerBF = max(1,nint((binom(NSOMOMax,(NSOMOMax+1)/2)))) NMO = n_act_orb integer i,j,k,l integer startdet,enddet integer ncfg,ncfgprev integer NSOMO integer dimcsfpercfg integer detDimperBF real*8 :: coeff integer MS integer ncfgpersomo detDimperBF = 0 MS = elec_alpha_num-elec_beta_num ! number of cfgs = number of dets for 0 somos n_CSF = cfg_seniority_index(0)-1 ncfgprev = cfg_seniority_index(0) do i = 0-iand(MS,1)+2, NSOMOMax,2 if(cfg_seniority_index(i) .EQ. -1)then ncfgpersomo = N_configuration + 1 else ncfgpersomo = cfg_seniority_index(i) endif ncfg = ncfgpersomo - ncfgprev !detDimperBF = max(1,nint((binom(i,(i+1)/2)))) dimcsfpercfg = max(1,nint((binom(i-2,(i-2+1)/2)-binom(i-2,((i-2+1)/2)+1)))) n_CSF += ncfg * dimcsfpercfg !if(cfg_seniority_index(i+2) == -1) EXIT !if(detDimperBF > maxDetDimPerBF) maxDetDimPerBF = detDimperBF ncfgprev = cfg_seniority_index(i) enddo END_PROVIDER subroutine get_phase_qp_to_cfg(Ialpha, Ibeta, phaseout) use bitmasks implicit none BEGIN_DOC ! Documentation for get_phase_qp_to_cfg ! ! This function converts from (aaaa)(bbbb) ! notation to (ab)(ab)(ab)(ab) ! notation. ! The cfgCI code works in (ab)(ab)(ab)(ab) ! notation throughout. END_DOC integer(bit_kind),intent(in) :: Ialpha(N_int) integer(bit_kind),intent(in) :: Ibeta(N_int) real*8,intent(out) :: phaseout integer(bit_kind) :: mask(N_int), deta(N_int), detb(N_int) integer :: nbetas integer :: count, k if (N_int >1 ) then stop 'TODO: get_phase_qp_to_cfg ' endif nbetas = 0 mask = 0_bit_kind count = 0 deta = Ialpha detb = Ibeta ! remove the domos mask = IAND(deta,detb) deta = IEOR(deta,mask) detb = IEOR(detb,mask) mask = 0 phaseout = 1.0 k = 1 do while((deta(k)).GT.0_8) mask(k) = ISHFT(1_8,count) if(POPCNT(IAND(deta(k),mask(k))).EQ.1)then if(IAND(nbetas,1).EQ.0) then phaseout *= 1.0d0 else phaseout *= -1.0d0 endif deta(k) = IEOR(deta(k),mask(k)) else if(POPCNT(IAND(detb(k),mask(k))).EQ.1) then nbetas += 1 detb(k) = IEOR(detb(k),mask(k)) endif endif count += 1 enddo end subroutine get_phase_qp_to_cfg BEGIN_PROVIDER [ integer, AIJpqMatrixDimsList, (0:NSOMOMax,0:NSOMOMax,4,NSOMOMax,NSOMOMax,2)] &BEGIN_PROVIDER [ integer, rowsmax] &BEGIN_PROVIDER [ integer, colsmax] use cfunctions implicit none BEGIN_DOC ! Documentation for AIJpqMatrixList ! The prototype matrix containing the ! matrices for each I,J somo pair and orb ids. END_DOC integer i,j,k,l integer*8 Isomo, Jsomo, tmpsomo Isomo = 0 Jsomo = 0 integer rows, cols, nsomoi, nsomoj rows = -1 cols = -1 integer*8 MS MS = elec_alpha_num-elec_beta_num integer nsomomin nsomomin = elec_alpha_num-elec_beta_num rowsmax = 0 colsmax = 0 !allocate(AIJpqMatrixDimsList(NSOMOMax,NSOMOMax,4,NSOMOMax,NSOMOMax,2)) ! Type ! 1. SOMO -> SOMO do i = 2-iand(nsomomin,1), NSOMOMax, 2 Isomo = ISHFT(1_8,i)-1 do j = i-2,i-2, 2 Jsomo = ISHFT(1_8,j)-1 if(j .GT. NSOMOMax .OR. j .LT. 0) then cycle end if do k = 1,i do l = 1,i ! Define Jsomo if(k.NE.l)then Jsomo = IBCLR(Isomo, k-1) Jsomo = IBCLR(Jsomo, l-1) nsomoi = i nsomoj = j else Isomo = ISHFT(1_8,i)-1 Jsomo = ISHFT(1_8,i)-1 nsomoi = i nsomoj = i endif call getApqIJMatrixDims(Isomo, & Jsomo, & MS, & rows, & cols) if(rowsmax .LT. rows) then rowsmax = rows end if if(colsmax .LT. cols) then colsmax = cols end if ! i -> j AIJpqMatrixDimsList(nsomoi,nsomoj,1,k,l,1) = rows AIJpqMatrixDimsList(nsomoi,nsomoj,1,k,l,2) = cols end do end do end do end do ! Type ! 2. DOMO -> VMO do i = 0+iand(nsomomin,1), NSOMOMax, 2 Isomo = ISHFT(1_8,i)-1 tmpsomo = ISHFT(1_8,i+2)-1 do j = i+2,i+2, 2 Jsomo = ISHFT(1_8,j)-1 if(j .GT. NSOMOMax .OR. j .LT. 0) then cycle end if do k = 1,j do l = 1,j if(k .NE. l) then Isomo = IBCLR(tmpsomo,k-1) Isomo = IBCLR(Isomo,l-1) ! Define Jsomo Jsomo = ISHFT(1_8,j)-1; nsomoi = i nsomoj = j else Isomo = ISHFT(1_8,j)-1 Isomo = IBCLR(Isomo,1-1) Isomo = IBCLR(Isomo,j-1) Jsomo = ISHFT(1_8,j)-1 Isomo = ISHFT(1_8,j)-1 nsomoi = j nsomoj = j endif call getApqIJMatrixDims(Isomo, & Jsomo, & MS, & rows, & cols) if(rowsmax .LT. rows) then rowsmax = rows end if if(colsmax .LT. cols) then colsmax = cols end if ! i -> j AIJpqMatrixDimsList(nsomoi,nsomoj,2,k,l,1) = rows AIJpqMatrixDimsList(nsomoi,nsomoj,2,k,l,2) = cols end do end do end do end do ! Type ! 3. SOMO -> VMO !print *,"Doing SOMO->VMO" do i = 2-iand(nsomomin,1), NSOMOMax, 2 Isomo = ISHFT(1_8,i)-1 do j = i,i, 2 Jsomo = ISHFT(1_8,j)-1 if(j .GT. NSOMOMax .OR. j .LE. 0) then cycle end if do k = 1,i do l = 1,i if(k .NE. l) then Isomo = ISHFT(1_8,i+1)-1 Isomo = IBCLR(Isomo,l-1) Jsomo = ISHFT(1_8,j+1)-1 Jsomo = IBCLR(Jsomo,k-1) else Isomo = ISHFT(1_8,i)-1 Jsomo = ISHFT(1_8,j)-1 endif call getApqIJMatrixDims(Isomo, & Jsomo, & MS, & rows, & cols) if(rowsmax .LT. rows) then rowsmax = rows end if if(colsmax .LT. cols) then colsmax = cols end if ! i -> j AIJpqMatrixDimsList(i,j,3,k,l,1) = rows AIJpqMatrixDimsList(i,j,3,k,l,2) = cols end do end do end do end do ! Type ! 4. DOMO -> VMO !print *,"Doing DOMO->SOMO" do i = 2-iand(nsomomin,1), NSOMOMax, 2 do j = i,i, 2 if(j .GT. NSOMOMax .OR. j .LE. 0) then cycle end if do k = 1,i do l = 1,i if(k .NE. l) then Isomo = ISHFT(1_8,i+1)-1 Isomo = IBCLR(Isomo,k+1-1) Jsomo = ISHFT(1_8,j+1)-1 Jsomo = IBCLR(Jsomo,l-1) else Isomo = ISHFT(1_8,i)-1 Jsomo = ISHFT(1_8,j)-1 endif call getApqIJMatrixDims(Isomo, & Jsomo, & MS, & rows, & cols) if(rowsmax .LT. rows) then rowsmax = rows end if if(colsmax .LT. cols) then colsmax = cols end if ! i -> j AIJpqMatrixDimsList(i,j,4,k,l,1) = rows AIJpqMatrixDimsList(i,j,4,k,l,2) = cols end do end do end do end do END_PROVIDER BEGIN_PROVIDER [ real*8, AIJpqContainer, (0:NSOMOMax,0:NSOMOMax,4,NSOMOMax,NSOMOMax,NBFMax,NBFMax)] use cfunctions implicit none BEGIN_DOC ! Documentation for AIJpqMatrixList ! The prototype matrix containing the ! matrices for each I,J somo pair and orb ids. ! ! Due to the different types of excitations which ! include DOMOs and VMOs two prototype DOMOs and two ! prototype VMOs are needed. Therefore ! the 4th and 5th dimensions are NSOMOMax+4 and NSOMOMax+4 ! respectively. ! ! The type of excitations are ordered as follows: ! Type 1 - SOMO -> SOMO ! Type 2 - DOMO -> VMO ! Type 3 - SOMO -> VMO ! Type 4 - DOMO -> SOMO END_DOC integer i,j,k,l, orbp, orbq, ri, ci orbp = 0 orbq = 0 integer*8 Isomo, Jsomo, tmpsomo Isomo = 0 Jsomo = 0 integer rows, cols, nsomoi, nsomoj rows = -1 cols = -1 integer*8 MS MS = 0 touch AIJpqMatrixDimsList real*8,dimension(:,:),allocatable :: meMatrix integer maxdim !maxdim = max(rowsmax,colsmax) ! allocate matrix !allocate(AIJpqMatrixDimsList(NSOMOMax,NSOMOMax,4,NSOMOMax,NSOMOMax,2)) ! Type ! 1. SOMO -> SOMO do i = 2, NSOMOMax, 2 Isomo = ISHFT(1_8,i)-1 do j = i-2,i-2, 2 if(j .GT. NSOMOMax .OR. j .LT. 0) cycle do k = 1,i do l = 1,i ! Define Jsomo if(k .NE. l) then Jsomo = IBCLR(Isomo, k-1) Jsomo = IBCLR(Jsomo, l-1) nsomoi = i nsomoj = j else Isomo = ISHFT(1_8,i)-1 Jsomo = ISHFT(1_8,i)-1 nsomoi = i nsomoj = i endif AIJpqContainer(nsomoi,nsomoj,1,k,l,:,:) = 0.0d0 call getApqIJMatrixDims(Isomo, & Jsomo, & MS, & rows, & cols) orbp = k orbq = l allocate(meMatrix(rows,cols)) meMatrix = 0.0d0 ! fill matrix call getApqIJMatrixDriver(Isomo, & Jsomo, & orbp, & orbq, & MS, & NMO, & meMatrix, & rows, & cols) ! i -> j do ri = 1,rows do ci = 1,cols AIJpqContainer(nsomoi,nsomoj,1,k,l,ri,ci) = meMatrix(ri, ci) end do end do deallocate(meMatrix) end do end do end do end do ! Type ! 2. DOMO -> VMO do i = 0, NSOMOMax, 2 Isomo = ISHFT(1_8,i)-1 tmpsomo = ISHFT(1_8,i+2)-1 do j = i+2,i+2, 2 if(j .GT. NSOMOMax .OR. j .LE. 0) cycle Jsomo = ISHFT(1_8,j)-1 do k = 1,j do l = 1,j if(k .NE. l) then Isomo = IBCLR(tmpsomo,k-1) Isomo = IBCLR(Isomo,l-1) ! Define Jsomo Jsomo = ISHFT(1_8,j)-1; nsomoi = i nsomoj = j else Isomo = ISHFT(1_8,j)-1 Isomo = IBCLR(Isomo,1-1) Isomo = IBCLR(Isomo,j-1) Jsomo = ISHFT(1_8,j)-1 Isomo = ISHFT(1_8,j)-1 nsomoi = j nsomoj = j endif AIJpqContainer(nsomoi,nsomoj,2,k,l,:,:) = 0.0d0 call getApqIJMatrixDims(Isomo, & Jsomo, & MS, & rows, & cols) orbp = k orbq = l allocate(meMatrix(rows,cols)) meMatrix = 0.0d0 ! fill matrix call getApqIJMatrixDriver(Isomo, & Jsomo, & orbp, & orbq, & MS, & NMO, & meMatrix, & rows, & cols) ! i -> j do ri = 1,rows do ci = 1,cols AIJpqContainer(nsomoi,nsomoj,2,k,l,ri,ci) = meMatrix(ri, ci) end do end do deallocate(meMatrix) end do end do end do end do ! Type ! 3. SOMO -> VMO do i = 2, NSOMOMax, 2 Isomo = ISHFT(1_8,i)-1 do j = i,i, 2 Jsomo = ISHFT(1_8,j)-1 if(j .GT. NSOMOMax .OR. j .LE. 0) cycle do k = 1,i do l = 1,i if(k .NE. l) then Isomo = ISHFT(1_8,i+1)-1 Isomo = IBCLR(Isomo,l-1) Jsomo = ISHFT(1_8,j+1)-1 Jsomo = IBCLR(Jsomo,k-1) else Isomo = ISHFT(1_8,i)-1 Jsomo = ISHFT(1_8,j)-1 endif AIJpqContainer(i,j,3,k,l,:,:) = 0.0d0 call getApqIJMatrixDims(Isomo, & Jsomo, & MS, & rows, & cols) orbp = k orbq = l allocate(meMatrix(rows,cols)) meMatrix = 0.0d0 ! fill matrix call getApqIJMatrixDriver(Isomo, & Jsomo, & orbp, & orbq, & MS, & NMO, & meMatrix, & rows, & cols) ! i -> j do ri = 1,rows do ci = 1,cols AIJpqContainer(i,j,3,k,l,ri,ci) = meMatrix(ri, ci) end do end do deallocate(meMatrix) end do end do end do end do ! Type ! 4. DOMO -> SOMO do i = 2, NSOMOMax, 2 Isomo = ISHFT(1_8,i)-1 do j = i,i, 2 Jsomo = ISHFT(1_8,i)-1 if(j .GT. NSOMOMax .OR. j .LE. 0) cycle do k = 1,i do l = 1,i if(k .NE. l) then Isomo = ISHFT(1_8,i+1)-1 Isomo = IBCLR(Isomo,k-1) Jsomo = ISHFT(1_8,j+1)-1 Jsomo = IBCLR(Jsomo,l+1-1) else Isomo = ISHFT(1_8,i)-1 Jsomo = ISHFT(1_8,j)-1 endif AIJpqContainer(i,j,4,k,l,:,:) = 0.0d0 call getApqIJMatrixDims(Isomo, & Jsomo, & MS, & rows, & cols) orbp = k orbq = l allocate(meMatrix(rows,cols)) meMatrix = 0.0d0 ! fill matrix call getApqIJMatrixDriver(Isomo, & Jsomo, & orbp, & orbq, & MS, & NMO, & meMatrix, & rows, & cols) ! i -> j do ri = 1,rows do ci = 1,cols AIJpqContainer(i,j,4,k,l,ri,ci) = meMatrix(ri, ci) end do end do deallocate(meMatrix) end do end do end do end do END_PROVIDER !!!!!! BEGIN_PROVIDER [ real*8, DetToCSFTransformationMatrix, (0:NSOMOMax,NBFMax,maxDetDimPerBF)] &BEGIN_PROVIDER [ real*8, psi_coef_config, (n_CSF)] &BEGIN_PROVIDER [ integer, psi_config_data, (N_configuration,2)] use cfunctions use bitmasks implicit none BEGIN_DOC ! Documentation for DetToCSFTransformationMatrix ! Provides the matrix of transformatons for the ! conversion between determinant to CSF basis (in BFs) END_DOC integer(bit_kind) :: mask(N_int), Ialpha(N_int),Ibeta(N_int) integer :: rows, cols, i, j, k integer :: startdet, enddet integer*8 MS, Isomo, Idomo integer ndetI integer :: getNSOMO real*8,dimension(:,:),allocatable :: tempBuffer real*8,dimension(:),allocatable :: tempCoeff real*8 :: norm_det1, phasedet norm_det1 = 0.d0 MS = elec_alpha_num - elec_beta_num ! initialization psi_coef_config = 0.d0 DetToCSFTransformationMatrix(0,:,:) = 1.d0 do i = 2-iand(elec_alpha_num-elec_beta_num,1), NSOMOMax,2 Isomo = IBSET(0_8, i) - 1_8 ! rows = Ncsfs ! cols = Ndets bfIcfg = max(1,nint((binom(i,(i+1)/2)-binom(i,((i+1)/2)+1)))) ndetI = max(1,nint((binom(i,(i+1)/2)))) allocate(tempBuffer(bfIcfg,ndetI)) call getCSFtoDETTransformationMatrix(Isomo, MS, NBFMax, maxDetDimPerBF, tempBuffer) DetToCSFTransformationMatrix(i,1:bfIcfg,1:ndetI) = tempBuffer(1:bfIcfg,1:ndetI) deallocate(tempBuffer) enddo integer s, bfIcfg integer countcsf countcsf = 0 integer countdet countdet = 0 integer idx integer istate istate = 1 phasedet = 1.0d0 do i = 1,N_configuration startdet = psi_configuration_to_psi_det(1,i) enddet = psi_configuration_to_psi_det(2,i) ndetI = enddet-startdet+1 allocate(tempCoeff(ndetI)) countdet = 1 do j = startdet, enddet idx = psi_configuration_to_psi_det_data(j) Ialpha(:) = psi_det(:,1,idx) Ibeta(:) = psi_det(:,2,idx) call get_phase_qp_to_cfg(Ialpha, Ibeta, phasedet) tempCoeff(countdet) = psi_coef(idx, istate)*phasedet norm_det1 += tempCoeff(countdet)*tempCoeff(countdet) countdet += 1 enddo s = 0 do k=1,N_int if (psi_configuration(k,1,i) == 0_bit_kind) cycle s = s + popcnt(psi_configuration(k,1,i)) enddo bfIcfg = max(1,nint((binom(s,(s+1)/2)-binom(s,((s+1)/2)+1)))) ! perhaps blocking with CFGs of same seniority ! can be more efficient allocate(tempBuffer(bfIcfg,ndetI)) tempBuffer = DetToCSFTransformationMatrix(s,:bfIcfg,:ndetI) call dgemm('N','N', bfIcfg, 1, ndetI, 1.d0, tempBuffer, size(tempBuffer,1), tempCoeff, size(tempCoeff,1), 0.d0, psi_coef_config(countcsf+1), size(psi_coef_config,1)) !call dgemv('N', NBFMax, maxDetDimPerBF, 1.d0, tempBuffer, size(tempBuffer,1), tempCoeff, 1, 0.d0, psi_coef_config(countcsf), 1) deallocate(tempCoeff) deallocate(tempBuffer) psi_config_data(i,1) = countcsf + 1 countcsf += bfIcfg psi_config_data(i,2) = countcsf enddo END_PROVIDER