program optimization read_wf = .true. ! must be True for the orbital optimization !!! TOUCH read_wf call run_optimization end subroutine run_optimization implicit none double precision :: e_cipsi, e_opt, delta_e integer :: nb_iter,i logical :: not_converged character (len=100) :: filename PROVIDE psi_det psi_coef mo_two_e_integrals_in_map ao_pseudo_integrals not_converged = .True. nb_iter = 0 ! To start from the wf N_det_max = max(n_det,5) TOUCH N_det_max open(unit=10, file=trim(ezfio_filename)//'/mo_optimization/result_opt') write(10,*) " Ndet E_cipsi E_opt Delta_e" call state_average_energy(e_cipsi) write(10,'(I10, 3F15.7)') n_det, e_cipsi, e_cipsi, 0d0 close(10) do while (not_converged) print*,'' print*,'======================' print*,' Cipsi step:', nb_iter print*,'======================' print*,'' print*,'********** cipsi step **********' ! cispi calculation call run_stochastic_cipsi ! State average energy after the cipsi step call state_average_energy(e_cipsi) print*,'' print*,'********** optimization step **********' ! orbital optimization call run_orb_opt_trust_v2 ! State average energy after the orbital optimization call state_average_energy(e_opt) print*,'' print*,'********** diff step **********' ! Gain in energy delta_e = e_opt - e_cipsi print*, 'Gain in energy during the orbital optimization:', delta_e open(unit=10, file=trim(ezfio_filename)//'/mo_optimization/result_opt', position='append') write(10,'(I10, 3F15.7)') n_det, e_cipsi, e_opt, delta_e close(10) ! Exit if (delta_e > 1d-12) then print*, 'WARNING, something wrong happened' print*, 'The gain (delta_e) in energy during the optimization process' print*, 'is > 0, but it must be < 0' print*, 'The program will exit' exit endif if (n_det > n_det_max_opt) then print*, 'The number of determinants in the wf > n_det_max_opt' print*, 'The program will exit' exit endif ! To double the number of determinants in the wf N_det_max = int(dble(n_det * 2)*0.9) TOUCH N_det_max nb_iter = nb_iter + 1 enddo end