! --- BEGIN_PROVIDER [double precision, ao_two_e_tc_tot, (ao_num, ao_num, ao_num, ao_num)] BEGIN_DOC ! ! CHEMIST NOTATION IS USED ! ! ao_two_e_tc_tot(k,i,l,j) = (ki|V^TC(r_12)|lj) ! = where V^TC(r_12) is the total TC operator ! = tc_grad_and_lapl_ao(k,i,l,j) + tc_grad_square_ao(k,i,l,j) + ao_two_e_coul(k,i,l,j) ! AND IF(var_tc): ! ! ao_two_e_tot(k,i,l,j) = (ki|V^TC(r_12) + [(V^TC)(r_12)]^\dagger|lj) / 2.0 ! = tc_grad_square_ao(k,i,l,j) + ao_two_e_coul(k,i,l,j) ! ! ! where: ! ! tc_grad_and_lapl_ao(k,i,l,j) = < k l | -1/2 \Delta_1 u(r1,r2) - \grad_1 u(r1,r2) . \grad_1 | ij > ! = -1/2 \int dr1 (phi_k(r1) \grad_r1 phi_i(r1) - phi_i(r1) \grad_r1 phi_k(r1)) . \int dr2 \grad_r1 u(r1,r2) \phi_l(r2) \phi_j(r2) ! = 1/2 \int dr1 (phi_k(r1) \grad_r1 phi_i(r1) - phi_i(r1) \grad_r1 phi_k(r1)) . \int dr2 (-1) \grad_r1 u(r1,r2) \phi_l(r2) \phi_j(r2) ! ! tc_grad_square_ao(k,i,l,j) = -1/2 ! ! ao_two_e_coul(k,i,l,j) = < l k | 1/r12 | j i > = ( k i | 1/r12 | l j ) ! END_DOC implicit none integer :: i, j, k, l, m, ipoint double precision :: weight1, ao_k_r, ao_i_r double precision :: der_envsq_x, der_envsq_y, der_envsq_z, lap_envsq double precision :: time0, time1 double precision, allocatable :: b_mat(:,:,:,:), c_mat(:,:,:) double precision, external :: get_ao_two_e_integral PROVIDe tc_integ_type PROVIDE env_type PROVIDE j2e_type PROVIDE j1e_type call wall_time(time0) print *, ' providing ao_two_e_tc_tot ...' print*, ' j2e_type: ', j2e_type print*, ' j1e_type: ', j1e_type print*, ' env_type: ', env_type if(read_tc_integ) then print*, ' Reading ao_two_e_tc_tot from ', trim(ezfio_filename) // '/work/ao_two_e_tc_tot' open(unit=11, form="unformatted", file=trim(ezfio_filename)//'/work/ao_two_e_tc_tot', action="read") read(11) ao_two_e_tc_tot close(11) else PROVIDE tc_integ_type print*, ' approach for integrals: ', tc_integ_type ! --- PROVIDE int2_grad1_u12_square_ao allocate(c_mat(n_points_final_grid,ao_num,ao_num)) !$OMP PARALLEL & !$OMP DEFAULT (NONE) & !$OMP PRIVATE (i, k, ipoint) & !$OMP SHARED (aos_in_r_array_transp, c_mat, ao_num, n_points_final_grid, final_weight_at_r_vector) !$OMP DO SCHEDULE (static) do i = 1, ao_num do k = 1, ao_num do ipoint = 1, n_points_final_grid c_mat(ipoint,k,i) = final_weight_at_r_vector(ipoint) * aos_in_r_array_transp(ipoint,i) * aos_in_r_array_transp(ipoint,k) enddo enddo enddo !$OMP END DO !$OMP END PARALLEL call dgemm( "N", "N", ao_num*ao_num, ao_num*ao_num, n_points_final_grid, 1.d0 & , int2_grad1_u12_square_ao(1,1,1), ao_num*ao_num, c_mat(1,1,1), n_points_final_grid & , 0.d0, ao_two_e_tc_tot, ao_num*ao_num) FREE int2_grad1_u12_square_ao if( (tc_integ_type .eq. "semi-analytic") .and. & (j2e_type .eq. "Mu") .and. & ((env_type .eq. "Prod_Gauss") .or. (env_type .eq. "Sum_Gauss")) .and. & use_ipp ) then ! an additional term is added here directly instead of ! being added in int2_grad1_u12_square_ao for performance PROVIDE int2_u2_env2 !$OMP PARALLEL & !$OMP DEFAULT (NONE) & !$OMP PRIVATE (i, k, ipoint, weight1, ao_i_r, ao_k_r) & !$OMP SHARED (aos_in_r_array_transp, c_mat, ao_num, n_points_final_grid, final_weight_at_r_vector, & !$OMP env_square_grad, env_square_lapl, aos_grad_in_r_array_transp_bis) !$OMP DO SCHEDULE (static) do i = 1, ao_num do k = 1, ao_num do ipoint = 1, n_points_final_grid weight1 = 0.25d0 * final_weight_at_r_vector(ipoint) ao_i_r = aos_in_r_array_transp(ipoint,i) ao_k_r = aos_in_r_array_transp(ipoint,k) c_mat(ipoint,k,i) = weight1 * ( ao_k_r * ao_i_r * env_square_lapl(ipoint) & + (ao_k_r * aos_grad_in_r_array_transp_bis(ipoint,i,1) + ao_i_r * aos_grad_in_r_array_transp_bis(ipoint,k,1)) * env_square_grad(ipoint,1) & + (ao_k_r * aos_grad_in_r_array_transp_bis(ipoint,i,2) + ao_i_r * aos_grad_in_r_array_transp_bis(ipoint,k,2)) * env_square_grad(ipoint,2) & + (ao_k_r * aos_grad_in_r_array_transp_bis(ipoint,i,3) + ao_i_r * aos_grad_in_r_array_transp_bis(ipoint,k,3)) * env_square_grad(ipoint,3) ) enddo enddo enddo !$OMP END DO !$OMP END PARALLEL call dgemm( "N", "N", ao_num*ao_num, ao_num*ao_num, n_points_final_grid, 1.d0 & , int2_u2_env2(1,1,1), ao_num*ao_num, c_mat(1,1,1), n_points_final_grid & , 1.d0, ao_two_e_tc_tot(1,1,1,1), ao_num*ao_num) FREE int2_u2_env2 endif ! use_ipp deallocate(c_mat) ! --- if(.not. var_tc) then PROVIDE int2_grad1_u12_ao allocate(b_mat(n_points_final_grid,ao_num,ao_num,3)) !$OMP PARALLEL & !$OMP DEFAULT (NONE) & !$OMP PRIVATE (i, k, ipoint, weight1, ao_i_r, ao_k_r) & !$OMP SHARED (aos_in_r_array_transp, aos_grad_in_r_array_transp_bis, b_mat, & !$OMP ao_num, n_points_final_grid, final_weight_at_r_vector) !$OMP DO SCHEDULE (static) do i = 1, ao_num do k = 1, ao_num do ipoint = 1, n_points_final_grid weight1 = 0.5d0 * final_weight_at_r_vector(ipoint) ao_i_r = aos_in_r_array_transp(ipoint,i) ao_k_r = aos_in_r_array_transp(ipoint,k) b_mat(ipoint,k,i,1) = weight1 * (ao_k_r * aos_grad_in_r_array_transp_bis(ipoint,i,1) - ao_i_r * aos_grad_in_r_array_transp_bis(ipoint,k,1)) b_mat(ipoint,k,i,2) = weight1 * (ao_k_r * aos_grad_in_r_array_transp_bis(ipoint,i,2) - ao_i_r * aos_grad_in_r_array_transp_bis(ipoint,k,2)) b_mat(ipoint,k,i,3) = weight1 * (ao_k_r * aos_grad_in_r_array_transp_bis(ipoint,i,3) - ao_i_r * aos_grad_in_r_array_transp_bis(ipoint,k,3)) enddo enddo enddo !$OMP END DO !$OMP END PARALLEL do m = 1, 3 call dgemm( "N", "N", ao_num*ao_num, ao_num*ao_num, n_points_final_grid, -1.d0 & , int2_grad1_u12_ao(1,1,1,m), ao_num*ao_num, b_mat(1,1,1,m), n_points_final_grid & , 1.d0, ao_two_e_tc_tot(1,1,1,1), ao_num*ao_num) enddo deallocate(b_mat) FREE int2_grad1_u12_ao if(tc_integ_type .eq. "semi-analytic") then FREE int2_grad1_u2e_ao endif endif ! var_tc ! --- call sum_A_At(ao_two_e_tc_tot(1,1,1,1), ao_num*ao_num) PROVIDE ao_integrals_map !$OMP PARALLEL DEFAULT(NONE) & !$OMP SHARED(ao_num, ao_two_e_tc_tot, ao_integrals_map) & !$OMP PRIVATE(i, j, k, l) !$OMP DO do j = 1, ao_num do l = 1, ao_num do i = 1, ao_num do k = 1, ao_num ! < 1:i, 2:j | 1:k, 2:l > ao_two_e_tc_tot(k,i,l,j) = ao_two_e_tc_tot(k,i,l,j) + get_ao_two_e_integral(i, j, k, l, ao_integrals_map) enddo enddo enddo enddo !$OMP END DO !$OMP END PARALLEL call clear_ao_map() if(tc_integ_type .eq. "numeric") then FREE int2_grad1_u12_ao_num int2_grad1_u12_square_ao_num endif endif ! read_tc_integ if(write_tc_integ .and. mpi_master) then print*, ' Saving ao_two_e_tc_tot in ', trim(ezfio_filename) // '/work/ao_two_e_tc_tot' open(unit=11, form="unformatted", file=trim(ezfio_filename)//'/work/ao_two_e_tc_tot', action="write") call ezfio_set_work_empty(.False.) write(11) ao_two_e_tc_tot close(11) call ezfio_set_tc_keywords_io_tc_integ('Read') endif call wall_time(time1) print*, ' Wall time for ao_two_e_tc_tot (min) = ', (time1 - time0) / 60.d0 call print_memory_usage() END_PROVIDER ! ---