subroutine run_cipsi_scf implicit none double precision :: energy_old, energy, extrap,extrap_old,pt2_max_begin logical :: converged integer :: iteration print*,'*********************************' print*,'*********************************' print*,' DOING THE CIPSI-SCF ' print*,'*********************************' converged = .False. pt2_max_begin = pt2_max energy = 0.d0 extrap = 0.d0 mo_label = "MCSCF" iteration = 1 threshold_davidson = 1.d-09 touch threshold_davidson do while (.not.converged) print*,'' call write_int(6,iteration,'CI STEP OF THE ITERATION = ') call write_double(6,pt2_max,'PT2 MAX = ') !call cisd_guess_wf generators_type = "CAS" touch generators_type call run_stochastic_cipsi call change_orb_cipsi(converged,iteration,energy) if( print*,'It seems that the orbital optimization for the CISDTQ WAVE FUNCTION CANNOT CONVERGE ...' print*,'The required delta E was :',thresh_scf print*,'The obtained delta E was :',extrap - extrap_old print*,'After ',iteration,'iterations ...' print*,'Getting out of the SCF loop ...' exit endif iteration += 1 enddo end subroutine change_orb_cipsi(converged,iteration,energy) implicit none double precision :: energy_old, extrap,extrap_old,pt2_max_begin double precision, intent(inout):: energy logical, intent(out) :: converged integer, intent(in) :: iteration extrap_old = energy energy = eone+etwo+ecore extrap = extrapolated_energy(2,1) call write_time(6) call write_int(6,iteration,'CAS-SCF iteration') call write_double(6,energy,'CAS-SCF variational energy') call write_double(6,extrap,'CAS-SCF extrapolated energy') call write_double(6,extrap - extrap_old,'Change in extrapolated energy') energy = extrap call write_double(6,energy_improvement, 'Predicted energy improvement') converged = dabs(extrap - extrap_old) < thresh_scf pt2_max = dabs(extrap - extrap_old) * 10.d0 pt2_max = min(pt2_max,1.d-2) pt2_max = max(pt2_max,1.d-10) if(**6)then pt2_max = max(pt2_max,1.d-2) endif mo_coef = NewOrbs call save_mos call map_deinit(mo_integrals_map) N_det = N_det/2 psi_det = psi_det_sorted psi_coef = psi_coef_sorted read_wf = .True. FREE mo_integrals_map mo_two_e_integrals_in_map SOFT_TOUCH mo_coef N_det pt2_max psi_det psi_coef end