(** Handles command-line arguments, using getopt. Example: let () = (* Command-line specs *) let open Command_line in begin set_header_doc (Sys.argv.(0) ^ " - quantum_package command"); set_description_doc "Opens a text editor to edit the parameters of an EZFIO directory."; [ { short='c'; long="check"; opt=Optional; doc="Checks the input data"; arg=Without_arg; }; { short='n'; long="ndet"; opt=Optional; doc="Truncate the wavefunction to the target number of determinants"; arg=With_arg "<int>"; }; { short='s'; long="state"; opt=Optional; doc="Extract selected states, for example \"[1,3-5]\""; arg=With_arg "<range>"; }; anonymous "EZFIO_DIR" Mandatory "EZFIO directory"; ] |> set_specs ; end; (* Handle options *) let ndet = match Command_line.get "ndet" with | None -> None | Some s -> (try Some (int_of_string s) with _ -> failwith "[-n|--ndet] expects an integer") in let state = match Command_line.get "state" with | None -> None | Some s -> (try Some (Range.of_string s) with _ -> failwith "[-s|--state] expects a range") in let c = Command_line.get_bool "check" in let filename = match Command_line.anon_args () with | [x] -> x | _ -> (Command_line.help () ; failwith "EZFIO_DIR is missing") in (* Run the program *) run c ?ndet ?state filename *) exception Error of string type short_opt = char type long_opt = string type optional = Mandatory | Optional type documentation = string type argument = With_arg of string | Without_arg | With_opt_arg of string type description = { short : short_opt; long : long_opt; opt : optional; doc : documentation; arg : argument; } (** Sets the header of the help message. *) val set_header_doc : string -> unit (** Sets the description of the help message. *) val set_description_doc : string -> unit (** Sets the footer of the help message. *) val set_footer_doc : string -> unit (** Gets the value of an option. If the option is not set, returns [None]. If the option is set, returns Some <string>. *) val get : string -> string option (** Gets the value of an option with no argument. If the option is set, returns [true]. *) val get_bool : string -> bool (** True if the '-h' or "--help" option was found. *) val show_help : unit -> bool (** Creates a specification of an anonymous argument. *) val anonymous : long_opt -> optional -> documentation -> description (** Prints the help message *) val help : unit -> unit (** Sets the specification list as a list of tuples: ( short option, long option, documentation, argument ) *) val set_specs : description list -> unit (** Returns the list of anonymous arguments *) val anon_args : unit -> string list