BEGIN_PROVIDER [double precision, mu_of_r_prov, (n_points_final_grid,N_states) ] implicit none BEGIN_DOC ! general variable for mu(r) ! ! corresponds to Eq. (37) of J. Chem. Phys. 149, 194301 (2018) ! ! !!!!!! WARNING !!!!!! if no_core_density == .True. then all contributions from the core orbitals ! ! in the two-body density matrix are excluded END_DOC integer :: ipoint,istate double precision :: wall0,wall1 print*,'providing mu_of_r ...' ! PROVIDE mo_two_e_integrals_in_map mo_integrals_map big_array_exchange_integrals call wall_time(wall0) if (read_mu_of_r) then print*,'Reading mu(r) from disk ...' call ezfio_get_mu_of_r_mu_of_r_disk(mu_of_r_prov) return endif do istate = 1, N_states do ipoint = 1, n_points_final_grid if(mu_of_r_potential.EQ."hf")then mu_of_r_prov(ipoint,istate) = mu_of_r_hf(ipoint) else if(mu_of_r_potential.EQ."cas_ful".or.mu_of_r_potential.EQ."cas_truncated".or.mu_of_r_potential.EQ."pure_act")then mu_of_r_prov(ipoint,istate) = mu_of_r_psi_cas(ipoint,istate) else print*,'you requested the following mu_of_r_potential' print*,mu_of_r_potential print*,'which does not correspond to any of the options for such keyword' stop endif enddo enddo if (write_mu_of_r) then print*,'Writing mu(r) on disk ...' call ezfio_set_mu_of_r_io_mu_of_r('Read') call ezfio_set_mu_of_r_mu_of_r_disk(mu_of_r_prov) endif call wall_time(wall1) print*,'Time to provide mu_of_r = ',wall1-wall0 END_PROVIDER BEGIN_PROVIDER [double precision, mu_of_r_hf, (n_points_final_grid) ] implicit none BEGIN_DOC ! mu(r) computed with a HF wave function (assumes that HF MOs are stored in the EZFIO) ! ! corresponds to Eq. (37) of J. Chem. Phys. 149, 194301 (2018) but for \Psi^B = HF^B ! ! !!!!!! WARNING !!!!!! if no_core_density == .True. then all contributions from the core orbitals ! ! in the two-body density matrix are excluded END_DOC integer :: ipoint double precision :: wall0,wall1,f_hf,on_top,w_hf,sqpi PROVIDE mo_two_e_integrals_in_map mo_integrals_map big_array_exchange_integrals print*,'providing mu_of_r_hf ...' call wall_time(wall0) sqpi = dsqrt(dacos(-1.d0)) provide f_psi_hf_ab !$OMP PARALLEL DO & !$OMP DEFAULT (NONE) & !$OMP PRIVATE (ipoint,f_hf,on_top,w_hf) & !$OMP ShARED (n_points_final_grid,mu_of_r_hf,f_psi_hf_ab,on_top_hf_mu_r,sqpi) do ipoint = 1, n_points_final_grid f_hf = f_psi_hf_ab(ipoint) on_top = on_top_hf_mu_r(ipoint) if(on_top.le.1.d-12.or.f_hf.le.0.d0.or.f_hf * w_hf = 1.d+10 else w_hf = f_hf / on_top endif mu_of_r_hf(ipoint) = w_hf * sqpi * 0.5d0 enddo !$OMP END PARALLEL DO call wall_time(wall1) print*,'Time to provide mu_of_r_hf = ',wall1-wall0 END_PROVIDER BEGIN_PROVIDER [double precision, mu_of_r_psi_cas, (n_points_final_grid,N_states) ] implicit none BEGIN_DOC ! mu(r) computed with a wave function developped in an active space ! ! corresponds to Eq. (37) of J. Chem. Phys. 149, 194301 (2018) ! ! !!!!!! WARNING !!!!!! if no_core_density == .True. then all contributions from the core orbitals ! ! in the one- and two-body density matrix are excluded END_DOC integer :: ipoint,istate double precision :: wall0,wall1,f_psi,on_top,w_psi,sqpi print*,'providing mu_of_r_psi_cas ...' call wall_time(wall0) sqpi = dsqrt(dacos(-1.d0)) provide f_psi_cas_ab !$OMP PARALLEL DO & !$OMP DEFAULT (NONE) & !$OMP PRIVATE (ipoint,f_psi,on_top,w_psi,istate) & !$OMP SHARED (n_points_final_grid,mu_of_r_psi_cas,f_psi_cas_ab,on_top_cas_mu_r,sqpi,N_states) do istate = 1, N_states do ipoint = 1, n_points_final_grid f_psi = f_psi_cas_ab(ipoint,istate) on_top = on_top_cas_mu_r(ipoint,istate) if(on_top.le.1.d-12.or.f_psi.le.0.d0.or.f_psi * w_psi = 1.d+10 else w_psi = f_psi / on_top endif mu_of_r_psi_cas(ipoint,istate) = w_psi * sqpi * 0.5d0 enddo enddo !$OMP END PARALLEL DO call wall_time(wall1) print*,'Time to provide mu_of_r_psi_cas = ',wall1-wall0 END_PROVIDER BEGIN_PROVIDER [double precision, mu_average_prov, (N_states)] implicit none BEGIN_DOC ! average value of mu(r) weighted with the total one-e density and divided by the number of electrons ! ! !!!!!! WARNING !!!!!! if no_core_density == .True. then all contributions from the core orbitals ! ! in the one- and two-body density matrix are excluded END_DOC integer :: ipoint,istate double precision :: weight,density mu_average_prov = 0.d0 do istate = 1, N_states do ipoint = 1, n_points_final_grid weight =final_weight_at_r_vector(ipoint) density = one_e_dm_and_grad_alpha_in_r(4,ipoint,istate) & + one_e_dm_and_grad_beta_in_r(4,ipoint,istate) if(mu_of_r_prov(ipoint,istate).gt.1.d+09)cycle mu_average_prov(istate) += mu_of_r_prov(ipoint,istate) * weight * density enddo mu_average_prov(istate) = mu_average_prov(istate) / elec_num_grid_becke(istate) enddo END_PROVIDER