BEGIN_PROVIDER [ character*(128), json_filename ] implicit none BEGIN_DOC ! Fortran unit of the JSON file END_DOC integer, external :: getUnitAndOpen integer :: counter character*(128) :: prefix logical :: exists prefix = trim(ezfio_filename)//'/json/' exists = .True. counter = 0 do while (exists) counter += 1 write(json_filename, '(A,I5.5,A)') trim(prefix), counter, '.json' INQUIRE(FILE=trim(json_filename), EXIST=exists) enddo END_PROVIDER BEGIN_PROVIDER [ integer, json_unit] implicit none BEGIN_DOC ! Unit file for JSON output END_DOC integer, external :: getUnitAndOpen call ezfio_set_json_empty(.False.) json_unit = getUnitAndOpen(json_filename, 'w') write(json_unit, '(A)') '{' END_PROVIDER subroutine json_close write(json_unit, '(A)') '}' close(json_unit) FREE json_unit end