open Qputils open Qptypes type ezfio_or_address = EZFIO of string | ADDRESS of string type req_or_sub = REQ | SUB let localport = 42379 let in_time_sum = ref 1.e-9 and in_size_sum = ref 0. let () = let open Command_line in begin "Creates an ssh tunnel for using slaves on another network. Launch a server on the front-end node of the cluster on which the master process runs. Then start a client ont the front-end node of the distant cluster." |> set_footer_doc ; [ { short='g' ; long="get-input" ; opt=Optional ; doc="Downloads the EZFIO directory." ; arg=Without_arg; } ; anonymous "(EZFIO_DIR|ADDRESS)" Mandatory "EZFIO directory or address."; ] |> set_specs end; let arg = let x = match Command_line.anon_args () with | [x] -> x | _ -> begin () ; failwith "EZFIO_FILE or ADDRESS is missing" end in if Sys.file_exists x && Sys.is_directory x then EZFIO x else ADDRESS x in let localhost = Lazy.force TaskServer.ip_address in let long_address = match arg with | ADDRESS x -> x | EZFIO x -> let ic = Filename.concat (Qpackage.ezfio_work x) "qp_run_address" |> open_in in let result = input_line ic |> String.trim in close_in ic; result in let protocol, address, port = match String.split_on_char ':' long_address with | t :: a :: p :: [] -> t, a, int_of_string p | _ -> failwith @@ Printf.sprintf "%s : Malformed address" long_address in let zmq_context = Zmq.Context.create () in (** Check availability of the ports *) let localport = let dummy_socket = Zmq.Socket.create zmq_context Zmq.Socket.rep in let rec try_new_port port_number = try List.iter (fun i -> let address = Printf.sprintf "tcp://%s:%d" localhost (port_number+i) in Zmq.Socket.bind dummy_socket address; Zmq.Socket.unbind dummy_socket address ) [ 0;1;2;3;4;5;6;7;8;9 ] ; port_number with | Unix.Unix_error _ -> try_new_port (port_number+100) in let result = try_new_port localport in Zmq.Socket.close dummy_socket; result in let create_socket sock_type bind_or_connect addr = let socket = Zmq.Socket.create zmq_context sock_type in let () = try bind_or_connect socket addr with | _ -> failwith @@ Printf.sprintf "Unable to establish connection to %s." addr in socket in (* Handle termination *) let run_status = ref true in let handler = Sys.Signal_handle (fun signum -> run_status := false; Sys.set_signal signum Sys.Signal_default ) in Sys.set_signal Sys.sigusr1 handler; Sys.set_signal Sys.sigint handler; let new_thread req_or_sub addr_in addr_out = let socket_in, socket_out = match req_or_sub with | REQ -> create_socket Zmq.Socket.router Zmq.Socket.bind addr_in, create_socket Zmq.Socket.connect addr_out | SUB -> create_socket Zmq.Socket.sub Zmq.Socket.connect addr_in, create_socket Zmq.Socket.bind addr_out in if req_or_sub = SUB then Zmq.Socket.subscribe socket_in ""; let action_in = match req_or_sub with | REQ -> (fun () -> Zmq.Socket.recv_all socket_in |> Zmq.Socket.send_all socket_out) | SUB -> (fun () -> Zmq.Socket.recv_all socket_in |> Zmq.Socket.send_all socket_out) in let action_out = match req_or_sub with | REQ -> (fun () -> Zmq.Socket.recv_all socket_out |> Zmq.Socket.send_all socket_in ) | SUB -> (fun () -> () ) in let pollitem = Zmq.Poll.mask_of [| (socket_in, Zmq.Poll.In) ; (socket_out, Zmq.Poll.In) |] in while !run_status do let polling = Zmq.Poll.poll ~timeout:1000 pollitem in match polling with | [| Some Zmq.Poll.In ; Some Zmq.Poll.In |] -> ( action_out () ; action_in () ) | [| _ ; Some Zmq.Poll.In |] -> action_out () | [| Some Zmq.Poll.In ; _ |] -> action_in () | _ -> () done; Zmq.Socket.close socket_in; Zmq.Socket.close socket_out; in let ocaml_thread = let addr_out = Printf.sprintf "tcp:%s:%d" address port in let addr_in = Printf.sprintf "tcp://*:%d" localport in let f () = new_thread REQ addr_in addr_out in (Thread.create f) () in Printf.printf "Connect to:\ntcp://%s:%d\n%!" localhost localport; let fortran_thread = let addr_out = Printf.sprintf "tcp:%s:%d" address (port+2) in let addr_in = Printf.sprintf "tcp://*:%d" (localport+2) in let f () = new_thread REQ addr_in addr_out in (Thread.create f) () in let pub_thread = let addr_in = Printf.sprintf "tcp:%s:%d" address (port+1) in let addr_out = Printf.sprintf "tcp://*:%d" (localport+1) in let f () = new_thread SUB addr_in addr_out in (Thread.create f) () in let input_thread = let f () = let addr_out = match arg with | EZFIO _ -> None | ADDRESS _ -> Some ( Printf.sprintf "tcp:%s:%d" address (port+9) ) in let addr_in = Printf.sprintf "tcp://*:%d" (localport+9) in let socket_in = create_socket Zmq.Socket.rep Zmq.Socket.bind addr_in in let socket_out = match addr_out with | Some addr_out -> Some ( create_socket Zmq.Socket.req Zmq.Socket.connect addr_out) | None -> None in let temp_file = Filename.temp_file "qp_tunnel" ".tar.gz" in let get_ezfio_filename () = match arg with | EZFIO x -> x | ADDRESS _ -> begin match socket_out with | None -> assert false | Some socket_out -> ( Zmq.Socket.send socket_out "get_ezfio_filename" ; Zmq.Socket.recv socket_out ) end in let get_input () = match arg with | EZFIO x -> begin Printf.sprintf "tar --exclude=\"*.gz.*\" -zcf %s %s" temp_file x |> Sys.command |> ignore; let fd = Unix.openfile temp_file [Unix.O_RDONLY] 0o640 in let len = Unix.lseek fd 0 Unix.SEEK_END in ignore @@ Unix.lseek fd 0 Unix.SEEK_SET ; let bstr = Unix.map_file fd Bigarray.char Bigarray.c_layout false [| len |] |> Bigarray.array1_of_genarray in let result = String.init len (fun i -> bstr.{i}) ; in Unix.close fd; Sys.remove temp_file; result end | ADDRESS _ -> begin match socket_out with | None -> assert false | Some socket_out -> ( Zmq.Socket.send socket_out "get_input" ; Zmq.Socket.recv socket_out ) end in let () = match socket_out with | None -> () | Some socket_out -> Zmq.Socket.send socket_out "test"; Printf.printf "Communication [ %s ]\n%!" (Zmq.Socket.recv socket_out); in (* Download input if asked *) if Command_line.get_bool "get-input" then begin match arg with | EZFIO _ -> () | ADDRESS _ -> begin Printf.printf "Getting input... %!"; let ezfio_filename = get_ezfio_filename () in Printf.printf "%s%!" ezfio_filename; let oc = open_out temp_file in get_input () |> output_string oc; close_out oc; Printf.sprintf "tar -zxf %s" temp_file |> Sys.command |> ignore ; let oc = Filename.concat (Qpackage.ezfio_work ezfio_filename) "qp_run_address" |> open_out in Printf.fprintf oc "tcp://%s:%d\n" localhost localport; close_out oc; Printf.printf " ...done\n%!" end end; (* Main loop *) let pollitem = Zmq.Poll.mask_of [| (socket_in, Zmq.Poll.In) |] in let action () = match Zmq.Socket.recv socket_in with | "get_input" -> get_input () |> Zmq.Socket.send socket_in | "get_ezfio_filename" -> get_ezfio_filename () |> Zmq.Socket.send socket_in | "test" -> Zmq.Socket.send socket_in "OK" | x -> Printf.sprintf "Message '%s' not understood" x |> Zmq.Socket.send socket_in in Printf.printf " On remote hosts, create ssh tunnel using: ssh -L %d:%s:%d -L %d:%s:%d -L %d:%s:%d -L %d:%s:%d %s & Or from this host connect to clients using: ssh -R %d:localhost:%d -R %d:localhost:%d -R %d:localhost:%d -R %d:localhost:%d <host> & %!" (port ) localhost (localport ) (port+1) localhost (localport+1) (port+2) localhost (localport+2) (port+9) localhost (localport+9) (Unix.gethostname ()) (port ) (localport ) (port+1) (localport+1) (port+2) (localport+2) (port+9) (localport+9); Printf.printf "Ready\n%!"; while !run_status do let polling = Zmq.Poll.poll ~timeout:1000 pollitem in match polling.(0) with | Some Zmq.Poll.In -> action () | None -> () | Some Zmq.Poll.In_out | Some Zmq.Poll.Out -> () done; let () = match socket_out with | Some socket_out -> Zmq.Socket.close socket_out | None -> () in Zmq.Socket.close socket_in in (Thread.create f) () in (* Termination *) Thread.join input_thread; Thread.join fortran_thread; Thread.join pub_thread; Thread.join ocaml_thread; Zmq.Context.terminate zmq_context; Printf.printf "qp_tunnel exited properly.\n"