.. _qp_set_frozen_core: ================== qp_set_frozen_core ================== .. program:: qp_set_frozen_core Automatically finds *n*, the number of core electrons. Calls :ref:`qp_set_mo_class` setting all |MOs| as ``Active``, except the :math:`n/2` first ones which are set as ``Core``. If pseudo-potentials are used, all the |MOs| are set as ``Active``. For elements on the right of the periodic table, `qp_set_frozen_core` will work as expected. But for elements on the left, a small core will be chosen. For example, a Carbon atom will have 2 core electrons, but a Lithium atom will have zero. Usage ----- .. code:: bash qp_set_frozen_core [-q] EZFIO_DIR .. option:: -q Prints in the standard output the number of core electrons.