use f77_zmq use omp_lib BEGIN_PROVIDER [ integer(ZMQ_PTR), zmq_context ] &BEGIN_PROVIDER [ integer(omp_lock_kind), zmq_lock ] use f77_zmq implicit none BEGIN_DOC ! Context for the ZeroMQ library END_DOC call omp_init_lock(zmq_lock) zmq_context = 0_ZMQ_PTR END_PROVIDER BEGIN_PROVIDER [ character*(128), qp_run_address ] &BEGIN_PROVIDER [ integer, zmq_port_start ] use f77_zmq implicit none BEGIN_DOC ! Address of the qp_run socket ! Example : tcp:// END_DOC character*(128) :: buffer call getenv('QP_RUN_ADDRESS',buffer) if (trim(buffer) == '') then print *, 'This run should be started with the qp_run command' stop -1 endif integer :: i do i=len(buffer),1,-1 if ( buffer(i:i) == ':') then qp_run_address = trim(buffer(1:i-1)) read(buffer(i+1:), *, err=10,end=10) zmq_port_start exit endif enddo return 10 continue print *, irp_here, ': Error in read' stop -1 END_PROVIDER BEGIN_PROVIDER [ character*(128), zmq_socket_pull_tcp_address ] &BEGIN_PROVIDER [ character*(128), zmq_socket_pair_inproc_address ] &BEGIN_PROVIDER [ character*(128), zmq_socket_push_tcp_address ] &BEGIN_PROVIDER [ character*(128), zmq_socket_pull_inproc_address ] &BEGIN_PROVIDER [ character*(128), zmq_socket_push_inproc_address ] &BEGIN_PROVIDER [ character*(128), zmq_socket_sub_tcp_address ] use f77_zmq implicit none BEGIN_DOC ! Socket which pulls the results (2) END_DOC character*(8), external :: zmq_port zmq_socket_sub_tcp_address = trim(qp_run_address)//':'//zmq_port(1)//' ' zmq_socket_pull_tcp_address = 'tcp://*:'//zmq_port(2)//' ' zmq_socket_push_tcp_address = trim(qp_run_address)//':'//zmq_port(2)//' ' zmq_socket_pull_inproc_address = 'inproc://'//zmq_port(2)//' ' zmq_socket_push_inproc_address = zmq_socket_pull_inproc_address zmq_socket_pair_inproc_address = 'inproc://'//zmq_port(3)//' ' ! /!\ Don't forget to change subroutine reset_zmq_addresses END_PROVIDER subroutine reset_zmq_addresses use f77_zmq implicit none BEGIN_DOC ! Socket which pulls the results (2) END_DOC character*(8), external :: zmq_port zmq_socket_sub_tcp_address = trim(qp_run_address)//':'//zmq_port(1)//' ' zmq_socket_pull_tcp_address = 'tcp://*:'//zmq_port(2)//' ' zmq_socket_push_tcp_address = trim(qp_run_address)//':'//zmq_port(2)//' ' zmq_socket_pull_inproc_address = 'inproc://'//zmq_port(2)//' ' zmq_socket_push_inproc_address = zmq_socket_pull_inproc_address zmq_socket_pair_inproc_address = 'inproc://'//zmq_port(3)//' ' end subroutine switch_qp_run_to_master use f77_zmq implicit none BEGIN_DOC ! Address of the master qp_run socket ! Example : tcp:// END_DOC character*(128) :: buffer call getenv('QP_RUN_ADDRESS_MASTER',buffer) if (.not.is_zmq_slave) then print *, 'This run should be started with "qp_run -slave"' stop -1 endif qp_run_address = adjustl(buffer) print *, 'Switched to qp_run master : ', trim(qp_run_address) integer :: i do i=len(buffer),1,-1 if ( buffer(i:i) == ':') then qp_run_address = trim(buffer(1:i-1)) read(buffer(i+1:), *, end=10, err=10) zmq_port_start exit endif enddo call reset_zmq_addresses return 10 continue print *, irp_here, ': Error in read' stop -1 end function zmq_port(ishift) use f77_zmq implicit none BEGIN_DOC ! Return the value of the ZMQ port from the corresponding integer END_DOC integer, intent(in) :: ishift character*(8) :: zmq_port write(zmq_port,'(I8)') zmq_port_start+ishift zmq_port = adjustl(trim(zmq_port)) end function new_zmq_to_qp_run_socket() use f77_zmq implicit none BEGIN_DOC ! Socket on which the qp_run process replies END_DOC integer :: rc character*(8), external :: zmq_port integer(ZMQ_PTR) :: new_zmq_to_qp_run_socket call omp_set_lock(zmq_lock) if (zmq_context == 0_ZMQ_PTR) then stop 'zmq_context is uninitialized' endif new_zmq_to_qp_run_socket = f77_zmq_socket(zmq_context, ZMQ_REQ) call omp_unset_lock(zmq_lock) if (new_zmq_to_qp_run_socket == 0_ZMQ_PTR) then stop 'Unable to create zmq req socket' endif rc = f77_zmq_setsockopt(new_zmq_to_qp_run_socket, ZMQ_SNDTIMEO, 300000, 4) if (rc /= 0) then stop 'Unable to set send timeout in new_zmq_to_qp_run_socket' endif rc = f77_zmq_setsockopt(new_zmq_to_qp_run_socket, ZMQ_RCVTIMEO, 300000, 4) if (rc /= 0) then stop 'Unable to set recv timeout in new_zmq_to_qp_run_socket' endif rc = f77_zmq_connect(new_zmq_to_qp_run_socket, trim(qp_run_address)//':'//trim(zmq_port(0))) if (rc /= 0) then stop 'Unable to connect new_zmq_to_qp_run_socket' endif end function new_zmq_pair_socket(bind) use f77_zmq implicit none BEGIN_DOC ! Socket on which the collector and the main communicate END_DOC logical :: bind integer :: rc character*(8), external :: zmq_port integer(ZMQ_PTR) :: new_zmq_pair_socket call omp_set_lock(zmq_lock) if (zmq_context == 0_ZMQ_PTR) then stop 'zmq_context is uninitialized' endif new_zmq_pair_socket = f77_zmq_socket(zmq_context, ZMQ_PAIR) call omp_unset_lock(zmq_lock) if (new_zmq_pair_socket == 0_ZMQ_PTR) then stop 'Unable to create zmq pair socket' endif rc = f77_zmq_setsockopt(new_zmq_pair_socket, ZMQ_IMMEDIATE, 1, 4) if (rc /= 0) then stop 'f77_zmq_setsockopt(new_zmq_pair_socket, ZMQ_IMMEDIATE, 1, 4)' endif if (bind) then rc = f77_zmq_bind(new_zmq_pair_socket,zmq_socket_pair_inproc_address) if (rc /= 0) then print *, 'f77_zmq_bind(new_zmq_pair_socket, zmq_socket_pair_inproc_address)' stop 'error' endif else rc = f77_zmq_connect(new_zmq_pair_socket,zmq_socket_pair_inproc_address) if (rc /= 0) then stop 'Unable to connect new_zmq_pair_socket' endif endif end function new_zmq_pull_socket() use f77_zmq implicit none BEGIN_DOC ! Socket on which the results are sent. If thread is 1, use inproc END_DOC integer :: rc character*(8), external :: zmq_port integer(ZMQ_PTR) :: new_zmq_pull_socket call omp_set_lock(zmq_lock) if (zmq_context == 0_ZMQ_PTR) then stop 'zmq_context is uninitialized' endif IRP_IF ZMQ_PUSH new_zmq_pull_socket = f77_zmq_socket(zmq_context, ZMQ_PULL) IRP_ELSE new_zmq_pull_socket = f77_zmq_socket(zmq_context, ZMQ_REP) IRP_ENDIF call omp_unset_lock(zmq_lock) if (new_zmq_pull_socket == 0_ZMQ_PTR) then stop 'Unable to create zmq pull socket' endif rc = f77_zmq_setsockopt(new_zmq_pull_socket,ZMQ_LINGER,300000,4) if (rc /= 0) then stop 'Unable to set ZMQ_LINGER on pull socket' endif ! rc = f77_zmq_setsockopt(new_zmq_pull_socket,ZMQ_RCVHWM,10,4) ! if (rc /= 0) then ! stop 'Unable to set ZMQ_RCVHWM on pull socket' ! endif integer :: icount icount = 10 do while (icount > 0) rc = f77_zmq_bind(new_zmq_pull_socket, zmq_socket_pull_inproc_address) if (rc /= 0) then icount = icount-1 call sleep(3) else exit endif enddo if (icount == 0) then print *, 'Unable to bind new_zmq_pull_socket (inproc)', zmq_socket_pull_inproc_address stop -1 endif icount = 10 do while (icount > 0) rc = f77_zmq_bind(new_zmq_pull_socket, zmq_socket_pull_tcp_address) if (rc /= 0) then icount = icount-1 zmq_socket_pull_tcp_address = 'tcp://*:'//zmq_port(2+icount*100)//' ' zmq_socket_push_tcp_address = trim(qp_run_address)//':'//zmq_port(2+icount*100)//' ' else exit endif enddo if (icount == 0) then print *, 'Unable to bind new_zmq_pull_socket (tcp)', zmq_socket_pull_tcp_address stop -1 endif end function new_zmq_push_socket(thread) use f77_zmq implicit none BEGIN_DOC ! Socket on which the results are sent. If thread is 1, use inproc END_DOC integer, intent(in) :: thread integer :: rc integer(ZMQ_PTR) :: new_zmq_push_socket call omp_set_lock(zmq_lock) if (zmq_context == 0_ZMQ_PTR) then stop 'zmq_context is uninitialized' endif IRP_IF ZMQ_PUSH new_zmq_push_socket = f77_zmq_socket(zmq_context, ZMQ_PUSH) IRP_ELSE new_zmq_push_socket = f77_zmq_socket(zmq_context, ZMQ_REQ) IRP_ENDIF call omp_unset_lock(zmq_lock) if (new_zmq_push_socket == 0_ZMQ_PTR) then stop 'Unable to create zmq push socket' endif rc = f77_zmq_setsockopt(new_zmq_push_socket,ZMQ_LINGER,300000,4) if (rc /= 0) then stop 'Unable to set ZMQ_LINGER on push socket' endif ! rc = f77_zmq_setsockopt(new_zmq_push_socket,ZMQ_SNDHWM,1,4) ! if (rc /= 0) then ! stop 'Unable to set ZMQ_SNDHWM on push socket' ! endif rc = f77_zmq_setsockopt(new_zmq_push_socket,ZMQ_IMMEDIATE,1,4) if (rc /= 0) then stop 'Unable to set ZMQ_IMMEDIATE on push socket' endif rc = f77_zmq_setsockopt(new_zmq_push_socket, ZMQ_SNDTIMEO, 300000, 4) if (rc /= 0) then stop 'Unable to set send timout in new_zmq_push_socket' endif if (thread == 1) then rc = f77_zmq_connect(new_zmq_push_socket, zmq_socket_push_inproc_address) else rc = f77_zmq_connect(new_zmq_push_socket, zmq_socket_push_tcp_address) endif if (rc /= 0) then stop 'Unable to connect new_zmq_push_socket' endif end function new_zmq_sub_socket() use f77_zmq implicit none BEGIN_DOC ! Socket to read the state published by the Task server END_DOC integer :: rc integer(ZMQ_PTR) :: new_zmq_sub_socket call omp_set_lock(zmq_lock) if (zmq_context == 0_ZMQ_PTR) then stop 'zmq_context is uninitialized' endif new_zmq_sub_socket = f77_zmq_socket(zmq_context, ZMQ_SUB) call omp_unset_lock(zmq_lock) if (new_zmq_sub_socket == 0_ZMQ_PTR) then stop 'Unable to create zmq sub socket' endif ! rc = f77_zmq_setsockopt(new_zmq_sub_socket,ZMQ_RCVTIMEO,10000,4) ! if (rc /= 0) then ! stop 'Unable to set timeout in new_zmq_sub_socket' ! endif rc = f77_zmq_setsockopt(new_zmq_sub_socket,ZMQ_CONFLATE,1,4) if (rc /= 0) then stop 'Unable to set conflate in new_zmq_sub_socket' endif rc = f77_zmq_setsockopt(new_zmq_sub_socket,ZMQ_SUBSCRIBE,"",0) if (rc /= 0) then stop 'Unable to subscribe new_zmq_sub_socket' endif rc = f77_zmq_connect(new_zmq_sub_socket, zmq_socket_sub_tcp_address) if (rc /= 0) then stop 'Unable to connect new_zmq_sub_socket' endif end subroutine end_zmq_sub_socket(zmq_socket_sub) use f77_zmq implicit none BEGIN_DOC ! Terminate socket on which the results are sent. END_DOC integer(ZMQ_PTR), intent(in) :: zmq_socket_sub integer :: rc call omp_set_lock(zmq_lock) rc = f77_zmq_close(zmq_socket_sub) call omp_unset_lock(zmq_lock) if (rc /= 0) then print *, 'f77_zmq_close(zmq_socket_sub)' stop 'error' endif end subroutine end_zmq_pair_socket(zmq_socket_pair) use f77_zmq implicit none BEGIN_DOC ! Terminate socket on which the results are sent. END_DOC integer(ZMQ_PTR), intent(in) :: zmq_socket_pair integer :: rc call omp_set_lock(zmq_lock) rc = f77_zmq_close(zmq_socket_pair) call omp_unset_lock(zmq_lock) if (rc /= 0) then print *, 'f77_zmq_close(zmq_socket_pair)' stop 'error' endif end subroutine end_zmq_pull_socket(zmq_socket_pull) use f77_zmq implicit none BEGIN_DOC ! Terminate socket on which the results are sent. END_DOC integer(ZMQ_PTR), intent(in) :: zmq_socket_pull integer :: rc ! rc = f77_zmq_setsockopt(zmq_socket_pull,ZMQ_LINGER,0,4) ! if (rc /= 0) then ! stop 'Unable to set ZMQ_LINGER on pull socket' ! endif call omp_set_lock(zmq_lock) rc = f77_zmq_close(zmq_socket_pull) call omp_unset_lock(zmq_lock) if (rc /= 0) then print *, 'f77_zmq_close(zmq_socket_pull)' stop 'error' endif end subroutine end_zmq_push_socket(zmq_socket_push,thread) implicit none use f77_zmq BEGIN_DOC ! Terminate socket on which the results are sent. END_DOC integer, intent(in) :: thread integer(ZMQ_PTR), intent(in) :: zmq_socket_push integer :: rc rc = f77_zmq_setsockopt(zmq_socket_push,ZMQ_LINGER,300000,4) if (rc /= 0) then print *, 'warning: Unable to set ZMQ_LINGER on push socket' endif call omp_set_lock(zmq_lock) rc = f77_zmq_close(zmq_socket_push) call omp_unset_lock(zmq_lock) if (rc /= 0) then print *, 'f77_zmq_close(zmq_socket_push)' stop 'error' endif end BEGIN_PROVIDER [ character*(128), zmq_state ] implicit none BEGIN_DOC ! Threads executing work through the ZeroMQ interface END_DOC zmq_state = 'No_state' END_PROVIDER subroutine new_parallel_job(zmq_to_qp_run_socket,zmq_socket_pull,name_in) use f77_zmq implicit none BEGIN_DOC ! Start a new parallel job with name 'name'. The slave tasks execute subroutine 'slave' END_DOC character*(*), intent(in) :: name_in character*(512) :: message, name integer :: rc, sze integer(ZMQ_PTR),external :: new_zmq_to_qp_run_socket integer(ZMQ_PTR),external :: new_zmq_pull_socket integer(ZMQ_PTR), intent(out) :: zmq_to_qp_run_socket, zmq_socket_pull integer, save :: icount=0 icount = icount+1 call omp_set_lock(zmq_lock) zmq_context = f77_zmq_ctx_new () call omp_unset_lock(zmq_lock) if (zmq_context == 0_ZMQ_PTR) then stop 'ZMQ_PTR is null' endif ! rc = f77_zmq_ctx_set(zmq_context, ZMQ_IO_THREADS, nproc) ! if (rc /= 0) then ! print *, 'Unable to set the number of ZMQ IO threads to', nproc ! endif zmq_to_qp_run_socket = new_zmq_to_qp_run_socket() zmq_socket_pull = new_zmq_pull_socket () write(name,'(A,I8.8)') trim(name_in)//'.', icount sze = len(trim(name)) zmq_state = trim(name) call lowercase(name,sze) message = 'new_job '//trim(name)//' '//zmq_socket_push_tcp_address//' '//zmq_socket_pull_inproc_address sze = len(trim(message)) rc = f77_zmq_send(zmq_to_qp_run_socket,message,sze,0) if (rc /= sze) then print *, irp_here, ':f77_zmq_send(zmq_to_qp_run_socket,message,sze,0)' stop 'error' endif rc = f77_zmq_recv(zmq_to_qp_run_socket,message,510,0) message = trim(message(1:rc)) if (message(1:2) /= 'ok') then print *, trim(message(1:rc)) print *, 'Unable to start parallel job : '//name stop 1 endif end integer function zmq_set_running(zmq_to_qp_run_socket) use f77_zmq implicit none BEGIN_DOC ! Set the job to Running in QP-run END_DOC integer(ZMQ_PTR), intent(in) :: zmq_to_qp_run_socket character*(512) :: message integer :: rc, sze zmq_set_running = 0 message = 'set_running' sze = len(trim(message)) rc = f77_zmq_send(zmq_to_qp_run_socket,message,sze,0) if (rc /= sze) then zmq_set_running = -1 return endif rc = f77_zmq_recv(zmq_to_qp_run_socket,message,510,0) message = trim(message(1:rc)) if (message(1:2) /= 'ok') then zmq_set_running = -1 return endif end subroutine end_parallel_job(zmq_to_qp_run_socket,zmq_socket_pull,name_in) use f77_zmq implicit none BEGIN_DOC ! End a new parallel job with name 'name'. The slave tasks execute subroutine 'slave' END_DOC integer(ZMQ_PTR), intent(in) :: zmq_to_qp_run_socket, zmq_socket_pull character*(*), intent(in) :: name_in character*(512) :: message, name integer :: i,rc, sze integer, save :: icount=0 icount = icount+1 write(name,'(A,I8.8)') trim(name_in)//'.', icount sze = len(trim(name)) call lowercase(name,sze) if (name /= zmq_state) then stop 'Wrong end of job' endif message = repeat(' ',512) do i=360,1,-1 rc = f77_zmq_send(zmq_to_qp_run_socket, 'end_job '//trim(zmq_state),8+len(trim(zmq_state)),0) rc = f77_zmq_recv(zmq_to_qp_run_socket, message, 512, 0) if (trim(message(1:13)) == 'error waiting') then call sleep(1) cycle else if (message(1:2) == 'ok') then exit endif end do if (i==0) then print *, '.. Forcing kill ..' rc = f77_zmq_send(zmq_to_qp_run_socket, 'end_job force',13,0) rc = f77_zmq_recv(zmq_to_qp_run_socket, message, 512, 0) endif call end_zmq_to_qp_run_socket(zmq_to_qp_run_socket) call end_zmq_pull_socket(zmq_socket_pull) call omp_set_lock(zmq_lock) zmq_state = 'No_state' rc = f77_zmq_ctx_term(zmq_context) zmq_context = 0_ZMQ_PTR call omp_unset_lock(zmq_lock) if (rc /= 0) then print *, 'Unable to terminate ZMQ context' stop 'error' endif end integer function connect_to_taskserver(zmq_to_qp_run_socket,worker_id,thread) use f77_zmq implicit none BEGIN_DOC ! Connect to the task server and obtain the worker ID END_DOC integer(ZMQ_PTR), intent(in) :: zmq_to_qp_run_socket integer, intent(out) :: worker_id integer, intent(in) :: thread character*(512) :: message character*(128) :: reply, state, address integer :: rc !Success connect_to_taskserver = 0 if (thread == 1) then rc = f77_zmq_send(zmq_to_qp_run_socket, "connect inproc", 14, 0) if (rc /= 14) then connect_to_taskserver = -1 return endif else rc = f77_zmq_send(zmq_to_qp_run_socket, "connect tcp", 11, 0) if (rc /= 11) then connect_to_taskserver = -1 return endif endif message = repeat(' ',512) rc = f77_zmq_recv(zmq_to_qp_run_socket, message, 510, 0) message = trim(message(1:rc)) if(message(1:5) == "error") then go to 10 end if read(message,*, end=10, err=10) reply, state, worker_id, address if (trim(reply) /= 'connect_reply') then go to 10 endif if (trim(state) /= zmq_state) then integer, external :: disconnect_from_taskserver_state if (disconnect_from_taskserver_state(zmq_to_qp_run_socket, worker_id, state) == -1) then print *, irp_here//': Wrong zmq_state. Disconnecting.' continue endif connect_to_taskserver = -1 return endif return 10 continue ! print *, irp_here//': '//trim(message) connect_to_taskserver = -1 end integer function disconnect_from_taskserver(zmq_to_qp_run_socket, worker_id) use f77_zmq implicit none BEGIN_DOC ! Disconnect from the task server END_DOC integer(ZMQ_PTR), intent(in) :: zmq_to_qp_run_socket integer, intent(in) :: worker_id integer, external :: disconnect_from_taskserver_state disconnect_from_taskserver = disconnect_from_taskserver_state(zmq_to_qp_run_socket, worker_id, zmq_state(1:128)) end integer function disconnect_from_taskserver_state(zmq_to_qp_run_socket, worker_id, state) use f77_zmq implicit none BEGIN_DOC ! Disconnect from the task server END_DOC integer(ZMQ_PTR), intent(in) :: zmq_to_qp_run_socket integer, intent(in) :: worker_id integer :: rc, sze character*(512) :: message, reply character*(128) :: state disconnect_from_taskserver_state = 0 write(message,*) 'disconnect '//trim(state), worker_id sze = len(trim(message)) rc = f77_zmq_send(zmq_to_qp_run_socket, trim(message), sze, 0) if (rc /= sze) then disconnect_from_taskserver_state = -2 return endif rc = f77_zmq_recv(zmq_to_qp_run_socket, message, 510, 0) message = trim(message(1:rc)) read(message,*, end=10, err=10) reply, state if ((trim(reply) == 'disconnect_reply').and.(trim(state) == trim(zmq_state))) then return endif if (trim(message) == 'error Wrong state') then disconnect_from_taskserver_state = -1 return else if (trim(message) == 'error No job is running') then disconnect_from_taskserver_state = -1 return endif return 10 continue disconnect_from_taskserver_state = -1 end integer function add_task_to_taskserver(zmq_to_qp_run_socket,task) use f77_zmq implicit none BEGIN_DOC ! Get a task from the task server END_DOC integer(ZMQ_PTR), intent(in) :: zmq_to_qp_run_socket character*(*), intent(in) :: task integer :: rc, sze character(len=:), allocatable :: message add_task_to_taskserver = 0 sze = len(trim(task)) + len(trim(zmq_state))+11 allocate(character(len=sze) :: message) message='add_task '//trim(zmq_state)//' '//trim(task) sze = len(message) rc = f77_zmq_send(zmq_to_qp_run_socket, message, sze, 0) if (rc /= sze) then add_task_to_taskserver = -1 return endif rc = f77_zmq_recv(zmq_to_qp_run_socket, message, sze-1, 0) if (message(1:rc) /= 'ok') then print *, 'add_task_to_taskserver: '//trim(message(1:rc)) add_task_to_taskserver = -1 return endif deallocate(message) end integer function zmq_abort(zmq_to_qp_run_socket) use f77_zmq implicit none BEGIN_DOC ! Aborts a running parallel computation END_DOC integer(ZMQ_PTR), intent(in) :: zmq_to_qp_run_socket integer :: rc, sze, i integer, parameter :: count_max=60 character*(512) :: message zmq_abort = 0 write(message,*) 'abort ' sze = len(trim(message)) do i=1,count_max rc = f77_zmq_send(zmq_to_qp_run_socket, trim(message), sze, 0) if (rc == sze) exit call sleep(1) enddo if (rc /= sze) then print *, 'zmq_abort: rc /= sze', rc, sze zmq_abort = -1 return endif do i=1,count_max rc = f77_zmq_recv(zmq_to_qp_run_socket, message, 510, 0) if (trim(message(1:rc)) == 'ok') exit call sleep(1) enddo if (trim(message(1:rc)) /= 'ok') then print *, 'zmq_abort: ', rc, ':', trim(message(1:rc)) zmq_abort = -1 return endif end integer function task_done_to_taskserver(zmq_to_qp_run_socket, worker_id, task_id) use f77_zmq implicit none BEGIN_DOC ! Get a task from the task server END_DOC integer(ZMQ_PTR), intent(in) :: zmq_to_qp_run_socket integer, intent(in) :: worker_id, task_id integer :: rc, sze character*(512) :: message task_done_to_taskserver = 0 write(message,*) 'task_done '//trim(zmq_state), worker_id, task_id sze = len(trim(message)) rc = f77_zmq_send(zmq_to_qp_run_socket, trim(message), sze, 0) if (rc /= sze) then task_done_to_taskserver = -1 return endif rc = f77_zmq_recv(zmq_to_qp_run_socket, message, 510, 0) if (trim(message(1:rc)) /= 'ok') then print *, 'task_done_to_taskserver: '//trim(message(1:rc)) task_done_to_taskserver = -1 return endif end integer function tasks_done_to_taskserver(zmq_to_qp_run_socket, worker_id, task_id, n_tasks) use f77_zmq implicit none BEGIN_DOC ! Get a task from the task server END_DOC integer(ZMQ_PTR), intent(in) :: zmq_to_qp_run_socket integer, intent(in) :: n_tasks, worker_id, task_id(n_tasks) integer :: rc, sze, k character(LEN=:), allocatable :: message character*(64) :: fmt tasks_done_to_taskserver = 0 allocate(character(LEN=64+n_tasks*12) :: message) write(fmt,*) '(A,X,A,I10,X,', n_tasks, '(I11,1X))' write(message,*) 'task_done '//trim(zmq_state), worker_id, (task_id(k), k=1,n_tasks) sze = len(trim(message)) rc = f77_zmq_send(zmq_to_qp_run_socket, trim(message), sze, 0) if (rc == -1) then tasks_done_to_taskserver = -1 deallocate(message) return endif if (rc /= sze) then tasks_done_to_taskserver = -1 deallocate(message) return endif rc = f77_zmq_recv(zmq_to_qp_run_socket, message, 64, 0) if (trim(message(1:rc)) /= 'ok') then print *, 'tasks_done_to_taskserver: '//trim(message(1:rc)) tasks_done_to_taskserver = -1 endif deallocate(message) end integer function get_task_from_taskserver(zmq_to_qp_run_socket,worker_id,task_id,task) use f77_zmq implicit none BEGIN_DOC ! Get a task from the task server END_DOC integer(ZMQ_PTR), intent(in) :: zmq_to_qp_run_socket integer, intent(in) :: worker_id integer, intent(out) :: task_id character*(512), intent(out) :: task character*(1024) :: message character*(64) :: reply integer :: rc, sze get_task_from_taskserver = 0 write(message,*) 'get_task '//trim(zmq_state), worker_id sze = len(trim(message)) rc = f77_zmq_send(zmq_to_qp_run_socket, message, sze, 0) if (rc /= sze) then get_task_from_taskserver = -1 return endif message = repeat(' ',512) rc = f77_zmq_recv(zmq_to_qp_run_socket, message, 1024, 0) rc = min(1024,rc) read(message(1:rc),*, end=10, err=10) reply if (trim(reply) == 'get_task_reply') then read(message(1:rc),*, end=10, err=10) reply, task_id rc = 15 do while (message(rc:rc) == ' ') rc += 1 enddo do while (message(rc:rc) /= ' ') rc += 1 enddo rc += 1 task = message(rc:) else if (trim(reply) == 'terminate') then task_id = 0 task = 'terminate' else if (trim(message) == 'error No job is running') then task_id = 0 task = 'terminate' else if (trim(message) == 'error Wrong state') then task_id = 0 task = 'terminate' else get_task_from_taskserver = -1 return endif return 10 continue get_task_from_taskserver = -1 end integer function get_tasks_from_taskserver(zmq_to_qp_run_socket,worker_id,task_id,task,n_tasks) use f77_zmq implicit none BEGIN_DOC ! Get multiple tasks from the task server END_DOC integer(ZMQ_PTR), intent(in) :: zmq_to_qp_run_socket integer, intent(in) :: worker_id integer, intent(inout) :: n_tasks integer, intent(out) :: task_id(n_tasks) character*(512), intent(out) :: task(n_tasks) character*(1024) :: message character*(64) :: reply integer :: rc, sze, i get_tasks_from_taskserver = 0 write(message,*) 'get_tasks '//trim(zmq_state), worker_id, n_tasks sze = len(trim(message)) rc = f77_zmq_send(zmq_to_qp_run_socket, message, sze, 0) if (rc /= sze) then get_tasks_from_taskserver = -1 return endif message = repeat(' ',1024) rc = f77_zmq_recv(zmq_to_qp_run_socket, message, 1024, 0) rc = min(1024,rc) read(message(1:rc),*, end=10, err=10) reply if (trim(message) == 'get_tasks_reply ok') then continue else if (trim(message) == 'terminate') then task_id(1) = 0 task(1) = 'terminate' else if (trim(message) == 'error No job is running') then task_id(1) = 0 task(1) = 'terminate' else get_tasks_from_taskserver = -1 return endif task(:) = repeat(' ',512) do i=1,n_tasks message = repeat(' ',512) rc = f77_zmq_recv(zmq_to_qp_run_socket, message, 1024, 0) rc = min(1024,rc) read(message(1:rc),*, end=10, err=10) task_id(i) if (task_id(i) == 0) then task(i) = 'terminate' n_tasks = i exit endif rc = 1 do while (message(rc:rc) == ' ') rc += 1 enddo do while (message(rc:rc) /= ' ') rc += 1 enddo rc += 1 task(i) = message(rc:) enddo return 10 continue get_tasks_from_taskserver = -1 return end subroutine end_zmq_to_qp_run_socket(zmq_to_qp_run_socket) use f77_zmq implicit none BEGIN_DOC ! Terminate the socket from the application to qp_run END_DOC integer(ZMQ_PTR), intent(in) :: zmq_to_qp_run_socket integer :: rc rc = f77_zmq_setsockopt(zmq_to_qp_run_socket,ZMQ_LINGER,300000,4) if (rc /= 0) then print *, 'warning: Unable to set ZMQ_LINGER on zmq_to_qp_run_socket' endif rc = f77_zmq_close(zmq_to_qp_run_socket) if (rc /= 0) then print *, 'f77_zmq_close(zmq_to_qp_run_socket)' stop 'error' endif end integer function zmq_delete_task(zmq_to_qp_run_socket,zmq_socket_pull,task_id,more) use f77_zmq implicit none BEGIN_DOC ! When a task is done, it has to be removed from the list of tasks on the qp_run ! queue. This guarantees that the results have been received in the pull. END_DOC integer(ZMQ_PTR), intent(in) :: zmq_to_qp_run_socket integer(ZMQ_PTR) :: zmq_socket_pull integer, intent(in) :: task_id integer, intent(out) :: more integer :: rc character*(512) :: message zmq_delete_task = 0 write(message,*) 'del_task ', zmq_state, task_id rc = f77_zmq_send(zmq_to_qp_run_socket,trim(message),len(trim(message)),0) if (rc /= len(trim(message))) then zmq_delete_task = -1 return endif character*(64) :: reply reply = '' rc = f77_zmq_recv(zmq_to_qp_run_socket,reply,64,0) if (reply(16:19) == 'more') then more = 1 else if (reply(16:19) == 'done') then more = 0 else zmq_delete_task = -1 return endif end integer function zmq_delete_task_async_send(zmq_to_qp_run_socket,task_id,sending) use f77_zmq implicit none BEGIN_DOC ! When a task is done, it has to be removed from the list of tasks on the qp_run ! queue. This guarantees that the results have been received in the pull. END_DOC integer(ZMQ_PTR), intent(in) :: zmq_to_qp_run_socket integer, intent(in) :: task_id logical, intent(inout) :: sending integer :: rc character*(512) :: message if (sending) then print *, irp_here, ': sending=true' stop -1 endif zmq_delete_task_async_send = 0 write(message,*) 'del_task ', zmq_state, task_id rc = f77_zmq_send(zmq_to_qp_run_socket,trim(message),len(trim(message)),0) if (rc /= len(trim(message))) then zmq_delete_task_async_send = -1 return endif sending = .True. end integer function zmq_delete_task_async_recv(zmq_to_qp_run_socket,more,sending) use f77_zmq implicit none BEGIN_DOC ! When a task is done, it has to be removed from the list of tasks on the qp_run ! queue. This guarantees that the results have been received in the pull. END_DOC integer(ZMQ_PTR), intent(in) :: zmq_to_qp_run_socket integer, intent(out) :: more logical, intent(inout) :: sending integer :: rc character*(512) :: message character*(64) :: reply zmq_delete_task_async_recv = 0 if (.not.sending) return sending = .False. reply = '' rc = f77_zmq_recv(zmq_to_qp_run_socket,reply,64,0) if (reply(16:19) == 'more') then more = 1 else if (reply(16:19) == 'done') then more = 0 else print *, reply(1:rc) zmq_delete_task_async_recv = -1 return endif end integer function zmq_delete_tasks(zmq_to_qp_run_socket,zmq_socket_pull,task_id,n_tasks,more) use f77_zmq implicit none BEGIN_DOC ! When a task is done, it has to be removed from the list of tasks on the qp_run ! queue. This guarantees that the results have been received in the pull. END_DOC integer(ZMQ_PTR), intent(in) :: zmq_to_qp_run_socket integer(ZMQ_PTR) :: zmq_socket_pull integer, intent(in) :: n_tasks, task_id(n_tasks) integer, intent(out) :: more integer :: rc, k character*(64) :: fmt, reply character(LEN=:), allocatable :: message zmq_delete_tasks = 0 allocate(character(LEN=64+n_tasks*12) :: message) write(fmt,*) '(A,1X,A,1X,', n_tasks, '(I11,1X))' write(message,*) 'del_task '//trim(zmq_state), (task_id(k), k=1,n_tasks) rc = f77_zmq_send(zmq_to_qp_run_socket,trim(message),len(trim(message)),0) if (rc /= len(trim(message))) then zmq_delete_tasks = -1 deallocate(message) return endif deallocate(message) reply = '' rc = f77_zmq_recv(zmq_to_qp_run_socket,reply,64,0) if (reply(16:19) == 'more') then more = 1 else if (reply(16:19) == 'done') then more = 0 else zmq_delete_tasks = -1 endif end integer function zmq_delete_tasks_async_send(zmq_to_qp_run_socket,task_id,n_tasks,sending) use f77_zmq implicit none BEGIN_DOC ! When a task is done, it has to be removed from the list of tasks on the qp_run ! queue. This guarantees that the results have been received in the pull. END_DOC integer(ZMQ_PTR), intent(in) :: zmq_to_qp_run_socket integer, intent(in) :: n_tasks, task_id(n_tasks) logical, intent(inout) :: sending integer :: rc, k character*(64) :: fmt, reply character(LEN=:), allocatable :: message if (sending) then print *, irp_here, ': sending is true' stop -1 endif sending = .True. zmq_delete_tasks_async_send = 0 allocate(character(LEN=64+n_tasks*12) :: message) write(fmt,*) '(A,1X,A,1X,', n_tasks, '(I11,1X))' write(message,*) 'del_task '//trim(zmq_state), (task_id(k), k=1,n_tasks) rc = f77_zmq_send(zmq_to_qp_run_socket,trim(message),len(trim(message)),0) if (rc /= len(trim(message))) then zmq_delete_tasks_async_send = -1 deallocate(message) return endif deallocate(message) end integer function zmq_delete_tasks_async_recv(zmq_to_qp_run_socket,more,sending) use f77_zmq implicit none BEGIN_DOC ! When a task is done, it has to be removed from the list of tasks on the qp_run ! queue. This guarantees that the results have been received in the pull. END_DOC integer(ZMQ_PTR), intent(in) :: zmq_to_qp_run_socket integer, intent(out) :: more logical, intent(inout) :: sending integer :: rc character*(64) :: reply zmq_delete_tasks_async_recv = 0 if (.not.sending) return reply = '' rc = f77_zmq_recv(zmq_to_qp_run_socket,reply,64,0) if (reply(16:19) == 'more') then more = 1 else if (reply(16:19) == 'done') then more = 0 else zmq_delete_tasks_async_recv = -1 endif sending = .False. end subroutine wait_for_next_state(state) use f77_zmq implicit none character*(64), intent(out) :: state integer(ZMQ_PTR) :: zmq_socket_sub integer(ZMQ_PTR), external :: new_zmq_sub_socket integer :: rc zmq_socket_sub = new_zmq_sub_socket() state = 'Waiting' do while(state == "Waiting") rc = f77_zmq_recv( zmq_socket_sub, state, 64, 0) if (rc > 0) then state = trim(state(1:rc)) else print *, 'Timeout reached. Stopping' state = "Stopped" end if end do call end_zmq_sub_socket(zmq_socket_sub) end subroutine subroutine wait_for_state(state_wait,state) use f77_zmq implicit none BEGIN_DOC ! Wait for the ZMQ state to be ready END_DOC character*(64), intent(in) :: state_wait character*(64), intent(out) :: state integer(ZMQ_PTR) :: zmq_socket_sub integer(ZMQ_PTR), external :: new_zmq_sub_socket integer :: rc zmq_socket_sub = new_zmq_sub_socket() state = 'Waiting' do while (trim(state) /= trim(state_wait) .and. trim(state) /= 'Stopped') rc = f77_zmq_recv( zmq_socket_sub, state, 64, 0) if (rc > 0) then state = trim(state(1:rc)) else print *, 'Timeout reached. Stopping' state = "Stopped" endif end do call end_zmq_sub_socket(zmq_socket_sub) end subroutine wait_for_states(state_wait,state,n) use f77_zmq implicit none BEGIN_DOC ! Wait for the ZMQ state to be ready END_DOC integer, intent(in) :: n character*(64), intent(in) :: state_wait(n) character*(64), intent(out) :: state integer(ZMQ_PTR) :: zmq_socket_sub integer(ZMQ_PTR), external :: new_zmq_sub_socket integer :: rc, i integer :: sze(n) logical :: condition do i=1,n sze(i) = len(trim(state_wait(i))) enddo zmq_socket_sub = new_zmq_sub_socket() state = 'Waiting' condition = .True. do while (condition) rc = f77_zmq_recv( zmq_socket_sub, state, 64, 0) if (rc > 0) then state = trim(state(1:rc)) else print *, 'Timeout reached. Stopping' state = "Stopped" endif condition = trim(state) /= 'Stopped' do i=1,n condition = condition .and. (state(1:sze(i)) /= state_wait(i)(1:sze(i))) enddo end do call end_zmq_sub_socket(zmq_socket_sub) end BEGIN_PROVIDER [ logical, is_zmq_slave ] implicit none BEGIN_DOC ! If |true|, the current process is a |ZeroMQ| slave. END_DOC character*(128) :: buffer call getenv('QP_RUN_ADDRESS_MASTER',buffer) is_zmq_slave = (trim(buffer) /= '') END_PROVIDER