! TODO ! remove ao_two_e_coul and use map directly ! --- BEGIN_PROVIDER [double precision, ao_vartc_int_chemist, (ao_num, ao_num, ao_num, ao_num)] implicit none integer :: i, j, k, l double precision :: wall1, wall0 print *, ' providing ao_vartc_int_chemist ...' call wall_time(wall0) if(test_cycle_tc) then PROVIDE j1b_type if(j1b_type .ne. 3) then print*, ' TC integrals with cycle can not be used for j1b_type =', j1b_type stop endif do j = 1, ao_num do l = 1, ao_num do i = 1, ao_num do k = 1, ao_num ao_vartc_int_chemist(k,i,l,j) = tc_grad_square_ao_test(k,i,l,j) + ao_two_e_coul(k,i,l,j) enddo enddo enddo enddo else do j = 1, ao_num do l = 1, ao_num do i = 1, ao_num do k = 1, ao_num ao_vartc_int_chemist(k,i,l,j) = tc_grad_square_ao(k,i,l,j) + ao_two_e_coul(k,i,l,j) enddo enddo enddo enddo endif call wall_time(wall1) print *, ' wall time for ao_vartc_int_chemist ', wall1 - wall0 END_PROVIDER ! --- BEGIN_PROVIDER [double precision, ao_tc_int_chemist, (ao_num, ao_num, ao_num, ao_num)] implicit none integer :: i, j, k, l double precision :: wall1, wall0 print *, ' providing ao_tc_int_chemist ...' call wall_time(wall0) if(test_cycle_tc) then PROVIDE j1b_type if(j1b_type .ne. 3) then print*, ' TC integrals with cycle can not be used for j1b_type =', j1b_type stop endif ao_tc_int_chemist = ao_tc_int_chemist_test else PROVIDE tc_grad_square_ao tc_grad_and_lapl_ao ao_two_e_coul do j = 1, ao_num do l = 1, ao_num do i = 1, ao_num do k = 1, ao_num ao_tc_int_chemist(k,i,l,j) = tc_grad_square_ao(k,i,l,j) + tc_grad_and_lapl_ao(k,i,l,j) + ao_two_e_coul(k,i,l,j) ! ao_tc_int_chemist(k,i,l,j) = ao_two_e_coul(k,i,l,j) enddo enddo enddo enddo endif FREE tc_grad_square_ao tc_grad_and_lapl_ao ao_two_e_coul call wall_time(wall1) print *, ' wall time for ao_tc_int_chemist ', wall1 - wall0 call print_memory_usage() END_PROVIDER ! --- BEGIN_PROVIDER [double precision, ao_tc_int_chemist_no_cycle, (ao_num, ao_num, ao_num, ao_num)] implicit none integer :: i, j, k, l double precision :: wall1, wall0 print *, ' providing ao_tc_int_chemist_no_cycle ...' call wall_time(wall0) do j = 1, ao_num do l = 1, ao_num do i = 1, ao_num do k = 1, ao_num ao_tc_int_chemist_no_cycle(k,i,l,j) = tc_grad_square_ao(k,i,l,j) + tc_grad_and_lapl_ao(k,i,l,j) + ao_two_e_coul(k,i,l,j) !ao_tc_int_chemist(k,i,l,j) = ao_two_e_coul(k,i,l,j) enddo enddo enddo enddo call wall_time(wall1) print *, ' wall time for ao_tc_int_chemist_no_cycle ', wall1 - wall0 END_PROVIDER ! --- BEGIN_PROVIDER [double precision, ao_tc_int_chemist_test, (ao_num, ao_num, ao_num, ao_num)] implicit none integer :: i, j, k, l double precision :: wall1, wall0 print *, ' providing ao_tc_int_chemist_test ...' call wall_time(wall0) do j = 1, ao_num do l = 1, ao_num do i = 1, ao_num do k = 1, ao_num ao_tc_int_chemist_test(k,i,l,j) = tc_grad_square_ao_test(k,i,l,j) + tc_grad_and_lapl_ao_test(k,i,l,j) + ao_two_e_coul(k,i,l,j) ! ao_tc_int_chemist_test(k,i,l,j) = ao_two_e_coul(k,i,l,j) enddo enddo enddo enddo call wall_time(wall1) print *, ' wall time for ao_tc_int_chemist_test ', wall1 - wall0 END_PROVIDER ! --- BEGIN_PROVIDER [double precision, ao_two_e_coul, (ao_num, ao_num, ao_num, ao_num) ] BEGIN_DOC ! ! ao_two_e_coul(k,i,l,j) = ( k i | 1/r12 | l j ) = < l k | 1/r12 | j i > ! END_DOC integer :: i, j, k, l double precision :: integral double precision, allocatable :: tmp(:) double precision, external :: get_ao_two_e_integral PROVIDE ao_integrals_map !$OMP PARALLEL DEFAULT(NONE) & !$OMP SHARED(ao_num, ao_two_e_coul, ao_integrals_map) & !$OMP PRIVATE(i, j, k, l) !$OMP DO do j = 1, ao_num do l = 1, ao_num do i = 1, ao_num do k = 1, ao_num ! < 1:k, 2:l | 1:i, 2:j > ao_two_e_coul(k,i,l,j) = get_ao_two_e_integral(i, j, k, l, ao_integrals_map) enddo enddo enddo enddo !$OMP END DO !$OMP END PARALLEL ! TODO ! allocate(tmp(ao_num)) ! ! !$OMP PARALLEL DO DEFAULT(SHARED) PRIVATE(i,l,j,k,tmp) ! do j = 1, ao_num ! do l = 1, ao_num ! do i = 1, ao_num ! call get_ao_two_e_integrals(i, l, l, ao_num, tmp(1)) ! do k = 1, ao_num ! ao_two_e_coul(k,i,l,j) = tmp(k) ! enddo ! enddo ! enddo ! enddo ! !$OMP END PARALLEL DO ! ! deallocate(tmp) END_PROVIDER ! ---