program import_determinants_ao call run end subroutine run use trexio use map_module implicit none BEGIN_DOC ! Program to import determinants from TREXIO END_DOC integer(trexio_t) :: f ! TREXIO file handle integer(trexio_exit_code) :: rc integer :: m double precision, allocatable :: coef_buffer(:,:) integer*8 , allocatable :: det_buffer(:,:,:) f = trexio_open(trexio_filename, 'r', TREXIO_AUTO, rc) if (f == 0_8) then print *, 'Unable to open TREXIO file for reading' print *, 'rc = ', rc stop -1 endif ! Determinants ! ------------ integer :: nint, nstates integer :: bufsize rc = trexio_read_state_num(f, nstates) call trexio_assert(rc, TREXIO_SUCCESS) ! rc = trexio_read_determinant_int64_num(f, nint) ! call trexio_assert(rc, TREXIO_SUCCESS) nint = N_int if (nint /= N_int) then stop 'Problem with N_int' endif integer*8 :: offset, icount rc = trexio_read_determinant_num(f, bufsize) call trexio_assert(rc, TREXIO_SUCCESS) print *, 'N_det = ', bufsize allocate ( det_buffer(nint, 2, bufsize), coef_buffer(bufsize, n_states) ) offset = 0_8 icount = bufsize rc = trexio_read_determinant_list(f, offset, icount, det_buffer) call trexio_assert(rc, TREXIO_SUCCESS) if (icount /= bufsize) then print *, 'error: bufsize /= N_det: ', bufsize, icount stop -1 endif do m=1,nstates rc = trexio_set_state(f, m-1) call trexio_assert(rc, TREXIO_SUCCESS) rc = trexio_read_determinant_coefficient(f, offset, icount, coef_buffer(1,m)) call trexio_assert(rc, TREXIO_SUCCESS) if (icount /= bufsize) then print *, 'error: bufsize /= N_det for state', m, ':', icount, bufsize stop -1 endif enddo call save_wavefunction_general(bufsize,nstates,det_buffer,size(coef_buffer,1),coef_buffer) end