! Providers for the dipole moments along x,y,z and the total dipole ! moments. ! The dipole moment along the x axis is: ! \begin{align*} ! \mu_x = < \Psi_m | \sum_i x_i + \sum_A Z_A R_A | \Psi_n > ! \end{align*} ! where $i$ is used for the electrons and $A$ for the nuclei. ! $Z_A$ the charge of the nucleus $A$ and $R_A$ its position in the ! space. ! And it can be computed using the (transition, if n /= m) density ! matrix as a expectation value ! \begin{align*} ! <\Psi_n|x| \Psi_m > = \sum_p \gamma_{pp}^{nm} < \phi_p | x | \phi_p > ! + \sum_{pq, p \neq q} \gamma_{pq}^{nm} < \phi_p |x | \phi_q > + < \Psi_m | \sum_A Z_A R_A | \Psi_n > ! \end{align*} BEGIN_PROVIDER [double precision, multi_s_dipole_moment, (N_states, N_states)] &BEGIN_PROVIDER [double precision, multi_s_x_dipole_moment, (N_states, N_states)] &BEGIN_PROVIDER [double precision, multi_s_y_dipole_moment, (N_states, N_states)] &BEGIN_PROVIDER [double precision, multi_s_z_dipole_moment, (N_states, N_states)] implicit none BEGIN_DOC ! Providers for : ! <\Psi_m|\mu_x|\Psi_n> ! <\Psi_m|\mu_y|\Psi_n> ! <\Psi_m|\mu_z|\Psi_n> ! ||\mu|| = \sqrt{\mu_x^2 + \mu_y^2 + \mu_z^2} ! ! <\Psi_n|x| \Psi_m > = \sum_p \gamma_{pp}^{nm} \bra{\phi_p} x \ket{\phi_p} ! + \sum_{pq, p \neq q} \gamma_{pq}^{nm} \bra{\phi_p} x \ket{\phi_q} ! \Psi: wf ! n,m indexes for the states ! p,q: general spatial MOs ! gamma^{nm}: density matrix \bra{\Psi^n} a^{\dagger}_a a_i \ket{\Psi^m} END_DOC integer :: istate,jstate ! States integer :: i,j ! general spatial MOs double precision :: nuclei_part_x, nuclei_part_y, nuclei_part_z multi_s_x_dipole_moment = 0.d0 multi_s_y_dipole_moment = 0.d0 multi_s_z_dipole_moment = 0.d0 do jstate = 1, N_states do istate = 1, N_states do i = 1, mo_num do j = 1, mo_num multi_s_x_dipole_moment(istate,jstate) -= one_e_tr_dm_mo(j,i,istate,jstate) * mo_dipole_x(j,i) multi_s_y_dipole_moment(istate,jstate) -= one_e_tr_dm_mo(j,i,istate,jstate) * mo_dipole_y(j,i) multi_s_z_dipole_moment(istate,jstate) -= one_e_tr_dm_mo(j,i,istate,jstate) * mo_dipole_z(j,i) enddo enddo enddo enddo ! Nuclei part nuclei_part_x = 0.d0 nuclei_part_y = 0.d0 nuclei_part_z = 0.d0 do i = 1,nucl_num nuclei_part_x += nucl_charge(i) * nucl_coord(i,1) nuclei_part_y += nucl_charge(i) * nucl_coord(i,2) nuclei_part_z += nucl_charge(i) * nucl_coord(i,3) enddo ! Only if istate = jstate, otherwise 0 by the orthogonality of the states do istate = 1, N_states multi_s_x_dipole_moment(istate,istate) += nuclei_part_x multi_s_y_dipole_moment(istate,istate) += nuclei_part_y multi_s_z_dipole_moment(istate,istate) += nuclei_part_z enddo ! d = do jstate = 1, N_states do istate = 1, N_states multi_s_dipole_moment(istate,jstate) = & dsqrt(multi_s_x_dipole_moment(istate,jstate)**2 & + multi_s_y_dipole_moment(istate,jstate)**2 & + multi_s_z_dipole_moment(istate,jstate)**2) enddo enddo END_PROVIDER