subroutine print_summary_tc(e_,pt2_data,pt2_data_err,n_det_,n_configuration_,n_st,s2_) use selection_types implicit none BEGIN_DOC ! Print the extrapolated energy in the output END_DOC integer, intent(in) :: n_det_, n_configuration_, n_st double precision, intent(in) :: e_(n_st), s2_(n_st) type(pt2_type) , intent(in) :: pt2_data, pt2_data_err integer :: i, k integer :: N_states_p character*(9) :: pt2_string character*(512) :: fmt double precision, allocatable :: pt2_minus(:),pt2_plus(:),pt2_tot(:), pt2_abs(:),pt1_norm(:),rpt2_tot(:) double precision, allocatable :: error_pt2_minus(:), error_pt2_plus(:), error_pt2_tot(:), error_pt2_abs(:) if (do_pt2) then pt2_string = ' ' else pt2_string = '(approx)' endif N_states_p = min(N_det_,n_st) allocate(pt2_minus(N_states_p),pt2_plus(N_states_p),pt2_tot(N_states_p), pt2_abs(N_states_p),pt1_norm(N_states_p),rpt2_tot(N_states_p)) allocate(error_pt2_minus(N_states_p), error_pt2_plus(N_states_p), error_pt2_tot(N_states_p), error_pt2_abs(N_states_p)) do k = 1, N_states_p pt2_plus(k) = pt2_data % variance(k) pt2_minus(k) = pt2_data % pt2(k) pt2_abs(k) = pt2_plus(k) - pt2_minus(k) pt2_tot(k) = pt2_plus(k) + pt2_minus(k) pt1_norm(k) = pt2_data % overlap(k,k) rpt2_tot(k) = pt2_tot(k) / (1.d0 + pt1_norm(k)) error_pt2_minus(k) = pt2_data_err % pt2(k) error_pt2_plus(k) = pt2_data_err % variance(k) error_pt2_tot(k) = dsqrt(error_pt2_minus(k)**2+error_pt2_plus(k)**2) error_pt2_abs(k) = error_pt2_tot(k) ! same variance because independent variables enddo k=1 write(*,'(A40,X,I10,X,100(F16.8,X))')'Ndet,E,E+PT2,pt2_minus,pt2_plus,pt2_abs=',n_det_,e_(k),e_(k) + pt2_tot(k),e_(k) + rpt2_tot(k),pt2_minus(k), pt2_plus(k),pt2_abs(k) print *, '' print '(A,I12)', 'Summary at N_det = ', N_det_ print '(A)', '-----------------------------------' print *, '' write(fmt,*) '(''# ============'',', N_states_p, '(1X,''=============================''))' write(*,fmt) write(fmt,*) '(13X,', N_states_p, '(6X,A7,1X,I6,10X))' write(*,fmt) ('State',k, k=1,N_states_p) write(fmt,*) '(''# ============'',', N_states_p, '(1X,''=============================''))' write(*,fmt) write(fmt,*) '(A13,', N_states_p, '(1X,F14.8,15X))' write(*,fmt) '# E ', e_(1:N_states_p) if (N_states_p > 1) then write(*,fmt) '# Excit. (au)', e_(1:N_states_p)-e_(1) write(*,fmt) '# Excit. (eV)', (e_(1:N_states_p)-e_(1))*27.211396641308d0 endif write(fmt,*) '(A13,', 2*N_states_p, '(1X,F14.8))' write(*,fmt) '# PT2 '//pt2_string, (pt2_tot(k), error_pt2_tot(k), k=1,N_states_p) write(*,fmt) '# rPT2'//pt2_string, (rpt2_tot(k), error_pt2_tot(k), k=1,N_states_p) write(*,'(A)') '#' write(*,fmt) '# E+PT2 ', (e_(k)+pt2_tot(k) ,error_pt2_tot(k), k=1,N_states_p) write(*,fmt) '# E+rPT2 ', (e_(k)+rpt2_tot(k),error_pt2_tot(k), k=1,N_states_p) if (N_states_p > 1) then write(*,fmt) '# Excit. (au)', ( (e_(k)+pt2_tot(k)-e_(1)-pt2_tot(1)), & dsqrt(error_pt2_tot(k)*error_pt2_tot(k)+error_pt2_tot(1)*error_pt2_tot(1)), k=1,N_states_p) write(*,fmt) '# Excit. (eV)', ( (e_(k)+pt2_tot(k)-e_(1)-pt2_tot(1))*27.211396641308d0, & dsqrt(error_pt2_tot(k)*error_pt2_tot(k)+error_pt2_tot(1)*error_pt2_tot(1))*27.211396641308d0, k=1,N_states_p) endif write(fmt,*) '(''# ============'',', N_states_p, '(1X,''=============================''))' write(*,fmt) print *, '' print *, 'N_det = ', N_det_ print *, 'N_states = ', n_st if (s2_eig) then print *, 'N_cfg = ', N_configuration_ if (only_expected_s2) then print *, 'N_csf = ', N_csf endif endif print *, '' do k=1, N_states_p print*,'* State ',k print *, '< S^2 > = ', s2_(k) print *, 'E = ', e_(k) print *, 'PT norm = ', pt1_norm(k) print *, 'PT2 = ', pt2_tot(k), ' +/- ', error_pt2_tot(k) print *, 'rPT2 = ', rpt2_tot(k), ' +/- ', error_pt2_tot(k) print *, 'E+PT2 '//pt2_string//' = ', e_(k)+pt2_tot(k) , ' +/- ', error_pt2_tot(k) print *, 'E+rPT2'//pt2_string//' = ', e_(k)+rpt2_tot(k), ' +/- ', error_pt2_tot(k) print *, 'Positive PT2 = ',pt2_plus(k),' +/- ',error_pt2_plus(k) print *, 'Negative PT2 = ',pt2_minus(k),' +/- ',error_pt2_minus(k) print *, 'Abs PT2 = ',pt2_abs(k), ' +/- ',error_pt2_abs(k) print *, '' enddo print *, '-----' if( print *, 'Variational Energy difference (au | eV)' do i=2, N_states_p print*,'Delta E = ', (e_(i) - e_(1)), & (e_(i) - e_(1)) * 27.211396641308d0 enddo print *, '-----' print*, 'Variational + perturbative Energy difference (au | eV)' do i=2, N_states_p print*,'Delta E = ', (e_(i)+ pt2_tot(i) - (e_(1) + pt2_tot(1))), & (e_(i)+ pt2_tot(i) - (e_(1) + pt2_tot(1))) * 27.211396641308d0 enddo print *, '-----' print*, 'Variational + renormalized perturbative Energy difference (au | eV)' do i=2, N_states_p print*,'Delta E = ', (e_(i)+ rpt2_tot(i) - (e_(1) + rpt2_tot(1))), & (e_(i)+ rpt2_tot(i) - (e_(1) + rpt2_tot(1))) * 27.211396641308d0 enddo endif ! call print_energy_components() end subroutine