open Qputils (* Environment variables : QP_TASK_DEBUG=1 : debug task server *) let print_list () = Lazy.force Qpackage.executables |> List.iter (fun (x,_) -> Printf.printf " * %s\n" x) let () = Random.self_init () let run slave ?prefix exe ezfio_file = (** Check availability of the ports *) let port_number = let zmq_context = Zmq.Context.create () in let dummy_socket = Zmq.Socket.create zmq_context Zmq.Socket.rep in let rec try_new_port port_number = try List.iter (fun i -> let address = Printf.sprintf "tcp://%s:%d" (Lazy.force TaskServer.ip_address) (port_number+i) in Zmq.Socket.bind dummy_socket address; Zmq.Socket.unbind dummy_socket address; ) [ 0;1;2;3;4;5;6;7;8;9 ] ; port_number with | Unix.Unix_error _ -> try_new_port (port_number+100) in let result = let port = 10*(Unix.getpid () mod 2823) + 32_769 in try_new_port port in Zmq.Socket.close dummy_socket; Zmq.Context.terminate zmq_context; result in let time_start = Unix.time () in if (not (Sys.file_exists ezfio_file)) then failwith ("EZFIO directory "^ezfio_file^" not found"); (* handle_usr1 *) Sys.set_signal Sys.sigusr1 (Sys.Signal_handle (fun _signum -> ignore @@ Sys.command ("qp_stop "^ezfio_file))); let executables = Lazy.force Qpackage.executables in if (not (List.exists (fun (x,_) -> x = exe) executables)) then begin Printf.printf "\nPossible choices:\n"; List.iter (fun (x,_) -> Printf.printf "* %s\n%!" x) executables; failwith ("Executable "^exe^" not found") end; let tm = Unix.localtime time_start in Printf.printf "Date: %2.2d/%2.2d/%4d %2.2d:%2.2d:%2.2d\n" tm.Unix.tm_mday (tm.Unix.tm_mon+1) (tm.Unix.tm_year+1900) (tm.Unix.tm_hour + if tm.Unix.tm_isdst then 1 else 0) tm.Unix.tm_min tm.Unix.tm_sec ; Printf.printf "===============\nQuantum Package\n===============\n\n"; Printf.printf "Git Commit: %s\n" Git.message; Printf.printf "Git Date : %s\n"; Printf.printf "Git SHA1 : %s\n" Git.sha1; Printf.printf "EZFIO Dir : %s\n" ezfio_file; Printf.printf "\n\n%!"; (** Check input *) if (not slave) then begin match (Sys.command ("qp_edit -c "^ezfio_file)) with | 0 -> () | i -> failwith "Error: Input inconsistent\n" end; let qp_run_address_filename = Filename.concat (Qpackage.ezfio_work ezfio_file) "qp_run_address" in let () = if slave then try let address = let ic = open_in qp_run_address_filename in let result = input_line ic in close_in ic; String.trim result in Unix.putenv "QP_RUN_ADDRESS_MASTER" address; with Sys_error _ -> failwith "No master is not running" in (** Start task server *) let task_thread = let thread = Thread.create ( fun () -> ~port:port_number ) in thread (); in let address = Printf.sprintf "tcp://%s:%d" (Lazy.force TaskServer.ip_address) port_number in Unix.putenv "QP_RUN_ADDRESS" address; let () = if (not slave) then begin let oc = open_out qp_run_address_filename in Printf.fprintf oc "%s\n" address; close_out oc; end in (** Run executable *) let prefix = match prefix with | Some "gdb" -> "gdb --args " | Some x -> x^" " | None -> "" and exe = match (List.find (fun (x,_) -> x = exe) executables) with | (_,exe) -> exe^" " in let exit_code = match (Sys.command (prefix^exe^ezfio_file)) with | 0 -> 0 | i -> (Printf.printf "Program exited with code %d.\n%!" i; i) in TaskServer.stop ~port:port_number; Thread.join task_thread; if (not slave) then Sys.remove qp_run_address_filename; let duration = Unix.time () -. time_start |> Unix.gmtime in let open Unix in let d, h, m, s = duration.tm_yday, duration.tm_hour, duration.tm_min, duration.tm_sec in Printf.printf "Wall time: %d:%2.2d:%2.2d" (d*24+h) m s ; Printf.printf "\n\n"; Unix.sleep 1; if (exit_code <> 0) then exit exit_code let () = (* Command-line specs *) let open Command_line in begin set_header_doc (Sys.argv.(0) ^ " - Quantum Package command"); "Executes a Quantum Package binary file among these:\n\n" ^ (Lazy.force Qpackage.executables |> (fun (x,_) -> Printf.sprintf " * %s" x ) |> String.concat "\n") |> set_description_doc; [ { short='s'; long="slave"; opt=Optional; doc="Required to run slave tasks in distributed environments."; arg=Without_arg; }; { short='p'; long="prefix"; opt=Optional; doc="Prefix before running the program, like gdb or valgrind."; arg=With_arg ""; }; anonymous "PROGRAM" Mandatory "Name of the QP program to be run"; anonymous "EZFIO_DIR" Mandatory "EZFIO directory"; ] |> set_specs ; end; (* Handle options *) let slave = Command_line.get_bool "slave" and prefix = Command_line.get "prefix" in (* Run the program *) match Command_line.anon_args () with | exe :: ezfio_file :: [] -> run slave ?prefix exe ezfio_file | _ -> ( () ; failwith "Inconsistent command line")