subroutine spher_harm_func_r3(r,l,m,re_ylm, im_ylm) implicit none integer, intent(in) :: l,m double precision, intent(in) :: r(3) double precision, intent(out) :: re_ylm, im_ylm double precision :: theta, phi,r_abs call cartesian_to_spherical(r,theta,phi,r_abs) call spher_harm_func(l,m,theta,phi,re_ylm, im_ylm) ! call spher_harm_func_expl(l,m,theta,phi,re_ylm, im_ylm) end subroutine spher_harm_func_m_pos(l,m,theta,phi,re_ylm, im_ylm) include 'constants.include.F' implicit none BEGIN_DOC ! Y_lm(theta,phi) with m >0 ! END_DOC double precision, intent(in) :: theta, phi integer, intent(in) :: l,m double precision, intent(out):: re_ylm,im_ylm double precision :: prefact,fact,cos_theta,plgndr,p_lm double precision :: tmp prefact = dble(2*l+1)*fact(l-m)/(dfour_pi * fact(l+m)) prefact = dsqrt(prefact) cos_theta = dcos(theta) p_lm = plgndr(l,m,cos_theta) tmp = prefact * p_lm re_ylm = dcos(dble(m)*phi) * tmp im_ylm = dsin(dble(m)*phi) * tmp end subroutine spher_harm_func(l,m,theta,phi,re_ylm, im_ylm) implicit none BEGIN_DOC ! Y_lm(theta,phi) with -l l in spher_harm_func !! stopping ...' stop endif if( call spher_harm_func_m_pos(l,m,theta,phi,re_ylm_pos, im_ylm_pos) re_ylm = re_ylm_pos im_ylm = im_ylm_pos else minus_m = -m !> 0 call spher_harm_func_m_pos(l,minus_m,theta,phi,re_ylm_pos, im_ylm_pos) tmp = (-1)**minus_m re_ylm = tmp * re_ylm_pos im_ylm = -tmp * im_ylm_pos ! complex conjugate endif end subroutine cartesian_to_spherical(r,theta,phi,r_abs) implicit none double precision, intent(in) :: r(3) double precision, intent(out):: theta, phi,r_abs double precision :: r_2,x_2_y_2,tmp include 'constants.include.F' x_2_y_2 = r(1)*r(1) + r(2)*r(2) r_2 = x_2_y_2 + r(3)*r(3) r_abs = dsqrt(r_2) if( theta = dacos(r(3)/r_abs) else theta = 0.d0 endif if(.true.)then if(dabs(r(1)).gt.0.d0)then tmp = datan(r(2)/r(1)) ! phi = datan2(r(2),r(1)) endif ! From Wikipedia on Spherical Harmonics if(r(1).gt.0.d0)then phi = tmp else if(r(1).lt.0.d0.and.r(2).ge.0.d0)then phi = tmp + pi else if(r(1).lt.0.d0.and.r(2).lt.0.d0)then phi = tmp - pi else if(r(1)==0.d0.and.r(2).gt.0.d0)then phi = 0.5d0*pi else if(r(1)==0.d0.and.r(2).lt.0.d0)then phi =-0.5d0*pi else if(r(1)==0.d0.and.r(2)==0.d0)then phi = 0.d0 endif if(r(2).lt.0.d0.and.r(1).le.0.d0)then tmp = pi - dabs(phi) phi = pi + tmp else if(r(2).lt.0.d0.and.r(1).gt.0.d0)then phi = dtwo_pi + phi endif endif if(.false.)then x_2_y_2 = dsqrt(x_2_y_2) if(dabs(x_2_y_2).gt.1.d-20.and.dabs(r(2)).gt.1.d-20)then phi = dabs(r(2))/r(2) * dacos(r(1)/x_2_y_2) else phi = 0.d0 endif endif end subroutine spher_harm_func_expl(l,m,theta,phi,re_ylm, im_ylm) implicit none BEGIN_DOC ! Y_lm(theta,phi) with -l