.. _save_natorb: .. program:: save_natorb =========== save_natorb =========== Save natural |MOs| into the |EZFIO|. This program reads the wave function stored in the |EZFIO| directory, extracts the corresponding natural orbitals and setd them as the new |MOs|. If this is a multi-state calculation, the density matrix that produces the natural orbitals is obtained from an average of the density matrices of each state with the corresponding :option:`determinants state_average_weight` Needs: .. hlist:: :columns: 3 * :c:data:`nucl_coord` * :c:data:`read_wf` Calls: .. hlist:: :columns: 3 * :c:func:`ezfio_set_mo_one_e_ints_io_mo_integrals_kinetic` * :c:func:`ezfio_set_mo_one_e_ints_io_mo_integrals_n_e` * :c:func:`ezfio_set_mo_one_e_ints_io_mo_integrals_pseudo` * :c:func:`ezfio_set_mo_one_e_ints_io_mo_one_e_integrals` * :c:func:`ezfio_set_mo_two_e_ints_io_mo_two_e_integrals` * :c:func:`save_natural_mos` * :c:func:`save_ref_determinant` Touches: .. hlist:: :columns: 3 * :c:data:`mo_coef` * :c:data:`mo_occ` * :c:data:`read_wf`